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Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

A Fuzzy-based System for Maintenance Planning of Road Pavements

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Patras
Patras 26500

Abstract: - This paper presents a fuzzy-based system that is used for maintenance planning of road pavements.
The system has been developed based on knowledge elicitation from experienced maintenance engineers using
fuzzy logic. The system includes functions for pavement condition and deterioration prediction, feasible
treatment assessment in each pavement section, and maintenance planning in a road network. Pavement
condition models have considered pavement age and other influencing factors such as pavement design
characteristics, traffic loads, and construction quality. Feasible treatments are set based on distress type,
severity, and extent, traffic load, foundation soil type, and pavement age. Maintenance planning is based on
a priority list (which is developed considering the distress type and its effect on road safety and functionality,
the current pavement condition and the anticipated deterioration rate), the feasible treatments in each case and
existing budget constraints.

Key-Words: - pavement, maintenance, management, expert system, knowledge-based system, fuzzy system,
decision making

1 Introduction coding) and its limited flexibility to adapt to specific

Pavement management systems have been user requirements, local conditions, and agency
developed and implemented in many countries as a information systems.
result of the increasing need for optimizing Alternatively to such systems, more simplified
pavement maintenance and resource allocation and flexible approaches have a higher possibility to
decisions over an extensive road network in order to be implemented. Simplification can result from
provide an acceptable level of safety, functionality reducing the number of decision parameters
and comfort to road users. Assessing the most (considering only the main ones), reducing the need
appropriate maintenance strategy for a large number for data collection, or relying on engineering
of pavement sections is a complex problem as there judgement. Knowledge-based systems, although not
are several parameters that determine the most as effective as fully developed pavement
economic solution. As a result, the only efficient management systems, offer a number of advantages.
way for effective pavement management is through First, they are relatively easy to develop and quite
the employment of computerized systems. adjustable to any conditions and specific user needs.
A first category of such systems performs In fact, the system development focuses onto
mathematical optimization (e.g., linear problems that appear in the application area rather
programming) to produce an optimal maintenance than to all problems under any possible conditions.
programme subject to specific constraints. In In addition, existing expertise is constructively
general, the problem is formulated to minimize a utilized to improve the system performance.
cost function subject to various types of constraints Existing knowledge-based systems have been
that refer to the available budget, pavement reported in [2-4].
condition thresholds, as well as pavement A fuzzy-based system for pavement maintenance
performance in time. A number of pavement planning is presented in this paper. The proposed
management systems have been reported in the system aims to provide decision support regarding
literature (e.g., [1]). Systems of this type require in the prioritisation of maintenance needs according to
general considerable time and effort to develop due specified criteria, the determination of feasible
to the size and complexity of the problem and its treatments depending on pavement condition and
capability highly relies on fine-tuning of its other external factors that accelerate deterioration,
component functions. As a result, their application and proposals for maintenance selection and
in practice may be hindered by its data requirements resource allocation in a road network.
(in terms of quantity, quality, availability, and
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

2 The Proposed System The pavement performance module aims to

The aim of this work is to develop a simple yet develop condition deterioration curves for each
efficient system that can provide decision support to distress type based on pavement age and other
highway maintenance agencies in their effort to influencing factors such as pavement design
optimise maintenance planning in a road network. characteristics, traffic loads, and construction
The system has been developed based on knowledge quality. The second module investigates all
elicitation from experienced maintenance engineers applicable treatments considering the pavement
and attempts to model their decisions for condition of each section and other factors. A fuzzy
maintaining road pavements. The development of rule-based system has been developed to represent
the system has been based on current management the expert's decision in each case.
decision practices in Greece that are merely Maintenance planning is based on a priority list
empirical. As a result, optimal maintenance (which is developed considering the distress type
strategies and resource allocation are solely based on and its expected effect on road safety and
the condition assessment of pavements and the functionality, the current pavement condition and
agency costs associated with pavement repair and the anticipated deterioration rate), the feasible
rehabilitation without an explicit representation of treatments in each case and existing budget
the user and societal costs attributed to the lost constraints.
safety, delays, or functionality.
The proposed system includes three modules,
one for pavement condition assessment and 3 Pavement Performance Models
deterioration prediction, another for determining Maintenance decisions are mainly based on current
alternative feasible treatments in each pavement pavement condition and the expected deterioration
section, and a third for setting maintenance priorities rate afterwards. The development of pavement
and optimizing resource allocation in a road network performance models has considered several
(Figure 1). The system input consists of two types of parameters such as, pavement distress type, traffic
data, one resulting from pavement inspection and loads, environmental conditions, soil type, pavement
condition assessment and another describing material properties and design features, construction
maintenance treatments. quality, and, most importantly, pavement age.
The development included three phases. In the
first, qualitative data were collected from expert
responses regarding the factors and the way that
System input they affect distress initiation and propagation. The
procedure led to the determination of 11 distress
Condition Maintenance types and 15 influencing factors which are shown in
assessment treatments Tables 1 and 2 respectively. The influencing factors
were grouped into four generalized variables, i.e.,
pavement strength, traffic load, pavement
construction quality, and pavement age.
Next, a fuzzy rule-based system was developed
to represent the expert knowledge using fuzzy rules
‘if-then’. The fuzzy method that was used is the
Deterioration Treatment linguistic fuzzy model (Mamdani method). The
prediction selection system parameters are represented by linguistic
fuzzy sets (e.g., ‘weak’ pavement strength) and
corresponding rules of the form ‘if structural
strength is weak and traffic load is high and…. then
severity is high’ are developed which represent the
impact of the influencing factors on distress severity.
With this procedure, qualitative information is
Maintenance planning
converted to quantitative data.
In a third phase, several sets of random crisp data
for the independent and the dependent variables
Figure 1: Structure of the proposed system were generated by the fuzzy system. A least square
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

These coefficients are different for each distress

Distress type Index (leading, thus, to separate models) and determine the
shape and the coordinates of the corresponding
Alligator cracks alcrack curves.
Longitudinal cracks longcrack Following existing models, such as MDOT [5] or
Transverse cracks transvcrack HPMS [6], the general form of individual distress
prediction models is given by:
Slippage crack slipcrack
Rutting rut DI = α0 AGEα1 MSNα2 TRAFα3 QUAα4 (1)
Local depressions ldepr
Local upheavals luphe
α0, α1, α2, α3, and α4 : coefficients to be estimated,
Raveling rav AGE : pavement age,
Potholes pot MSN : structural strength parameter,
TRAF : traffic load parameter,
Polished aggregate polaggr
QUA : construction quality parameter.
Bleeding bleed
The above parameters consider a number of
factors using complex mathematical relationships
Table 1: Pavement distress types which are different for each distress. Considering the
notation in Table 2, one can generally write:
MSN = f (d1, d2, d3, t, Easphalt, m2, Ebase, m3, Esubbase,
m4, Esubgrade),
Influencing factors Index TRAF = f (AADT, TR),
QUA = f (asphalt content, air voids, rainfall, frost
Pavement age (years) AGE heave).
Asphalt modulus (MPa) Easphalt The objective of the analysis is to estimate the
unknown coefficients α0, α1, α2, α3, and α4 of
Base modulus(MPa) Ebase
Equation (1). In the absence of numerical data for
Subbase modulus (MPa) Esubbase the parameters involved from measurements or
Subgrade modulus (MPa) Esubgrade experiments, qualitative data were collected by
Asphalt thickness (mm) d1 expert engineers and then quantified through the
employment of fuzzy models. As an example,
Base thickness (mm) d2 existing knowledge and expert responses suggested
Subbase thickness (mm) d3 that the prediction models for transverse cracks
Atmosphere temperature (oC) t should include all variables of Equation (1). The
Moisture to base (%) value range of each generalized variable was divided
m2 into three fuzzy sets with membership functions as
Moisture to subbase (%) m3 shown in Table 3 [7]. The rule base contains 34 = 81
Moisture to subgrade (%) m4 rules which describe the effect of specific
Annual average daily traffic combinations of the explanatory variables to distress
AADT severity (part of this rule base is shown in Table 4).
The final form of the transverse cracks model is
Truck ratio (%) TR given by the equation:
Asphalt content
Air voids Transvcrack =
Rainfall = 1.869 AGE1.182 MSN-0.139 TRAF0.188 QUA-0.163 (2)
Frost heave
A typical curve for the Transvcrack index over time
is shown in Figure 2. In such a curve, a zero value of
Table 2: Pavement condition influencing factors the index represents good pavement condition (no
distress) while a value of 100 represents a totally
destroyed pavement (in terms of the particular
non-linear regression was applied to these data to distress).
determine the coefficients of the prediction model.
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

Variable Attribute Fuzzy sets 4 Feasible Treatment Selection

The objective of this module is to determine all
Low 1/0, 1/3.93, 0/6.11
feasible treatments depending on pavement
MSN Medium 0/5.595, 1/6.685, 0/7.775
condition and other factors. A fuzzy rule-based
High 0/7.26, 1/9.44, 1/9.44
system has been developed for this purpose. For
Low 1/0, 1/100, 0/2000 each defect type, information has been gathered
TRAF Medium 0/1600, 1/2550, 0/3500 from maintenance experts regarding the factors
High 0/3100, 1/5000, 1/5000 that are considered in their maintenance decisions.
The results of this investigation showed that
Low 1/0, 1/1, 0/4.5
maintenance decisions are mainly based on:
QUA Medium 0/3.75, 1/5.5, 0/7.25
- the distress type,
High 0/6.5, 1/10, 1/10
- the distress severity,
Low 1/0, 0/10 - the distress extent,
AGE Medium 0/7.5, 1/12.5, 0/17.5 - the traffic load,
High 0/15, 1/25, 1/25 - the foundation soil type, and
- the pavement age.
Low 1/0, 0/40
Transv- Based on this information, decision trees were
Medium 0/30, 1/50, 09/70
crack developed to provide feasible treatments for each
High 0/60, 1/100
distress and combination of the decision
parameters. For each decision parameter, fuzzy
Table 3: Fuzzy sets for condition assessment sets were established as shown in Table 5. For
qualitative parameters that are not directly
measured in numerical terms, an artificial scaling
then was considered.
if and and and transv-
Parameter Attribute Fuzzy sets
Low Low Low Low Low
Distress Low 1/0, 1/30, 0/70
Low Low Medium Low Low severity High 0/30, 1/70, 1/100
Medium Low Low Low Low Distress Low 1/0, 1/30, 0/70
… … … … … extent High 0/30, 1/70, 1/100
High High High High High Low 1/0, 1/100, 0/2000
Traffic Medium 0/1600, 1/2550, 0/3500
Table 4: Rule base for condition assessment High 0/3100, 1/5000, 1/5000
Foundation Earthy 1/0, 1/30, 0/70
soil Rocky 0/30, 1/70, 1/100
Pavement Low 1/0, 1/10, 0/20
age High 0/10, 1/20, 1/30
Distress index

Table 5: Fuzzy sets for treatment selection


The output of this process is the maintenance

treatment which should at least be applied in
every section according to existing distresses and
0 other conditions. Maintenance treatments are
0 5 10 15 considered with respect to their lifetime (the
duration until another treatment is necessary). It is
Years observed that treatments with higher lifetimes
correspond to higher implementation cost (as
Figure 2: Typical condition deterioration curve expected) but also to higher effectiveness, which
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

is defined by the lifetime to cost ratio. Table 6

shows the rule base and Figure 3 shows the 5 Network-wide Maintenance Planning
membership functions of the treatments that may Budget constraints do not generally allow
be applicable for alligator cracks of low severity addressing all deficiencies in a road network at once.
within a local pavement area. Note that treatment As a consequence, maintenance needs should be
T0 corresponds to the alternative “do nothing”. prioritized for resource allocation. Maintenance
priorities are set based on:
- the distress type and its effect on road safety and
functionality (Table 7 shows the weights that
if and and then have been set for various distresses),
TRAF SOIL AGE TREATMENT - the estimated current pavement condition based
on the appropriate distress index,
Low Rocky High T0 - the expected deterioration rate over the next
Low Rocky Low T1 period as indicated by the tangent of the distress
index curve.
Low Earthy High T1
The maintenance planning module aims to select
Low Earthy Low T2 the most appropriate maintenance strategy for a
number of road sections based on the output of the
Medium Rocky High T1
previous modules and considering any budget
Medium Rocky Low T2 constraints. In particular, starting from the sections
Medium Earthy High T2 with the highest maintenance priority, the best cost-
effective treatment among all applicable ones is
Medium Earthy Low T3 proposed. The process continues until the available
High Rocky High T2 budget is allocated. In case that the available budget
is not sufficient to cover all needs (as it usually
High Rocky Low T3 happens), the practice is to apply lighter
High Earthy High T3 maintenance treatments (among feasible ones)
which, however, present shorter lifetimes. Although
High Earthy Low T3 this is not the most cost-effective selection, it has the
advantage of maintaining a higher number of
Table 6: Rule base for treatment selection sections each year.

Distress type Weight

Alligator cracks 0.09
1 T0 T1 T2 T3
Slippage cracks 0.04
Memebership value µ

0,8 Edge cracks 0.02

Longitudinal-transverse cracks 0.03
Rutting 0.14
Local depressions/upheavals 0.12
0,2 Raveling 0.08
0 Potholes 0.38
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Polished aggregates/bleeding 0.10
Treatment lifetime

Table 7: Distress type weights

Figure 3: Membership functions for maintenance
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006 (pp535-540)

6 Conclusion as it provides a basis for consistent decisions and

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