The Hawaii Poll - March 2018: TMT

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MASON-DIXON POLLING & STRATEGY WASIIINGTON, DC - 202-548-2680 JACKSONVILLE, FL - 904-261-2444 HOW THE POLL WAS CONDUCTED This poll was conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy of Washington, D.C. from March 13 through March 18, 2018. A total of 800 registered Hawaii voters were interviewed statewide by telephone. All stated they vote regularly in state elections, Those interviewed were selected randomly from a telephone-matched Hawaii voter registration list that included both land line and cell phone numbers. Quotas were assigned to reflect voter registration by county. The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than + 3.5 percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the “true” figure would fall within that range if all voters were surveyed. The margin for error is higher for any subgroup, such as a gender or age grouping. The margin for error on the sub-sample of 535 Oahu voters is 44.3%. The margin for error on the sub-sample of 498 likely statewide Democratic primary voters is +4.5%. The margin for error on the sub-sample of 242 likely Democratic primary voters in the Ast Congressional District is #6.4% 1 Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy ~ Hawaii Poll QUESTION: Do you support or oppose the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on Mauna Kea? SUPPORT OPPOSE UNDECIDED STATE 77% 15% 8% REGION SUPPORT OPPOSE UNDECIDED Oahu 80% 12% 8% Neighbor Islands 74% 19% 1% SEX SUPPORT OPPOSE UNDECIDED Men 81% 12% 1% 75% 17% 8% SUPPORT OPPOSE —_UNDECIDED 75% 16% 9% 79% 14% 1% RACE/ETHNICITY SUPPORT OPPOSE UNDECIDED | White 81% 10% 9% . Japanese 78% 18% 4% Hawaiian 72% 23% 5% Filipino 78% 10% 2% Mixed/Other 76% 15% 9% PARTY IDENTIFICATION SUPPORT OPPOSE —_UNDECIDED Democrat 74% 18% 8% ' Republican 80% 6% 14% | Independent 81% 15% 4% 8 Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy ~ Hawaii Poll PARTY IDENTIFICATION: RACE/ETHNICITY: CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: REGION: INTERVIEWS: DEMOGRAPHICS Democrat 353 (44%) Republican 176 (2256) Independent/Other 272 (34%) White 207 (26%) Japanese 182 (23%) Native Hawailan 78 (10%) Filipino 94 (12%) Other Asian 22 (3%) Mixed Race 155 (19%) Other 54 (7%) Refused 8 (1%) 18-34 135 (17%) 35-49 223 (28%) 50-64 234 (29%) 65+ 201 (25%) Refused 7 (1%) Male 385 (48%) Female 415 (52%) ‘Ast Congressional District 390 (49%) 2nd Congressional District 410 (519%) Oahu 535 (67%) Neighbor islands 265 (33%) Land-line 520 (65%) Mobile 280 (35%) a ‘Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy ~ Hawall Poll

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