Heri Gunawan - Research Participant (Stage 1)

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Q: In general, what do you expect to get from your teaching practice program
A: Just as it is stated by the name of the program, PPL, or Program Pengalaman
Lapangan, which now somehow is also known as PLP or Pengalaman Lapangan
Persekolahan, it is an intriguing as well as challenging part during my study in taking
English major in FKIP. I genuinely see this program as the ‘actual’ practice of what I
did in Microteaching class, so my expectation from this PPL program is to get the real
experience of teaching (which definitely I will) and the real excitement about teaching
‘real’ students by the meaning I want to know how it feels to enter a ‘real’ class and
teach ‘real’ students. Along with that, I also expect to get more knowledge and
specifically practical training from the guide teacher (guru pamong) in order for me to
be able to adjust and adapt in class and more skills in managing the class like how to
calm the student’s noises, how to reinforce a quiet individual to speak up, and so forth.

2. To be more specific, what do you expect to get from the following people?
- From your students during your PPL
This is probably the common things a PPL student expect from students in school.
I expect my students (later on) to be very active, cooperative, and attentive during
my teaching. The fact that I’m going to do teaching at MAN 1 Pekanbaru makes
it’d be likely to happen. I guess the students there are smart, (or very very smart)
and intuitively curious. That would be my challenge as well, meaning that I should
be great and do my very best.
- From your mentor teachers during your PPL
Just like what I’ve stated on the earlier question, I expect an ideal guidance or
training from my mentor teacher. It can be some sort of tips, what and how we
should and should not do in class. Or could be a model. So I watch my mentor first,
how he teaches in the class, and then I can copy and modify the way it suits me. (I
heard from a friend that YES there will be a model from mentor teacher first then
we can make a go, but some other cases, sometimes mentor teachers skip it and
directly go to independent teaching by the PPL students. I don’t want that.)
- From your school community (including school principal and incumbent
teachers) during PPL program
I expect them to be nice and welcome to PPL students, (as for us, it is our duty to
be nice and well-mannered to them) and it is also possible I think for them to share
their experiences and knowledge to us. I dream a warm and welcome atmosphere
in the school as if we’re a family.
- From your university supervising lecturer during PPL program
PPL things is new to us, especially me; that’s why lecturer guidance is very essential
to me. What I expect from my supervising lecturer is that he can give me advice
and instructions what I need to do (in terms of the teaching practice) and what I
need to complete (in terms of administration stuff). Those are the things that I am
blind about, more so because UPT Microteaching staff who’s supposed to tell us
everything we need to know didn’t really give us sufficient information.
3. What have you done so far to make your PPL program successful?
Actually not much. I’m trying to kindly follow any instruction that my mentor teacher
and school authorities tell to us (to me) to do. Thankfully, my mentor teacher is not
some sort of bossy person. He’s nice and welcome. When we approach him, he is
willingly telling us everything we need to prepare and do. [I think this part has different
room to be told further –‘] Apart from that, we, I mean, my fellow-future-teachers from
UR and I initiatively have formed a structure in our team (one person is in charge,
another becomes the secretary, and so on). I hope this team with the structure can work
together cooperatively. As of my individual preparation, I’m trying my best to be open
to any suggestion that can make my ability and personality better. I begin to think what
are the methods and strategies to use when I am teaching later on. I am keeping in mind
that every second I am there, I am a teacher that students will look up to. So I am aware
that I need to behave well, because how the way I speak or walk matters.

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