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“A good man but a poor king.” To what extent is this a fair description of Duncan?

Contributor Good Man Poor King

Afiq Rusyaidi His trust. The ability to trust others fully no matter what is
something only several people are able to do. This is evident
as Macbeth cites his attributes when talking to his wife about
Duncan in Act 1. These people who are willing to always
trust others are usually some of the finest men ever to live,
as not many are willing to accept people for past flaws and
such. In addition, his virtue of mercy restrained him from
killing MacDonwald himself even though he betrayed him,
getting Macbeth to do the deed in his stead as shown in Act
1 Scene 2.

Allistair Expresses his thanks for his hosts and warriors for hosting
him on such short notice, and fighting back the rebels in the
name of the king. Act 1 Scene 4 Duncan praised and
thanked Macbeth and Banquo for defeating the rebels for
him. Act 1 Scene 6 Duncan thanked and gave love and
appreciation to Lady Macbeth for hosting him on such short
notice. This shows his genuine love and appreciation for
what people do to him and how he appreciates them by
rewarding them such as giving Macbeth Thane of Cawdor.
Thus Duncan is an appreciative and genuinely good man.

Kennethy We get the impression that duncan has an appreciative and

thankful personality. When he comes to macbeth’s castle to
spend the night, he himself acknowledges the fact that his
decision to come there was quite sudden, which left little
time for the hosts to prepare. Furthermore he express his
profound gratitude though repeatedly thanking lady
macbeth. It states in A1S6 that when duncan first arrives at
macbeth's castle, he immediately prakses the location and
atmosphere of the place. He also claims how his should
thanks them for the efforts they had taken to prepare for his
visits. Duncan's tone and slight exaggeration of his gratitude
allows us to form an impression that he had an appreciative
and thankful personality.

Curtis The trust he puts in his subjects shows his good-natured

personality. He trusts Macbeth as a friend, rewarding him
with the Thane of Cawdor when he excelled in battle without
hesitation and shows his trusts of others. This is further
reinforced in his acceptance of Macbeth’s invitation to his
castle in goodwill that Macbeth will protect him, even
praising him as “My worthy Cawdor!”. Thus, Duncan's trust
in those he meets shows that he is a good man.

Yu Yang Duncan is a poor king as he is too trusting and gullible,

seeing only the best in people, resulting in his death at the
hands of Macbeth. There are 2 pieces of evidence to show
this. Firstly, he states that he

Yi Khuen Duncan is a good man. This is seen on the night of the

intended murder, Macbeth thinks about all the reasons he
has not to kill Duncan. In part, he says, “his virtues, will
plead like angels trumpet-tongued, against the deep
damnation of his taking off”. In other words, Macbeth calls
Duncan a very just and uncorrupt leader and he feels that
Duncan’s virtues will continue to live on after he’s dead and
gone, like trumpeting angels that play to protest Duncan’s
unjust murder. Furthermore, Duncan doesn't hoard all of
Scotland's riches.When he is pleased with Macbeth's
services to the crown, he gives Macbeth a new title (the title
that formerly belonged to a traitor) rather than keeping that
noble's wealth and lands for his own (as was his right).
Even his physical appearance makes him look like a good
man. Lady Macbeth says, to explain why she didn’t kill him,
“Had he not resembled / My father as he slept, I had done’t”
again giving reason to consider him a kind, generous old

Maverick Duncan is a good man. From A1S7, it evidently illustrates

Duncan’s kind nature and virtuous character. In Macbeth’s
soliloquy, he describes Duncan’s death as one that would
bring about grief and sorrow. The quote, “ his virtues will
plead like angels trumpet-tongued against the deep
damnation of his taking-off” spurs imagery of divine,
heavenly forces at work. This further reiterates Duncan’s
virtuous nature; even the gods themselves go against the
murder of Duncan. This also describes how Duncan’s
virtuous legacy would speak for himself even after his death,
as if angels, symbolic of innocence and purity, were playing
trumpets against the injustice of his murder. By deftly
crafting imagery of these divine and heavenly forces,
Duncan’s pure and virtuous character is further accentuated.

Chia Chia Duncan was generous to his friends, He gives Macbeth the
Thane of Cawdor title "go pronounce his (Cawdor's) present
death and with his former title greet Macbeth"

Gyaltsen Duncan is a poor king. This is because he is a gullible king.

From act one scene 4, Duncan said that “There’s no art to
find the mind’s construction in the face: He was a gentleman
on whom I built an absolute trust” Duncan has put complete
faith in the loyalty of Macdonwald,the previous thane of
cawdor. He trusted a traitor like Macdonwald. This shows
that he lacks the ability to judge people and their
personalities. This incident of macdowald betraying him was
however not learnt. Duncan trusted macbeth completely and
never doubted him. This led him to walk to his doom in
Macbeth’s castle. His death then created a lot of problems
for hs people in future when tyrannical Macbeth takes over
the kingship.

Ryan Duncan is a poor king. He is too gullible to be a major

political leader. While being trusting is usually a desirable
trait, he is trusting to the point where he can see no bad in
other people and can be tricked repeatedly by the people
close to him. Kings need to be able to judge the character of
the people around them based on their impressions of them
and their individual merits, but Duncan is unable to look past
their achievements and see the darkness that lurks within
them. This is evidenced by the phrase "there's no art to find
the mind's construction in the face", which shows that
Duncan finds difficulty in identifying the true intentions
behind the facade of the people around him. Thus he is a
bad king

Russell Duncan is a good man. He is a very grateful and

appreciative person and he gives credit when it’s due. In act
1 scene scene 2 ,Duncan can be seen repeatedly praising
and complimenting Macbeth on his performance in the
battlefield as the captain reports about the battlefield. This
can be seen from,” O valiant Cousin, worthy gentleman!”. In
act 1 scene 6, Duncan also compliment the different aspects
of Macbeth’s castle. This can be seen from.” This castle has
a peasant seat. The air is nimbly and sweetly recommends
itself” Also, since Duncan’s visit was not planned and was a
sudden thing, he apologised to lady Macbeth for the
inconvenience caused, feeling like he had cause much
trouble to Lady Macbeth, thus also showing his soft side???

Kaichou Duncan is a poor king as he is too trusting of a person.

Although he might be a good person, he is not fit to be a
king. He is blinded by his optimism and he only sees the
good in people, but he does not see that even the people
that he trusts the most can backstab him at any time, like
Macbeth. As King, he does not see that many people will
want to take his place and kill him, so there may be
assassination plots against him. He does not take this into
account, leading to his death at the hands of Macbeth.

Ethan Duncan is a good man as he is willing to lower himself and

is not arrogant as can be seen when he was present when
the captain was giving his report at the battlefield, as well as
when he complimented lady Macbeth and her hospitality.
Furthermore, he is fair and rewards people well, as he gave
Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor after the previous
thane had gone against duncan and betrayed duncan and
the trust he had previously place in him, and gave it to
Macbeth after his heroic duties for his country and kingdom,
fighting against Macdonwald. He is also trusting of others,
albeit overly so, as he is not suspicious of Macbeth and
does not feel that he has any harmful/negative intent even if
there is definitely a certain amount of tension due to the way
the title of King is passed down, leaving him far from gaining
the title of King.
Sidney duncan is amiable. duncan shares a close deep mutual
relationship with macbeth. in a1s2 duncan listens with rapt
attention to the captains speech on macbeth and offers
immense praise to him. duncan treats macbeth as a close
friend although the latter is his superior. this reveals his
ability to lower himself and his arrogance to socialise with
his subordinates. He has a very charismatic tone when he
talks to Macbeth,revealing his soft side.




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