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College of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

CME320: Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
FALL 2017-2018

Experiment 2
Temperature Measurement

Group. 1/ Section. 51

Name ID

Amal Radwan Jamal Eddin 1050893

Sara Allhalaq 1051713

Zaina AlDhaheri 1046702

Saniha Aysha Ajith 1051470

Instructor: Engr. Elron Gomes

Experiment Date: Sunday, 24th of September 2017
Submission Date: Sunday, 24th of September 2017
Temperature measurement is a necessity in almost all of today’s fields and especially in areas
of science and engineering. There are different devices for measuring the temperature and
each is best applied in certain applications. Through this experiment, seven different
temperature measurement devices were operated and compared with the help of a reference
temperature sensor using a TD400 measurement and calibration apparatus. According to the
results, it was seen that platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) varies linearly with
temperature while the non-linearity of negative temperature coefficient (NTC) was proved.
From the results, it is seen that PRT is the most accurate device for measuring temperature
due to its lowest range of errors, which is 00.94% to 1.65%. The largest average errors
occurring through the experiment were from the K type thermocouple which ranged from
23.34% to 81.32% followed by the J type thermocouple whose range of errors was from
23.45% to 93%. These errors are a result of several possible mistakes discussed in the report.

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
Theory ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Experimental Set-up................................................................................................................... 9
Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 14

Safety considerations............................................................................................................ 15
Data Collected .......................................................................................................................... 16
Results ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Sample Calculations................................................................................................................. 27
Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 29
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 31
References ................................................................................................................................ 34

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - PRT schematic diagram ............................................................................................ 6

Figure 2 - Infrared temperature sensor ………………………………………………………..6
Figure 3 - Semiconductor temperature sensor ........................................................................... 7
Figure 4 - Pyrometer .................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 5 - TD400 apparatus at ADU ……………………………...………………………….8
Figure 6 - Temperature measurement calibration apparatus (TD400).................................. 9
Figure 7 - Water heater tank ..…………………….…………………………………………..9
Figure 8 - Water draining tap/ valve ……………………………………….………………..10
Figure 9 - Reference Display (left) and millivoltmeter (right) ................................................ 10
Figure 10 - PRT and NTC thermistor sockets ......................................................................... 11
Figure 11 - Thermocouple J and K type sockets...................................................................... 11
Figure 12 - Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) ............................................................... 12
Figure 13 - Image for NTC thermistor ..................................................................................... 12
Figure 14 - J and K type thermocouples .................................................................................. 13
Figure 15 - Schematic of J and K thermocouples ................................................................... 13
Figure 16 - Gas pressure thermometer………………………………………………………12
Figure 17 - Bimetallic thermometer………………………………………………………….13
Figure 18 - Liquid filled glass thermometer ............................................................................ 14
Figure 19 - Resistance Vs. Reference Temperature Plot for PRT ........................................... 19
Figure 20 - Resistance Vs Reference Temperature for NTC ................................................... 20
Figure 21 - Voltage Vs. Reference Temperature from J type Thermocouple ......................... 21
Figure 22 - Standard Voltage VS Measured Voltage for K type thermocouple ...................... 22
Figure 23 - K-Type Thermocouple Voltages Vs. References Temperature ............................ 22
Figure 24 - Indicated Temperature for gas thermometer ......................................................... 23
Figure 25 - Temperature Vs Number of Trials for gas thermometer ....................................... 24
Figure 26 - Indicated Vs Reference Temperature plot for Bi-Metallic Thermometer ............. 25
Figure 27 - Temperature Vs. Number of trials ........................................................................ 25
Figure 28 - Indicated Temperature Vs. Reference Temperature ............................................. 26
Figure 29 - Reference Temperature & Indicated Temperature Vs. Number of Trials ............ 27

List of Tables

Table 1 : Run I Data ................................................................................................................. 16

Table 2 : Run II Data ............................................................................................................... 17

Table 3 : PRT Results .............................................................................................................. 18

Table 4 : NTC Results.............................................................................................................. 19

Table 5 : J type thermocouple Results ..................................................................................... 20

Table 6 : K type Thermocouple Results .................................................................................. 21

Table 7 : Gas Thermometer Results......................................................................................... 23

Table 8 : Bi-metallic Thermometer.......................................................................................... 24

Table 9 : Liquid Red Spirit Thermometer Results ................................................................... 26

Temperature is defined as the energy level of matter which can be evidenced by some change
in that matter. Temperature sensors come in a so many different variety but have one thing in
common - they all measure temperature by sensing some change in a physical characteristic
[1]. All temperature sensing devices have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most
important feature of the different types of temperature measurement devices is accuracy and
linearity of measurement.

In this experiment, seven different temperature measuring devices were used to compare and
understand accurate temperature measurements. The seven devices used in the experiment

 Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT)

 Negative Coefficient thermostat (NTC)
 J type thermocouple
 K type thermocouple
 Gas pressure thermometer
 Liquid red spirit thermometer
 Bimetallic thermometer

The main objectives of this experiment are to learn how to operate and make connections for
the platinum resistance thermometer (PRT), NTC Thermistor, thermocouples and
thermometers. The other objective is to prove the linearity of the platinum resistance
thermometer (PRT) and the non-linearity of the NTC Thermistor as well as compare the
linearity and output signal levels of J and K type thermocouples.

A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is a device which determines the temperature by
measuring the electrical resistance of a section of pure platinum wire. This platinum wire is
known as the temperature sensor. This device offers excellent combination of sensitivity,
range and reproducibility which makes it one of the best temperature measuring devices. The
reason why platinum wire is used is because it is a stable unreactive metal which can be
drawn down to fine wires but is not too soft. Using very pure wires, thermometers can be
made with closely similar resistance characteristics and achieve good reproducibility in use
[2]. An increase in temperature will increase the resistance of the sensor. This proves the
linearity of a PRT. The measurement is completed by applying a small measurement voltage
and utilizing a bridge type circuit. The maximum range recommended for an industrial PRT
is -200 to +650°C [3].

Figure 1 - PRT schematic diagram

NTC Thermistors are non-linear resistors, which alter their resistance characteristics with
temperature. The resistance of NTC will decrease as the temperature increases. One of the
main ways to measure temperature using an NTC Thermistor is with a Wheatstone
bridge. In addition, NTC Thermistors are frequently used to compensate for fluctuations
in temperature in coils and solenoids [4]. It uses an electrical resistor made of a
semiconductor material instead of a metal.

Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. They consist of two wire legs
made from different metals. The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a
junction. This junction is where the temperature is measured. When the junction
experiences a change in temperature, a voltage is created. The voltage can then be
interpreted using thermocouple reference tables to calculate the temperature.

There are many types of thermocouples, each with its own unique characteristics in terms
of temperature range, durability, vibration resistance, chemical resistance, and application
compatibility. Type J, K, T, & E are “Base Metal” thermocouples, the most common
types of thermocouples. Type R, S, and B thermocouples are “Noble Metal”
thermocouples, which are used in high temperature applications.

 The type J is very common and has a small temperature range and a shorter
lifespan at higher temperatures than the Type K. The temperature range for this
type is usually -210 to 760C. and standard accuracy is usually +/- 2.2C or +/- .75%

 The type K made of nickel and chromium or nickel and aluminum is the most
common type of thermocouple. It’s inexpensive, accurate, reliable, and has a wide
temperature range. Its temperature range is usually –270 to 1260C and it has a
standard accuracy of +/- 2.2C or +/- .75% [5]

A thermometer is a device that records the temperature of a substance relative to some

agreed upon standard. Thermometers use changes in the physical or electronic properties
of the device to detect temperature variations. For example, the most common
thermometer consists of a liquid sealed in a narrow tube, with a calibrated scale attached.
The liquid, typically mercury or alcohol, has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, that

is to say the volume changes significantly with changes in temperature. Combined with
the narrowness of the tube, this means that the height of the column of liquid changes
significantly with small temperature variations [6]. In this experiment, three types of
thermometers were used to measure temperature:
 Gas pressure thermometer: Measures the pressure exerted by a definite amount of
gas enclosed in a constant volume. The gas is usually hydrogen or helium is
enclosed in a glass bulb connected to a mercury manometer [7].
 Liquid red spirit thermometer: The alcohol/ spirit thermometer is an alternative to
the mercury-in-glass thermometer but has similar functions. The contents of an
alcohol thermometer are less toxic and will evaporate away fairly quickly. The
ethanol version is the most widely used due to the low cost and relatively low
hazard posed by the liquid in case of breakage [8].
 Bimetallic thermometer: Bimetallic thermometers are made up of two metallic
strips formed by joining two different metals having different thermal expansion
coefficients. Basically, bimetallic strip is a mechanical element which can sense
temperature and transform it into a mechanical displacement [9].

In addition to the mentioned above temperature devices, various other devices can be used
which work on different principles. A few of these devices are mentioned below:

1. Infrared temperature measurement devices: Infrared sensors are non-contacting

devices which infer temperature by measuring the thermal radiation emitted by a
material. These sensors are classified into two types such as thermal infrared sensors
and quantum infrared sensors [10].
2. Semiconductor based sensors: A semiconductor-based temperature sensor is placed
on integrated circuits (ICs). These sensors are effectively two identical diodes
with temperature-sensitive voltage vs current characteristics that can be used to
monitor changes in temperature. They offer a linear response but have the lowest
accuracy of the basic sensor types at 1 to 5 °C [11].
3. Pyrometer: A pyrometer is a type of remote-sensing thermometer used to measure
the temperature of a surface. In the modern usage, it is a device that from a distance
determines the temperature of a surface from the spectrum of the thermal radiation it
emits, a process known as pyrometry and sometimes radiometry [12].

Figure 2 - infrared temperature sensor Figure 3 - Semiconductor temperature sensor

Figure 4 - Pyrometer

Temperature measurement in chemical engineering industry encompasses a wide variety of

needs and applications. To meet this wide array of needs, the process controls industry has
developed a large number of sensors and devices to handle this demand. Temperature is a
very critical and widely measured variable for most chemical engineers in almost all fields.
This can range from the simple monitoring of the water temperature of a storage tank or as
complex as the temperature of a fluids in a heat exchanger [13].

For the completion of the experiment and to get accurate results, the following equations are
used for calculations:
 Resistance is calculated using Ohm’s law: R = I
[Equation 1]

where, R = resistance (Ω)

V = voltage (V)

I = current (A)

 In many cases, interpolation is needed to find the standard resistance or voltage:

X1 Y1 − −
Y = +Y [Equation 2]

X2 Y2

X3 Y3

 To find the deviation of calculated experimental values from standard ones

Deviation = |Standard value – Experimental value| [Equation 3]

|D viati |
 Percentage error = × [Equation 4]
Sta ar

Experimental Set-up
The overall appearance of the temperature measurement and calibration apparatus, TD400, is
its metal frame and contains an icebox, water heater tank, low voltage connections, and a
digital display. The low voltage electrical connections are made for the low voltage
measurement devices [15]. These devices include: the platinum resistance thermometer
(PRT), negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, J type and K type thermocouples.
Other devices that are used in this apparatus but are not connected to the low voltage
connections are: liquid filled thermometers, gas and bi-metallic thermometers. This apparatus
could be placed anywhere on a desk near a draining sink or a bench top, as it is an easy
equipment to place anywhere desired. It can be connected to a software program called the
TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) [14]. The overall equipment is
shown in Figure 6. Figure 5 shows the apparatus that was used during the experiment at Abu
Dhabi University Chemical Engineering Laboratory.

Figure 5 - TD400 measuring and calibration device Figure 6 – TD400 apparatus at ADU

The equipment has a built-in temperature and pressure sensor. The temperature sensor works
accurately to show accurate temperature reference. The pressure sensor shows the local
(barometric) pressure. The display also shows the local boiling point of water based on the
barometric pressure [14].

For safety, the water heater has a water level sensor/float switch and a cut-out switch to
switch off the heater when the water level is low [15]. The water heater tank has a lid with
holes to hold the measurement tools during the experiments. It has a drain tap (shown in
Figure 8) that can be connected to a container, sink, or any water drain. This helps in easily
change water during runs in an experiment, save time and be safe [14]. At the front of the
heater tank, there is a small temperature scale to show the temperature of the water as it is
increasing and/or decreasing and is just for reference [14]

Figure 7 - Water heater tank Figure 8 - Water draining tap/ valve

The icebox is also safe by being insulated thermally. The insulation is made to hold the ice
and slow the melting process during experiments. There is a container-like in the icebox that
can be removed to pour out the ice or the ice water during and after experiments. Like the
heater tank, it has a lid with holes to hold the devices during the experiments.

The digital displays include the Reference Display and the Millivoltmeter (shown in Figure 9)
each with their own characteristics displayed. The reference display shows, the accurate
reference temperature given by the reference sensor, the barometric pressure, the boiling
point temperature of water based on the barometric pressure. The millivoltmeter shows four
voltages from each of the four input and output sockets on the sides of the display [15].

Figure 9 - Reference Display (left) and millivoltmeter (right)

The low voltage connections have two main sockets: The PRT and NTC Thermistor sockets
and the Thermocouple J and K type sockets.

The PRT and NTC thermistor sockets (shown in Figure 10) have a constant current source,
constant voltage source, fixed resistances with high accuracy in a circuit that stimulates PRT
at 0°C (100 Ohm) and its connection wires (R1, R2, R3, R4), and fixed resistances with high
accuracy in a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit of three 100-R-resistors to match the 100-Oh,
resistance of a PT100 at 0°C [15].

Figure 10 - PRT and NTC thermistor sockets

The J and K type thermocouple sockets (shown in Figure 11) have a voltage amplifier, which
increases the output voltage from the thermocouples that are relatively small to a suitable
level for the experiment. The sockets also have four spare junction sockets that are not
electrically connected to anything, which can be used during experiments to keep tidy wiring.
Finally, these sockets have three fixed resistors, which simulate extra resistances in the
circuits used with measuring devices. [15].

Figure 11 - Thermocouple J and K type sockets

Temperature measurement devices

1. Resistance thermometers

The types of resistance thermometers are sometimes called PRT’s and RTD’s. They refer
to Platinum Resistance Thermometer and Resistance Temperature Detectors, respectively.
They measure temperature through change in electrical resistance of a length of wire.
Platinum is used because it gives off linearity for resistance change versus temperature
and is stable. It has a very wide operating temperature range, between -200 to +650°C.
Increase in temperature will increase the resistance to the sensor. [16]. Figure 12 shows
how a PRT looks while Figure 1 gives the schematic makeup of a PRT.

Figure 12 - Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT)

2. Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor

Thermistors are temperature-sensing elements and are made up from semiconductor

material. Using small and measured direct current that passes through the thermistor,
resistance is measured, which measures the voltage drop that occurs. NTC thermistors
have a non-linearity characteristic of resistance versus temperature. This means, as
temperature increases, resistance decreases. [17]. It can only be used if PRT is not being
used on the TD400 as they use the same connections. Check figure 13.

Figure 13 - Image for NTC thermistor

3. J and K type thermocouples

Thermocouples of two types, two K type and one J type (shown in Figure 14), when
they’re put in an electrical or electronic circuit, they convert the small potential difference
into voltage or current of calibrated value [15]. The J type thermocouple has white and
black insulation, whereas, the K type thermocouple has green and white insulation.
(Figure 15). The J and K type thermometers use the same connections to use the
thermocouple it must be one at a time.

Figure 14 - J and K type thermocouples

Figure 15 - Schematic of J and K thermocouples

4. Gas and Bi-metallic thermometers

The gas and Bi-metallic thermometers have a mechanical dial calibrated to show
temperature. The gas thermometer (shown in Figure 16) works when the gas expands due
to temperature increase, so the pressure increases and pushes against the mechanical
calibrated dial. The bi-metal thermometer (shown in Figure 17) has two metal strips held
together to make one thick strip, which is a composite of the two. As the temperature
rises, one metal expands and the other composite bends, which pushed the mechanical
calibrated, dial. [15].

Figure 16 - Gas pressure thermometer Figure 17 - Bimetallic thermometer

5. Liquid filled glass thermometers

The difference between the two thermometers is that one used low toxicity liquid while
the other uses the red spirit. Opposite to the gas and bi-metal thermometers, the liquid
filled glass thermometers work on the process of liquid volume expansion, which is due
to rise in temperature. As liquid expands, it moves up or down a capillary tube behind a
scale. [15]. Figure 18 shows two liquid thermometers.

Figure 18 - Liquid filled glass thermometer

Note: The experiment was made in two runs. Run 1 measured with the PRT, J-type
thermocouple, and the bi-metallic thermometer. In contrast, Run 2 was measured with NTC
thermistor, K-type thermocouple, gas thermometer and red spirit (liquid-filled) thermometer.

Experiment Start-up

1. Close the drain tap behind the heater tank and switch off electrical supply.
2. Remove the lid of the heater tank and add distilled water until its almost half full.
3. Cover the tank with the lid.
4. Remove the lid of the icebox, add ice and put back the lid.
5. Assure that heater switch if turned off and switch on the electrical supply.

Run 1

1. Connect the reference sensor to the socket it belongs to.

2. Connect the PRT to the millivoltmeter and the constant current source.
3. Connect the J-type thermocouple to the millivoltmeter and the amplifier.
4. Place the reference sample along with the PRT, J-type thermocouple, and the
bimetallic thermometer into the icebox, wait for the reference temperature to stabilize
at 0°C and record the other readings.

5. Place the reference sample along with the PRT, J-type thermocouple, and the
bimetallic thermometer in the heater tank, switch on the heater and record the
reference temperature.
6. With 10°C-intervals, record the readings of the millivoltmeter and the calibration
scale of the bimetallic thermometer.
Note: when reading the bi-metallic thermometer scale, make sure to tap on the calibration
scale to avoid extreme errors made by friction.

7. When temperature equals 100°C, stop the experiment and switch off the heater.
8. Remove the lid of the heater tank and wait for the water in the heater tank to cool to
70°C (add ice if necessary).
9. Drain the water. (Water needs to be changed between runs).

Run 2

1. Re-add distilled water in the water heater tank till it’s almost half full.
2. Connect the reference sensor to the socket it belongs to.
3. Connect the NTC thermistor to the millivoltmeter and the constant current source.
4. Connect the K-type thermocouple to the millivoltmeter and the amplifier.
5. Place the reference sample along with the NTC thermistor, K type thermocouple, gas
thermometer and red-spirit-glass-thermometer into the icebox, wait for the reference
temperature to stabilize at 0°C and record the other readings.
6. Place the reference sample along with the NTC thermistor, K type thermocouple, gas
thermometer and red-spirit-glass-thermometer in the heater tank, switch on the heater
and record the reference temperature.
7. With 10°C-intervals, record the readings of the millivoltmeter, the red spirit glass-
thermometer and the calibration scale of the gas thermometer.
Note: when reading the gas thermometer scale, make sure to tap on the calibration scale
to avoid extreme errors made by friction.

8. When temperature equals 100°C, stop the experiment and switch off the heater.

Experiment Shut-down

1. Remove the lid of the water heater tank, and wait till temperature decreases to 70°C.
To fasten the process, add ice to the tank, if necessary.
2. Open the drain valve and empty the tank.
3. Turn off the main power supply.

Safety considerations
During practical work proper supervision is required. All personnel should be aware of the
dangers that might occur when dealing with lab materials, high pressure and high temperature
conditions. People performing this experiment should wear appropriate PPEs including: lab
coats, safety goggles, hard covered shoes, and high-impact gloves. In addition, Students can

perform the experiment alone if they have competent supervision by an instructor/engineer.
Some physical, chemical, and mechanical hazards that may potentially arise while
performing the experiment are mentioned below:

 Mechanical: be aware of hot materials (heater tank) as it can burn the skin.
 Electrical: be gentle when using/pouring/moving water when the electrical supply is
on as electrical disasters can occur if water falls on any electric supply.
 Physical: safely and careful deal with the hot tank and the ice as both can cause
physical damage to the skin.

Data Collected
To perform this experiment, seven devices were used in two different runs at different
temperatures. The below tables show the collected data of both the runs.

Table 1 : Run 1 data

Reference Measured voltage Measured Temperature

Temperature (oC) PRT (mV)
voltage J – type reading Bi- metallic
thermocouple (mV) thermometer


0 101.5 24.6 -0.1

22.4 110.3 1.6 21.8

32 113.3 -6.8 37.7

42 117.8 -18 39.6

52 121.5 -28.2 49.1

62 125.2 -39 60.6

72 129.2 -49.9 70.2

82 132.9 -60.5 80.1

92 139.7 -72.3 90.5

98 139.7 -79 97.8

Table 2 : Run II Data

Reference Measured voltage Measured voltage K Temperature reading

Temperature (oC) NTC Thermistor – type thermocouple gas pressure
(mV) (mV) thermometer (oC)

0 263.7 -18.1 0.38

27.4 97.2 4.1 27.8

37 69.7 9.4 37.7

47 51.3 17.1 47.7

57 38.2 25.1 56.4

67 27.8 35.6 68.2

77 21.7 43.7 76.9

87 16.8 51.2 88

97 13.1 60.9 98.5

For each of the seven devices, the deviation and error were calculated from the standard
values provided in Appendix A.

A plot was then plotted for each of the device to show the deviation and comparison with
reference temperature

1. Results and calculations of Platinum Resistance Thermometer are presented in


Table 3 : PRT Results

Reference Measured Calculated Standard Deviation Error (%)

Temperature Voltage (mV) Resistance Resistance (Ω)
(°C) (Ω) (Ω)

0 101.5 101.5 100 -1.5 1.5

22.4 110.3 110.3 108.73 -1.574 1.45

32 113.3 113.3 112.06 -1.24 1.11

42 117.8 117.8 116.31 -1.49 1.28

52 121.5 121.5 120.17 -1.33 1.11

62 125.2 125.2 124.01 -1.19 0.96

72 129.2 129.2 127.84 -1.36 1.06

82 132.9 132.9 131.66 -1.24 0.94

92 137.7 137.7 135.47 -2.23 1.65

98 139.7 139.7 137.75 -1.95 1.42

Range of errors: 0.94% to 1.65%

Resistance Vs. Reference Temperature Plot for PRT
Resistance Ω

130 Calculated Resistance

120 Standard Resistance
110 Linear (Calculated Resistance)
100 Linear (Standard Resistance)
0 22,4 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 98
Reference Temperature (°C)

Figure 19 - Resistance Vs. Reference Temperature Plot for PRT

2. Results and calculations of Negative Coefficient Thermostat is presented in Table 4

Table 4 : NTC Results

Reference Measured Calculated Standard Deviation Error (%)

Temperature Voltage (mV) Resistance (Ω) Resistance (Ω)
(°C) (Ω)
0 263.7 263.7 261 -2.7 1.03
27.4 97.2 97.2 92.41 -4.7936 5.19
37 69.7 69.7 66.76 -2.94 4.40
47 51.3 51.3 48.47 -2.832 5.84
57 38.2 38.2 35.75 -2.448 6.85
67 27.8 27.8 26.88 -0.922 3.43
77 21.7 21.7 20.51 -1.194 5.82
87 16.8 16.8 15.87 -0.926 5.83
97 13.1 13.1 12.44 -0.664 5.34
Range of errors: 1.03% to 6.85%

Resistance Vs Reference Temperature

Resistance Ω





0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Reference Temperature (°C)

Calculated Resistance Standard Resistance

Figure 20 - Resistance Vs Reference Temperature for NTC

3. Results and calculations of J type thermocouple are presented in Table 5

Table 5 : J type thermocouple Results

Reference Measured Actual Voltage Standard Deviation Error

Temperature Voltage (J) (𝑚𝑉) Voltage (𝑚𝑉) (%)
(℃) type (𝑚𝑉)
0 -24.6 1230 0 -1230 -
22.4 -1.6 80 1142.8 1062.8 92.99
32 6.8 340 1641 1301 79.28
42 18 900 2164 1264 58.41
52 28.2 1410 2691 1281 47.60
62 39 1950 3222 1272 39.478
72 49.9 2495 3757 1262 33.59
82 60.5 3025 4294 1269 29.55
92 72.3 3615 4835 1220 25.23
98 79 3950 5160 1210 23.45
Range of errors: 23.45% to 92.99%

Voltage Vs. Reference Temperature from J type Thermocouple




2000 Actual Voltage

1000 Standard Voltage

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Figure 21 - Voltage Vs. Reference Temperature from J type Thermocouple

4. Results and calculations of K type thermocouple are presented in Table 6

Table 6 : K type Thermocouple Results

Reference Measured Actual Standard Deviation Error (%)

Temperature voltage Measured
Voltage Voltage (𝜇 V)
(°C) (mV)
(𝜇V) (𝜇V)

0 -18.1 -905 0 905 -

27.4 4.1 205 1097.4 892.4 81.32

37 9.4 470 1489 1019 68.44

47 17.1 855 1899 1044 54.97

57 25.1 1255 2312 1057 45.71

67 35.6 1780 2727 947 34.73

77 43.7 2185 3142 957 30.46

87 51.2 2560 3557 997 28.03

97 60.9 3045 3972 927 23.34

Range of errors: 23.34% to 81.32%

Standard Voltage VS Measured Voltage
Measured Voltage(𝜇V)

-100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100
Standard Voltage (𝜇V)

Figure 22 - Standard Voltage VS Measured Voltage for K type thermocouple

References Temperature against K-Type

thermocouple Voltages

-2000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Reference Temperature(°C )

Actual Measured Voltage Standard Voltage

Figure 23 - K-Type Thermocouple Voltages Vs. References Temperature

5. Results and calculations of gas pressure thermometer are presented in Table 7

Table 7 : Gas Thermometer Results

Reference Indicated Deviation Error (%)

Temperature Temperature (°C)
(°C) (°C)

0 0.38 0.38 -

27.4 27.8 0.4 1.46

37 37.7 0.7 1.89

47 47.7 0.7 1.49
57 56.4 -0.6 1.05
67 68.2 1.2 1.79

77 76.9 -0.1 0.13

87 88 1 1.15
97 98.5 1.5 1.54

Range of errors: 0.13% to 1.89%

Indicated Temperature (°C)

Reference Temperature (°C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Indicated Temperature (°C)

Figure 24 - Indicated Temperature for gas thermometer

Temperature Vs. Number of Trials

Temperature (°C)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trials

Reference Temperature Inicated Temperature

Figure 25 - Temperature Vs Number of Trials for gas thermometer

6. Results and calculations of bimetallic thermometer are presented in Table 8

Table 8 : Bi-metallic Thermometer Results

Reference Indicated Deviation (°C) Error (%)

Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

0 -0.1 -0.1

22.4 21.8 -0.6 2.68

32 38.2 6.2 19.37

42 39.6 -2.4 5.71

52 49.1 -2.9 5.57

62 60.6 -1.4 2.26

72 70.2 -1.8 2.5

82 80.1 -1.9 2.31

92 90.5 -1.5 1.63

98 97.8 -0.2 0.20

Range of errors: 0.20% to 19.37%

Indicated Vs Reference Temperature plot for Bi-Metallic
Indicated Temperature (°C)
-20 0 22,4 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 98
Reference Temperature (°C)

Figure 26 - Indicated Vs Reference Temperature plot for Bi-Metallic Thermometer

Temperature Vs. Number of trials


Temperature (°C)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of trials

Figure 27 - Temperature Vs. Number of trials

7. Results and calculations of liquid red spirit thermometer are presented in Table 9

Table 9 : Liquid Red Spirit Thermometer Results

Reference Indicated Temperature Deviation Error (%)

Temperature (°C)
(°C) (°C)

0 0.05 -0.05 0

27.4 27.5 -0.1 0.36

37 37 0 0

47 47 0 0

57 57.1 -0.1 0.17

67 68.8 -1.8 2.69

77 79 -2 2.59

87 90 -3 3.44

97 101 -4 4.12

Range of errors: 0% to 4.12%

Reference Temperature vs Red Spirit Indicated

indicated Temperature (°C )

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Reference Temperature (°C )

Figure 28 – Indicated Temperature Vs. Reference Temperature

Reference Temperature&Red Spirit Indicated

Temperature (°C )

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trials

Reference Temperature Indicated Temperature

Figure 29 - Reference Temperature & Indicated Temperature Vs. Number of Trials

Sample Calculations
This section shows detailed mathematical calculations for finding the data required for
different measurement devices at reference temperature of 87 °C.

For PRT and NTC Thermistor data, a sample calculation of NTC thermistor only is shown
since NTC thermistor works in a similar way and same data are required to be calculated.
The data required are: experimental resistance, standard resistance, and resistance percentage

Calculated Resistance
In order to find calculate resistance at 87 °C, the collected voltage values and constant
supplied current (1 mA) can be applied in Ohm’s law.

At 87 °C, measured voltage is found to be . 𝑚𝑉 on the Millivoltmeter screen

V . 𝑉 . 𝑉
Ohm's Law → R = I = = = . Ω

Standard Resistance
Table.1A in Appendix A shows the standard resistance of NTC thermistor at different
temperatures. Since Tref = 87 °C is located between 85 °C and 90 °C, interpolation is
preferable to find the accurate standard resistance.
− − . − . −

= −
 − .
= −
 R= 15.874 Ω

Percentage Error
𝐷 𝑖𝑎 𝑖
Percentage Error % = | |× %
𝑎 𝑎 𝑖 𝑎

Deviation Ω = Standard Resistance − Calculated Resistance

= 15.874 Ω - . Ω = -0.926 Ω
− . Ω
Percentage Error % =| .
|× %= . %

For K & J type thermocouples, mathematical calculations for the required data is shown on K
type thermocouple as both work on the same principle of potential difference across two
different metals subject to a heat gradient. Hence, same data are required to be calculated
which are: actual measured voltage, standard voltage, and voltage percentage error.

Actual measured Voltage

Thermocouples are connected through an amplifier which amplifies the small voltage from
the thermocouple by 20 to make it suitable for the millivoltmeter. In order to find the actual
measured voltage millivoltmeter readings are divided by 20.
. ∗
The voltage recorded at Tref 87 °C is 4.8 mV  = 240 𝜇V

Standard voltage
From Table.2A in Appendix A, which shows the standard voltages at different temperatures,
the standard voltage at 87 °C is 3557 𝜇V

Percentage Error
𝐷 𝑖𝑎 𝑖
Percentage Error % = | 𝑎 𝑎 𝑉 𝑎
|× %

Deviation μV = Standard voltage − Actual measured voltage

= 3557 𝜇V-240 𝜇V= 3317 𝜇V

Percentage Error % = | |× %= . %

Thermometers are manufactured in a way temperature can be measured directly from a scale
on the equipment. A sample of calculation for red spirit thermometer data is shown below.
These data are: indicated temperature and temperature percentage error.

Indicated temperature
At reference temperature of 87 °C, the liquid in red spirit thermometer rises to reach a
temperature of on the calibrated scale 90 °C

Percentage Error
𝐷 𝑖𝑎 𝑖
Percentage Error % = | |× %

Deviation °C = Reference Temperature − Measured Temperature

= 87 °C-90 °C= -3 °C

Percentage Error % = | |× %= . %

Through the temperature measuring experiment, knowledge of using different types of
temperature measuring devices is gained. From the found results, the accuracy and the
linearity of the measurements, which are the most important features, are compared. The
instruments worked with are: platinum resistance thermometer (PRT), negative temperature
coefficient (NTC) thermistor, K and J types thermocouples, gas and bi-metallic
thermometers, and liquid filled glass thermometer. The results found, the comparison
considered and the errors are discussed through the report.

The first device used was the PRT, with a voltage reading in millivoltage. The PRT was
equipped in the first run. Given that the constant current was set as 1 milliampere, the
resistance was calculated using Ohm’s law in order to understand the relationship between
the temperature and the resistance. The plotted graphs seen in Figure 19 shows the increase in
the resistance due to the increase in temperature. As the temperature rises, the resistance of
the wire increases increasing the voltage drop and eventually the resistance. The prediction of
the relationship was reached from Ohm’s law ( 𝑅 = ) where it can be seen that R and V are
directly proportional as I is constant. Through graphing the calculated resistance and the
standard resistance versus the temperature, the deviation of the graphs clearly represents the
linearity of the two and the error present between them. The range of percentage error of the
data was 0.94% to 1.65%, which is acceptable. This might have occurred due to several
points to be discussed later in this report.

NTC thermistor takes its name from the negative temperature coefficient of resistance. NTC
thermistor was used in the second run. Similar to PRT, constant current was used as 1
milliampere and the resistance was calculated using the Ohm’s law. However, since NTC
thermistor comprises of a semiconductor material, the resistance of the material decreases
with the increase of temperature. The found data supports the prediction as can be seen in
Figure 20. The graph also shows the non-linearity property of NTC thermistor. Through
graphing both calculated and standard values, the error present in the experiment can be seen
clearly. The error range in this case is 1.03% to 6.85%.

Also, K and J type thermocouples were used through the experiment. Since both
thermocouples are connected through the same port, the first run included the J type and the
second one included the K type. The data was collected for each and calculations done. At
first, the voltage was converted to the actual value in microvolts. Then, the standard voltages
at the reference temperature values were found. Through these data, the graph of the voltage
versus reference temperature was created. From the graphs in Figure 23 & Figure 21, the

linearity of the relationship can be clearly seen. Both K and J types have similar graphs.
However, an error can be seen in the both types thermocouple, which reached a range of
23.34% to 81.32% for the K type and 23.45% to 92.99% for the J type thermocouple. The
deviation is clearly present in the graphs and may be due to touching the tank walls, or wrong
wires connections missed.

The next device is the gas thermometer which was used in the second run. The gas
thermometer showed in Table 7 shows great results compared to the reference temperature
with a range of error of 0.13% to 1.89%. From the graph in Figure 24, the straight line shows
the accuracy of the values from the gas thermometer. It shows the reference and indicated
temperatures over the different trials and as clear, both line overlap one another showing the
perfect results found. A very slight percentage error can also be seen and is a result of several
mistakes. These errors will be discussed by the end of the discussion.

Similar to the gas thermometer, the bi-metallic thermometer was used to measure the
temperature in the first run. The temperature values found compared to the reference
temperature were almost accurate but with a higher percentage error of that of the gas
thermometer. The range of percentage error was found to be 0.20% to 19.37%. The errors
occurring while measuring with the bi-metallic can be similar to those of the gas thermometer
and will be discussed.

Figure 26 & 27 show the graphs and how the values are close to those of the reference. The
slight error can also be seen in the figures as the line deviate from the standard at the
beginning. The mistakes predicted will be discussed later as they may be shared with the
other devices.

The last device, to measure the temperature, was the liquid filled glass thermometer used in
the second run. It showed a high accuracy from the results found with a range of percentage
error of 0% to 4.12%. Figure 28 & 29 shows how the values are compared to the reference
each in a different way. From the figures, the accuracy of the device shows as the numbers
are close to the reference and the curves overlap one another in Figure 29. The errors still
occur of course and are explained below in the discussion.

Comparing the instruments results with one another, the accuracy can be compared through
the graphs found in the results. The least percentage error comes from PRT with least of 0%
While the highest percentage error is found from K type thermometer with upper range of
92.99%. As mentioned before, the results include errors; therefore, the conclusion about
which is most accurate is not final. The experiment also shows the operating difficulty of
each instrument. The liquid glass filled thermometer is considered easiest to operate and the
difficulty increase. Moreover, the similarities of the devices can be seen as well while
comparing them including how they operate, the main concept behind the measurement, and
the relations between results and actual values.

Away from the perfection of the theory, the actual work includes a various amount of errors
in any experiment. Temperature measurement is no exception. Each of the data collected
from the different devices included errors that are similar or specific. All these devices share

the errors occurring due to getting the values at the exact reference temperature, and the not
letting the device touch the sides of bottom of the tank. In addition, devices that required
visual observation such as the gas, bi-metallic, and liquid filled glass thermometers, include
the error of parallax. Moreover, the friction in the gas or bi-metallic thermometer which is
removed by tapping the glass is also a source of error. In addition, wires used for connections
can be the cause of errors. In the end, all the used instruments have a percentage error
depending on the instrumentation finite precision.

In terms of industrial importance of temperature measurement, it has an effect and usage in

almost every factory and industry in today’s world. The process and product temperature is
an important physical indicator for manufacturing processes and ensures a high-quality level
of the production. It is of utmost importance in industries such as medical, semiconductor,
solar, plastics, automotive and 3D laser scanning. It is also important in fire prevention and
maintenance [18].

In conclusion, the objectives were reached through the experiment and the different
temperature measuring instruments were compared. Measuring tools used included platinum
resistance thermometer (PRT), negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, K and J
types thermocouples, gas and bi-metallic thermometers, and liquid filled glass thermometer.
Through the report, a full understanding of how to operate these instruments and how to get
the desired data was achieved. The results were interpreted, understood, and compared
through the discussion. The report reached results which include the linearity of all
instruments except for NTC, and the accuracy of PRT above all the other instruments.
Furthermore, the success of the experiment relies on the elimination of the errors explained
above. In addition, one of the ways to improve the results would be to use very cold water in
the heater before starting. Another way is to take accurate readings from the temperature
devices at the exact reference temperature.

Table.1A: Standards for PRT– Resistance for Temperature

Table.2A: Standards for NTC thermistor – Resistance for Temperature

Table.3A: Standards for J Type thermocouple

Table.4A: Standards for K Type thermocouple


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