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These are not intellectual notions

They are certainly not mere words or potions
Those who do not understand
Are befuddled in the soup they land
They needlessly qualify them by prefixing another word “true”
Which actually complicates a very simple issue .

The focus word to contemplate on is right in the middle

Which means without ambiguity or any riddle
That life is just not a mere existence !
Come ! investigate ! with discovery one , will necessarily take a stance .

These present words that pour

are really a heart , mind and a brain flow
Trailing , spontaneously forming in an ordered row
and naturally communicating with its ink glow ---
The ending of deep physiological and psychological sorrow
That is the beginning of Love
And Beauty , the two-inseparables , with the elusive pristine-white perpetual peace dove .

The strong blissful colour , not the silly skin colour , that represents the essential nature of human life
That absorbs the brain thoughts like a sudden searing scorching knife
On a cantankerous , festering pussy wound which unquestionably is the mundane human existence
What a waste of human energy , a travesty of life , a grave human injustice !

Wars collectively and conflicts individually , are the everlasting symptomatic beauty and love--deficiency plague
For milleniums humankind have suffered yet this seeming indefatigable , undefeatable disease still rage
Neither the invented gods and likewise the demons are real
For it is the lot of the human - how fortunate ! - to perceive the unseen real
Then beauty and love shall spontaneously exude from that wise one
Who is no longer separate from the sacred one !

Just like for Roger Federer , triumph equals disaster -- for truth to be actual
Not a mere propounded dogma as it is for an intellectual
In reality truth is very practical in its dynamism
As long as there is no ideated psychological schism !

Come thither let us now go deeper

The very perceiving is the doing to discover
The never fading beauty and love of life of humans
And forever , once and for all , conquering the war-conflict unending sorrow demons .

Every form , including human life , is born

Yet the real , indeed , is never born
Hence and therefore cannot die or be permanently killed
To understand this verse no one has to be especially skilled !

The essential nature of existence is “ attained ”

When nothing is retained
With a starting singular simple thought of two words “ I am “
Do see that the first single letter word “ I ” as a mere notion
Which is never in the actual realm
The second word “ am ” is the reality of existence
When the form , the individual‘ s name and the notion “ I ‘’ is mentally negated in the real sense
What remains is the essential natural existence
Then and only then love and beauty is your rightful inheritance !

Years come and go yet , paradoxically this finding shall ever remain
If one could see this precisely & clearly without distortion , the calmness state acquires a natural domain .
No ancient writings in any language or symbols [ save one or two or three that the writer knows ] has this “RE-discovery” in a clearest expression
And together with the fact that methods prescribed to come to this , are mere preparatory processions
Then what is one to do if one wishes to attain to this unearthly treasure ?

The answer , like the Harry Potter‘ s wand story , is extraordinarily simple by any measure .
It is the wand that decides the allegiance , hence the receivership of this immense wealth is never for the profane
So are the efforts , struggles & strivings of genuine or otherwise seekers [ which may not be dismissed at all for the chosen processes ] in Vain ?
Again it is the silent mind that sees instantaneously the simple solution which here also reigns
The desire to gain the desired attaintment kicks up so much dust [ you are never far from the “goal” ] that distorts the real picture
Hence even divinity , all & always powerful she is , has impartial choice to block herself to reach YA ! However it
is forever clear that neither Her nor I shall ever really forsake ya , dearest 2018 Affectiona !

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a. [ fragrance of the cosmos ]

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