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Recently I had a patient come in with a 15 year plus complaint of chronic low back pain,

with associated posterior thigh and buttock pain. However the patient also stated he has
constant numbness in the front outside area of his thigh. The thigh wasn’t painful it just
felt numb all the time. The man was middle aged and obese with a large protuberant
abdomen wearing his jeans low and belted under his belly.

After the history and physical exam I diagnosed the numbness in the thigh as
Meralgia Paresthetica.

What is Meralgia Paresthetica?

It is a mononeuropathy (injury to one nerve) which causes numbness or pain in the outer
thigh not caused by injury to the thigh, but by injury to a peripheral nerve that travels
from the spinal cord to the thigh. This nerve is called the lateral femoral cuntaneous

The nerve most often becomes injured by entrapment or compression where it passes
between the upper front of the hip bone (ilium) and the inguinal ligament near the
attachment of the anterior superior iliac spine (the upper point of the hip bone). Less
commonly it could be entrapment by other muscles or structures like the psoas muscle or
the tensor fascia latae, or damaged by diabetic or other neuropathy.

What the causes of Meralgia Paresthetica?

The most interesting aspect of meralgia paresthetica is the multiple different causes. MP
has been reported to be caused by obesity, pregnancy and compression from tight pants,
belts, uterine fibroids and tumours. Furthermore, MP can be due to direct trauma, like
seat belt incidents, surgery complications and even associated with disorders such as
diabetes and leprosy. Recent reports have also surfaced regarding MP being caused by
exercise or even prolonged periods of standing that increase compression on the inguinal

The Pelvic Compression Test

Nerve conduction studies can often help confirm one’s diagnosis but aren’t easily
accessible to manual therapists, like chiropractors. The following is a fairly new test
which can be used by manual therapist to help diagnose Meralgia Paresthetica

This test is based on the premise the LFCN is

compressed by the inguinal ligament and by relieving this compression symptoms will
temporarily be alleviated. With the patient focusing on their symptoms the examiner
attempts to apply a downward and lateral compressive force on the pelvic. The pressure
is held for 45 seconds and a positive result is when patients report an alleviation of their
symptoms. By compressing the pelvic in this manner the two attachments of the inguinal
ligament are brought closer together causing the ligament to become slacker.

Treatment Options
Conservative manual therapy from a chiropractor or other trained manual therapist
should be tried before seeking drugs or surgery. A chiropractor can manually release (or
stretch) the muscles and ligaments that may be entrapping the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve. Soft tissue therapy such as Active Release Techique, Graston therapy, or deep
tissue massage may provide relief of symptoms. However proper education and at home
advise must be followed to ensure the benefits of in clinic treatment have a longer lasting
effect. Chiropractic assessment of the pelvis and ilium bone can detect any bony
misalignments where adjustments may have an effect. If conservative treatment is not
effective speak to your medical doctor about other options like NSAIDs for pain, or
surgical nerve block or release.


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Meralgia Paresthetica – a possible reason for thigh pain

Meralgia Paresthetica - alasan yang mungkin untuk
paha sakit
March 22, 2010 22 Maret 2010

Recently I had a patient come in with a 15 year plus complaint of chronic low back pain,
with associated posterior thigh and buttock pain. However the patient also stated he has
constant numbness in the front outside area of his thigh. The thigh wasn't painful it just
felt numb all the time. The man was middle aged and obese with a large protuberant
abdomen wearing his jeans low and belted under his belly. Baru saja saya punya pasien
datang dengan 15 tahun ditambah keluhan nyeri pinggang kronis, dengan paha posterior
terkait dan sakit pantat Namun pasien juga menyatakan ia telah mati rasa konstan di
depan di luar daerah pahanya.. Paha itu tidak menyakitkan itu hanya merasa kebas
sepanjang waktu. Orang itu setengah baya dan gemuk dengan perut menonjol besar
memakai celana jins dan berikat bawah perutnya.

After the history and physical exam I diagnosed the numbness in the thigh as
Meralgia Paresthetica. Setelah sejarah dan Pemeriksaan fisik saya didiagnosis baal di
paha sebagai Meralgia Paresthetica.

What is Meralgia Paresthetica? Apa Paresthetica

It is a mononeuropathy (injury to one nerve) which causes numbness or pain in the outer
thigh not caused by injury to the thigh, but by injury to a peripheral nerve that travels
from the spinal cord to the thigh. This nerve is called the lateral femoral cuntaneous
nerve. Ini adalah mononeuropathy (cedera pada satu saraf) yang menyebabkan mati rasa
atau nyeri di paha luar tidak disebabkan oleh cedera paha, tetapi dengan cedera pada saraf
perifer yang bergerak dari sumsum tulang belakang untuk paha. Saraf ini disebut lateral
cuntaneous saraf femoral.

The nerve most often becomes injured by entrapment or compression where it passes
between the upper front of the hip bone (ilium) and the inguinal ligament near the
attachment of the anterior superior iliac spine (the upper point of the hip bone). Less
commonly it could be entrapment by other muscles or structures like the psoas muscle or
the tensor fascia latae, or damaged by diabetic or other neuropathy. saraf yang paling
sering menjadi terluka oleh jeratan atau kompresi mana lewat di antara bagian depan atas
dari tulang pinggul (tulang pangkal paha) dan ligamentum inguinalis dekat lampiran
spina iliaka anterior superior (titik atas tulang pinggul). Dikurangi umum itu bisa jebakan
oleh otot lain atau struktur seperti otot psoas atau latae tensor fasia, atau rusak oleh
neuropati diabetes atau lainnya.

What the causes of Meralgia Paresthetica? Apa

penyebab Meralgia Paresthetica?
The most interesting aspect of meralgia paresthetica is the multiple different causes.
Aspek yang paling menarik dari paresthetica meralgia adalah beberapa penyebab
berbeda. MP has been reported to be caused by obesity, pregnancy and compression from
tight pants, belts, uterine fibroids and tumours. MP telah dilaporkan disebabkan oleh
obesitas, kehamilan dan kompresi dari celana ketat, sabuk, fibroid uterine dan tumor.
Furthermore, MP can be due to direct trauma, like seat belt incidents, surgery
complications and even associated with disorders such as diabetes and leprosy.
Selanjutnya, MP bisa karena trauma langsung, seperti insiden sabuk kursi, komplikasi
bedah dan bahkan berhubungan dengan gangguan seperti diabetes dan lepra. Recent
reports have also surfaced regarding MP being caused by exercise or even prolonged
periods of standing that increase compression on the inguinal ligament. Laporan terakhir
juga muncul tentang MP disebabkan oleh olah raga atau bahkan periode berdiri yang
berkepanjangan meningkatkan kompresi pada ligamentum inguinalis.

The Pelvic Compression Test Tes panggul Kompresi

Nerve conduction studies can often help confirm one's diagnosis but aren't easily
accessible to manual therapists, like chiropractors. Studi konduksi saraf sering dapat
membantu mengkonfirmasikan diagnosis seseorang tetapi tidak mudah diakses oleh
terapis manual, seperti chiropractors. The following is a fairly new test which can
be used by manual therapist to help diagnose Meralgia Paresthetica Berikut ini adalah tes
yang cukup baru yang dapat digunakan oleh terapis manual untuk membantu
mendiagnosis Meralgia Paresthetica

This test is based on the premise the LFCN is

compressed by the inguinal ligament and by relieving this compression symptoms will
temporarily be alleviated. Tes ini didasarkan pada premis yang LFCN dikompresi oleh
ligamentum inguinalis dan dengan menghilangkan gejala kompresi sementara ini akan
dikurangi. With the patient focusing on their symptoms the examiner attempts to apply a
downward and lateral compressive force on the pelvic. Dengan berfokus pada pasien
gejalanya pemeriksa mencoba menerapkan gaya tekan ke bawah dan lateral pada
panggul. The pressure is held for 45 seconds and a positive result is when patients report
an alleviation of their symptoms. Tekanan diadakan selama 45 detik dan hasil positif
adalah ketika pasien melaporkan pengentasan dari gejala-gejalanya. By compressing the
pelvic in this manner the two attachments of the inguinal ligament are brought closer
together causing the ligament to become slacker. Oleh mengompresi panggul dengan cara
ini dua lampiran dari ligamentum inguinalis dibawa lebih dekat bersama-sama
menyebabkan ligamen untuk menjadi pemalas.

Treatment Options Pengobatan Pilihan

Conservative manual therapy from a chiropractor or other trained manual therapist
should be tried before seeking drugs or surgery. A chiropractor can manually release (or
stretch) the muscles and ligaments that may be entrapping the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve. Soft tissue therapy such as Active Release Techique, Graston therapy, or deep
tissue massage may provide relief of symptoms. However proper education and at home
advise must be followed to ensure the benefits of in clinic treatment have a longer lasting
effect. Chiropractic assessment of the pelvis and ilium bone can detect any bony
misalignments where adjustments may have an effect. If conservative treatment is not
effective speak to your medical doctor about other options like NSAIDs for pain, or
surgical nerve block or release. terapi manual Konservatif dari chiropractor atau manual
terapis terlatih lainnya harus berusaha mencari obat sebelum atau pembedahan.
chiropractor Sebuah manual dapat melepaskan (atau meregangkan) otot dan ligamen
yang mungkin penjebakan di saraf kulit femoral lateral jaringan. terapi seperti Soft
Release Aktif Techique, Graston terapi, atau jaringan dalam pijat dapat memberikan
bantuan dan gejala. Namun pendidikan di rumah yang tepat saran harus diikuti untuk
memastikan manfaat dalam pengobatan klinik memiliki efek yang berlangsung lebih
lama penilaian Chiropractic. dari panggul dan tulang ilium dapat mendeteksi adanya
misalignments kurus mana penyesuaian mungkin berpengaruh. Jika pengobatan
konservatif tidak efektif berbicara dengan dokter Anda tentang pilihan lain seperti
NSAID untuk nyeri, atau memblokir saraf bedah atau rilis.

If you have any further questions about meralgia paresthetica, or back pain in general,
you can contact Dr. Caldwell-Chu at The Root of Health in Oakville, ON 905-845-7668.
Otherwise you can leave comments below. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut
tentang paresthetica meralgia, atau sakit punggung secara umum, Anda dapat
menghubungi Dr Caldwell-Chu di The Root Kesehatan di Oakville, ON 905-845-7668.
Jika Anda dapat meninggalkan komentar di bawah ini.

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