Transparence - Lisa Torcato

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Since the sense of sight

Is available to me,
Must I see.
Often have I wished
Not to be blind,
Just a wee dense.

Ignorance is kind,
One knows.
How not to mind
Such an insane pile
Of pure nonsense
Smeared on our nose?

Knowledge is,
Not really unkind,
But rather tense.
The more we learn,
The less we fledge.
It's a heartburn.

The smokescreen
Is too thin;
Or they think
We're that gullible.
Sometimes, though,
It's easier to buy
Into the pretence.

The other sheep

May have no defence.
This is not an excuse
To be so obtuse.
Dredge facts deep!
Bring up an overturn!

Lisa Torcato
March 2018

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