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Purchased by U. S. Dept. of Agric. for Official Use.

[Reprinted from the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Vol. 61. No.8. August. 1972. © 1972 by the American Pharmaceutical Association]

Antitumor Alkaloids from Cephalotaxus harringtonia:

Structure and Activity


harringtonine (II), isoharringtonine (III), homoharring-

Abstract 0 Cephalotaxine and several of its esters were isolated tonine (IV), and deoxyharringtonine (V).
from Cephalotaxus harringtonia K. Koch var. harringtonia. Although
cephalotaxine is inactive, harringtonine, isoharringtonine, homo-
harringtonine, and deoxyharringtonine have shown significant DISCUSSION
activity against experimental P388 leukemia and against L-121O
leukemia in mice. Paudler er al. (2) first isolated cephalotaxine. and their work indi-
cated that two partial structures were possible. Subsequent in-
Keyphrases 0 Cepha/otaxus harringtollia alkaloids-structure. vestigations by other workers, using a combination of NMR (3)
antitumor activity 0 Harringtonine, isoharringtonine, homo harring- and X-ray crystallographic (4) techniques, revealed that cephalo-
tonine. deoxyharringtonine-antitumor activity 0 Antitumor al- taxine has the structure indicated here (I). We have now char-
kaloids from Cephalotaxus harringtonia-structure, activity 0 NMR acterized the active antitumor alkaloids II-IV and report test data
spectroscopy-identification, Cepha/otaxus alkaloids for these and several related alkaloids'.
The NMR spectra of alkaloids II-V yielded initial evidence that
these compounds are esters of cephalotaxine. This conclusion was
based primarily on a comparison of their NMR spectra with the
In a search for tumor inhibitors of plant onglO, an NMR spectra of cephalotaxine and acetylcephalotaxine (VII, Table
alcoholic extract of the seed of Cephalotaxus harring- I). If one disregards signals attributed to the R group, the NMR
tonia var. drupacea (Sieb. & Zucc.) Koidzumi 1 showed spectra of the cephalotaxine esters are nearly identical. The number
activity against lymphoid leukemia L-121O and P388 and nature of free hydroxyl groups in alkaloids I-IV were indicated
leukemia in mice 2 • Subsequent fractionation of the by NMR spectra of dimethyl sulfoxide-d, solutions before and after
deuterium oxide exchange (5). In the mass spectra of these alka-
seed extract and of an extract obtained from C. harring- loids, the strongest ion (base peak) is at mle 298 (C,.H,oN0 3 ). This
Ionia (Forbes) K. Koch var. harringlonia cv. Fastigiata ion corresponds to cephalotaxine minu~ the appropriate R group.
(entire plants) revealed four alkaloids with significant Transesterification of alkaloids II-IV (sodium methoxide-
antitumor activity (l). The active Cephalotaxus alka- methanol or sodium ethoxide-ethanol) gives alkaloid 1. along with
loids are esters of cephalotaxine (I); these include the corresponding dimethyl or diethyl esters (VIlI-X or XII-XIV).
Structures of Compounds VlII-X were deduced from NMR and
mass spectral data.
Significant features of the NMR spectra of dimethyl esters VIII
1 Cephaloraxus plant materials were received from Dr. Robert E. and X (see Experimental ~ection for chemical ~hift assignments) are
Perdue, Jr., U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Beltsville. Md.,
under a program developed with USDA by Drug Research and De-
velopment, National Cancer Institute (formerly the Cancer Chemo-
therapy National Service Center). 'The previously used numbering for the cephalotaxine ring system
, Assays performed under Drug Research and Development auspices. was revised. The revised numbering corresponds closely to that com-
Procedures are described in Cancer Chemorher. Rep., 25, 1(1962). monly used for the erythrina series of alkaloids.

Vol. 61, No.8, August 197201227

Table I-NMR Data for Cephalotaxine and Some Cephalotaxine Esters 4

Proton(s) II III IV V VII

H-l s 4.89 s 5.07 s 5.06 s 5.05 s 5.04 s 5.05

H-3 b d 4.70 d 5.99 d 6.02 d 5.99 d 5.98 d 5.80
H-4 b d 3.63 d 3.77 d 3.77 d 3.77 d 3.76 d 3.77
H-14 {s 6.65 s 6.61 s 6.64 s 6.61 s 6.60 s 6.59
H-17 s 6.61 s 6.54 s 6.53 s 6.54 s 6.52 s 6.57
Aryl-QCH.0- s 5.86 s 5.85 m 5.82 s 5.85 m 5.84 s 5.85
Vinyl-QCH~ s 3.70 s 3.68 s 3.67 s 3.67 s 3.66 s 3.71
-e-QCH~ s 3.57 s 3.60 s 3.58 3.54
-e(OHXCH~). s 1.17 s 1.18
-eH(CH~h d 0.86 d 0.84
-eCH,C-" q 2.10 q 2.10 q 2.07
-QCCH~ s 1.58

4 Measured in chloroform with a Varian HA·IOO spectrometer. Chemical shifts (0) are expressed in parts per million from tetramethylsilane. bIn
each of these alkaloids, protons H-3 and H-4 are coupled (J = 9.5 Hz.), and long-range coupling (J = 0.5 Hz.) is observed between protons H-I
and H-3. 'These protons show strong geminal coupling (J = 16 Hz.).

as follows. Both show the presence of two equivalent methyl groups, because cephalotaxine (I) and acetylcephalotaxine (VII) are in-
two different carbomethoxyl groups, two tertiary hydroxyl groups, active. On the other hand, pseudo-deoxyharringtonine (VI) gave
and an isolated methylene group. Dimethyl ester IX differs from a TIC of 122 at the highest dose level tested (40 mg.{kg. against
VIII and X in that the two methyl groupS appear as a doublet. P388 leukemia) with no apparent toxic effects. Alkaloid VI has not
characteristic of an isopropyl group; a singlet due to an isolated yet been tested at higher levels owing to lack of material. Synthesis
proton on a carbon bearing a secondary hydroxyl is present; and of cephalotaxine esters having other R groups may lead to com-
only one tertiary hydroxyl is apparent. The remaining protons pounds having even more desirable antitumor properties than
appear as complex signals in the 0 1.20-1.90 region of VIII and X II-V.
and in the 0 1.10-2.20 region of IX. The absence of a methoxyl
resonance in the spectra of diethyl esters XII-XIV confirms the EXPERIMENTAL'
assignment of the carbomethoxyl signals near 0 3.60 for the parent
alkaloids. A typical isolation procedure for the Cephalolaxus alkaloids was
Data for significant fragments in the mass spectra are given in described elsewhere (8). All attempts to crystallize alkaloids II-IV
the Experimental section. Although molecular ions were absent in (from methanol, ether, benzene, petroleum ether, or mixtures of
the mass spectra of esters VIII and X, an M+ + I ion was detected these solvents) failed; but because each gave a single spot on thin-
at mle 263 with an excessive sample pressure of X (6). That VIII layer chromatograms and a clean NMR spectrum, no contaminants
and X are homologs was indicated by the appearance of parallel were present in significant quantities.
series of peaks differing by 14 mass units in the spectra of the two Cephalotaxine (I}-Cephalotaxine was crystallized by slow
esters. The different number of methylene groups in the main evaporation of an ether solution in a loosely capped vial. m.p. 134-
carbon chains also led to some differences in the fragmentation 136°; [a]o -189° (c 0.51 in chloroform), [a]o -209° (c 0.23 in
patterns of these two compounds. On the other hand, the different ethanol); AlnA%: 290 (log E 3.64). Ami.: 260 (log E 2.75). Am,,: 238 nm.
location of one hydroxyl group in IX as compared to VlII leads to (log E 3.56); V m. . : 3680, 1650, 1490. 1040, and 934 cm.- t • The mass
a completely distinct spectrum for IX. No molecular ion was ap- spectrum of I yielded prominent ions at mle 315 (I'vt".., 100%), 300
parent in its spectrum, and the peak of highest mass appeared at (54), 298 (57),284 (67),272 (17),254 (15),214 (19), 166 (36), 150
mle 189 (M+ - COOCH~). (23), 137 (26), and 115 (16).
Final proof for the structures of esters VlII-X was recently. Allal.-ealc. for C,sH.tNO,: C, 68.55; H, 6.72; N, 4.44. Found:
obtained from synthetic studies directed toward the characterization C, 68.71; H,7.04; N,4.32.
of alkaloid V. This work resulted in the synthesis of dimethyl ester The NMR spectrum of cephalotaxine is given in Table I. In
XI and also of pseudo-deoxyharringtonine (VI) (7). Synthetic VI dimethyl sulfoxide-d. solution. cephalotaxine exhibits a one-proton
differs from alkaloid V in that the alternative carboxjl group is doublet, at 0 4.78. which is coupled to H-3 (q, 0 4.51). After exchange
esterified to cephalotaxine. This conclusion is based on the NMR in deuterium oxide, only the H-3 signal is apparent (d; 0 4.51).
spectra; the carbomethoxyl signal appears at 0 3.53 in the spectrum An authentic sample of cephalotaxine (2), recrystallized from
of V and at 0 3.70 in the spectrum of VI. The primary carbo- ether, gave m.p. 135-136', [a]o -211 0 (c 0.04 in ethanol). The NMR.
methoxyl of dimethyl ester XI was assigned to the signal at 0 3.64. IR, and UV spectra of this material. as well as the corresponding
and the tertiary carbomethoxyl was assigned to the downfield signal spectra of all cephalotaxine samples isolated in this study, were
at 0 3.77 (similar shifts for primary and tertiary carbomethoxyl indistinguishable.
groupS are apparent in the spectrum of trimethylcitrate). From their Harringtonine (II}-Harringtonine was obtained as a white
position in the N MR spectra, the carbomethoxyl grOupS of alkaloids amorphous solid by evaporation of an ether solution under vacuum.
II-IV are by analogy considered to be primary. [a]o -106'(c 0.13 in chloroform); Am.. : 291 (log E 3.61 ).Ami.: 261 nm.
Several Cep/wloraxus alkaloids were tested against L- 1:.'1 0 or (log E 2.74); "nux: 3600. 1740, 1650. 1480, 1115. 1080. and 930
P388 leukemia (or both) (Tables II and 1II). From the relative sur- cm.- t • The mass spectrum of II showed peaks at mle 531 (M"', 17 ?;;),
vival times of treated (n and control (C) animals <i.e.. TIc' :";;), it
is evident that alkaloids II-IV ~how marginal activity against L-1210
and that I and VII are inactive. • Melting points were determined on a Fisher·Johns block and are
Much greater activity is shown by alkaloids II-V against P388 uncorrected. IR spectra were measured in chloroform solutions on a
Perkin-Elmer model 137 instrument, and UV spectra were obtained
leukemia. and this activity is apparent over a wide range of dosage in absolute ethanol on a Beckman DK-2A spectrophotometer. Optical
levels. Alkaloids II. IV. and V exhibit the greatest activity at a 1-2 rotations were0 determined on a Cary model 60 recording spectropola-
mg./kg. dosage level, whereas III has greatest activity at about 10 rimeter at 26 in O.5-dm. cells. Mass spectral analyses were performed
limes this level. Since these compounds differ only in the ester (R) with a Nuclide 12-90G spectrometer. Empirical formulas determined by
high resolution are given in parentheses along with relative intensities.
group. slight modification of this moiety significantly affects anti- NMR spectra were measured with a Varian HA·IOO in CDCb solution,
tumor activity. The importance of the R group is further emphasized unless otherwise specified.

1228 0 Journal afPharmaceutical Sciences

Table II-Activity of Some Cephalotaxus Alkaloids against
Lymphoid Leukemia L-121Q4

Weight Survival
Dose. Sur- Difference Time. Days
Alkaloid mg./kg. vivors (T - C) (T/C) T/C. %

I: R =-oH 220 6/6 -1.2 9.8/9.6 102

110 6/6 0.2 10.3/9.6 107
OH OH 55 6/6 0.5 9.5/9.6 98
I I II 4.00 1/6 -4.1 0.0/9.1
II: R = CH:C(CH2hCCH2COtCH: 2.00 6/6 -2.4 12.5/9.1 137
I I 1.00 6/6 -1.2 12.3/9. I 135
CH; cOt- 0.50 6/6 -1.0 12.0/9.1 131
OHOH III 15.0 6/6 -3.5 10.0/9.1 109
I I 7.50 6/6 -1.3 11. 5/9. I 126
III: R = CH;CH(CH2hC-CHCOtCH: 3.75 6/6 -0.5 11 .3/9.1 124
I I 1.87 6/6 -1. I 10.0/9.1 109
CH a COt- IV 2.00 6/6 -3.0 9.2/9.1 101
OH OH 1.00 6/6 -1.4 13.0/9.1 142
I I 0.50 6/6 -0.8 11. 0/9.1 120
IV: R = CHaC(CH2 hCCH:COtCH a 0.25 6/6 -0.5 11 .2/9.1 123
I I VII 100 6/6 -0.6 9.8/9.6 102
CH a COt- 50 6/6 0.0 10.2/9.6 106
OH 25 6/6 -0.3 10.2/9.6 106
I "Data presented are representative of results from several assays
V: R = CH:CH(CH2hC-CHt COtCH: with different samples of each alkaloid (Footnote 2). Materials are
I I considered active if the survival time of animals treated (T) with them is
CH: COt- :> 125 % of that of the controls (C) (j.e •• T/C 5 125 %).
VI: R = CHaCH(CH 2hCCH2COt- 178 (7). 150 (17). 99 (9). 90 (9). and 81 (9). Found: m/e 531.250;
I I C:aH,.,NO g requires 531.247. NMR data are given in Table 1. In
CH a COtCH: dimethyl sulfoxide-d•• isoharringtonine gave a one-proton singlet at
VII: R = CH:COI - {j 4.54 and a one-proton doublet at {j 4.94. Both signals are absent
R after exchange with deuterium oxide.
OH OH Anal.-<:alc. for C...H,.,NO,: C. 63.26; H. 7.02; N, 2.63. Found:
I I C, 63.17; H. 7.06; N. 2.58.
CH:C(CH 2hCCH 2CO,R' vrrr:
R' = R' = CH: Homoharringtonine (IV}-Evaporation of an ether solution, under
I I XU: R' = R' = C,H, vacuum. gave homoharringtonine as an amorphous white solid.
CH: C0 2 R' [aID -119° (c 0.45 in chloroform); "max: 290 (\og f 3.62). Ami.: 261
OHOH nm. (1og f 2.76); v""",: 3580. 1740, 1650. 1480. 1070, and 928 em.- I .
i I The mass spectrum of IV gave ions at m/e 545 (M+. 14%). 530 (I).
CH:CH(CH 2hC-CHCO,R' IX: R' = R' = CH, 514 (3). 315 (4), 314 (6). 298 (100), 284 (4), 282 (6),266 (12).205,
I xrrr: R' = R' = C 2 H, (3), 150(1 n, and 116 (5). Found: m/e 545.255; C"H"NO, requires
CH: CO,R' 545.262. Data from the NMR spectrum of homoharringtonine will
OH OH be found in Table I. In dimt:thyl sulfoxide-d•. IV gave a pair of one-
I I proton singlets at (j 4.75 and 3.97. Both signals art: absent after ex-
CH:C(CH,hCCH,CO:R' X: R' = R' = CH, change with deuterium oxide.
I I XIV: R' = R' = C,H, Anal.-<:alc. for C"H"NO,: C. 63.84; H. 7.20; N. 2.57. Found:
CH: C0 2 R' C.63.67; H, 7.24; N. 2.46.
CH:CH(CH 2hCCH:C0 2 R' XI: R' = R' = CH, Table III-Activity of Some Cepltaloraxus Alkaloids against
I I P388 Lymphocytic Leukemia"
516 (I). 500(4). 315 (8).314 (7).298 (100).284 (1).282 (6).266 (IJI. Weight
150 (11). and 116 (7). Found: M+, m/e 531.246; C:aHnNO. requires Alka- Dose. Sur- Difference Survival Time;
531.247. 100d mg./kg. vivors <T-C) Days (T/C) T/C. %
Anal.-<:alc. for C",Hr.NO.: C. 63.26; H. 7.02; N. 2.63; O. 271.
OCH,. 11.67. Found: C. 62.30; H. 7.20: N, 2.46; OCH" 12.86'. II 4.00 2/6 -5.5 5.0/9.0
Data from the NMR spectrum of harringtonme are gwen m Table 2.00 6/6 -3 3 18.5/9.0 205
I. In dimethyl sulfoxide-d•. Il exhibits a pair of one-proton smglets I 00 616 -2.3 36.5/90 405
at {j 4.74 and 3.99. Both signals are absent after exchange with deu- o 50 6/6 -1.0 265/9.0 294
terium oxide. 11l 15 0 6/6 -4.3 9.5/9 0 105
lsoharringtonine (III}-Evaporation of an ether solution. under 7 50 6/6 -3.0 24.5/9.0 272
3 75 616 -2.8 15.5/9.0 172
vacuum. gave isoharringtonine as a white amorphous solid. [olD - 93 • 1 87 5/6 -I. 3 13 5/9.0 150
(c 0.41 in chloroform); A"",x: 290 (log f 3.60). '\m •• : 261 nm. tlog.
IV 2.00 6/6 -3.8 7 5/90 ...
2.72); vau.x: 3600.1740.1650.1480,1080, and 930cm."I. The mass 1 00 6/6 -2.8 30 5/90 338
spectrum of m contains ions at m/e 531 (M-, 14~). 516 111.500 o 50 6/6 -1.8 24 5/90 272
(3). 442 (2). 315 (6). 314 (7), 298 (100). 284 (61. 282 (81. 266 (IJI. o 25 6/6 -2.2 22.0/90 244
V .. 00 6/6 -3.4 14 OilO.O 140
2.00 6/6 -33 18 01100 180
I Although this analysis is not within normally accepted hmlls. the I 00 6/6 -2.4 15 5110.0 155
empirical formula (C"H",NO,) is established by the hlgh-res0lullon o 50 616 -1 2 14 5/10.0 145
mass spectrum. In addition, VIII from trallsesterincallon of \I !
satisfactorv elemental analysis. and I was :denw:al to In Jutt1':"lIC
sample ofcephalotaxine. . • S.:e Footnote a, T .Ibl.: II.

Vol. 61. No.8. August 1972 01229

AcetylcephaIotaxine (VII)-A solution of 1.0 g. of cephalotaxine Transesterification of III (116 mg.) with sodium ethoxide gave I
in 2 m!. of acetic anhydride-pyridine (1: 1) was allowed to stand at (54 mg.) and the diethyI ester XIII (29 mg.). The NMR spectra of
room temperature for 18 hr. The resulting solution was evaporated IX and XIII are quite similar. except that XIII exhibits two over-
to dryness. and the remaining oil was chromatographed on a column lapping quartets at 0 4.22 and two overlapping triplets at a 1.28
of Brockmann grade III neutral alumina. This procedure gave 0.9 (two ethyl ester groups) rather than the methyl ester signals present
g. of acetylcephalotaxine. m.p.I44-145°; [aID _99° (c 0.52 in chloro- in the spectrum of IX.
form). [aID -133° (c 0.05 in ethanol); An=:: 290 (log E 3.63). AlDin: 261 Methyl 3-Carbomethoxy-3,7-dihydroxy-7-methyloctanoate (X)
nm. (log E 2.69); Va=:: 1734 cm.- I • The mass spectrum of VII gave and Ethyl 3-Carboethoxy-3,7-dihydroxy-7-methyloctanoate (XIV)-
prominent ions at mle 357 (M.... 58%). 342 (10). 326 (19). 314 (27). Alkaloid IV (111 mg.) was transesterified (sodium methoxide-
298 (100). 282 (14).266 (31). 254 (8). 214 (10). 150 (22). 137 (11). and methanol) and yielded two products: 1. 68 mg.• m.p. 136-137°,
115 (9). Found: M.... mle 357.164; CtoH~:NO. requires 357.158. [aID -189°(c 0.51 in chloroform); and X, 37 mg., m.p. 34-35° (pe-
Data from the NMR spectrum are recorded in Table 1. troleum ether), [aID _18° (c 0.70 in chloroform). V max : 3560 and 1740
AI/al.-Calc. for C.oH••NO;: C. 67.21; H. 6.49; N. 3.92. Found: cm.- I • The NMR spectrum of X gave signals at a 1.18 (s. 6H. two
C, 67.22; H. 6.49; N, 3.86. equivalent methyl groups). 2.78 (q. 2H. J = 16 Hz.• geminal pro-
Transesterification Reactions-A typical transesterification reac- tons in an isolated methylene group). and 3.64 and 3.77 (2s. 3H
tion involved "'" 100 mg. of thoroughly dried alkaloid (II-Vas each, carbomethoxyl groups). Two hydroxyl protons were observed
appropriate) and 2.5 m!. of 0.5 M base (sodium methoxide-meth- (0 2.00 and 3.80) and were readily exchanged with deuterium oxide.
ancl or sodium ethoxide-ethanol). The reactants were placed in a The mass spectrum of X gave ions at mle 245 (14%).229 (C ll H 170;,
capped vial and allowed to stand in a dry atmosphere at room 38), 185 (Ct oH 170 •. 84), 169 (C.H 130,. 30), 167 (73), 162 (20), 145
temperature for 5 hr. Aqueous 5% acetic acid (30 mI.) was then (CrH I3 0,. 100). 129 (C.H.O" 55). 116 (CsH.O" 34). 113 (C.H.O:,
added. and the solution was extracted repeatedly with 3Q.m!. por- 44), and III (CrHllO. 27). No molecular ion was observed; however.
tions of chloroform. The chloroform extracts were washed with an M'" + 1 ion was detected with an excessive sample pressure,
5% acetic acid and 5 % sodium carbonate solutions and dried over mle 263 (2%).
sodium sulfate; upon evaporation. they yielded the appropriate Transesterification of IV (100 mg.) with sodium ethoxide gave I
dimethyl or diethyl esters. The esters were finally purified by dissolv- (54 mg.) and the diethyl ester XIV (32 mg.). The NMR spectra of
ing them in ether and passing them through a small column (I g.) X and XIV are quite similar, except that XIV exhibits two over-
of Brockmann grade III neutral alumina. Cephalotaxine was iso- lapping quartets at 0 4.20 and two overlapping triplets at 0 1.25
lated by adding base to the original aqueous acetic acid solution (two ethyl ester groups) rather than the methyl ester signals present
(to pH 10) and extracting the wlution several times with chloroform. in the spectrum of X.
Evaporation of the dried chloroform extracts gave cephalotaxine. Anal.-Calc. for C14H~.O. (XIV): C. 57.91; H. 9.03. Found: C.
which was then recrystallized from ether. 57.91; H. 8.92.
MethyI3_Carbomethoxy-3,6-dihydroxy.o..methylheptanoate (VllI)
and Ethyl 3-Carboethoxy-3,6-dihydroxy.o..methylheptanoate (XII) REFERENCES
-Alkaloid II (102 mg.) was transesterified (sodium methoxide-
methanol) and yielded two products: 1. 70 mg., m.p. 135-136 0. (I) R. G. Powell, D. Weisleder. C. R. Smith. Jr.• and W. K.
[aID -183 ° (c 0.23 in chloroform); and VIII. 28 mg.. colorless liquid. Rohwedder. Tetrahedron Lett.• 1970,815.
[aID -18° (c 0.47 in chloroform). VlDJU: 3560 and 1740 cm.- I. The (2) W. W. Paudler. G.!. Kerley. and J. B. McKay. J. Org. Chern.•
NMR spectrum of VIII gave signals at 0 1.19 (s, 6H. two equivalent 28,2194(1963).
methyl groups), 2.80 (q. 2H, J = 16 Hz., geminal protons in an (3) R. G. Powell. D. Weisleder, C. R. Smith. Jr., and I. A. Wolff,
isolated methylene group). and 3.64 and 3.77 (25. 3H each. carbo- Tetrahedron Lett.• 1969, 4081.
methoxyl groups). Two hydroxyl protons were observed (0 1.95 (4) D. J. Abraham. R. D. Rosenstein, and E. L. McGandy,
and 3.95) and were readily exchanged with deuterium oxide. The ibid.• 1969, 4085.
mass spectrum of VIII showed no molecular ion but gave ions at (5) O. L. Chapman and R. W. King, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 86,
mle 231 (I %), 215 (C,oHI;Os. 9), 171 (CgHI.O•• 35). 162 (25), 155 1256(1964).
(CsHllO., 10), 116 (3).99 (C;HrO:. 14).97 (C.H.O. 21).59 (58). and (6) K. Biemann. in "Mass Spectrometry: Organic Chemical
31 (100). ... Applications," McGraw-Hill. New York. N. Y .• 1962. pp. 55-57.
Anal.-Calc. for CllH,oO. (VIII): C. 53.21; H. 8.12. Found: (7) K. L. Mikolajczak, R. G. Powell. and C. R. Smith. Jr.• Tetra-
C. 53.10: H. 7.78. hedron.28, 1995(1972).
Transesterification of II (Ill mg.) with sodium ethoxide gave I (8) R. G. Powell, Phytochemistry, 11, 1467(1972).
(63 mg.) and the diethyl ester XII (36 mg.). The NMR spectra of
VIlI and XII are quite similar. except that XII exhibits two over- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND ADDRESSES
lapping quartets at a 4.20 and two overlapping triplets at 0 1.25
(two ethyl ester groups) rather than the methyl ester signals present· Received October 18. 1971. from the Northern Regional Research
in the spectrum of VIII. Laboratory. Agricultural Research Service. U. S. Department of
Methyl 3-Carbomethoxy-2.,3-dihydroxy.o..methylheptanoate (IX) Agriculture. Peoria. IL 61604
and Ethyl 3-Carboethoxy-2,3-dihydroxy-6-methylheptanoate (XIII) Accepted for publication April 19, 1972.
-Alkaloid III (253 mg.) was transesterified (wdium methoxide- Presented at the 162nd National Meeting of the American
methanol) and yielded two products: I. 168 mg.• m.p. 135-136°, Chemical Society, Washington. D. C., September 1971.
[aID -188° (c0.41 in chloroform); and IX. 71 mg.. m.p. 92-93° (pe- The authors are indebted to Mrs. M. Wakeman and Mr. R.
troleum ether). [aID +37° (c 0.45 in chloroform). V lDAX : 3600 and 1740 Freidinger for technical assistance; to Mrs. C. E. McGrew for ele-
cm.- I. The NMR spectrum of IX gave signals at a0.87 (d. 6H. J = mental analyses; to Dr. D. J. Abraham and Dr. W. K. Rohwedder
6 Hz.. isopropyl group). 3.73 and 3.79 (25. 3H each. carbomethoxyl for mass spectra; to Dr. W. W. Paudler for an authentic sample of
groups), and 4.35 (s. IH. proton on carbon bearing secondary hy- cephalotaxine; and to Dr. W. H. Tallent. Dr. I. A. Wolff. Dr. R. B.
droxyl). Two hydroxyl protons (exchangeable with deuterium oxide) Bates. Dr. J. L. Hartwell. and Mr. K. L. Mikolajczak for helpful
were apparent as a broad singlet at 0 3.33 (s. 2H). The 0 4.35 signal discussions.
shifts downfield to 5.44 upon acetylation of IX. The mass spectrum References to specific equipment or commercial firms are made
of IX showed no molecular ion but gave ions at mle 189 (5%). 99 for clarity and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the
(CsHllO. 20).90 (C,H.o,. 100). and 81 (8). U. S. Department of Agriculture over other products or firms not
Anal.-Calc. for ClIH..O. (IX): C, 53.21; H. 8.12. Found: C. mentioned.
53.42; H. 7.75. .... To whom inquiries should be directed.

1230 0 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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