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पश्चिम क्षेत्रीय श्चिड की

सचं ालन प्रश्चिया

(In compliance with IEGC clause 5.1(f))

पश्चिम क्षेश्चत्रय भार प्रेषणे के न्द्र, मंबई

Western Regional Load Despatch Centre, Mumbai
Plot No.F-3, MIDC Area, Marol, and Andheri (East), MUMBAI Pin: 400 093

जुलाई, २०१७

July 2017
2|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

The Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) regulation 5.1 (f) mandates
RLDC to develop and maintain the Operating Procedure in consultation with
the regional entities for guidance of the staff of RLDC. The Operatin g
Procedure has to be consistent with the IEGC to enable compliance with the
requirement of the IEGC.

The first Operating Procedure for W estern Region was compiled by

W RLDC in consultation with the W R constituents in November 2000.
Subsequently, the Operating Procedures w ere revised to incorporate the
amendments in IEGC and various other regulations / directions from the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time .

This is the 11 t h revision of the Operating Procedure and shall be

effective from 21 s t July 2017. It is being issued in compliance to Regulation
5.1 (f) of the CERC (Indian Electricity Grid Code), Regulations, 2010 and
amendements therafter.

The document tries to incorporate the required modifications in

respect of scheduling of units i n RSD, procedure to draw startup power from
the Grid by the generating station, modified procedure for transmission line
outage, updates in flow gates, RGMO list, Lines open during emergency
measures, defence mechanism under AUFR and df/dt and other relevant
modifications in DSM, PX and STOA in line with the CERC
regulations/orders, NLDC directions and decisions taken in W RPC

Disclaimer: Due to elaboration of various clauses and detailing of

implementation methodologies, if a ny ambiguity arises in interpretation of
these detailed Operating Procedure , the meaning, intent and purpose of
clauses as provided in IEGC /concerned Regulation , shall prevail.

3|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

4|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................... 11
GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Objective ........................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Maintenance of Operating Procedures .............................................................. 12

CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................... 14
NETWORK SECURITY .............................................................................................. 14
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 14
2.2 Background ....................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Measures to ensure Network Security and Reliability ........................................ 14
2.4 Congestion Management .................................................................................. 15
2.5 Operational Areas of Importance ....................................................................... 16
2.6 Defense Mechanism .......................................................................................... 19
2.7 Integration of new transmission elements and Generating units into the grid: ... 20
2.8 Facilitating Testing & Commissioning of New Regional Entity Generators. ....... 21

CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................... 27
FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE CONTROL................................................................. 27
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 27
3.2 Frequency Control ............................................................................................. 27
3.3 DSM ( Deviation Settlement Mechanism) Regulation ........................................ 32
3.4 Restricted Free Governor Mode of Operation (RGMO / FGMO ) ...................... 32
3.5 Voltage Control .................................................................................................. 33
3.6 FDI / VDI / System Reliability (ATC/TTC/Load Angle violation) ......................... 36
3.7 Operating Manpower ......................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................... 39
DEMAND ESTIMATION & CONTROL ........................................................................ 39
4.1 Objective ........................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Overview ........................................................................................................... 39
4.3 Demand estimation ............................................................................................ 39

5|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................... 44
OPERATIONAL PLANNING ....................................................................................... 44
5.1 Objective ........................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Overview ........................................................................................................... 44
5.3 Operational Planning ......................................................................................... 44
5.3 Load Curtailment Planning ................................................................................ 47

CHAPTER 6 .......................................................................... 50
OUTAGE PLANNING PROCEDURE .......................................................................... 50
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 50
6.2 Objective ........................................................................................................... 50
6.3 General .............................................................................................................. 50
6.4 Outage Planning Process .................................................................................. 51
6.5 Availing of Shut Downs for Transmission Elements. ......................................... 52
6.6 Availing outage of Generating Units .................................................................. 54

CHAPTER 7 .......................................................................... 56
SHORT TERM OPEN ACCESS PROCEDURES ....................................................... 56
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 56
7.2 STOA Procedures ............................................................................................. 56
7.3 STOA Implementation........................................................................................ 58
7.4 STOA curtailment and revision .......................................................................... 58
7.5 Denial of Open Access by RLDC ....................................................................... 60

CHAPTER-8.......................................................................... 63
SCHEDULING AND DESPATCH PROCEDURES ..................................................... 63
8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 63
8.2 General .............................................................................................................. 63
8.3 Forecasting of Demand and RE Generation ...................................................... 64
8.4 Scheduling and Despatch Procedure ................................................................ 64
8.5 Revision of Schedules ....................................................................................... 67
8.6 Allocation of Un-requisitioned surplus ............................................................... 68
8.7 Technical Minimum and Reserve Shut Down (RSD) ......................................... 69
8.8 Scheduling under Ancillary Services ................................................................. 69
8.9 SSP Scheduling................................................................................................. 69
8.10 Scheduling of Wind and Solar generation ....................................................... 69

6|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

8.11 Exchange of Information .................................................................................. 70

CHAPTER 9 .......................................................................... 73
GRID DISTURBANCES AND REVIVAL PROCEDURES ........................................... 73
9.1 Objective ........................................................................................................... 73
9.2 Overview ........................................................................................................... 73
9.3 Grid incidents and disturbances ........................................................................ 73
9.4 System Revival .................................................................................................. 75
9.5 Declaration of System Normalization ................................................................. 75
9.6 Disturbance Recorders ...................................................................................... 76
9.7 Event Reporting for GD/GI events: .................................................................... 77

CHAPTER 10 ........................................................................ 79
EVENT INFORMATION AND REPORTING PROCEDURE ....................................... 79
10.1 Objective.......................................................................................................... 79
10.2 Overview.......................................................................................................... 79

CHAPTER 11 ........................................................................ 83
SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 83
11.1 Overview.......................................................................................................... 83
11.2 Metering and Data Collection .......................................................................... 83
11.3 Data Processing .............................................................................................. 84
11.4 Energy Accounting .......................................................................................... 84
11.5 Pool Account Operation ................................................................................... 84

CHAPTER 12 ........................................................................ 87
SCADA / EMS IN WESTERN REGION ..................................................................... 87
12.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 87
12.2 SCADA Data acquisition .................................................................................. 90
12.3 SCADA Operational Requirements ................................................................. 91
12.4 Energy Management System (EMS) ............................................................... 92
12.5 SCADA data on WRLDC intranet .................................................................... 93

CHAPTER 13 ........................................................................ 94
WIDE AREA MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS IN WR ..................................................... 94

7|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

13.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 94
13.2 WAMS Pilot Projects details ............................................................................ 94
13.3 WAMS Applications at WRLDC ....................................................................... 96

CHAPTER 14 ...................................................................... 102

CHARGES ................................................................................................................ 102
14.1 General ......................................................................................................... 102

CHAPTER 15 ...................................................................... 104

ISO CERTIFICATION UNDER IMS PAS 99:2012 .................................................... 104
15.1 IMS implementation and certification ............................................................ 104

8|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

Table of Annexure
I. List of Flow Gates in WR
II. Credible contingencies in WR grid (Based on Experience in recent past)
III. Congestion Notice Formats
IV. Status of RGMO Implementation in WR
V. Automatic Defense Mechanisms in WR (Revised AUFLS & df/dt schemes)
VI. Automatic Under Voltage Load Shedding Schemes
VII. Islanding Schemes in WR
VIII. NLDC procedures & format for integration of New Elements into the grid
IX. List of information required to be furnished by the regional entity generators to
WRLDC for first time synchronization.
X. Common Message Format for real time grid operation
XI. List of EHV feeders identified for opening under high voltage condition in the grid
XII. List of EHV feeders identified for opening as emergency measure to control over
drawal from the grid.
XIII. Outage Coordination Procedure
XIV. Affidavit format for applying for NOC to WRLDC for trading in Bilater and PX
XV. Best Fit Schedule by SSP
XVI. Format for Sou Motu schedule Revision by WRLDC
XVII. Flash Report Format
XIX. List of Registered Users in WR
XX. MVAR Absorption Message format
XXI. Procedure for Computation of Frequency Response Charachteristic (FRC)
XXII. Operating Procedure of WRLDC DG Set
XXIII. Reporting of Element (Line/ICT/FACTS/Reactor/Unit) Tripping to WRLDC
XXIV. Procedure for Facilitating testing of EHV equipment by NHPTL
XXV. Registration form for RLDC User

9|Operating Procedure for Western Region 2017

10 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
1.1 Introduction
The Western Regional Power System covers the geographical areas under Chattisgarh,
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, UT Daman & Diu and UT Dadra & Nagar
Haveli. The regional grid operation is being coordinated by the Western Regional Load
Despatch Centre in collaboration with the respective State Load Despatch Centres.

WRLDC developed the first Operating Procedure for Western Region in consultation with
regional constituents, in November, 2000.

The Indian Electricity Act, 2003 ushered economic transactions through Short Term Open
Access within and across the region. The formation of the synchronous North-East-West-
North East (N-E-W) Grid in August 2006 integrated the regional grids as well as the inter-
state electricity market. The introduction of Power Exchanges in 2007 increased
competition among market players. The first revision of Operating Procedure was carried
out by WRLDC in June’2008 to facilitate the paradigm shift in power system and market
operation. Further improvements were carried out in December 2010 after consultation
with WR constituents in the 416th and 417th OCC meeting of WRPC. Thereafter the
Operating Procedure is being reviewed annually.

Minor changes were carried out in 2011 and 2012 to incorporate the relevant changes in
regulations and agreed practices. The Procedure underwent major changes to incorporate
the provisions of the first amendment in IEGC (effective from 17.09.2012) post the grid
disturbance of 30th and 31st July 2012.

A new era of power system operation commenced after formation of the synchronous
National Grid after the synchronization of North-East-West-North East (N-E-W) grid with
Southern Regional (SR) Grid on 31st December 2013 through 765 Sholapur-Raichur
circuit-I. The CERC notifications for IEGC (second amendment) Regulations in February
2014 & the CERC (Deviation Settlement mechanism & Related matters) Regulations-
2014 (both effective from 17.02.2014) introduced a radical change by tightening the
frequency band, de-linking the deviations from grid frequency and prescribing lower/upper
limits for deviation from schedule.

CERC order dated 22nd February 2014, in the petition 167/Suo-Motu/2012 in the matter
of the Grid Disturbance of 30-07-2012 and 31-07-2012 has mandated strict compliance to
procedures regarding Transmission Outage Coordination, Congestion Management and
control over under-drawal/overdrawal from the grid by all utilities. CERC (Terms &

11 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 have introduced special provisions for compliance
to CEA Grid Standards particularly in respect of protection system, telemetry and governor
operation. The above changes were incorporated in rev 8 issued in 2014.

In view of the various CERC regulations and directions, all the WRPC members were
requested in the meeting of Operational Coordination Meeting (Item of MoM) to forward
their suggestions for amendment in the Operating Procedures for Western Region. The
suggestions received have been incorporated and this document is brought out in line
with section 5.1 (f) of IEGC 2010.
1.2 Scope
The Western Region comprises of 73 regional entities viz. 50 generating stations, 12
buyers/drawee utilities and 11 inter-state transmission licensees as on 11st July 2017. This
document is applicable to all the Regional Entities of Western Region. The Operating
Procedures are without prejudice to the WRLDC’ s power to give directions and exercise
supervision and control as stated under Sections 28 and 29 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

This document supersedes the Operating Procedure issued in 2016 and shall come in
force from 21st July 2017.
1.3 Objective
This document describes operating procedures in order to operate the grid in an integrated
manner promoting reliability, efficiency and economy in conformation to the desired
security standards of the Central Electricity Authority & the Hon’ble Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (CERC).

The objective of this procedure is to compile various provisions in the statute and
regulations for guidance of the staff of the WRLDC, SLDC and regional entities in the
Western Region. In case of any ambiguity arising in interpretation of these detailed
Operating Procedure, the meaning, intent and purpose of clauses as provided in relevant
regulation shall prevail.

1.4 Maintenance of Operating Procedures

The Operating Procedure shall be maintained by WRLDC and would be reviewed annually
or earlier in case significant changes taking place in the system warrant a review.

12 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

13 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
2.1 Introduction
This chapter highlights the actions required to be undertaken by system operators to keep
the network secured at all times against contingencies arising inside WR grid or outside
WR grid due to outage of critical corridors in NEW grid. It also describes the actions
required to maintain system parameters close to normal values in day-to-day operation.

2.2 Background
The Indian Power Grid is operating as a single synchronous interconnection of all five
regional grids in India as well as Nepal and Bhutan. Indian Grid is also connected
asynchronously to Bangladesh. The North-East-West-North East (N-E-W) grid was
synchronized with the Southern Regional (SR) grid on 31.12.2013 through 765 kV
Sholapur-Raichur circuit-I. The synchronous Indian Grid caters to a peak demand of
around 160 GW. The all India synchronous Grid has already yielded various benefits by
taking advantage of diversity of time, surplus/deficit management due to demand forecast
errors/ weather variations, increased economic transactions, improvement in overall
system security due to increase in stability margin and a stiffness of about 8000 MW/Hz.
However, synchronization has also resulted in challenges arising from contingencies,
some of which may be occurring outside the Western Region. In addition, system reliability
has to be ensured even during extreme weather conditions, uneven demand growth, delay
in commissioning of generators/transmission elements etc.

2.3 Measures to ensure Network Security and Reliability

Compliance to various CEA standards and CERC regulations is essential. In order to
maintain the security of the Regional power system.

As per the CEA Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria, Jan 2013 all the system
parameters line voltages, loadings, frequency shall be within permissible normal limits
even under N-1 or single contingency. The loading limit for a transmission line shall be its
thermal loading limit. The loading limit for an inter-connecting transformer (ICT) shall be
its name plate rating. Under N-1-1 conditions some equipment may be loaded up to their
emergency limits. To bring the system parameters back within their normal limits, load re-
scheduling of generation may have to be applied either manually or through automatic
system protection schemes (SPS). Such measures shall be applied within one and a half
hour (1 ½) after the disturbance. The emergency thermal rating represent equipment limits
that can be tolerated for a relatively short time which may be one hour or two hour.

14 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Operators at substations/ SLDC / WRLDC would endeavor to keep the line/ ICT loadings
within operating limits and inform WRLDC in case of overloading of any element. Special
emphasis would be paid by each system operator in identifying credible system
contingencies. All possible efforts shall be made to ensure that the system is secure to
withstand the next contingency.

In order to facilitate the supervision of the network loading in Western Region, various
flow gates comprising of important transmission elements have been identified. These are
enclosed as Annex-I.

a) Action under Contingencies

A ready reckoner of suggested remedial actions for few of the credible contingencies is
enclosed at Annex-II.

WRLDC may revise the interchange schedule in case of contingencies or for better system
operation as allowed by IEGC regulations 6.4.12, 6.5.16, 6.5.17 and 6.5.20.

In line with regulation 6.4.12 of IEGC, WRLDC may direct the SLDC/ISGS/other regional
entities to increase/decrease their drawal / generation in case of contingencies e.g.
overloading of lines/transformers, abnormal voltages, threat to system security. Such
directions shall immediately be acted upon.

If required, WRLDC shall suggest NLDC to regulate the power order on inter regional
HVDC links to control the power flow on AC lines.

2.4 Congestion Management

Congestion Management in a real time system shall be as per CERC (Measures to relieve
congestion in real time operation) Regulation No. L-7/139(159)/2008, dated 22nd
December 2009 and its amendments thereof.

In line with these regulations, WRLDC in coordination with NLDC and other RLDCs shall
assess the Total Transfer Capability (TTC). Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) and
availability Transfer Capability (ATC) to facilitate non-discriminatory open access in
transmission. The assessed TTC, TRM, ATC shall be posted in WRLDC/NLDC website.
ATC= TTC-Reliability Margin.
ATC for FCFS STOA = TTC – RM-LTA-MTOA- Approved Advance STOA

15 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Schedule Exchange between regions/ Control area have to be maintained within ATC. In
case of congestion in Real-Time or in case of violation of security criteria congestion
management would be done as per the ‘Detailed Procedure for Relieving Congestion in
Real Time Operation’ as approved by the CERC vide order dated 22.04.2013.
The summary of relevant provisions are as below:

a) Applicability of Congestion Charge: Congestion charge shall be applicable to

Regional Entities as per the CERC (Measures to relieve congestion in real time
operation) Regulations and orders on rate of congestion charge as applicable from
time to time. Congestion charge shall be levied for over drawal or under-injection
in the importing control area and under-drawal or over-injection in the exporting
control area.
b) Rate of congestion charge: The Commission may, from time to time, by order
specify the rate of congestion charge applicable to whole or a part of the region.

c) Notice for application of congestion charge: In case congestion is observed, a

warning notice shall be issued by NLDC. If the congestion persists for 2-time blocks
not-counting the time-block in which warning notice was issued by RLDC and no
affirmative action is taken by the defaulting agency, NLDC/ RLDC (s) shall issue a
notice for application of congestion charge.

d) Notice for withdrawal of congestion charge: When in the opinion of the National /
Regional Load Dispatch Centre, flow of electricity on the affected- transmission link
/corridor has come down to the ATC and remains at this level for one time block, it
may, after notice through fax/voice message and through posting on its website
and the common screen available on the Energy Management System, withdraw
congestion charge from a particular time-block: The relevant formats are given at
e) The notices received from NLDC shall be mailed to all regional entities and also
uploaded on the home page of WRLDC website. It shall be archived at

2.5 Operational Areas of Importance

The following areas needs careful implementation by all the concerned / Power System

16 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

a) In case of a 2-bus system, at any sub-station, it must be ensured that the
segregation of feeders on the different buses is uniform. It would help in minimizing
the effect on the system in case of a bus fault.

b) In 400kV and 765kV substations having one and half breaker scheme, it must be
ensured that the two buses at such substation remain connected at least by two
parallel paths so that any line / bus fault does not result in inadvertent multiple
outages. In case any element, say a line or an ICT or a bus reactor, is expected
to remain out for a prolonged period at such substation, the main and tie breakers
of such elements should be closed after opening the line side isolator.

The substation operators must ensure the operation even when any lightly loaded
line is opened to control high voltage. Such opening of lines is generally
superimposed over other line outages on account of faults created by adverse
weather conditions resulting in reduced security of the system.

c) Single pole auto reclosure facility on 765 and 400 kV lines should always be in
service. Operation code shall be taken from WRLDC shall be informed before
taking this facility out of service, likewise, in case any transfer breaker at any 765
kV/400kV substation having two main and transfer bus scheme is engaged, the
same would be informed to WRLDC.
d) In order to damp out the low frequency oscillations in the system, the power system
stabilizers on the generating units above 50 MW capacities shall be tuned by the
owner as per a plan prepared by the Central Transmission Utility (CTU)/ WRPC.

e) All constituents would endeavor to operate the connected generation and reactive
power management devices such as Capacitors, Reactors, Synchronous
Condensers, Fixed Series Capacitors (FSCs), Static VAR Compensators (SVCs),
TCSCs etc. in a manner which enables stable voltage behavior at various points of
the grid under different operating conditions.

f) All constituents would also ensure healthiness of defense mechanism, SPS, U/F &
U/V load shedding, AVRs, PSS, RGMO, Operating reserves, emergency back-up
power supplies etc., and ensure that the operational security standards are
maintained for reliable and secured operation of the interconnected system.

g) In line with sections 5.2(f), 5.2(g) 5.2(h) and 5.2(i) of the IEGC, the eligible
generating units should ensure restricted governor mode of operation (RGMO).
The details of generators eligible for RGMO status in Western Region is given at

17 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

h) Switching diagrams of all generating stations (100 MW and above) and all
substations of 765 kV and 400kV, important 220kV and 132kV substations
especially those involved in the evacuation of generation shall be kept at concerned
SLDCs, WRLDC, CPCC and WRPC Secretariat to enable to co-ordinate the
system operation, outages, system restoration and operational analysis. The same
shall be updated from time to time.

i) The recording instruments such data acquisition system, disturbance recorder,

event logger, fault locator, time synchronization equipment, voice recorder and any
other such equipment in each generating station / sub-station / control centre /
SLDCs / WRLDC shall be kept in good working condition in order to record the
events and sequence. All such places shall have a common time reference whose
authenticity shall be ensured by periodic verification and validation procedure to be
developed and monitored by WRPC Secretariat.

j) Each regional constituent shall provide adequate and reliable communication

facility internally and with other constituents / RLDC to ensure exchange of data /
information necessary to maintain reliability and security of the grid. All the
agencies shall provide systems to telemeter power system parameters such as
power flow, voltage and status of switches/transformer taps etc., in line with
interface requirements and other guidelines made available to RLDC / SLDCs at
least before the date of commercial operation of the generating stations or
substation/line being connected to the ISTS.
k) In line with Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to
Grid) Regulations 2007, the requester and user shall provide necessary facilities
for voice and data communication and transfer of online operational data such as
voltage, frequency, line flows and status of breaker and isolator position and other
parameters as prescribed by the appropriate Load Dispatch Centre and agree to
maintain the communication system in good condition.

l) In line with Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to

Grid) Regulations 2007, every generating station and substation connected to the
grid at 220kV or above shall be provided with disturbance recording (DR) and event
logging facilities. All such equipment shall be provided with time synchronization
facility for common time reference.
m) For a high degree of service reliability under normal and emergency operation, at
least one main telecommunication channel with an alternate backup channel shall
be provided.

18 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

2.6 Defense Mechanism
The following defense mechanism is operational in Western Region to take care of
different credible contingencies, so as to ensure safe and secure grid operation.
a) Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme (AULFS). In line with clause
5.2(n) of IEGC, all SEBS, distribution licenses /STUs shall provide Automatic Under
Frequency and df/dt load shedding in their respective system to arrest frequency
decline that could result in a collapse / disintegration of the grid as per the scheme
formulated by WRPC forum and shall ensure its effective application at all times to
prevent cascade tripping of generating units in case of any contingency.

In the second meeting of National Power Committee (NPC) held on 16.7.2013 the
revised setting of Automatic Load Shedding through Under Frequency relay (UFR)
and Rate of Change of Frequency Relay (df/dt relay) was approved. In line with
above the Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme (AUFLS) and df/dt
scheme for Western Region as approved by WRPC is given at Annex-V.

All SEBs, distribution licensees, SLDC etc. shall ensure the above under frequency
and df/dt load shedding/ islanding schemes are always functional. SLDC shall
furnish monthly report of UFR and df/dt relay operation in their respective systems
to the WRPC. WRLDC shall inform WRPC Secretariat about instances when the
desired load relief is not obtained through these relays in real time operation.
WRPC Secretariat shall carry out periodic inspection of U/F relays and maintain
proper records of the inspection. WRLDC shall keep a comparative record of
expected load relief and actual load relief obtained in Real time system operation.
A monthly report on expected load relief vis-à-vis actual load relief shall be sent to
the RPC and the CERC.
It is extremely important that there should be no overlapping between the areas
covered by under frequency load shedding and that included in the manual load
shedding plan as part of demand control.

b) Automatic Under Voltage Relay Load Shedding Scheme: In addition to AUFLS and
df/dt scheme, Automatic Under Voltage Relay Load Shedding Scheme to prevent
voltage collapse in the system is deployed in WR as given at Annex-VI.

c) Islanding Scheme: To avoid total black out of the grid during system disturbances
and for early normalization, the procedure for islanding of systems and major
generating stations with associated loads may be developed constituent-wise. The
islanding schemes shall be developed/reviewed in OCC/PCC of WRPC. The
details of such schemes shall be available with WRLDC, concerned SLDCs and
19 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
WRPC. The details of present island schemes which are operational in WR are
provided at Annex-VII.

2.7 Integration of new transmission elements and Generating units into the
CERC has notified the regulations for declaration of Commericial Operation of inter state
transmission elements vide 4th Amendement of the Indian Electrcitcy Grid Code. WRLDC
shall facilitate the activities in line with the above.

The transmission system in Western Region is growing at a rapid pace. After completion
of the construction activities; the elements is to be integrated in the grid for commercial
operation. The grid elements are to be monitored round the clock to ensure safe and
secure operation of the equipment as well as the grid. All this is possible only through
extensive cooperation/coordination and sharing of information among the concerned
utilities, SLDCs, RLDCs, RPCs and NLDC. In order to streamline the entire process of
integration of new elements and to harmonize the sharing of information at various levels
during the integration process, standard formats for uniform implementation across all
regions have been devised by NLDC. The procedure for integration of new transmission
elements belong to any transmission licencee are given at Annex-VIII(a). The formats of
the document to be submitted by the transmission licencee and RLDcs are given in Annex-
Similarly, the new generator integrating into the system is entitled to draw the start-up
power under Deviation Settlement Mechanism, up to the maximum period of 21 months
(Fifteen months prior to expected date of synchronization and six months after
synchronization) from the date of commencement of drawal of start-up power from the
grid. The procedure for availing Start up power from the Grid by the Generating Stations
under commissioning phase through Deviation Settlement Mechanism is approved CERC
reference nos No. L-1/(93)/2009-CERC date 12th August, 2014.
Th key freatures of this procedure are as under:

 This procedure is applicable to Generating stations without an existing Unit under

Commercial operation. However, in case power from the unit(s) of the generating
station already commissioned is fully allocated or committed under Medium
Term Open Access (MTOA)/Long Term Access (LTA), subsequent unit(s) shall
be allowed to draw Start-up power under this procedure

 The Generating Station shall submit a request for availing Start-up power to the
concerned RLDC at least one month prior to the expected date of availing Start-up

20 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

power i.e 16 months before the expected date of first synchronisation of the unit.
The request shall considered subject to connectivity agreement, statutory
clearance, protection system, availability of telemetry, Data & Voice
Communication, installation of Interface Meters etc. Details may be referred from
the CERC approved Procedure in this regard.

 The Generator shall update the following information during the period of availing
the Start-up Power
o The quantum of power to be availed on a weekly basis.

o The schedule is to be updated on a weekly basis, considering the deviations

in the tentative schedule
o Monthly details of start-up activities carried out during the month

2.8 Facilitating Testing & Commissioning of New Regional Entity

CERC has notified the regulations for decelartion of Commericial Operation of generating
units vide 4th Amendement of the Indian Electrcitcy Grid Code. WRLDC shall facilitate the
activities in line with the above
With regards to facilitating of testing and commissioning of new generating units the
Regulation 8(7) of the CERC( Grant of connectivity, Long-term access and medium-term
Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matter) regulation, 2009 as
amended in 2012 provides as under.

In line with the above regulation of the Hon’ble Commission & in view of system reliability
a systematic procedure has been devised by NLDC (vide its letter dated 10.02.2014) to
facilitate testing & commissioning of generators into the grid so as to avoid a skewed

21 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

dispatch scenario that may arise in short term time horizon due to simultaneous injection
of infirm power from multiple number of large capacity generators.
The summary of the procedure is given under.

i. The new regional entity generator shall furnish the information/documents to

WRLDC as specified in IEGC (4th amendement). The internal check list of
WRLDC given in the list at Annex-IX is used to cross verify the list of
documents received.

ii. Trial run of new regional entity generator shall be carried out in accordance
with Regulation 6.3 A.3 of IEGC Regulations (4th Amendment).

iii. The generator shall intimate WRLDC its testing programme / plan for infirm
injection into the grid well in advance (preferably 10-days ahead of the
proposed date of infirm injection).

iv. Testing of generating unit will be allowed by WRLDC keeping in view the grid

v. A code shall be taken by the generating station from WRLDC control room
before injection by the generating unit before it starts infirm injection into the

vi. Generating stations with more than one units may be asked by WRLDC to
back down in existing units to facilitate infirm injection from the new unit under

2.9 Data and Communication Facilities

As per IEGC caluse 4.6.2
“Reliable and efficient speech and data communication systems shall be provided
to facilitate necessary communication and data exchange, and supervision/control
of the grid by the RLDC, under normal and abnormal conditions. All Users, STUs
and CTU shall provide Systems to telemeter power system parameter such as flow,
voltage and status of switches/ transformer taps etc. in line with interface
requirements and other guideline made available by RLDC. The associated
communication system to facilitate data flow up to appropriate data collection point
on CTU’s system, shall also be established by the concerned User or STU as
specified by CTU in the Connection Agreement. All Users/STUs in coordination with
CTU shall provide the required facilities at their respective ends as specified in the
Connection Agreement.”
As per CEA Connectivity Regulation 6 (3)

22 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

"The requestor and user shall provide necessary facilities for voice and data
communication and transfer of operational data, such as voltage, frequency, line
flows, and status of breaker and isolator position and other parameters as
prescribed by Appropriate Load Despatch Centre.“
As per “General Conditions for Connectivity” of the Procedures of CTU approved under
CERC(Grant of Connectivity, Long-Term Access and Medium Term Open Access in inter-
State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009 1.1 (c)
"The applicant or inter-State transmission licensee shall provide facilities for voice
and data communication for transfer of real time operational data such as voltage,
frequency, real and reactive power flow, energy, status of circuit breaker & isolator
positions, transformer taps and other parameters from their station to Data
Collection Point (DCP) of CTU as per IEGC. CTU shall provide access to applicant’s
data transfer through communication Network in case spare channels are available
on mutually agreed terms. The location of DCP of CTU shall be the nearest station
connected electrically where wideband communication capacity of POWERGRID
is available. Additional communication system from the DCP to the concerned
RLDC shall be the responsibility of CTU; however its cost shall be borne by the
applicant. The responsibility of data transfer shall be that of the applicant."
Keeping in view the importance of the communication system in a vast meshed network
at the National, Regional and State level in India, CERC notified regulations on
Communication System for inter-State transmission of electricity dated 15th May 17.
These regulations lay down the rules, guidelines and standards to be followed by various
persons and participants in the system for continuous availability of data for system
operation and control including market operations.

3.0 Facilitating Short Circuit Testing at NHPTL, Bina

National High Power Test Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. (NHPTL), a Joint Venture Company of
NTPC, NHPC, POWERGRID, DVC and CPRI established online short circuit test facility
at Bina power Grid substation in Madhya Pradesh. This online High Power Short Circuit
Test Facility is expected to provide a full range of short circuit testing for the National
Power equipment manufacturers, National Power utilities and International Power
equipment manufacturers. NHPTL declared commercial operation of HVTR (High Voltage
Transformer Testing) stage-I w.e.f from 1st July 17. The connectivity of NHPTL Bina to
Bina-POWERGRID substation is as follows

23 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

CERC vide order 9/MP/2016 dated 16th May 16 approved procedure for approval of testing
at NHPTL, Bina. The procedure is as follows

1. NHPTL shall register with WRLDC as its user before commencement of short
circuit tests by filing an application in the Format I (Given in Annexure-XXIV) and
payment of one time registration fee of Rs.10 Lakh in line with the provisions of the
CERC (RLDC Fees and Charges) Regulations, 2015.

2. NHPTL shall apply to WRLDC at least seven (7) days in advance for approval of
testing of any High Voltage Transformer (HVTR) test equipment in Format II (Given
in Annexure-XXIV). Only one application per day shall be submitted by NHPTL.
Non-refundable Application Fees of Rs 5000/- only per application/testing would
be payable by NHPTL to WRLDC.

3. WRLDC shall give its approval within three (3) days of receipt of the application in
Format III (Given in Annexure-XXIV) considering the grid conditions, anticipated
fault levels and/or any other event in the vicinity of the test laboratory. In case of
any anticipated grid condition, which requires deferment of the proposed testing,
WRLDC shall intimate the revised date and time for testing for which no additional
fee is required.

4. NHPTL shall give at least one-day notice to revise the date of testing. In such case,
no additional application fee would be applicable. In case NHPTL is not able to
conduct the test on the approved day and time window due to reasons not

24 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

attributable to POSOCO, a fresh application shall be submitted by NHPTL at least
3 days in advance. Application fee as mentioned in Sr. no 2 above would be

5. On the day of testing, POWERGRID (on the request from NHPTL) shall seek real
time code from WRLDC for switching on the 400 kV NHPTL feeder from Bina (PG)
substation. NHPTL would then seek code from WRLDC just before applying short
circuit to the test equipment only once for a maximum duration of 250 milliseconds.
The real time code shall be issued by WRLDC, in consultation with NLDC,
considering the real time grid conditions and availability of real time data and PMU
data. In case real time conditions do not permit testing or real time data / PMU data
is not available due to any reason, WRLDC may defer the testing to some other
time or date. In such scenario, no new application or application fees are required.

6. After the test is over, POWERGRID (on the request from NHPTL) shall seek real
time code from WRLDC for switching off the 400 kV NHPTL feeder from Bina (PG).
POWERGRID Bina would also forward the energy meter data for the NHPTL
feeders every week by 1200 hours Monday.

7. Within 24 hrs of testing of any HVTR test equipment, NHPTL shall submit output of
Disturbance Recorder and Event Logger (EL) to WRLDC.


25 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

26 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
3.1 Introduction
For safe and secure grid operation, it is imperative that system parameters i.e., frequency,
voltage etc., remain close to nominal values. This section highlights the measures to be
adopted by the System Operators at WRLDC / SLDCs / Sub-SLDCs / GENCOs/
TRANSCOs at their stations for frequency and voltage control.

3.2 Frequency Control

To maintain frequency within thresholds there are three control services. They are
1. Primary Frequency Control
2. Secondary Frequency Control
3. Tertiary Frequency Control
Above control services differ in their time of response to a change in frequency from
steady state and methodology adopted.

Primary Frequency Control: Sudden changes in frequency is arrested through governor

control. Keeping governors free to operate would enable smooth control of frequency
fluctuations beyond the dead band of Governors, as well as would act as security against
grid disturbances.

Time line for primary governor control action is of the order of a few seconds i.e. 5-30
seconds and should last for at least 3-4 minutes to enable secondary control to take over
which will allow the primary reserves to be restored.

As per IEGC 5.2 (f), all Coal/lignite based thermal generating units (200 MW and above),
Open Cycle Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle generating stations having gas turbines of
capacity more than 50 MW each (w.e.f. 1st Oct 17) and all hydro units (25 MW and above),
shall have their governors in service and operating in RGMO/FGMO mode.

Secondary Frequency Control: Primary frequency control, through governor action,

arrest the fall in frequency. However, for bringing frequency back to 50 Hz, corrective
actions through secondary frequency control affecting the generation or load is to be
carried out. Time line for secondary control action is 15/30 minutes for large events. For
a large interconnection system, the secondary control is achieved through Automatic
Generation Control (AGC). To operationalize AGC, adequate reserves are to be ensured
to bring back frequency to nominal value.

27 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

CERC has issued a suo moto order on 13th Oct 15 to operationalize spinning reserves
and AGC in the country. Summary of Reserves earmarked by the Hon’ble Commission
are given hereunder.

Primary Reserves Secondary Reserves Region wise

(Distributed in All India Generators)

Region Reserve (in MW)

North 800 MW
4000 MW Primary
Reserve to arrest the East 660 MW

sudden frequency drop

West 800 MW
during outage of Ultra
Mega Power Plant or any South 1000 MW

similar event.
North East 363 MW

Total 3623 MW

The quantum indicated above may change in future with increasing Renewable Energy
(RE) penetration as per the Report of the Committee on Spinning Reserves.

To start with, a pilot project on AGC is being carried at NTPC Dadri in collaboration with
Tertiary Frequency Control: Large deviations in frequency cannot be handled by
secondary frequency control alone, secondary control reserves also need to be restored
through tertiary reserves. Tertiary control is the manual change in the dispatching and unit
commitment in order to restore the secondary control reserve, to manage eventual
congestions, and to bring back the frequency and the interchange programs to their target
if the secondary control reserve is not sufficient. Tertiary control, therefore, refers to
rescheduling of generation to take care of deviations in a planned manner during real time
operation that leads to restoration of primary control and secondary control reserve
margins. The tertiary reserves mandated by CERC at intra state level are as follows.

28 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Tertiary Reserves at intra state level
Region wise summation

Region Reserve

North 1658 MW

South 1343 MW

East 857 MW

West 1353 MW

North East 65 MW

Total 5218 MW

CERC (Ancillary Services Operations) Regulations were notified on 13 th August, 2015.

Ancillary Services that consist of either Regulation Down Service or Regulation Up Service
have been defined as "Reserves Regulation Ancillary Services or RRAS". The objective
of these regulations is to restore the frequency at desired level and to relieve the
congestion in the transmission network through available unrequestion surplus power
available in generators whose tariff is determined by CERC.
In addition to above frequency control measures
Each SLDC /Sub-SLDC shall regulate the load / own generation under its control so
that it may not draw more than its schedule beyond the limits specified in DSM
regulations and its amendments thereof.
i. Each regional entity shall regulate its generation and /or consumers’ load to
maintain their actual drawl from the regional grid close to the schedule. Maximum
inadvertent deviation allowed during a time block shall not exceed the limits
specified in the deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulations.

ii. In case of shortfall situation in any State constituent, even after requisitioning full
entitlement, it shall strive to bridge the shortfall through STOA or power exchange.
In case of surplus situation in any State constituent, it may reduce requisition or
sell through STOA / power exchange.

29 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

iii. Whenever frequency falls below 49.9 Hz, all partly loaded generating units,
particularly of overdrawing constituents shall pick up additional load to bring back
declining system frequency to the IEGC specified band i.e. 49.9-50.05 Hz.

iv. As per clause 5.2(j) of IEGC, sudden reduction in generator output by any
constituent by more than 100 MW, without consent of WRLDC shall be avoided,
except under emergency or to prevent imminent damage to costly equipment,
particularly when frequency is falling or is below 49.90 Hz. Similarly any user/SEB
shall not cause a sudden variation of load by more than 100 MW without consent
a) Measures during high frequency conditions

Based on the scheduled load-shedding programme, hydro pick up, change in STOA
schedules and load ramp ups, SLDCs & RLDCs shall anticipate possible frequency rises
at the beginning of each hour and initiate advance actions. When the system frequency is
above 50.05 Hz and in the rising trend:
i. All ISGS shall endeavor to restrict their actual net injection within their scheduled
dispatch. Maximum Deviation allowed during a time block shall not exceed the
limits specified in DSM regulations.

ii. All the constituents shall endeavor to ensure that their drawl from the grid is not
less than their schedule by following actions:-
a. Phase out scheduled load shedding

b. Surrender relatively high cost entitled power from ISGS through revision of

c. Follow merit order and conserve fuel by reducing or shutting down high cost
generators including IPPs.
d. Explore additional export through STOA.

iii. All constituents shall stagger their load-shedding pattern to make the load curve as
flat as possible, so as to arrest stiff high frequency excursions during load
changeover period.
iv. In case of high frequency, generation at interstate and intra state shall be backed
down upto technical minimum. In case of persistent high frequency, generators
shall be taken in Reserve Shutdown. The detailed procedure for taking units under
reserve shutdown is detailed in CERC order dated 5th May 2017.

30 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

v. NLDC may initiate RRAS down to control high frequency.
b) Measures during low frequency conditions

All constituents shall carry out day ahead operational planning by balancing availability
from all sources and expected demand. Any deficit may be managed through day-ahead
STOA and (PX) collective transactions and inform WRLDC about the unscheduled load
shedding planned to manage the deficits on day-ahead basis. When frequency is in
decaying trend:

i. All ISGS shall endeavor to maintain their actual net injection to as per their
scheduled dispatch.

ii. All the constituents shall endeavor to ensure that their drawl from the grid is not
more than their schedule by maximizing generation in line with Deviation
Settlement Mechanism Regulation, by implement unscheduled/distress load
shedding. They may arrange to buy power through STOA or power exchange to
ensure that their drawl remains as per schedule. The violation of Indian Electricity
Grid Code (IEGC) message will be issued as per format enclosed at Annex-X.

iii. Each regional constituent shall make arrangements that will enable manual
demand disconnection to take place as instructed by WRLDC/SLDCs under normal
and contingent conditions.

iv. The measures undertaken to reduce the drawl from the grid shall not be withdrawn
as long as the frequency / voltage remain at a low level unless specially permitted

v. In case of certain contingencies and / or threat to system security, WRLDC may

direct SLDCs/Utilities to increase/decrease its drawl by a certain quantum. Such
directions shall immediately be acted upon.
vi. NLDC may initiate RRAS up to control low frequency.
vii. For distress load shedding, all SLDCs to check the availability of “list of radial
feeders (pre-identified)” and assess load relief obtainable, when the system
frequency is below 49.9 Hz

viii. In line with Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulations 2010,
regulation 9&10, the utilities shall make arrangements for automatic load shedding
(Annex-VI) and islanding schemes to ensure system security (Annex-VII).

31 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

ix. A comprehensive defense plan of Western region is enclosed at Annex-V. SLDCs
to implement measures under the comprehensive defense plan and inform
WRLDC accordingly.

3.3 DSM ( Deviation Settlement Mechanism) Regulation

Deviation in any time-block means its total actual drawal/injection minus its total schedule.
The objective is to maintain Grid Discipline and Grid Security through the commercial
mechanism for any Deviation. The Deviation Settlement through drawal and injection of
electricity by the users of the grid. The charges for the deviation for any time-block shall
be based on the CERC Deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulations and its amendents.

3.4 Restricted/Free Governor Mode of Operation (RGMO / FGMO )

As per the IEGC clause 5.2 (f), (g),(h),(i) and (j), it is mandatory that all coal/lignite based
thermal generating units (200 MW and above), Open cycle Gas Turbine/Combined cycle
generating stations having gas turbines of capacity more than 50 MW and all hydro units
(25 MW and above) which are synchronized with the grid, irrespective of their ownership,
shall have their governors in operation at all times in accordance with the provisions of
FGMO. The issue of governor response was further reinforce by CERC order 47/MP/2012
dated 03.05.2013 where it enforcing adequate frequency response from all the control
areas to the Indian grid through availability of primary response from all generating
stations in the Grid. The assessment of Frequency Response Characteristic as per the
CERC vide order dated 3rd May 2013 is enclosed in Annex-XXI.

As per TCT-2014-19 Regulation 24(2). iv. RoE shall reduce by 1% if a generator fails to
provide RGMO. TCT-2014-19 Regulation 24(2) is quoted below.

"Regulation 24(2)-(iv): The rate of return of a new project shall be reduced by 1% for such
period as may be decided by the Commission, if the generating station or transmission
system is found to be declared under commercial operation without commissioning of any
of the Restricted Governor Mode Operation (RGMO)/ Free Governor Mode Operation
(FGMO), data telemetry, communication system up to load dispatch centre or protection

“Regulation24(2)-(v): As and when any of the above requirements are found lacking in a
generating station based on the report submitted by the respective RLDC, RoE shall be
reduced by 1% for the period for which the deficiency continues:"


32 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

The summary of units eligible for RGMO along with their capacity and other details are
given at Annexure-IV.

3.5 Voltage Control

a) Operating Range
i. As defined in the IEGC Section 5.2(s), the operating range of the voltages
at various voltage levels of the grid is as follows:

NOMINAL kV (rms) MAXIMUM kV (rms) MINIMUM kV (rms)

765 800 728

400 420 380

220 245 198

132 145 122

The maximum and minimum values in the above table are the outer limits
and all the constituents would endeavor to maintain the voltage levels within
the above limits.

ii. For voltage control, action would be initiated to take in Bus Reactors at a
Bus, whenever voltage at the Bus goes above 410 kV for 400kV system and
783kV for 765kV system and is on rising trend. Similarly, take out Bus
Reactors at a Bus, whenever voltage at the Bus goes below of 390 kV for
400kV system and 746kV for 765kV system and is on lowering trend.
b) VAR Exchange by constituents for Voltage and Reactive Control

Each constituent shall provide for the supply of its reactive requirements including
appropriate reactive reserves, and its share of the reactive requirements to support
safe and secure power transfer on interconnecting transmission circuits. VAR
compensation shall be met locally. The constituent entities shall take action in regard
to VAR exchange with the grid, looking at the topology and voltage profile of the
exchange point. In general, the beneficiaries shall endeavor to minimize the VAR drawl
at interchange point when the voltage at that point is below the nominal value and
shall not inject VARs when the voltage above the nominal value. In fact, the
beneficiaries are expected to provide local VAR compensation so that they do not draw

33 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

any VARs from the grid during low voltage conditions and do not inject any VARs to
the grid during high voltage conditions.
c) AVRs of Generators

All generating units shall keep their Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) in operation
and shall be tuned in line with clause 5.2(k) of IEGC.
d) VAR generation / absorption by generating units

In order to improve the overall voltage profile, the generators shall run in a manner so
as to have counter balancing action corresponding to low/high grid voltage and to bring
it towards the nominal value. In order to achieve the same, all generators shall
generate reactive power during low voltage conditions and absorb reactive power
during high voltage conditions as per the capability limit of the respective generating
unit. The online tap changes (OLTC) on the generator transformer wherever possible
may also be used to achieve nominal voltage whenever required. Off load tap changes
should be used to take care of the seasonal variations in the voltage profile.
e) Transformer Taps

In line with IEGC clause 6.6.5, the transformer tap positions on different 765 and 400
kV class ICTs shall be changed as per requirements in order to improve the grid
voltage. WRLDC shall coordinate and advise the settings of different tap position at
least twice in a year and any change in their positions shall be carried out after
consultation with WRLDC.
f) Control of Voltage at grid substations/generating stations
Following corrective measures shall be taken in the event of voltage going high / low:-
a. In the event of high voltage (when the voltage goes above 410
kV/783kV), following specific steps would be taken by the respective
grid/substation/generating station on their own, unless specifically
mentioned by WRLDC/SLDCs.
b. The manually switchable capacitor banks be taken out and ensure that
no reactive power flow to 400/765kV grid from lower levels through ICTS.

c. The bus reactor be switched in

d. The Line reactors of opened lines on maintenance or High voltage, which

are provided with convertible facility shall be converted as Bus reactors
with line isolator open.

34 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

e. All the generating units on bar shall absorb reactive power within the
capability curve limits

f. Operate synchronous condensers wherever available for VAR


g. Operate hydro generator / gas turbine as synchronous condenser for

VAR absorption wherever such facilities are available

h. Bring down power flow on HVDC terminals so that loading on parallel

EHV network goes up resulting in drop in voltage.
i. Optimize the filter banks at HVDC terminal
j. Open lightly loaded lines in consultation with WRLDC ensuring security
of the balanced network. The list of lines that are opened on High
Voltages during off-peak hours is given at Annex-XI.

i. In the event of low voltage (when the voltage goes below 390kV), following
specific steps would be taken by the respective grid substation/generating
station at their own, unless specifically mentioned by WRLDC/SLDCs.

a. Close the lines which were opened to control high voltage in consultation
with WRLDC.
b. The bus reactor be switched out
c. The manually switchable capacitor banks be switched in.
d. The switchable line/tertiary reactor are taken out
e. Optimize the filter banks at HVDC terminal
f. All the generating units on bar shall generate reactive power within
capability curve.
g. Operate synchronous condenser for VAR generation

h. Operate hydro generator / gas turbine as synchronous condenser for

VAR generation wherever such facilities are available

i. Increase power flow on HVDC terminals so that loading on parallel EHV

network goes down resulting in rise in voltage.
g) Load Management for controlling the Voltage

35 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

All the state constituents shall identify the radial feeders in their areas which have
significant reactive requirement and which can be disconnected in order to improve the
voltage conditions in the event of voltage dropping to low levels. The details of all such
feeders shall be kept ready in the respective control rooms and standing instruction would
be given to the operating personnel to ensure the relief in the hour of crisis by
disconnecting such feeders. Automatic under voltage load shedding shall commence at
knee voltage of respective nodes. The details of under voltage load shedding relays in
Western Region are enclosed at Annex-VI.
h) Switching off the line reactors in case of low voltage

In the event of persistent low voltage conditions, some of the line reactors are to be
selected on the basis of line length, grid conditions, network topology etc., which can be
switched off in order to improve the system voltage profile.

The details of such lines with reactors in WR are available in the reactive power document
of WR available on WRLDC website at the link given under:

The switching off of such line reactors and reviving them back would be carried out as per
the instructions issued by WRLDC.

3.6 FDI / VDI / System Reliability (ATC/TTC/Load Angle violation)

Frequency Deviation Index (FDI) of Indian grid and Voltage Deviation Index (VDI) of
important nodes in western grid is uploaded in WRLDC/NLDC website on daily, weekly,
monthly and yearly basis. Duration of ATC/TTC violations and Load angle computations
based on PMU are also uploaded in WRLDC/NLDC website. The sample templates of
indices uploaded in WRLDC/NLDC website are given below.

1 Percentage of Time Frequency Remained outside IEGC Band … Percentage

2 Nos of hours frequency remained outside IEGC Band … Hours

Percentage of time N-1 criteria was violated in Inter-Regional Corridor Violation
corridor (Flows crossing Total Transfer Capability (TTC) on WR -> NR …
interregional corridors has been worked out as a proxy for (N-1) WR -> SR ..
ER -> WR …

36 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Corridor Violation
Percentage of time ATC Violated on the Inter-Regional corridor WR -> NR …
WR -> SR …
ER -> WR …

Angular %
Angle Pair Limit* Violation
Percentage of time Angular Raipur-Kalwa 60 …
difference on Important buses 40 …
was beyound permissible limits
Raipur-Solapur 50 …
Jabalpur-Itarsi 30 …

प्रतिशि समय विभि/

Number of Hours
% time voltage
% of time No of hrs
765kV Voltage the
उपकेंद्र/ remained voltage Max/Min
Above out of below Above was out
Station Below 728 kV
800kV range 728kV 800kV of range
permitted permitted
under under
A B (A+B) C D (C+D) Max Min
1 सीपि/Sipat
2 ससयोति/Seoni

3.7 Operating Manpower

The Control Centers of WRLDC, CPCC, SLDCs and Sub SLDCs, Power plants, grid
substations(above 110kV), as well as any other control centers of regional constituents
shall be manned / monitored round the clock by qualified and adequately trained
manpower. As per IEGC clause 5.1.h., the commission may notify training requirement
from time to time. These personnel would remain vigilant and cooperative at all the times
to maintain safe and secure grid operation.

37 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

38 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
4.1 Objective
This chapter describes the procedures / responsibilities of the SLDCs for demand
estimation for both active and reactive power and also the provision to be made by SLDCs
to effect a reduction of demand in the event of inadequate generating capacity and / or
withdrawal of external assistance in the event of breakdown or operating problems (such
as frequency, voltage levels or thermal overloading) on any part of the grid.

4.2 Overview
Demand estimation plays a very important role in grid operation. Long term demand
estimation (five years and beyond) is an important input for generation / transmission
planning. Medium term demand estimation (one year and below) constitutes an important
input for outage planning of generating units and transmission lines. The short term
demand estimation (spanning from one week to next time block) facilitates an important
input for generation scheduling. Variation in demand in real time operation from the
estimated values should be within +-2% limits to ensure that the grid is not affected

Demand estimation and control is essentially the responsibility of SLDCs and WRLDC
would generally not have a major role in this area except for integrating the demand value
from the constituents and projecting the same as WR demand. WRLDC however, would
give instructions to SLDCs on demand control whenever the same has a bearing on the
security of the regional grid and such instructions would have to be complied by all SLDCs.

4.3 Demand estimation

Based on the discussions in various WRPC forums it is under stood that SLDCs do
forecast demand on an annual, monthly, weekly and ultimately on daily basis which would
are used in the day ahead scheduling in line with IEGC clause 5.3(e).

a) Demand Control: The need for demand control arises on account of

following conditions:

i. Variation in demand from the estimated value (by more than 2%)
which cannot be absorbed by the grid.

ii. Unforeseen generation / transmission outages resulting in reduced

power availability.

39 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

iii. Heavy reactive power demand, particularly during Rabi load / high
industrial activity causing low voltages
iv. Critical loading on inter-regional corridors/flow gates
v. Commercial reasons
b) In line with section 5.3.(c) of IEGC, the SLDCs would regularly carry out the
necessary exercises to estimate short term and long term demand to
facilitate planning so as to maintain their actual drawl from the regional grid
close to their schedule . The Maximum inadvertent deviation allowed during
a time block shall not exceed the limits specified in the deviation Settlement
Mechanism Regulations.

c) The constituents shall endeavor to restrict their net drawl from the grid to
within their respective drawl schedule in line with section 5.4.2(a) of IEGC.
However, , requisite load shedding (manual) shall be carried out in the
concerned State to curtail the over drawal in order to improve the frequency
above 49.9Hz, as per IEGC 5.4.2(b).

d) All constituents shall endeavor to maintain the system frequency above

49.9Hz and would cooperate for helping optimum utilization of regional
hydro resources so as to ensure maximum availability during peak hours.

e) All constituents shall ensure the availability of the defense mechanism in

place as at Annex-V.
f) Demand Response:

i. Constituents are expected to implement measures for demand

response, per IEGC 5.4.2(d). The clause is reproduced below
“The SLDCs, through respective State Electricity
Boards/Distribution Licensees shall also formulate and implement
state-of-the-art demand management schemes for automatic
demand management like rotational load shedding, demand
response (which may include lower tariff for interruptible loads) etc.
before 01.01.2011, to reduce over-drawl in order to comply para 5.4.2
(a) and (b) . A Report detailing the scheme and periodic reports on
progress of implementation of the schemes shall be sent to the
Central Commission by the concerned SLDC”

40 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

ii. Demand control would have to be exercised under low frequency
conditions by taking the following actions by constituents.

a. Scheduled load shedding as decided in OCCM/Board


b. Un-scheduled load shedding for the load generation balancing

exercise which is planned for the following day

c. Distress load shedding due to load generation imbalance in

real time leading to frequency going below 49.9 Hz. This will
be carried out through already identified radial feeders.

g) During the demand control by scheduled load shedding as well as

unscheduled load shedding by staggering in different groups, the
changeover from one group to another shall be carried out in a gradual
manner so as to ensure that the change in load at any point of time does not
exceed 100 MW so as to avoid excursions in system parameters.

h) In case of low voltage pockets, each SLDC would identify feeders drawing
heavy quantum of reactive power and disconnect the same when voltage
goes below 380kV.

i) Load Crash: In the event of load crash in the system due to weather
disturbance or other reasons, the situation would be controlled by RLDCs
and SLDCs by the following methods:-
i. Lifting the load restrictions, if any.
ii. Exporting the power to neighboring regions by STOA
iii. Phasing out hydro
iv. Backing down or closing down of generating units
j) Distress Load Shedding
i. In case of sudden loss of generation / breach of TTC / grid contingency,
distress load shedding is carried out immediately to ensure security of
the grid.

ii. The distress load shedding is carried out by tripping of identified

66/132/220kV radial feeders from State Load Despatch Centre on
emergency call.

41 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

k) Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS)

i. AUFLS is defense mechanism against disturbances and includes both

discrete relays and trend relays.

ii. The approved AUFLS scheme in Western region and the recommended
df/dt with changed grid scenario is enclosed at Annex-V

iii. The feeders for discrete and trend automatic under frequency relays
need to be widely dispersed as operation of these relays is sensitive to
the location of the disturbance.
l) Emergency Measure by WRLDC
In case of continuous violation in terms of over drawal by a constituent WLRDC
shall issue alert / warning messages to the constituent to bring its drawal back
within the limit as specified in the CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism &
Related Matters) Regulations-2014. Despite repeated follow up by WRLDC if
the constituent fails to comply, WRLDC shall issue instruction for manual
opening of identified radial feeders to control its over drawal in view of system
reliability. The list of feeders identified (state wise) for manual opening as
emergency measure in WRPC forum is given at Annex-XII.


42 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

43 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
5.1 Objective
This chapter describes the procedures / responsibilities of the SLDCs to develop an
operational planning strategy to ensure that the shortfalls are managed efficiently through
increase in availability by garnering all other resources available and by planning of load
shedding on long term basis (one year) and fine tuning every quarterly, month ahead,
day-ahead and on the day of operation to account for demand forecasting errors, forced
and partial outages of the generating units, transmission constraints etc.

5.2 Overview
The operational planning starts one year ahead in the month of October for the period
April to March next year. The demand control measures planned include scheduled load
shedding for each of the power utilities in the region and this is prepared by the concerned
State Load Despatch Centre. The States also plan for STOA transactions in a month
ahead horizon. Actions are also planned for regulating availability from resources like
captive power plants.

The day ahead planning includes demand forecasting by the States, scheduling of power
from ISGS, MTOA as well as purchasing power through STOA / Power Exchanges. The
demand supply mismatch is mitigated through scheduled load shedding with correction
applied through planning unscheduled load shedding.

The unscheduled load shedding accounts for fluctuations in availability due to forced
outages, transmission outages, fuel related problems or demand fluctuations due to
weather related factors and other important events. The fine tuning of supply demand
balance is achieved by availing UI power on the day of operation.

5.3 Operational Planning

a) Operational Planning on yearly horizon
i. For the purpose of operational planning on annual basis, the year
considered begins in April of the year and extends till March of the next year.
ii. In the monsoon months, due to reduction of demand, most of the thermal
sets would be taken out for annual overhaul. Generating unit outage
planning is done month wise for peak and off-peak conditions and
coordinated amongst various stakeholders such that generation availability
would not lead to significant load curtailment.

44 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

iii. The transmission outage planning is also coordinated with generator outage
planning and a coordinated outage plan for both generation and
transmission is developed as per IEGC clause 5.7.4.

iv. The monthly generation availability from thermal stations is computed based
on the planned outages as indicated in the outage plan, assumed forced
outage rate (13.5%) or based on past data and assumed partial outage rates
(5%) based on auxiliary problem, fuel related problem etc.
v. The month-wise forecasted demand and availability would indicate the
surpluses/deficits in various months utility/state-wise and Load Generation
Balance Report (LGBR) is compiled for Western region by WRPC for the
period April to March next year for peak and off-peak scenarios.
vi. The LGBR as evolved forms the basis of TTC/ATC calculation for inter-
regional exchanges in both the directions for advance reservation.
b) Operational planning on quarterly horizon

i. The operational planning exercise carried out for one year horizon is
reviewed quarterly and monthly basis based on the more current

ii. The quarter, April-June is having residential and commercial loads due to
summer conditions. The hydro reservoirs would be depleted and generation
from run of the river hydro plants would be minimal. The forced outages from
thermal generation are on the higher side due to high ambient temperature
with many thermal units tripping on tube leakages. All efforts would be made
to maximize generation availability to minimize the load shedding.

iii. The Second quarter, July-September signifies the monsoon season in which
the demand is on the lower side due to absence of agricultural demand and
is characterized by high hydro availability with some overflowing reservoirs
at the end of the quarter.

iv. Such overflowing hydro is used to the full extent whereas many thermal
generating stations are taken out for annual overhaul. During this quarter,
the coal based generation faces some constraints such as wet coal problem,
flame failures etc.

v. The quarter, October-December is having high demand in the grid due to

onset of Rabi season when agricultural demand is predominant with many
pump sets operating. This quarter, also being the festival season,
45 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
commercial and residential demands are also on the higher trajectory. Most
of the thermal generating sets would be brought back from planned outage
and all efforts would be made to minimize thermal outages.

vi. The quarter, January-March will have high demand similar to that of
previous quarter due to continuation of agricultural activities. The industrial
demand would also be it its peak as this is the last quarter of the financial
year and target needs to be achieved before the budget.
c) Operational planning on monthly horizon

The power supply position of the previous month and projections for next two months are
discussed in the monthly Operation & Coordination Committee Meeting (OCCM) by all the
States and other users to draw up coordinated action plans.
d) Operational planning on day ahead basis

i. Weather Forecast: As demand pattern depends on weather, utilization of

weather forecast is necessary for planning load generation balance. Apart
from demand, generation from renewable sources are interlinked to weather
parameters. Indian Metrological Department of India has provided specially
designed web links with forecasted and now cast weather data that can be
used for operational planning on day ahead basis. The web link provided by
IMD for western region is given below

ii. Forecasting generation from renewable energy sources would help in

planning dispatch from conventional generation. In addition to above, ramp
rates of conventional generation can be predicted to address renewable
generation fluctuations.

iii. As per IEGC clause 5.3 (d) and (g), SLDC has to carry out its own demand
estimation from the historical data and weather forecast data from time to
time. Forecast of renewable generation is to be considered to plan active
and reactive power requirements.

iv. In line with clause 6.5 of IEGC, under the head of ‘Scheduling & Despatch
Procedure’, plant-wise requisitions from the States are compiled to draw up
schedule for each ISGS. The day ahead operational planning exercise helps
the state with large deficit to opt for un-requisitioned power in some of the
ISGS plants within or outside the region.

46 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

v. The state utilities bridge the anticipated shortfall by day-ahead Short Term
Open Access transactions/collective transactions (PX trades).

vi. To meet exigencies during real time operation generation reserves are to be
ensured to maintain load generation balance. The quantum of reserves to
be maintained at intra state level is detailed in Chapter 3.

5.4 Load Curtailment Planning

a. Scheduled Load Shedding

It is understood from the discussions at different forums of WRPC that the scheduled load
shedding is implemented in the following ways:-
i. Statutory cut on the maximum demand of high tension and low tension
ii. Statutory cut on the consumption of high tension and low tension industries.

iii. The rural feeders are arranged into groups and each group is shed for 8-12
hours in a day with number of groups shed at any point of time.

iv. Load shedding in urban areas for 1 ½ to 3 hours in a day during morning and
evening peak hours.

v. Single phasing through which the agricultural load and residential / commercial
loads in the rural areas are separated and only three phase loads are subjected
to shedding.

vi. Staggering of holidays through which power supply to a particular is totally cut
for about 12 hours.

vii. Recess staggering through which the lunch break and shift timings are
b. Unscheduled Load Shedding

i. The unscheduled load shedding is effected through different set of feeders

other than those selected for scheduled load shedding.

ii. Unscheduled load shedding is done only during emergency conditions when
there is over drawal by the state beyond acceptable level & SLDC is unable to
contain drawal despite taking all other measures.

47 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

iii. Since unscheduled load shedding is not announced before hand to the public
such load shedding gets maximum public resentment and should be avoided
by deft planning.

48 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

49 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
6.1 Introduction
This chapter sets out the procedure for preparation of outage schedule for generating
units and transmission elements of the region in coordinated and optimal manner keeping
in view the regional system operating conditions and maintaining load generation balance
in the system.
Particularly it is important that the planned outages of generation and transmission system in the
important flow-gates are properly coordinated as detailed in IEGC clause 5.7.

The list of important regional grid elements of the Western regional grid which have a bearing on
the network security are available on WRLDC web site at the link

The annual outage planning is reviewed on quarterly and monthly basis in the OCC forum
of WRPC.

As per IEGC clause 5.2(c), important element shall be deliberately opened or removed
from service without concurrence of WRLDC. In the event of tripping of any of the above
elements, WRLDC shall be informed within ten minutes of the event or as soon as possible
as per clause 5.2(d) for further necessary action.

6.2 Objective
a) To formulate a coordinated outage programme of transmission lines and
generating units for the regional grid, considering all the available regional
resources and taking into account transmission constraints as well as other

b) To minimize surplus or deficit, if any, in the requirement of power and energy and
help to operate system within system standards.

c) To maintain adequate generation and transmission availability after taking into

account the outages and to achieve the security standards.

6.3 General
a) Stipulations in this chapter are applicable to all generating units above 100 MW
(Thermal), 50MW (Hydro) and transmission elements as specified in the List of

50 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Important Grid Elements of Western Region-2017 (available for down load on
WRLDC web site).

b) Annual outage plan shall be prepared in advance for the financial year by the
WRPC and reviewed during the year on quarterly and monthly basis in line with
IEGC clause 5.7.4.

c) WRPC shall prepare draft coordinated annual outage plan for generation units and
transmission elements to optimize the utilization of available resources.

d) OCC meeting is the formal inter-face of WRPC with WRLDC, SLDCs, CTU, ISGS,
UMPPs, IPPs and other constituents for reviewing the annual outage plan on
quarterly /monthly basis.

6.4 Outage Planning Process

a) Annual Outage Planning
The following calendar shall be followed in respect of annual outage planning for the
ensuing financial year:-

i. The constituents and users will forward the required data for outage planning for
the next financial year to WRPC Secretariat by 31st October for peak and off-peak

ii. WRPC Secretariat will issue the draft outage plan to all the regional constituents
and WRLDC by 30th November. For peak and off-peak conditions.

iii. The mutually agreed final outage plan shall be intimated by WRPC Secretariat to
all regional constituents, users and WRLDC for implementation by 31st December
for peak and off-peak conditions.
b) Monthly Reviews:

The annual outage plans formulated as above shall be reviewed on monthly basis as
per following programme:-

Monthly review of the outage plan for the current month and the consecutive month
would be done in the OCC meeting of WRPC. WRPC Secretariat would issue the
outage plan, as decided in this meeting, to all the constituents and WRLDC by next
day of the OCC meeting. The coordination procedure for transmission element shut
down as approved in 446th OCC meeting of WRPC and subsequently discussed in
OCC meeting is given at Annex-XIII. As decided in 470th OCC meeting utilities should
include bay outages in the list to WRPC for discussion and concurrence in the monthly

51 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

OCC meeting. In 488th OCC meeting it was decided that 490th OCC onwards planning
will be done on calendar month basis and proposal shall be submitted by 5th working
day of the respective month. Unforeseen outages, which are not approved in OCC
meeting, shall be taken with WPRC as per procedure approved in 497 th meeting and
changes thereafter.

c) Unforeseen/emergency outages & Rescheduling of Outages after monthly

schedules, in the event of any requirement to re-schedule the planned shut down
or to avail an emergency / unforeseen shutdown, the concerned constituent shall
forward request to WRLDC indicating the nature of emergency or the reasons of
deferment. WRLDC would approve such unforeseen outages / rescheduling of an
already planned outage based on the exigency vis-à-vis system conditions with
intimation to WRPC.

6.5 Availing of Shut Downs for Transmission Elements.

a) The month outage list for transmission elements enclosed in the OCC-MoM is
shared by WRLDC in MS Excel format with all Users through a online web portal.
The link of this web portal is given below

Authorized users can view and write remarks on this online web portal.

b) All seeking shutdown of elements are requested to ensure that the readiness to
avail shutdown is filled in the Google Sheet on D-3 date. Filling readiness for
OPGW work on daily basis is also mandatory.

c) Outage of State owned EHV lines has influence on powerflow on parallel corridor.
Therefore it is desirable that readiness to avail outage on State owned EHV lines
is also updated by respective SLDCs in Google sheet on D-3 date.

d) Requests for re-scheduling an OCC approved outage can also be filled in the
Google Sheet on D-3 date.

e) Only elements whose readiness is filled shall be considered in simulation studies

conducted at WRLDC/NLDC on D-2 date.

f) If there is a request to take outage of one line and another request to take A/R in
non-auto mode for OPGW work on second line from the same substation then
generally approval for only one out of these two would be given.

52 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

g) The reliability consent / suggestion in respect of an outage can be viewed on D -2
date in the google sheet. The same sheet shall be sent as attachment through
email from WRLDC outage coordinator on D-1 date in this group. This sheet would
be available with SCM, WRLDC control room for further coordination in real-time.

h) Before sending the gang on site the respective utilities must check whether the
reliability consent is given for that outage or not.

i) On the date of the outage the concerned utility must talk to the WRLDC control
room and seek operation code for switching the element to be taken under outage.
The Sl. No. of the outage may be quoted by the requesting agency to help the
WRLDC Shift Charge Manager in locating the element on the Reliability Consent
j) WRLDC operation code for an outage would be issued only to ISTS licencees,
SLDCs, ISGS, Regional entity generators or entities who are directly under
jurisdiction of WRLDC. Entities embedded within the State are requested to route
their requests through the concerned SLDCs only.

k) In case of outage on these elements, for any reason, the constituents, willing to
cancel the shutdown approved in OCC, will have to inform WRLDC at least three
days before the date of shutdown.

l) The code issued by WRLDC for opening / revival of the circuit signifies such
approval only from the system point of view notwithstanding anything contained in
safety measures and other switching operations to be carried out locally. The
related line / substation personnel would be responsible for ensuring all safety
precautions while opening / closing of any element to avoid any threat to operating
personnel and equipment.

m) During the period of shutdown all efforts should be made for timely return of
shutdown and delays if any shall immediately be reported to WRLDC along with
the reasons and likely time of return of shutdown.

n) Where it is foreseen that return of Permit to Work could be delayed due to physical
distance involved in case of a transmission line, mobile/satellite phone would be
used for communication with the substation to minimize the outage period.

o) Any maintenance work on opportunity basis proposed to be carried out by related

agencies during a 765 & 400kV line/ICT shutdown would be carried out in
consultation with WRLDC. WRLDC Control room will issue a code for such works
to the requesting agency looking into the system conditions. Such works needs to

53 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

be winded up/returned by requesting agency before the agency availing outage
finishes their work.

6.6 Availing outage of Generating Units

a) Constituents will inform WRLDC and respective beneficiaries before availing
planned unit outages in real time and if the outages cannot be availed, the same
shall be intimated to WRLDC.

b) In case of deviation from scheduled plan, the same shall be intimated to

beneficiaries and WRLDC/WRPC in advance.
c) For planned generation unit outages, constituents will confirm WRLDC three days
in advance (i.e. on D-3 basis) regarding their outage programme. In case the
readiness for availing the outage is not intimated on D-3 basis to WRLDC the
outage shall be deemed cancelled.

54 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

55 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
7.1 Introduction
With the implementation of Hon’ble CERC order on Short Term Open Access (STOA),
bilateral exchanges have provided a suitable edge to constituents in planning and
minimizing the gaps in demand and availability. The processing of STOA applications,
scheduling, revision, billing, reconciliation & financial settlement etc are done by WRLDC
as per the CERC (Open Access in ISTS) regulations-2008 & subsequent amendments &
the CERC approved ‘Procedure for scheduling bilateral transactions’.

PX Procedure: Any regional entity generator / seller of WR intending to sell power over
the PXs needs to obtain prior standing clearance / NoC from WRLDC for a specified
quantum & duration. For seeking NoC the entity has to submit the following documents to
WRLDC at least 3 days in advance wrt the proposed date of PX transaction.

i. A covering letter mentioning the quantum in MW & time duration for which NoC
is required
ii. An affidavit in the format PX-V given at Annexure-XIV

In case of an ISGS / CGS in WR with long term beneficiaries, seeking to sell the
requisitioned surplus (URS) power over the PX the ISGS/CGS shall have to obtain written
consent of the corresponding beneficiaries who have surrendered their entitlements. The
original beneficiary shall communicate its consent to the ISGS by 9:45 AM each day about
the quantum and duration of power for next day for sale in the market or can give a
standing consent to the ISGS.

STOA Procedures
As per the Electricity Act 2003, nondiscriminatory provisions for the use of transmission
lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any
licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulation
specified by the appropriate Commission shall be provided. Hence, the transmission
utilities shall allow access of their system for Open Access customers without any

a) As per the open access regulations, reservation of transmission corridor for

bilateral transactions can be made in the following ways:-
i. Advance Reservation

56 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

ii. First come first serve basis
iii. Day ahead basis
iv. Day ahead / same day in a contingency

b) Applications for day-ahead transactions shall be processed only after processing

of the collective transactions of the Power Exchange.

c) Procedure for scheduling of bilateral transactions and collective transactions are

as per CERC STOA regulations.
d) The STOA application shall include all necessary information as per the formats
and procedures prescribed by the POSOCO from time to time.

e) Wherever the proposed bilateral transaction has a State utility or an inter-state

entity as a buyer or a seller, concurrence of concerned State Load Dispatch Centre
shall be obtained in advance and submitted along with the application.

f) If the SLDC has not communicated any deficiency within 2 days of receipt of the
application and refusal of ‘no objection’ within specified time,’ no objection ‘shall
deem to have been granted.

g) Provided further that where concurrence is deemed to have been granted by the
SLDC, the applicant while making the application, shall submit an affidavit duly
notarized, declaring that a) SLDC failed to convey ‘no objection’ within specified
time and b) Necessary infrastructure for time block wise metering and accounting
in accordance with IEGC, is in place.

h) The constituents / traders shall seek the consent / approval of WRLDC as the case
may be well in advance especially whenever a transmission constraint is foreseen
to facilitate advanced booking of the transmission corridor and optimum utilization
by all the constituents.

i) While approving / consenting the STOA application, WRLDC shall check primarily
the following points of relevance.
i. Corridor availability
ii. Valid agreement between buyer/seller/trader shall be produced on demand.
iii. Consent from all the relevant utilities and RLDCs
iv. Payment status of necessary STOA charges.

57 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

7.2 STOA Implementation
a) The details regarding such STOA agreements and their implementation
philosophies are explained below. WRLDC would require above information in
respect of STOA for
a) Working out the net drawal schedule of each constituent

b) Checking for transmission constraints, if any, arising out of

such exchanges

b) The revision in the Advance and FCFS STOA category is allowed with two days
advance notice.
c) No revision in day-ahead and contingency

d) No post-facto revisions of schedule would be carried out on account of bilateral


7.3 STOA curtailment and revision

During transmission constraints, the STOA transactions will be curtailed first to ease the
congestion. Open access bilateral transactions would generally be curtailed first followed
by the collective transactions as per IEGC 6.5.28

The curtailment in case of tripping of unit, will be done as per IEGC 6.5.19. The clause is
reproduced below:
Clause 6.5.19. ”Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 6.5(18), in case of
forced outage of a unit for a Short Term bilateral transaction, where a generator of capacity
of 100 MW and above is seller, the generator shall immediately intimate the same along
with the requisition for revision of schedule and estimated time of restoration of the unit,
to SLDC/RLDC as the case may be. With the objective of not affecting the existing
contracts, the revision of schedule shall be with the consent of the buyer till 31.07.2010.
There-after, consent of the buyer shall not be a pre-requisite for such revision of schedule.
The schedule of the generator and the buyer shall be revised, accordingly. The revised
schedules shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting the time block in which
the forced outage is declared to be the first one. The RLDC shall inform the revised
schedule to the seller and the buyer. The original schedule shall become effective from
the estimated time of restoration of the unit. However the transmission charges as per
original schedule shall continue to be paid for two days.

58 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

The time of restoration will be informed by the generator along with transaction details at
the time of reporting the tripping.

"Provided that the generator or trading licensee any other agency selling power from the
generating station or unit(s) thereof may revise its estimated restoration time once in a
day and the revision schedule shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting
the time block in which the revision is advised by the generator to be the first one.”
The revisions in FCFS/Advanced STOA initiated by different utilities is as follows

i. Revision initiated from Trader/Applicant side

- Only downward revision is permissible
- Only FCFS/Advanced STOA are eligible for this
- Intimation by the applicant 2 clear days in advance i.e. a revision request must
reach RLDC by 17:30 hours of D-3 for implementing revision on D-day

ii. Revision of day ahead / contingency STOA initiated from Generator

- A generator/seller could request for revision on its own or via the trader for an
approved day ahead / contingency STOA transaction only in case of tripping of a
generating unit of capacity 100 MW or more. For sellers this dispensation could be
available provided the source of generation was indicated at the time of STOA-
application & a unit of the corresponding source-generator had tripped.
o The quantum/duration of revision
o Expected time of revival of the STOA
- The revised schedule shall be effective from 4th time block. This provision is not
applicable for PX transactions.

iii. Revision initiated from SLDC

- Schedule Curtailment under transmission constraint in STU network
- SLDC to clearly specify the STOA transactions to be curtailed for relieving the
transmission constraint.

iv. Revision initiated by WRLDC

- Schedule Curtailment under transmission constraint in ISTS network
- Schedule shall be curtailed in the order RRAS->STOA->PX->MTOA->LTA as

7.4 Default in payment of open access charges

c) In case of default in payment of the application fee or the chargesspecified under
these regulations, the nodal agency may, in its discretion, decide not to schedule

59 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

the transaction, or to cancel the scheduling of already scheduled transaction or not
to entertain any application of such persons in future until such time the default is

d) Notwithstanding the above, the person committing default in payment shall pay
simple interest at the rate of 0.04% for each day of default.

Denial of Open Access by RLDC

RLDC can deny open access as per Sec-25A of CERC(Open Access) Regulations &
CERC order in 142/MP/2012 for consistent & willful default by an entity in payment of
following charges.
- DSM charge,
- Reactive energy charge,
- Congestion charge
- RLDC/NLDC fees & charge including ULDC charge.
- Transmission charge
- DSM/UI charges to SLDC by an intra-state entity for a short term inter-state

RLDC can stop Open Access from the ‘default trigger date’ which is 90 days from the ‘due
date’, without approaching the Commission in terms of order of the Commission (dated
02.09.2015) in petition 142/MP/2012. The relevant para (Para 55, page 48) is reproduced
under for reference.
“55.It is to be noted that while RPS Regulations can be invoked for default on the part of a
regulated entity to pay the dues of generating companies and transmission licensees, Regulation
25A can be invoked for wilful and consistent default in paying UI/deviation charges, transmission
charges, reactive energy charges, congestion charges, and fees and charges for NLDC/RLDCs.
Therefore, only in case of default in payment of transmission charges, both Regulation 25A of Open
Access. Regulations and RPS Regulations can be invoked. In our view, when regulation of power
supply under RPS Regulations is resorted to for default in payment of transmission charges,
Regulation 25A should be invariably invoked as otherwise the defaulting entity would defeat
the regulation of power supply by scheduling under short term open access. Therefore, the
„wilful and consistent‟ default will be construed differently in both cases. In our view, default in
payment for a period of 90 days from the due date of payment of UI/deviation charges,
transmission charges, reactive energy charges, congestion charges and RLDC fees and charges
shall be considered as trigger point for invocation of Regulation 25A of Open Access Regulations
to deny short term open access to the defaulting entity. However, where a transmission licensee
resorts to regulation of power supply, denial of open access under Regulation 25A of Open Access

60 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Regulations shall be triggered from the date of commencement of regulation of power supply
under RPS Regulations. As regards the second issue as to whether NLDC/RLDCs will be
required to approach the Commission for invoking Regulation 25A of Open Access Regulations
on case to case basis, it is clarified that NLDC/RLDCs shall be guided by the principle of default
trigger date as clarified above and shall not be required to approach the Commission for specific
directions in this regard on case to case basis”.


61 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

62 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
8.1 Overview
Section 6.4 of the I.E.G.C details the demarcation of responsibilities for the purpose of
scheduling and despatch. This chapter describes the procedure for scheduling with the
treatment to be accorded for special conditions also.

8.2 General
WRLDC shall coordinate interchange scheduling through the Web based Interface. All the
regional entities shall upload the DC/Requistion through above interface.
For the purpose of scheduling, each day would be divided into 96 blocks of 15-minutes
duration each and for each block, WRLDC would intimate each SLDC the drawl schedule
and to each ISGS and other generators, the generation injection schedule in advance as
outlined in section 8.3 below.
“The system of each regional entity shall be treated and operated as a notional control
area. The algebraic summation of scheduled drawal from ISGS and from contracts
through long–term access, medium-term and short–term open access arrangements shall
provide the drawl schedule of each regional entity, and this shall be determined in advance
on day-ahead basis. The regional entities shall regulate their generation and/or
consumers’ load so as to maintain their actual drawal from the regional grid close to the
above schedule. Deviation, if any, from the drawl schedule, shall be within the limits
specified by the Central Commission in DSM Regulations and it shall not cause system
parameters to deteriorate beyond permissible limits and shall not lead to unacceptable
line loading. Such deviation from net drawal schedule shall be priced through the
Deviation Settlement (DSM) mechanism as specified by the Central Commission.”

The power system under each SLDC constitutes a notional control area and hence the
State would be required to maintain their actual drawl from the grid close to such net drawl
schedule by regulating own generation and / or load, particularly when frequency falls to
49.9Hz and going above 50.05 Hz.

The dispatch schedule of each ISGS shall be some of the requisitions made by each of
the beneficiaries, restricted to their entitlements and subject to the maximum and minimum
value criteria and any other technical constraints as indicated by WRLDC.

WRPC Secretariat would ensure that any change in the allocations from each ISGS
is finalized and intimated to all concerned at least 24 hours in advance to facilitate trading

63 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

of such capacity if required. This is in line with spirit of clause 5.1.3 of the ABT order of

8.3 Forecasting of Demand and RE Generation

IEGC mandates each SLDC shall carry out its own demand estimation from the historical
data and weather forecast data from time to time. Based on this demand estimate and the
estimated availability from different sources, SLDC shall plan demand management
measures like load shedding, power cuts, etc. and shall ensure that the same is
implemented by the SEB/distribution licensees.

RE generation is uncertain and variable but uncertainty and variability can and should be
minimized to the extent possible through proper forecasting. As per 6.5(23).iii of IEGC
(3rd Amendment) RLDC shall do forecasting for Regional Entity wind/solar generators for
system secutity purpose only. Eligible RE generators may use this forecasting for
scheduling their generation with no liability on RLDC on account of commercial impact
due to deviation.

8.4 Scheduling and Despatch Procedure

By 6 AM every day, the ISGS shall advise the concerned RLDC, the station-wise ex-power
plant MW and MWh capabilities foreseen for the next day, i.e., from 0000 hrs. to 2400 hrs.
of the following day.

The above information of the foreseen capabilities of the ISGS and the corresponding MW
and MWh entitlements of each State, shall be compiled by the RLDC every day for the
next day, and advised to all beneficiaries by 8 AM. The original beneficiary shall
communicate its consent to the ISGS by 9:45 AM each day about the quantum and
duration of power for next day for sale in the market The SLDCs shall review it vis-à-vis
their foreseen load pattern and their own generating capability including bilateral
exchanges, if any, and advise the RLDC by 3 PM their drawal schedule for each of the
ISGS in which they have Shares, long-term and medium-term bilateral interchanges,
approved short term bilateral interchanges.

While availability declaration by ISGS may have a resolution of 1 MW and 1 MWh, all
entitlements, requisitions and schedules shall be rounded off to the nearest decimal to
have a resolution of 0.1 MW.

The SLDCs may also give standing instructions to the RLDC such that the RLDC itself
may decide the best drawal schedules for the States.
a) Scheduling MTOA Transactions:

64 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Following is the extract in the procedure approved by CERC regarding scheduling of
MTOA transactions:
“17. Scheduling of Medium Term Open Access transaction. The scheduling jurisdiction
and procedure, curtailment and revision of schedule of MTOA transactions, metering,
energy accounting and accounting of Deviation charges shall be as per the Regulations
and the Indian Electricity Grid Code, as amended from time to time. While scheduling on
day-ahead basis, long-term access customers would have the highest priority, followed
by medium term customers and then followed by short-term customers. “

Underutilization of transmission capacity: In case it is observed by RLDCs that the

MTOA/LTA customer request for scheduling is consistently (for more than 5 days) lower
than the capacity granted by the Nodal Agency (i.e.; CTU), RLDC may issue a notice to
such MTOA/LTA customer asking the reasons for such under-utilization. The MTOA
customer shall furnish the reasons for such under-utilization and will provide such details
like the reduced requirement, likely period, etc. by the following day. The un-utilized
transfer capability will then be released for scheduling of Short-term open access

b) Scheduling of collective transactions:

i. NLDC shall indicate to Power Exchange(s), the list of interfaces/control

areas/regional transmission systems on which unconstrained flows are required to
be advised by the Power Exchange(s) to the NLDC.

Power Exchange(s) shall furnish the interchange on various interfaces/control

areas/regional transmission systems as intimated by NLDC. Power Exchange(s)
shall also furnish the information of total drawal and injection in each of the regions.
Based on the information furnished by the Power Exchanges, NLDC shall check
for congestion. In case of congestion, NLDC shall inform the Exchanges about the
period of congestion and the available limit for scheduling of collective transaction
on respective interface/control area/transmission systems during the period of
congestion for Scheduling of Collective Transaction through the respective Power
Exchange. The limit for scheduling of collective transaction for respective Power
Exchange shall be worked out in accordance with CERC directives.

Based on the application for scheduling of Collective Transaction submitted by the

Power Exchange(s),

65 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

NLDC shall send the details (Scheduling Request of Collective Transaction) to
different RLDCs for final checking and incorporating them in their schedules. After
getting confirmation from RLDCs, NLDC shall convey the acceptance of scheduling
of collective transaction to Power Exchange(s). RLDCs shall schedule the
Collective Transaction at the respective periphery of the Regional Entities.

ii. The individual transactions for State Utilities/intra-State Entities shall be scheduled
by the respective SLDCs. Power Exchange(s) shall send the detailed break up of
each point of injection and each point of drawal within the State to respective
SLDCs after receipt of acceptance from NLDC. Power Exchange(s) shall ensure
necessary coordination with SLDCs for scheduling of the transactions.

iii. Timeline for above activities will be as per detailed procedure for Scheduling of
Collective Transaction issued in accordance with CERC (Open Access in inter-
state transmission) Regulations, 2008 and as amended from time to time.
c) By 6 PM each day, the RLDC shall convey:

i. The ex-power plant “despatch schedule” to each of the ISGS, in MW for different
time block, for the next day. The summation of the ex-power plant drawal
schedules advised by all beneficiaries shall constitute the ex-power plant
station-wise despatch schedule.

ii. The “net drawal schedule” to each regional entity, in MW for different time block,
for the next day. The summation of the station-wise ex-power plant drawal
schedules from all ISGS and drawal from /injection to regional grid consequent
to other long term access, medium term and short-term open access
transactions, after deducting the transmission losses (estimated), shall
constitute the regional entity-wise drawal schedule.

d) The SLDCs/ISGS shall inform any modifications/changes to be made in drawal

schedule/foreseen capabilities, if any, to RLDC by 10 PM or preferably earlier.

e) The ISGS hydroelectric generating stations are expected to respond to grid

frequency changes and inflow fluctuations. They would, therefore, be free to
deviate from the given schedule as long as they do not cause a grid constraint.

f) The declaration of the generating capability by hydro ISGS should include limitation
on generation during specific time periods, if any, on account of restriction(s) on
water use due to irrigation, drinking water, industrial, environmental considerations
etc. The concerned Load Despatch Centre shall periodically check that the
generating station is declaring the capacity and energy sincerely, and is not

66 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

manipulating the declaration with the intent of making undue money through

g) Since variation of generation in run-of-river power stations shall lead to spillage,

these shall be treated as must run stations. All renewable energy power plants,
except for biomass power plants, , and non-fossil fuel based cogeneration plants
whose tariff is determined by the CERC shall be treated as ‘MUST RUN’ power
plants and shall not be subjected to ‘merit order despatch’ principles.
h) Run-of-river power station with pondage and storage type power stations are
designed to operate during peak hours to meet system peak demand. Maximum
capacity of the station declared for the day shall be equal to the installed capacity
including overload capability, (if any) minus auxiliary consumption, corrected for
the reservoir level. The Regional Load Despatch Centers shall ensure that
generation schedules of such type of stations are prepared and the stations
dispatched for optimum utilization of available hydro energy except in the event of
specific system requirements/constraints.
i) WRLDC will ensure following points while preparing the schedule.

a. The final drawl / dispatch schedule shall not give rise to any transmission
constraints. In case of such constraints, WRLDC shall moderate the
schedule to the required extent as per IEGC clause 6.4.12, 6.4.15

b. The final drawl / dispatch schedules shall be operationally reasonable

particularly in terms of ramping up / ramping down rates and ratio between
minimum and maximum generation levels.

c. The procedure to be followed for STOA bilateral curtailment has already

been indicated in Chapter-7

8.5 Revision of Schedules

a) In case of a forced outage of a unit, WRLDC will revise the schedules on the basis
of revised DC. The revised schedule will become effective from the 4th time block
counting the time block in which the revision is advised by the generator to be the
first one.

b) In the event of a situation arising out of bottle neck in evacuation of power due to
transmission constraints, WRLDC shall revise the schedule which shall become
effective from the 4th time block counting the time block in which the transmission
constraints has been brought to the notice of WRLDC as a first one. During the first

67 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

three time blocks, the schedules shall deem to have been revised to be equal to
the actual generation of ISGS and drawl by the States.

c) Revision of declared capability by generator and requisition by the beneficiaries for

the remaining period of the day shall be permitted with advance notice. Revised
schedules / declared capability in such cases shall become effective from the 4th
time block counting the time block in which the request for revision has been
received by RLDC to be the first one.
d) In case of transmission constraints, curtailment shall be done by WRLDC as per
IEGC clause 6.5.28.
e) The procedure for STOA curtailment is outlined in Chapter-7 at 7.4

f) If at any point of time, WRLDC observes that there is need for revision of schedules
in the interest of better system operation, it may do so on its own and in such cases,
the revised schedules shall become effective from the 4th time block counting the
time block in which the revised schedule is issued by RLDC to be the first one.

g) On completion of the operating day, the final schedule as implemented shall be

issued by WRLDC after incorporating all before the fact changes during the day of

h) The final schedule implemented by WRLDC shall be open to all constituents for
checking / verification for a period of five days and mistakes/omissions, if any,
would be rectified
i) Revision of STOA Transactions: Already outlined in capter-7

j) As per clause 6.5.17 of IEGC (2nd Amendment), revision of schedules during grid
disturbance is shall be done as given below
a. Schedule = Actual during the disturbance

b. WRLDC shall post a notice on web site declaring the “Grid Disturbance” in
case it has occurred in WR.
c. Certification of GD & its duration shall be done by RLDC

8.6 Scheduling of Un-requisitioned surplus

As per CERC order dated 5.10.2015 in petition No. 310/2014, generating stations whose
tariff is determined by this Commission under section 62 or adopted by this Commission
under section 63 of the Act shall be permitted to revise their schedule for URS power from

68 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

one beneficiary to another beneficiary of the same power station in terms of Regulation
6.5.18 of the Grid Code within 4 time blocks. Consent of the original beneficiary and the
new beneficiary shall be submitted by the ISGS intending to avail revision of schedule to
the concerned RLDC by mail.

In case original beneficiary requests back for its share of power then its schedule and
schedule of beneficiary who had availed URS power may be revised within four time
blocks as per the IEGC provisions and as amended from time to time.

8.7 Technical Minimum and Reserve Shut Down (RSD)

The regulation on Technical Minimum and RSD was notified by CERC vide IEGC 4th
Amendement. WRLDC shall facilitate the above in line with the detailed procedure
prepared by NLDC and approved by CERC vide order L-1/219/2017-CERC dated 5th May

8.8 Scheduling under Ancillary Services and Spinning Reserves

WRLDC/NLDC shall coordinate scheduling of eligible generating stations under Ancillary
services and Spinning reserves as per the detailed procedure prepared by NLDC and
approved by CERC in line with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Ancillary
Services Operations) Regulations, 2015 vide notification 18/1/2013/Reg.Aff.(AS
Regul.)/CERC dated 13th August 2015.

8.9 SSP Scheduling

SSP is a joint power project shared by Maharashtra, Gujarat and M.P. The scheduling of
SSP is done by Narmada Control Authority (NCA) as mandated by IEGC clause 1.3 iii)
and 6.3.

Scheduling of SSP (Best Fit Schedule) by Narmada Control Authority (NCA): In line with
IEGC section 1.3(iii), NCA, being the nodal agency for scheduling generation of Sardar
Sarovar Hydro Power Plant (6x200 MW + 5x50 MW, has developed a procedure (viz. Best
fit Schedule) for optimal scheduling of SSP generation in consultation with all three
beneficiary states viz. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Gujarat. The Best fit methodology
has been approved in WRPC forum & implemented by NCA under intimation to WRLDC
from February 2014. A summary of the methodology adopted by NCA for scheduling SSP
generation is given at Annex-XV.

8.10 Scheduling of Wind and Solar generation

69 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Scheduling of Wind and Solar generation shall be done as per IEGC clause 6.5.23.
Deviation Settlement shall be in line with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Indian Electricity Grid Code) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

8.11 Exchange of Information

In order to avoid any adverse commercial effect on the ISGS/SLDCs, the need for a
reliable and fast communication arrangements for exchange of information in respect of
scheduling need not be over emphasized.

a) The revision of schedule would be required under the following conditions as

detailed at 8.4.above
i. Forced outage of an ISGS unit
ii. Transmission constraints resulting in output reduction in any ISGS
iii. Revision of DC by any ISGS
iv. Revision of requisition by any beneficiary

v. Suo Moto revision by WRLDC in the interest of better system operation and
system constraints. Format for giving intimation to the constituents regarding
Suo Moto Revision by WRLDC is given at Annex-XVI.

As the time available for schedule revision is limited (half an hour only) , some of the steps
mentioned in section 8.3 above would be skipped for e.g., in cases i), ii) & iii) above, there
need not be any fresh requisition from the beneficiaries and WRLDC would assume as

i. On occasions of downward revision: The constituents requisition will be

deemed as earlier MW requirement or maximum revised entitlement whichever
is less.

ii. On occasion of upward revision: The constituents requisition will be deemed as

earlier MW requirement if there were under-requisition by the constituents prior
to the revision otherwise the constituents requirement will be deemed as full
revised entitlement.

b) In view of large volume of information needed to be exchanged in a time bound

manner, the transfer of information between WRLDC and other constituents i.e.,
constituent States and ISGS will be carried out on internet only. The data available
on WRLDC website is to be checked by the regional entities. Any discrepancies

70 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

observed should be brought to the notice of WRLDC Control Room executives
immediately for necessary verification and corrections if any.

However, in case of contingencies like internet failure etc., the transfer of information could
be effected through alternate mode i.e., fax / telephone on request of concerned

The ISGS, beneficiaries and all other users shall, by continuous access, seek the
information from WRLDC websites ( / Utilities can search data
from WRLDC website for their requisitions and declared capacities, as relevant to them.
In case of any discrepancy, it may please be brought to the notice of WRLDC Control
room, immediately.

At the end of the day, the final schedule as implemented after incorporating all before the
fact changes during the day of operation shall be made available by WRLDC on the

71 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

72 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
9.1 Objective
The objective of this chapter is to facilitate restoration and resynchronization of affected
constituent systems in the wake of grid disturbance in the shortest possible time taking
into consideration all essential requirements like traction loads, industrial loads,
generation capability and the operational constraints of transmission system.

9.2 Overview
As per CEA regulations on Grid standards 2010,
a) “Grid disturbance” means tripping of one or more power system elements of
the grid like a generator, transmission line, transformer, shunt reactor, series
capacitor and Static VAR Compensator, resulting in total failure of supply at
a sub-station or loss of integrity of the grid, at the level of transmission
system at 220 kV and above.

b) “Grid incident” means tripping of one or more power system elements of the
grid like a generator, transmission line, transformer, shunt reactor, series
capacitor and Static VAR Compensator, which requires re-scheduling of
generation or load, without total loss of supply at a sub-station or loss of
integrity of the grid at 220 kV and above.

In the event of a grid disturbance, highest priority is to be accorded to early

restoration / revival of the system. During restoration, it is possible that system may
have to be operated with reduced security standards and under suspension of all
commercial incentives / penalties. This chapter forms the guidelines for
classifications of disturbances into different categories for the purpose of analysis
and reporting.

9.3 Grid incidents and disturbances

a) Classification of Grid incidents and disturbances
As per CEA regulations on Grid standards 2010, the categorization of grid incidents and
grid disturbances shall be as follows:-

73 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

b) Categorization of grid incidents in increasing order of severity,-

Category GI-1 - Tripping of one or more power system elements of the Grid like a
generator, transmission line, transformer, shunt reactor, series capacitor and Static VAR
Compensator, which requires re-scheduling of generation or load, without total loss of
supply at a sub-station or loss of integrity of the grid at 220 kV

Category GI-2 - Tripping of one or more power system elements of the grid like a
generator, transmission line, transformer, shunt reactor, series capacitor and Static VAR
Compensator, which requires re-scheduling of generation or load, without total loss of
supply at a sub-station or loss of integrity of the grid at 400 kV
c) Categorization of grid disturbance in increasing order of severity,-

Category GD-1 - When less than ten per cent of the antecedent generation or load in a
regional grid is lost;

Category GD-2 - When ten per cent to less than twenty percent of the antecedent
generation or load in a regional grid is lost.

Category GD-3 - When twenty per cent to less than thirty per cent of the antecedent
generation or load in a regional grid is lost;

Category GD-4 - When thirty per cent to less than forty per cent. of the antecedent
generation or load in a regional grid is lost;

Category GD-5 - When forty per cent or more of the antecedent generation or load in a
regional grid is lost.

Explanation: For the purpose of categorization of grid disturbances, percentage loss of

generation or load, whichever is higher shall be considered.

The dispatch schedule for ISGS, Other Gencos and net drawl schedules (including STOA)
for constituents would be suspended on case to case basis as decided by WRLDC looking
into the network and generation affected. As per IEGC clause 6.5.17, scheduled
generation of all the ISGS and scheduled drawl of all the beneficiaries shall be deemed
to have been revised to be equal to their actual generation/drawl for all the time blocks
affected by the grid disturbance. Certification of grid disturbance and its duration shall be
done by WRLDC.

d) In any case, if only one state system or one ISGS is affected, the schedules would
not be suspended but only revised.

74 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

e) In case of transmission constraints, curtailment shall be done by WRLDC as per
IEGC clause 6.5.28

9.4 System Revival

The recovery of the system shall be carried out in line with the document ‘Recovery
Procedure for Western Region’

The general guidelines and precautions to be followed during system revival are indicated

While building up the system, it would be ensured that the voltage at the charging end
remains within limits by taking reactive support from Generators and ensuring all Bus
reactors/ line reactors in service.

a) Security of the network being built up would be strengthened at the earliest by

closing the parallel lines available in the restoration path.

b) Priority would be accorded for extending supply to Railway tractions and

installations where safety is of paramount important such as Nuclear power

c) All switching instructions for a particular system have to emanate from a single
agency i.e. SLDC/CPCC as the case may be. For synchronization of two systems,
WRLDC would be the coordinating agency.

d) During revival, only authorized personnel would be present in Control room of

substation / power station / SLDC / WRLDC so as to expedite restoration.

e) In line with section 5.8(e) of IEGC, all communication channels for restoration
process shall be used for operational communication only until the grid normalcy is
f) Restricted Governor Mode of Operation and generators with excitation control
would help in proper frequency/voltage control.

g) Synchronizing facility available at major grid substations will be used so as to have

flexibility in choosing the point of synchronization.

h) All SLDCs / ISGS/ISTS / RLDC and other users shall make available a copy of the
latest ‘Recovery Procedures for Western Region’ for ready reference to their
operating staff in Control room.

9.5 Declaration of System Normalization

75 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

System normalization will be declared by WRLDC as follows:
a) All major sub-systems have been synchronized and

b) A minimum of around 50% of the total loss of generation at ISGS stations during
the incident have been revived or 50% of the last normal day’s system demand is

9.6 Disturbance Recorders

Following are the provisions in various statutes related to disturbance recorders:

 IEGC (2010) clause No. 4.6.3

 IEGC (2010) clause No. 5.2 (r)

 IEGC (2010) clause No. 5.9.6 (c) VI

 CEA grid standards Regulation 2010 Clause 15(3) and 15(4)

 CEA Technical standard for connectivity to the grid Regulation 2007 page 14
clause No. 7.

 CEA technical standard for construction of electrical plants and electrical lines 2010
– clause No. 4(d).
As per above statutes the Compliance Requirements are as follows:

a) Disturbance Recorders shall be provided and shall always be kept in working

condition by all the users of ISTS, STUs and CTUs.

b) All the Users, STUs/SLDCs and CTUs shall furnish Disturbance Recorder Outputs
to RLDC upon request or by exception following disturbance within 24 hrs.

c) Disturbance Recorders shall be kept in healthy condition so that under no condition

important data is lost.
d) Disturbance Recorders shall be time-synchronized.
These provisions are applicable to:

a) The above Compliance requirement applies to sub-stations of above 220 kV and

all users connected to the grid at 220 kV and above.
b) All HVDC terminals, back to back stations and lines.
c) Generating stations.

76 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

9.7 Event Reporting for GD/GI events:
In compliance to Section 5.9.6 of IEGC WRLDC will report any GI/GD event to all users
of WR grid and NLDC in the form of a flash report (Format given at Annex-XVII) after
getting firsthand information from the site over phone / email. Subsequently a detailed
analysis of the event shall be carried out by WRLDC on receiving relevant data
(Disturbance Recorder output/Event Logger output/Sequence of Events (SOE)
data/Relay & Window indication etc.) from site and a detailed report be prepared and
communicated to all SLDCs/STUs/users/NLDC. The utility in which system the incident
(GI/GD) has occurred shall furnish the requisite information to WRLDC as specified in
section 5.9.6(c) of IEGC within 24 hrs. of the occurrence.

77 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

78 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
10.1 Objective
To define the timeline, procedure and structure for incidents required to be reported,
information to be furnished.

10.2 Overview
Timely and accurate reporting and exchange of information plays an important role in grid
operation. This assumes more importance during a disturbance or crisis. Timely and
accurate information flow under such conditions would help people in making an informed
decision and reduces uncertainty. This chapter documents the sequence of information to
be exchanged between the constituents and WRLDC and its periodicity.
Event Information (As per IEGC 5.9.5)
a) Responsibility

i. The RLDC/SLDC shall be responsible for reporting events to the Users,

SLDC/STU, and CTU/NLDC/RLDC/RPC Secretariat as the case may be.

ii. All Users, STU, CTU and the SLDC shall be responsible for collection and
reporting of all necessary data to NLDC, WRLDC and WRPC Secretariat for
monitoring, reporting and event analysis as the case may be.
b) Reportable Events
Any of the following events require reporting by WRLDC to Users, SLDC, STU, and CTU:
i. Violation of security standards.
ii. Grid indiscipline.
iii. Non-compliance of RLDC’s instructions.
iv. System islanding/system split
v. Regional black out/partial system black out

vi. Protection failure on any element of ISTS, and on any item on the “agreed list”
of the intra-State systems.
vii. Power system instability
viii. Tripping of any element of the Regional grid.

79 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

ix. Sudden load rejection by any User
c) Reporting Procedure
i. Written reporting of Events by Users, STU, CTU and SLDC to WRLDC:

In the case of an event which was initially reported by a User, STU, CTU or a
SLDC to RLDC orally, the User, STU, CTU, SLDC will give a written report to
RLDC in accordance with this section. RLDC in turn give a report to NLDC.
ii. Written Reporting of Events by RLDC to Users, STU, CTU and SLDC:
In the case of an event which was initially reported by RLDC to Users, STU,
CTU SLDC, NLDC orally, the RLDC will give a written report to the Users, STU,
CTU, SLDC, and NLDC in accordance with this section.
iii. Form of Written Reports:

A written report shall be sent to NLDC, RLDC, STU ,CTU and SLDC, as the
case may be, in the reporting formats as devised by the appropriate load
despatch Centre and will confirm the oral notification together with the following
details of the event within 24 hours
a. Time and date of event
b. Location
c. Plant and/or Equipment directly involved
d. Description and cause of event

e. Antecedent conditions of load and generation, including frequency,

voltage and the flows in the affected area at the time of tripping including
Weather Condition prior to the event

f. Duration of interruption and Demand and/or Generation (in MW and

MWH) interrupted

g. All Relevant system data including copies of records of all recording

instruments including Disturbance Recorder, Event Logger, DAS etc.
h. Sequence of tripping with time.
i. Details of Relay Flags.
j. Remedial measures

80 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

d) Any tripping of an element under the list of important elements of regional grid),
whether manual or automatic, shall be intimated by the control centre of the
constituent to WRLDC within 10 minutes of the incident. Along with the tripping
intimation, the reasons for tripping (to the extent known) and the likely time of
restoration shall also be submitted to RLDC in accordance to the format given in

e) Any operation planned to be carried by a constituent which may have an impact on

the regional grid or on any of the important element, shall be reported by the
constituent to WRLDC in advance.

f) Any operation planned to be carried out on the instructions of WRLDC which may
have an impact on the system of a constituent/s shall be reported by WRLDC to
such constituent/s in advance.

g) The intimation and the exact time of revival of any element under the category of
important events will be furnished to WRLDC as early as possible.
h) Under Frequency Relay Operation (Constituents to WRLDC) :In line with clause
5.2 (n) of IEGC, all state constituents have to provide AUFLS in their respective
systems as per plans approved by WRPC to arrest frequency decline that could
result in collapse / dis-integration of the grid. In order to check and ascertain their
operation as per approved plans, the details of all such tripping in their areas shall
be intimated by each SLDCs to WRLDC whenever required by the later.

i) Weekly Report (WRLDC to constituents): WRLDC shall issue a weekly report to all
the constituents of the region covering the performance of the regional grid during
the previous week.

j) Quarterly Reports (WRLDC to constituents): A quarterly report shall be issued by

WRLDC to all the constituents detailing the power supply position during the last
quarter, quality of supply, the system constraints and other relevant information.

k) Exceptional Reporting (constituents to WRLDC): In case of any contingency such

as industrial unrest, natural calamity etc., there could be additional reporting
requirements not covered in the above schedule. WRLDC shall inform all
constituents of any such exceptional requirements and the constituents would
extend all necessary cooperation in this regard.

81 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

82 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
11.1 Overview
The settlement system is an important part in implementation of Availability Based Tariff
(ABT). The system involves scheduling, metering, data collection and processing, energy
accounting and Deviation Account bills. This chapter indicates the roles and
responsibilities of the different constituents in making the settlement system operative in
most efficient manner.

11.2 Metering and Data Collection

a) As per Chapter-6 clause 6.4.21 of IEGC-2010, the CTU shall install Special Energy
Meters on all inter connections between the regional entities and other identified
points for recording of actual net MWh interchanges and MVARh drawls.
b) The installation, operation and maintenance of special energy meters shall be in
accordance with Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters)
Regulations, 2006 and Central Electricity Authority (Installation of Operation of
meters) Amendment Regulation 2010.

c) The type of meters to be installed, metering scheme, metering capability, testing

and calibration requirements and scheme for collection and dissemination of meter
data shall be as per Annexure-2 of IEGC-2010
d) All concerned entities having SEMs installed in their premises shall fully cooperate
and extend necessary assistance by taking weekly meter reading and transmitting
them to WRLDC in time.

e) Meter replacements, testing and change in meter location shall be done with prior
permission of WRLDC.
f) Any change/correction in CT/PT ratios to be informed immediately to RLDC.

g) All concerned entities having SEMs shall also carry out necessary time
adjustments in the meter as per the procedure already in vogue/advice of WRLDC.

h) If there exists a problem in any SEMs installed in their premises, the matter shall
be taken up with POWERGRID transmission group for necessary action with
intimation to WRLDC.

83 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

i) Any new line/ generation station / ICTS forming part of ISTS network, the
concerned regional entity must confirm the installation of Special Energy Meters
(SEMs) at interface points at least 15days before charging of the element.

j) Before trail run/ 72 Hrs performance test dummy meter readings of the element is
to be forwarded to RLDC for checking problems associated with meter if any.

11.3 Data Processing

a) All the energy meter data would reach WRLDC by every Monday for the previous
week from Monday to Sunday. WRLDC would carry out data validation and in case
of any problem, request any entity to send the data again. Each entity would
therefore have necessary backup of data at their local PC level.
b) The computation of the net injection of each ISGS and actual net drawl of each
beneficiary shall be carried out in line with clause 6.4.22 of IEGC based on the
above meter readings received at WRLDC. The preparation of Deviation accounts
and monthly REA to the constituents shall be done by WRPC Secretariat on the
basis of meter data and implemented schedule forwarded by WRLDC.

c) Data related to the reactive energy between two regional entities and between
regional entity and ISTS points would also be forwarded by WRLDC for preparation
of reactive energy accounts by WRPC Secretariat.

11.4 Energy Accounting

WRPC Secretariat would process the information provided by WRLDC to determine the

a) As per clause 2.4.5 of IEGC-2010, WRPC will prepare monthly Regional Energy
b) On a weekly basis

i. WRPC shall prepare weekly Deviation bills as per Central Electricity Regulatory
Commissions’ Regulation on “Unscheduled Interchange charges and related
matters (Amendment) Regulation 2010”.

ii. WRPC shall prepare weekly reactive energy account clause 6.6 and Annexure-
2 of IEGC 2010

11.5 Pool Account Operation

84 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

In line with the Deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulation a statement of charges for
deviation including additional charges for deviation shall be prepared by the WRPC
secretariat on weekly basis based on the data provided by WRLDC by Thursday of the
week & WRPC secretariat shall issue to all constituents by next Tuesday The agencies
that have to receive the money from pool accounts would then be paid within 2-working
days of the receipt of the payment. These pool accounts are to be reconciled once in six
months. The following accounts are operated by WRLDC. All the transactions with these
accounts are done through RTGS.

Bnak Name
Account Account Name and Account Nos
No. Code
Reactive POSOCO
1 Energy WRPC
charge REACTIVE A/C 386103000001649
2 POOL Mumbai- IBKL0000386
ACCOUNT 400093
FUND 386103000003896
CHARGE A/C 386103000001601


85 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

86 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
12.1 Introduction
It has always been the endeavour of WRLDC to undertake projects to implement state of
the art tools and deploy new technology in its operation, more so, considering the rapid
expansion of the western regional grid. Various facilities and brief description on some of
the major technological deployment are given in the subsequent sections:

1. EMS / SCADA system

EMS/SCADA package has been commissioned in Western Region for the first time under
Unified Load Dispatch & Communication (ULDC) project during July 2006 to facilitate load
dispatching functions. The scheme envisaged installation and commissioning of Remote
Terminal Units, integration of existing RTUs in Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Goa and Union Territory of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, installation and
commissioning of dedicated communication system comprising of fiber optic and PLCC
system, installation and commissioning of auxiliary power system such as UPS, DG set,
48V DC supply system and installation of EPABX system. Under the scheme, the
Regional Load Despatch Centre (RLDC ) and Central Project Coordination Centre
(CPCC) were established at Mumbai and Jabalpur respectively whereas State Load
Despatch Centers (SLDCs) were established at Bhilai (Chhattisgarh), Gotri (Gujarat),
Jabalpur (M.P) and Panjim (Goa). Under each SLDC, sub-LDCs were also established.
ULDC scheme operates in a hierarchical structure consisting of state-of-art equipment
and advanced SCADA-EMS functions. The scheme has been phased out on 13 October
2015 after expiry of 5 years Long Term Service Agreement (LTSA) with the supplier (M/s
GE India). Presently new EMS/SCADA supplied by M/s GE T&D (formerly Alstom T&D)
has been installed in Western Region Load Despatch Centre and SLDC/Sub-LDCs of
Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, GOA , DD and DNH. Under this project SCADA
system is being installed for first time in Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Further
for the first time, full fledged disaster recovery facilities at - State and regional levels have
been planned. Accordingly backup control centres have been established for Western
Region Load Dispatch Centre, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, GOA under the
new EMS/SCADA project. Migratation to new EMS/SCADA at all control centers has been
completed on 31st March 2016.
Some features of the New EMS / SCADA system are listed below:-

 Installation of SCADA/EMS system at Main & Backup Control Centers of WRLDC,

MPPTCL, GETCO, CSPTCL and GSED and SCADA Systems at Union territories of
Daman Diu (DDED) & Dadra Nagar Haveli (DNHED).
 The Back up Control Centres are capable to perform all functions of the Main control
Centre except DTS.
 Integration of existing & new RTUs with Main & Backup Control Centers.

87 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

 Installation of Data Concentrators/ Terminal Servers.
 Integration of SCADA/EMS systems of MSETCL with Main & backup control,centers
 Integration of Wide area measurement system (WAMS)/Phasor Data concentrator
(PDC) with Control Centers.
 Integration of Renewable Energy Control Centers with Main and Backup Control
 Installation of Auxiliary Power supply system for Main and backup control Centers.

Data flow philosophy under the new EMS/SCADA system:

Under the new scheme, RTU data is

communicated to both main and backup
control centre at Sub LDC, SLDC and RLDC
for direct reporting RTU. Subsequently real
time values are configured on ICCP to update
in hierarchical manner for main control centres
at SLDC, RLDC & NLDC where as back up
control centres are also configured in similar
manner as per data flow philosophy. Data flow
from sub station / Generating station upto
NLDC is shown in the figure.

2. Brief Overview on NEW SCADA from

The GE SCADA/EMS system in WRLDC has
been replaced by GE (formerly Alstom) SCADA/EMS system, under Replacement /
Upgradation of Existing SCADA/EMS Systems at WRLDC and SLDCs of Western Region.
The applications of the new SCADA system are broadly grouped into the following:

i) SCADA Applications
ii) Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR)
iii) Network Management System (NMS)
For the first time fully functional back-up control centre is implemented as part of the
project which will address business continuity concerns, crisis management and disaster

88 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Typical functions required for electrical grid operation are included under SCADA
applications and are briefly mentioned in this section. Field data is accessed through RTU
data acquisition. Analog, Status and SoE data are acquired through either periodic scans
or by exception. Demand scan feature is also available under predefined situation and on
user intervention. Both IEC 60870-5-104 and IEC 60870-5-101 protocols are supported
for RTU data acquisition. Exchange of real-time data with other Control Centres and
between Main and Back-up Control Centre is ensured through industry standard protocols
like ICCP- over a network of communications links; Data Exchange with Information
Storage and Retrieval (ISR) system as well as with offline system facilitate post event data
analysis, reporting, database updating through csv, spreadsheet, excel, etc. Data
Processing facilities prepare the data from various sources like telemetry, calculations,
manual entry, web services of offline applications, EMS applications, ICCP, SoE, ISR, etc
for use by the power system applications of the SCADA system.
SCADA/EMS application consists of Topology Processor for power system network status
processing function. Topology Processor analyses the open/closed status of switching
devices, such as circuit breakers and isolators, so that substation/network topology is
appropriately displayed for real time operation. Topology Processor is configured to
distinguish energized, de-energized (line open from both ends) and partially energized
(line open from one end) power system elements such as lines, transformers, bus-bars,
generating units etc. so that associated displays correctly show the field status of the
substation/network. The topology is re-evaluated and updated on status change of
switching devices. Sequence of Events (SoE) data are time stamped chronological listing
of status change/events, collected from the RTUs directly and through connected control
and is helpful for various data analysis, say, event analysis.
Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR) system facilitate storage, archival and retrieval of
process parameters to create valuable information for grid operation. It has provisions to
access this data and display it through high-quality graphics, plots, trend and Management
Information System (MIS) reports. Data historian captures raw production data in real-
time and facilitates user-configurable graphical visualization, reports and analysis. It
enables display of current and past operating conditions on desktops throughout the
enterprise beyond the control room. The data historian provides operators, engineers and
management with direct access to a single integrated source of information.
Network Management System (NMS) performs important functions like, Security
Management to protect systems and network from unauthorised access, manage user
access, define rights and privileges. It provides Inventory and Performance Management of
the network as well as does Fault Management to recognise, log and identify fault on network
and connected machines, nodes or devices.

3. Communication Facilities
Dedicated Communication network for reliable real time data flow for grid operation has
been commissioned under ULDC scheme. The communication system is being further

89 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

augmented by POWERGRID under Master Communication Plan (MCP) for Western
Region. Under MCP, 10,000 kms of OPGW is under installation in Western Region with
upgraded end equipment. The proposed communication network for Western Region is
given below.

12.2 SCADA Data acquisition

The SCADA system has been designed for continuous real time data availability for grid
operation and control with high level of reliability. In order to achieve this, redundancy has
been provided at communications and at each SCADA function level. Real time data
comprising of around 508,000 number of analog measurands (MW, MVAR, KV,
Frequency, OLTC tap position) and approximately 60,000 number of status indication
points (Isolator, Circuit breaker, Sequence of events – protection operation) are being
acquired at WRLDC from more than 180 nodes (mostly above 400 kV) across the Western
region. Data from these nodes are updated every 10-12 seconds for analog measurands
and every (2) 4 seconds by exception for status indication points. The real time data are
archived to historical data base in eDNA historian and various reports, analysis, graphs,
charts etc. are prepared for reporting day-to-day functioning to various agencies/

90 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

departments including CEA and MOP. Important parameters from stations in other regions
are also available at WRLDC through ICCP from NLDC.

12.3 SCADA Operational Requirements

a) Validation / Correctness of Data :
The entire gamut of real time monitoring of the regional grid and EMS functions
depends upon the availability, reliability and authenticity of telemetered data. It is
therefore essential that various control centers viz, RLDC / SLDCs / Sub LDCs /
substations take responsibility towards authenticity / validation of the data on a
regular basis so that the facilities created in the scheme is optimally utilized to
benefit grid operation. It is therefore considered essential that each control centre
i.e., RLDC/SLDCs/Sub LDCs/substation takes up the exercise of data validation /
authenticity periodically preferably once in three month or whenever any
discrepancy is noticed to ensure that error free data from various nodes are
available to the control centers.
b) Availability of Speech and Data Communication System

In the event of commissioning of new generating station / substation / transmission

elements etc., it is essential that reliable and efficient speech and data
communication system are provided by the concerned agency to facilitate data up
to WRLDC / SLDC as the case may be. In this connection, clause 4.6.2 of IEGC is
relevant and hence reproduced below:

Reliable and efficient speech and data communication system shall be provided to
facilitate necessary communication and data exchange, and supervision / control
of the grid by the RLDC, under normal and abnormal conditions. All agencies shall
provide systems to telemeter power system parameter such as flow, voltage and
status of switches / transformer taps etc. in line with interface requirements and
other guidelines made available to RLDC / SLDC as the case may be, shall also
be established by the concerned agency as specified by CTU in connection
agreement. All agencies in coordination with CTU shall provide the required
facilities at their respective ends and RLDC / SLDC as specified in the connection

Every new substation/generating station, after verifying each data point with
WRLDC, is required to submit necessary details as per format B-3 during FTC (first
time charging) request. Confirmation from SCADA is given based on verification of
these details submitted and is an inherent part of approval procedure for first time
charging requests.
91 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017
c) Availability of RTUs

Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) constitute an important element of the SCADA

system for transfer of analog measurands and status indications continuously from
various nodes to the control centre. Hence, it is essential that RTUs installed in the
system and reporting to different control centers are monitored and maintained in
a proper way to ensure continuity of data. Failure of any RTU may cause stoppage
of data and thereby may lead to operational problem. Hence, it is important that
any problem encountered in RTU causing failure of data to the control centre is
attended at the earliest preferably within 24 hours so that information flow is
restored. Further redundant RTU/Gateway is to installed by substation/generating
stations with secondary channel for ensuring minimum down time.
d) Availability of Dedicated Communication System

In order to transfer the real time data from RTUs to sub-SLDCs / SLDCs / WRLDC,
communication backbone network consisting of fiber optic and PLCC links are
provided and the same need to be maintained properly. In case of any failure of
the link i.e., fiber cut between two locations causing complete failure of upstream
data, failure of supply to the repeater station etc., immediate action needs to be
initiated by the concerned authority to restore the system data as quickly as
possible preferably within 24 hours to avoid any operational problem. Data
communication protection path is required to be established for every path
especially for nodes connected to critical grid elements and major control areas
e) Upkeep / Maintenance of Control Centers

All out efforts should be made by WRLDC / SLDC / sub-SLDCs to ensure that
proper environmental conditions are maintained in all the control centers for proper
functioning of the equipment and in the event of failure of any auxiliary system such
as Air conditioning, UPS etc., immediate action is initiated by the concerned to
restore the system at the earliest. Quarterly Preventive maintenance activities of
SCADA system is done wherein all servers are cleaned and backups are taken.

12.4 Energy Management System (EMS)

Real time Network Analysis or State estimation is carried out periodically every five
minutes. The network modelling is done in parallel with SCADA configuration and the
database is updated as and when a new modification or addition in the network occurs.
The information about the integration of new element in the grid is collected beforehand

92 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

and is modelled in the network before its first time charging. The EMS in SCADA system
is used by real time security desk for evaluating important contingencies by doing
powerflow on the base case provided by State estimator. The EMS system is used for
monitoring the real time angles between important corridoors thus keeping the stress on
the system in check.

12.5 SCADA data on WRLDC intranet

All the analog data reporting in SCADA system are archived in historian. Daily reports of
all Western region important grid parameters such as generation, demand, line flows,
400kV and 765kV bus voltages, constituent’s actual drawl from grid, ICT flows etc. are
generated and posted in Intranet at WRLDC. A Web-browser based interface is provided
on WRLDC intranet for access of all historical data by user departments for their
respective requirements.

93 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

13.1 Introduction
One of the greatest advantages of synchrophasor technology is availability of time
synchronized data obtained from various grid stations spread across a wide geographical
area covering thousands of square kilometers. With the help of Synchrophasor
technology, system operators can monitor the magnitude and angle of each phase of the
three phase voltage/current, frequency, rate of change of frequency and angular
separation at every few millisecond interval (say 40 milliseconds) in the Load Despatch
Centre. Thus the transient / dynamic behavior of the power system can be observed in
near real-time at the control centre which hitherto was possible only in offline mode in the
form of substation Disturbance Records or through offline dynamic simulations performed
on network models.

The endeavor started with a demo project in the year 2012 with two Phasor Measurement
Units (PMUs) at Raipur and Bhadrawati substations and one Phasor Data Concentrator
(PDC) at WRLDC, subsequently interim project with eleven number of PMUs was
commissioned. As on date twenty PMUs are reporting to WRLDC PDC from eighteen

In continuation to pilot projects, during FY 2016-17 around 22 Substations consisting of

150 individual PMUs have been successfully integrated with newly commissioned
WRLDC WAMS system under Unified Real Time dynamic State measurement (URTDSM)

Thus within a span of five years synchrophasor initiatives resulted in understanding and
harnessing the benefits of the technology with a vision towards large scale deployment of
PMUs all over the grid.

13.2 WAMS Pilot Projects details

WRLDC has installed PMUs (National Intruments-cRIO-9024) in selected eleven locations
under WR PMU/PDC Interim Pilot Project, four PMUs (SEL) under NLDC project, Three
PMUs are installed by Independent Power Producer (IPP). PDC installed to align and
aggregate all Nineteen PMUs data at WRLDC. Visualization and historian software is
installed at WRLDC to store data as well as operator console visualization. Real time data
is being transmitted through dedicated communication links from respective sites, and are
having a bandwidth ranging from 512Kbps to 2Mbps depending upon location and

94 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

feasibility. All the PMUs transfer the Synchrophasor data to PDC in IEEE C37.11-2005
List of substations with PMU installation in Wester Region (installed by states and RLDC):
2. 220 kV Boiser
3. 220 kV Eklahre
4. 220 kV Trombay
7. 400 kV APL MUNDRA
8. 400 kV ASOJ
9. 400 kV Aurangabad.
11. 400 kV Bhuswal
12. 400 kV BOISAR
13. 400 kV CGPL Mundra
14. 400 kV Chandrapur
15. 400 kV DEHGAM
16. 400 kV DHARIWAL
17. 400 kV Dhule
18. 400 kV Girwali(parli)
19. 400 kV ITARSI
20. 400 kV JABALPUR
21. 400 kV Kalwa
22. 400 kV KALWA
23. 400 kV Kolhapur

95 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

24. 400 kV Koradi
25. 400 kV KSTPS
26. 400 kV Lamboti(solapur)
27. 400 kV Lonikhand
28. 400 kV MPPTCL BINA
29. 400 kV New Koyna
30. 400 kV Padghe
31. 400 kV RAIPUR
32. 400 kV SATNA
33. 400 kV SOLAPUR
34. 400 kV TRN
36. 400kV JETPUR
37. 400kV KANSARI
38. 400kV VADAVI
39. 765 kV SOLAPUR

13.3 WAMS Applications at WRLDC

The availability of Synchrophasor data at control center has become first-hand information
for grid operator to view and analyze any transient phenomenon occurring in the grid.
Various events that were un-noticed with present SCADA system can now be detected
and analyzed, opening up a completely new era in power system monitoring and control.
There is a paradigm shift in monitoring the grid after the commissioning of Synchrophasor
pilot projects. Now-a-days control centre operator first observes the signature of events
through PMUs data and then refers to SCADA system for the details of the events.

Applications based on Synchrophasor data has become an effective tool for analysis of
grid events and facilitated preparation of an accurate ‘first information report’ of an event
occurring in the grid.

96 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Apart from post fault analysis, synchrophasor data has been utilized for monitoring &
analysis of oscillation, Computation of Frequency Response Characteristic, Validation of
correct operation of protection system, island detection & re-synchronization of grid,
Dynamic model validation, Visualization of special events such as HVDC frequency
controller testing.

Various customized displays have been made for providing situational awareness on the
grid at WRLDC control room. These displays include frequency, df/dt, sequence voltages,
sequence currents, phase voltages, phase currents and low frequency modes existing in
the system.

Fig. 13.2 Geographical locations of PMUs and Communication status

97 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Fig 13.3 Visualization of Voltage magnitudes at WRLDC

Fig. 13.4 Visualization of low frequency dominant modes

98 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

Visualization of synchronization of NEW Grid and SR Grid

With nineteen numbers of PMUs installed throughout the Western Region by POSOCO
and its stake holders, the visibility of the power system state at sub-second level has
enhanced to a fair level.
URTDSM Project Details
1. Installation of 407 PMUs at around 71 Substations / Generating stations of ISTS/STU
connected through OPGW network in Phase-I at:
(i) 400 kV stations in State and ISTS grids
(ii) Generating stations at 220 kV and above
(iii) HVDC terminals and inter-regional and inter-national tie lines
(iv) Both ends of 400kV and above transmission lines at State and ISTS sector

2. Installation of Phasor Data Concentrator & associated system at Control Centres of

3. Installation of archiving systems at every Control Centre location.

4. Integration of WAMs (URTDSM) System with SCADA/EMS System of Main & Backup

99 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

5. Integration of existing PMUs and PDCs installed under Pilot Projects.


URTDMS WAMS Data Flow Philosophy

100 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

101 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

14.1 General
CERC vide order dated 18th May 2015 notified Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Fees and Charges of Regional Load Despatch Centre and other related matters
Regulations, 2015.

The users shall register with the respective Regional Load Despatch Centre for
commencement of Grid Access for availing system operation services of RLDCs or NLDC
as per Annexure-XXV. The Regional Load Despatch Centre or the National Load
Despatch Centre after scrutinizing applications for registration and on being satisfied with
correctness of the information furnished in the application shall register the applicant and
send a written intimation to an applicant.

The generating companies, distribution licensees, inter-State transmission licensees,

power exchanges, traders, sellers and buyers shall pay the registration fees as specified
in Central Electricity Regulatory Commission Fees and Charges of Regional Load
Despatch Centre and other related matters Regulations, 2015 and amendments therof.

Persistent default in payment of RLDCs/NLDC fee and charges shall be notified to

Commission. In case the payment of any bill for charges payable under these regulations
is delayed by a user beyond a period of 60 days from the date of billing, a late payment
surcharge at the rate of 1.5% per month shall be levied from the users.

102 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

103 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

15.1 IMS implementation and certification

The Integrated Management System as per PAS 99:2012 has been implemented in
WRLDC integrating four standards viz., (1) ISO9001 - Quality Management System
(QMS), (2) ISO14001 – Environment Management System (EMS), (3) BS OHSAS 18001
– Occupational Health and safety and (4) ISO27001 – Information Security Management
System. The same is implemented at all RLDCs / NLDC with WRLDC as lead unit for
certification purpose. All the units of POSOCO, NLDC and RLDCs have achieved above
4 standards ISO certifications from M/s BSI since March 2010. The implementation of
IMS has brought in several new concepts with added awareness for quality, environment,
and safety and information security in functioning of all departments. In addition, the Risk
Management also has undergone change with this new outlook. Signed copy of IMS
polocy is given below.

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106 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017

107 | O p e r a t i n g Procedure for Western Region 2017


List of Lines / ICT comprising the

NAME Limit (MW) Suggested Reliability Measures
Flow Gate
SPS will operate if the loading on
400kV Akola-Aurangabad D/C Akola flow gate exceeds 2100 MW ,
Akola Flow 400kV Akola II-Taptithanda D/C backing down at RIPL generation to
Gate 400kV Akola-Bhusawal S/C be done by ‘3’ times the difference
in Akola flow gate loading w.r.t
to 2100 MW
Violation of this flow gate limit
occurs when high demand in
Maharashtra coincides with low
400 kV Bhilai – Seoni demand in Chattisgarh/M.P. and
400 kV Bhilai-Koradi there is injection from ER to WR.
Bhilai Flow 400 kV Bhilai-Bhadrawati
Gate 400 kV Raipur-Bhadrawati T/C Reduce generation in Chattisgarh
400 kV Raipur-Wardha D/C Reduce load / increase generation
765 kV Durg-Wardha D/C in Maharashtra
Increase generation at Koyna / SSP
In required curtail STOA from W3 to
Increase generation at Koyna
1. 400kV Wardha-Akola D/C Regulate generation in IEPL /
Flow 2480
2. 400kV Wardha-Parli D/C Mouda / APML Tiroda
Regulate load in Maharashtra
400/220 kV 3 X 315 MVA Vapi ICTs
400/220 kV 2X 315 MVA Kala ICT 1200 Load regulation in DD /DNH
400/220 kV 2X 315 MVA Navsari ICT
In case of planned shutdown /
400 / 220 kV 2 X 500 MVA Hazira 600 MW tripping of one ICT at Hazira, ICT
ICT Or loading to be restricted to 350 MW
1100 Amp
Increase captive generation in ESIL
400 kV APL-Sami-Dehgam-1
400 kV APL-Sami-Dehgam-2
400 kV APL-Hadala S/C Increase power order on HVDC
400 kV APL-Varsana-Hadala Mundra - Mohindargarh bipole
from APL to 2400
220 kV APL-Nanikhakar-1
220 kV APL-Nanikhakar-2 Decrease generation at APL
220 kV APL-Tappar-1
220 kV APL-Tappar-2
Note: The above is intended only as a broad guideline. In real time operation there could be several other
reasons for overload and the WRLDC operator is empowered to take any other decision in real time.

S. Major Contingencies that

Suggested Actions
No occurred in the past
a. Take all lines in the parallel East-West
corridor within Maharashtra into service to the
extent possible
b. Increase generation at SSP / Koyna / Jaigad /
Tripping of HVDC Chandrapur- Kawas / Gandhar to the extent possible
Padghe Bi-pole c. Increase Generation at Tarapur / CGPL
d. Maintain Koyna generation above 1600 MW
and / or increase generation Jaigad
e. Restrict Maharshtra drawal schedule
a. Take all lines in the WR-NR and WR-ER lines
in service to the extent possible
b. Back down APL Generation to restrict
injection from APL to Gujarat system to 2400
c. Maximize export to NR on HVDC Vindhyachal
Tripping of HVDC Mundra- BTB
Mohindargarh bi-pole d. Maximize export to SR on HVDC Gazuwaka
e. Reduce generation at SSP / Kawas / Gandhar
f. Reduce generation at Sasan / CGPL /
Vindhyachal / Korba
g. Curtail LTA/MTOA/STOA transactions from
a. Ensure availability of lines from Akola and
Bhusawal towards Aurangabad
b. Ensure availability of lines from
Tripping of 400 kV Parli-Pune D/C SSP/Khandwa - Dhule to Bableshwar
OR c. Maximise power order on HVDC Chandrapur-
3 Tripping of 400 kV Parli-Lonikhand Padghe Bipole
D/C d. Increase generation at SSP / Koyna / Jaigad /
Kawas / Gandhar
e. Restrict drawal schedule of Maharashtra from
generators located in North-eastern part of
the grid
Format for Declaration of TTC/ ATC Annex-III(a)
Congestion Msg format-II to VI Annex-III(b)

Details as on 31 May 17

RGMO Eligible Units

Number MW
Chhattisgarh 11 2460
Gujarat 61 16060
Madhya Pradesh 39 6675
Maharashtra 95 22750
Total 206 47945
Regional Entities
Balco 4 1200
CGPL 5 4150
DB Power 2 1200
Dhariwal 1 300
Essar Power(Mahan) 1 600
GMR Warora (GWEL) 2 600
GMR-CG 2 1370
Jhabua 1 600
JPL 8 3400
JP-Nigrie 2 1320
KSK Mahanadi 2 1200
KWPCL 1 600
Lanco 2 600
MB-Power 2 1200
MCCPL 1 300
NTPC 62 18551
RKM 2 720
Sasan_UMPP 6 3960
TRN 2 600
Total 108 42471
Approved Under Frequency Load Shedding scheme in WR

A. Discrete Under Frequency Relays (UFR) Setting

Stage - I 49.2 Hz Stage - II 49.0 Hz Stage - III 48.8 Hz Stage - IV 48.6 Hz

Requir Implem Requi Implem Requir Implem Requir Impleme

ed ented red ented ed ented ed nted
States Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load
relief relief relief relief relief relief relief( relief
(Avg.) (Avg.) (Avg.) (Avg.) (Avg.) (Avg.) Avg.) (Avg.)
GUJARAT 580 773 580 726 580 1117 590 1025
PRADESH 460 468 460 450 460 460 465 490
RH 150 110 150 114 155 117 155 91
TRA 805 1122 810 1215 815 1044 820 1071
GOA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
UT: DD 10 10 15 15 15 16 15 15
UT: DNH 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35
Total load
relief 2060 2537 2070 2575 2085 2814 2105 2752
B. Frequency Trend Relays (df/dt) Scheme in Western Region

Stage - I Stage - II Stage - III

49.9/0.1 49.9/0.2 49.9/0.4
Hz/sec Hz/sec Hz/sec
Required Implemented Required Implemented Required Implemented
Load relief Load relief Load relief Load relief Load relief Load relief

GUJARAT 0 0 1383 1454 1529 1610

PRADESH 361 475 355 415 392 445
CHATTISGARH 27 120 37 40 120 40
MAHARASHTRA 546 370 621 1131 686 522
**TPC 60 60 82 82 273 273
Total load relief 994 1025 2478 3122 3000 2890

* Gujarat additional df/dt setting at 49.9Hz & 0.3Hz/sec = 399 MW

** TPC additional df/dt setting at 49.9 Hz/0.5 Hz/sec = 931 MW

Under Voltage Load Shedding Relays in WR

A) Maharashtra

S. No Name of S/S Name of Feeders Load relief (MW) Setting

1 400 kV Babhaleshwar - 300 MW 370 kV, 5 Sec Delay

2 400 kV Girawali - Stage-I: 130 MW

Stage II: 350 MW
3 400 kV Padghe - Stage-I: 361 MW
Stage II: 465 MW
4 400 kV Lonikhand - 220 MW 370 kV, 5 Sec Delay

5 400 kV Jejuri - 85 MW 370 kV, 5 Sec Delay

B) Madhya Pradesh

S. No Name of S/S Name of Feeders Load relief (MW) Setting

1 400 kV Indore 132 kV Jetpur 100 MW 360 kV, 5 Sec Delay

132 kV Dhar
2 400 kV Nagda 132 kV Alot 100 MW 360 kV, 5 Sec Delay
132 kV Mahitpur
A few 33 kV Feeders

C) No Under Voltage Load shedding Relays provided in Chhattisgarh, Goa, DD and DNH systems
and Under Voltage Load shedding is under implementation in Gujarat.

ISLANDING Schemes in Western Region

1. Mumbai (TPC & REL) Power System

1.1. Islanding scheme for the Mumbai Metropolis, Island can meet the load of 1800 MW
with generation at Trombay (1330MW), Bhira (150 MW), Bhivpuri (72MW), Khopoli
(72 MW), Bhira PSG (150 MW) of TPC and Dahanu (2x250 MW) of REL.

1.2. The first level of separation of TPC+REL system from MSETCL system at 47.9 Hz
with the tripping of:

a. 110 kV Kalyan(TPC)-Kalwa(MSETCL) at Kalyan(TPC)

b. 110 kV Borivali(TPC)-Borivali(MSETCL) D/C at Borivali(TPC)
c. 220 kV Borivali(TPC)=Borivali(MSETCL)-I
d. 110 kV Salsette(TPC)-Kalyan(TPC)-Kalwa(MSETCL) at Salsette and Kalyan
substations of TPC
e. 220 kV Trombay(TPC)-Trombay(MSETCL) D/C at Trombay(TPC)

1.3. The second level of separation of TPC system from MSETCL system at 47.9 Hz under
reverse power condition (with flow from TPC to MSETCL) with the tripping of:

a. 110 kV Trombay (TPC)-Trombay(MSETCL) D/C at Trombay TPC

b. 110 kV Kalwa-Kalyan S/C
c. 220 kV Kalwa(MSETCL)-Salsette(TPC) D/C at Salsette (TPC)

1.4. The separation of REL system from MSETCL system shall also take place at 47.9 Hz
with reverse power condition of power flowing from REL to MSETCL with the tripping

a. 220kV Boisar-Versova
b. 220kV Boisar-Dahanu.

1.5. In the event of failure of primary protection for islanding, backup RPUF relay set at
47.9 Hz with 0.5 seconds time delay is set to trip the same breaker. LBB protection is
provided to take care of stuck breaker condition.

1.6. TPC system separates from REL system when 220kV Borivali (TPC)-Aarey (REL)
D/C interconnections open at 47.7 Hz under reverse power condition (with power flow
from TPC to REL).In addition to this REL separates from TPC at 47.6 Hz

1.7. In REL system, UF load shedding is done to ensure that the system remains
connected with TPC system and survives after separation from TPC.

1.8. AUFLS (discrete) of about 800 MW set at 47.9 Hz is provided at TPC to ensure load
generation balance in TPC subsequent to islanding. In addition, there is frequency
trend relays set at 49.0 Hz at 0.5 Hz/sec in TPC system to ensure successful islanding.
2. Ahmedabad Electricity Company (AE Co.) Islanding Scheme in Gujarat.

Installed Capacity of TPL Sabarmati Thermal Power Plant is 422 MW . The breakup is as
TPL – C: (2 x 30 MW)
TPL – D: (120 MW)
TPL – E: (121 MW)
TPL – F: (121 MW)
TPL Sabarmati thermal power station is connected with GETCO grid through 132 KV D/C
Sabarmati (GETCO) – TPL Sabarmati line.
The schematic diagram of TPL Sabarmati island is as under:

Islanding frequency: 48.5 Hz & 0.5 Hz / sec (OR) 47.8 Hz & 0.15 sec.

Islanding operation: Opening of 132 KV D/C Sabarmati (GETCO) – TPL (SBT) line.
3. GIPCL Stage – 1 islanding scheme (Revised):
GIPCL Stage – 1 is having 3 Nos GTG of 32 MW and STG of 49 MW.
The schematic diagram of island is as under:

Existing islanding scheme:

Islanding will occur first at 47.60 Hz frequency and then the tripping of all 66 KV feeders at
Nandesari S/S at frequency 47.40 Hz in island for survival of island. Hence, only 33 KV load
of about 25 MW and one GTG of Stage -1 in open cycle will participate in islanding.

Proposed revised scheme:

4. GIPCL Stage – 2 islanding scheme (Proposed):

GIPCL Stage – 2 is having one GTG of 111 MW and STG of 54 MW.

The schematic diagram of GIPCL Stage-2 Island is as under

The following settings are proposed for the islanding scheme:

5. KAPP Islanding scheme:
Kakrapar atomic power station of NPCIL is having two units of 220 MW each.

The islanding scheme is finalized by WRPC in consultation with WRLDC, NPCIL & GETCO .
The schematic diagram is as under:

Sequence of islanding:
a) One unit at KAPS will be selected for islanding operation and remaining unit will be
selected for house load operation.
b) At 48.60 Hz frequency, load shedding at Vapi S/S will take place in order to restrict
the load of Vapi S/S to about 185 MW.
c) At 48.40 Hz frequency, tripping of 220 KV feeders except 220 KV D/C KAPP - Vapi
at Vapi S/S will take place.
d) At 48.20 Hz frequency, tripping of 220 KV feeders except 220 KV D/C KAPP - Vapi
at KAPS end will take place. Hence, island will be formed at 48.20 Hz.
6. Sugen Islanding scheme (under implementation):
Sugen is having three units of 382.5 MW each.

The schematic diagram of island is as under:

Setting of Sugen islanding scheme:

1. At 48.50 Hz, 220 KV D/C Sugen - Kim line will be opened.

2. At 48.40 Hz, load-generation balance to be monitored with respect to load of Surat
city and generation at Sugen.
3. At 48.20 Hz, 400 KV S/C Sugen - Vapi (PG) and 400 KV S/C Sugen - Pirana
line will be opened.
4. At 48.00 Hz, 400 KV S/C Sugen - Uno Sugen and 400 KV S/C Sugen - Jhanor
line will be opened. Hence, island of Sugen generation will be formed with SE. Co
Procedure for integration of new Elements in the WR Grid Annex-VIII(a)
Annex-VIII (b)
Documents submitted by Transmission Licensee to RLDCs

Annexure Subject Remarks

Annexure A1 Intimation regarding anticipated charging of the line along As per Format I
with other documents

Annexure A2 List of elements to be charged a n d Element Rating details As per Format I A

Annexure A3 Single line diagram of the concerned sub stations, along with
status of completion of each dia/bus/breakers
Annexure A4 List of SCADA points to be made available (as per
standard requirement, RLDC would need all MW and MVAr
data, voltage and frequency of all the buses, all the breaker
and isolator positions, OLTC tap positions, Main‐1/Main‐2
protection operated signals)

Annexure A5 Type and Location of Energy meters as per relevant CEA

Annexure A6 Connection Agreement, wherever applicable along with all
Annexure B1 Request for charging of the new transmission element along As per Format III
with the summary of the undertakings being submitted

Annexure B2 Undertaking in respect of Protective systems As per Format III A

Annexure B3 Undertaking in respect of Telemetry and communication As per Format III B

Annexure B4 Undertaking in respect of Energy metering As per Format III C

Annexure B5 Undertaking in respect of Statutory clearances As per Format III D

Annexure C1 Request for issuance of successful trial operation As per Format V

Annexure C2 Values of the concerned line flows and related
voltages just before and after charging of the element

Annexure C3 Special Energy meter (SEM) Reading for the trial

Annexure C4 Output of Disturbance Recorders / Event Loggers

Annexure A1
Format I
Intimation by Transmission Licensee regarding anticipated charging of new elements

<Name of Transmission Licensee>

Name of the transmission element :

Type of Transmission Element : Transmission Line / ICT / Bus Reactor / Line Reactor / Bus
/ Bay/Series Capacitor/Series Reactor

Voltage Level : AC/DC kV

Owner of the Transmission Asset :

Likely Date and time of Charging :

Likely Date and time of start of Trial Operation :



(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)

Encl: Please provide full details.

Annexure A2 : Format IA: List of elements to be charged a n d Element Rating details

Annexure A3 : Single line diagram of the concerned sub stations, alongwith status of completion of
each dia/bus/breakers

Annexure A4: List of SCADA points to be made available

Annexure A5: Location of installation of Energy meters as per relevant CEA regulations

Annexure A6: Connection Agreement, if applicable along with all annexures

Annexure A2
Format I A
List of elements to be charged and Element Rating details
I. List of Elements to be charged:

II. Element Ratings

a. Transmission Line

1 From Substation
2 To Substation
3 Voltage Level (kV)
4 Line Length (km)
5 Conductor Type
6 No of sub Conductors

b. ICT

1 Voltage (HV kV / LV kV)

2 Capacity (MVA)
3 Transformer Vector group
4 Total no of taps
5 Nominal Tap Position
6 Present Tap Position
9 Tertiary Winding Rating and Ratio
10 % Impedance

c. Shunt / Series Reactor

1 Substation Name / Line Name

2 Voltage
3 MVAR Rating
4 Switchable / Non Switchable
5 In case of Bus Reactor, whether it can be taken as line

(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)

Format II
<Name of RLDC>

Acknowledgement of Receipt by RLDC

This is to acknowledge that the intimation of likely charging of (Name of the transmission element)
has been received from (Name of the owner of the transmission asset) on (Date).

Kindly complete the technical formalities in connection with energy metering, protection and real time
data and communication facilities and inform us of the same three (3) days before charging of the above
transmission element as per Formats III, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC and IIID.


The intimation is incomplete and the following information may be submitted within three (3) days
of issue of this acknowledgment receipt.

1. ‐








Annexure B1
Format III

<Name of Transmission Licensee>

Request by Transmission Licensee for first time charging and

start of Trial Operation

Past references: :

Name of the transmission element :

Type of Transmission Element : Transmission Line / ICT / Bus Reactor / Line

Reactor / Bus / Bay

Voltage Level :

Owner of the Transmission Asset :

Proposed Date and time of first time Charging :

Proposed Date and time of Trial Operation :



(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)


Annexure B2 : Undertaking in respect of Protective systems as per Format IIIA

Annexure B3 : Undertaking in respect of Telemetry and communication as per Format IIIB

Annexure B4: Undertaking in respect of Energy metering as per Format IIIC

Annexure B5: Undertaking in respect of Statutory clearances as per Format IIID

Annexure B2
Format IIIA

< Name and Address of Transmission Licensee>

Undertaking by Transmission Licensee in respect of Protective systems

The following transmission element is proposed to be charged on <date> tentatively

around hours.
S no and Name of transmission element

1.0 It is certified that a l l the systems as stipulated in Part‐III of the Central Electricity Authority
(Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 (as amended from
time to time) have been tested and commissioned and would be in position when the
element is taken into service.

2.0 The protective relay settings have been done as per the guidelines of the Regional
Power Committee (RPC) as per section 5.2 l of the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC). The
necessary changes have also been made/would be made appropriately for the following lines
at the following substations:

Sl No: Name of the substation Name of the line


(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)

Annexure B3
Format IIIB

< Name and Address of Transmission Licensee>

Undertaking by Transmission Licensee in respect of Telemetry and communication

The following transmission element is proposed to be charged on <date> tentatively

around hours.

S no and Name of transmission element:

The list of data points that would be made available to RLDC in real time had been indicated vide
communication dated _. It is certified that the following data points have been mapped
and real time data would flow to RLDC immediately as the element is charged and commissioned.

S Name of Data point (analog as well Point to point Data would be Remarks
no substation as digital) identified in checking available at RLDC (path
may be
earlier done jointly (Y/N)
Communication dated with RLDC
1 Sending end Analog
Main Channel
Standby Channel
Voice Communication
(Specify: )
2 Receiving end Analog
Main Channel
Standby Channel
Voice Communication
(Specify: )

It is also certified that the data through main channel is made available to RLDC as well as alternate
communication channel is available for data transfer to RLDC to ensure reliable and redundant data
as per IEGC (as amended from time to time). Also, Voice communication is established as per IEGC. The
arrangements are of permanent nature. In case of any interruption in data in real time, the
undersigned undertakes to get the same restored at the earliest.
(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)
Annexure B4

Format IIIC
< Name and Address of Transmission Licensee>

Undertaking by Transmission Licensee in respect of Energy metering

The following transmission element is proposed to be charged on <date> tentatively

around hours.

S no and Name of transmission element:

Special Energy Meters (SEMs) conforming to CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations,
2006 have been installed and commissioned. The SEMs are calibrated in compliance of regulation 9 of
Part‐I of CEA (Technical Standard for Grid Connectivity) Regulations 2007 as per the following details:

S Name of Feeder name Make of meter Meter CT PT/CVT

no substation no Ratio Ratio

1 Sending end

2 Receiving

Data Format Conformity: Yes / No

Polarity as per Convention: Yes / No
Time Drift Correction carried out: Yes/No

The data from the above meters would be forwarded on weekly basis to the RLDC as per section
6.4.21 of the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) (as amended from time to time) and also as and
when requested by the RLDC.
(RLDC to indicate the email ids where the data has to be forwarded).

(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)
Annexure B5

Format III D
< Name and Address of Transmission Licensee>

Undertaking by transmission licensee in respect of statutory clearances

It is hereby certified that all statutory clearances in accordance with relevant CERC Regulations / CEA
standards / CEA regulations a n d PTCC route approval for charging of
______________________________________________________________________ have been obtained from the concerned

(Name and Designation of the authorized person with official seal)
Format IV
Approval for charging and trial run

<Name of RLDC>

Approval no:


The Transmission Licensee,

Sub: Charging and trial run of <Name of Transmission element>‐‐‐‐Provisional approval

Ref: 1) Your application dated in Format‐I

2) RLDC response dated in Format‐II
3) Your request and details forwarded on dated in Format III, IIIA, IIIB IIIC and IIID


1) The above documents have been examined by RLDC and permission for charging of
<Name of Transmission element> on or after _ is hereby accorded. This
approval is provisional and in the intervening period, if any of the conditions given in
the undertakings submitted by you are found to be violated, the approval stands
cancelled. Kindly obtain a real time code from the appropriate RLDC for each
element switching as well as commencement of trial operation.

2) The following shortcomings have been observed in the documents at S no 3) above.


Please rectify the above shortcomings at the earliest to enable RLDC to issue the
provisional approval for test charging, commissioning and trial operation of <Name
of transmission element>.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Name and designation of authorized personnel with seal)

Annexure C1

Transmission Licensee request for issuance of successful trial operation certificate

<Name of transmission licensee>


<Name of RLDC>

Sub: Successful trial operation of <Name of Transmission element>‐‐‐request for issue

of certificate.

Ref: i) Our application dated in Format‐I

ii) Your acknowledgement dated in Format‐II
iii) Our application dated ‐‐‐‐ in Format‐III along with Format IIIA, IIIB IIIC and IIID
iv) Provisional approval dated ‐‐‐‐ issued by your office.
v) Real time codes from RLDC on


Referring to the above correspondence, this is to inform you the successful charging
and trial operation of <Name of Transmission element> from ‐‐‐‐‐ to ‐‐‐‐‐ (time & date).
Please find enclosed the following :

1. A plot of the MW/MVAr power flow during the 24 hour trial operation based on the
substation SCADA is enclosed at Annexure‐B1.
2. The Energy Meter readings have already been mailed to your office on ________. The
15‐minute time block wise readings for the trial operation period is enclosed at
3. Event Logger a n d N u m e r i c a l Relay or D i s t u r b a n c e Recorder outputs
at Annexure‐B3 indicating all the switching operations related to the element. It is
further to certify that the time synchronization of numerical relay, event logger and
disturbance recorder has been established.

It is requested that a certificate of successful trial operation may kindly be issued at

the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

( )
<Name and Designation of authorized person with official seal>

Encl: Annexure C2: Plot of MW/MVAr flow during 24 hour trial operation.
Annexure C3: E ne r gy M e t e r
Annexure‐C4: Re a d in g Numerical relay or Disturbance Recorder (DR) output and Event
Logger output.

<Name and Address of the Load Despatch Centre>

Certificate Number: Date:

Certificate of completion of Trial Operation of Transmission Element

i. Communication dated from Transmission Licensee to RLDC in Format‐I and IA.
ii. Communication from RLDC dated to Transmission Licensee in Format‐II.
iii. Communication from Transmission Licensee to RLDC dated in Format III, IIIA,
iv. Provisional approval dated from RLDC to Transmission Licensee for charging
in real time in Format‐IV.
v. Real time code issued by RLDC on
vi. Communication dated _from Transmission Licensee in Format‐V after trial operation.

Based on the above reference, it is hereby certified that the following Transmission element has
successfully completed the trial operation:

Name of the Transmission Asset:

Owner of the Transmission Asset :

Date and Time of Energization for
commencement of successful trial
run operation

Date/time of completion of
successful trial run operation

This certificate is being issued in accordance with Regulation 5 of CERC (Terms and
Condition of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 to certify successful completion of trial operation of
transmission element. Usage of this certificate for any other purpose is prohibited.


Name and Designation of the

issuing Officer with official seal

Copy to:
I. Transmission System Owner
II. Member Secretary, RPC
IV. Any other agency, if required

Check List for New Regional Entity to RLDC

No Item Remark
Available / Value
Name of the New Regional Entity:

Name of the Region / Concerned RLDC:

1 Metering Details
a Main Meters (feeder wise, with nos.)
b Standby Meter (feeder wise, with nos.)
c Check Meter (feeder wise. with nos.)
d Whether Dummy meter reading sent to RLDC before trail operation (Y/N)
2 Generation
a Total Installed Capacity (MW)
b No. of Units
c Capacity of each unit (MW)
d FGMO/ RGMO capability as per IEGC. Collected unit wise details
e Date of Commercial Operation (unit wise)
3 Transmission Connectivity
a Voltage Level (kV)
b No. of Circuits
Node of Connectivity to the Grid
(in case of more than one node, add rows)
d Date of the charging of lines / connection to the Grid (node wise)
e Map / Diagram showing connectivity to the Grid
f Details of Reactive Compensation
Details of Transformers — Number. MVA rating. Voltage Ratio, vector of
g each
4 Protection
a Details of Protective Relays obtained
b Whether all Protection Settings have been set (Y/N)
c Any Special Protection Schemes used
5 Station Details
a Single Line / Bus Diagram
6 Telemetry

Type of Data Gateway (Remote Terminal Unit! Substation Automation

System Gateway)

Data communication connectivity followed (As per interface

requirement and other guidelines)

7 Communication
Details of the communication media, interface and capacity being
targeted for connection for Data Communication Main Channel

Details of the communication media, interface and capacity being

targeted for connection for Data Communication — Standby

c Voice Communication — Main

d Voice Communication — Standby

e Integration of Station Data in the SCADA of the Concerned RLDC

f Integration of Station Data in the SCADA of NLDC

Details of any dedicated communication (Voice / Data) that the Station has
with another Control Area and the neighboring station

h Manning of the Control Room

i Contact details (Telephone, FAX)
j Contact person
Escalation Matrix starting from Control Room Shift In—charge to Senior
l Details of the Shift Operation
8 Modification of various applications to include the New Regional Entity at the Concerned RLDC
a Scheduling
b Metering
c Accounting (UI/RE)
Reporting Systems
d Whether new entity has been informed about the information submission
requirements to the RLDCs along with periodicity?
9 Bank Account Details of the new Regional Entity
a Bank Account No.
b Bank Name & Branch
c Bank Address

d RLDC bank account details been intimated to the new

10 Agreement Details

a Quantum for which LTA has been sought (MW)

b Long Term Agreement (MW) for which PPA exists

c Medium Term Agreement (MW) for which PPA exists

11 Simulation Studies

a Incorporation in the assessment of Transfer Capability

12 Undertakings to be obtained

Undertaking obtained from new entity that it is not going to breach any PPA
to sell in short term

13 Intimation to Concerned RPC about addition of a New Regional Entity

a Intimation sent
b Inclusion in the REA
Common Message Format Annex-X

List of EHV lines identified for Opening under HighVoltage Condition in the Grid

List of transmission lines Voltage relief(KV)

Gujarat: From end To end
1 400 kV Amreli-Chorania S/C 7 -
2 One circuit of 400KV CGPL-JetpurD/C - 7
3 One circuit of 400KV Ukai-Kosamba T/C 2 2
4 One circuit of 400 kV Chorania-Ranchodpura D/C 0.5 1
5 One circuit of 400 kV Ranchodpura-kansari D/C 0.5 4
6 400KV SSP-Kasor s/c - 3
7 One circuit of 400 kV Nagda-Dehgam D/C 2 1
8 One circuit of Ranchodpura- Dehgam D/C 1 -
9 400KV Wanakbori-Soja 1 1
10 One circuit of 400KV Chorania Kosamba D/C - 1
1 One circuit of 765KV Dharamjaygarh-Jabalpur Q/C 7 9
2 One circuit of 765KV Jabalpur-Bina T/C 2 2
3 One circuit of 765KV Bina-Gwalior T/C 2 2
4 One circuit of 765 KV Satna-Bina D/C 4 3
5 400KV ISP-Nagda S/C 3 3
6 One circuit of 400KV Bhopal-Itarsi D/C 2 2
7 One circuit of 400KV Bina-Bhopal D/C - 1
8 One circuit of 400KV B’pur-Damoh D/C 4 6
9 One circuit of 400KV B’pur – Katni D/C 3 3
10 One circuit of 400KV Damoh-Bhopal D/C 2 1
11 400KV Katni-Damoh S/C - 1
12 One circuit of 400KV Khandwa-Rajgarh D/C 4 3
13 One circuit of 400KV Rajgarh-SSP D/C 3 3
14 One circuit of 400KV Sujalpur-Nagda D/C 3 -
15 One circuit of 400KV Bina-Sujalpur D/C 1 2
16 One circuit of 400KV Nagda-Rajgarh D/C 1 -
17 One circuit of 400KV Itarsi-Khandwa D/C 2 1
18 One circuit of 400KV Seoni-Khandwa D/C with FSC 3 2
19 One circuit of 400KV Seoni-Khandwa D/C without FSC 2 2
20 One circuit of 400KV Khandwa-Dhule D/C 2 2
1 One circuit of 765KV Wardha-Aurangabad Q/C 13 14
2 One circuit of 765KV Durg-Wardha D/C 11 10
3 One circuit of 765 KV Seoni-Wardha D/C 3 3
4 One circuit of 400KV Raipur-Wardha D/C 3 2
5 One circuit of Kolahapur(PG)-Mapusa D/C 10 15
6 One circuit of 400KV Karad-kolhapur D/C 5 4
7 One circuit of Kolhapur -Kolahapur(PG) D/C 2 1
8 One circuit of 400KV Sholapur-Kolhapur D/C 2 2
9 One circuit of 400KV SSP-Dhule D/C. 3 7
10 One circuit of 400KV C’pur-II-Parli D/C 3 3
11 400KV B’wati-Parli (PG) 2 2
12 One circuit of 400KV C’pur-Parli 2 2
13 400KV Deepnagar-Aurangabad 3 3
14 400KV Bhusawal-Aurangabad 4 2
15 One circuit of 400KV Jaigad-Karad D/C 3 4
16 One circuit of 400KV Jaigad-New Koyna D/C 2 2
17 400KV Karad-Lonikhand - 5
18 400KV Lonikhand- Koyna Stage IV. 3 3
19 One circuit of 400KV RGPPL-N’Thane D/C 4 4
20 One circuit of 400KV RGPPL-N’Koyna D/C 1 3
21 One circuit of 400KV Nagothane-padghe D/C - 2
1 765KV Kotra-Champa-Durg 8 4
2 One circuit of 765KV Tamnar-Kotra D/C 3 -
3 One circuit of 765KV Kotra-Durg D/C 3 -
4 400KV Raipur-Raigarh-1 - 2
5 One circuit of 400KV Korba-Raipur circuit III and IV 2 2
6 One circuit of 400kV Raipur-Bhadrawati T/C 1 1
7 One circuit of 400KV Raita- Bhilai T/C - 1
List of feeders and ICTs emanating from POWERGRID S/S which can be opened to
control over drawl of constituents

Feeder/ICT Expd.Load relief by forced LS(MW)

1 220kV Wardha(PG)-Badner S/C 50
2 220kV Wardha(PG)-Wardha(MS) S/C 20
3 220kV Boiser(PG)-Padghe S/C 45
4 400/220kV Wardha ICT (2x315MVA)
5 220kV Pune(PG)-Talegaon one ckt 10
6 400/220kV Pune(PG) ICT(3x315MVA)
7 400kV Boiser(PG)-Padghe S/C 80
8 400kV Parli(PG)-Parli(MS) one ckt 120
9 220kV Boiser(PG)-Boiser (MS) D/C 100/ckt
10 400/220kV Boiser ICT (2x315+1x500MVA)
11 400kV Sholapur(PG)- Sholapur(MS) S/C 50

Madhya Pradesh
May not give much relief, but give
1 400/220kV 315 MVA Jabalpur one ICT stress to SLDC to shed load
2 220kV Jab(PG)-Jab(MP) one ckt
3 400/220kV 315MVA Satna one ICT
4 220kV Satna(PG)-Katni one ckt 50/ckt
5 220kV Seoni-Chindwara one ckt 40/ckt
6 220kV Satna(PG) -Satna(MP) one ckt 50/ckt
7 220kV Itarsi(PG)-Hoshangabad S/C 50
8 220kV Rajgarh(PG)-Rajgarh(MP) D/C 30/ckt
9 400/220kV 315MVA Rajgarh one ICT
10 220kV Seoni(PG)-Seoni(MP) one ckt 30/ckt
11 400/220kV 315 MVA Seoni one ICT
12 220kV Khandwa-Nepanagar S/C 20
13 220kV Khandwa-Chhegaon one ckt 60/ckt
14 220kV Itarsi(PG)-Itarsi(MP) S/C 30
15 400/220kV Itarsi ICT(1x315MVA)
16 220kV Bina(PG)-Bina(MP) one ckt 50
May not give much relief, but give
17 220kV Shujalpur(PG)-Shujalpur(MP) stress to SLDC to shed load
18 400/220kV Shujalpur ICT(2x315MVA)
May not give much relief, but give
19 220kV Damoh(PG)-Damoh(MP) one ckt stress to SLDC to shed load
20 220kV Damoh(PG)-Sagar S/C 20

1 220kV Raipur(PG)-Doma S/C 10
2 220kV Raipur-Urla 20
3 220kV Raipur-Bhilai D/C 40/ckt
4 400/220kV Raipur ICTs(3x315MVA)
5 220kV Bhatapara(PG)-Suhela T/C 10
6 220kV Bhatapara(PG)-Bhatapara(CS) D/C 10
7 400/220kV Bhatapara ICTs(2x315MVA)
8 220kV Raigarh(PG)-Raigarh(CS) D/C 30/ckt
9 400/220kV Raigarh ICT(2x315MVA)
1 220kV Dehgam-Ranasan one ckt 20/ckt
2 220kV Dehgam-Khanpur one ckt 50/ckt
3 220kV Pirana(PG)-Bhat one ckt 20/ckt
4 400/220kV Dehgam ICT(2x315MVA)
5 220kV Bhimsar(Bachhau)-Morbi S/C 50
6 220kV Bhimsar(Bachhau)-Lalpar S/C 50
7 220kV Bhimsar(Bachhau)-Halwad D/C 45/ckt
8 400/220kV Bachhau ICTs(2x315MVA)
9 400/220kV Pirana ICT(2x315MVA)
10 220kV Navsari(PG)-Navsari(Guj) D/C 35/ckt
May not give much relief, but give
11 220kV Vapi(PG)-Vapi S/C stress to SLDC to shed load
12 220kV Vapi(PG)-Bhilad 3 ckts 6/ckt

1 220kV Vapi-Khadoli S/C (DNH) 7
2 220kV Kala-Khadoli S/C (DNH) 20
3 220kV Vapi-Kharadpada-1(DNH) 125/ckt
May not give much relief, but give
4 220KV Magarwada-Magarwada D/C(D&D) stress to SLDC to shed load
5 220kV Vapi-Magarwada one ckt (D&D) 20
6 400/220kV Vapi ICTs(3x315MVA)

1 220kV Mapusa-Amona S/C 20
2 220kV Mapusa-Ponda S/C 30
3 220kV Mapusa-Tivim D/C 35/ckt
4 400/220kV Mapusa ICTs(3x315MVA)

Procedure for outage coordination of Transmission Elements

Utilities / Users of Regional Grid to furnish transmission outage plan to WRPC

for the next month by first week of current month

WRPC will discuss the outage plan in OCC meeting and approve. WRPC to
mail the approved outage list all concerned by next day.

Agency proposing the shutdown to intimate WRLDC on D-3, its readiness to

avail the approved outage.

WRLDC convey Reliability concurrence with suggestion for system reliability,

issue on D-2 days ahead by 13 hrs in online web portal. The authorize users
could access this portal.The elments requires NLDC concurrence are sent on
D-2 days ahead.

WRLDC to convey Reliability Consent with suggestions for system reliability

on D-1 to all concerned by email after doing system study.

The agency to seek operation code in real-time for availing the outage on the
D-day 15 min prior to the approved plan for outage.

RLDC to issue operation code for approved outage after reviewing the real-
time conditions. In case real-time conditions are not favourable, the outage
shall be rescheduled by the requesting agency in consultation with the RLDC
Outage Coordinator.

Agency to return the availed outage within the stipulated times as approved
WRLDC to issue normalisation code to all concerned agencies after return of
shutdown by requesting agency. In case of delay in restoration it shall be intimated to RLDC.
Annex-XIV (a)
Format for Affidavit to be submitted by a Regional Entity seeking NOC of RLDC for
Trading in Power Exchange
Annex-XIV (b)
Format for Affidavit to be submitted by a Regional Entity seeking NOC of RLDC for
trading in bilateral except PX and Intra-day/ contingency bilateral
BEST FIT Scheduling of SSP

1. Based on quantum of water allocated for RBPH in Ten Daily issued by SSRRC,
NCA will provide information of total machine hours and MW generation possible
for a given day in advance to the power beneficiary States.
2. On receipt of above information, each power beneficiary State will submit their
demand (P1) set to NCA in terms of MW (15 minutes time block wise
(i) Based on the first priority demand (P1) set submitted by each power
beneficiary States EMC, NCA will prepare a provisional “Best Fit
Schedule” and will intimate to each power beneficiary States.
(ii) In case, even after accommodating the first priority demand (P1) set of
a beneficiary State, some energy still remains to be allocated to them or
if any beneficiary State want to have a review in the power allocated in
the provisional “Best Fit Schedule” then they can submit the additional
demand (P2) set.
3. Based on the additional demand (P2) set if submitted by States within the
prescribed Time Line then the provisional “Best Fit Schedule will be tuned
accordingly and the day ahead schedule will be finalized and intimated to all
concerned parties.
4. EMC, NCA will prepare “Best Fit Schedule” for the next day as per the following
method (Td=Total sum Demand of each power beneficiary State, Tav= Total
Availability in MW in a time block)
In a time block if:
a. Situation I :
If Td <= Tav, then the power allocated in that time block will be as per the
demand submitted by each power beneficiary State
GUJ MAH MP Total Demand Total Availability
Entitlement 168 595.5 283.5 1050
Demand 175 350 175 700
Total 175 350 175

b. Situation II:
If 1 or 2 states submit demand less than their entitlement, then their non-
requisitioned share will be allocated to other power beneficiary State
requesting power more than their share.
GUJ MAH MP Total Demand Total Availability
Entitlement 168 595.5 283.5 1050
Demand 175 350 875 1400
Total 175 350 525
c. Situation III:
If Td >Tav & All the three states submit demand more than their
entitlement then Tav will be allocated in 57: 27:16 as per their power
share mentioned in NWDT award.
GUJ MAH MP Total Demand Total Availability
Entitlement 168 595.5 283.5 1050
Demand 175 700 875 1750
Total 168 595.5 283.5

If there is any mutual agreement among three power beneficiary States

then for particular time blocks adjustment will be made accordingly.


• Revision of schedule in Real-time by WRLDC

“Shift-in-Charge, EMC, Control Room, NCA, Indore shall be responsible for real
time interaction with WRLDC, SLDC-Jabalpur, Kalwa and Gotri for operation of
SSP machines, any revision in the schedule, running of machines in Condenser
mode and opening of any transmission lines to contain high voltage.”[Para 6.8 of
the Best-fit Scheduling Procedure]

NCA shall revise the schedule in real-time under emergency conditions of Grid
requirement (.e.g withdrawal/stoppage of generation, line/corridor congestion)
informed by WRLDC for ensuring Grid security. [Para 10 of the Best-fit Scheduling

• Settlement of Energy in case schedule is revised on WRLDC’s


“If in any time block RBPH machines were not initially scheduled in the Day ahead
schedule but on the request of WRLDC to meet the Grid requirement if any RBPH
machines do run then the energy so generated (Sum of recorded readings of all
the 6 Nos. of SEM (PGCIL) installed after Generator Transformer of each RBPH
machines) in that time block will be distributed in the ratio prescribed in NWDT
Award.” [Para 8.8 (v) of the Best-fit Scheduling Procedure]

“If in any time block WRLDC request to run additional machines then the power
generated from these additional machines will be allocated to each power
beneficiary State in the ratio prescribed in NWDT Award”. [Para 8.8 (vi) of the
Best-fit Scheduling Procedure]

“If in any time block WRLDC request to stop scheduled RBPH machines then the
shares of each power beneficiary States will be reduced in the ratio of the power
allocated to them in that time block”. [Para 8.8 (vii) of the Best-fit Scheduling

• Revision of schedule in Real-time in case of excess inflows

In case of excess inflows to SSP on account of either rains at the upstream of
SSP or more releases than the projected, from the upstream Hydro Electric Power
Projects the generation schedule will be revised in consultation with WRLDC. This
additional Power generation at SSP would be allocated to the power beneficiary
States in the ratio prescribed under NWDT Award. [Para 10 of the Best-fit
Scheduling Procedure]

• Compliance of instructions of WRLDC by NCA

“Shift-in-Charge, EMC, Control Room, NCA shall comply with the Real Time
instructions of WRLDC regarding operation of RBPH machines in generation and
condenser mode and also opening of SSP tie lines for control of over-voltage or
for Grid security subjected to the observation of SSP water level prescribed in the
Ten Daily OM issued by SSRRC and safety precaution prescribed for SSP by the
administrative machinery.” [Para 8.7 of the Best-fit Scheduling Procedure]

• Settlement of energy during operation of SSP machines in condenser


“The power that would be generated at Sardar Sarovar and pumped into the
Grid would be but a small fraction of the Grid capacity. The generation of
power has not to be viewed in terms of Megawatts generated in any period
but in terms of energy (Megawatts hours) produced during the period and
absorbed in the Grid system.” [Para 2.10.2 of Report of Narmada Water
Dispute Tribunal]

“If any RBPH machine operated in the condenser mode, then in those time blocks
the power consumed by machines operating in SCO mode will be taken as zero
as per the decision taken in the 41st PSC of NCA, 47th CCM of WRPC and 5th
WPRC meetings.”[Para 8.8 (iii) of the Best fit scheduling procedure by NCA]


Time Particulars of Information From To Form

4:00 AM Possible no of CHPH machines EMC,NCA SLDC-
Every day and generation of the day Jabalpur
1. No. of RBPH machines available Kalwa
(Time block wise) Gotri
2. DC of RBPH machine. RBPH C/R
(Approximate) CHPH C/R
3. Total Generation (MUs) possible SSNNL NCA/EMC/B
in the day.
4. Entitled energy shares of each
States i.e. MP, Mah, Guj.
5. Excess (-ve)/ Shortfall (+ve) of
energy share up to
D-3 of MP, Mah, Guj
6:00 AM SSP line outage details SLDC, EMC,NCA Control
Every day Jabalpur Room
Demand (P1) set. Kalwa 0731-2552703 EMC/NCA/D
Gotri 0731-4225058
Details of Mutual Agreement GoMP &0731-2575766
between power beneficiary GoMah &E-mail, EMC/NCA/E
States (In 15 min time block GoG emc_nca@rediffm
8:00 AM Day ahead Provisional ScheduleEMC,NCA SLDC, Jabalpur EMC/NCA/F
Every day MW and MUs in 15 min time block SLDC, Kalwa
basis. SLDC, Gotri
9:00 AM Demand (P2) set. SLDC, EMC,NCA ControlEMC/NCA/G
Everyday Jabalpur Room
10:00 AM Schedule (Final) for D EMC,NCA SLDC, EMC/NCA/H
Every day Jabalpur
Sou Moto Schedule Revision for Deviation by SLDC Annex-XVI

Paavar isasTma Aa^prooSana karpaoroSana ilaimaToD

(pavariga`D` kI ek pUUNa- svaaima%va vaalaI kMpnaI)
पिचम े ीय भार ेषण क, मब
ुं ई 400093.

No.WRLDC/ SO /LD/………..
Date :

Shift Incharge,
SLDC, …………

Subject: Invoking Clause 6.5.16 and 6.5.20 of IEGC


It has been observed that your actual drawal as of now is …… MW against schedule of
………. MW, which is affecting the security of the grid. Please take appropriate action to draw
as per schedule. Otherwise WRLDC would be constrained to revise your schedule suo motu for
better system operation as per clause no 6.5.16 and 6.5.20 of IEGC (as amended from time to
time). as reproduced under,.

“6.5.20. If, at any point of time, the RLDC observes that there is need for revision of the
schedules in the interest of better system operation, it may do so on its own, and in such cases,
the revised schedules shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting the time block in
which the revised schedule is issued by the RLDC to be the first one.”


You are therefore requested to take immediate action otherwise we shall be invoking the above
clause in the interest of Grid Security.

SCM, WRLDC, Mumbai.

Power System Operation Corporation Limited
Western Regional Load Despatch Centre, Mumbai

Flash Report

MESSAGE NO- LD/…/……… DATE:-…..…/………/………

1. Date and Time of the Event …………………………………

2. Location (Control Area) where the event occurred …………………………………

3. Plant and / or Equipment directly involved

S No. Element Name Outage time

4. Description and likely cause of event

5. Antecedent Conditions of the WR Grid at …………….hrs

a. Grid Frequency (Hz): ………………….
b. Region Demand Met (MW): ………………….

6. Antecedent Conditions of the affected Control Area (where the event occurred)
(Interchange with the Grid, Voltage, power flow, weather condition prior to the event)
7. Impact on Grid parameters / Observations due to the event

8. Remedial Measures / Actions taken after the event

9. Current Status:

S No. Element Name Restoration time/


In compliance to regulation 5.2 (s) and 5.9.6 of the IEGC, S/I ……………………………………..
(the Regional Entities where the event has occurred) are advised to send a written report along
with disturbance recorder / sequential event recorder output to WRLDC for the purpose of

(Shift Charge Manager)

1. Shift Incharge all Regional Entities of Western Region
Essar (Mahan), GMR (EMCO), KWPCL
2. Shift Incharge, NLDC, New Delhi
3. Member Secretary (WRPC), Mumbai

Copy for kind information

1. Reliability Coordinators / Addl. General Manager / General Manager, WRLDC

SPS in Western Region

Name of SPS Aim Description Agency

CGPL SPS For Improving Steady state and 1. If net export is more than 3300 MW and one ckt of CGPL-Bachhau
Transient Stability at CGPL during D/C trips: Backing down automatically to bring down the
N-1 and N-1-1 Contingency generation to 3100 MW. Further manual backing down of around
200 MW has to be done to bring down the flow of CGPL-Bachhau
other ckt to 950 MW.
2. If net export is more than 3300 MW and if CGPL-Chorania or CGPL-
Mansar or one ckt of CGPL-Jetpur D/C trips: Backing down
Implemented CGPL
automatically to bring down the generation to 3300 MW.
3. In case of D/C tripping of CGPL-Bachhau, CGPL-Jetpur or CGPL-
Mansar S/C and CGPL-Chorania S/C: Trip one unit immediately.
Unit running at maximum generation to be selected for tripping to
get full 800 MW reduction immediately to take care of system
stability. ( If export is between 3300 -3500 MW then trip one unit
& If export exceed 3500 MW then Trip one unit and runback other)

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4. If net export is more than 3300 MW and in case of D/C tripping of
Bachhau-Ranchopura: Backing down automatically to bring down
the generation to 3300 MW.
SASAN SPS To control overload of the  If one 765 kV lines trip : No reduction automatic
following critical 765 kV  If two 765 kV lines trips and current on last circuit exceeds 2000
transmission lines and ICT: Amp (O/C setting): Trip 1 Unit immediately and if above condition
1) 765 kV Sasan – Satna Line 1 is still satisfied then trip another Unit. (Generation Ex bus reduces
2) 765 kV Sasan – Satna Line 2 to 2400 MW)
Implemented SASAN
3) 765 kV Sasan-Vindhyachal Pool  If all circuit trips and current in either of 765/400 kV ICT is more
3) 765 / 400 kV, 1000 MVA ICT-1 than 800 amp: Trip one Unit followed by tripping of another unit in
4) 765 / 400 kV, 1000 MVA ICT-2 next 5 second if condition is still satisfied. If after tripping of two
units, yet the condition is satisfied trip the third unit in next 5
seconds. (Generation Ex bus reduces to 1800 MW)
JPL SPS For N-1-1 stability of Jindal and 1. If Generation at JPl is full (4 * 250 + 2 * 135 MW) and one circuit of
Jindal Extension Station 400 kV JPL-Raipur D/C and 400 kV JPL-JPL Extension trip or One of
the line is out of service and other circuit trips: Ex Bus Generation
at JPl to be brought to 590 MW (One unit of 250 MW and 2 Unit of
135 MW along with 60 MW of Generation reduction in 3-4 Implemented JPL
2. Sudden Reversal of Power on JPL-JPL Extension due to N-1-1
contingency of 765 kV Tamnar-Kotra lines : Trip one unit of 600
MW and immediate backing down at other Unit in JPL extension so

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that Ex Bus generation of JPl+JPl Extension should not exceed 1160
3. All four 400 kV lines from JPL Extension-Tamnar to be in service if
JPl Extension generation is more than 600 MW.
ESSAR MAHAN Restriction of Essar Mahan When the breaker position at Mahan is OPEN for Vindhyachal line
SPS generation due to LILO “OR” Power flow towards Vindhyachal less than 12 MW for at least 1 Essar
arrangement sec : Trip 600 MW unit at Mahan immediately so that there is no Mahan
injection towards Korba
ESSAR Steel ICT Overloading ‘OFF’ position of 400 KV side breaker of ICT’s “OR” ICT’s 220 kV, side
Plant current of ICTs more than 1100 ampere: Tripping of running Furnace’s Implemented
at ESIL Plant-1 and 2.
SIPAT SPS To control overload of the  Alarm in case of ICTs loading exceeds 100 % for 5 seconds.
765/400 kV ICTs in view of  if any ICTs load exceeds 130% of the rated load for more than 4 sec
tripping of 765 kV Sipat-Bilaspur : unload unit 1,2,4 and 5 each by 150MW (subject to minimum
D/C or 765 kV Bilaspur-Seoni D/C loading of 500MW in stage-1 units and subject to minimum loading
of 350MW in stage-2 units).
Implemented NTPC
 if any ICTs load remains above 130% even after unloading unit 1,2,4
and 5 : Unload Unit 3 by 150 MW after 300 sec (subject to minimum
loading of 500 MW.
 Once the load has reduced below 130% manual action to reduce
to bring down ICT loading below 100%

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220 kV Vapi- To Avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: If loading of 220 kV Vapi-Kharadpada Either circuit exceeds
Kharadpada Vapi-Kharadpada 250 MW or above.
Loading Implemented DNH
Action : 200 MW load shedding in DNH (SPS load shedding is Based on
Microwave communication)
APL Mundra SPS 400KV Mundra-Versana/ Hadala Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceed 715 Amp, Alarm in
line Loading 10 Sec.
Stage 3 : If Line loading on these circuits exceed >600MW + Availability
of any one or both APL-Sami or Sami-Dehgam lines : After Delay of 4
Implemented APL
seconds Generation backing down @200 MW from unit 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Stage 2 : if Line loading on these circuits exceed >600MW + Non-
availability of both APL-Sami or Sami-Dehgam lines : After delay of 4
second trip Unit 3 or 4.
400KV Mundra-Sami 1& 2 and If Both lines in service without FSC or Single Line is in service without
Sami-Dehgam 1 & 2 lines loading FSC :
Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceeds 715 Amp, Alarm
in 10 Sec.
Stage 2: If Line loading on these circuits is more than 650 MW for 15
Implemented APL
seconds: 200 -300 MW Generation Reduction at APL in Unit 3-6 as per
Stage 3 : If Line loading on these circuits is greater than 700 MW and
less than 800 MW for 1.5 seconds : Trip one unit from Unit 3 or 4 to
reduce generation by 330 MW.

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Stage 4 : if Line loading on these circuits exceeds 850 MW for 1.5
seconds : Tripping of Unit 5 or 6 to reduce generation by 660 MW.

If Both lines in service with FSC or Single Line is in service with FSC :
Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceeds 715 Amp, Alarm
in 10 Sec.
Stage 2: If Line loading on these circuits is more than 750 MW for 15
seconds: 200 -300 MW Generation Reduction at APL in Unit 3-6 as per
Stage 3 : If Line loading on these circuits is greater than 850 MW and
less than 1000 MW for 1.5 seconds : Trip one unit from Unit 3 or 4 to
reduce generation by 330 MW.
Stage 4 : if Line loading on these circuits exceeds 1000 MW for 1.5
seconds : Tripping of Unit 5 or 6 to reduce generation by 660 MW.
220KV Mundra-Nanikhakar D/C Stage 1: Current Setting 500 Amp , Time Delay : 5 Sec, Relay setting :
and Mundra-Tappar D/C Line 0.63 : Alarm to operator
Loading Stage 2: Current Setting 550 Amp , Time Delay : 2 Sec, Relay setting :
0.69, Tripping of ICT 1,2
Implemented APL
Stage 3: Current Setting 605 Amp , Time Delay : 5 Sec, Relay setting :
0.76, Tripping of ICT 1,2 : Generation Back down
Stage 4: Current Setting 670 Amp, Time Delay: 2 Sec, Relay setting:
0.84, Tripping of ICT 1, 2: Generation tripping of Unit 1 or 2.

Page 5 of 22 WRLDC, POSOCO Revised: 14-03-2016

WR-SR SPS 1 765 kV Solapur-Raihcur D/C Line Condition :
loading 1. A. The total flow on the two circuits crosses 3500 MW and remains
above 3500 MW for 5 seconds in Sholapur to Raichur direction sensed
by both at Sholapur and Raichur.
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR ( JPL, JPL Extension, KSK,
DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, NSPCL) and 500 MW (RS2) load
Shedding in SR Grid. If the Flow remains above 3500 MW for 2.5
seconds, additional 500 MW (RS3) load will be shed.

1.B. The total flow on the two circuits crosses 4000 MW for 2.5
seconds: Implemented. CTU

Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension, KSK,

DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, and NSPCL) and 1500 MW (RS1, RS2
and RS3) load Shedding in SR Grid.

1.C. If only one circuit is in operation and power flow on it crosses 2000
MW and remains above 2000 MW for 2.5 seconds in Sholapur to
Raichur direction sensed by both at Sholapur and Raichur.
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR ( JPL, JPL Extension, KSK,
DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, NSPCL) and 1000 MW (RS1 and RS2)
load Shedding in SR Grid
WR-SR SPS 3 Loss of import by SR on 765 kV Condition: Loss of import by SR on 765 kV Sholapur-Raichur D/C by
Implemented CTU
Sholapur-Raichur D/C by more more than 1500 MW due to tripping of these lines

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than 1500 MW due to tripping of
Action: Load Shedding of 1500 MW in SR (RS1, RS2 and RS3)
these lines.
WR-SR SPS 5 400 kV Wardha-Parli D/C Line Condition: Tripping of any one circuit of 400 kV Wardha-Parli D/C and
loading flow on other circuit crossing 750 MW. Implemented
(Only Mouda
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (Tiroda-200MW, Mauda- and Tiroda are CTU
100MW, Koradi-70MW, Khaperkhada-150MW, Chandrapur-250 MW wired at
Indiabulls-30MW) and 848 MW (KK1) load Shedding in SR Grid. present)
(Presently only 100 MW at Mouda and 300 MW at APML Tiroda)
WR-SR SPS 6 400 kV Parli(PG)-Solapur(PG) D/C Condition: Flow on either circuit of 400 kV Parli-Sholapur D/C (sensed
Line loading at Sholapur) crossing 800 MW and remaining above this value for 2.5
Tripping of one circuit of 400 kV Parli-Sholapur D/C and other circuit Implemented
crossing 700 MW or above, sensed at Sholapur (instantaneous).

Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension, KSK,

DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, and NSPCL) and 848 MW (KK1) load
Shedding in SR Grid.
WR-SR SPS 8 Loss of 765 kV Aurangabad- Condition: Loss of 765 kV Aurangabad-Sholapur D/C carrying more
Sholapur D/C carrying more than than 2500 MW from Aurangabad-Sholapur direction. Implemented CTU
2500 MW.

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Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension, KSK,
DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO and NSPCL) and 1000 MW (Rs1 and
RS3) load Shedding in SR Grid.
Agra-Gwalior Sudden reduction of import by Automatic back down of 1000 MW Generation in WR :
SPS NR on Agra-Gwalior I & II by more  CGPL : 250 MW
than or equal to 3000 MW  Korba : 250 MW
Implemented CTU
(At Gwalior end)  Vindhyachal :250 MW
 Sasan : 250 MW (Signal through Gwalior till Optical fibre
commissioning up to Sasan)
HVDC Mundra Loss of Both Poles of HVDC In Case of Loss of both Poles of HVDC Mundra Mohindergarh :
Mohindergarh Mundra Mohindergarh  In case all units are running, trip two units of Stage 4.
SPS  Backup 1: Sudden change in Forward power from Phase‐4 to
Phase‐3 at rate of 150MW/100mSec & persist up to 1 Sec: tripping
of Units 7-9 as per selection.
 Backup 2: If steady state power on sectionalizer is greater than Implemented APL

1000 MW in 5 seconds, trip another unit from 7-9.

In case of tripping of One HVDC pole and 1000 MW Forward power

from Phase‐4 to Phase‐3 up to 5 Sec is observed :
 Tripping of Unit‐7 to Unit‐9 as per selection
Akola Flow Gate High Loading on Akola Flow gate  If the loading on Akola flow gate comprising of 400 KV Akola I-
Implemented RIPL
Aurangabad PG D/C,400 KV Akola II- Taptitanda D/C and 400 KV

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Akola I- Bhusawal lines exceeds 2100 MW, backing down at M/S
RIPL generation to be done by ‘3’ times the difference in Akola flow
gate loading with respect to 2100 MW. The backing down will be
done linearly at the rate of 12 MW per minute till the flow gate is
up to 2203 MW. If the flow gate exceeds 2203MW one unit at M/s
RIPL would trip and backing down in other units would continue,
so that the flow gate loading is brought within 2100 MW.
APML Tirora 400 kV Tirora-Warora Line  Stage 1 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 926 MW
Overload Alarm (time Delay 3 sec)
 Stage 2 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1020 MW
Backdown of 300 MW in selected Unit (time Delay 3 sec)
 Stage 3 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1480 MW
Tripping of one selected Unit (time Delay 600 ms)
 Stage 4 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1480 MW
Tripping of another selected Unit (time Delay 800 ms)
Implemented APML
Akola2 ICT overloading  If the 765/400 KV 1500 MVA ICT at Akola loading exceeds 1450 MW
, backing down at Tiroda by double the quantum of difference on
765/400 KV ICT loading with respect to 1450 MW with a time delay
of 2.5 Sec
Power Swing in one 400 kV line Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
with Tripping of other 400 kV line
Tripping of any 400 kV line and Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
detection of PSB on 765 kV line

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Tripping of 765 kV line with Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
detection of PSB in any of 400 kV
Any One of the 400 kV Warora- Runback of selected Units out of Unit 1,2,3 for Back down up to 1500
Chandrapur Line Trip MW , e.g.. if total 400 kV Ex-bus generation is 1800 MW, the total Back
down will be for 1800-1500 = 300 MW
Both 400 kV Warora-Chandrapur Tripping of selected one unit in case of all three Generators at 400 kV
Lines Trip side in service.
Overloading of Lines at Akola Sub-  Stage 1 : Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG) 1,
station Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) >570 MW : Alarm
 Stage 2 : Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG) 1,
Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) > 640 MW for 2 Sec or >700
MW for 1.5 Sec AND 400 kV Indiabulls-Akola2 line >500 MW : Back
down action at Tiroda for 150 MW
 Stage 3: Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad (PG) 1,
Akola-A’Bad (PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal) > 640 MW for 5 sec AND
Akola-II to Akola-I lines > 800 MW: Back down action at Tiroda for
150 MW.
 Stage 4: Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG) 1,
Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) > 700 MW for 3 sec AND
Akola-II to Akola-I line >1000 MW : Tripping of selected Unit at

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HIGH Automatic generation tripping at Automatic generation tripping in Western Region at high frequency
FREQUENCY SPS high frequency (51.5 Hz) (51.5 Hz) to help arresting the rise of frequency in case of islanding of CGPL/
WR from rest of NEW grid after delay of 30 seconds : Korba Unit 7 , NTPC
Vindhyachal Unit 7, CGPL Unit 40

SPS Scheme in Gujarat

Name of SPS Description

Over loading on 220 kV Ukai - Mota D/C. Condition at Mota S/S:

Stage-1: 700 A, 5 minutes.
Stage-2: 750 A, 6 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 KV System at 220 KV Mota and Ambheta S/S
Over loading on 220 kV Amreli - Condition at Savarkundla S/S:
Savarkundla D/C. Stage-1: 660 A, 10 sec.
Stage-2: 720 A, 1 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 KV System at 220 KV Savarkundla S/S
Over loading of 400/220 kV, 315 MVA Condition
ICTs at 400 kV Amreli S/S Stage 1: Alarm: 400 A, 5 sec.
Stage 2 : Tripping: 418 A, 1 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 KV feeders at 400 kV Amreli S/S)

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Over loading of 400/220 kV, 500 MVA Setting: 680 A, 5 sec.
ICTs at 400 kV Asoj S/S. Action: It will trip 220 KV D/C Chandrapura - Godhra line and identified 66 KV feeders at
Jambuva S/S using direct trip command.)
Over loading on 220/132 kV, 150 MVA & (1) 150 MVA ICT : Setting HV current: 360 A Rated HV Current: 394 A
100 MVA ICTs at 400 kV Asoj S/S in case (2) 100 MVA ICT : Setting HV current: 240 A Rated HV Current: 262 A
of sudden loss of GIPCL generation. Action : It will trip 132 KV Asoj - Manjusar line No. 1 & 2
Loading on 220/132 kV ICTs at 220 KV Condition : HV current Alarm: 231 A, Tripping: 250 A, Rated HV Current: 262 A
Jambuva S/S in case of sudden loss of Action : It will trip 132 KV Karjan and Tilakwada lines and 66 KV Dabhoi, 66KV Tarsali 1 &
GIPCL Generation. 2 feeders)
Over loading of 220 kV D Hadala - Nyara Condition : Setting at Nyara S/S:
D/C. 1. 720 A, 500 mili sec: It will trip breaker of 220 KV Jetpur feeder.
2. 750 A, 5 sec: It will trip breaker of 220 KV Kangasiyali feeder.
3. 900 A, 500 mili sec: It will trip breaker of 220 KV Kangasiyali feeder.
Over loading of 400/220 kV, 315 MVA Setting: Alarm: 408 A, 1 sec; Tripping: 431 A, 5 sec.
ICTs at 400 KV Jetpur S/S. Action: It will trip 66 KV feeders at 400 KV Jetpur S/S
Over loading of 220 kV S/C Kosamba - Stage 1 Setting: 700 Amp for 5 minutes
Vav line Action: 50 MW load shedding at 220 KV Vav S/S
Stage 2 Setting: 750 Amp instantaneous
Action: 100 MW load shedding at 220 KV Vav S/S
Over loading of 220 kV Kosamba - Kim Stage 1 Setting: 700 Amp for 5 minutes
D/C. Action: Alarm at 220 KV Kim S/S
Stage 2 Setting: 750 Amp instantaneous
Action: 50 MW load shedding at 220 KV Kim S/S

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SPS Scheme in Maharashtra (Up to 220 kV Level)
Name of Sub-
Objective of Load Trimming Condition and Action Expected Load relief
400/220 kV Akola To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overload setting > 780 Amp Total 218 MW during
KV 315 MVA ICT at Akola during Action : peak Hour ( When
normal or under contingency. 1) Load trimming scheme at 220 kV Akola S/S : 33 kV Incomer operated in 2015 at
I & II Tripping 00:17 Hrs, it provided
2) At 220 kV Chikhali S/S : 33 kV Incomer II & 33 kV Dusarbid, 81 MW )
33 kV Amdapur & 33 kV MIDC Feeders, 220 kV Jalna Ckt I &
II 132 kV Dhad & 132 kV Deulgaon Mahi Ckt.

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400 kV Aurangabad To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of 400/220 kV ICTs Stage 1 : 150 MW
(MS) kV ICT 1, 2 & 3 at Aurangabad Action : Stage 2 : 150 MW
during normal or under 1. Stage -1 (150MW) through PLCC links 132 kV Pishor ,
contingency. Sillod from 220 kV Padegaon S/s. 132 kV Badnapur ,
Ambad, Partur from 220 kV Jalna S/s. 132 kV Kagjipura
from 220 kV Sawangi S/s and 33 kV Feeders from 220
kV Sawangi & Jalna (Kanyannagar) S/s.
2. Stage-2 (150MW) : 220 kV Aurangabad-Jalna-D/C trip
additional to Stage 1.
400 kV Parli (MS) To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition: Stage 1 any ICT exceeding > 465 Amp for 2 sec., Stage 1 : 150 MW
kV ICT 1, 2 & 3 at Parli during Stage 2: Any ICT exceeding > 600 Amp for 1.2 sec. Stage 2 : 250 MW
normal or under contingency. Action: Stage1 : 150 MW through tripping of 132 kV Renapur,
132 kV MIDC, 132 kV Gangakhed, LV side of 50 MVA T/F 1 & 2
at 220 kV Murud S/s, 33 kV Parli- Ambajogai , 33 kV Parli- Pathan
Mandawa, 33 kV Parli-Sayagaon .
Stage2: 250MW through tripping of 220 kV Parli-Harangul D/C
400 kV Karad To avoid overloading of 400/220 Scheme is proposed for 277 MW. Not yet implemented
kV ICT 1,2 & 3 at Karad during
normal or under contingency.
400 kV Chandrapur To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition: Overcurrent setting 400/220 kV ICT > 455 Amp for 1 Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Chandrapur during sec. 60 MW during peak
normal or under contingency. Action : Tripping of 220 kV Chandrapur-Sicom D/C Hour.

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400 kV Bableshwar To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : overloading of 400/220 kV ICT 1, 2 & 3
kV ICT 1, 2 & 3 at Bableshwar Action : Tripping of 220 kV Bableshwar-Ahmadnagar ckts
during normal or under
400 kV Lonikand 1 To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs Total load relief around
kV ICT 1,2 & 3 at Lonikhand during Action : Load trimming of 200-250 MW 200-250 MW during
normal or under contingency. peak Hour.
400 kV Jejuri To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs above 110 % for 2 sec Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Jejuri during normal Action: 280 MW Load shedding. 280 MW during peak
or under contingency. Hour.
400 kV Jejuri To avoid under voltage at sub- Condition : Voltage < 370 kV for 5 seconds Total load relief around
station Action: 280 MW Load shedding. 280 MW during peak
400 kV Chakan To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs above 110 % (500 amp) for 3 sec Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Chakan during Action: Load shedding of 8 MW by tripping of 132 kV Chakan- 129 MW during peak
normal or under contingency. Chinchwad, 132 kV Chinchwad-Bajaj Auto, 132 kV Chinchwad- Hour
Talegaon .
400 kV Chakan To avoid overloading 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Chakan-Chinchwad line Total load relief around
Chakan-Chinchwad line Action: Load shedding of 88 MW by tripping of 132 kV Chakan- 88 MW during peak
Chinchwad , 132 kV Chinchwad-Bajaj Auto. Hour
400 kV Solapur (MS) To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs above 1300 Amp for 5 sec Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Sholapur(MS) during Action: Load shedding of around 300 MW 300 MW during peak
normal or under contingency. Hour

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400 kV Kalwa To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : ICT loading > 110 % with delay of 0.5 sec Total load relief around
kV ICT 1, 2 & 3 at Kalwa during ICT 2 200 MVA loading >110 % with delay 2 second. 160 MW during peak
normal or under contingency. Action : 160 MA load shedding by tripping of 100 kV Kalwa- Hour
Vashi D/C, 100 kV Kalwa-NOCIL D/C and 220/22 kV 50 MVA ICT
1 & 2 at Kalwa s/s

400 kV Padghe To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICT 1,2,3 or ICT 4 Stage 1 : 294 MW
kV 315 MVA ICT 1, 2, 3 & 600 MVA Action : Stage 1 load trimming of 294 MW and Stage 2 Load Stage 2 : 447 MW
4 at Padghe during normal or trimming of 447 MW
under contingency.
220 KV Chikhali Avoid overloading of 220/132 kV Condition: Overcurrent setting of both ICTs: 800 Amp. Total load relief around
200 MVA Chikhali ICT 1 & 2 Action: Tripping of Radial connected 132 kV Chikhali- 48 MW during peak
Deulgaonmahi and 132 kV Chikhali-Dhad Circuit. Hour.
220 kV Pusad To avoid overload tripping of either Condition: Overcurrent setting 220 kV Pusad-Bhugaon > 840 Total load relief around
of 220 kV Pusad-Bhugaon or 220 kV Amp and 220 kV Pusad-Yavatmal > 540 Amp. (Will operated for 60 MW during peak
Pusad-Yavatmal Ckt in case of either case) Hour.
tripping of other Ckt. Action : Tripping of 132 kV Umarkhed, Jambazar, Gunj, Ghatodi
220 kV Pusad For 220/132 kV 100 MVA ICT I & II Condition: Overcurrent setting 220/132 kV ICT > 260 Amp. Total load relief around
at Pusad overload Action: Tripping of 132 kV Pusad-Gunj and 132 kV Pusad- 30 MW during peak
Jambazar. Hour.

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220 kV Padegaon Overloading of 220 kV Padegaon- Condition : Loading of 220 kV Padegoan-Waluj each circuit Stage1 : 150 MW
Aurangabad D/C 1. Alarm if loading > 550 a delay 1 Sec. Stage 2 : 300 MW
2. Stage 1 if Loading > 660 A delay 2 sec.
3. Stage 2 if loading > 780 A delay 1.2 sec.
Action: Load trimming in stage wise manner is as Stage 1: 150
MW and Stage 2: 300 MW.
220 kV Harangul To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Line loading either circuit of 220 kV Harangul-Parli Total load relief around
Harangul-Parli GCR and 220 kV GCR and 220 kV Harangul-ICL 80 MW during peak
Harangul-ICL 1. Alarm: > 700 Amp with delay of 2 Sec. Hour.
2. Load trimming > 750 Amp with delay 2 sec
Action: 80 MW of load shedding with tripping of 132 kV Chakur,
Udgir, Nilanga, Latur 1, latur 2 circuits.
220 kV Harangul To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting for 220/132 kV ICT Total load relief around
kV 200 MVA ICT 1 & 2 1. Alarm: > 780 Amp with delay of 2 Sec. 80 MW during peak
2. Load trimming > 865 Amp with delay 2 sec Hour.
Action: 80 MW of load shedding with tripping of 132 kV Chakur,
Udgir, Nilanga, Latur 1, latur 2 circuits.
220 kV Lonand To avoid tripping on overloading of Condition: Overloading of either 220 KV Lonand-Jejuri line & Total load relief around
220 KV Lonand-Jejuri line & 220 kV 220 kV lonand-Kandalgaon line. 295 MW during peak
lonand-Kandalgaon line. Action : Tripping of 2 ICT 1 & 2 at Lonand S/S, 2 ICT of 132/33 Hour.
kV 50 MVA at 132 kV Phaltan S/S , 2 ICTs of 132/33 kV 25 MVA
at 132 kV Satara Road S/s.

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220 kV Bableshwar To Avoid blackout of 220 kV Condition: Loading of either Bableshwar-Ahmadnagar 1 & 2 > Total load relief around
Ahmadnagar and 220 kV Bhose s/s 784 Amp 140 MW during peak
in case of over loading of 220 kV Action: Tripping of 132 Kedgaon /Supa/Ashti circuits from Hour.
Bableshwar-Ahmadnagar D/C Ahmadnagar.

220 kV Bableshwar To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Loading of either ICT > 520 Amp Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Bableshwar. Action: Tripping of 132 Kedgaon /Supa/Ashti circuits from 140 MW during peak
Ahmadnagar. Hour.
220 kV Amalner To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading of ICTs Total load relief around
kV ICT 1 & 2 at Amalner due to Action : 50 MW load shedding at 132 kV Chopda S/s 50 MW during peak
loading of 132kV Amalner-Chopda Hour.
line when total load of Chopda S/s
is fed by 220 kV Amalner S/s
220 kV Chinchwad To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Chakan-Chinchwad line Total load relief around
Chinchwad-Chakan line to keep Action: Load shedding of 88 MW by tripping of 132 kV Chakan- 88 MW during peak
Pune Ring Main Close. Chinchwad, 132 kV Chinchwad-Bajaj Auto. Hour
220 kV Chinchwad To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Chakan-Urse line
Chinchwad-Urse line to keep Pune Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220 kV Parvati-PASS,
Ring Main Close. 220/22-22 kV ICT at Chinchwad.
220 kV Chinchwad To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Chinchwad-Flagship line
Chinchwad-Flagship line to keep Action: Load shedding of 88 MW by tripping of 132 kV Chakan-
Pune Ring Main Close. Chinchwad, 132 kV Chinchwad-Bajaj Auto.

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220 kV Urse To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Talegaon-Urse D/C lines
Talegaon-Urse D/C lines to keep Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220 kV Parvati-PASS
Pune Ring Main Close.
220 kV Talegaon To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 Pune(PG)-Talegaon D/C line
Pune(PG)-Talegaon D/C line Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220 kV Parvati-PASS
220 kV Parvati To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 Parvati-Chinchwad line
Parvati-Chinchwad line to keep Action: Tripping of 220 kV Jejuri-Parvati circuit.
Pune Ring Main Close. (No Load shed)
220 kV Parvati To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 Jejuri-Parvati line
Jejuri-Parvati line to keep Pune Action: Tripping of 220 Parvati-Chinchwad circuit.
Ring Main Close. (No Load shed)
220 kV Phursungi To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Jejuri-Phursungi D/C lines
Jejuri-Phursungi D/C to keep Pune Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220/22-22 kV 100 MVA ICT
Ring Main Close. 1 & 2 at Phursungi.
220 kV Bhosari 1 To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: Overloading of 220 kV Lonikhand2-Bhosari1 line.
Lonikhand2-Bhosari1 line to keep Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220/22-22 kV 100 MVA ICT
Pune Ring Main Close. 1 & 3 & 220/22 kV 75 MVA ICT LV at Bhosari1.
220 kV Bhosari 1 To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: Overloading of 220 kV Chakan-Bhosari1 line.
Chakan-Bhosari1 line to keep Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220/22-22 kV 100 MVA ICT
Pune Ring Main Close. 1 & 3 & 220/22 kV 75 MVA ICT LV at Bhosari1.
220 kV Telco To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: Overloading of 220 kV Telco-Bhosari2 line.
Telco-Bhosari2 line to keep Pune Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220/22 kV 50 MVA ICT 1
Ring Main Close. LV and 22 kV Telco-Akrudi feeder at Telco S/s.

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220 kV Khadki To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: Overloading of 220 kV VSNL-Kahdki line.
VSNL-Kahdki line to keep Pune Ring Action: Load shedding by tripping of 220/22 kV 100 MVA ICT 1
Main Close. LV at Khadki S/s
220 kV Kamba/Wada To avoid the overloading on 220 kV Condition: Overloading of either line > 110 % with delay 1 sec. Total load relief around
Padghe-Wada & 220 kV Padghe- Action : For tripping of one line the local loads will shed with 22 140/118 MW during
Kamba in the event of kV ICTs tripping peak Hour
tripping/breakdown of any of the At Kamba: 22 kV ICT 1,2,3,4 Trip provide 140 MW relief.
line. At Wada: 22 kV ICT 1,2,3,4 Trip provide 118 MW relief.

220 kV Boisar(MS) To avoid the overloading on Condition : ICT 1 150 MVA loading > 110 % with delay 1 sec Total load relief around
220/132 kV 150 MVA ICt 1 and 200 ICT 2 200 MVA loading >110 % with delay 2 second. 211 MW during peak
MVA ICT 2 at Boisar(MS) Action: Load shedding of 211 MW by tripping, 50 MVA 132/22 Hour
kV TF 1 & 2 (LV CB Trip) at 132 kV Palghar S/s, 132/11 kV ICT
1,2,3 & 4 (LV CB Trip) and 132/33 kV ICT 1 & 2 (LV CB trip) at 132
kV MIDC Boisar S/s, 4 nos. of 33 kV feedersat 220kV Boisar S/s.

220 kV Boisar(MW) To avoid the overloading on 220 kV Condition : Line loading > 112.5 % with delay 3 sec Total load relief around
150 MW during peak
Boisar(PG)-Boisa(MS) D/C ICT 2 200 MVA loading >110 % with delay 2 second.
Action: Load shedding of 150 MW by tripping, 50 MVA 132/22
kV TF 1 & 2 (LV CB Trip) at 132 kV Palghar S/s, 132/11 kV ICT
1,2,3 & 4 (LV CB Trip) and 132/33 kV ICT 1 & 2 (LV CB trip) at
132 kV MIDC Boisar S/s,

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220 kV Trombay To avoid the overloading of 220 kV Condition : Line loading > 107 % with delay 5 sec Total load relief around
170 MW during peak
Kharghar-Trombay Action: 120 MW load shed by tripping 220 kV Dharavi s/s TATA
laod (Mumbai load) and 50 MW load by tripping 22 feeders at
220 kV Nerul and 220 kV Sonkhar S/s.

220 kV Nerul To avoid the overloading of 220 kV Condition : Line loading > 107 % with delay 5 sec Total load relief around
170 MW during peak
Kharghar-Nerul-Sonkhar-Trombay Action: 120 MW load shed by tripping 220 kV Dharavi s/s TATA
line after reconfiguration of laod (Mumbai load) and 50 MW load by tripping 22 feeders at
Kharghar-Trombay line (Mumbai 220 kV Nerul and 220 kV Sonkhar S/s.
Region load)

SPS in Madhya Pradesh

Name of Sub-
Objective of Load Trimming Condition and Action Expected Load relief
To avoid overloading 220/132
220/132 kV Satna Condition : Current of Either ICT >110 % with delay 1 sec
(MP) Action : Tripping of 132 kV Panna, Pawal, Nagod
To avoid overloading 220
Condition: Current on either line > 800 Amp with delay 4
220/132 kV Satna Satna(PG)-Satna(MP) D/C to
sec .
(MP) avoid 400/220 kV Satna(PG) ICT
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Panna, Pawal, Nagod

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For Updating of the Document –Contact Person
1. SPS in Western Region: Smt. Chitrankshi Gangrekar
2. SPS in Gujarat: Sh. B. M. Shah SLDC Gujarat/ Sh. S.S. Patel, SE,GETCO/Sh.Nirav Barot, JE Testing,GETCO
3. SPS in Maharashtra : Sh. Shrikant Rajurkar, SE Testing Head, MSETCL
4. SPS in Madhya Pradesh : Smt. Cinderella Felix, JE, SLDC Madhya Pradesh

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SPS in Western Region
Name of SPS Aim Description Agency

CGPL SPS For Improving Steady state 1. If net export is more than 3300 MW and one ckt of CGPL-
and Transient Stability at CGPL Bachhau D/C trips: Backing down automatically to bring down
during N-1 and N-1-1 the generation to 3100 MW. Further manual backing down of
Contingency around 200 MW has to be done to bring down the flow of
CGPL-Bachhau other ckt to 950 MW.
2. If net export is more than 3300 MW and if CGPL-Chorania or
CGPL-Mansar or one ckt of CGPL-Jetpur D/C trips: Backing
Implemented CGPL
down automatically to bring down the generation to 3300
3. In case of D/C tripping of CGPL-Bachhau, CGPL-Jetpur or
CGPL-Mansar S/C and CGPL-Chorania S/C: Trip one unit
immediately. Unit running at maximum generation to be
selected for tripping to get full 800 MW reduction
immediately to take care of system stability. ( If export is

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between 3300 -3500 MW then trip one unit & If export
exceed 3500 MW then Trip one unit and runback other)
4. If net export is more than 3300 MW and in case of D/C
tripping of Bachhau-Ranchopura: Backing down
automatically to bring down the generation to 3300 MW.
SASAN SPS To control overload of the  If one 765 kV lines trip : No reduction automatic
following critical 765 kV  If two 765 kV lines trips and current on last circuit exceeds
transmission lines and ICT: 2000 Amp (O/C setting): Trip 1 Unit immediately and if above
1) 765 kV Sasan – Satna Line 1 condition is still satisfied then trip another Unit. (Generation
2) 765 kV Sasan – Satna Line 2 Ex bus reduces to 2400 MW)
3) 765 kV Sasan-Vindhyachal  If all circuit trips and current in either of 765/400 kV ICT is Implemented SASAN
Pool more than 800 amp: Trip one Unit followed by tripping of
3) 765 / 400 kV, 1000 MVA ICT- another unit in next 5 second if condition is still satisfied. If
1 after tripping of two units, yet the condition is satisfied trip
4) 765 / 400 kV, 1000 MVA ICT- the third unit in next 5 seconds. (Generation Ex bus reduces
2 to 1800 MW)
JPL SPS For N-1-1 stability of Jindal 1. If Generation at JPl is full (4 * 250 + 2 * 135 MW) and one
and Jindal Extension Station circuit of 400 kV JPL-Raipur D/C and 400 kV JPL-JPL Extension
Implemented JPL
trip or One of the line is out of service and other circuit trips:
Ex Bus Generation at JPl to be brought to 590 MW (One unit

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of 250 MW and 2 Unit of 135 MW along with 60 MW of
Generation reduction in 3-4 Minutes.
2. Sudden Reversal of Power on JPL-JPL Extension due to N-1-1
contingency of 765 kV Tamnar-Kotra lines : Trip one unit of
600 MW and immediate backing down at other Unit in JPL
extension so that Ex Bus generation of JPl+JPl Extension
should not exceed 1160 MW.
3. All four 400 kV lines from JPL Extension-Tamnar to be in
service if JPl Extension generation is more than 600 MW.
ESSAR MAHAN Restriction of Essar Mahan When the breaker position at Mahan is OPEN for Vindhyachal
SPS generation due to LILO line “OR” Power flow towards Vindhyachal less than 12 MW for Essar
arrangement at least 1 sec : Trip 600 MW unit at Mahan immediately so that Mahan
there is no injection towards Korba
ESSAR Steel ICT Overloading ‘OFF’ position of 400 kV side breaker of ICT’s “OR” ICT’s 220 kV,
Plant side current of ICTs more than 1100 ampere: Tripping of running Implemented
Furnace’s at ESIL Plant-1 and 2 (Around 200-250 MW).
SIPAT SPS To control overload of the  Alarm in case of ICTs loading exceeds 100 % for 5 seconds.
765/400 kV ICTs in view of  if any ICTs load exceeds 130% of the rated load for more than
tripping of 765 kV Sipat- 4 sec : unload unit 1,2,4 and 5 each by 150MW (subject to Implemented NTPC
Bilaspur D/C or 765 kV minimum loading of 500MW in stage-1 units and subject to
Bilaspur-Seoni D/C minimum loading of 350MW in stage-2 units).

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 if any ICTs load remains above 130% even after unloading unit
1,2,4 and 5 : Unload Unit 3 by 150 MW after 300 sec (subject
to minimum loading of 500 MW.
 Once the load has reduced below 130% manual action to
reduce to bring down ICT loading below 100%
220 kV Vapi- To Avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: If loading of 220 kV Vapi-Kharadpada Either circuit
Kharadpada Vapi-Kharadpada exceeds 250 MW or above.
Loading Implemented DNH
Action : 200 MW load shedding in DNH (SPS load shedding is
Based on Microwave communication)
APL Mundra 400kV Mundra-Versana/ Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceed 715 Amp,
SPS Hadala line Loading Alarm in 10 Sec.
Stage 3: If Line loading on these circuits exceed >600MW +
Availability of any one or both APL-Sami or Sami-Dehgam lines:
After Delay of 4 seconds Generation backing down @200 MW Implemented APL
from unit 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Stage 2: if Line loading on these circuits exceed >600MW + Non-
availability of both APL-Sami or Sami-Dehgam lines: After delay
of 4 second trip Unit 3 or 4.
400kV Mundra-Sami 1& 2 If Both lines in service without FSC or Single Line is in service
Implemented APL
lines loading without FSC:

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Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceeds 715 Amp,
Alarm in 10 Sec.
Stage 2: If Line loading on these circuits is more than 650 MW for
15 seconds: 200 -300 MW Generation Reduction at APL in Unit 3-
6 as per selection.
Stage 3: If Line loading on these circuits is greater than 700 MW
and less than 800 MW for 1.5 seconds : Trip one unit from Unit 3
or 4 to reduce generation by 330 MW.
Stage 4: if Line loading on these circuits exceeds 850 MW for 1.5
seconds : Tripping of Unit 5 or 6 to reduce generation by 660 MW.

If Both lines in service with FSC or Single Line is in service with

Stage 1: If Current in either of these circuits exceeds 715 Amp,
Alarm in 10 Sec.
Stage 2: If Line loading on these circuits is more than 750 MW for
15 seconds: 200 -300 MW Generation Reduction at APL in Unit 3-
6 as per selection.
Stage 3: If Line loading on these circuits is greater than 850 MW
and less than 1000 MW for 1.5 seconds: Trip one unit from Unit
3 or 4 to reduce generation by 330 MW.

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Stage 4: if Line loading on these circuits exceeds 1000 MW for 1.5
seconds: Tripping of Unit 5 or 6 to reduce generation by 660 MW.
400 kV Sami Dehgam 1 & 2 Condition 1: If one line is out and other line loading > 750 MW:
Line Loading Tripping of Unit 3 or 4 based on selection
Condition 2: If one line is out and other line loading > 800 MW:
Tripping of one Unit from Unit 5 to Unit 9 based on selection.
Implemented APL
Condition 3: Simultaneous tripping of Sami - Dehgam Line D/C (At
Sami end) when any one of the line loaded > 400 MW: Tripping
of Unit 3 or 4 based on selection (It will be different from
Condition 1-unit selection)
Tripping of 400 kV Mundra- Condition: Simultaneous tripping of 400 kV Mundra - Sami Line
Sami D/C D/C (At Mundra end) when any one of the line loaded >
Implemented APL
400MW: Tripping of Unit 3 or 4 based on selection (It will be
different from Condition 1-unit selection)
220kV Mundra-Nanikhakar Stage 1: Current Setting 500 Amp , Time Delay : 5 Sec, Relay
D/C and Mundra-Tappar D/C setting : 0.63 : Alarm to operator
Line Loading Stage 2: Current Setting 550 Amp , Time Delay : 2 Sec, Relay
Implemented APL
setting : 0.69, Tripping of ICT 1,2
Stage 3: Current Setting 605 Amp , Time Delay : 5 Sec, Relay
setting : 0.76, Tripping of ICT 1,2 : Generation Back down

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Stage 4: Current Setting 670 Amp, Time Delay: 2 Sec, Relay
setting: 0.84, Tripping of ICT 1, 2: Generation tripping of Unit 1 or
WR-SR SPS 1 765 kV Solapur-Raihcur D/C Condition :
Line loading 1. A. The total flow on the two circuits crosses 3500 MW and
remains above 3500 MW for 5 seconds in Sholapur to Raichur
direction sensed by both at Sholapur and Raichur.
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR ( JPL, JPL Extension,
(RS2) load Shedding in SR Grid. If the Flow remains above 3500
MW for 2.5 seconds, additional 500 MW (RS3) load will be shed.

Implemented. CTU
1.B. The total flow on the two circuits crosses 4000 MW for 2.5
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension,
KSK, DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, and NSPCL) and 1500
MW (RS1, RS2 and RS3) load Shedding in SR Grid.
1.C. If only one circuit is in operation and power flow on it crosses
2000 MW and remains above 2000 MW for 2.5 seconds in
Sholapur to Raichur direction sensed by both at Sholapur and

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Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR ( JPL, JPL Extension,
(RS1 and RS2) load Shedding in SR Grid
WR-SR SPS 3 Loss of import by SR on 765 kV Condition: Loss of import by SR on 765 kV Sholapur-Raichur D/C
Sholapur-Raichur D/C by more by more than 1500 MW due to tripping of these lines
Implemented CTU
than 1500 MW due to tripping
Action: Load Shedding of 1500 MW in SR (RS1, RS2 and RS3)
of these lines.
WR-SR SPS 5 400 kV Wardha-Parli D/C Line Condition: Tripping of any one circuit of 400 kV Wardha-Parli D/C
loading and flow on other circuit crossing 750 MW.
(Only Mouda
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (Tiroda-200MW,
and Tiroda are CTU
Mauda-100MW, Koradi-70MW, Khaperkhada-150MW,
wired at
Chandrapur-250 MW Indiabulls-30MW) and 848 MW (KK1) load
Shedding in SR Grid. (Presently only 100 MW at Mouda and 300
MW at APML Tiroda)
WR-SR SPS 6 400 kV Parli(PG)-Solapur(PG) Condition: Flow on either circuit of 400 kV Parli-Sholapur D/C
D/C Line loading (sensed at Sholapur) crossing 800 MW and remaining above this Implemented
value for 2.5 seconds.

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Tripping of one circuit of 400 kV Parli-Sholapur D/C and other
circuit crossing 700 MW or above, sensed at Sholapur

Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension,

KSK, DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO, and NSPCL) and 848 MW
(KK1) load Shedding in SR Grid.
WR-SR SPS 8 Loss of 765 kV Aurangabad- Condition: Loss of 765 kV Aurangabad-Sholapur D/C carrying
Sholapur D/C carrying more more than 2500 MW from Aurangabad-Sholapur direction.
than 2500 MW. Implemented CTU
Action: 800 MW Backing of Generation in WR (JPL, JPL Extension,
KSK, DB Power, LANCO, KWPCL, BALCO and NSPCL) and 1000 MW
(Rs1 and RS3) load Shedding in SR Grid.
Agra-Gwalior Sudden reduction of import by Automatic back down of 500 MW Generation in WR :
SPS at Gwalior NR on Agra-Gwalior I & II by  CGPL : 125 MW
end (It act as more than or equal to 1500  Korba : 125 MW
Back Up SPS to MW  Vindhyachal :125 MW Implemented CTU
Agra end SPS)  Sasan : 125 MW (Signal through Gwalior till Optical fibre
commissioning up to Sasan)
 In Northern region : Shed load of group C, D, E and F
Sudden reduction of import by In Northern Region : Shed load of group C and D Implemented CTU

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NR on Agra-Gwalior I & II by
more than or equal to 1000
MW and less than 1500 MW
When both 765 kV Agra-
Gwalior Lines are in service,
steady state flow crosses 3600
In Northern Region : Shed load of group C and D Implemented CTU
MW Total in West to
North for more than 10
When only one 765 kV Agra-
Gwalior Line is in service,
steady state flow crosses
In Northern Region : Shed load of group C and D Implemented CTU
2500MW Total In West to
North for more than 10
HVDC Mundra Loss of Both Poles of HVDC In Case of Loss of both Poles of HVDC Mundra Mohindergarh :
Mohindergarh Mundra Mohindergarh  In case all units are running, trip two units of Stage 4.
SPS  Backup 1: Sudden change in Forward power from Phase-4 to Implemented APL
Phase-3 at rate of 150MW/100mSec & persist up to 1 Sec:
tripping of Units 7-9 as per selection.

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 Backup 2: If steady state power on sectionalizer is greater
than 1000 MW in 5 seconds, trip another unit from 7-9.

In case of tripping of One HVDC pole and 1000 MW Forward

power from Phase‐4 to Phase‐3 up to 5 Sec is observed :
 Tripping of Unit-7 to Unit-9 as per selection
Akola Flow High Loading on Akola Flow  If the loading on Akola flow gate comprising of 400 kV Akola
Gate gate I- Aurangabad PG D/C,400 kV Akola II- Taptitanda D/C and
400 kV Akola I- Bhusawal lines exceeds 2100 MW, backing
down at M/S RIPL generation to be done by ‘3’ times the
difference in Akola flow gate loading with respect to 2100
Implemented RIPL
MW. The backing down will be done linearly at the rate of 12
MW per minute till the flow gate is up to 2203 MW. If the flow
gate exceeds 2203MW one unit at M/s RIPL would trip and
backing down in other units would continue, so that the flow
gate loading is brought within 2100 MW.
APML Tirora 400 kV Tirora-Warora Line  Stage 1 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 926 MW
Overload Alarm (time Delay 3 sec)
Implemented APML
 Stage 2 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1020
MW Backdown of 300 MW in selected Unit (time Delay 3 sec)

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 Stage 3 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1480
MW Tripping of one selected Unit (time Delay 600 ms)
 Stage 4 : 400 kV Tirora –Warora one circuit loading > 1480
MW Tripping of another selected Unit (time Delay 800 ms)
Akola2 ICT overloading  If the 765/400 kV 1500 MVA ICT at Akola loading exceeds
1450 MW , backing down at Tiroda by double the quantum of
difference on 765/400 kV ICT loading with respect to 1450
MW with a time delay of 2.5 Sec
Power Swing in one 400 kV line Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
with Tripping of other 400 kV
Tripping of any 400 kV line and Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
detection of PSB on 765 kV line
Tripping of 765 kV line with Tripping of one selected unit on 400 kV side
detection of PSB in any of 400
kV line
Any One of the 400 kV Warora- Runback of selected Units out of Unit 1,2,3 for Back down up to
Chandrapur Line Trip 1500 MW , e.g.. if total 400 kV Ex-bus generation is 1800 MW,
the total Back down will be for 1800-1500 = 300 MW
Both 400 kV Warora- Tripping of selected one unit in case of all three Generators at
Chandrapur Lines Trip 400 kV side in service.

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Overloading of Lines at Akola  Stage 1 : Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG)
Sub-station 1, Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) >570 MW : Alarm
 Stage 2 : Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG)
1, Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) > 640 MW for 2 Sec
or >700 MW for 1.5 Sec AND 400 kV Indiabulls-Akola2 line
>500 MW : Back down action at Tiroda for 150 MW
 Stage 3: Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad (PG)
1, Akola-A’Bad (PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal) > 640 MW for 5 sec
AND Akola-II to Akola-I lines > 800 MW: Back down action at
Tiroda for 150 MW.
 Stage 4: Over loading of any of lines (400 kV Akola-A’Bad(PG)
1, Akola-A’Bad(PG) 2, Akola-Bhusawal ) > 700 MW for 3 sec
AND Akola-II to Akola-I line >1000 MW : Tripping of selected
Unit at Tiroda
HIGH Automatic generation tripping Automatic generation tripping in Western Region at high
FREQUENCY at high frequency (51.5 Hz) frequency (51.5 Hz) to help arresting the rise of frequency in case CGPL/
SPS of islanding of WR from rest of NEW grid after delay of 30 seconds NTPC
: Korba Unit 7 , Vindhyachal Unit 7, CGPL Unit 40
Mouda SPS To avoid High Loading on 400 Condition: if 400 kV Wardha-Mouda 1 circuit trips and Ex Bus
kV Mouda-Wardha D/C ( Till generation is more than 1150 MW Implemented NTPC
660 MW Unit 2 COD) Action : Tripping of one 500 MW unit

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SPS Scheme in Gujarat
Name of SPS Description

Over loading on 220 kV Ukai - Mota Condition at Mota S/S:

D/C. Stage-1: 700 A, 5 minutes.
Stage-2: 750 A, 6 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 kV System at 220 kV Mota and
Ambheta S/S
Over loading on 220 kV Amreli - Condition at Savarkundla S/S:
Savarkundla D/C. Stage-1: 660 A, 10 sec.
Stage-2: 720 A, 1 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 kV System at 220 kV Savarkundla S/S
Over loading of 400/220 kV, 315 Condition
MVA ICTs at 400 kV Amreli S/S Stage 1: Alarm: 400 A, 5 sec.
Stage 2 : Tripping: 418 A, 1 sec.
Action : It will cut off identified load of 66 kV feeders at 400 kV Amreli S/S)
Over loading of 400/220 kV, 500 Setting: 680 A, 5 sec.
MVA ICTs at 400 kV Asoj S/S. Action: It will trip 220 kV D/C Chandrapura - Godhra line and identified 66 kV
feeders at Jambuva S/S using direct trip command.)

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Over loading on 220/132 kV, 150 (1) 150 MVA ICT : Setting HV current: 360 A Rated HV Current: 394 A
MVA & 100 MVA ICTs at 400 kV Asoj (2) 100 MVA ICT : Setting HV current: 240 A Rated HV Current: 262 A
S/S in case of sudden loss of GIPCL Action : It will trip 132 kV Asoj - Manjusar line No. 1 & 2
Loading on 220/132 kV ICTs at 220 kV Condition : HV current Alarm: 231 A, Tripping: 250 A, Rated HV Current: 262 A
Jambuva S/S in case of sudden loss of Action : It will trip 132 kV Karjan and Tilakwada lines and 66 kV Dabhoi, 66kV
GIPCL Generation. Tarsali 1 & 2 feeders)
Over loading of 220 kV D Hadala - Condition : Setting at Nyara S/S:
Nyara D/C. 1. 720 A, 500 mili sec: It will trip breaker of 220 kV Jetpur feeder.
2. 750 A, 5 sec: It will trip breaker of 220 kV Kangasiyali feeder.
3. 900 A, 500 mili sec: It will trip breaker of 220 kV Kangasiyali feeder.
Over loading of 400/220 kV, 315 Setting: Alarm: 408 A, 1 sec; Tripping: 431 A, 5 sec.
MVA ICTs at 400 kV Jetpur S/S. Action: It will trip 66 kV feeders at 400 kV Jetpur S/S
Over loading of 220 kV S/C Kosamba Stage 1 Setting: 700 Amp for 5 minutes
- Vav line Action: 50 MW load shedding at 220 kV Vav S/S
Stage 2 Setting: 750 Amp instantaneous
Action: 100 MW load shedding at 220 kV Vav S/S
Over loading of 220 kV Kosamba - Stage 1 Setting: 700 Amp for 5 minutes
Kim D/C. Action: Alarm at 220 kV Kim S/S
Stage 2 Setting: 750 Amp instantaneous
Action: 50 MW load shedding at 220 kV Kim S/S

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SPS Scheme in Maharashtra (Up to 220 kV Level)
Name of Sub-
Objective of Load Trimming Condition and Action Expected Load relief
400 kV Akola To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition :
kV 315 MVA ICT I & II at Akola Overloading setting > 900 Amp for 1.3 second
during normal or under Action : Total load relief
contingency. 1) Load trimming scheme at 220 kV Akola S/S : 33 kV around 207 MW
Incomer I & II Tripping during peak Hour (
2) At 220 kV Chikhali S/S : 33 kV Incomer II & 33 kV When operated in
Dusarbid, 33 kV Amdapur & 33 kV MIDC Feeders, 220 2015 at 00:17 Hrs, it
kV Jalna Ckt I & II 132 kV Dhad & 132 kV Deulgaon provided 81 MW )
Mahi Ckt.
400 kV Aurangabad To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition :
(MS) kV ICTs 1, 2 & 3 at Aurangabad Over loading setting
during normal or under For ICTs I&II:
contingency. Alarm : 450 A with a delay of 1 second Total load relief
Stage 1 : 500 A with a delay of 1.3 second around 185 MW
Stage 2 : 500 A with a delay of 2 second during peak Hour
Alarm : 720 A with a delay of 1 second

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Stage 1 : 800 A with a delay of 1.3 second
Stage 2 : 800 A with a delay of 2 second
Action :
Tripping of 132kV Sillod,132kV Pishor -all 33kV
Feeders,132kV Kagajipura,220kV Bhokardan&Fulambri

400 kV Karad To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition:

kV 315 MVA ICT 1, 2 & 3 at Karad Stage 1 any ICT exceeding > 110 % for 1.3 sec., Stage 2:
during normal or under Any ICT exceeding > 110% for 1.8 sec.
contingency. Action:
Stage 1 Stage 1 : 310 MW
Tripping at 220 kV Ogalewadi :2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF Stage 2 : 219 MW
LV-1 & 2 ( Except 33 kV Vijaynagar feeder feeding Aux
Supply to 400 kV karad RS), 110 kV kundal feeder, 110 kV
Atit feeder
Tripping at220 kV Hiwarwadi :220 kV Pandharpur Feeder
Tripping at 220 kV Mudshingi : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF
LV-1 & 2, 110 kV Puuikhedi feeder, 110 kV Kothali feeder,
220 kV Chikkodi feeder.
Stage 2

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Tripping at 220 kV Ogalewadi : 110 kV Mayani feeder, 110
kV Kaledhone feeder, 110 kV Tembhu feeder
Tripping at 220 kV Kinhi Wathar: 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF
LV-1 & 2
Tripping at 220 kV Miraj : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 &
2, 110 kV Kurundwad feeder
Tripping at 220 kV Peth : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 &
Tripping at 220 kV Vita : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 &

400 kV Chandrapur To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition: Total load relief

kV ICT 1 & 2 at Chandrapur Overcurrent setting 400/220 kV ICT > 450 Amp for 1 sec. around 70 MW during
during normal or under Action : Tripping of 220 kV Chandrapur-Sicom D/C peak Hour.
400 kV Bableshwar To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition :
kV 315 MVA ICTs 1&2 and Over current setting:
400/220 kV 500 MVA ICTs 3&4 ICT 1 Stage 1: 200 MW
at Bableshwar during normal or 1. Stage 1 if loading > 450 A with a delay of 1.5 sec. Stage 2: 300 MW
under contingency. 2. Stage 2 if loading > 450 A with a delay of 1.5 sec.

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1. Stage 1 if loading > 450 A with a delay of 1.5 sec.
2. Stage 2 if loading > 500 A with a delay of 2 sec.
ICT 3&4
1. Stage 1 if loading > 750 A with a delay of 1.2 sec.
2. Stage 2 if loading > 800 A with a delay of 1 sec.
Action :
Stage 1 : Tripping of 220 kV Bableshwar – Alephata
Stage 2 : Tripping of 220 kV Bableshwar – Ahmad Nagar
400 kV Lonikand To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition: Over current setting: Total load relief
kV 315 MVA ICTs 1,2&3 at 1. Alarm if loading > 450 A delay 1 Sec. around 200-250 MW
Lonikhand 1 during normal or 2. Stage 1 if loading > 500 A with a delay of 1.3 sec. during peak Hour.
under contingency. In case of Action:
tripping of two ICTs, assuming Tripping of LV side tripping of 220/132kV ICT I&II at
200 MW load flow from 220kV Theur SS(100MW), LV side tripping of
Lonikand II. 220/22kV,50MVA TF No II at Lonikand I SS. (80 MW)
and LV side tripping of 220/22kV,50MVA TF No I at
Lonikand I SS(40 MW).
400 kV Lonikand 2 To avoid export of power to Condition: Total load relief
Lonikand I on 220kV Over current setting: around 100 MW
Interconnector & to avoid 1. Alarm if loading > 720 A delay 1 Sec. during peak Hour.

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overloading of 400/220 kV 500 2. Stage 1 if loading > 800 A with a delay of 1.3 sec.
MVA ICTs 1&2 at Lonikhand 2 Action:
during normal or under Tripping of 220 kV Lonikand – Lonikand II I/C and 220 kV
contingency. Lonikand II - Kathapur
400 kV Jejuri To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Total load relief
kV 500 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 at Jejuri Over current setting: around 376 MW
during normal or under 1. Alarm if loading > 720 A delay 1 Sec. during peak Hour.
contingency. 2. Stage 1 if loading > 800 A with a delay of 1.7 sec.
3. Stage 2 if loading > 800 A with a delay of 2 sec.
Tripping of 220 kV Baramati, Nanded city, Phursungi,
Parvati, Jejuri circuits and 220 kV Jejuri - Lonikand
400 kV Chakan To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs above 500 A for 1.3 sec Total load relief
kV 315 MVA ICT 1 & 2 at Chakan Action: Tripping of 132 kV Chakan-Chinchwad, 132 kV around 180 MW
during normal or under Chinchwad-Bajaj Auto, 132 kV Chinchwad- Talegaon . during peak Hour
400 kV Solapur (MS) To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading of ICTs above 1440 A for 1.3 sec Total load relief
kV 315 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 at Action: Tripping of 132kV Naldurga line at 220kV Bale (23 around 189 MW
Sholapur (MS) during normal or MW), LV side tripping of 220/33kV,50MVA CGL at during peak Hour
under contingency. Pandharpur SS (39 MW), LV side tripping of
220/33kV,50MVA TF I&II at 220kV Karkambh SS (66 MW)

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and LV side tripping of 220/33kV,50MVA TF I&II &
132/11kV Tf I &II at 220kV Malinagar SS( 61 MW)

400 kV Kalwa To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading setting

kV 500 MVA ICTs 1 & 3 and 600 For ICT 1
MVA ICT 2 at Kalwa during Alarm if ICT loading > 100% of Full Load with a delay of 1
normal or under contingency. sec
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 800 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 800 A with a delay of 3 sec
For ICT 2
Alarm if ICT loading > 100% of Full Load with a delay of 1
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 950 A with a delay of 1.3 sec Total load relief
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 950 A with a delay of 3 sec Stage 1: 201 MW
For ICT 3 Stage 2: 120 MW
Alarm if ICT loading > 100% of Full Load with a delay of 1
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 1460 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 1460 A with a delay of 3 sec
Action :
Stage: 1
Tripping at 220kV Colourchem s/s: (78MW)

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22kV Thane-1 (9MW), 22kV Targangan-1(8MW), 22kV
Sandoz-1 (6MW), 22kV Vrindavan (8MW), 22kV Raheja-1
(3MW), 22kV New Kasheli (8MW), 22kV Thane-2 (5MW),
22kV Kharegaon ( 8MW), 22kV Saket (7MW), 22kV
Sandoz-2 = 0.5MW, 22kV Colourchem (0.3MW), 22kV Old
Kasheli (8MW), 22kV Raheja – 2 (4MW), 22kV Everst
World (3MW).
Tripping at 220kV Mulund s/s: (48MW)
22kV Sarvodaya 1 = 0.04MW, 22kV Central Railway 2
(4MW), 22kV Sarvodaya 2 (7MW), 22kV Amforge 2
(4MW), 22kV Central Railway 1 (6MW), 22kV Lokeverest 2
(3MW), 22kV Naval dockyard (3MW), 22kV Amforge 1
(2MW), 22kV Hariom 4 (4MW), 22kV Hariom 3 (5MW),
22kV PMGP (9MW), 22kV Lokeverest 1 (3MW)
Tripping at 220kV AKP s/s: (45MW)
22kV Mumbra 1 (14MW), 22kV Mumbra 2 (15MW), 22kV
Shivaji (7MW), 22kV Kalwa (9MW),
Tripping at 220kV Kalwa 1 s/s: (30MW)
22kV Hindalco (4MW), 22kV Ghansoli (7MW), 22kV Airoli
2( 3MW), 22kV Kalwa 1 (6MW), 22kV CIDCO 2 (5MW),
22kV Rabale (5MW)

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Stage: 2
Tripping at 220kV Kalwa 1 s/s: (120MW)
100kV Vashi 1 (30MW), 100kV Vashi 2 (30MW), 100kV
NOCIL 1 (30MW), 100kV NOCIL 2 (30MW)
400 kV Padghe To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Overloading setting
kV 315 MVA ICTs 1, 2, 3 & 600 For ICT 1,2&3
MVA 4 at Padghe during normal Alarm if ICT loading > 100% of Full Load with a delay of 1
or under contingency. sec
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 500 A with a delay of 1 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 500 A with a delay of 3 sec
For ICT 4
Alarm if ICT loading > 100% of Full Load with a delay of 1
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 950 A with a delay of 1 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 950 A with a delay of 3 sec Total load relief
Action : Stage 1 : 294 MW
Stage-1: Stage 2 : 447 MW
Tripping of 100kV Murbad- 1 & 2, 100kV Mohane, 100kV
Ambarnath, 100kV Sahapur, 100kV Bhiwandi- 1 and 22kV
feeder at Padghe

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Tripping of 220kV Wada, 220kV Kamba, 22kV KADIA
Comp, 22kV Pawar Comp, 22kV Parol Village, 22kV Kranti
Nagar, 22kV Old Kharbav, 22kV Subhas Nagar, 22kV Khoni-
1, 22kV Nashik Road, 22kV Samir Comp,22kV Khoni-
2,22kV Mulchand, 22kV Karvali, 22kV Katai-2, 22kV
Kharbav, 22kV Gauripada, 22kV Katai-1, 22kV Maaru
Comp, 220kV Nalasopara and 220kV Kolshet
400 kV Kolhapur To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Stage I ICT loading > 110 % with delay of 1.3

(MS) kV 315 MVA ICTs 1&2 and second and Stage II ICT loading >110 % with delay 1.8
400/220 kV 500 MVA ICT 3 second.
Action :
Stage 1
Tripping at 400 kV Talandge : 220 kV Chikkodi feeder,
Tripping at 220 kV 5 Star MIDC : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF
LV-1 & 2,Tripping at 220 kV Mumewadi : 2 x 50 MVA
220/33 kV TF LV-1 & 2,Tripping at 220 kV Tilwani : 2 x 100
MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 & 2,Tripping at 220 kV Mudshingi Stage 1 : 448 MW
: 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 & 2, 110 kV Puuikhedi Stage 2 : 116 MW
feeder,110 kV Kothali feeder,220 kV Chikkodi feeder
Stage 2

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Tripping at 220 kV Kinhi Wathar : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF
LV-1 & 2,Tripping at 220 kV Peth : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV
TF LV-1 & 2 ,Tripping at 220 kV Miraj :2 x 50 MVA 220/33
kV TF LV-1 & 2, 110 kV Kurundwad feeder, Tripping at 220
kV Vita : 2 x 50 MVA 220/33 kV TF LV-1 & 2
400 kV Nanded To avoid overloading of Condition: Overcurrent setting : 750 A with a delay of 1.3 Total load relief
400/220/33 kV 500 MVA ICTs second around 180 MW
1&2 Action: Tripping of 132 kV Umri 1&2, Tamsa and Narsi during peak Hour.
400 kV Girwali (parli To avoid overloading of Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
MS) 400/220/33 kV 315 MVA ICTs For ICT 1&2 around 250 MW
1&2 and 500 MVA ICT 3 1. Alarm if loading > 475 A delay 1 Sec . during peak Hour.
2. Stage 1 if loading > 550 A with a delay of 1.3 sec.
3. Stage 2 if loading > 650 A with a delay of 1.2 sec.
For ICT 3
1. Stage 1 if loading > 1100 A with a delay of 1.3 sec.
2. Stage 2 if loading > 1300 A with a delay of 1.2 sec.
Tripping at 220 kV Girwali : 132 kV Renapur (Anmedpur
Tap),132 kV Latur MIDC, 33kV Ambajogai and 33kV
Pathan, Tripping at 132 kV Parali : 132/33 kV TF-1 &

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TF-2 LV, Tripping at 220kV Murud :
220/33 kV TF-1 & TF-2 LV and Tripping
at 132kV Kaij : 132/33kV TF-1 & TF-2 LV
400 kV Dhule To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
kV 315 MVA ICTs 1&2 and 500 1. Alarm if loading > 455 A around 50 MW during
MVA ICT 3 2. Stage 1 if loading > 500 A with a delay of 1.3 sec peak Hour.
Action: Tripping of 220 kV Dhule – Chalisgaon circuit.
400 kV Bhusawal To avoid overloading of 400/132 Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1&2, 400/132 For ICTs 1&2 around 175 MW
kV 315 MVA ICT 3, 200/132 kV 1. Alarm if loading > 285 A with a delay of 1 sec during peak Hour.
200 MVA ICTs 4&5 2. Stage 1 if loading > 315 with a delay of 1.3 sec
3.Stage 2 if loading > 315 A with a delay of 2 sec
For ICT 3
1. Alarm if loading > 400 A with a delay of 1 sec
2. Stage 1 if loading > 475 with a delay of 1.3 sec
3.Stage 2 if loading > 475 A with a delay of 2 sec
For ICTs 4&5
1. Alarm if loading > 480 A with a delay of 1 sec
2. Stage 1 if loading > 540 with a delay of 1.3 sec
3.Stage 2 if loading > 540 A with a delay of 2 sec

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Stage 1:
Tripping of 132 kV Savada, Yawal & Nimbora at 132 kV
Deepnagar S/S by sending carrier signal from Khadka S/S.
Stage 2:
Tripping of 220 kV Khadkas – Chilasgaon 1&2
400 kV Deepnagar To avoid overloading of 400/220 Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
(LTS scheme wiring kV 500 MVA ICTs 1&2 1. Alarm if loading > 950 A with a delay of 1 sec Stage 1: 30 MW
for 400/220kV ICT 1 2. Stage 1 if loading > 1000 A with a delay of 1.3 sec Stage 2 : 80 MW
& 2 up to PLCC panel 3. Stage 2 if loading > 1100 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
is completed at 400 Action:
kV Deepnagar S/S. Stage 1:
Cable laying work in Tripping of 33 kV Paldhi, 33kV Chandsar ,33 kV
progress at 220 kV Kanalda,33kV Kinod feeders from 220kV Bambhori S/S
Bhambori S/S.) through PLCC.
Stage 2:
Tripping of 132kV Jalgaon (Old) from 220 kV Bambhori S/S
through PLCC.
400 kV New Koyna To avoid overloading of New Condition : Over current setting: Nil
Koyna – Karad in case 400 kV 1. Stage 1 if loading > 850 A with a delay of 5 sec
Karad -Jaigad D/C out of service 2.Stage 2 if loading > 950 A with a delay of 5 sec
Action :

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Alarm signal (only) will be sent in PLCC to Jaigad end and
JSW Energy Limited Jaigad Unit 3 & 4 generation will back
down in consultation with LD Kalwa
400 kV Koradi 2 To avoid overloading of Koradi 2 Condition : Over loading setting: Total load relief of
– IEPL and 400 kV Koradi 2 – 1.Alarm if loading > 926 MW with a delay of 3 sec around 84 MW
Wardha (PG) 2.Stage 1 if loading > 1020 MW with a delay of 3 sec
Action :
SPS Implemented for overloading of 400kV outgoing lines
from 400kV Koradi-II s/stn: - 1) stage-I:- loading of any one
outgoing line more than or equal to 926MW for more than
3 Sec, Alarm in s/stn & Generation control room 2) stage-
II:- loading of any one line more than or equal to 1020MW
for more than 3 Sec, Automatic back down of unit as
selected by generation control room to reduced line flow
below 926 MW.
220 kV Mendhigiri To avoid overloading of the Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
220/33 kV 100 MVA ICT 1. Stage 1 if loading > 92.8 A with a delay of 2 sec Stage 1: 2.1 MW
2.Stage 2 if loading > 92.8 A with a delay of 4 sec Stage 2: 12.6 MW
Action :
Stage 1: To trip the 33 kV Suzlon - Mendhigiri 1
Stage 2: To trip the 33 kV Suzlon - Mendhigiri 3

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220 kV Buttibori 1 To avoid over loading of Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
220/132 kV 100 MVA ICT 1. Stage 1 if loading > 340 A Instantaneous Stage 1: 60 MW
2.Stage 2 if loading > 366 A with a time delay of 10 sec Stage 2: 60 MW
Action :
Command generated from ICT O/C relay or high oil temp
will give the digital input to differential relay of VIPL feeder
at 220kV Buttibori old s/stn which will be further
transferred to VIPL end differential relay through FO cable.
If current in ICT relay exceeds 240 Amp or oil temp. high
alarm appeared in ICT and sustain for 10 sec, the load at
VIPL end will be reduced manually by 10% each (i.e. 30MW
per machine, total of 60MW) even if after reducing the
load if relay is not reset load shall be further reduced by
10% ( i.e. 60MW per machine, total of 120MW)

220 kV Buttibori 1 To avoid over loading of 220 kV Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief
Buttibori 1 – Abhijeet circuit 1. Stage 1 if loading > 592 A Instantaneous Of 30 MW
2.Stage 2 if loading > 624 A with a time delay of 10 sec
Action :

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Command generated from O/C relay of 220kV Abhijeet
feeder at 220kV Buttibori old S/S will give the digital input
to differential relay of VIPL feeder at 220kV Buttibori old
S/S which will be further transferred to VIPL end
differential relay through FO cable and VIPL generation
will be reduced.
220 kV Buttibori 3 To avoid over loading of 220 kV Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief of
Buttibori 3 – Wardha circuit 1. Stage 1 if loading > 592 A Instantaneous 30 MW
2.Stage 2 if loading > 624 A with a time delay of 10 sec
Action :
Alarm & Action command generated from O/C relay of
220kV Wardha feeder at 220kV Buttibori-3 S/S will give
the digital input to differential relay of VIPL feeder at
220kV Buttibori-3 S/S which will be further transferred to
VIPL end differential relay through FO cable and VIPL
generation will be reduced.
220 kV Wardha (MS) To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Over current setting: Total load relief of
Wardha – Yevatmal circuit 1. Stage 1 if loading > 590 A Instantaneous 30 MW
2.Stage 2 if loading > 624 A with a time delay of 10 sec
Action :

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Command generated from O/C relay of 220kV Yeotmal
feeder at 220kV Wardha s/stn will be transfered through
PLCC Channel at 220kV Buttibori III S/s which will be
extended thrrough the digital input to differential relay of
VIPL feeder at 220kV Buttibori-3 s/stn which will be
further transferred to VIPL end differential relay through
FO cable and VIPL generation will be reduced.
220 kV Chikhali Avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting of both ICTs: 880 Amp for Total load relief
kV 200 MVA Chikhali ICT 1 & 2 1.3 second. around 80 MW during
Action: Tripping of Radial connected 132 kV Chikhali- peak Hour.
Deulgaonmahi, 132 kV Chikhali-Dhad Circuit, LV side
feeders of 132 kV/33 kV 50 MVA Transformers 1&2.
220 kV Pusad To avoid overload tripping of Condition: Overcurrent setting 220 kV Pusad-Bhugaon > Total load relief
either of 220 kV Pusad-Bhugaon 840 Amp or 220 kV Pusad-Yavatmal > 540 Amp. (Will around 100 MW
or 220 kV Pusad-Yavatmal Ckt in operated for either case) for 2 second during peak Hour.
case of tripping of other Ckt. Action : Tripping of 132 kV Umarkhed, Jambazar, Gunj and
Ghatodi Ckt.
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting 220/132 kV ICT 1 > 280 Total load relief
kV 100 MVA Pusad ICTs I & II Amp or 220/132 kV ICT 2 > 288 A for 1.3 second. around 65 MW during
Action: Tripping of 132 kV Pusad-Gunj and 132 kV Pusad- peak Hour.

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220 kV Chitegaon To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting : 480 A with a delay of 1.3 Total load relief
kV 100 MVA Chitegaon ICTs I&II second around 100 MW
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chitegaon-Paithan and 132 kV during peak Hour.
220 kV Padegaon Overloading of 220 kV Condition : Loading of 220 kV Padegoan-Waluj each Total load relief
Padegaon-Aurangabad (Waluj) circuit around 90 MW during
D/C 3. Alarm if loading > 750 A delay 1 Sec. peak Hour.
4. Stage 1 if loading > 1000 A delay 1.3 sec.
5. Stage 2 if loading > 1000 A delay 1.8 sec.
Action: Tripping of 132 kV Padegaon – Sillod, 132 kV
Padegaon – Pishor and all 33 kV feeders.
220 kV Harangul To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Line loading either circuit of 220 kV Harangul- Total load relief
Harangul-Parli GCR and 220 kV Parli GCR and 220 kV Harangul-ICL around 80 MW during
Harangul-ICL 1. Alarm: > 696 Amp with delay of 2 Sec. peak Hour.
2. Load trimming > 880 Amp with delay 2 sec
Action: 80 MW of load shedding with tripping of 132 kV
Chakur, and Nilanga circuits.
220 kV Harangul To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting for 220/132 kV ICT Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICT 1 & 2 1. Alarm: > 780 Amp with delay of 2 Sec. around 80 MW during
2. Load trimming > 880 Amp with delay 2 sec peak Hour.

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Action: 80 MW of load shedding with tripping of 132 kV
Chakur and Nilanga circuits.
220 kV Lonand To avoid tripping on overloading Condition: Overcurrent setting for 220 kV Lonand – Jejuri Total load relief
of 220 kV Lonand – Jejuri line up Load trimming > 664 A with a delay of 800 ms around 280 MW
to 250 MW. Action : Tripping of 2 ICTs of 132/22 kV 50 MVA at Phaltan during peak Hour.
S/S , 2 ICTs of 132/33 kV 25 MVA at Phaltan S/s.
To avoid tripping on overloading Condition: Overcurrent setting for 220 kV Lonand –
of 220 kV lonand – Kandalgaon Kandalgaon Total load relief
line up to 300 MW. Load trimming > 798 A with a delay of 800 ms around 280 MW
Action : Tripping of 132/22 kV 50 MVA ICTs 1&2 at Lonand during peak Hour.
S/S, 132/22 kV 50 MVA ICT 1 at Phaltan S/S and 132 kV
Lonand – Satara Road circuit
220 kV Waghala To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition: Overcurrent setting : 720 A with a delay of 1.3 Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1,2&3 second around 180 MW
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Umri 1&2, Tamsa and Narsi during peak Hour.
To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: Overcurrent setting : 1200 A with a delay of 1.3 Total load relief
Waghala – Kumbhargaon 1&2 second around 180 MW
Action: Tripping of 132 kV Umri 1&2, Tamsa and Narsi during peak Hour.

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220 kV Parbhani To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition: In case of ICT tripping at Kumbhargaon Total load relief
New TPS 08 Parli I/C overcurrent setting : 1000 A with a delay of 1.3 second around 290 MW
Action: Tripping of 132 kV Umri 1&2, Tamsa, Narsi, during peak Hour.
Pathri,Lintur and Purna circuits.
220 kV Amalner To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICT 1 & 2 at Alarm if ICT loading > 525 A around 115 MW
Amalner Stage 1 if ICT loading > 560 A with a delay of 1.3 sec during peak Hour.
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chopda feeder
220 kV Magarpatta To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 100 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 288 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 48 MW during
Action : Tripping of 22 kV feeder No. 7 and all 11 kV peak Hour.
feeders at Mundhwa S/S.
220 kV Theur To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 576 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 50 MW during
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Theur – Yawat circuit peak Hour.
220 kV Alephata To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 100 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 288 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 15 MW during
Action : Tripping of 33 kV Khodad,33 kV Otur and 33 kV peak Hour.
Nirgudsar feeder at 132 kV Narayangaon SS.

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220 kV Ranjangaon To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 100 MVA ICT in case the Stage 1 if ICT loading > 288 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 70 MW during
other 200 MVA ICT trips Action : Tripping of 132 kV Ranjangaon – Kuruli circuit peak Hour
220 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
Walchadnagar kV 100 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 288 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 30 MW during
Action : Tripping of all 33 kV feeders at Walchadnagar peak Hour
220 kV Jeur To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 100 MVA ICTs 1 & 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 480 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 18 MW during
Action : Tripping of 33 kV Kurudu – Kurudwadi, 33 kV Jeur peak Hour
– Kurudwadi, 33 kV Parewadi – Parewadi and 33 kV
Parewadi – Jintti.
220 kV Malinagar To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 150 MVA ICT in case the Stage 1 if ICT loading > 720 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 25 MW during
other 200 MVA ICT trips Action : Tripping of 33 kV feeders connected to 132/33 kV peak Hour
50 MVA Transformer
220 kV Bale To avoid overloading of 132/33 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 50 MVA ICTs 1&2 Alarm if ICT loading > 880 A with a delay of 1 sec Stage 1: 5 MW
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 960 A with a delay of 1.3 sec Stage 2: 5 MW
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 960 A with a delay of 2.5 sec
Action :

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Tripping of 33 kV Ule for Stage 1 and 33 kV Tandulwadi for
Stage 2

220 kV Bhigwan To avoid over loading of 220/33 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 25 MVA ICT incase the other Alarm if ICT loading > 56 A with a delay of 1 sec around 15 MW during
50 MVA ICT trips Stage 1 if ICT loading > 72 A with a delay of 1.3 sec peak Hour
Action :
Tripping of all 33 kV feeders at Bhigwan S/S

220 kV Chinchwad To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading setting Total load relief
kV 200 MVA ICT 1 & 150 MVA Stage 1 if ICT 1 loading > 560 A with a delay of 1.3 sec around 100 MW
ICT 2 if ICT 2 loading > 392 A with a delay of 1.3 sec during peak Hour
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chopda feeder
220 kV Wada To avoid the overloading on 220 Condition: Overload setting Total load relief
(Maximum load on kV Padghe-Wada circuit Alarm if line loading > 800 A with a delay of 5 sec. around 92.18 MW
the line in the event Stage 1 if line loading > 880 A with delay 1 sec. during peak Hour
of Kamba kolasht Action : Tripping of LV side of 220/22 kV 50 MVA ICT 2&4
line is 500Amp which and 100 MVA ICT 3
is below the current
carrying capacity of
Wada Padghe line,

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hence it is decided to
keep LTS out of
220 kV Boisar(MS) To avoid the overloading on Condition : Overload setting Total load relief
220/132 kV 150 MVA ICt 1 and For ICT 1 Stage 1: 124 MW
200 MVA ICTs 2 &3 at Alarm if ICT loading > 100 % of F.L with a delay of 1 sec Stage 2: 161 MW
Boisar(MS) Stage 1 if ICT loading >720 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 720 A with a delay of 3 sec
For ICT 2&3
Alarm if ICT loading > 100 % of F.L with a delay of 1 sec
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 960 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 960 A with a delay of 3 sec

Stage 1 (Load to be trimmed)
Tripping at 132kV Palghar s/s: (49MW)
33 kV Saphale (5MW), 33 kV Valan (4.5MW), 33 kV Palghar
(6MW), 33 kV Genesis (6MW), 33 kV Alyali (10MW), 33 kV
Maswan (2.5MW), 33 kV Manor (12MW), 33 kV Nandore
Tripping at 132kV MIDC Boisar s/s: (75MW)-(PLCC CH 1)

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132/33 kV 50 MVA Tf1 LV (43.02MW), 132/11 kV 25 MVA
Tf1 LV (11.6MW),132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf2 LV (11.2MW),
132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf4 LV (9.08MW)

Stage 2(Load to be trimmed as per existing)

132kV Palghar s/s: (49MW)
Tripping at 132kV MIDC Boisar s/s: (112MW)-(PLCC CH-2)
132/33 kV 50 MVA Tf1 LV (43.02MW), 132/33 kV 50 MVA
Tf2 LV (37.08MW), 132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf1 LV (11.6MW),
132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf2 LV (11.2MW), 132/11 kV 25 MVA
Tf4 LV (9.08MW)

220 kV Boisar(MS) To avoid the overloading on 220 Condition : Total load relief
around 193 MW
kV Boisar(PG)-Boisa(MS) 1,2&3 Alarm if line loading > 810 A with a delay of 5 sec
during peak Hour
Stage 1 if line loading >900 A with delay 3 sec
Tripping at 32kV Palghar s/s: (49MW)
33 kV Saphale ( 5MW), 33 kV Valan ( 4.5MW), 33 kV
Palghar( 6MW), 33 kV Genesis (6MW),33 kV Alyali
(10MW), 33 kV Maswan (2.5MW), 33 kV Manor(12MW),
33 kV Nandore( 3MW)

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Tripping at 132kV MIDC Boisar s/s: (112MW)-(PLCC)
132/33 kV 50 MVA Tf1 LV (43.02MW), 132/33 kV 50 MVA
Tf2 LV (37.08MW),132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf1 LV (11.6MW),
132/11 kV 25 MVA Tf2 LV (11.2MW), 132/11 kV 25 MVA
Tf4 LV (9.08MW)
Tripping at 220kV Boisar s/s: (32MW)
33 kV Feeder No 3 (8MW), 33 kV Feeder No 4 (4MW), 33
kV Feeder No 7 (13MW) and 33 kV Feeder No 8 (7MW)
220 kV Kolshet To avoid the over loading of 220 Condition : Total load relief
around 106 MW
(Maximum load on kV Kamba – Kolshet circuit Stage 1 if line loading > 880 A with delay 1 sec
during peak Hour
the line in the event Action :
of Kamba kolasht Tripping of 22kV Patalipada I, 22kV Hiranandani I, 22kV
line is 524Amp which Neelkanth, 22kV Dosti22kV Martin Harris, 22kV New
is below the current Complex
carrying capacity of 22kV Hypercity II, 22kV Patalipada II, 22kV Hypercity
Wada Padghe line, I22kV New Kolshet, 22kV Habitate, 22kV Pragati , 22kV
hence it is decided to Soham, 22kV Kisan Nagar.
keep the LTS out of
Taken out of service
on 27.06.2017)

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220 kV Trombay To avoid the overloading of 220 Condition : Line loading > 856 A with delay 5 sec Total load relief
around 179 MW
kV Kharghar-Trombay Action: Tripping at 220kV Nerul s/s: (31.52MW)
during peak Hour
22kV Shirwangaon (1.5MW), 22kV Herdilla (16MW), 22kV
L. P. Naka (5.52MW), 22kV Nerul 1 (4.1MW), 22kV CBD
(4MW), 22kV Sanpada (0.4MW)
Tripping at 220kV Sonkar s/s: (27.5MW)
33kV Feeder 9 (5MW), 33kV Feeder 11 (4MW), 33kV
Feeder 14 (4MW), 33kV Feeder 17 (4.5MW)
220 kV Nerul To avoid the overloading of 220 Condition : Line loading > 856 A with delay 5 sec Total load relief
around 179 MW
kV Nerul – Kharghar Action:
during peak Hour
Tripping at 220kV Nerul s/s: (31.52MW)
22kV Shirwangaon (1.5MW), 22kV Herdilla (16MW), 22kV
L. P. Naka (5.52MW), 22kV Nerul 1 (4.1MW), 22kV CBD
(4MW), 22kV Sanpada (0.4MW)
Tripping at 220kV Sonkar s/s: (27.5MW)
33kV Feeder 9 (5MW), 33kV Feeder 11 (4MW), 33kV
Feeder 14 (4MW), 33kV Feeder 17 (4.5MW)
Tripping at 220kV Dharavi TATA s/s: (120MW)

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220 kV PGPL To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Line loading > 700 A with delay 1 sec Nil
PGPL Vile – Bhagad and 220 kV Action:
PGPL – Khargar Generation back down to avoid line overloading.
Temporarily provided till complete establishment of
220kV Vile Bhagad S/S.
220 kV Kaulewada To avoid overloading 220/132 Condition : Total load relief
around 60 MW
kV 100 MVA ICT 1 & 200/132 kV For ICT 1
during peak Hour
200 MVA ICT 2 Stage 1 if ICT loading > 400 A with a delay of delay 1 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 440 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
For ICT 2
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 800 A with a delay of delay 1 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 880 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Tripping of 132 kV Madgi – Bhandara D/C.
220 kV Malegaon To avoid Blackout of the S/S by Condition : Total load relief
around 70 MW
controlling the loading of 220 kV Load trimming if line loading > 880 A with a delay of 1.5
during peak Hour
DHL & Sayane circuits sec
Tripping of 33kV Nagaon, 33 kV Dabhadi, 33 kV
Lakhmapur, 33 kV Azad Nagar, 33 kV Ravalgaon, 33 kV
Patane and 33 kV Dyane – Wadgaon.

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To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Total load relief
around 25 MW
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1&2 Load trimming if line loading > 520 A with a delay of 1.3
during peak Hour
Tripping of 132 kV Malegaon – Nampur
220 kV GCR Eklahare To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Total load relief
around 190 MW
GCR Eklahare – Bableshwar Alarm if line loading > 900 A with a delay of 5 sec
during peak Hour
lines 1&2 in case other line trips Load trimming if line loading > 1050 A with a delay of 1
Tripping of 132 kV Ozar 1&2 and 132 kV Ranwad
220 kV Ahmed Nagar To avoid overloading of 220 kV Condition : Total load relief
around 170 MW
Ahmed Nagar – Bableshwar Load trimming if line loading > 840 A with a delay of 1.5
during peak Hour
lines 1&2 in case one line trips sec
Tripping of 132 kV Kedgaon,Supa and Asthi circuits.
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Total load relief
around 170 MW
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1&2 in case Load trimming if ICT loading > 540 A with a delay of 1.3
during peak Hour
one ICT trips sec
Tripping of 132 kV Kedgaon,Supa and Asthi circuits.

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220 kV To avoid overloading of Condition : Total load relief
Babhaleshwar around 166 MW
Babhaleshwar – Babhaleshwar Alarm if line loading > 850 A with a delay of 2 sec
during peak Hour
1&2 in case in case one line trips Load trimming if line loading > 900 A with a delay of 1
Tripping of 33 kV Kokangaon,Rahata,Hasnapur,
Shrirampur, Belapur, Mamdapur, Shrirampur
M.I.D.C,Kolhar, Ashvi,Loni, Satral circuits (143 MW) &
Tripping of 11 kV Rajuri, Pimpri, Tambewadi, Tisgaon,
Pravaranagar, Dadh, Lohgaon, Loni circuits (23 MW).
220 kV Bhenda To avoid overloading of 132 kV Condition : Total load relief
around 111 MW
Bhenda – Shevgaon circuit due Stage 1 if line loading > 520 A with a delay of 5 sec
during peak Hour
to its conductor rating Stage 2 if line loading > 560 A with a delay of 1 sec
Tripping of 132 kV Bhenda – Shevgaon circuit
220 kV Shahada To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Total load relief
around 90-95 MW
kV 100 MVA ICT Alarm if ICT loading > 480 A
during peak Hour
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 480 A with a delay of 1 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 480 A with a delay of 1.5 sec
Stage 1:

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Tripping of 33 kV Sarangkheda, Mandana, Parivardha,
Holmohida and Mhasavad circuits.
Stage 2:
Tripping of 132 kV Taloda line circuit.
220 kV Chilasgaon To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Stage 1 : 62 MW
Stage 2 : 58 MW
kV 200 MVA ICTs 1&2 Alarm if ICT loading > 528 A with a delay of 1 sec
Stage 1 if ICT loading > 576 A with a delay of 1.3 sec
Stage 2 if ICT loading > 576 A with a delay of 1.5 sec
Stage 1:
Tripping of 33 kV and 11 kV feeders at 132 kV Chalisgaon
Stage 2:
Tripping of 132 kV Kannad line
220 kV Boisar To avoid the reverse power flow Condition : Frequency < 47.9 HZ ,Instantaneous NIl
towards Boisar s/s in case of Action : Tripping of 220 Boisar – Versova circuit
tripping of source lines at Boisar
220 kV Viraj To avoid the reverse power flow Condition : Frequency < 48 HZ ,Instantaneous Nil
towards Dahanu s/s in case of Action : Tripping of 220 Viraj – Dhanu circuit

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tripping of generators at
Dahanu s/s.

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SPS in Madhya Pradesh
Name of Sub- Objective of Load Trimming/
Condition and Action Expected Load relief
Station Reducing the overloading
Condition : Overloading of 2x315 MVA 400/220 kV Katni
To avoid overloading of 2x315
400/220 kV Katni ICTs Nil
MVA 400/220 kV Katni ICTs
Action : Tripping of 220 kV Katni-Damoh circuit
Condition : Overloading of 2x160 MVA 220/132 kV Katni
To avoid overloading of 2x160
400/220 kV Katni ICTs Not Available
MVA 220/132 kV Katni ICTs
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Katni-Saleemabad circuit
Condition :
To avoid normal overload
400/220 kV Bina Action : Tripping of 220 kV Bina - Gwalior circuits I&II and 140 MW
220 kV Bina – Shivpuri circuit
Condition : Overloading of 400/220 kV 315 MVA Bhopal
To avoid overloading of 400/220 ICT
400/220 kV Bhopal Not Available
kV 315 MVA Bhopal ICT Action : Tripping of 220 kV Bhopal – Astha I&II and 220 kV
Bhopal – Sujalpur I&II circuits
Condition : Overloading of 440/220 kV 315 MVA Indore
To avoid overloading of 440/220
400/220 kV Indore Action : Tripping of 132 kV Indore – Depalpur I&II, 33 kV 52.7 MW
kV 315 MVA Indore ICTs I&II
Indore – Dharampuri and 33 kV Indore – Dhaturiya circuits
( Total 52.7 MW)

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And Tripping of 220 kV Indore – Kota, 220 kV Indore –
Modak circuits ( Total 34 MW)
Condition : Overloading of 440/220 kV 315 MVA Indore
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Indore – Mangliya(DWS), 132
To avoid overloading of 440/220 kV Indore – Ghatabilod, 33 kV Indore – Kanadiya, 33 kV
400/220 kV Indore 102.5 + 11 MW
kV 315 MVA Indore ICTs III&IV Indore – Datoda, 33 kV Indore – Harsola and 33 kV Indore
– Tilor circuits ( Total : 102.5 MW)
And Tripping of 33 kV Indore – Goyal Nagar, 33 kV Indore
– Khundel circuits ( Total : 11 MW)
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA
Chhegaon ICTs
400/220 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chhegaon – Khandwa ( 50
95 MW
Chhegaon kV 2*160 MVA Chhegaon ICTs MW), 132 kV Chhegaon – Moondi ( 20 MW), 33 kV
Chhegaon – Dhangaon ( 15 MW) and 33 kV Chhegaon –
Bhojakhedi (10 MW) circuits
Condition : Stage II
Action :
To avoid overloading of 400/220
400/220 kV Nagda At 400/220 kV Nagda S/S
kV 4*315 MVA Nagda ICTs
Tripping of 220 kV Nagda – Nagda I/C I&II ( 150 MW), 100 120 MW
MVA I/C I&II ( 70 MW) circuits

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At 220/132 kV Ratlam S/S
Tripping of 132 kV I/C – I&II (50 MW), 132 kV Ratlam – 80 MW
Sailana ( 30 MW),All 33 kV feeders

At 220/132 kV Neemuch ( 50 MW)

Tripping of 40 MVA Transformer I/C and 20 MVA 50 MW
Transformer I/C
At 220/132 kV Daloda S/S (50 MW)
40 MVA Transformer I/C-I 50 MW

Condition : Simultaneous Tripping of 400/220 kV ICT 2 and

Simultaneous Tripping of 3 ( 2 X315 MVA) at Satna (PG) S/s
400/220 kV Satna
400/220 kV ICT 2 and 3 ( 2 X315 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Satna – Panna, 132 kV Satna – 150 MW
MVA) at Satna (PG) S/s Pawai, 132 kV Satna-Majhgawn and 132 kV Satna – Nagod
circuits (In Future 220 kV Satna-maihar also to be tripped)
To Avoid Overloading of 2 X160 Condition : Overloading of 2 X160 MVA and 2 X120 MVA
220/132 kV Jabalpur MVA and 2 X120 MVA 220/132 220/132 kV Jabalpur ICTs Not Available
kV Jabalpur ICTs Action : Tripping of 132 kV Jabalpur-Maneri circuit

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Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Panagar
To avoid Overloading of
220/132 kV Panagar 220/132 kV 160 MVA Panagar Not Available
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Panagar-Mansakra circuit and
132 kV Panagar – Katni circuit
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA
To avoid Overloading of
220/132 kV Chhindwara ICT
220/132 kV 160 MVA Not Available
Chhindwara Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chhindwara - Bichhua circuit
Chhindwara ICT
and 33 kV I/C I&II
To avoid Overloading of Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA
220/132 kV
220/132 kV 160 MVA Pandhurna ICT Not Available
Pandhurna ICT Action : Tripping of 33 kV I/C I&II
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Seoni ICT
To avoid Overloading of
220/132 kV Seoni Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chhindwara - Bichhua circuit Not Available
220/132 kV 160 MVA Seoni ICT
and 33 kV I/C I&II
To avoid Overloading of Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA
220/132 kV 220/132 kV 160 MVA Chhatarpur ICT and 132 kV Chhatarpur – Bijawar circuit
34 MW
Chhatarpur Chhatarpur ICT and 132 kV Action : Tripping of 132 kV Chhatarpur - Nowgaon circuit
Chhatarpur – Bijawar circuit and three 33 kV feeders
Condition : Overloading of 160 MVA Damoh ICT
To avoid overloading of 160
220/132 k V Damoh Action : Tripping of 132 kV Damoh - Tejgarh circuit and 132 Not Available
kV Damoh – Batyigrah circuit

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Condition : Overloading of 2*160 MVA Tikamgarh ICTs and
132 kV Tikamgarh – Bijawer circuit
To avoid overloading of 2*160
220/132 kV Action : Tripping of 132 kV Tikamgarh - Budhera circuit,
MVA Tikamgarh ICTs and 132 kV Not Available
Tikamgarh 132 kV Tikamgarh – Digoda circuit, 33 kV Tikamgarh –
Tikamgarh – Bijawer circuit
Mohangarn, 33 kV Tikamgarh – Mohangarn circuit, 33 kV
Tikamgarh – Digoda I&II
To avoid overloading of 132 kV
Condition : overloading of 132 kV Bijawar – Tikamgarh
Bijawar – Tikamgarh circuit, 132
circuit, 132 kV Bijawar – Chhatarpur circuit and 132 kV
132/33 kV Bijawar kV Bijawar – Chhatarpur circuit Not Available
Bijawar – Hatta circuit
and 132 kV Bijawar – Hatta
Action : Tripping of 33 kV Rural feeder
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV, 2*160 MVA ICTs,
To avoid overloading of 220/132
220 kV Damoh(PG) – Sagar circuit, 220 kV Damoh(MP) –
kV, 2*160 MVA ICTs, 220 kV
220/132 kV Sagar Sagar circuit 30 MW
Damoh(PG) – Sagar circuit, 220
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Sagar - Gourjhamer I&II and
kV Damoh(MP) – Sagar circuit
132 kV Sagar - Banda
To avoid overloading 0f 220
Condition : When one of the ICT trips
220/132 kV Bina kV/132 kV 3*40 MVA ICTs and 40 MW
Action : Tripping of all 33 kV feeders
2*160 MVA ICTS
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA ICTs
220/132 kV Guna 20 MW
kV 2*160 MVA ICTs I&II I&II

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Action : Tripping of 132 kV Guna - Muradpur circuit
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : When one of the ICTs trips
220/132 kV Guna 70 MW
kV 2*160 MVA ICTs I&II Action : Tripping of 132 kV Guna -Aron circuit
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA ICTs I
To avoid overloading of 220/132
220/132 kV Guna & II 80 MW
kV 2*160 MVA ICTs I&II
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Guna – Bhonra circuit
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA Areva
To avoid overloading of 220/132
ICTs and 220 kV Satna – PGCIL I&II
220/132 kV Satna kV 2*160 MVA Areva ICTs and Not Available
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Satna – Panna, 132 kV Satna –
220 kV Satna – PGCIL I&II
Pawai and 132 kV Satna – Nagod circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Vidisha
To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICT
220/132 kV Vidisha Not Available
kV 160 MVA Vidisha ICT Action : Tripping of 132 kV Vidhisha – Gairatganj and 132
kV Vidhisha - Shamshabad
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Jetpura
220/132 kV Indore To avoid overloading of 220/132
II(Jetpura) kV 160 MVA Jetpura ICT I
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Jetpura – Depalpur circuits I&II
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Jetpura
220/132 kV Indore To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICT II
26 MW
II(Jetpura) kV 160 MVA Jetpura ICT II Action : Tripping of 33 kV Jetpura – Dharampuri, 33 kV
Jetpura – Todi and 33 kV Jetpura – Dhaturiya circuits

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Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA ICTs
220/132 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 33 kV Pithampur – Jamli, 33 kV
191 MW
Pithampur kV 160 MVA ICTs I,II&III Pithampur – Bagdi, 33 kV Pithampur – Betma, 33 kV
Pithampur – Metal man I&II, 33 kV Pithampur – Novino
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 3*40 MVA ICTs and
To avoid overloading of 220/132 220/132 kV 160 MVA ICT
220/132 kV Itarsi kV 3*40 MVA ICTs and 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Itarsi – Seoni and132 kV Itarsi 58 MVA
kV 160 MVA ICT – Malwa (36 MVA)
33 kV Itarsi – Itarsi I&II (22 MVA) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*100 MVA Sarni
To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICTs
220/132 kV Sarni 69 MVA
kV 2*100 MVA Sarni ICTs Action : Tripping of 132 kV Sarni – Khapaswami (57 MVA)
and132 kV Sarni – Chhindwara (12 MVA) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Baigarh ICTs
220/132 kV Baigarh 159 MVA
kV 2*160 MVA Baigarh ICTs Action : Tripping of 132 kV Baigarh – Kurawar (84 MVA)
and132 kV Baigarh – Sehore (75 MVA) circuits
220/132 kV Rajgarh To avoid overloading of 220/132 Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Rajgarh
80 MVA
Beora kV 160 MVA Rajgarh Beora ICT Beora ICT

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Action : Tripping of 132 kV Rajgarh Beora– Khilchipur I&II
(40+40 MVA) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA Astha
To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICTs
220/132 kV Astha 63 MVA
kV 2*160 MVA Astha ICTs Action : Tripping of 132 kV Astha –Ichhawar (28 MVA) and
132 kV Astha – Polaikalan (35 MVA) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA
220/132 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132 Mahalgaon ICTs
100 MW
Mahalgaon kV 2*160 MVA Mahalgaon ICTs Action : Tripping of 132 kV Mahalgaon – Motijheel (60
MW) and 132 kV Mahalgaon – Tighra (40 MW) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Shivpuri
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Shivpuri - Kolaras ( 38 MW) , 33
220/132 kV Shivpuri 93.6 MW
kV 160 MVA Shivpuri ICT kV Shivpuri – jasraj ( 20 MW), 33 kV Shivpuri – Bhensara
(20.3 MW) and 33 kV Shivpuri – Satanwara (15.3 MW)
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 3*160 MVA Dewas
To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICTs
220/132 kV Dewas 56 MW
kV 3*160 MVA Dewas ICTs Action : Tripping of 33 kV Dewas – APEX (14 MW), 33 kV
Dewas – EMCO( 14 MW) and 33 kV Dewas –BBL (28 MW)

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Condition: 220/132 kV BHEL 160 MVA ICT I over loaded or
220/132 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132
220/132 kV 160 MVA CGL ICT II over loaded. Not Available
Shujalpur kV 3*160 MVA Shujalpur ICTs
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Shujalpur – Pachore
Condition : 220/132 kV 160 MVA NGEF ICT overloaded or
3*40 MVA ICTs overloaded
To avoid overloading of 220/132
Action : Tripping of 132 kV Ujjain – Tarana I (20 MW), 132
220/132 kV Ujjain kV 1*120 MVA and 2*160 MVA 80 MW
kV Ujjain – Tarana II (20 MW), 132 kV Tarana – Makadone
Ujjain ICTs
(10 MW) circuits and 220/132 kV 40 MVA Ujjain CGL
ICT(30 MW)
Condition : 220/132 kV 160 MVA CGL ICT overloaded
220/132 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Barnagar – Gautampur ( 30
112 MW
Barnagar kV 2*160 MVA Barnagar ICTs MW), 132 kV Barnagar – Depalpur (30 MW) and 132 kV
Barnagar – Kanwan (52 MW) circuits
Condition : 400/220 kV 315 MVA CGL ICT at Nagda
overloaded and 220 kV Badod – Kota or 220 kV Badod –
To avoid overloading of 220/132
220/132 kV Badod Modak circuits are exporting power 233.1 MW
kV 2*160 MVA Badod ICTs
Action : Tripping of 220 kV Badod – Kota ( 112.8 MW and
220 kV Badod – Modak ( 120.3 MW) circuits
To avoid overloading of 220/132
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 1*160 MVA and
220/132 kV Barwaha kV 1*160 MVA and 3*40 MVA 162.6 MW
3*40 MVA Barwaha ICTs
Barwaha ICTs

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Action : Tripping of 132 kV Barwaha - Balwada ( 63 MW),
132 kV Barwaha - Simrol ( 54 MW), 33 kV Barwaha -
Balwada ( 11.3 MW), 33 kV Barwaha - Bagod ( 10 MW), 33
kV Barwaha – Punasa ( 13 MW) and 33 kV Barwaha –
Sanawad ( 11.3 MW)
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 2*160 MVA
Julwania ICTs
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV Julwania - Barwani ( 40 MW),
220/132 kV Julwania 73.3 MW
kV 2*160 MVA Julwania ICTs 132 kV Julwania - Nagalwadi ( 10 MW), 33 kV Julwania -
Rajpur ( 11.3 MW) and 33 kV Julwania - Mandwada ( 12
MW) circuits
Condition : Stage I at 220/132 kV Nagda S/S
To avoid overloading of 400/220
220/132 kV Nagda Action : Tripping of 132 kV Nagda – Mahidpur I&II ( 40 110 MW
kV 4*315 MVA Nagda ICTs
MW), 100 MVA I/C I&II ( 70 MW) circuits
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 3*160 MVA
Ratlam ICTs
To avoid overloading of 220/132 Action : Tripping of 132 kV I/C – I&II (15 MW+25 MW), 132
220/132 kV Ratlam 140 MW
kV 3*160 MVA Ratlam ICTs kV Ratlam – Sailana ( 30 MW),Transformer Incoming (30
MW), 40 MVA Transformer- 1 Incoming ( 20 MW) and 40
MVA Transformer 2 Incoming ( 20 MW)

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Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Daloda
To avoid overloading of 220/132 ICT
220/132 kV Daloda 50 MW
kV 160 MVA Daloda ICT Action : Tripping of 40 MVA Transformer 1 Incoming ( 25
MW) and 40 MVA Transformer 2 Incoming ( 25 MW)
Condition : Overloading of 220/132 kV 160 MVA Neemuch
Action : Tripping of 33 kV Neemuch – Jawad ( 6 MW), 33
220/132 kV To avoid overloading of 220/132
kV Neemuch – Morwan ( 15 MW), 33 kV Neemuch – 50 MW
Neemuch kV 160 MVA Neemuch ICT
Dhaneria – Kala ( 13 MW), 33 kV Neemuch – Alcoloyd (1
MW), 33 kV Neemuch – Bus stand ( 7 MW) and 33 kV
Neemuch – Navagaon ( 8 MW)

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SPS in Chhattisgarh
Name of Sub-
Objective of Load Trimming Condition and Action Expected Load relief
To avoid Overloading of 220 kV Condition : Overloading of 220 kV Bhilai (400/220 kV S/C)-
Bhilai (400/220 kV S/C)-Bhilai Bhilai D/C
220/132 Bhilai S/s Not Available
D/C and cascade tripping Action: Tripping of 220 kV Bhilai-Gurur and 132 kV Bhilai-
thereafter Sector C

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For Updating of the Document –Contact Person
1. SPS in Western Region: Smt. Chitrankshi Gangrekar , Sh. Chandan Kumar, Sh. Pradeep Sanodiya
2. SPS in Gujarat: Sh. B. M. Shah SLDC Gujarat/ Sh. S.S. Patel, SE,GETCO/Sh.Nirav Barot, JE Testing, GETCO
3. SPS in Maharashtra: Sh. D.P. Nandanwar (PAC office,Airoli)
4. SPS in Madhya Pradesh: Smt. Cinderella Felix, JE, SLDC Madhya Pradesh

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Western Regional Load Despatch Centre
Registered Users Report Generated on 31st May 17
Serial No User Name Address

1 BARC FACILITY Plant Superintendent, TRP Nuclear Recycle Board, BARC, Tarapur,
Mahatashtra Mumbai 401502
2 BHAHVDC Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Western Region - I
Headquarters, PO - Uppalwadi, Sampritinagar, Maharashtra Nagpur
3 CSPDCL CSPDCL, PO - Sunder Nagar Chhattisgarh Raipur, Dangania 492013

4 D&D Electricity Department, UT of Daman & Diu, Sachivalaya, Daman &

Diu Moti Daman 396210
5 DNH PDCL UT of Dadra Nagar & Haveli, Secretariat, Electric Depatment, 66kv
Amli Road, Dadra Nagar & Haveli Silvassa 396230
LIMITED Surat 394270
7 GOA Goa Electricity Department, Government of Goa, 3rd Floor, Vidyut
Bhavan, Goa, Goa Panjim 403001
8 GUVNL GUVNL, Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan race Course Gujarat Vadodara
9 MPPMCL MP Power Management Co Ltd, 3rd Floor, Block No 11, Shakti
Bhavan, Madhyapradesh Rampur 482008
10 MSEDCL MSEDCL, Prakashgadh, 5th Floor, Bandra East, Maharashtra Mumbai
11 VIN HVDC Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Western Region - I
Headquarters, PO - Uppalwadi, Sampritinagar, Maharashtra Nagpur
12 CHAMPA HVDC Champa HVDC- Powergrid, Village-Taga, Tehsil- Akaltara, Dist.-
Janjgir, Champa- 495668

13 ACB(INDIA)LIMITED 2 X 135 MW Kasaipali Thermal Power Project, ACB (India) Ltd.

District - Korba Chhattisgarh Chakabura 495445
14 BALCO Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd, Captive Power plant-II, BALCO Nagar
Chhattisgarh Korba 495684
15 CGPL Costal Gujarat Power Ltd, Tunda Vandh Road, Tunda Village,
Mundra, Gujarat Kutch 370435
16 CSPDCL GEN CSPDCL, PO - Sunder Nagar Chhattisgarh Raipur, Dangania 492013

17 DB POWER LTD DB Power, Village - Baradarha, Post - Kanwali, Dist - Janjgir, Champa,
Chhattisgarh Baradarha 495695
18 DCPP Jindal Power Ltd., OP Jindal STPP, PO-Tamnar, Gjarghoda Tehsil,
Chhattisgarh District - Raigarh, 496107
19 DGEN MEGA POWER Plot No Z-9, Dahej SEZ Area (Eastern side), At Dahej, Taluka-Vagra,
PROJECT Gujarat Dist-Bharuch, 392130
20 Dhariwal CESC House, Chowringhee Square, West Bengal Kolkata 700001
21 ESSAR POWER M.P. ESSAR POWER MP LTD. Village Bandhora, Post Karsualal, Tehsil
LTD. Mada, Madhya Pradesh Distt. Singrauli 486886
22 GANDHAR NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093
ENERGY LTD Karnataka Banglore 560025
24 GUVNL GEN GUVNL, Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan race Course Gujarat Vadodara
25 GUVNL SOLAR Load Dispatch Center, Gujarat Vadodara 390021
26 JAYPEE NIGRIE STPP Jaipee Nigri Super Thermal Power Project, Nigri District, Madhya
Pradesh Singrauli 486668
27 JHABUA POWER Jhabua Power LTD Village -Barrella ,post- Attaria,Tahsil-
Ghansor,Dist-Seoni ,Madnya Pradesh,480997 APIL, “MECMENT
HOUSE “ 7th floor 10B oc Ganguli,arani,Kolkata700020 WB KOLKATA
28 JINDAL Jindal Power Ltd., OP Jindal STPP, OP Jindal STPS, PO- Tamnar,
Chhattisgarh Gjarghoda Tehsil, Dist - Raigarh 496107
Chhattisgarh TAMNAR 496107
30 KAPS Nuclear Power Corporation of India ltd, Kakrapara Atomic Power
Station, PO - via Vyara, Gujarat Dist - Surat 395651
31 KAPS 3&4 KAPP 3&4, Nuclear Power Corporation of India ltd, Kakrapar, VIA
VYARA, Dist SURAT- 394651 (GUJ)
32 KAWAS NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

33 KORBA WEST POWER Village - Chhote Bhandar, P.O. - Bade Bhnadar, Tehsil - Pussore,
COMP LTD. District - Raigarh, Chhattisgarh Raigarh 496100
34 KSK Mahanadi Power 8-2-293/82/A/431/A, Road No 22 Jubilee Hills Andhra Pradesh
Company Ltd Hyderabad 500033
35 KSTPS1&11 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093
36 KSTPS111 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

37 LANCO LANCO Power Ltd, Plot No - 397, phase -III, Udyog Vihar, Haryana
Gurgaon 122016
39 MAUDA NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093
40 MB POWER (MP) MB POWER(Madhya Pradesh) Limited,Village Laharpur, post Jaithari,
LIMITED district Anupur, Madhya Pradesh-484330
41 MP SOLAR Chief General Manager Comm) Madhyapradesh RAMPUR 482008

42 Maha SOLAR MSEDCL, Prakashgad 5th floor Bandra EAST Maharashtra MUMBAI
43 NSPCL NTPC-SAIL Power Company Privte Ltd, Puranena Village,
Chhattisgarh Dist - Durg, Bhilai 490021
STAGE II Nagpur MH-441104 Maharashtra Nagpur 441104
45 NTPC Vindhyachal AGM(EEMG)I/C,NTPC Vindhyachal,Vindhyanagar, Madyapradesh
STTP Stage V Singrauli(MP) 486885
46 RGPPL Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt Ltd, 2nd Floor, Block-2, IGL Complex,
Sector-126, Expressway, Utterpradesh Noida 201304
47 RKM Powergen Pvt RKM Powergen Pvt Ltd., Chennai No.14, Dr Giriappa Road, T Nagar,
Lt.Chennai Tamil Nadu Chennai. 600017
48 SASAN UMPP M/s Sasan Power Ltd, DAKC, I Block, 2nd Floor, North Wing, Thane
Belapur Road, Koparkhairana Maharashtra New Mumbai 400710

49 SIPAT STG-1 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

50 SIPAT STG-11 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

51 Solapur NTPC Solapur STPS Post-Hotgi Station

Taluka-South Solapur District-Solapur (Maharashtra)- 413215

52 SKS POWER 501B Elegant Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road,Jb Nagar,Andheri(E),
GENERATION(C.G)LT Mumbai-400059 Block 2-5, 3rd Floor, Krishna Crown, Chatainya
D Nagar, Raigarh Maharastra MUMBAI 400059
53 SSP NCA, Narmada Sadan, Sector -B, Scheme No 74, Vijaynagar,
Madhyapradesh Indore 452010
54 TAPS1&2 Nuclear Power Corporation of India ltd, Tarapur Atomic Power
Station-1&2, PO- TAPP Maharashtra Dist - Thane 401504
55 TAPS3&4 Nuclear Power Corporation of India ltd, Tarapur Atomic Power
Station-3&4, PO- TAPP Maharashtra Dist - Thane 401504
56 TRN ENERGY TRN Energy Pvt Ltd, PO- Nawapara(Tenda) Tehsil-Garghoda,Dist-
PRIVATE LIMITED Raigarh(chhattisgarh) Chhattisgarh Raigarh 496111

57 VANDANA VIDYUT Vandana Vidyut Bhavan, M. G. Road Chhattisgarh Raipur 492001

58 VSTPS-STG-1 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,

2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093
59 VSTPS-STG-2 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,
2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

60 VSTPS-STG-3 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,

2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

61 VSTPS-STG-4 NTPC Ltd, Western Region Headquarters, Samruddhi Venture Park,

2nd Floor, MIDC Marol, Andheri East Maharashtra Mumbai 400093

62 Warora Energy Plot No.B-1, Mohabal MIC Growth Centre, PO

Limited Tehsil:Warora,Dist.Chandrapur-442907
63 Adani Power Limited Achalraj, Opp Mayor Bungalow, Law Garden,Ahmedabad-
64 Bhopal Dhule F-1, Mira Corporate Suites, Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road, New Delhi
Transmission Co.Ltd – 110 065
65 Essar Power Essar Power Transmission Co.Ltd., A-5, Sector-3,Gautam Buddha
Transmission Co.Ltd Nagar,Nodia-201301(UP)
66 JPL Jindal Power Ltd., OP Jindal STPP, OP Jindal STPS, PO Tamnar,
67 Jabalpur Sterlite Grid Ltd. 634 Tulip,New Minal Presidency,J K Road,Ayodhya
Transmission Bypass MADHYAPRADESH Bhopal 462023
Company LTD
68 POWERGRID Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Western Region - I
Headquarters, PO - Uppalwadi, Sampritinagar, Maharashtra Nagpur
69 RAICHUR SOLAPUR Patel Estate, S V Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai Maharashtra
TRANSMISSION Mumbai 400102
71 TORRENT Torrent Powergrid Ltd, Torrent House, Off Ashram Road, Gujarat
POWERGRID LTD. Ahmedabad 380009

72 WRTL(GUJ.REL) Western Region Transmission (Gujarat) Pvt Ltd, 12th Floor, Building
No - 10-B, DLF, Cyber City, Haryana Gurgaon 122002
73 WRTL (MAH.REL) Western Region Transmission (Maharashtra), 12th floor,
Bldg.No.10-B,DLF cyber city, Gurgaon 122002 (Haryana)
Absorption Message Format Annex-XX

(एम. वी. ए .आर. संदश

े )

ef -3,emaAayaDIsaI eiryaa, maraola,,AQM aorI pUva-, maumba[-- 400 093

faona nambar: 28203885 / 28397634, f^@sa: 022-28202630 / 28202693, WEB:
f^@sa saMdoSa
saMdBa- saM#yaa. p xao Baa p`o koMd / एल डी /________ idnaaMk:_________ samaya:_________

p`oYak: parI kaya-Baar p`baMQak p`it:parI p`BaarI,, , Baar p`oYaNa ko , ,

p xao Baa p`o kooMd`, maumba[- isaesapITIsaIela / jaotkao / emaPaIpITIsaIela /
emaesa[-TIsaIela / gaaovaa / DIDI / iDenaeca
p`itilapI: AiQaxaNaAiBayaMta.(Baap,o), isaesapITIsaIela /
jaotkao / emaPaIpITIsaIela / emaesa[-TIsaIela / gaaovaa / DIDI / iDenaeca
ivaYaya :
Sub: Absorption of MVAR to control high voltage in the grid.

Voltages are on the higher side at several nodes in WR grid.

Name of the S/S Nominal Actual Voltage Name of Generator(s)

Voltage(in kV) (in kV) to absorb MVAR.

Under these conditions, your specific reference is invited to Regulation 6.6.6, of the Indian
Electricity Grid Code (IEGC).
The Regulation 6.6.6 of IEGC states, “The ISGS and other generating stations connected to
regional grid shall generate/absorb reactive power as per instructions of RLDC, within
capability limits of the respective generating units that is without sacrificing on the active
generation required at that time. No payments shall be made to the generating companies
for such VAR generation/absorption”
You are, therefore, directed to ensure absorption of reactive power at the above
mentioned generators (under your control area) as per their reactive capability to keep the
voltages within safe operating limit.

parI p`BaarI ,,p xao Baa pò kodM `, maumba[-


CERC Approved Procedure for Assessment of FRC Vide order dated 3 May 2013


1. Purpose:

To ensure the power supply to WRLDC office during the failure of main reliance supply.

2. Procedure:

Part-A: Weekly test run of both (380 KVA & 125 KVA) DG sets at No Load:

2.1 Checking of battery voltage (not less than the 12V (for 125 kVA) and 24V (for 380 kVA) of battery
2.2 Checking of fuel level of fuel tank.
2.3 Checking of coolant water level in radiator.
2.4 To ensure switch off the DG outgoing feeder of both DG sets.
2.5 Select the manual mode of 125 KVA DG set.
2.6 Checking of annunciation alarm window of the DG set AMF panel, if any alarm than reset before
starting the DG set.
2.7 Push the Start button of DG sets AMF panels.
2.8 Start the both DG sets one by one and run approx. 10 minutes each.
2.9 Maintain the records of DG sets oil temperature, water temperature, oil pressure and diesel level.

Part-B: Operating procedure of 380 KVA and 125 KVA DG sets during the failure of
main incoming power supply (Reliance supply):

2.10 125 KVA DG set is configured in auto mode and will start within 5 seconds of failure of main power
supply. The DG set supply is used only in case of emergency failure in WRLDC office.

2.11 Before starting 380 KVA DG set, following checks are initiated:
a) Both, Main power supply incoming breaker as well as the DG breaker in the LT panel, shall be
in OFF position.
b) DG battery voltage (not less than the 24V of battery voltage).
c) Oil level, water level.
d) Presence of any alarms in annunciation window of the DG set AMF panel.

2.12 In case of power failure for more than 30 minutes, the 380 KVA DG set is started manually. DG
starting process includes:
a) Push the Start button of DG set AMF panel.
b) Switch on the DG incomer breaker of LT panel.

2.13 When power supply is restored, 125 KVA DG set stop automatically.
2.14 380 KVA DG set shall operate in manual mode and supply backup power to all facilities and air-
conditioning in WRLDC office. DG operation shall continue till restoration of main power supply.

2.15 Upon restoration of main power supply, 380 KVA DG is shut down in following steps:
a) Switch off the DG breaker of LT panel.
b) Switch on the main power supply incoming breaker of LT panel within 5 second, to avoid the
triggering of 125 KVA DG set auto start.
c) Push the stop button of DG set AMF panel.

3. Records and Format:

1. Daily log sheet of DG sets.

2. DG set test run records.
3. Break down records.

Reporting of Element (Line/ICT/FACTS/Reactor/Unit) Tripping to WRLDC

Reporting of Grid event is mandated in IEGC. All utilities may furnish the information in the
following format while confirming the readiness to take the tripped element into service.

Format for Reporting of Line/ICT/Reactor tripping by the utility:

Name of the Substation
Weather Condition (Tick one of the option) Normal / Rain / Storm / Heavy Wind / Lightening
Name of The Line/ICT/Reactor/Unit
Event Date DD-MM-YYYY
Event Time HH:MM:SS
Relay Flag /Indication Line fault, O/V, overcurrent, DEF, OTI, PRV,
PRD, Mis-operation, Emergency Hand trip,
Human Error,REF
A/R Operation in case of single-phase fault on Line Yes / No / Not Known / Disabled
Fault Location in Case of Line ……….km from………………..end
Fault current in Respective Phase in ……….kA
Whether DR/EL attached Yes / Will be provided within 24 Hour

Format for reporting Unit Tripping by the utility in the given format
Name of the Substation :
Weather Condition Normal / Rain / Storm / Heavy Wind / Lightening
Unit Rating …………….. MW
Unit Number
Relay Flag /Indication BTL/Rotor fault/Field Protection/Stator Earth
Expected Time and Date of Arrival

Format I
Application for registration of entity with RLDC

1. Name of the entity (in bold letters):

2. Registered office address:

3. Region in which registration is sought:

a. North-eastern
b. North
c. East
d. West
e. South

4. User category: Short Circuit Testing Laboratory

5. User details:

Sl Point of Voltage Number of Max Short Time

No Connection Level Special Energy Circuit current duration of
with ISTS Meters (Main) likely to be short circuit
installed at this drawn from current
location the system

6. Contact person(s) details for matters related to RLDC/NLDC:

a. Name:
b. Designation:
c. Landline Telephone No.:
d. Mobile No.:
e. E-mail address:
f. Postal address:

The above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of Authorised Representative

Place: Name
Date: Designation:
Contact number:

Page 1 of 2
Format II


1 Application No: Date

2 Applicant Name Registration

3 Test Expected Expected Time duration Number Testing Window

Equipment Short fault of Short Circuit of shots of
Description Circuit current Current short
Current to (In case of circuit
be drawn failure of current
from the transformer (excluding
system during calibration
testing) shots)

Date From To
Time Time

No of calibration shots and seuqence

4 Declaration: The applicant undertakes to abide by the provisions of the various CERC and
CEA Regulations/orders.

Signature (With Stamp)


Page 2 of 3
Format III
1 Application No: Date
2 Applicant Name Registration

Testing Requested
3 Testing Expected Short Time duration Testing Window
Equipment Circuit Current of Short Circuit
to be drawn Current
Date From To
Time Time

Testing Approved
4 Testing Anticipated Time duration Testing Window
Equipment fault level at of Short Circuit
400 kV Bina Current

Date From To
Time Time

Payment Schedule

5 Total Application Fee

Total Operating Charges
Grand Total

This approval is subject to the applicant adhering to provisions of the relevant CEA and CERC
Regulations/orders as amended from time to time.

This approval is further subject to real time conditions and availability of real time data
including PMU data from Bina (PG).

In case any of the above condition is violated, this approval stands cancelled.

Place: Name
Date: Designation:
Page 3 of 3
RLDC Registration Format for Users


(in Compliance of Regulation 4)

1. Name of the entity (in bold letters):

2. Registered office address:

3. Region in which registration is sought:

i. North-eastern
ii. North
iii. East
iv. West
v. South

4. User category:
i. Generating Station
ii. Seller
iii. Buyer
iv. Transmission Licensee
v. Distribution Licensee
vi. Trading Licensee
vii. Power Exchange

5. User details (as on 31st March of last financial year):

i. Category – Generating Station
i. Total Installed Capacity
ii. Maximum Contracted Capacity (MW) using ISTS
iii. Points of connection to the ISTS:

- 110 -
Sl. Point of Voltage Number of Special Energy Meters
No. connection level (kV) (Main) installed at this location

ii. Category – Seller/Buyer/Distribution Licensee

i. Maximum Contracted Capacity (MW) using ISTS
ii. Points of connection to the ISTS:

Sl. Point of Voltage Number of Special Energy Meters

No. connection level (kV) (Main) installed at this location

iii.Category – Transmission Licensee (inter-State)

i. Sub-stations:
Sl. Sub- Number of Total Transformation Capacity or
No. station transformer Design MVA handling capacity if
Name switching station

ii. Transmission lines:

Sl. Voltage Number of Total Circuit-Kilometers
No. level (kV) transmission lines

- 111 -
6. Contact person(s) details for meters related to RLDC/NLDC:
i. Name:
ii. Designation:
iii. Landline Telephone No.:
iv. Mobile No.:
v. E-mail address:
vi. Postal address:

The above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of Authorised

Place: Name:

Date: Designation:

Contact number:

- 112 -

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