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Five Points Each. Total 150 Points. Choose the best answer from 1 – 4.

NT$ = New Taiwan Dollar

( ) 1. Compute: ( )-36=54.
1 90 2 18 3 80 4 100
( ) 2. Compute: 90-20-( )=32.
1 48 2 38 3 32 4 28
( ) 3. What is the number larger than 18 by 9 ?
1 27 2 19 3 28 4 37
( ) 4. See the figure on the right.
How many even numbers are in the figure ?
17 25 34 43
( ) 5. What’s the largest number ( ) that fulfills 72-38 > ( )?
1 33 2 34 3 35 4 32
( ) 6. Mom bought 2 dozens of eggs, and she broke 2 eggs yesterday. She
boiled 6 eggs today. How many eggs are left now ?
1 14 2 17 34 4 16

( ) 7. =10, =9, =3, and □○ =12.

Compute: □◎ - □○ .

16 25 34 43
( ) 8. Which of the following figures is different from the others ?
1 2 3 4

( ) 9. Danny says “I’m going to be 8 years old next year, and Dad is 25 years
older than I.” How old is Danny’s dad this year ?
1 33 2 32 3 31 4 30
16 2013 Final
( ) 10. Count how many cubes( ) are in the figure on the
right ?
1 11 2 17 3 16 4 15

( ) 11. If + + + =12, and + + =8, find = ( ).

1 =3 2 =5 3 =2 4 =4

( ) 12. A class of students line up to take a lunchbox. If counted from the left,
Angela is the 7th one, and if counted from the right, Angela is the 9th one.
How many people are there in this class ?
1 17 2 16 3 15 4 14

( ) 13. Which of the following patterns cannot be drawn in one stroke ?

1 2 3 4

( ) 14. Using the three numbers 2, 4, and 0 to make three-digit number

smallest, and the numbers cannot repeat.
1 240 2 024 3 420 4 204

( ) 15. According to the figure on the right, how many mailboxes

on the following pieces form ?

( ) 16. Mom cooked some dumplings. Dad ate half of them. Mom ate half of
the rest, and Jane ate the last eight dumplings. How many dumplings
did Mom cook originally ?
1 16 2 20 3 28 4 32

( ) 17. Compute: 8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=?

1 92 2 82 3 90 4 94

2013 Final 17
Use the figure shown on the right to answer Question 18 and 19:
( ) 18. Which of the following routes from A 40cm B
A to C is the shortest ?
46cm E C
1A B C 2A D C 38cm
3A E C 4 The same 42cm

( ) 19. D
Route 1: A D C
Route 2: A B C

What is the distant difference of Route 1 and Route 2 in cm ?

1 17cm 2 4cm 3 10cm 4 6cm
( ) 20. There is a two-digit number, the sum of the units-digit and the tens-
digit is 9, and the tens-digit is more than units-digit by 1, what’s the
two-digit number ?
1 87 2 54 3 63 4 45
( ) 21. There are 2 medium buckets in a large bucket, and each medium bucket
has 4 small buckets inside. How many buckets are there in total ?
19 2 10 3 11 4 12
( ) 22. How many rectangle bricks
does the wall on the right
need ?
17 28 39 4 10
( ) 23. Find the pattern and fill in ( ).
6、2、12、4、18、6、( )、( )
1 24、8 2 12、20 3 16、14 4 24、8
( ) 24. There are 3 necklaces. The A one is 10 cm longer than the B one. The C
one is 6 cm shorter than the A one. How many centimeters is the C one
longer than the B one ?
1 16cm 2 4cm 3 10cm 4 6cm
( ) 25. One piece is missing in the figure on the left. Find the correct one on the
1 2 3 4

18 2013 Final
( ) 26. Fold the transparent card along the dotted line as shown in the figure on
the left. After folding the card, what does it look like afterwrads ?
1 2 3 4

( ) 27. Mary wants to take the flight to Korea at 3 pm. Now she arrives 3 hours
early at the airport. What time does she arrive at the airport ?
1 2 3 4

( ) 28. May has a fish doll. The length of its fish head and tail are half of its
body length respectively. The body is 12 cm in length, what’s the length
of the doll ?
1 18cm 2 24cm 3 36cm 4 6cm

( ) 29. How many triangles of different sizes can you

count in the figure on the right ?
1 10 2 12 3 14 4 16

( ) 30. According to the relationship between

the pictures and the English symbols, ?
find the picture ”?”.
1 2 3 4

2013 Final 19

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