CAMPUS® Datasheet: Akulon® F130-C1 - PA6 DSM Engineering Plastics

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CAMPUS® Datasheet

Akulon® F130-C1 - PA6

DSM Engineering Plastics

Product Texts
Film Extrusion, Medium Viscosity, Lubricated

ISO 1043 PA6

Thermal properties Value Unit Test Standard
Melting temperature, 10°C/min 220 °C ISO 11357-1/-3
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, parallel 90 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2

Other properties Value Unit Test Standard

Water absorption 9 % Sim. to ISO 62
Humidity absorption 2.8 % Sim. to ISO 62
Density 1130 kg/m³ ISO 1183

Material specific properties Value Unit Test Standard

Viscosity number 196 cm³/g ISO 307, 1157, 1628

Film Properties Value Unit Test Standard

Stress at yield, parallel 31 MPa ISO 527-3
Maximum stress, parallel 82 MPa ISO 527-3
Maximum strain, parallel 350 % ISO 527-3
Trouser Tear resistance, parallel 32 N/mm ISO 6383-1
Dynamic coefficient of friction 1 - ISO 8295
WVTR, 23°C/85%r.h. 35 g/(m²*d) ISO 15106-1/-2
Oxygen transmission rate, 23°C/0%r.h. 26 cm³/(m²*d*bar) ISO 15105-1/-2
Oxygen transmission rate, 23°C/85%r.h. 38 cm³/(m²*d*bar) ISO 15105-1/-2
Type of extrusion cast - -
Thickness of specimen 0.05 mm -

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Akulon® F130-C1 - PA6
DSM Engineering Plastics


Viscosity-shear rate Shearstress-shear rate

Viscosity-shear rate Shearstress-shear rate
Akulon® F130-C1 Akulon® F130-C1

1E4 240 °C 1E6 240 °C

260 °C 260 °C
280 °C 1E5 280 °C

Shearstress in Pa
Viscosity in Pa s

1E3 1E4


1E2 1E2

1E1 1E0
1E-2 1E-1 1E0 1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4 1E-2 1E-1 1E0 1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4

Shear rate in 1/s Shear rate in 1/s


Processing Additives
Film Extrusion, Other Extrusion, Casting Lubricants

Delivery form Regional Availability

Pellets Europe

Other text information

Film extrusion
Processing of Akulon® Film Grades

Chemical Media Resistance

Methanol (23°C)
Ethanol (23°C)

Toluene (23°C)

Acetone (23°C)

Diethyl ether (23°C)

Ethyl Acetate (23°C)
Water (23°C)
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Akulon® F130-C1 - PA6
DSM Engineering Plastics

aforementioned information, or product. The user assumes all responsibility for the use of all information provided and shall verify quality
and other properties or any consequences from the use of all such information.

Typical values are indicative only and are not to be construed as being binding specifications. This document replaces all previous versions
relating to this subject.

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