Event Name: "CONTRAPTION": Problem Statement

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 A Contraption is a chain of different 'ENERGY CONVERSION' steps, in which

one steps triggers the next one leading to completion of final task.
 This event requires simple class room ideas along with innovation that can
make the solution as complicated and fascinating as possible.
 Contraption is all about making most complicated solution to a simple
 This contraption is designed to pull students away from conventional
problem solving and push them into the endless chaos of imagination and
intuitive thought.
 Instead of just "solving" the problem, teams have to make the solution as
complicated and as convoluted as possible.

Use various forms of pure energy conversion techniques to give a practical and
feasible output.



 Each team has to submit abstract containing the below mentioned details
and bring the hard copy of the abstract on the day of the event.
 Team Name
 Team Leader’s name
 Contact Number
 Email id
 Total number of energy conversions.
 Sketches explaining steps (optional).
 Explanation of each and every step.
* Note-Explanation must be clear and simple.
e.g. Chemicals reacts and burns matchstick
Energy conversion -chemical energy to heat energy

 Size of arena for the machine of contraption is 12*12 feet.
 The teams are not provided any walls, tables for the RUBE.

1. The number of members in a team is restricted to five.
2. Each team will be given 3 trials to show their arrangement. A setup time of
10 minutes will be given before each trial. In addition to this, a setup time
of 30 minutes will be given to every team before their first attempt.
3. The machine must complete the task as per their definition of task or else
will be not considered for evolution.
4. The machine must be no larger than 12ft. by 12ft. and 12ft. height.
Participants will be provided with a flat ground for display.
5. The arrangement should complete the final task after going through a
minimum of 5 steps. There is no maximum number of steps.
6. A step in the machine should be considered a transfer of energy from one
action to another. Identical transfers of energy in succession will be
considered one step. For example, a set of dominos falling into each other
will be considered one step. Only following pure form of energies will be
 Mechanical energy
 Electrical energy
 Chemical energy
 Heat energy
 Magnetic energy
 Sound energy
 Light energy (Radiant energy)
 Elastic energy (potential energy)
 Wind energy

7. The machine must take no more than ten (10) minutes per run.
8. Only one team member may interact with the machine once the evaluation
has begun. This includes resetting the machine.
9. No corporate logos or names may be displayed on the machines.
10.The machine must not imply profane, indecent or lewd expressions.
11.Any loose or flying objects must remain within the set boundaries of the
12.No loose electrical connections will be tolerated in the arena room.
13.No flames may be used on the machine.
14.No hazardous materials or explosives can be used on the machine.
15.All the materials required for the arrangement should be brought by the
corresponding team. Teams are not allowed to share any material.
16.No material will be provided by the Core committee members.
17.Contestants are responsible for removing their arrangement and any debris
left after the completion of their 3 rounds.
18.The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. Core
committee members reserve the right to disqualify any team indulging in
19.The Core committee members reserve the rights to change any or all of the
above rules as they deem fit.
 Innovation.
 Visibility of steps
 Theme based demonstration.
 Complexity applied in connecting movements.
 Continuity without any human intervention. (However, if it is inevitable in
order to complete the run, you will be allowed to do so at cost of marks
 The machine can contain moving electronics gadgets, but the technical
manipulations applied by the participants for mechanical motion will carry

Explanation/Description: 10 points
 Run Related: 70 points Task Completed
 Run Length exceeded (-10 points/min)
 Human Intervention (-5 points each)
 Objects leaving machine (-5 points each)
 Flames, loose electrical connections, explosive materials (-10 points each)

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