296 39 Solutions Instructor Manual 1 Introduction Process Control Chapter 1

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Process Control—Principles and Applications Surekha Bhanot

Chapter 1 Problems

Prob1.1: “High Fidelity amplifier is an example of Se rvo control”. Justify. Ide ntify the
possible load variable s.


The purpose of the amplifier is to faithfully reproduce the variations in the input signal with
only a change in scale . Input voltage is e quivale nt to a changing set point. So it is an
example of servo control. Possible load variables could be age ing of components or
fluctuations in input voltage.

Prob. 1.2: Classify the following systems as stable or unstable :

1. Rocking chai r- Stable

2. Hydroge n Bomb- Unstable (As of the prese nt day technology)

3. Pendulum of a wall clock- Stable

4. A rope walke r in the circus- Unstable.

Prob. 1.3: Maneuve ring of a ge o stationary sate llite can be cate gorized into:
“Regulatory control:, justify

Ans: The geo-stationary satellite should be fixe d at a point in the XYZ axis imagined to be
attached to e arth. Due to small pe rturbations the sate llite ge ts displaced from its
position. The task of mane uvering is to corre ct the error between the desired
position and actual position i.e the diffe rence between the desired and actual
position is regulated to be almost ne ar to ze ro using mane uvering.

Prob. 1.4 : List Four ke y requireme nts of plant to be satisfied by the process control and
write two process control laws

1. Safety

2. Production specification

3. Environmental regulation

4. Operational constraints

© Oxford Unive rsity Press 2011

Process Control—Principles and Applications Surekha Bhanot

5. Economics

Two proce ss control laws :

 Simple st control syste m that will do the job is the best.

 You must understand the proce ss be fore you can control it.

Prob. 1.5 : Re place capacitor by inductor in Fig. E1.3(a) and arrive at the block diagram

© Oxford Unive rsity Press 2011

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