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ProbSet Impulse Momentum October 23, 2014

Before looking at the solution, try doing the hints first.

PROBLEM 13.129 A light train made of two cars travels at 72

km/h. Car A weighs 18000 kg, and car B weighs 13000 kg. When
the brakes are applied, a constant braking force of 21.5 kN is
applied to each car. Determine (a) the time required for the train
to stop after the brakes are applied, (b) the force in the coupling
between the cars while the train is slowing down.

Hint: Analyze as a system first, and then analyze either car as individual particle.

PROBLEM 13.142 The last segment of the triple jump

track-and-field event is the jump, in which the athlete makes a
final leap, landing in a sand-filled pit. Assuming that the
velocity of a 80-kg athlete just before landing is 9 m/s at an
angle of 35° with the horizontal and that the athlete comes to a
complete stop in 0.22 s after landing, determine the horizontal
component of the average impulsive force exerted on his feet
during landing.

Hint: During landing, reaction forces happen along the

horizontal (frictional) and vertical (normal force) directions.
For this case, both reaction forces are impulsive.

To get the average impulsive force, simply divide the impulse with the time that impact occurs. This is equivalent to saying
that the impulsive force is constant throughout the period of impact.

PROBLEM 13.146 At an intersection car B was traveling

south and car A was traveling 30° north of east when they
slammed into each other. Upon investigation it was found that
after the crash the two cars got stuck and skidded off at an angle
of 10° north of east. Each driver claimed that he was going at the
speed limit of 50 km/h and that he tried to slow down but couldn’t
avoid the crash because the other driver was going a lot faster.
Knowing that the masses of cars A and B were 1500 kg and 1200
kg, respectively, determine (a) which car was going faster, (b) the
speed of the faster of the two cars if the slower car was traveling
at the speed limit.

Hint: Assume that one car is moving at speed limit, then find the
velocity of other car to result in final momentum direction as stated above. If other car’s velocity is less than speed limit, re
do the analysis but take other car’s velocity at speed limit and find first car’s velocity.

Hint hint: no external impulses are experienced during impact.

PROBLEM 13.152 A 2-kg sphere A is connected to a fixed point O by an inextensible cord of

length 1.2 m. The sphere is resting on a frictionless horizontal surface at a distance of 0.5 m from O
when it is given a velocity v0 in a direction perpendicular to line OA. It moves freely until it reaches
position A’ when the cord becomes taut. Determine the maximum allowable velocity if the impulse
of the force exerted on the cord is not to exceed3Ns.
Hint: The final velocity is perpendicular to OA’.

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