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Leadership: What it means to me

By Jason Wilkins

I have served proudly among America’s finest men and women. The impact of their leadership resonates
still within me and emanates from my thoughts and actions, even after 15 years of separation from
military service. Chief among their memory rests the exemplary attitude and direction of one officer, Lt.
Michael McGreevy, US Navy SEAL, whose character, intelligence, compassion, and sense of duty
inspired everyone within his sphere of influence to rise and meet his standard. Gregarious, generous,
focused, and determined to succeed in all endeavors, he led the way for his teams to follow diligently and
with great aplomb. When the time came for his greatest sacrifice, he leapt courageously into the dark,
placing the lives of others ahead of his own, knowing the outstanding odds, and willing to stare them
down. His example has been my mark against which I measure all actions, thoughts, and words. Even in
death he stands my mentor, guiding me towards excellence and driving me to succeed. Through
leadership and service to those who follow me, I am a guide and a pathfinder. I do not drive through fear
but through example. Inspiration and motivation are my goals, that others may know my dream for
success and desire to achieve it beside me. I give trust and responsibility to each member of my team,
that in return they lend the same, knowing that we are only as strong as our weakest link, and working
together to strengthen our bond. This is true leadership, that every member of every team be made of
leaders following the direction of the mission, with the benefit of each member beside you at the core of
all concern. If I am remembered so well by even one member of my team, I will count my efforts a great
success and give honor and gratitude to one man for setting the bar high and for believing in me even
when I did not believe in myself.

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