Who Will Light Incense When Mother's Gone Andrew Lan

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Diego Pabón Velázquez

INGL - 3103 - 116

Who Will Light Incense When Mother’s Gone

Andrew Lan

1. By this Lan means that, despite her mother is at a very elderly age, she still has
the same traits and characteristics she did as a young woman. By “self-
reinvention”, he means he is constantly trying to adapt himself to the American
way of living, being part of an imigrant family. He uses this term to refer to the
base of his family traditions and the cult rendered to their ancestors.

2. She thinks of America as a place where her family can prosper, while at the same
time, she feels they might loose all their traditions after she and her husband
have passed away. Lam thinks of America as a place where he can reinvent
himself, and he is constantly preparing himself for life after he has left his
family’s home by adapting himself to the American way of life.

3. This essay has indeed given me a new perspective on the immigrant experience
by comparing how older and younger generations feel differently about it. I think
that Lam tries to show the reader something new in that he explores one
example of a type of immigrant family, and the ways each individual in it adapts
to living in a new place.

Dear Andrew,

I really enjoyed the essay you sent me. I think it will be a great publication. I
particularly liked the way you depicted how your family, especially your mother,
managed to adapt itself to living in a new place. The way you described your family’s
home both inside and out is very detailed, and has one imagining exactly how it must
have been. It’s tipical suburban America on the outside, while on the inside it retaines
the cultural symbols and traditions brought over from your native Vietnam.

However, I do have a couple of suggestions you could take in account to make

the essay even better. For starters, I’d like you to talk more about other members of the
family, apart from your mother. Tell the reader about how they too have adapted
themselves to living in America and if their ways differ from hers in any way.

Also, I would like for you to mention a bit more about how you yourself used to
practice your traditions before you began, as you say, “self-reinventing” yourself. I know
you don’t remember a lot of it, but it would be really interesting to read about this
things from your personal point of view. An essay like this could also serve as a source of
information for those who are studying far eastern culture.

I really think that if you follow this suggestions, your essay will shine even
brighter than it does now. You are a great writer and you really know how to use words
to create an interesting yet moving reading experience. Congratulations!


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