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Name:_____________________________ Date:______________Period:________________

The New Deal for the Arts

During the Great Depression in the 1930s the Federal Government supported artists,
musicians, actors, writers, photographers, and dancers. Never before or since has our
government so extensively sponsored the arts.The New Deal arts projects provided
work for jobless artists, but they also had a larger mission: to promote American art and
culture and to give more Americans access to what President Franklin Roosevelt
described as "an abundant life."

Directions: In groups of 2-3, choose one piece of art from the gallery website provided.
Each group must have a unique piece of art so confirm with Ms. R before starting your
research. As a group, create a 5 minute presentation on your selected artwork that you
will show to the class. Make sure the following questions are answered in your

1. What is the title?

2. What year was it created
3. Who created it (if name is available)
4. What is happening in the image
5. How does this image relate to what we have learned in class (Think; lectures,
activities, etc.)
6. Why this image is important
7. Why you chose this image
8. What unique features does your image have? (Think; Lighting, interesting colors
or shapes, shadows, etc.)
9. If you were living in 1930s America, how would this make you feel?
10. How does this make you feel as a student learning about the Great Depression?

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