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1.The watery fluid in which most of the organelles float is called?

2.Define a resting membrane potential.

3.What gives the cell its shape?

4.Sodium is the intracellular ion of the cell. TRUE OR FALSE

5.Peripheral proteins are transporters. TRUE or FALSE

6.What's responsible for the attachment of cells to each other?

7.What serves as the cytoskeleton of the cell?

8. The nuclear pore is responsible for the selective transport of what ?

9.In a non-dividing nucleus, the DNA is seen as?

10.Regulation of blood pressure is an example of what type of feedback mechanism?

11.The main purpose of cell division is?

12.What is the molecular structure of the gene?

13.Somatic cells are incomplete cells. True or false?

14.Instead of centrioles, the cytoplasm of plants shrink to form what during cell division?

15.What is the set point for blood pressure?

The __________ of a cell is the most critical factor in determining its function.

A) size

B) shape

C) age

D) chromosome number

The _________ of the cell directs its overall activities as well as houses its genetic material.

A) nucleolus

B) endoplasmic reticulum

C) nucleus
D) centrosome

Which feature is not a characteristic of the cell membrane?

A) It is made up of a phospholipid monolayer.

B) It can seal tiny breaks in itself.

C) It is selectively permeable and can regulate passage of material through it.

D) Many kinds of proteins are embedded in the membrane.

Molecules that are soluble in ___________ can pass through the fatty acid portion of the cell membrane

A) water

B) cholesterol

C) gases

D) lipids

The type of proteins that guide cells on the move in the bloodstream to their destination at a wound site
are _____________.

A) cell adhesion molecules

B) desmosomes

C) gap junctions

D) tight junctions

Choose the correct statement about cell membranes.

A) Desmosomes function both as ion channels and to strengthen cell membranes.

B) Ion channels function as gates, opening or closing to specific ions, under certain

C) Ions can pass readily through any portion of the cell membrane.

D) Cholesterol is not a necessary component of the cell membrane.

___________ provide(s) both structural support and the enzymes needed to make proteins from amino
acid building blocks.

A) peroxisomes
B) Golgi apparatus

C) ribosomes

D) mitochondria

The tubular transport system that moves molecules throughout the cell is/are the _______________.

A) mitochondria

B) endoplasmic reticulum

C) ribosomes

D) peroxisomes

Choose the organelle that consists of microtubules and functions both in distributing chromosomes
during cell division and in forming portions of cilia and flagella.

A) lysosome

B) mitochondria

C) vesicle

D) centrosome

In what part of the nucleus does ribosome production occur?

A) within nuclear pores

B) in the chromatin

C) in the area of the nucleolus

D) Ribosome production does not occur in the nucleus.

By which process does a glucose molecule move through a cell membrane protein carrier from a region
of greater concentration to one of lower concentration?

A) diffusion

B) facilitated diffusion

C) active transport

D) filtration

Cells use up to 40% of their daily energy expenditure engaged in what important process?
A) active transport

B) endocytosis

C) exocytosis

D) facilitated diffusion

During what phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

A) mitosis

B) prophase of mitosis

C) G2 phase

D) S phase

Chromosomes align midway between centrioles during what phase of mitosis?

A) prophase

B) metaphase

C) anaphase

D) telophase

Which types of genetic control normally holds mitosis in check?

A) oncogenes

B) cell adhesion molecules

C) tumor suppressor genes

D) epidermal growth factors

The _____ of the cell has a function directly related to the synthesis of proteins.

A) mitochondrion

B) lysosome

C) ribosome

D) centriole

The _____ is a system of membranes designed to transport molecules within and out of cells.
A) vacuole

B) chromatin

C) nucleolus

D) endoplasmic reticulum

The organelle termed the _____ produces the microtubules important in cell division.

A) centrosome

B) nucleus

C) Golgi apparatus

D) cilium

DNA can be found within chromosomes during division but prior to division DNA exists as long thin
_____ strands.


B) chromatin

C) chromosome

D) flagellar

Which chemicals on the surface of cells function to attach to and recognize hormones?

A) phospholipids

B) carbohydrates

C) proteins

D) steroids

The term _____ can be used to imply all of the chemical reactions within a cell.

A) metabolism

B) respiration

C) anabolism

D) catabolism

In the liver, the _____ may play a role in producing the enzymes that help detoxify drugs.
A) mitochondria

B) rough endoplasmic reticulum

C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D) Golgi apparatus

The cristae are structures found within the _____ organelle.

A) ribosome

B) lysosome

C) mitochondrion

D) endoplasmic reticulum

The _____ serves as the source of the flagellum in sperm.

A) nucleus

B) cilia

C) cell membrane

D) centriole

Which of the following does not belong with others?

A) diffusion

B) osmosis

C) active

D) passive

The movement of particles from an area of higher to lower concentration is called _____

A) osmosis

B) diffusion

C) filtration

D) active transport

*please do check for errors........ Question 15 was intentionally left unsolved to stir people to go into the

1. The function of the cholesterol in the cell membrane is?

2. The cell organelle that connects the cell membrane and nuclear membrane is?

3. The inability of the cell to degrade protein is as a result of the breakdown of which organelle?

4. The ineffectiveness of which organelle results in the accumulation of purine in the cell membrane?

5. Degradation of worn out organelle and detoxification of toxic substances is done by the SER or RER. T
or F.

6. Apoptosis is initiated by which organelle?

7. The mechanism used by the lysosome in the degradation of worn out organelles is called?

8. what type of ion channel is observed when a sodium channel opens up in the presence of an

9. Al3+, Ca2+, C6H12O6, Na+,CO2 the above are about to cross the membrane.write in a descending
order their rate of diffusion across the cell membrane. Which of the above would be the slowest and


1. Who introduced the word 'physiology'?

a. Hippocrates

b. William Harvey

c. Jean Fernel

d. Ivan Pavlov

2. Raising the hand up and down involves:

a. Skeletal physiology

b. Neurophysiology

c. Musculo-skeletal physiology

d. B and C
3. Which of these is not a classification of physiology based on level of organization?

a. Cell Physiology

b. Organ physiology

c. System physiology

d. Ecological physiology

4. What are the non-living components of the cell called?

a. Granules

b. Nucleoli

c. Pyrenoids

d. Cell inclusions

5. What is the nature of charge of the carbohydrates attached to the outer surface of the cell

a. Positively charged

b. Negetively charged

c. Neutral

d. None of the above

6. Which of this is not a function of carbohydrates in cell membrane?

a. Receptors

b. Transport

c. Detection of antigens

d. A and C
6. Integral proteins are essentially carrier proteins. True or false?

7. Cell surface antigens and homoreceptors can be classified under?

a. Carbohydrates

b. Peripheral proteins

c. Integral protein

d. Hormone

8. The space between the inner and outer membranes of endoplasmic reticulum is the....

a. Nuclear pore

b. Myosin

c. Nuclear space

d. Peri-nuclear space

9. Most hormones work through the..... mechanism

a. Feed-forward

b. Negetive feedback

c. Positive feedback

d. None of the above

10. An example of positive feedback mechanism is.....

a. Blood sugar level

b. Blood sodium level

c. Let-down of oxytocin

d. Osmoregulation
11. Low blood volume level is....

a. Hypervolamia

b. Hypernatrimia

c. Hyperkalimia

d. Hyperglycemia

12. Which of these models is accepted as structural model of the cell?

a. Danielli-Davson Model

b. Unit membrane model

c. Fluid mosaic model

d. Schwann's cellular model

13. What type of transport mechanism carries two substances in same direction?

a. Antiport

b. Symport

c. Uniport

d. Rheoport

14. In phagocytosis, primary lysosome fuses with the endosome to form the..........

a. Phagosome

b. Microsome

c. Autosome

d. Ecosome
15. In what type of cell division is there formation of chiasmata?

a. Mitosis

b. Meiosis

c. Meningiosis

d. Meriosis


1. The glucose level in the blood is measured in:

A. g/ml

B. mg/dl

C. kg/l

D. mg/ml

2. The hormone responsible for stimulating milk letdown is

A. Oxytocin

B. Progesterone

C. Estradiol

D. Insulin

E. Prolactin

3. Which of the following is not a major type of tissue?

A. Muscle tissue

B. Blood tissue

C. Epithelial tissue

D. Connective tissue
E. None of the above

4. The lipophylic part of the phospholipids is the::

A. head

B. Neck

C. Body

D. Tail

5. Which part of the phospholipids faces the ECF?

A. lipophobic head of the outer layer

B. Hydropilic head of the inner layer

C. Lipophobic tail of the inner layer

D. Hydrophylic tail of the outer layer

E. None of the above

6. Which hormone is the fright, fight or flight hormone?


B. Pituitarine

C. Insulin

D. Adrenaline

7. In a non-dividing nucleus, DNA are visible as.....

A. Chromosomes

B. Chromatins

C. Centromere
D. Chromatids

E. All of the above

8. which of the following vitamins will pass freely through the cell membrane?

A. A

B. C

C. D

D. K

9. Phospholipids present in the lipid layer of cell membrane include all except

A. Aminoglycolipid

B. Phosphatidylglycerol

C. Phosphatidylserine

D. Phosphatidylsitol

10. The thickness of the cell membrane varies from :

A. 70-75 Å

B. 65-111Å

C. 100-101Å

D. 75-111Å

11. ___ helps to pack phospholipids in the membrane?

A. integral proteins

B. Cholesterol

C. Peripheral proteins

12. All but one of the following can pass through the cell membrane freely:

A. Urea

B. CO2

C. Alcohol

D. O2

13. The homeostatically regulated blood volume is:

A. 4-6ml

B. 5-7l

C. 6-7ml

D. 4-6l

14. Glucagon secretion is increased by

A. Hyperglycemia

B. Arginine

C. Vagal stimulation of the pancreas

D. Insulin

E. Somatostatin

15. Which one of the following conditions experienced by pregnant women may be due to the effects of

A. Increased incidence of heartburn

B. Decreased facial acne

C. Increased gastric emptying leading to intestinal cramping and diarrhea

D. Decreased afterload

E. Increased cardiac output

16. Prolactin secretion is tonically suppressed in nonpregnant women by

A. Estrogens

B. Progesterone

C. Dopamine



17. Membrane excitability will be increased by the greatest amount by

A. Increasing extracellular Na+

B. Increasing extracellular K+

C. Decreasing extracellular Cl2−

D. Decreasing extracellular Ca2+

E. Decreasing extracellular H+

18. The NMDA receptor is activated by

A. Glycine

B. Acetylcholine

C. Substance P

D. Histamine

E. Glutamate

19. Hyperventilation normally occurs during

A. Pregnancy

B. Sleep

C. Morphine administration D. Exercise

E. Metabolic alkalosis

20. The resting potential of a nerve membrane is primarily dependent on the concentration gradient of

A. Potassium

B. Sodium

C. Calcium

D. Chloride

E. Bicarbonate


1. The matrix of a mitochondrion is to enzyme while the cristae is to --------------

A. Protein

B. Carbohydrate


D. Non chromosomal DNA

E.None of the above

2. The protein complex in the cristae of mitochondria produces

A. ADP and P



D. A and B

3.the organelles that contain enzyme that catalyse the removal of electrons and associated hydrogen
atom is
A. Phagosomes

B. Peroxisomes

C. Lysosomes

D. Microsomes

4. Molecules secreted from ER moves from

A. Cis to trans side of golgi apparatus

B. Trans to cis side of golgi apparatus

C. Only cis side

D. Only trans side

E. A & B correct under different conditions

5. The receptor proteins are usually clustered in region of the membrane called

A. fine pit

B. Coated pit

C. moulded pit

D. Pits

6.the properties of facilitated diffusion includes all except

A. specific

B. Passive

C. Saturate

D. Unsaturates

7. The ability of a solution to cause cell to gain or loose water is called

A. Dehydrating properties

B. Tonicity

C. Turgidity

8.the fluid part of the cytoplasm is

A. cytosome

B. glycoprotein

C. cytosol

D. plasma which of these lies the true origin of ribosomes

A. rough endoplasmic reticulum

B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

C. nucleus

D. mitochondrion

E. lysosomes

10. Homeostasis is the maintenance of static stability

Of the internal environment

A. true

B. false.

11. In a negative feedback loop, which of these receives information right from the integrating centre

A. response

B. receptor

C. effector

D. stimulus

12. All these are the functions of membrane proteins except

A. transport

B. cell-cell recognition
C. stimulation

D. signal transduction

13. The phospholipid bilayer consist

A. two layers of phospholipid

B. non polar tails which point inward

C. polar heads on the surface

D. cholesterol in all cells

14. These are examples of continuous variations except

A. height

B. skin colour

C. blood group

D. intelligent quotient (IQ)

15. Two different characters in an allele with their effects manifested is a term named

A. complete dominance

B. co dominance

C. incomplete dominance

D. heterozygous

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