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Aptitude is an innate, learned or acquired ability. It is part of the psychometric

tests at the assessment centre (the other part being personality tests, personal abilities,
attitude and more). Aptitude tests are mainly made to assess intelligence and knowledge.
Aptitude tests most commonly consist of numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, abstract
reasoning, speed and accuracy abilities and more.Aptitude tests assume that individuals
have inherent strengths and weaknesses, and are naturally inclined toward success or
failure in certain areas based on their inherent characteristics. An aptitude test does not
test knowledge; it is not a test that one can study for. Individuals might take an aptitude
test to determine what kinds of careers they are well suited for. Similarly, high school
students might take an aptitude test when thinking about what would be an appropriate
college major or whether college is the best choice for them.


An exam used to determine an individual's propensity to succeed in a given activity.


Employee selection test (such as an IQ test) in which the candidate's innate abilities and
potential for achievement (and not his or her knowledge) is ascertained.

Aptitude Tests - General Information

There are a number of important facts about the aptitude test one should be aware of:

 Approximately only 15% of all applicants pass the aptitude test successfully.
 Your aptitude test results are usually kept or frozen for a period of time, most
commonly a period of 2 years, during which you will not be able to repeat the aptitude
 The results of the psychometric tests in general and the aptitude tests in particular make
up approximately 40-50% of your final score in the assessment centre.
The threshold for passing an aptitude test changes from one employer to the next. Some
organisations will place a minimum threshold (e.g. 75%) in order to pass the aptitude
testing part. Yet others decide that regardless of the score only the top 5 candidates will
move on to the next stage of the assessment centre.
Sample Structure of the Nursing Aptitude Tests with Sample Questions

Nursing career is getting attention all around the world. However,

unlike mechanical and technical professions you need some qualities of heart for nursing
jobs. The best in the nursing services have been generous, loving and compassionate.

Still nursing career is not considered personal because it involves a lot of team work. You
will have to take care of physically or mentally ill people. You have to perform in
different roles such as a disciplined care giver, a counselor, a manager, a teacher etc.
Your every action shall focus upon benevolence of the patients.

Furthermore, you need not only to be responsible and dependable but also capable to
accept truths of death and life.

Main Areas of Nursing Aptitude Tests

Most of the nursing jobs screen you through nursing aptitude tests. The
psychologists build them around the following main areas:

Applied Sciences

1- Physics

The multiple choice questionnaire tries to measure your comprehensions for mechanics,
measurements, laws of thermodynamics, acceleration, momentum etc.

2- Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

You have to take care of the patients with certain medicines and chemicals. You are
expected to know basics of solvents, electrons, titration, periodic table etc.

Daly Life Science

You need to learn basics of TCA cycle, ATP, cardiac control, human nervous system,
endocrine glands, ECG basics, cardiovascular system, lungs and respiratory effects,
thyroid hormones, etc. You are expected to hear and use these basic things about the
human medical science for your life long nursing career.

Vocabulary Skills

The nursing career requires you to have correct knowledge of different words.
Sometimes, your wrong perception of words can put lives of the patients in severe
danger. That’s why vocabulary skills are tested with nursing aptitude test.

Mathematics Skills

Though the nursing aptitude tests include only a portion of math to test your
mathematical reasoning but it is still a important to know about real numbers, fractions,
trigonometry, area calculations, logarithmic scale etc.

Reading Comprehension

In your nursing career you will have often to read the instructions issued by the doctors
during their visits. When you fail to comprehend the simple instructions, you can’t help
the patients in any way. So your reading comprehension is also tested before you qualify
for entry level nursing jobs.

Analytical Reasoning
Analytical reasoning helps you to make quick decisions during emergency. Most of the
nursing aptitude tests include this portion before you are selected for a nursing career.

Sample Questions Of Nursing Aptitude Test

Nursing Aptitude Test Question No.1

If acceleration, due to gravity at earth, is ‘g’ and mass of earth is 80 times that of moon
and radius of earth is 4 times that of moon, the value of ‘g’ at surface of moon will be:

a) g

b) g/20

c) g/5

d) 320g


Let M and R be the mass and radius of earth, M’ and R’ be the mass and radius of moon.

R’ = R/4 and M’=M/80.

Let g and g’ be the acceleration of gravity on the surface of earth and moon respectively.

g=GM / R*R g’=GM’ / R’*R’ = G * ( M/80) / ((R/4)* (R/4)) = g/5

The correct answer is g/5.

Nursing Aptitude Test Question No.2

What are iatrogenic infections?


These are procedural infections i.e. infections that are caused by procedures. The main
example is bacterial infection after IV insertion.
Nursing Aptitude Test Question No.3

What are meanings of the following words?

a) Chary

b) Insipid

c) Stanch

d) Fallacious

e) Inimical

f) Ebullient


a) Cautious

b) Tasteless food

c) To stop the flow of blood from a wound

d) Based on error or misleading

e) Harmful

f) Enthusiasm

Nursing Aptitude Test Question No.4

The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21, 28,36 and 45 is:

a) 423

b) 1257

c) 1263

d) 1260


Nursing Aptitude Test Question No.5

A cone, hemisphere and a cylinder stand on equal base and have same height. The ratio
of their volumes is

a) 1:2:3

b) 2:1:3

c) 2:3:1

d) 3:2:1


Try to find out your answer.

Note: These practice questions are designed just to help you understanding the general
style of the nursing aptitude tests. However, to minimize your chance of rejection for
your dreamed nursing career, you need to practice a couple of such tests online or offline.
This practice shall give you familiarity with general structure of the tests and help you to
qualify with ease.


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