Chapter 2

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Potential Flow

Lecturer: Azli ABD RAZAK

November 11, 2013

 Inviscid flow approximations. Euler
 The stream function and velocity potential
 Vorticity and irrotational
 Frictionless irrotational flows.
Orthogonality of streamlines and velocity
potential lines
 Plane potential flows; Uniform flow,
source, sink and irrotational vortex;
 Superposition of plane flow solutions;
Rankine half body, doublet and Rankine
oval. Flow past a circular cylinder with
circulation; Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem
Fluid Element Kinematics
• Type of motion and deformation for a fluid
element endeavour  religious  dignified

Linear Motion and Deformation
 The simplest type of
motion that a fluid
element can undergo
is translation as
shown in Figure.
 Because of presence
of velocity gradients,
the element will
generally be
deformed and rotates
as it move Translation of a fluid element. endeavour  religious  dignified

Linear Motion and Deformation
• Consider the effect of a single velocity gradient,
u/x, on a small cube having side x, y, and z
as shown in Figure.

Linear deformation of a fluid element endeavour  religious  dignified 5
Linear Motion and Deformation

• The change in the original volume

would be,
 u 
Change in V    x  y z  t
 x  endeavour  religious  dignified 6

Linear Motion and Deformation

• The rate at which the volume  is
changing per unit volume due to the
gradient u/x is,

1 d  V   u / x  t  u
 lim  
 V dt t 0  t  x endeavour  religious  dignified 7
Linear Motion and Deformation

• If velocity gradients v/y and w/z

are also present, then using a similar
analysis it follows that, in the general
1 d  V  u  w
    V
 V dt x y z endeavour  religious  dignified 8
Linear Motion and Deformation

1 d  V  u  w
    V
 V dt x y z
• This rate of change of the volume per unit
volume is called the volumetric dilatation rate.
• For incompressible flow volumetric dilatation
rate is zero. endeavour  religious  dignified 9
Angular Motion and Deformation
• The velocity variation that cause rotation and
angular deformation is illustrate as below,

• In a short time interval t the line segments OA

and OB will rotate through angles  and  to
the new positions OA and OB. endeavour  religious  dignified 10
Angular Motion and Deformation
• The angular velocity of line
OA, OA, is
OA  lim
t 0 t

• For small angles

tan    
 x xt 
 t
x x

  x t  
• So that if /x is positive,
OA  lim    OA will be
t 0
 t  x counterclockwise endeavour  religious  dignified 11
Angular Motion and Deformation
• The angular velocity of line
OB, OB, is
OB  lim
t 0 t

• For small angles

tan    
u y yt u
 t
y y

 u y t  u
• So that if u/y is positive,
OB  lim    OB will be
t 0
 t  y clockwise endeavour  religious  dignified 12
Angular Motion and Deformation
• The rotation, z, of the
element about the z-axis is
defined as the average of
the angular velocities OA
and OB of the two
mutually perpendicular
lines OA and OB.
• If counterclockwise
rotation is considered to
be positive,
1   u 
 z    
2  x y  endeavour  religious  dignified 13
Angular Motion and Deformation
• If the rotation about x-axis
1  w  
 x    
2  y z 

• If the rotation about y-axis

1  u w 
y    
2  z x  endeavour  religious  dignified 14

Angular Motion and Deformation
• The three component x, y, and z can be
combined to give the rotation vector, ,

ω  xiˆ   y ˆj  z kˆ

• An examination of this result reveals that  is

equal to one-half the curl of the velocity vector.
That is,

1 1
ω  curl V    V
2 2 endeavour  religious  dignified 15

Angular Motion and Deformation
• By definition of vector operator V
iˆ ˆj kˆ
1 1   
 V 
2 2 x y z
u v w
1  w v  ˆ 1  u w  ˆ 1  v u  ˆ
   i     j    k
2  y z  2  z x  2  x y 

• The vorticity,  is defined as a vector that is

twice the rotation vector, that is
  2ω    V endeavour  religious  dignified 16
Angular Motion and Deformation
• Generally if V = 0, then the
rotation are zero, and flow
fields for which this condition
applies are termed
• The rotation associated with
the derivatives u/y and
/x as shown in the figure
can cause the fluid element
to undergo ad angular
deformation endeavour  religious  dignified 17

Angular Motion and Deformation
• The change in the original
right angle formed by the
lines OA and OB is termed the
shearing strain, 
    
where  is considered to be
positive if the original right
angle is decreasing. endeavour  religious  dignified 18

Angular Motion and Deformation
 The rate of change of  is called the rate of
shearing strain or the rate of angular deformation
and is commonly denoted with symbol 
 The angles  and  are related to the velocity
gradient, so that

  lim 
  x t  u y t 
t 
t 0
 
and, therefore,
 u
  
x y endeavour  religious  dignified 19
Problem 1
• For a certain two dimensional flow field the
velocity is given by the equation
ˆ  2 ˆ
V  4 xyi  2 x  y j

Is this flow irrotational? endeavour  religious  dignified 20

Problem 2
An incompressible viscous fluid is placed
between two large parallel plates as shown in
figure. The bottom plate is fixed and the upper
plate moves with constant velocity, U. For this
conditions the velocity distribution between the
plates is linear and can be expressed as,
u U

Determine: (a) the volumetric dilatation rate,

(b) the rotation vector, (c) the vorticity, and (d)
the rate of angular deformation. endeavour  religious  dignified 21
The Stream Function
• Steady, incompressible, plane, two-dimensional
flow represents one of the simplest types of flow.
u υ w
  0
x y z
• When the flow is considered to be in the x-y
plane, the continuity equation can be reduces to:

u υ
 0
x y endeavour  religious  dignified 22

The Stream Function
• Velocity components in a two-
dimensional flow field can be
defined in a function (x,y),
called the stream function.
 
u υ
y x

• Then the continuity equation

is identically satisfied as
         2
  2

       0
x  y  y  x  xy xy endeavour  religious  dignified 23
The Stream Function
• By using the stream function we can simplified
two unknown function, u(x,y) and (x,y) to only
one unknown function, (x,y).
• Advantages of using a stream function is related
to the fact that lines along which  is constant
are streamlines.

• Streamline are lines in flow field that are

everywhere tangent to the velocities. endeavour  religious  dignified 24
The Stream Function
• From the definition of the streamlines
that the slope at any point along a
streamlines is given by
dy υ

dx u
• The change in the value of  as it move from
one point (x,y) to a nearby point (x + dx, y + dy)
is given a relationship:
 
d  dx  dy   υdx  udy
x y endeavour  religious  dignified 25
The Stream Function
• Along a line of constant , d  = 0,
so that Streamline
 υdx  udy  0
and, therefore along a line of constant 
dy υ

dx u
which is defining equation for a streamline
•If we know the function  (x,y) we can plot lines
of constant  and helpful in visualizing the flow
pattern endeavour  religious  dignified 26
The Stream Function
• The change in the value of
 is related to the volume
rate of flow.
• From conservation of mass,
the inflow, dq, crossing the
arbitrary surface AC must
equal the net outflow
through surfaces AB and
BC. Thus,

dq  udy  υdx endeavour  religious  dignified 27

The Stream Function
• In term of the stream function


 
dq  dx  dy
x y
• Therefore,

dq  d endeavour  religious  dignified 28

The Stream Function
• The volume rate of flow , q, between two
streamlines such as 1 and 2 as shown in
figure can be determine by
dq   d   2  1

• If the upper streamline, 2 , has a value greater

than the lower streamline, 2, then q is positive. endeavour  religious  dignified 29

The Stream Function
• In cylindrical coordinates the continuity equation
for incompressible, plane two-dimensional flow
reduce to
1 rυ r  1 υq
 0
r r r q
• Velocity components, r and q, can be related
to the stream function (r,q), through the
1  
υr  υq  
r q r endeavour  religious  dignified 30

Irrotational flow
• The rotation of a fluid element is equal to
½(V), and irrotational flow field is one for
which V = 0.
• Since the vorticity, , is defined as V, it also
follows that in an irrotational flow field the
vorticity is zero.
• Since the vector components of fluid flow include
the various velocity gradients, the condition of
irrotationality imposes specific relationships
among these velocity gradient endeavour  religious  dignified 31

Irrotational flow
• For example, for rotation about the z-axis to be
zero, it follows that
1  υ u 
 z      0
2  x y 
and therefore,
υ u

x y
Similarly to x and y,
w υ u w
 and 
y z z x endeavour  religious  dignified 32
The Velocity Potential
• For an irrotational flow the velocity gradients are
related through equation below.
υ u w υ u w
  
x y y z z x

• In this case the velocity components can be

expressed in terms of scalar function (x,y,z,t)
  
u υ w
x y z
where  is called the velocity potential endeavour  religious  dignified 33
The Velocity Potential
• In vector form the velocity potential can be
written as,
V  
• So that for an irrotational flow the velocity is
expressible as the gradient of scalar function .
• For incompressible fluid, from conservation of
mass it shows that
V  0 endeavour  religious  dignified 34

The Velocity Potential
• Therefore for incompressible, irrotational flow
(with V = ) it follows that
 2  0
where 2( ) = .  ( ) is the Laplacian operator.
• In Cartesian coordinates
  
2 2 2
 2  2 0
x 2
y z
• Inviscid, incompressible, irrotational flow fields
are governed by Laplace’s equation. This type of
flow is commonly called a potential flow. endeavour  religious  dignified 35
The Velocity Potential
• In cylindrical coordinate system the gradient
operator is
( ) 1 ( ) ( )
( )  eˆr  eˆq  eˆz
r r q z
so that
 1  
  eˆr  eˆq  eˆz
r r q z

where  = (r,q,z). Since

V  υr eˆr  υθ eˆq  υz eˆz endeavour  religious  dignified 36
The Velocity Potential
• For irrotational flow (with V = )

 1  
υr  υq  υz 
r r q z
and Laplace’s equation in cylindrical coordinates is

1     1     2 2
r  2  2 0
r r  r  r q 2
z endeavour  religious  dignified 37

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• For simplicity, only plane (two-dimensional)
flows will be considered. In this case, by using
Cartesian coordinates

 
u υ
x y
or by using cylindrical coordinates

 1 
υr  υq 
r r q endeavour  religious  dignified 38

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• We also can define a stream function for plane
flow as,
 
u υ
y x

or with cylindrical coordinate as,

1  
υr  υq  
r q r endeavour  religious  dignified 39

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• If we imposed the condition of irrotationality,
u υ

y x
In term of stream function
       
     
y  y  x  x 
 2  2
 2 0
x 2
y endeavour  religious  dignified 40
Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• For irrotational plane we can used both either
the velocity potential or the stream function with
the both satisfy Laplace’s equation in two
• It shows that the velocity potential and the
stream function are somehow related, that is

dy υ

dx along constant u endeavour  religious  dignified 41

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• The change in  as we move from one point (x,y)
to a nearby point (x + dx, y + dy) is given by the

 
d  dx  dy  udy  υdx
x y

• Along a line of constant  we have d = 0 so that

dy υ

dx along constant u endeavour  religious  dignified 42

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• A comparison shows that lines of constant  or
called equipotential lines are orthogonal to lines
of constant  (stream lines) at all point where
they intersect.
dy υ dy υ
 
dx along constant u dx along constant u endeavour  religious  dignified 43

Basic, Plane Potential Flows
• For any potential flow
field a flow net can be
drawn that consists of
a patterns and can be
used to obtained
graphical streamlines
and equipotential lines. endeavour  religious  dignified 44

Uniform Flow
• The simplest plane flow is one for which the
streamlines are all straight and parallel, and the
magnitude of the velocity is constant.
• This type of flow is called a uniform flow.
u U and υ  0
• In terms of the velocity
 
U and 0
x y endeavour  religious  dignified 45

Uniform Flow
 
U and 0
x y

• These two equations can

be integrated to yield,
  Ux  C
• Thus for a uniform flow in the positive x direction

  Ux endeavour  religious  dignified 46

Uniform Flow
• These corresponding
stream function can be
obtained in a similar
 
U and 0
y x

  Uy endeavour  religious  dignified 47

Uniform Flow
• The velocity potential and
stream function at an angle
with the x axis can be
generalized as follows,

  U x cos   y sin  


  U  y cos   x sin   endeavour  religious  dignified 48

Source and Sink
• Figure shows a fluid
flowing radially outward
from a line through the
origin perpendicular to
x-y plane.
• Let m be the volume
flow rate and to satisfy
conservation of mass
2 r υr  m or υr 
2 r endeavour  religious  dignified 49

Source and Sink
• Since the flow is purely
radial flow, q = 0, the
corresponding velocity
potential can be obtained
by integrating the
 m 1 
 and 0
r 2 r r q

• It follows that
 ln r
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 50
Source and Sink

 ln r

• If m is positive, the flow is radially outward, and

the flow is consider to be a source flow.
• If m is negative, the flow is toward the origin, and
the flow is consider to be a sink flow.
• The flowrate, m, is the strength of the source or
sink. endeavour  religious  dignified 51
Source and Sink
• The stream function for
the source can be
obtained by integrating
the relationship,
1  m
υr  
r q 2 r
υq   0
to yield m
 q
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 52
• Vortex – the flow field in
which the streamlines are
concentric circles
• Interchange the velocity
potential and stream
function for the source
• Let,
  Kq
   K ln r K is constant endeavour  religious  dignified 53

• With r = 0 and
1   K
q   
r q r r
This result indicates that
the tangential velocity
varies inversely with the
distance from the origin.

  Kq
K is constant endeavour  religious  dignified 54

• For an irrotational vortex,
if a pair of small stick are
place in the flow field at
location A, the sticks would
rotate as they move to
location B.

• The stick that aligned along the streamline,

would follow a circular path rotate in a counter
clockwise direction and the other stick rotate in a
clockwise due to the nature of the flow field. endeavour  religious  dignified 55

• If the fluid were rotating as a
rigid body, such that
q = K1r where K1 is a
constant, then sticks
similarly placed in the flow
field would rotate as
illustrated in figure
• This type of vortex motion is rotational and
cannot be described with a velocity potential.
• Rotational vortex is commonly known as force
vortex, whereas irrotational vortex is usually
called a free vortex. endeavour  religious  dignified 56
• A combine vortex is one with
force vortex as a central core
and a velocity distribution
corresponding to that of a free
vortex outside the core. For a
combine vortex,
q  r r  r0
q  r  r0
where K and  are constant and r0
is radius of central core endeavour  religious  dignified 57
• A mathematical concept
commonly associated with
vortex motion is the that of
circulation, .
• The circulation, , is define
is defined as the line integral
of tangential component of the velocity taken
around a closed curve in the flow field.
• The circulation, , can be expressed as

   V  ds
C endeavour  religious  dignified 58

• For irrotational flow, V = 
so that Vds =   d and

   d  0

• The result indicates that for an irrotational flow

the circulation will generally be zero.
• If there are singularities enclosed within the
curve the circulation may not be zero. endeavour  religious  dignified 59

• For example, let free vortex
with q = K/r the circulation
around the circular path of
radius r is
rdq   2K
0 r
which shows that the circulation is nonzero and
the constant K = /2 .
• The circulation around any path that does not
include the singular point at the origin will be
zero. endeavour  religious  dignified 60
• The velocity potential and
stream function for the free
vortex are commonly
expressed in term of the
circulation as

 q

   ln r
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 61
• The streamlines in a particular two-dimensional
flow field are all concentric circles as shown in
figure. The velocity is given by the equation
q=r where  is the angular velocity of the
rotating mass fluid. Determine the circulation
around the path ABCD. endeavour  religious  dignified 62

Source and Sink Pair
• Basic potential flow
formed by combining a
source and sink.
• The combined
stream function for
source-sink pair is,

   q1  q 2 
which can be rewritten as
 2  tan q1  tan q 2
tan    tanq1  q 2  
 m  1  tan q1 tan q 2 endeavour  religious  dignified 63
Source and Sink Pair
• From the figure it follows
r sin q
tan q1 
r cos q  a
r sin q
tan q 2 
r cos q  a

 2  tan q1  tan q 2

tan    tanq1  q 2  
 m  1  tan q1 tan q 2 endeavour  religious  dignified 64
Source and Sink Pair
• Therefore
 2  2ar sin q
tan   2
 m  r  a 2

so that

m  2ar sin q 
  tan 2 2 
2  r a  endeavour  religious  dignified 65

Source and Sink Pair
• For small values of the distance a
m 2ar sin q mar sin q
  
2 r  a
2 2 2

 r a 2

since the tangent of an angle approaches the
value of the angle for small angles endeavour  religious  dignified 66

• The so called doublet is formed by letting the
source and sink approach one another (a → 0)
while increasing the strength m (m →) so that
the product ma/ remain constant.
In this case, since r/(r2 - a2 ) → 1/r, therefore
mar sin q
 

 r 2  a2  K = ma/, is
called the
strength of the
K sin q
 
r endeavour  religious  dignified 67

• The corresponding velocity potential for the
doublet is
K cos q
r endeavour  religious  dignified 68

Summary of Basic, Plane Potential Flows endeavour  religious  dignified 69

• Two sources, one of strength m and the other
with strength 3m, are located on the x axis as
shown in figure. Determine the location of the
stagnation point in the flow produced by these
sources. endeavour  religious  dignified 70

Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• Consider the superposition of the source and
uniform flow as shown in figure. The resulting
stream function is

   uniformflow  source
 Ur sin q  q

• The corresponding velocity potential is,

  Ur cos q  ln r
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 71
Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• Some point along x axis the velocity due to the
source will cancel due to the uniform flow and a
stagnation point will be created.
• For a source alone,
υr 
• So that stagnation point
occurs at x = -b where
m m
U or b
2b 2U endeavour  religious  dignified 72
Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• The value of the stream function at the
stagnation point can be obtained by evaluating 
at r = b and q = ,
 stagnation 
• Since m/2 = bU, the
equation of streamline passing through the
stagnation point is
b  q 
bU  Ur sin q  bUq or r 
sin q
**where q can vary between 0 and 2 endeavour  religious  dignified 73
Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• A plot of streamline for
this case as shown in
• If replace this streamline
with solid boundary, it
clearly shows that this
combination of uniform flow and a source can
be used to describe the flow around a
streamlined body placed in a uniform stream.
• The body is open at down stream end, and
thus is called a half-body. endeavour  religious  dignified 74
Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• The width of the half-body
approaches 2b.
This can be written as.
y  b  q 

• So that as q → 0 or q → 2 the half-width

approaches  b.
• Therefore the velocity component on the half-
body can be obtained. endeavour  religious  dignified 75

Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• For the half-body, using
stream function,
1  m
υr   U cos q 
r q 2r

υq    U sin q
r endeavour  religious  dignified 76

Source in a Uniform Stream – Half-body
• Thus, the square of the magnitude of the
velocity, V, at any point is,

Um cos q  m 

V    q  U 
2 2 2 2
 
r  2r 

and since b = m/2U

 b b 
V  U 1  2 cos q  2 
2 2

 r r  endeavour  religious  dignified 77

Rankine oval
• Consider the superposition of the source and
sink pair and uniform flow as shown in figure.

• The stream function of this combination is

   uniformflow  source-sink pair

 Ur sin q 
q1  q 2 
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 78
Rankine oval
• Consider the superposition of the source and
sink pair and uniform flow as shown in figure.

• The velocity potential of this combination is

  uniformflow  source-sink pair

 Ur cos q 
ln r1  ln r2 
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 79
Rankine oval
• The stream function
and velocity potential
of this combination
also can be written

m 1  2ar sin q 
  Ur sin q  tan  2 2 
2  r a 
m 1  2ay 
  Uy  tan  2 
2 
2  x  y a 
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 80

Rankine Ovals
• The corresponding streamlines for this field are
obtained by setting  = constant.
• If several of these streamlines are plotted, it will
be discovered that the streamlines  = 0 forms a
closed body as shown in the next figure. endeavour  religious  dignified 81

Rankine Ovals
• This streamlines can be assume as forming the
surface of a body of length 2l and width 2h
placed in a uniform stream.
• This body have an oval shape and are termed
Rankine Ovals. endeavour  religious  dignified 82

Rankine oval
• Stagnation points
occur at the upstream
and downstream ends
of the body as indicated
in the figure.
• This point can be located by determine the
velocity equal to zero along the x axis.
• The stagnation points correspond to the points
where the uniform velocity, the source velocity
and the sink velocity all combines to give a zero
velocity. endeavour  religious  dignified 83

Rankine oval
• The locations of the
stagnation points
depend on the value
of a, m, and U.
• The half-body length l,
can be expressed as

12 12
 ma 2 l  ma 
l  a  or   1
 U  a  Ua  endeavour  religious  dignified 84

Rankine oval
• The body half-width, h
can be obtained by
determining the value
of y where the y axis
interests the  = 0
• Thus substitute  = 0, x = 0 and y = h, into

m 1  2ay 
  Uy  tan  2 
2 
2  x  y a 
2 endeavour  religious  dignified 85

Rankine oval
• Then,

h2  a 2 2Uh
h tan
2a m


h 1 h
   Ua  h 
    1 tan 2  
a 2  a     m  a  endeavour  religious  dignified 86

Rankine oval
l  ma 
  1
a  Ua 

h 1 h
   Ua  h 
    1 tan 2  
a 2  a     m  a 

• Both equation above show that l/a and h/a are

functions of the dimensionless parameter,
• l/a can be determine directly, however h/a must
be determined by a trial and error. endeavour  religious  dignified 87
• One end of a pond has a shoreline that resembles
a half body as shown in figure below. A vertical
porous pipe is located near the end of the pond so
that water can pumped out. When water is
pumped at the rate of 0.08 m3/s through a 3-m-
long pipe, what will be the
velocity at point A?
Hint: consider the flow inside
a half body endeavour  religious  dignified 88

• A Rankine oval is formed by combining a
source-sink pair, each having a strength of 3.35
m2/s and separated by a distance of 3.65 m
along the x axis, with a uniform velocity of 3.05
m/s (in the positive x direction). Determine the
length and thickness of the oval endeavour  religious  dignified 89

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The flow around a circular cylinder can be
represent by using a combination of a uniform
flow in the positive x direction with a doublet.
• This combination gives for a stream function,
K sin q
  Ur sin q 
• For a velocity potential,

K cos q
  Ur cos q 
r endeavour  religious  dignified 90

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• To represent flow around a circular for the
stream function, take  = constant at r = a,
where a is the radius of the cylinder.
• Since the stream function can be written as,
 K
  U  2 r sin q
 r 
Then if  = 0 at r = a
U  2 0
**This indicates that the
doublet strength, K = Ua2. endeavour  religious  dignified 91
Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The stream function for flow around a circular
cylinder can be expressed as.
 a2 
  Ur1  2  sin q
 r 
• For a velocity potential,
 a2 
  Ur1  2  cos q
 r  endeavour  religious  dignified 92

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The velocity component can be obtained as
 1   a2 
υr    U 1  2  cos q
r r q  r 
1    a 
υq    U 1  2  sin q
r r q  r 
On the surface of the cylinder
(r = a)
υr  0 and υq  2U sin q endeavour  religious  dignified 93
Flow Around Circular Cylinder
υr  0 and υq  2U sin q

• From the velocity component it shows that the

maximum velocity occurs at the top and the
bottom of the cylinder (q = /2) and has a
magnitude of twice the upstream velocity, U.
• As it move away from the
cylinder along the ray q = /2
the velocity varies as shown
in this figure. endeavour  religious  dignified 94

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The pressure distribution on the cylinder surface
is obtained from Bernoulli equation from the
pressure p0 (measure at a point far from the
cylinder) and the velocity is U so that

p0  U  ps  υ
2 1

ps is the surface pressure

• Since q s = -2Usinq, the surface pressure an be
expressed as

ps  p0  12 U 2 1 4 sin 2 q  endeavour  religious  dignified 95
Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• A comparison of
theoretical (inviscid)
pressure distribution
on the surface of a
circular cylinder with
typical experimental
distribution. endeavour  religious  dignified 96

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The resultant force (per unit length) developed
on the cylinder can be determined by integrating
the pressure over the surface.
• From the figure it can be seen that
Fx   p cos q a dq
0 s

Fy   p sin q a dq
0 s

where Fs is the drag and Fy is the lift endeavour  religious  dignified 97

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• Interesting potential flow can be developed by
adding a free vortex to the stream function or
velocity potential for the flow around a cylinder.
In this case
 a2  
  Ur1  2  sin q  ln r
 r  2


 a2  
  Ur1  2  cos q  q
 r  2 endeavour  religious  dignified 98
Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The circle r = a will still be a streamline, since
the streamlines for the added free vortex are all
• The tangential velocity, q, on the surface of the
cylinder (r = a) now becomes

 
υq    2U sin q 
q r a 2a
• This type of flow field could be approximately
created by placing a rotating cylinder in a
uniform stream. endeavour  religious  dignified 99

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• A variety of streamline pattern can be
developed, depending on the vortex strength, .
• In example the location of stagnation points on
the surface of the cylinder can be determine
 
υq    2U sin q 
q r a 2a
• These point will occur at q  qstag where q  0
and therefore,

sin q stag 
4Ua endeavour  religious  dignified 100
Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• If  = 0, then qstag = 0 or , the stagnation points
occur at the front and rear of the cylinder as are
shown in figure.

• For -1   /4Ua 1, the stagnation points will

occur at some other location on the surface endeavour  religious  dignified 101

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• If the absolute value of the parameter  /4Ua
exceeds 1, the equation below cannot be

sin q stag 
• Therefore the stagnation points is located away
from the cylinder as shown below endeavour  religious  dignified 102

Flow Around Circular Cylinder
• The force per unit length developed on the
cylinder can again be obtained by integrating the
differential pressure forces around the
 

p0  U  ps    - 2Usinq 
1 2 1


2a 

 2 sin q  2

ps  p0  2 U 1 - 4sin q 
1 2 2
 2 2 2 
 aU 4 a U  endeavour  religious  dignified 103

• A fixed circular cylinder of infinite length is
placed in a steady, uniform steam of an
incompressible, nonviscous fluid. Assume that
the flow is irrotational. Prove that the drag on the
cylinder is zero. Neglect body forces endeavour  religious  dignified 104

• A rotating circular cylinder of infinite length is
placed in a steady, uniform steam of an
incompressible, nonviscous fluid. The stream
function and velocity potential are given by the
equation below.
 a2    a2  
  Ur1  2  sin q  ln r   Ur1  2  cos q  q
 r  2  r  2

Verify that the lift is not zero and can be

expressed by,
Fy   U  endeavour  religious  dignified 105
Thank you for your
“Ilmu itu lebih baik daripada harta. Ilmu
menjaga engkau dan engkau menjaga
harta. Ilmu itu penghukum (hakim) dan
harta terhukum. Harta itu berkurang
apabila dibelanjakan dan ilmu itu
bertambah bila dibelanjakan ”
(Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib)

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