Clark Et Al-2016-International Dental Journal

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International Dental Journal 2016; 66: 249–256

doi: 10.1111/idj.12247

Non-surgical management of tooth hypersensitivity

Danielle Clark1 and Liran Levin2
Division of Dental Hygiene, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 2Division of Periodontology,
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint of patients in dental practices. Studies have demonstrated dentinal hypersensi-
tivity to affect 10–30% of the population. There are various potential causes of tooth sensitivity and a variety of avail-
able treatment options. This narrative review will discuss the possible aetiology of this condition, as well as the
treatment modalities available. A tailor-made treatment plan that starts with the most non-invasive treatment options
and escalates only when those options have proven insufficient in alleviating symptoms should be provided for each
patient. Only after all non- and less-invasive methods have failed to reduce the symptoms should more invasive treat-
ment options, such as root-coverage, be considered.

Key words: Plaque, gingival health, prevention, root coverage, gingival graft

hypersensitivity. There are multiple theories regarding

sensitivity; however, the most widely accepted is
Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint of patients known as the ‘hydrodynamic theory’. Proposed by
in a dental practices. Studies have demonstrated dent- Brannstrom and Astrom, the hydrodynamic theory
inal hypersensitivity to affect 10–30% of the popula- considers that thermal, osmotic or physical stimuli
tion1,2. Although studies vary, the most common age create movement of fluid within the dentinal tubules,
range in which dentinal hypersensitivity is experienced causing the activation of nerve endings6,7. These nerve
is 20–50 years, with female patients predominantly endings are thought to be at the border of the dentin
being affected3,4. Canines and first premolars are and the pulp5. The activation of nerve endings causes
found to be the teeth most commonly affected as a a distinguishing sharp and rapid pain8 and many
result of their prominent position in the maxillary and treatments have been created to relieve these symp-
mandibular arches3,4. Dentinal hypersensitivity has toms.
varying degrees of pain; however, it can alter a The aim of this review was to present a summary
patient’s daily activities, leading them to seek treat- of the conventional acceptable treatment options for
ment from dental professionals. Therefore, it is impor- tooth hypersensitivity based on the available literature
tant for the dental team to be aware of the different and common practice (Figure 1).
treatments available and to decide which treatments
are appropriate and when they should be utilized.
The sensitivity experienced is mostly attributed to
exposure of dentin. Dentinal tubules have a diameter This was a narrative review conducted using data
of approximately 0.5 lm at the periphery and are obtained from a literature search of the Medline and
normally protected by a layer of enamel5. When the PubMed databases. Specific key words used to con-
enamel is removed or recession reveals the root sur- duct the literature search were dentine hypersensitiv-
faces of a tooth, these tubules are exposed and as a ity, treatment, gingival recession, prevention and
result can be highly sensitive to stimuli5. The pulp is aetiology. Other types of sensitivity, such as microc-
richly innervated, but the dentin is not, creating racks, occlusal fractures, and sensitivity after restora-
controversy around the mechanism of tooth tion, were beyond the scope of this review and were
© 2016 FDI World Dental Federation 249
Clark and Levin

Aggressive tooth brushing

Diagnosis and Tooth paste RDA
Plaque control
aeƟology Periodontal disease
eliminaƟon Facial piercings
OrthodonƟc treatment

Potassium nitrate
Toothpastes Arginine and calcium carbonate
/denƟfrices Calcium sodium phosphosilicate

Hydroxyethyl methacrylate and glutaraldehyde
DesensiƟsers Oxalate

Bonding agents


Root canal
treatment /
Root coverage

Figure 1. It is important to implement appropriate treatment options for dentinal hypersensitivity that are based on individual situations. Nonetheless,
consider the consequence of proceeding with surgical treatment before trying non-invasive options, such as eliminating the cause or changing the toothpaste.
To treat the condition properly, consider the patient’s risk factors and the initial cause of the sensitivity. As in any condition, start with eliminating the
cause, and then select the least invasive option available as opposed to one that is more invasive. RDA, relative dentin abrasivity.

not included. The review focussed specifically on gingival recession and as a result will prevent dentinal
hypersensitivity caused by gingival recession and hypersensitivity.
dentinal exposure.
Aggressive Toothbrushing. Aggressive toothbrushing
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is considered to be the use of excessive force with a
hard-bristled toothbrush. A study published in 2013
The first steps in treating a symptom such as tooth
indicated that most cases of dentinal hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity should be diagnosis and identification
studied involved patients who were currently using a
of aetiology followed by an attempt to reduce or elim-
hard toothbrush10. However, it has also been argued
inate the factors contributing to the symptom.
that although aggressive toothbrushing may play a
role in the abrasion of soft tissue, other factors,
Treatment options for tooth hypersensitivity such as anatomical predisposition and toothpaste
abrasiveness, should also be evaluated as potential
Elimination of aetiological factors co-contributors to tooth hypersensitivity11.
The most common aetiology of dentin exposure is
gingival recession5. When the gingival margin recedes Toothpaste Relative Dentin Abrasavity. Relative
past the cemento–enamel junction it reveals cemen- dentin abrasivity (RDA) is a method for measuring
tum. This thin cementum covering is easily lost, as a the abrasiveness of certain ingredients in toothpastes
result of which dentinal tubules become exposed to on the dentin surface. An in situ randomised trial
the external environment9. This exposure is thought published in 2012 determined that RDA was directly
to be influenced by aggressive toothbrushing, abrasive related to dentin loss and concluded that patients
toothpastes, poor plaque control, facial piercings, with dentin hypersensitivity should opt for a
periodontal disease, anatomical predisposition and toothpaste with lower RDA12. Another study,
orthodontic treatment. Avoiding and eliminating these published in 2009, differentiated the erosive effects of
known aetiological factors will help to prevent a moderately abrasive toothpaste and a highly
250 © 2016 FDI World Dental Federation
Management of tooth hypersensitivity

abrasive toothpaste, and iterated the importance of contributing factors should be performed. An attempt
implementing the use of low RDA toothpastes in to reduce or eliminate the contributing factors might
patients susceptible to dentin hypersensitivity13. With be a helpful non-invasive and easy stage of treatment
RDA in mind, it is important to remember that dentin of tooth hypersensitivity. Upon elimination of these
hypersensitivity is multifactorial and there may be risk factors, the prevalence of tooth sensitivity and
other aspects impacting a patient’s sensitivity. future sensitivity may be reduced.

Plaque Control. In a study published by Fukumoto Toothpastes/dentifrices

et al.14, teeth devoid of plaque were more In efforts to treat dentinal hypersensitivity, certain
hypersensitive than teeth with plaque accumulation. ingredients are added to dentifrices. The purpose of
This statement was disputed by another work that these ingredients is to relieve dentinal hypersensitivity
found a significant association between high plaque by either eliminating nerve conduction or occluding
accumulation and gingival recession15. Nonetheless, the dentinal tubules. Such ingredients include potas-
there are few studies demonstrating a specific cause- sium nitrate, strontium acetate, arginine and calcium
and-effect relationship between plaque accumulation carbonate, and calcium sodium phosphosilicate.
and dentin hypersensitivity. The relationship between
plaque and recession can be attributed to attachment
loss that might precede the plaque-induced gingival Potassium Nitrate. Potassium nitrate is added to
inflammation. toothpastes and marketed to decrease dentinal
hypersensitivity (Pronamel: GlaxoSmithKline,
Brentford, UK; Maximum Strength Sensitive
Periodontal Disease. Periodontal disease can be Toothpaste: Toms of Maine, Kennebunk, ME, USA).
considered as a risk factor or a cause of dentinal One of its properties is nerve depolarisation.
hypersensitivity as it involves gingival recession and Potassium nitrate depolarises the nerves within the
therefore is associated with dentin exposure. A study dentinal tubules and inhibits their ability to transmit
performed on an adult and elderly population in pain23–25. Some studies have found that this
Brazil stated that a reduction in the prevalence of ingredient does not improve the symptoms of dentine
tooth sensitivity may be accomplished by periodontal hypersensitivity26,27. Other studies demonstrate that
health improvements16. A systematic review published patients experiencing sensitivity have a reduction in
in 2013 examined whether periodontal therapy their symptoms after a 2-week use of potassium
impacted tooth hypersensitivity17. It concluded that nitrate-containing dentifrice28,29.
there was insufficient research to establish whether
scaling and root planing procedures had any impact
on tooth hypersensitivity and, as a result, more Strontium. Strontium is an ingredient commonly
research needs to be performed before making found in dentifrices directed towards reduction of
recommendations specific to the correlation of dentinal hypersensitivity (Sensodyne Original;
periodontal disease and dentinal hypersensitivity17. GlaxoSmithKline). Unlike potassium nitrate,
strontium does not affect nerve polarisation. Instead,
strontium has the ability to occlude dentinal
Facial Piercings. Facial piercings are strongly tubules30. Strontium ions exchange with calcium ions,
correlated with the prevalence of recession18–22. It is causing the formation of strontium crystals within
important to discuss with patients the potential dentinal tubules31,32. An in situ study published in
outcomes of facial piercings and inform them of the 2015 found that strontium acetate occluded the
association between recession and dentin dentin tubules to an average depth, below the surface,
hypersensitivity. of 5 lm30. This study concluded that because
strontium occluded tubules to a significant extent, its
Orthodontic Treatment. Depending on the extent and use in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity is
severity of orthodontic treatment, gingival recession warranted30.
may be an undesired outcome. A study published in
2008 examined 303 healthy patients and found that Arginine and Calcium Carbonate. The combination of
recession was strongly correlated with previous arginine and calcium carbonate acts like strontium
orthodontic treatment18. Therefore, orthodontic acetate in that it also occludes dentinal tubules and
treatment is another potential risk factor for dentin blocks the movement of fluid suspected to cause
hypersensitivity. sensitivity (Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief; Colgate
Following a diagnosis of tooth hypersensitivity, a Palmolive, New York City, NY, USA). A study by
thorough search for possible aetiology and Kleinberg discussed the mechanism of occlusion as a
© 2016 FDI World Dental Federation 251
Clark and Levin

process whereby the combination of calcium effective intervention for the treatment of dentin
carbonate and arginine forms a positive complex with hypersensitivity.
the negatively charged dentin surface, thus facilitating
the occlusion of the tubules33. The alkalinity of the
High fluoride concentration desensitisers. High
arginine and calcium carbonate also allows enhanced
fluoride concentration toothpastes can also serve as
uptake of calcium and phosphate ions into saliva,
part of this phase of treatment of hypersensitivity.
which are then deposited onto the dentin surface33.
These are usually prescription-only fluoride
According to a systematic review published in 2015,
toothpastes that can deliver 5000–12,500 ppm
most studies demonstrated that the combination of
fluoride (PreviDentâ 5000; Colgate Palmolive/Elmexâ
arginine and calcium carbonate provided better
gel, GABA International, Therwil, Switzerland). High
alleviation of dentinal hypersensitivity than did
levels of topical fluoride will help in remineralisation
strontium acetate34. According to this literature
and can relieve dentinal hypersensitivity.
review, only one study described that strontium
Once the aetiology has been identified, the symp-
acetate had increased effectiveness compared to the
toms of the dentinal hypersensitivity can be treated by
combination of calcium carbonate and arginine;
using a variety of sensitivity toothpastes. However,
however, it was solely for tactile stimuli3. The review
because of the different mechanisms by which sensi-
concluded that the combination of arginine and
tivity toothpastes work, patients may need to use sev-
calcium carbonate was more effective than strontium
eral different dentifrices before they find one that is
acetate in treating dentinal hypersensitivity34.
successful in alleviating their symptoms.

Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate. The ingredient

blend of calcium sodium phosphosilicate is designed
to stimulate the remineralisation of enamel and Dentin desensitisers are products used by dental pro-
simultaneously it occludes dentinal tubules fessionals to treat dentinal hypersensitivity. Desensitis-
(Sensodyne Complete Protection; GlaxoSmithKline). ers have different ingredients, such as fluoride,
By the same mechanism as strontium acetate and the hydroxyethyl methacrylate, glutaraldehyde, oxalate
combination of arginine and calcium carbonate, and potassium nitrate, as well as a combination of
calcium sodium phosphosilicate acts as a desensitising these ingredients. With the exception of potassium
ingredient in toothpastes. When in the oral cavity, nitrate, these desensitising agents occlude the dentinal
sodium ions exchange with hydrogen ions, allowing tubules to relieve sensitivity.
the release of calcium and phosphate from the A further non-invasive stage for treatment of tooth
dentifrice. These minerals deposit within the dentinal hypersensitivity should focus on local administration
tubules until occlusion occurs35. The efficacy of these of those agents.
ingredients in reducing sensitivity has been proven in
studies by Pradeepet et al.36 and Rajesh et al.37;
Fluoride. Fluoride varnish is a desensitiser, commonly
however, there is controversy regarding the
used by dental professionals, which is applied by
comparison of calcium sodium phosphosilicate with
painting the solution onto the affected surfaces. The
the arginine and calcium carbonate combination. A
solution sets via interacting with saliva, thus allowing
study performed in 2015, by Chen et al.35
it to stay on the tooth surface and facilitating
demonstrated that arginine and calcium carbonate
maximal uptake of fluoride. A study published in
facilitated deeper tubule occlusion compared with
2012 compared the efficacy of fluoride varnish with
sodium phosphosilicate. The authors of this study
potassium nitrate regarding their desensitising
recognised that this result was inconsistent with the
abilities39. Instead of occluding dentin tubules, the
results of an in situ study performed by West et al.38,
potassium nitrate depresses nerve conduction to
which demonstrated that sodium phosphosilicate was
relieve sensitivity. Although both ingredients caused
significantly more efficient at reducing dentin
significant reduction in dentin hypersensitivity, the
hypersensitivity compared with arginine and calcium
fluoride varnish provided longer relief than potassium
carbonate35. An interesting difference within the
studies was the method of application. The study by
West et al. used an electrical toothbrush, which was
speculated to enhance the uptake of the Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate and Glutaraldehyde. The
ingredients35,38. There is insufficient literature to combination of glutaraldehyde and hydroxyethyl
conclude whether sodium phosphosilicate is superior methacrylate is currently a popular desensitiser and is
to arginine and calcium carbonate; however, both commonly referred to by its brand name, Gluma
ingredient combinations have been proven to be an (Heraeus Kulzer, Hanau, Germany). The combination

252 © 2016 FDI World Dental Federation

Management of tooth hypersensitivity

of ingredients from which Gluma is composed has lesions47. This new technique may be helpful in treat-
been proven to be significantly effective in treating ing tooth hypersensitivity but has not been studied for
dentinal hypersensitivity, as studies have shown this indication47.
Gluma to occlude tubules by penetrating up to a depth When the previous options of non-invasive treat-
of 50–200 lm40–42. A study published in 2015 ment of tooth hypersensitivity fail to improve the
analysed different combinations of these ingredients23. symptoms, bonding agents can be a recommended
The combinations included Gluma, Gluma plus a next step, which is essentially non-invasive and lacks
wetting agent intended to enhance the bond with the significant adverse effects.
tooth (Gluma Comfort Bond) and a self-etching
adhesive called Single Bond Universal43. All three
Cervical restorations
desensitising agents were effective in relieving
hypersensitivity43. The only difference found between Cervical restorations are another option for treating
the ingredients was between Gluma and Single Bond dentinal hypersensitivity. Covering exposed dentin
Universal and between Gluma Comfort Bond and seals tubules, thus eliminating hypersensitivity symp-
Single Bond Universal43. Single Bond Universal was toms. A study performed by Laybovich et al.48 com-
shown to be less effective in treating hypersensitivity43. pared the treatment of a tissue graft versus a Class
V restoration in treating dentin hypersensitivity.
Their results indicated no significant difference in
Oxalate. Oxalate is another desensitiser used by the reduction of sensitivity; however, they found that
dental professionals that works by combining with patients preferred the tissue graft for aesthetic rea-
calcium ions present in saliva. The combination forms sons48. Another study, published in 2013, discussed
insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that precipitate the effectiveness of potassium nitrate-containing
within the tubules, eventually occluding them44. toothpaste in reducing sensitivity49. However, in the
Studies have shown that this occlusion is sufficient to article it was noted that restorative materials were
limit fluid movement and as a result reduces significantly more effective in the treatment of sensi-
hypersensitivity45,46. An added benefit of oxalate use tivity49. As a result of the extended wait time for
is its resistance in an acidic environment, making it sensitivity toothpaste to work, cervical restorations
more durable than other desensitising agents46. may provide a more immediate option for treating
dentin hypersensitivity. Glass ionomer material is
Bonding agents commonly used for cervical restorations as a result
of its ability to bond with the dentin and enamel
Bonding agents are used for a variety of dental appli- whilst simultaneously releasing fluoride50. A study
cations, one of which is restorative dentistry. Bonding focussing on the longevity of glass ionomer restora-
agents etch tooth surfaces in order to provide an tions over a period of 13 years revealed that the
adhesive layer for the application of a desired mate- restorations sustained satisfactory qualities50. There-
rial45. Another use for dentin bonding agents, how- fore, and because of its well-known advantages,
ever, can be to treat hypersensitivity45. Self-etch glass ionomer might be the restorative material pre-
bonding systems typically contain acidic ingredients ferred for this treatment option for tooth hypersensi-
that condition the dentin, as well as monomers that tivity. Depending on the extent of the symptoms and
combine on the dentin, forming a hybrid layer45. This patient preference, cervical restorations may be an
layer provides a coating over the dentin and signifi- option in the treatment of hypersensitivity, particu-
cantly reduces hypersensitivity over a 4-week per- larly if the use of sensitivity toothpastes has been
iod45. Two-step systems are thought to be even more exhausted.
effective as they are proven to be less permeable and It should be remembered, however, that this treat-
more durable45. ment modality is invasive and irreversible. It should
A randomised control trial compared the effects of be saved for the stage when all other non-invasive
dentine bonding agents, desensitising toothpaste and treatments have failed to solve the problem.
non-desensitising toothpastes46. The agents were eval-
uated at 2-week, 3-month and 6-month periods46. The
study demonstrated that the greatest reduction in den- Root canal treatment
tin hypersensitivity occurred following the use of den- The vital component of the tooth is the pulp, which
tine bonding agents46. Most importantly, the reduction contains the nerves responsible for the pain of dentin
in hypersensitivity was sustained throughout the hypersensitivity. Therefore, endodontic treatment that
6-month study period with the use of these agents46. involves the removal of pulp and its replacement with
The resin infiltration technique is considered a gutta percha eliminates all sensory feeling associated
microinvasive approach for treating proximal caries with that tooth. Dentinal hypersensitivity is not, and
© 2016 FDI World Dental Federation 253
Clark and Levin

should not be a reason or indication for, root canal Nonetheless, the consequence of proceeding with a
treatment. More often this procedure is performed to surgical treatment before trying non-invasive options,
treat irreversible pulpitis and pulp necrosis49. How- such as eliminating the cause or switching tooth-
ever, the treatment would eliminate any dentinal pastes, must be considered. To treat the condition
hypersensitivity being experienced. Although root properly, consider the patient’s risk factors and the
canal therapy would not be a first-line treatment, it is initial cause of the sensitivity. When all the factors are
an option that might be considered in extreme cases considered, the dental professional and patient can
when no other option can relieve the hypersensitivity. agree on a treatment plan based on the desired out-
come. As in any condition, begin by eliminating the
causes and then select the least invasive option that is
Surgery and Laser
believed to provide the desired result.
Regarding sensitivity caused by exposed root surfaces,
a gingival graft may be desired to cover the exposed
dentinal tubules. A study performed in 2013 demon- Acknowledgement and competing interest
strated a statistically significant reduction of cervical The authors declare that there are no competing inter-
dentinal hypersensitivity after treatment with a coro- ests regarding the manuscript. No funding was
nally positioned flap and connective tissue graft51. received for the work presented.
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