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The Countywide & Sun y

Enthusiastic Democratic Candidates Visit Shawnee

By GLORIA TROTTER ocratic candidate for the TV and yelling at
An enthusiastic Governor, was unable the newspaper” before
group of Democratic to attend. deciding to run. She
candidates and party Steve Barnes, a We- said she has a “special
loyals gathered last woka attorney and can- interest” in education,
Thursday night, March didate for House Dist. and hopes to focus on
15, at Shawnee’s The 28, was next. He said he cyber security, increas-
Gathering Place, to kick is proud of support from ing the minimum wage
off the 2018 campaign the Creek Nation and and background checks.
season. his work with the Semi- N e x t w a s re t i re d
County chairman nole Tribe. Noting that college professor Tom
Lauren McElfrresh, em- tribal gaming compacts Guild, who has sought
phasizing the party’s are up in 2020, he said the seat before. “You
“Flip That Seat” slogan, accountability is impor- know who I am and
introduced a series of tant. “We rely heavily on where I stand,” he said. Steve Barnes for House Dist. 28 Linda Edmondson standing in for her hus-
candidates who made the tribes,” he said. He favors increasing band Drew Edmondson for Governor
brief remarks. Linda He added that he Social Security bene-
Edmondson, standing in is opposed to school fits and the minimum
for her husband Drew, a consolidation, charter wage, and said he will
candidate for Governor, schools and “anything ÀJKWIRU´ZKDW·VOHIWµRI
led off. that takes money away the Affordable Health
“I bet you’re here be- from schools.” He also Care Act. He is also con-
cause you’re fed up,” favors removing some cerned about the “cor-
she began, speaking of tax incentives, which UXSWFDPSDLJQÀQDQFLQJ
the recent problems in he said would free system” and the student
state government. She up enough money for loan mess.
said her husband “has teacher raises. Lindsey Bodman
an alibi — he hasn’t been Barnes previously ran spoke on behalf of
in office” for several for the seat in a special Kendra Horn, saying
years. election, losing to Zach +RUQZLOOÀJKWIRUUXUDO
She praised Oklaho- Taylor by 56 votes. Dis- schools, economic de-
Tom Guild for Congressional Dist. 5 Eddie Porter for Congressional Dist. 5
ma teachers for “step- trict 28 includes Semi- velopment and hospi-
ping up and stepping nole and a large portion tals. She noted that Horn
out,” as well as state em- of northern Pottawato- raised more money than
ployees and students. mie County north of I-40 5XVVHOO GXULQJ WKH ÀUVW
She said Oklahoma’s and a bit of Bethel Acres. reporting period and
problems are not the The remaining speak- said he “is scared.”
weather but are “man- ers were all candidates 7KHÀQDOVSHDNHUZDV
made — or in some cases for the Democratic Ed Porter, who said he
woman made.” She said nomination for the 5th has helped create jobs in
Edmondson wants to District seat in the U.S. Pottawatomie County.
“Take Oklahoma Back” Congress, currently held “I will represent my con-
from poor leadership, by Republican Steve stituents, even if I dis-
and that “Grassroots Russell. agree,” he said. “I’m not
efforts will lift all can- First up was Elysa- going to make friends.”
didates.” beth Britt, a former Ma- The Democratic Pri-
Connie Johnson, the rine who said she found mary is June 26. Elysabeth Britt for Congressional Dist. 5 Tom Guild and Linda Edmondson visit with
other announced Dem- herself “screaming at local residents.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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