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NNHS Behavior Management Plan Matrix

Infraction/Violations 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Unauthorized areas on campus, absence, 2 days ISS Up to 3 days ISS 2 days OSS
skipping on campus
(Possible parking pass (Parking pass revocation) (Parking pass revocation)
Policy code: 4301, 4400 revocation)

Leaving campus or school grounds, 1 days OSS 2 days OSS 3 days OSS
skipping off campus
(Possible parking pass (Possible parking pass (Possible parking pass
revocation) revocation) revocation)
Use or possession of tobacco products 2 day ISS 2 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS
and/or electronic cigarettes

Policy code: 4320

Tobacco paraphernalia: (lighter, matches, 1 day ISS 3 days ISS Up to 10 days OSS

Policy code: 4320, 4325

Possession of a weapon/knife Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS &
possible recommended recommended long term
Policy code: 4333 Legal action may be long term suspension suspension

Possession of weapon; gun or explosive Immediate suspension up

device to 365 days

Policy code: 4333

Infraction/Violations 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Possession or use of drugs, alcohol, or any 10 days OSS referral to 10 days OSS & recommended
controlled substance; possession of drug outside agency before long term suspension
paraphernalia or under the influence of reinstatement; possible
drugs and/or alcohol. recommended long term (legal action may be taken)
(legal action may be taken)
Policy code: 4325
Deliberately damaging/defacing school Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS &
property and/or vandalism Possible long-term recommended long-term
(including class prank) suspension suspension

Policy code: 4330

Cheating or Plagiarism Parent/student conference Up to 3 days ISS and a zero on Up to 3 days OSS and zero
and a zero on the the assignment on the assignment
Policy Code: 4300, 4312, 4318 assignment.

Theft Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS &

Return property/reimburse Return property/reimburse recommended long-term
suspension Return
Policy code: 4330 property/reimburse
Gross insubordination, profanity and /or Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS &
severe disrespect towards faculty, staff or recommended long-term recommended long-term
administrators suspension suspension

Policy code: 4310

Providing school personnel with false Up to 3 days ISS Up to 5 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS

Policy code: 4300, 4301

Infraction/Violations 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Non-Compliance: Failure to follow Up to 3 days ASD Up to 3 days ISS Up to 3 days OSS

general instructions of school personnel (After School Detention)
and school expectations

Policy Code: 4300, 4301

Tardies: See Tardy Policy in

Student Handbook
Fighting and/or assault on any Nash- 10 days OSS (legal action 10 days OSS (legal action may 10 days OSS (legal action
Rocky Mount School property or at any may be taken) be taken) may be taken)
school event Possible recommended Possible recommended long- Possible recommended
long-term suspension term suspension long-term suspension
Policy Code: 4331
Aiding and Abetting Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS

Inappropriate language use on campus or Up to 3 days ASD Up to 3 days ISS Up to 3 days OSS
at any school functions (After School Detention)

Policy Code: 4300

Verbal/Physical threats against another Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS & possible
person possible recommended recommended long-term
long-term suspension suspension
Policy code: 4331
Confrontation with another person that Up to 3 days OSS Up to 5 days OSS 10 days OSS & possible
does not result in physical contact long-term suspension

Policy code: 4315, 4331

Infraction/Violations 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Disruptive Behavior: Up to 3 days ISS Up to 5 days ISS Up to 10 days OSS

roughhousing/horseplay, loud
noisemaking in the class/hallway/campus

Policy code: 4301, 4315

Inappropriate touching Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS & possible 10 days OSS &
possible long-term long-term suspension recommended long-term
Policy code: 4331, 4315 suspension suspension
Bullying Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS & possible Up to 10 days OSS &
possible recommended recommended long-term possible recommended
Policy code: 4331, 4332 long-term long-term
Hazing, Harassment (sexual/racial) Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS & possible 10 days OSS &
possible recommended recommended long-term recommended long-term
Policy code: 4331, 4332 long-term suspension suspension

Bomb Threat 10 days OSS:

recommended long-term
Policy code: 4333 suspension/ felony arrest
Internet violations (computer) Administrative conference, Up to 5 days ISS/OSS Up to 10 days OSS
Policy code: 7320, 3225, confiscation of device

Public display of affection Administrative conference Up to 3 days ISS Up to 3 days OSS

& parent conference
Policy code: 4315

Infraction/Violations 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Misuse of school or personal technology Parent conference and /or Up to 10 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS &
devices on school campus, classroom, ISS, OSS, and removal of recommended long-term
buses or any school function: inappropriate material or suspension
confiscation of any device
Posting inappropriate images, statements, utilized in the offense.
recording staff, or students without
permission in any forum (electronically or
otherwise) that causes, or could cause, a
substantial school disruption.

Policy code; 7320, 3225,

4312, 4318
Gang activities & apparel such as colors, Up to 10 days OSS & Up to 10 days OSS &
signs, do- rags, etc. possible recommended recommended long-term
long-term suspension,
Policy code: 4328 administrative conference

Electronic devices in the classroom Up to 3 days ISS Up to 5 days ISS Up to 10 days OSS
without teacher permission Policy code:

Disruptive behavior in ISS/ Chill Out Up to 5 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS 10 days OSS &
recommended long-term
Policy code: 4301, 4315 suspension

Multiple Trips to Chill Out Up to 2 days OSS Up to 5 days OSS Up to 10 days OSS

Dress Code Violation Call home to get Up to 3 days ISS Up to 5 days OSS
appropriate attire & remain
Policy code: 4316 in Chill Out until attire is

After-school detention is held on the school campus Monday through Thursday for one hour (2:40
p. m. – 3:40 p. m.). Students may be assigned to after school detention for minor offenses and will
be expected to provide his/her own transportation home.
Students who are late will be required to serve an extra day. Students that are disruptive during the
detention time will be asked to leave and referred to an administrator for further action. A student
who is present in school but fails to show up for after-school detention will be disciplined at the
administrator’s discretion. Students who repeatedly refuse to serve ASD subject themselves to out-
of-school suspension.
No student will aid or abet in activities that violate school or district
policy. This includes activities such as filming inappropriate/unlawful
activities or serving as a lookout for others who are breaking the rules.
Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) is a systematic approach that establishes and
reinforces clear behavioral expectations. It is a team-based system, involving the entire school
staff, using a common approach to discipline that is proactive, instructional and outcome-based.
The PBIS team at Northern Nash High School developed the following PBIS matrix for all staff
members to enforce. Please carefully study the matrix and become familiar with the behavioral
1. Be respectful.
2. Be responsible.
3. Be prepared
Northern Nash High
PBIS Matrix
"Proactive, Not Reactive"
WIDE ***
Use Polite Use Polite Use Polite Use Polite Use Polite
Language Language Language Language Language
Use Polite Use Polite
Language Maintain Language
Follow Follow
Personal Clean Up Clean Up
Procedures Procedures

Stay Seated Wash Hands

BE Complete
Technology Keep Moving Be Ready Remain Quiet Stay Seated
Responsibly Flush
Be Attentive

Be On Time Be On Time Be On Time

Be On Time Be On Time Move Quickly Move Quickly
Follow Dress Bring All Walk to the
Code Materials Right

*** SCHOOL-WIDE = Inside Building & Outside Campus


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