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Johnson 1

Emily Johnson


Writing 1010


“Could this day get any worse?” Elle said in frustration. She was now kneeling in the

mess of coffee on the floor. That morning, she received a rejection letter after sending her first

novel manuscripts to a publisher in New York. Elle had just moved to the city to pursue her

passion of becoming a writer.

Jayce was in a hurry, but seeing a girl like Elle, he had to help. Jayce glanced at Elle as

he smiled with his charming smile.

“It’s not that bad,” he said, wiping the coffee from the floor.

“Oh, uhh thanks” Elle muttered. Just my luck, Elle thought, I meet Mr. Perfect and I look

like this. There was no way in Elle’s mind that she would have any chance with Jayce looking

like this. He helped her from the floor and asked for her name.

“Would you want to get coffee some other time Elle?” Jayce smiled. He didn’t date many

girls, but something about Elle was special.

Wait what?? “Oh, uh I love y… I’d love to,” Elle stuttered as she gazed in his glistening

brown eyes. He can’t possibly want to go out with me- this has to be some kind of joke.

“I guess you’ll need my number then” Jayce laughed as he scribbled his number on a


Elle believed for a second that maybe, just maybe, she had a chance with Mr. Perfect.

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“Which kind of coffee would you like?” Jayce asked Elle. Wow, she is absolutely

beautiful, I hope this goes well, he thought.

“I’m not picky. As long as it doesn’t have any animal products.”

“So you want ice...” he chuckled. Please tell me she’s joking.. Jayce could tell that she

wasn’t listening as she was staring off into space.

“I just think it’s so messed up that scientists think they can test whatever they want on

animals like they don’t have emotions.” Elle was an avid animal lover. She made the decision to

go vegan six years prior.

Jayce had just finished his degree in medicine and started working on his PhD,

Working in cancer research. As someone who spent most of his time in a lab that tests on

animals, that wasn’t what Jayce wanted to hear: Jayce, you’re going into medical research- what

are you going to tell her??

“Oh, so you are a vegan” he said, trying to keep his cool.

Elle was a bit offended: “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

Nice start Jayce, he thought, you’ve already offended her. “Of course not. It’s just… uhh

never mind.” he replied nervously. Jayce thought there was no way that Elle would want to go on

any other date with him.

“Can I take your order?” the cashier asked.

“Oh yes, I’d like a light caramel frappuccino,” Jayce replied. He was relieved that the

conversation was interrupted: What a relief, Jayce thought, dodged that bullet.

“Yeah, I’ll take one soy latte, please,” Elle replied. Jayce handed the cashier his credit

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Jayce placed the two cups of coffee on a table by a window overlooking the busy New

York streets. Jayce glanced at Elle as she swept her golden blonde hair out of her face.

“What a beautiful view,” Elle said as she gazed out the cafe window. Ahh he’s so

romantic, Elle thought as she stared into his rich brown eyes. “It really feels like I’m going

somewhere living in New York.” Living in New York was always a dream of hers.

“Yeah, it’s a busy city.” Jayce said as he stirred his coffee. “Hey, I’m sorry about earlier.

I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Elle appreciated the gesture, but she wasn’t going to let him off too easily: That wasn’t a

good start, she thought, his reaction was a bit weird.

“No, that’s okay. Veganism is really important to me though.” Well handled Elle-

standing up for yourself.


Jayce adjusted his glasses nervously. What am I supposed to tell her?? I do almost all of

my research using mice… Jayce was frozen. He didn’t realize how long he was sitting there

paused. Elle was frustrated. This was getting ridiculous to her.

“Did you hear me?” she asked.

Just let it out Jayce, he thought, you need to tell her.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I am going into research, and I have used animals for it.”

Clearly, the date was not looking good. Jayce closed his eyes as he waited for a reply.

She cringed. “Oh.”

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There was a sharp silence between Elle and Jayce. This is really awkward...Jayce


In Elle’s mind, there was no way she could date Jayce knowing this, but she was going to

stick it out for this date: “There are other ways to do research though. For instance, human cells

can be used to replace animal cells for skin corrosion testing” (1), she insisted.

Well, she sort of knows what she’s talking about.

“That’s true. However, that only gets us so far.”.

“Okay.. explain...” Elle waited patiently for his reply.

“Look at it this way. This research benefits both animals and humans. With the

medications and vaccines that have been developed, animals and humans have a better quality of

life” (2). Wow, she knows how to hold her own.


Why am I even trying- he’s a researcher, he isn’t going to change his mind. “But isn’t

there plenty of medical research out there to go off of? I mean, what are scientists even

researching nowadays?” Elle felt ridiculous. She thought there was no way she could win this

argument: Maybe I should just call this date off and go home.

On the other hand, Jayce thought the date was going great- he thought he was winning

the argument: “That’s a good question. There are always going to be new issues, or issues that

become more prevalent with new generations. Right now, one of the largest issues among the

elderly is age-related macular degeneration (2). By using mice, we have… Am I boring you

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Ummm YES, I am bored out of my mind. Thank you for noticing. “No, of course not, that

sounds very interesting.”

“I don’t believe you” Jayce said as he peered at Elle.

Aww he’s so sweet...Stop it Elle. You need to stand your ground. “Do you have any pets,


“No. I did have a dog when I was a kid... Why?” Jayce laughed nervously. Wow okay.

That was personal...

“What was his name?” Elle insisted.

Jayce laughed: “Buffy”

“Well how would you feel if someone told you that they were going to test Buffy to see if

some cosmetics were safe and he might die” (1)? Elle immediately regretted her question. Elle,

you sound crazy, she said to herself. Seeing the confused look on Jayce’s face, Elle was



Wow. That escalated quickly. Jayce was a bit shocked.

“Obviously, I would feel awful. My research is not like that though. We almost always

use rats, I can’t even think of a time that we’ve ever used a housepet. We did use a cat once,

but...I guess you have a point,” Jayce replied. This didn’t change his views, Jayce still respected

Elle’s perspective.

“I’m sorry, that was pretty harsh. If you can’t tell, I’m pretty passionate about animals”

Elle laughed.

“I respect you for that. Not everything is so trivial- that’s a lesson I am still learning.”

They both laughed. There was a sweet silence between them. I really want to ask her out again-
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why would you though? There’s no way she likes you after this, Jayce. “Hey, this is only if you

want you, but I would love to hang out again sometime” What are you doing Jayce?? She’s

going to say no…


Elle looked at Jayce intently. I guess I’ll give him another chance. Something about

Jayce was special.

She laughed and looked up at Jayce: “I’d like that.”

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