Form No. 3 - Donation Mortis Causa - Philippines Legal Form

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Form No. 3--Donation Mortis Causa

Category: Philippines Legal Form Hits: 7457

(Donation Mortis Causa)



I, _____________, of legal age, Filipino, (single / married / widow), and a resident of _____________, Philippines (hereinafter called the

- and -

_____________, likewise of legal age, Filipino, (single / married / widow), and a resident of _____________, Philippines (hereinafter called
the "DONEE");


WHEREAS, the DONOR is the true and registered owner of a certain parcel of land, more particularly described as follows:
(Technical Description of Property)

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the love and affection the DONOR has for the DONEE, the DONOR does hereby
TRANSFER, GIVE and CONVEY unto the DONEE, (his/her) heirs, assigns and successors-in-interest, the above-described parcel of
land, to take effect upon the DONOR'S demise, subject to the following conditions:

1.That should _____________, the spouse of the DONOR, survive (him/her), the usufructuary rights over the above-described parcel of
land shall pertain to her during her lifetime;

2.That the DONEE shall not dispose of, or in any manner, encumber, the properties herein donated during the lifetime of the said

3.That the DONEE hereby accepts and receives this donation made in (his/her)favor by the DONOR, and hereby manifests (his/her)
gratefulness for the latter's generosity and liberality;

4.That further, the DONOR hereby reserves unto himself the right to possess and sell the above-described property, as true owner
thereof, before his death, without need of prior consent or approval by the DONEE.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands, this _____________ at _____________, Philippines.



WE, the undersigned witnesses hereby attest and certify: That the foregoing DONATION MORTIS CAUSA was executed by
_____________ and consist of _____________ (_____) pages, including this page where the Attestation of Witness and the
Acknowledgement before the Notary Public appears; That this was signed by the DONOR and the DONEE in our presence, and we at
their request, have signed these presents on the last page hereof, and on the left-hand margin of each and every page, in their
presence, and in front of each and everyone of us.


1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

Republic of the Philippines)

Province of ____________________)S.S.
City/Municipality of _____________)


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the (Province/City/Municipality) of _____________, personally appeared the following persons,
with their respective Community Tax Certificates as follows:

Name C.T.C. No. Date / Place Issued

1. DONOR_____________ _____________

2. DONEE_____________ _____________

3. WITNESS_____________ _____________

4. WITNESS_____________ _____________

5. WITNESS_____________ _____________
all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing DEED OF DONATION MORTIS CAUSE which
they acknowledged to me to be their free and voluntary act and deed, consisting of only ______ (____) page/s, including this page in
which this Acknowledgement is written, duly signed by the Donor, the Donee and their three (3) instrumental witnesses on each and
every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____________ at _____________, Philippines.


Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;

Book No. ______;

Series of ______;

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