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Communication Systems [Fall-2010] 2

Course Information
• Instructor : Muhammad Rizwan
• Email :
• Book : Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems
LECTURE 1 (B.P. Lathi, 3rd Edition)
• Grading Policy :
Introduction to Communication Systems
• Quizzes : 15%
• Homework's : 5%
• Mid : 20%
• Laboratory : 15% [Attendance : 3% Lab Task : 7% Exam : 5%]
• Project + Presentation : 10%
• Final : 35%

Communication Systems [Fall-2010] 3 Communication Systems [Fall-2010] 4

Course Objective Relation with other EE Courses

• Provide the basics of communication.
• Introduce the concept of analog communication. Communication

• Get a flavour of digital communication.

• Learn some of the advanced communication techniques.
Communication Digital
• Be able to design communication system at the block Systems
Systems Communication

diagram level.
• Prepare you for the telecommunication industry.
Digital Signal Digital Image
Processing Processing

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Today’s lecture Communication Systems

• Communication System Block Diagram • Communication …?
• Analog vs. Digital Communication • Communication is the process of conveying messages at a
• Performance Metrics for Communication Systems
• Communication Engineering comes in if the distance involved is
• Distortion and Noise in Communication Channel beyond direct communication.
• System … ?
• Physical systems : Interconnection of components, devices or sub-
• Process in which input signals are transformed by the system or
cause system to respond in some way, resulting in other signals as

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Communication Systems Communication Systems

Input Input Output Input Input Transmitted Received Output Output
Message Signal Message Message Signal Signal Signal Signal Message

Input Output
Transmitter Channel SystemReceiver Transducer
Transmitter Channel Receiver
Transducer Transducer

and Distortion
Noise and

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Distortion & Noise -- Communication

Communication Systems
• Input Transducer : Converts data from non-electrical form into • Distortion :
electrical waveform, called as baseband signal or message signal. • Linear Distortion
• Transmitter : Modifies baseband signal for efficient transmission. • Non-linear Distortion

• Channel : Medium through which the transmitter output is sent. • Noise:

E.g. wire, coaxial cable, waveguide, optical fiber or a radio link. • Internal Noise
• Receiver: Reprocess signal received from the channel by undoing • Caused by thermal motion of electrons in conductors
the modifications made at the transmitter and the channel. • Random emission
• Diffusion or recombination of charged carriers
• Output Transducer: Converts electrical signal to its original
form. • External Noise
• Interference from signals transmitted on nearby channels
• Human made noise made by faulty contact switches
• Automobile ignition radiation
• Natural noise from lightning

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Information or Message Analog And digital Information

• Analog • Analog information source produces messages that are
• Digital defined on a continum.
• Example: Microphone
• Digital information source produces a set of possible
• Example: Telephone touch pad

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Analog, Digital and Binary Signals Analog vs. Digital Communication

• Analog signal • Analog Communication system converts (modulate)
• Values taken from infinite set analog signals into modulated (analog) signal.
• Digital signal
• Digital Communication system converts information in the
• Values taken from finite set
form of bits into digital signals
• Binary Signal
• Analog signal can be converted into bits by:
• Digital signals with just two
discrete values (symbols) • Sampling
• Digital signal constructed with • Quantizing
M symbols is called M-ary • Coding
message or signal.
• Bit time (T)
• Time needed to send one bit.
• Data Rate (R)
• R = 1/ T, bits per second

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Noise immunity of Digital signals Comparison

• Less Bandwidth • Less expensive.
Signal DISADVANTAGES • More reliable.
Noise) • The effects of • Flexibility.
Received random noise can DISADVANTAGES
Signal (With
make signal loss and • Sampling Error.
Noise) distortion impossible • More bandwidth.
to recover.
Regenerated • Synchronization

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Performance Metrics Reading assignment

• Analog Communication System • Energy and Power of Signal
• Fidelity i.e. how close m'(t) to m(t) • Classification of Signals
• Signal Operations
• Digital Communication System
• Data rate & probability of error

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• Signal are represented in two main formats.
• Analog
• Digital.
• Communication systems modulate analog signals or bits
for transmission over channel.
• Design goals of transmitter (modulator) and receiver
(demodulator) are to mitigate distortion and noise from the
• Performance metrics
• Analog Systems: Fidelity, SNR
• Digital Systems : Data rate and error probability.

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