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Introducing the problem, 1000-1200 words (approximately 4-5 pages), not counting references

Select one of the problems that is a focus of the course readings (e.g., school finance, achievement gaps, ​healthcare (the
essay topic)​, returns to social and cultural capital, etc.). Write 1000-1200 words describing the problem in clear language.
How does this problem contribute to inequitable outcomes for American children? You must draw on at least ​one course
reading and at least two additional reading​ that provides more detail on the problem.

*​sharp disparities of attainment of health insurance coverages between children from families of different social economic
statuses in the US.
*Course reading “Seith_Isakson_2011_HealthDisparities” attached
*Additional readings need to be peer-reviewed research paper with those information highlighted below presented:

Research Questions/Hypotheses,


Theoretical/conceptual framework:

Data source (sample size, sampling, location, response rates, etc.):

Methods (quant/qual/mixed, additional detail):

Key Results:



. Example attached “Lareau_2012_SocialClassandChildrearing”

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