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0 Market Analysis Summary

3.1 Market Segmentation
On the local market in the adventure travel sector. The target customers will mainly
include travelers intending on sightseeing various attractions in Mindoro. This agency
is for the travelers who seek to open the wonders of Mindoro. Our marketing strategy
will emphasize focus. MAHALTA Traventure is a relatively new company on the
market and hence must focus on certain kinds of services with certain kinds of clients.
Initially the business will focus on the local market, expanding into the regional market
as time progresses, and as the agency gains the necessary experience. Therefore the
initial aim will be to instill awareness and confidence in our services.
The specific target groups are as follows:
1. Millennials who are seeking adventure and action
2. Internet users seeking sites for travels to discover the Philippines
3. Household with incomes of 200,000 pesos and over per annum

Target Market


Internet Users



3.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

In order to achieve its goal of becoming the number one travel agency in the
province of Mindoro and reaching the target market, MAHALTA Traventure intends
to adopt the following strategies: (1) Establish the agency’s reputation as a
differentiated, specialty provided or city/ adventure travel and excursions. This will be
accomplished through a diverse marketing communications program directed at
MAHALTA Traventure’s target market, utilizing various media as well as the
establishment of strategic allies. (2) Provide unparalleled service to the tourists of
Mindoro in order to gain repeat business and build trust. This will include providing
superior service in all phases of the transaction, including timely follow through. (3)
Aggressively promote excursions as healthy, eye-opening and exciting activities with
those who participate in them as appreciative of the finer things in life. (4) The agency
intends to build image and awareness through consistency and distinctiveness in its
service provision. With this, the agency is open for tourism and hospitality
management students on the job training.
The strategy to be used to reach this market will be based mainly on making the
right service(s) available to the right target customer. The agency will ensure that the
prices that are offered take into consideration organizations’ and peoples’ budgets, and
that these people know that MAHALTA Traventure exist, appreciate the value of the
agency’s services, and how to contact us easily. The marketing will convey the sense
of quality in every picture, every promotion and every publication. As stated before,
our market is both travelers who want to seek online booking and travelers who want
to receive personal service. The agency is opting to create accounts on social media
platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to reach the online market. On the
other hand, to reach the people who need personal services will reach us through our
office located in Calapan City. This is strategically located because Calapan City is the
center of business in Mindoro and travelers will be more than available in this location.
With this, the agency realizes the need to focus in marketing message and the agency’s
service offerings.The agency needs to develop its message, communicate it, and make
good on it. The decision is to establish strategic alliances with several hotels, lodges,
restaurants, officials and other travel agencies aimed at tapping the target market
effectively and efficiently.

3.2.1 Market Needs

Of all the uncertainty surrounding this industry, one fact is certain: tourism is here
to stay. The only question is how large the industry will become and whether it can
sustain, if not exceed, its current growth rate. However large the market ultimately
becomes, the company strongly believes that travel will be an important component of
this market place.
The key element in service utilization decisions made at the company's client level
is trust in the reputation and reliability of the firm. The most important factor in this
market will be the quality of the service and places of excursion. This is particularly
so considering the various interests of individuals and groups as they strive to see as
many places as possible. The very nature of our services dictates that the pricing of our
services will vary according to distance traveled, as different customers opt to visit
different areas and within specified time frames.
Convenience is what MAHALTA Traventure wants to offer to my future travelers.
Travelers seek convenience and this seems to be more of a need than a want. Buying
travel is a unique purchase, because all the future travelers are buying both a product
and a service. MAHALTA Traventure always values the needs of its customers all of
the airline and resorts that this agency will give them will best match their needs and
the service that will guarantee their vacation very seamless and stress-free.
MAHALTA Traventure wants to give travelers unforgettable memories and
experiences. Making sense of the multitude of offers from different business partners
(i.e. van, hotel and resort owners and restaurants) is what MAHALTA Traventure is
good at. There are tons of brands even before history be it on land, air and on the seas.
Travelers who find it hard to make sense of these or need help to get the most efficient
package will be the job of this agency. This agency is the travelers’ professional
advocates who will help them save time and money. There may be charges which are
the basis of the commission four our business, but this will be returned may times over
in the form of perks, upgrades, convenience and great service.
MAHALTA Traventure is a combination of experts a traveler needs. The agency
is a combination of local tour providers and several business partners. The agency will
ask the right questions, listen to the customers answers, understand your wants, and
offer expert advice to guide you in making one of your most important decisions –
how to spend your invaluable time off. Because MAHALTA Traventure values the
time the customer wants to spend on vacation, this agency always has the customers’
back. When something goes wrong in your trip, the travel agency will be the one to
solve it for you to fix the problem on the spot. The
In the long run, MAHALTA Traventure wants to uplift the tourism of Mindoro.
There is a great need for tourism in Mindoro. Tourism has become an important sector
which gives great impact on development of an economy. The main benefits of tourism
are income and generation of jobs. These also belong to the objectives of MAHALTA
Traventure, this agency opens doors to endless opportunities not for just the travelers
but also for Mindoro to shine

3.2.2 Market Trends

These are the prevailing trends that will drive the tourism industry in 2018.
With the continued growth of travel and evolving travel preferences set against the
backdrop global safety concerns and the over tourism crisis, destinations companies,
tour operators and activity providers will be faced with higher expectations from more
sophisticated travelers. First, experiences are still at the heart of every travel.
MAHALTA Traventure will provide quality packages that will quench the thirst of
travelers for efficient travels. The agency prioritizes on the quality of the delivered
experience and destinations which centers its marketing efforts around experiences
unique to the destination which is Mindoro. Second, mobile bookings will be the new
default. This will be also included in the strategy of the agency. Third, online reviews
have the most impact on booking. The agency will always seek for reviews from its
clients through a review form. "Tourism companies need to consciously manage their
reputation online – guests can and will find everything." - Lucy Fuggle, co-author of
the 2018 Travel Trends Report and Head of Content at TrekkSoft. MAHALTA
Traventure wants to build trust by offering quality packages. This is what MAHALTA
Traventure is for. The agency will provide adventure trips inside Mindoro.

3.2.3 Market Growth

Potential Customers Growth Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Household with high incomes 5% 1,000,000 1,050,000 1,102,500

Internet users seeking sites for travels to

6% 200,000 212,000 224,720
discover the Philippines

Millennials who are seeking adventure and

5% 100,000 105,000 110,250

3.3 Key Customers

These are the key customers of the agency. These are the people to whom the
agency wants to extend its services. Choosing these four is based on the prevailing
trends in the market as stated before in the previous chapter.
1. Millennials who are seeking adventure and action
2. Internet users seeking sites for travels to discover the Philippines
3. Household with incomes of 200,000 pesos and over per annum

3.4 Future Markets

In the next years to come, there will be a ripple effect created by the first
customers of the agency in the first few years. Extended marketing will be given by
those customers to other customers which will make way to new customers wanting
to experience Oriental Mindoro. Aside from that, MAHALTA Traventure will
always be available online. The advertisements in the pages online will present
Oriental Mindoro to tons of people. The agency will make sure to document each
experiences of the customers before and highlight the things that they wanted in the
With these, here are the future markets that MAHALTA Traventure will cater:
1. Foreign tourists will start visiting Oriental Mindoro through our packages.
2. Other Filipinos from Visayas and Mindanao will receive news about Oriental
Mindoro and its beauty.
3. Schools which need field trips for their students inside Oriental Mindoro
4. Students who need Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units will be
give seminars about eco-tourism and environment

3.5 Competition
3.5.1 Competitors and Alternatives

MAHALTA Traventure appreciates that entering such a market is not a 'bed of

roses' and will require establishing strong links with strategic partners as outlined
previously. Hence this agency intends to implement an aggressive marketing strategy,
well supported by the other business functions. The above prognosis influenced the
agency’s decision to enter the tourist transport industry.
3.5.2 Our Advantages

MAHALTA Traventure’s heart is in Oriental Mindoro. The agency prioritizes

Oriental Mindoro and to showcase its beauty among other islands in the Philippines.
This is one of our advantages against other competitors. If a customer is going to look
for packages specially curated for Oriental Mindoro, then this agency is their best
choice. In addition to that, the agents of the agency have niche destination knowledge
of Mindoro. The agency has wide knowledge in the places in Mindoro which are all
amazing and beautiful.

Almost all of the competitors offer a wide range of places to visit and are often
criticized because the agents knew little about the place. This is the edge of
MAHALTA Traventure over them. This is the niche strategy of the travel agency.

Another is that the other agency do not offer the same services as our agency does.
We offer a wide variety of packages not just available for Puerto Galera but also
packages for other places in Mindoro. This is a big advantage especially for the
travelers who are already used to Puerto and want to have a different experience of

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