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FHsys - Handbook Students

Anneliese Siller
Version: / Date:
5 / 30-Jan-2018 10:46
1 General Information - Students 4
1.1 Which system requirements are essential? 5

1.2 How do I register? 5

2 Further Information - Students 6

2.1 Back button or home 7

2.2 How can I report an error? 7

2.3 Logging-out and Time out 7

2.4 Who will help me further if I have questions? 8

3 1 What does FHsys specifically offer for students? 8

3.1 The Master Screen and its Structure 9

3.2 How will I be informed about new developments and changes? 10

4 2 My data in FHsys 10
4.1 My adress/telephone number has changed - How do I register the change? 11

4.2 I wish to provide a deviating invoice address: how do I register this? 12

4.3 My private E-Mailaddress/cellphone number has changed: how do I register the

change? 12

4.4 How can I fill in working data as a part-time student? 13

5 3 My courses 15
5.1 How can I view those courses which I should attend and for which I will receive a
grade? 16

5.2 How can I get my previous knowledge recognized for courses? 18

5.3 How can I see whether recognition of previous knowledge has been granted?

5.4 How do I register for exams? 22

5.5 How can I see my chosen optional courses? 22

5.6 How can I evaluate my courses? 22

6 4 Confirmations & Evidences 23

6.1 How can I print out confirmation of registration as a regular student? 24

6.2 How can I print out certificates / documentary evidence of success? 24

6.3 How do I check the status of my administrative fees? 25

7 5 My scientific paper 26
7.1 How can I apply for a Scientific Paper? 27

7.2 How can I see if my supervisor has agreed to supervise my thesis and if the head
of the degree programme has accept my topic? 31

7.3 How can I apply for a blocking of the scientific paper? 31

7.4 How can I submit my scientific paper digitally? 32

7.5 How can I see the assessment of my bachelor/master thesis? 34

8 6 My internship 34
8.1 How can I apply for an intership? 35

8.2 How do I see whether my supervisor and/or the head of degree programme, has
approved my internship? 39

8.3 How do I upload my internship report after sucessfully completing the intership?

9 7 My stay abroad 41
9.1 How can I apply for a stay abroad? 42

9.2 How do I see whether my stay abroad has been approved? 43

9.3 How do I upload my learning agreement? 44

9.4 How do I see whether my learning agreement has been approved? 45

9.5 Can I change my learning agreement abroad? 46

9.6 How can I upload my report from abroad after my stay abroad? 47
9.7 How can I get a stay abroad recognized after my return? 49

1 General Information - Students

1 General Information - Students
FHsys - FH Salzburg Study Support System is a web application for the support of the
organizational and administrative management of teaching and academic services. It makes
features available for all user groups (students, lecturers, research staff and administrative staff) via
The administrative funstions of your degree programme can be managed form anywhere via the
internet. Utilization of FHsys is mandatory.
The features of FHsys, together with general information which you can access, are elaborated on
in the following handbook.

1.1 Which system requirements are essential?

You can register using any internet access. Apart from your private internet access, you can use
the laboratories and/or WLAN at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences for this purpose.
You have access to FHsys via your user account, which you received at the commencement of
your studies or teaching.
Browser: the use of pop-ups for the domain must be permitted in order to
access, and cookies and Java Script must be activated. Adobe Reader is required for the display
and printing of forms (

1.2 How do I register?

Call up the FHS web page (, then click on the FHSYS button in the upper
area of the screen:
Enter your user name (Benutzername) and password (Passwort) and click on the book symbol.
With the symbols you can switch between FHsys, Connect (E-Mail), myFHS, Moodle, ...

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

2 Further Information - Students 6/52
Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels
2 Further Information - Students
2.1 Back button or home

By clicking on the FHsys logo (upper left) you get back to the home page. By selecting a new
/different menu level, you can arrive at the appropriate level. Changes must be saved before doing

2.2 How can I report an error?

If there is a problem please observe first advices and error messages. Should they or the degree
programme administration couldn't help you, click the button "Fehler melden" (button right).

STUD_Button Fehler melden.JPG

2.3 Logging-out and Time out

We ask you to leave FHsys each time by using the Logout button. This is the only way to ensure
that other people cannot view with your private data.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Time-out sequences are implemented on the grounds of security. This means that if you remain
inactive for a longer period of time when logged into FHsys, you will be asked for your password
once again. Please save your entered data frequently, as data will not be saved after a period of

2.4 Who will help me further if I have questions?

In broad principle, the system is self-explanatory. A short presentation had been taken place at
the beginning of your study or at the first teaching day. Should you have more detailled questions,
you can ask for further information at your degree programme administration or at storg@fh-

3 1 What does FHsys specifically offer 8/52

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels
3 1 What does FHsys specifically offer
for students?
The use of FHsys results important improvements and variations in the organisation and planning
of your studies. Many applicaitons can be conveniently reached and implemented online from any
computer. The use of FHsys is obligatory in respect of the items indicated:
information regarding continuation of studies, administrative fees and their payment
issue of certificates, confirmations of registration as a regular student and confirmations of
access to personal data
digital application for recognition of previous knowledge
digital application for supervision of intership
digital applicaiton for bachelor supervision
digital application for master supervision
digital application for a stay abroad
grade retrieval
information as to contact person and organisational units at the University of Applied

3.1 The Master Screen and its Structure

After registering successfully, you come to the main screen window. You will now find 5 different

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

3.2 How will I be informed about new developments and changes?

After logging-in to FHsys, you will see on the upper right hand side and underneath the log-out
button (Logout) whether you have received any new messages and, if so, how many. Should there
be any tasks or assigments already awaiting you, these will be shown here.

4 2 My data in FHsys 10/52

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4 2 My data in FHsys
4.1 My adress/telephone number has changed - How do I register the change?

Please note: We assume that information will be routinely brought up to date by you.

Under Meine Daten - Adressen (My Data - Addresses) you will find the listed addresses.

The marked Zustelladresse is the address to which we send documents. Please keep this
address steadily up to date.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

In order to enter an address, select the appropriate boxes and click on "Speichern" (Enter). In
case of leaving an address, you have also the possibility to delete the former address by clicking
at löschen .

4.2 I wish to provide a deviating invoice address: how do I register this?

Under Meine Daten - Adressen (My Data - Addresses) are all your addresses listed. If the
address at Abweichende Rechnungsadresse (deviating invoice address) is incorrect, or if another
person or company pays the tuition fees, you have the option of changing the address data in

With this entry, the department Controlling & Accounting shall be given early the corresponding
address data and can then send the bill directly to the payer.

4.3 My private E-Mailaddress/cellphone number has changed: how do I register the


You can update your cellphone number and your private E-Mail address at Meine Daten -
Persönliche Daten (My Data - Personal Data). If there are aged data (and you are unable to
change these data yourself), we request you to contact degree programme administration.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

4.4 How can I fill in working data as a part-time student?

Select Allg. Infos - Firmenliste and search for the company. If you couldn’t find the company, you
have the opportunity to draw up a new one.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Click at Meine Daten - Studiumsdaten, select your degree programme and click at "Auswählen"
and then at the register “Berufsdaten”. Select your occupation and your company, which you have
drewn up. Enter your occupation and your working hours per week and safe the data.

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5 3 My courses 15/52
Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels
5 3 My courses
5.1 How can I view those courses which I should attend and for which I will receive a

Select Prüfungswesen - Lehrveranstaltungen (Nature of examination - courses).

Subsequently make your choice of semester (Semester auswählen) and click on "Darstellen"

You will now find all the courses listed for which you are enrolled in the relevant semester, together
with module classification, i.e. all those courses in which you have to graduate to conclude the
semester positively. Should you discover errors in this classification, please refer the matter to
degree programme administration.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

You will find detailed information with regard to the selected course under Details ( Details ).

In the upper section, Lehrveranstaltung (Courses), you will see the curriculum data for the
course concerned and its allocation to a particular department (Fachbereich), and also the Head
of the Department (Fachbereichsleitung).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

The middle section, Semesterplandaten (Semester data), shows the Course Instructor (
Lehrveranstaltungsleitung). This is the person responsible for the co-ordination of the course and
for recognition of previous knowledge. The deadline for recognition (Anrechnungsfrist) shows the
latest date you can have this course recognized (see How can I get my previous knowledge
recognized for courses?). The content of the course and assessment criteria are updated by the
Course Instructor.
You see Beurteilung (Assessment) as soon as a date for the exam has been set and registration
for the exam has been created / implemented. Anrechnung (Recognition) is visible just as long as
the course is open to recognition applications.

After clicking on Beurteilung ( Assessement ), you will see the individual exam dates and also the
results of each. The last assessment in each case will be entered on the certificate. In addition,
you see the assessment criteria in each case and any comments which the examiner has posted.

5.2 How can I get my previous knowledge recognized for courses?

You have the possibility of getting prior education (e.g. courses already successfully completed at
a University) recognizes for courses at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
Before recognition can be granted, it is necessary to scan your documentation (course
certificates, course description, certifications, etc.) and to join them together into a single
Click on Anträge - Anrechnung (Applications - Recognition).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Now select the current or future semester as appropriate and the degree programme.

Click on "Darstellen" (Display).

You will now see all the courses listed for which you are enrolled in this semester. Each course
you are to attend has a deadline for recognition. Your application for recognition must be
completed and sent in by the due date.

Choose the appropriate course by clicking on Anrechnung (Recognition).

Should you not be able to locate the Anrechnung button, the deadline for recognition has already
passed and you can no longer apply for recognition of any kind with respect to this particular

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Choose the option Angerechnet aufgrund von Vorkenntnissen (Recognized on the basis of
previous knowledge). Give your document a name and upload it.
Click on "Antrag abschicken" (Despatch application).

It is open to you to revise the document up to the time when the Course Instructor either grants,
of refuses to grant, recognition.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Please be sure to upload all relevant information (in a composite document). Once the Course
Instructor has declined recognition, you have NO FURTHER CHANCE to get recognition
for this course! Resolve questions as to content with the Course Instructor in advance in an
interview or per E-Mail.
The Course Instructor checks the description of content already prepared by you (the upload) with
the course to be held and makes the decision regarding recognition. The Degree programme
Head subsequently reappraises the recognition.

5.3 How can I see whether recognition of previous knowledge has been granted?

You can check the particular status under Prüfungswesen - eigene Anrechnungen (Nature of
examination - Recognition) or under Anträge - Anrechnung (Applications - Recognition). You
are not exempted from attending the course or from the exam until final clearance by the Degree
programme Head has been given. Absence before final assent to recognition has been given will
be treated as unexcused absence where recognition is declined, with entrance to the exam being

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

5.4 How do I register for exams?

You will be automatically registered for exams. Exam dates are binding. If you are absent for
exams you will be assessed with Nicht genügend (Failed), unless you produce evidence of
justification for absence.

5.5 How can I see my chosen optional courses?

You will see all the courses you are to attend in this semester under Prüfungswesen -
Lehrveranstaltungen (Nature of examination - Courses ). Right at the bottom, under Pool
Lehrveranstaltungen (Pool Courses), you will see optional courses or courses of choice for which
you have registered. You have to complete all courses successfully in order to be issued with your
Should you have either an incorrect allocation of courses or no courses at all, we would ask you to
contact the appropriate degree programme administration.

5.6 How can I evaluate my courses?

The course evaluation at the FHS is performed anonymously and is carried out each semester.
Use the opportunity to give an anonymous, honest and constructive feedback concerning the
content composition of the respective course, as well as the lecturers.
Only a participation of all students in the evaluation (high response rate) can facilitate significant
results, from which conclusive measures can be derived.
Select the menu item Evaluierungen - LVA Evaluieren to find an overview of the courses that you
are attending / attended in the current semester and which have been released for evaluation.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

When you now click on the button Evaluieren , you will be transferred to the appropriate online
evaluation in EvaSys. Login to the EvaSys occurs with a tan code which is generated by the
system in the background. Once the questionnaire has been sent, the tan allocation is
automatically deleted.
This guarantees that the questionnaire participant remains anonymous.

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6 4 Confirmations & Evidences
6.1 How can I print out confirmation of registration as a regular student?

Click on Bestätigungen - Inskriptionsbestätigung (Confirmations - Confirmation of registration).

Choose the semester and the language for which you would like to print the confirmation. Click on
"Inskriptionsbestätigung erstellen" (Issue of confirmation of registration as a regular student).

The form you have selected will appear in a new window, opened as a PDF file. To print, click on
the print icon in this window.

6.2 How can I print out certificates / documentary evidence of success?

As a certificate of success we provide you two documents: "Erfolgsnachweis" and “Transcript Of

Records”. You can find both papers under the heading Bestätigungen .
Click on Bestätigungen - Erfolgsnachweis (Confirmation) or Bestätigungen - Transcript of
Records and choose the correct semester.

The form you have selected will appear in a new window, opened as a PDF file.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Erfolgsnachweis/Documentary Evidence of Success: The Documentary Evidence of
Success provides you with all the courses you have completed, successfully or not, semester by
If a semester is successfully completed, the grade average will appear on the transcript.

Transcript of Records: This designates the line-up of all the courses in the relevant semester
and is required in advance by partner universities for stays abroad.

6.3 How do I check the status of my administrative fees?

Click on Meine Daten - Studiumsdaten (My Data - Study Data).

Select the appropriate course by clicking on "Auswählen" ("Select").

You now have listed all the courses you have attended in the course of your studies.

Under Bezahlt (Paid) you will see for which semester the administrative charge paid by you has
already been credited. In the case of amounts not yet credited you will find the invoice number in
the next column to the right. You must enter this number in the customer data panel when making
your money transfer. (In Germany and Austria, this is called Kundendatenfeld.)

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

You can pay your administrative fees via your bank, quoting the transfer data indicated, whichever
way you prefer (e.g. Internet banking or payment form).
In the case of correct payment (where the customer data panel has been properly completed),
you will be registered within three days and can print out confirmations.
In the case of incorrect payment (customer data panel not completed or completed incorrectly),
allocation of the payment must be carried out manually and the payment cannot be processed
before 14 days after being credited to the bank account. Only then is a print out of confirmations
Please take note: the invoice number which you enter in the customer data panel when
making the transfer changes each semester! You are mailed concerning this each semester.

7 5 My scientific paper 26/52

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7 5 My scientific paper
7.1 How can I apply for a Scientific Paper?

Click on Anträge – Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Applications – Scientific paper).

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All of the following fields must be completed fully for a successful application: Arbeitstitel (thesis
title), englischer Arbeitstitel (English title), Fragestellung der WA (research question of the
scientific paper), BetreuerIn (supervisor). Aside from this a document must be uploaded in *.pdf,
*.docx or *.doc format (max. 2MB) under Exposee-Upload . The Bachelor’s/Master's Guide
defines the actual entry requirements for each field.

Please write your entry directly in FHs3ys and do not copy it from another document. When using
the copy & paste function some special characters may not be transferred correctly and your
research question could look like the following in FHs3ys:
Ist die typografische Gestaltung nach den Grundsätzen der ¿Schweizer Typografie¿ in
der Schriftgestaltung noch aktuell für das Design im 21 Jahrhundert?
When you have edited your entry, click on “Beantragen” in order to close the file.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

The preferred supervisor will be notified that he or she has been chosen by you as a supervisor.
Subsequently the supervisor will review your entries and will either accept or reject the role as
the supervisor. Should he or she reject the role, you will be informed by Automail.
The supervisor has the opportunity to write a message to you in the Information field.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Depending on the reason for rejection you are required to apply for another supervisor in FHs3ys,
adapt your research question or you may even have to change your research topic. Every time
you click on “Erneut beantragen”, the supervisor is requested to look at your edited data and to
decide whether to accept the role as the supervisor.
As soon as the supervisor accepts the supervision of your scientific paper, you can no longer
change the application details.
Please be aware that according to examination regulations, the final decision about the
allocation of the supervisor as well as the approval of a bachelor/master thesis topic lies with the
Head of the Degree Programme.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

7.2 How can I see if my supervisor has agreed to supervise my thesis and if the head of
the degree programme has accept my topic?

Under Anträge – Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Applications – Scientific paper) you can always
have a look in the Status section to see whether the preferred supervisor has agreed to supervise
your scientific paper. A possible rejection of your application is shown here too as well as a
positive or negative decision from the Head of the Degree Programme.

In addition you will be immediately informed of a rejection from the supervisor or the Head of
Degree Programme through Automail. If the supervisor would like to take on the supervision of
your thesis, you will only receive this information by mail after the programme director has given
their final OK.

7.3 How can I apply for a blocking of the scientific paper?

After the Head of the Degree Programme has approved the supervisor and the topic of the
scientific paper, you can apply for a blocking of your bachelor/master thesis if you wish the
topic discussed therein to be inaccessible to the public.
For the application please submit to the degree programme administration office a document
issued by the company you have cooperated with during the preparation of your scientific paper.
This document in *.pdf or *.doc format must include a reason for the blocking and the desired
dates of the blocking. Please take note that compelling reasons are required for a blocking and
the length of the blocking according to the University of Applied Sciences’ examination regulations
can last a maximum of 2 years for a bachelor thesis and 5 years for a master thesis. Since every
scientific paper is published anonymising data in many cases provides a better alternative.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

The final decision however, whether the blocking is granted, lies with the Head of the Degree
Programme. This decision is usually not made before the submittal of the scientific paper.
If the blocking of your scientific paper is approved, you will be informed of the ruling immediately
by Automail. Only the abstract and the table of contents will be made public during the
agreed time frame, but not the digital version of your scientific paper.

7.4 How can I submit my scientific paper digitally?

The submittal of specific chapters or parts of the scientific paper in FHs³ys is not allowed. FHs³ys
provides the documentation of the final results of the scientific paper and therefore will encourage
the upload of the finalised scientific paper only. Before the deadline, uploaded documents
can be exchanged as necessary. Please take note that the supervisor may have already potentially
started the assessment of your scientific paper and inform him/her of effective changes.
For the digital submission of your finalised scientific paper click on Anträge – Wissenschaft-liche
Arbeiten (Applications – Scientific paper).

Before the deadline you have the opportunity to fill out the data of your scientific paper here and to
upload the required documents.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Record the information in the fields shown above endgültiger Titel (final title), endgültiger
englischer Titel (final english title), min. 5 Schlüsselwörter (5 keywords), min. 5 Keywords and
make sure that the information entered is spelt correctly as these designations will be used in all
consequent documents such as on your degree certificate for example. Therefore also avoid
copying information to make sure that special characters, umlauts, ligatures and so forth are
entered correctly.
When you leave the check box activated, you agree to your data being published on the University
of Applied Sciences’ home page ( Veröffentlichung der AbsolventInnen Daten auf der FHS-
Homepage ). In this case, the following information: name, completed course of study, year of
graduation, titles of your scientific papers and your university of Applied Sciences’ email address
will be made public under Should you no
longer agree with the publication of your data you can always revoke your consent by email at
In this step, please upload the following: Gliederungsübersicht (table of contents), abstract and
the digital version of your scientific paper . At the same time bear in mind that only uploads of
documents in *.pdf, *.docx or *.doc format are permissible and that the file size of the
abstract and the table of contents may not exceed 2MB. In the case of the digital version
the size limit is 50MB.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

After you have reviewed your entries and uploads, click on the button “Wissenschaftliche Arbeit
abschließen” (scientific paper complete) in order to save your entries. The supervisor will also be
informed about your digital submission of the scientific paper and the evaluation and assessment
of your research paper can follow.
If the deadline has already passed then digital submission is no longer possible. The
following information is shown:

According to the University of Applied Sciences‘ examination regulations a bachelor/master thesis

which is not submitted by the deadline will receive a failing grade. This grade is then
entered into FHs3ys. After that you have the opportunity to upload your bachelor/master thesis for
a second grading. As soon as the upload opportunity has been activated again, you will be
informed about it by Automail.

7.5 How can I see the assessment of my bachelor/master thesis?

If your supervisor or the panel has come to an agreement and awarded a grade and this has been
entered into FHs3ys, you will be informed about it by Automail. You can see/review your
assessment under Anträge – Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Applications – Scientific paper), on
your track record of the given semester or under Prüfungswesen – Lehrveranstaltungen –
Beurteilung (Auditing – Lecutre).
With a positive assessment, the scientific paper is therefore complete.
If your scientific paper has been assessed negatively, you have a total of three possible
attempts to complete the scientific paper successfully. On the third attempt, a panel
assessment is required. This means that in addition to your supervisor two other people read
and examine your bachelor/master thesis.

8 6 My internship 34/52
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8 6 My internship
For degree programmes in the category 'Gesundheitswissenschaften' (Health Studies) and the
degree programme Social Work, supervision of internships is handled by degree programme
administration. For all other degree programmes, the following approach applies:

8.1 How can I apply for an intership?

This rule does not apply to health releated studies and internships, in which care internships
are assigned to you.
Before the internship semester it is necessary to complete and scan your Praktikumsvereinbarung
(Intership Agreement) - see compendium.
Click on Allg. Infos - Firmenliste (General Information - List of companies).

Search for the company where you would like to do your internship in the upper search panel
Details einer Firma/Institution anzeigen oder eine/n Mitarbeiter/in zu einer Firma
hinzufügen .
When you have found the company you are looking for, team up with your external supervisor
(Mitarbeiter/in). Fill in all the requested information and click Speichern .

If you are unable to find the company, you can generate it in the lower section Eine Firma
/Institution neu anlegen . Fill in all the panels and click "Speichern" (Enter).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Now click on Anträge - Praktika (Applications - Internships).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

In the upper section you will find details submitted through the degree programme.
You will also find the guidelines (Praktikumsleitfaden) here.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

In the section below you will find the boxes which you as a student should complete in order to
apply for an internship.
In the appropriate guidelines you will find input for entering information (e.g. input for description
etc.) From the company data, select the company where you are fulfilling your internship and also
your contact person. Select University Supervisor (FH-BetreuerIn). Then upload the Internship
To save your information and your agreement click on “Praktikum beantragen” (apply for
The internal supervisor will be informed that he or she has been proposed for your supervision.
The supervisor will check the information you have given and either approve the supervision or
reject it.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

8.2 How do I see whether my supervisor and/or the head of degree programme, has
approved my internship?

The internal supervisor you have entered will be informed that he/she has been put forward by you
for supervision. The supervisor will check your particulars and approve the supervision or else
decline it. If the supervision is not taken on, you will be informed and must either choose another
supervisor or select another topic.
You can view the status at any time under Anträge - Praktika (Applications - Interships ) . After
the supervisor has given approval, the head of degree programme will confirm the topic to be

You have no fundamental right to supervision by the supervisor you have chosen. You will find
further details on this subject in the degree programme guide.

8.3 How do I upload my internship report after sucessfully completing the intership?

Click on Anträge - Praktika (Applications - Internships).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

At the end of the internship you are tasked with uploading the documents defined in the degree
programme guide.
Please pay attention to:
fileformat (.doc, pdf)
file size (2MB)
short title
When you are finished please click on “Praktikum abschließen” (Internship complete), the
supervisor will then be informed once more.
The supervisor can enter his/her appraisal after reviewing the documentation uploaded by you.
You are then able to access the appraisal.

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9 7 My stay abroad 41/52
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9 7 My stay abroad
9.1 How can I apply for a stay abroad?

Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad).

Then select the appropriate semester and degree programme and click on "Semester auswählen"
(choose semester) under Auslandsaufenthalt beantragen .

You will see here the deadlines for a stay abroad. Select your preferred partner university (
Partneruniversität (Priorität 1 - 3) ) and complete the panels Motivation and Begründung für
das Interesse an der Partneruniversität (Reason), upload your Résumé and save your
application for a Stay Abroad with click on the button "Beantragen" (apply). The International
Coordinator for your degree programme will process the application further. You will be informed
whether you have been listed for a stay abroad (Zustimmung) and whether you therefore must
submit your Learning Agreement (in the same mask).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Please note that these applications are forwarded to in-house departments. This means that
additional forms must be completed for grants via scholarship bodies or Erasmus etc.

9.2 How do I see whether my stay abroad has been approved?

Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad).

Then select the appropriate degree programme under Bereits beantragte Auslandsaufenthalte
(stay abroad already applied for) and click on "Darstellen" (Display).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

You will now see the application you have submitted. In the lower section you will see whether the
International Coordinator has already approved the stay abroad. If this has already occurred, you
have the possibility to upload your Learning Agreement.

9.3 How do I upload my learning agreement?

Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad ) .

Then select the appropriate degree programme under Bereits beantragte

Auslandsaufenthalte (stays abroad already applied for) and click on "Darstellen" (Display).

You will now see the application you have submitted. In the lower section Learning-Agreement
it is made possible for you to upload your Learning Agreement.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

The International Office provides a PDF document for this purpose. Please show all those courses
which you wish to complete successfully at the university abroad, including the relevant Course
A note of caution! At least 30 ECTS are essential for an Erasmus Program! Include all
necessary information in a Word or PDF document. It is not necessary to obtain the signature of
the Head of Degree programme or the International Coordinator, as both will be notified following
your upload.
Select your Learning Agreement and click on "Hochladen" (upload).
Your International Coordinator will be notified following your submission of the Learning
Agreement. The International Coordinator will verify the details. Subsequently, the Head of Degree
programme will approve the Learning Agreement and therefore the stay abroad.

9.4 How do I see whether my learning agreement has been approved?

Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Then select the appropriate degree programe under Bereits beantragte Auslandsaufenthalte (
stays abroad already applied for).
Click on "Darstellen" (Display).

You will now see the application you have submitted and your Learning Agreement. You will see
whether your stay abroad has been approved under Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications -
Stay Abroad). In the following example the stay abroad that was applied for was approved:

9.5 Can I change my learning agreement abroad?

Yes, on one occasion. It can happen that not all courses at the college will be offered in the
semester chosen. Accordingly it may be necessary to revise the Learning Agreement. With
permission, you have the chance to revise the Learning Agreement once more via FHs³ys.
This means you should assure yourself that all alterations to the courses you have selected were
carried out. Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Then select the appropriate degree programme under Bereits beantragte Auslandsaufenthalte
(stays abroad already applied for) and click on "Darstellen" (show).

You will now see the application that was submitted and approved. Click on Auswählen (select).
During your stay abroad, you have the chance to upload your Learning Agreement in the section
Zweites Learning-Agreement a second time.

The International Coordinator will be informed and will confirm the second Learning Agreement.

9.6 How can I upload my report from abroad after my stay abroad?

Select Anträge - Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Stay Abroad ).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

Then select the appropriate semester under Bereits beantragte Auslandsaufenthalte (stays
abroad already applied for) and click on "Darstellen" (Display).

You will now see the application you made which was approved. Click on Auswählen (select).
Right at the buttom in the section Bericht it is made possible for you to upload the complete
report of your stay abroad. Select your report and click on "Hochladen" (upload).

The International Coordinator will subsequently be informed.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

9.7 How can I get a stay abroad recognized after my return?

Before you start, it is necessary to have all of your documents (transcripts, certificates, etc.) in
digital format – scanned and compiled into one document. You normally receive these from the
international office of the host university.
Click on Anträge - Anrechnung Auslandsaufenthalt (Applications - Credits Studies Abroad).

Choose your degree programme and the semester in which you were abroad and click on
"anzeigen" (show). All subjects in which you were enrolled in this semester will appear.

Enter the name of your credit confirmation and choose the document accordingly.
If you have completed an internship abroad or if you have written a Bachelor or Master Thesis at
our Partner University, please fill in the provided boxes.
Please note that these details will be recorded on your final documents!
Click on "Anrechnung beantragen" (apply for recognition).

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

In case you have not written a separate bachelor or master thesis, please enter "recognized due
to a successfully completed exchange semester".
You only have time to revise the document until the International Coordinator approves of your
application or rejects it. The International Coordinator checks and decides whether you will be
awarded credit or not.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

As soon as the International Coordinator has dealt with your application, you will see by the
background colour which courses have been approved or rejected. In the case of course
rejections, please contact your International Coordinator. Once all subjects from this semester
have been released, you will be able to print out your semester report.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels

After the release of all courses you have the opportunity to print the Transcript of Records. The
proof of the recognized ECTS-Credits is valid only in combination with a Transcript of Records of
that partner institution. The credited courses are presented with the assessment “recognized due
to a successfully completed exchange semester” and in column “examination date” is the date of
approval by the international coordinator listed.

Author: Anneliese Siller, Version: 5, $selectedLabels


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