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Unites Shamballa MDH and Shamballa1024. Allows all Shamballa

symbols to work as one.
“Today I was given a new symbol by my guides. It is called the Unified
Shamballa symbol. It unites both the Shamballa MDH and Shamballa1024
so that it may be used as one ray. I have place a picture in the
group files. It is a yellow healing triangle that is outlined in
black. Inside the triangle is a V. I know my drawing isn’t the
greatest! Word paint isn’t my specialty.
Love, Carol…”

Does this mean there is a special attunement for the unity symbol,
and we should request it from our guides?

“Symbol for rewiring is Unity symbol. It is the above symbol

If you are ready to receive it, ask your guides for help. Information will be
downloaded as you sleep.
My body is still in the rewiring process. I received the Unity symbol a
couple of monthes ago from St. Germain. He has been teaching me how to
use it. I am ready to pass it on to others, but their energy vibration must be
high enough to receive it. The Unity symbol unites the two Shamballa
systems so that they work as one. I now know why my guides had me teach
both Shamballa MDH and Shamballa1024. First oft all in the begginings
was given half of the system. You will know when you are ready for the
symbol. Your guides will either give it to you when you are ready, or you
can ask for an attunement from me. You can meditate with the symbol.
Love Carol,”
“The current name; Shamballa 1024 carries an energy of the number 4
which reflects the construction of a stable foundation meant to last thru
hard work. It reflects form and structure. A platform from which one may
step out into the world.
Unifying Shamballa styles SMDH & Shamballa 1024 trough the Unified
Shamballa Symbol carries a different energy. It carries the energy of the 11
which is the beginning of the Master energies. It reflects an
energy available to inspire and uplift humanity, and reflects an unusual
amount of self-understanding with an ability to see through emotional
experiences to the truth within. With this higher knowledge, wisdom is
demonstrated beyond the normal”..
Hi Stephane,

I believe the Unity symbol is an upgrade of the whole Shamballa system.

the Atlanteans and Lemurians misused their power, I believe the Shamballa
and Reiki systems
were broken up. As mankind has ascended, I think the energy is
reappearing. I
believe that is why their are so many styles of Reiki.
Love, Carol…

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