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Population in India has ballooned in a decade in 2001 until now. Few reasons are Lack of awareness on family
planning and conservative mindset about modern birth control measures aggravate problem.

According to the 2011 census, Jharkhand's (a state in Central India) population has shot up 22.34 per cent
between 2001 and 2011, which is more than the national average at 17.64 per cent for the same period. In terms
of population growth rate, Jharkhand is among the top 10 states and Union Territories and seventh among 35
states. The state consists of 2.72 per cent of India's population. Lack of family planning is the main reason
behind such inflated population growth. As per the annual health survey (AHS) 2010-11, only 47.8 per cent
people opt for family planning.

The most common birth control measure, according to the survey, is female sterilization with almost 29 per
cent of the population following it. The second most popular way of family planning is the traditional method
of periodic abstinence with almost 9.8 per cent following it. People in Rural and Hinterland India seek advice
on family planning but most of them want to know the natural method of birth control. People still fear taking
any kind of pills as they think there are several side effects.

Quoting a woman from a middle class Hinterland family, "I have two children and I do not want any more
children but every time I talk about using modern birth control (pills) measures, my husband shouts at me
claiming that it is neither comfortable nor good for health. He insists on traditional birth control measures”.

Contraceptive pill is also a taboo in hinterland and even in some urban pockets.

A housewife said, "I wanted to take contraceptive pills but my husband and family members did not allow”.
They think I might not be able to conceive if I take them.

Praveen Chandra, director-in-chief, health, GOI, said ‘the department is working towards spreading awareness
about family planning and uses of pills’. The results however are very poor and we do not see any visible
difference in attitude, mindset or consumption of these pills.

Rural India and BOP segments have led to marketing innovations that have challenged the status quo at every
stage. Needless to say, Shampoo sachets, Chotta Coke, Chotta phone recharge are all centered on rural
customers and are extremely profitable today.
You have recently joined a leading Pharma organization as a Chief Marketing Officer who has taken up
challenge of making profits from rural markets by selling contraceptive pills. You have been a star performer
and the latest feather in your cap is “Women CMO’s under 40 Award”. You need to understand the issue at
hand, design a plan to increase awareness and consumption of these pills in rural markets. You have to go back
on the drawing board and redefine the 4P’s for an effective marketing strategy.


1. Understand the issues: Why women in Rural India are not purchasing these pills?
2. From the issues identified above, suggest a research design/plan to gauge consumer insights.
3. This is a new product. Estimate the potential and define 4P’s.


1. Submit details in Power Point Presentation. Max Number of slides is 6 including executive summary
and cover page.
2. File name has to be <Team Name>_<School Name>_<Competition Name>_<Round>.
3. Send your entries to
4. Last day for Case Submission is 3rd September, 2016 11:59:59 PM.

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