Project Scope Management

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Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Session Objectives

To know how to:

5.1 Plan Scope Management
5.2 collect requirements
5.3 Define scope
5.4 Create WBS
5.5 Validate Scope
5.6 Control Scope

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Project Scope Management

includes the processes required to ensure that the

project INCLUDES :
oALL the work required,
oand ONLY the work required,
to complete the project successfully.
• Managing the project scope is primarily concerned
with defining and controlling WHAT IS AND IS NOT
included in the project
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani


• The WORK performed to deliver a
• The features and functions product, service, or result with
that characterize a product, the specified features and
service, or result. functions.
SCOPE BASELINE for the • The term project scope is
project is the approved sometimes viewed as including
version of the project scope product scope.
statement, WBS and its WBS
associated WBS dictionary is a hierarchical decomposition of
the total scope of work to
accomplish the project objectives
and create the required
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5.1 Plan Scope Management

Definition Key Benefit

the process of: it provides guidance and
direction on how scope will be
• creating a SCOPE
managed throughout the
• that DOCUMENTS HOW the
project scope will be defined,
validated, and controlled.

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
1 Project mgt
plan 1 Scope mgt.
2 Project charter 1 Expert judgment plan
3 EEF 2 Meetings 2 Requirements
4 OPA mgt. plan

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
2 Project charter
high-level project description and product characteristics from
the project statement of work (complexity, simplicity)
3 EEF Organization culture, market condition
4 OPA (Historical information and lessons learned knowledge

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
1. Scope management plan
• Process descriptions
• Descriptions of each of the scope management processes are
2. Requirements mgt. plan
• How requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed
• Includes:
oRequirements prioritization process;
oProduct metrics that will be used and the rationale for using
them; and
oWhat I include RTM
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5.2 Collect Requirements

Definition Key Benefit

Is the process of • it provides the basis for
defining and managing the
• determining,
project scope including
• documenting, product scope
• managing
stakeholder needs and
to meet project objectives.
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Scope mgt plan 1. Interviews
.2 Requirements 2. Focus groups .1 Requirements
mgt plan 3. Facilitated documentation
.3 Stakeholder mgt workshops .2 Requirements
plan 4. Group traceability
.4 Project charter creativity matrix
.5 Stakeholder techniques
register 5. Quest.&
6. Observations

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques
.1 Interviews 3 Facilitated workshops
otalking to stakeholders directly omoderator leads the group
oInterviewing experienced project oreconciling stakeholder differences
participants oJAD (software ind.)
oasking and recording the responses oQFD/VOC (manufacturing ind.)
.2 Focus groups .4 Group creativity Techniques
prequalified stakeholders and subject oNominal group technique
matter experts to learn about their
expectations. oBrain storming
oAffinity techniques
oIdea/map mind
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques
.5 Group decision-making Techniques • where statistical analysis
oUnanimity appropriate
oMajority .7 Observations job shadowing
oPlurality People have difficulty or are reluctant
to articulate their requirements
.8 Prototypes MODELS
.6 Questionnaires and surveys
.9 Benchmarking
omost appropriate with varied
audiences, comparing with best practices
oWhen a quick turnaround is needed, .10 Context diagrams
owhen respondents are geographically .11 Document analysis
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Requirements documentation
requirements need to be:
ounambiguous (measurable and testable),
otraceable, complete, consistent,
oacceptable to key stakeholders.
• A list categorized by stakeholder and priority,
• Or an executive summary, detailed descriptions, and attach.
.2 Requirements traceability matrix
a grid that links product requirements from their origin to the
deliverables that satisfy them.
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
o ensuring that each
requirement adds business
value by linking it to the
business and project
o It provides a means to
track requirements
throughout the project
life cycle,
o helping to ensure that
requirements approved in
the requirements
documentation are
delivered at the end of
the project.

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Definition Key Benefit
the process of : • it describes the project
boundaries by defining
• developing a detailed
which of the requirements
description of the project and
collected will be included in
and excluded from the
project scope
• Project inclusion and

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Expert .1 Project scope
.1 Scope mgt plan judgment statement
.2 Project charter .2 Product .2 Project
.3 Requirements analysis documents
documentation .3 Alternatives updates
.4 OPA generation
.4 Facilitated

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 Scope management plan

establishes the activities for developing, monitoring, and
controlling the project scope
.2 Project charter
Includes high-level project description and product characteristics
.3 Requirements documentation
.4 Organizational process assets
Historical information
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques

.2 Product analysis
TRANSLATING high-level product descriptions into tangible
deliverables e.g. product breakdown, engineering analysis
.3 Alternatives generation
Generates different approaches to execute and perform the work
of the project(project scope)

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Project scope statement
oProduct description
oAcceptance criteria
oProject exclusion
.2 Project documents updates
Requirements documentation
Requirements traceability matrix
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5.4 Create WBS

the process of subdividing • it provides a structured

• Project Deliverables and vision of what has to be
Project Work into smaller, delivered
more manageable

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Scope mgt plan
.2 Project scope .1 Scope baseline
statement 1 Decomposition .2 Project
.3 Requirements .2 Expert document
documentation judgment updates
.4 EEF
.5 OPA

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques

.2 Decomposition
odividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables
into smaller, more manageable parts.
othe lowest level of the WBS is called the work package
oIdentifying and analyzing the deliverables and related work;
oStructuring and organizing the WBS;
oDecomposing the upper WBS levels into lower-level detailed
oDeveloping and assigning identification codes to the WBS
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques
• The WBS represents ALL (Project & Product Scope)
• Different deliverables can have different levels of decomposition
• WBS structure may be outline (e.g. MSP 2010)or organizational chart
• WBS components represent verifiable products, services, or results
• the lower-level WBS components are those that are necessary and
sufficient for completion of the corresponding higher-level
• rolling wave planning used when Decomposition may not be possible
for a deliverable that will be accomplished far into the future.
• 100 Percent Rule. Rolling up the lowest levels should to the higher
levels so that nothing is left out and no extra work is performed
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Scope Baseline
oProject scope statement
oWBS Dictionary

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 Scope Baseline
oProject scope statement
oWBS Dictionary
.2 Project documents updates
Requirements documentation

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5.5 Validate Scope

Definition Key Benefit

The process of : • it increases the chance of
• Formalizing Acceptance Of The final product, service, or
Completed Project Deliverables. result acceptance by
validating each deliverable
• Usually by customer,

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 Project mgt plan .1 Accepted
.2 Requirements deliverables
documentation .2 Change requests
.3 Requirements .3 WPI
.1 Inspection
traceability matrix .4 Project
.2 Group decision-
.4 Verified documents
making techniques
deliverables updates
.5 WPD data

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Differentiate !!!

Quality control Validate scope

• Concerns with Correctness • Formal acceptance of the
of the deliverables deliverables
• By the project team(quality • Deliverables reviewed with
control department) sponsor, customer
• Before (usually) • After(usually)

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

Quality Close
Accepted Project/Phase
Deliverables control deliverables

Direct and
manage Verified Validate Final Product,
project deliverables scope Service
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques

.1 Inspection
to determine whether work and deliverables meet the acceptance
.2 Group decision-making techniques
used to reach a conclusion when the validation is performed by the
project team and other stakeholders

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

.1 Accepted deliverables
Deliverables are formally signed off and approved by:
o the customer or sponsor.
.2 Change requests
Deliverables may not be accepted
thus require change request(defect repair)
.3 Work performance information
which deliverables have finished, or which have been accepted (Project
.4 Project documents updates
Any update as a result of this process

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5.6 Control Scope

• It is the process of • it allows the scope

monitoring the status of baseline to be
the project and product maintained throughout
scope and managing the project
changes to the scope

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 WPI
.2 Change
.1 Project mgt plan
.3 Project mgt
.2 Requirements
documentation 1 Variance
.3 RTM Analysis
.4 Project
.4 WPD
.5 OPA
.5 OPA updates

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Tools and techniques

.1 Variance analysis
odetermining the cause and degree of variance relative to the
scope baseline and deciding whether corrective or preventive
action is required
oProject performance measurements are used to assess the
magnitude of variation from the original scope baseline

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
.1 WPI
• categories of the changes received
• forecast of the future scope performance
.3 Project mgt plan updates
Scope Baseline Updates.
Other Baseline Updates affected by approved change request.
.5 OPA updates
• Causes of variances,
• Corrective action chosen and the reasons, and
• lessons learned
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Qs & As
Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
1. You are managing a software project. During a walkthrough of
newly implemented functionality, your team shows you a new
feature that they have added to help make the workflow in the
product easier for your client, the client didn’t ask for the
features, but it does look like it will make the product easier to
use. The team developed it on their own time because they
wanted to make the client happy. You know this change would
never have made it through change control. What is this an
example of?
A. Gold plating
B. Scope creep
C. Alternatives Analysis
D. Schedule Variance

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
2.The scope baseline consists of:
A. The Scope mgt Plan, the Project Scope Statement, and the
B. The Scope mgt Plan, Requirements Documents, and the WBS
C. The Scope mgt Plan, the WBS, and the WBS Dictionary
D. The Project Scope Statement, the WBS, and the WBS

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
3. You are the project manager on a construction project. As
you’re planning out the work your team will do, you divide up
all of the work into work packages and create a WBS that shows
how they fit into categories. For Each one of work packages,
you write down details such as initial estimates and information
about what account it should be billed against. Where do you
store all of that information?
A. Scope Management Plan
C. WBS Dictionary
D. Project Scope Statement

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
4. Which is the BEST description of project scope?
A. All of the features and deliverables your project will deliver
B. All of the products your project will make
C. All of the people involved in your project
D. All of the work you will do to build the product

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
5. Amit is the manager of a software project. His client has
agreed on a Project Scope statements at the beginning of the
project, but whenever the client verifies deliverables he comes
up with features that he would like to add into the product.
Amit is working with the client to find what requirements were
missed in the planning stage of the project and how to plan
better in the future. What is the BEST description of his
project’s current situation?
A. Gold plating
B. Scope creep
C. Alternatives analysis
D. Schedule variance

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Questions !!

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani
Thanks for your attention!!

Eng.Mukhlis Mirghani

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