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// dlg.

txt//mark_quest_dest(zone,x,y,layer,quest); begintalkscript; variables; short

i; short char1,char2,char3; begintalknode; tag = 1; condition = get_sdf(15,1) ==
0; text1 = "You have reached the eastern edge of the Beraza Woods. To the east,
Castle Vebeaux looms above you. To the west, uncontrolled wilderness."; text2
= "Uncontrolled, but not untraveled. A road cuts through the woods to the west. It
is an uneven thing, mainly marked by wagon ruts. Sometimes, it's hard to tell that
there is a road there at all. Still, it is the most-traveled route through the
forest."; text3 = "There is a small settlement here. There are farms, a trading
post to the north, and what looks like an outpost of hunters to the south. People
who make their living off the woods and who aren't scared of the dangerous
creatures (and people) that lurk within."; action = SET_SDF 15 1 1;
begintalknode; tag = 2; condition = get_sdf(15,2) == 0; text1 = "You take
your first step into the Beraza Woods. The thick trees almost seem to close in on
you. Few hunters and settlers are brave enough to walk deep within this forest.
Kellem intruders are often killed by Holklandans, and vice versa."; text2 = "You
can hear lots of wildlife. Birdsong is heavy in the air, and squirrels and other
small creatures are common up in the branches."; text3 = "However, at ground
level, the dirt bears the tracks of many larger predators. You were told that
hostile creatures thrive in this neglected forest. The evidence of this is
everywhere."; action = SET_SDF 15 2 1; begintalknode; tag = 3; condition =
get_sdf(15,3) == 0; text1 = "The road through the Beraza Woods cuts through
several abandoned, rotting buildings. They were built a bit far from safety, and
something forced their builders to abandon them."; text2 = "The woods are
growing over the crumbling structures. Soon, they will be gone."; action =
SET_SDF 15 3 1; begintalknode; tag = 4; condition = get_sdf(15,4) == 0; text1
= "The road through the Beraza Woods continues, in its winding, inconsistent way,
to the west. If you keep going in this direction, you will soon reach the area
where you were to meet Monitor Shigaz."; text2 = "(The Beraza Pits are now marked
on your World Map.)"; action = SET_SDF 15 4 1; code =
clear_zone(16); break; begintalknode; tag = 5; condition =
get_sdf(15,5) == 0; text1 = "You find an abandoned, crumbling house out here
deep in the woods. It's been out here for years, untended. But not empty. Something
has kept the plants from surging forward and reclaiming this clearing."; text2
= "As you look around, you feel a strange chill in the air. You feel distinctly
unwelcome here."; action = SET_SDF 15 5 1; begintalknode; tag = 6; condition =
get_sdf(15,6) == 0; text1 = "At first, you think that you have found a
particularly narrow and hastily dug root cellar. Then, as your eyes adjust to the
dim light, you can see that it is actually a tunnel."; text2 = "The ceiling is
held up with crude timbers. It's not the safest excavation you've ever seen. The
tunnel stretches off to the east."; action = SET_SDF 15 6 1; begintalknode; tag =
7; condition = get_sdf(15,7) == 0; text1 = "Ever since you entered this
remote farmhouse, you have felt a sense of cold and foreboding. The sensation
suddenly becomes much more acute. Your breath starts to mist up. You feel a dark
presence in the room with you."; text2 = "And then the feeling fades. You are
alone on the pathway, for a moment. Then you hear the telltale rattling of bones in
front of and behind you ..."; action = SET_SDF 15 7 1; code =
activate_hidden_group(40); set_level(152,15);
set_level(153,15); set_level(154,15); set_level(155,15);
set_level(156,15); set_level(157,15);
change_max_health(156,100); change_max_health(157,100); break;
begintalknode; tag = 8; condition = get_sdf(15,8) == 0; text1 = "These
dank corridors are full of rotten barrels and crates. This old house was once
occupied by brigands. They were probably digging out several layers of cellars to
hide their stolen goods."; text2 = "It's doubtful that there is a tunnel under
Castle Vebeaux anywhere down here. You are too far from the castle to make the idea
practical."; text3 = "As you look around, you realize that you have seen no
signs of any people being here recently. You wonder what happened to the
smugglers."; action = SET_SDF 15 8 1; begintalknode; tag = 9; condition =
get_sdf(15,9) == 0; text1 = "You turn the corner and find that this is where
the digging of this tunnel came to an end. A frozen body lies on the floor ahead of
you. The smugglers had the singular bad luck to break into an old crypt, and the
dark magic here was still active."; text2 = "Thanks to thousands of years of active
magic use by the people of Lynaeus, it's amazing that anyone anywhere has the
courage to dig holes at all."; action = SET_SDF 15 9 1; begintalknode; tag =
10; condition = get_sdf(15,10) == 0; text1 = "__"; action = SET_SDF 15 10
1; begintalknode; tag = 11; condition = get_sdf(15,11) == 0; text1 = "__";
action = SET_SDF 15 11 1; begintalknode; tag = 12; condition =
get_sdf(15,21) == 0; text1 = "As you reach the end of this tunnel, several
people step out of hiding. They all have picks and shovels, which they were using
to industriously burrow out a tunnel under the river to the east."; text2 =
"When they see you, they shout an alarm. In moments, they have dropped their tools
and drawn their weapons."; action = SET_SDF 15 21 1; code =
set_level(102,15); set_level(103,15); set_level(104,15);
set_level(105,15); set_level(106,15);
set_level(107,15); set_level(108,15);
activate_hidden_group(10); set_name(108,"Smuggler Elspeth");
set_boss_level(108,2); set_new_abil(108,21); add_ability(108,
34, 122, 0); add_ability(108, 35, 152, 0);
set_name(102,"Kellem Smuggler"); set_name(103,"Kellem Smuggler");
set_name(104,"Kellem Smuggler"); set_name(105,"Kellem Smuggler");
set_name(106,"Kellem Smuggler"); set_name(107,"Kellem Smuggler");
break; // MIXEDbegintalknode; tag = 13; condition = 1; text1 = "The
sign says:"; text2 = " HALL OF THE BERAZA HUNTERS"; begintalknode; tag = 14;
condition = 1; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " Beraza Trading
Post"; text3 = "Underneath, someone has recently added,"; text4 = "
Calantha - Proprietor"; begintalknode; tag = 15; condition = 1; text1 = "The
sign says:"; text2 = " BERAZA WOODS ROADS"; text3 = " Do not proceed
without armed guards!"; begintalknode; tag = 16; condition = 1; text1 =
"There are several merchants and hunters browsing this trading post. They make a
concerted effort to avoid you. Some of them look a bit ... shifty."; begintalknode;
tag = 17; condition = 1; text1 = "There is a patrol of Kellem soldiers
watching the eastern end of the road through the Beraza Woods. They warn you to, if
you go west, watch out for brigands. And spiders. And basilisks."; begintalknode;
tag = 18; condition = 1; text1 = "There are several Kellem farmers
tending to these fields. You speak with them for a short time. You learn several
interesting facts about cabbage and the raising of cabbage. Also, you find out that
the Beraza Woods are terrifying."; begintalknode; tag = 19; condition = 1;
text1 = "This hall belongs to the hunters of the Beraza Woods, warriors
tasked by Castle Vebeaux to keep the brigands and monsters in the woods away from
the castle gates."; text2 = "They are a cheery, boisterous bunch, and warriors
of Avadon don't scare them. You don't escape their hall without a long, leisurely
lunch and an hour of trading stories of hunting and adventure."; begintalknode;
tag = 20; condition = 1; text1 = "You meet a Kellem hunter, preparing to
go out on a patrol through the woods. The warrior is too nervous and distracted to
talk."; begintalknode; tag = 21; condition = 1; text1 = "This looks like an
old, snug Kellemderiel farmhouse. Several people are inside, cooking the midday
meal and tending to their tools and weapons."; text2 = "They are a dirty, muscular
lot. They wear thick leather jerkins, backed with chainmail, and they keep weapons
close at hand, probably to defend themselves from the creatures of the woods.";
text3 = "They are also angered by your intrusion and unintimidated by your
being from Avadon. They tell you clearly and curtly that you aren't welcome here
and that you should leave."; begintalknode; tag = 22; condition = 1; text1
= "Vinvella looks suspiciously at the thicket to the east. She motions for you to
stop and sniffs the air. It doesn't looks any different from any other bunch of
shrubbery, but the huntress takes a long, rusty, brush-clearing blade from her belt
and hacks it away."; text2 = "On the other side, you see a small clearing. There
are refuse and bones, but no spiders. Vinvella nods silently and moves on."; code =
sf(15,34,1); set_terrain(0,59,23,0);
set_terrain(0,59,24,0); break; begintalknode; tag = 23; condition = 1;
text1 = "Vinvella stops at a another thicket, raises her blade, and hacks
away at some shrubbery. Once again, she reveals a small clearing."; text2 =
"This time, however, the opening in the trees is full of huge spiders. With one
smooth motion, Vinvella sheathes her blade, grabs her bow, and nocks an arrow to
the string."; code = sf(15,34,2);
set_terrain(0,45,47,0); set_terrain(0,46,47,0); break; begintalknode;
tag = 24; condition = 1; text1 = "Vinvella stops. She whispers, _You
smell that? The rot? The terror? Those creatures have been feeding. Maybe we ..._";
text2 = "Then, with no delay, she hacks away the thick clump of bushes in
front of her. On the other side, you see what Vinvella was smelling. Her instincts
were miserably accurate. These spiders have recently dined on a
wretch."; code = sf(15,34,3);
set_terrain(0,35,5,0); set_terrain(0,35,6,0);
set_terrain(0,35,7,0); break; begintalknode; tag = 25; condition = 1;
text1 = "Vinvella looks at the ground. She is clearly getting frustrated.
_Pests. Only pests. No sign of the ... the ... All right. Here. Be ready._"; text2
= "She whips out her blade and slashes through a huge clump of ivy, stretched
between two trees. The vines fall away, revealing a large clearing. It is full of
spiders. One of them is much larger than the others, and its eyes glow with an
unnerving green light."; text3 = "_Hah!_ Vinvella shouts, delighted. _This is
what we were hunting for!_"; code = sf(15,34,4);
set_terrain(0,28,20,0); set_terrain(0,28,21,0);
set_terrain(0,28,22,0); break; begintalknode; tag = 26; condition = 1;
text1 = "Vinvella retrieves her blade and puts her bow back onto her
shoulder. _Thank you for your help. You can take whatever you find here. I don't
use the tools of the dead, but I know that some are far less picky._"; text2 = "She
also takes a scrap of leather from her pocket and hands it to you. You inspect the
gruesome bit of cured flesh and find that it is a leather armband, inscribed with
several lines of tiny runes. _I hope that is fair payment._"; text3 = "_I will
return to my camp now. It's time for a few days of rest, I think._ She waves
farewell and leaves to the east."; code = set_flag(15,24,2);
toggle_quest(107,3); sf(15,25,2); reward_give(283);
award_party_xp(QUEST_XP,15); break; begintalknode; tag = 27; condition =
1; text1 = "You reach the lowest chamber in these winding tunnels. Here, you
find the dark presence the smugglers uncovered. It is the ghost of a sorceress,
barely visible. It stands on a rune, etched many years ago, left here for the shade
to use should its eternal vigil be disturbed."; text2 = "The shade points at you
and lets out a long, ghastly moan. The air fills with raw magical power. Your hair
stands on end. The creature prepares to repel the intruders."; begintalknode; tag =
28; condition = 1; text1 = "The ghostly spirit moves its hands in a
complicated pattern. A web of light appears between them. Then it extends and
engulfs the creature's target. Who instantly vanishes."; text2 = "A moment later,
the victim reappears elsewhere. Alone and surrounded."; begintalknode; tag = 29;
condition = 1; text1 = "With a final hideous wail, the shade of the
sorceress splits apart and fades away. The dark presence looming over this
abandoned house is gone. It is free to rot away and be overgrown in peace."; ////
Vinvellabegintalknode; tag = 30; state = -1; nextstate = 10; condition = 1;
question = "Name"; text1 = "There is a young warrior of Kellemderiel
sitting by this fire. A bow of polished yew is close to hand. She sips from a mug
of strong tea and watches the path to the west intently."; text2 = "When you
approach, she motions for you to sit. You join her in silently sipping tea and
watching the path."; text3 = "Finally, she says, _I am Vinvella. You are a
hunter. I can tell. No stranger to the woods. Good to have company. I have a lonely
hunt ahead._"; text5 = "Vinvella sits by the fire and watches the path. She
occasionally leaps up, grabs her bows, and aims an arrow toward the shadowy
undergrowth. Then, when she determines that no foe is present, she sits down
again."; action = INTRO; begintalknode; state = 10; nextstate = 11; condition =
1; question = "Can you tell me about these woods?"; text1 = "_The Beraza
Woods? Contested land. Not ours. Not the Holklandans. Argued over for year after
year._"; text2 = "She looks at Shima. _Not interested in starting an argument.
Just stating facts._ He nods."; text3 = "_Now they're full of pests. Can't hunt
them down. That's why commander of the castle put me here._"; code =
if (char_in_party(5) < 0) rs(2); break;
begintalknode; state = 11; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Why
don't you hunt the pests down?"; text1 = "_Because if Kellem soldiers go into
the woods, the Holklandans get angry. Make noise in Hanvar's Council. Send
assassins to kill them. They send soldiers in, we do the same._"; text2 =
"_This makes it a big, lawless zone. Gotten bad out there._"; begintalknode; state
= 11; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I am hunting in the Beraza
Woods."; text1 = "_I heard rumors. You are Avadon, yes? Not sorry to hear you're
here._"; begintalknode; state = 11; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"Why are you here?"; text1 = "_My job. Watch for pests dumb enough to get too
close to the castle. Shoot them down. Earn a bounty. Easy work, until the spiders
came._"; text2 = "_There are basilisks out there too, but they're smart enough
to not come too close._"; begintalknode; state = 11; nextstate = -1; condition =
1; question = "What do you think should happen to these woods?"; text1 = "_If
I had my way? Split them right down the middle. Of course, if I said that in a pub,
I'd be in a fight in a second._"; text2 = "Nathalie nods. _And rightfully so.
This is Kellem land. No nation of the pact should be expected to give up an inch of
its birthright._"; text3 = "Vinvella shrugs."; code = if
(char_in_party(7) < 0) { rs(2); rs(3); } break;
begintalknode; state = 10; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"Nice bow."; text1 = "She nods. _Thank you. My great, great, great,
grandmother made it._"; begintalknode; state = 10; nextstate = 12; condition =
gf(15,24) < 2; question = "What are you hunting?"; text1 = "_Spiders. Dumb, big,
nasty. Mindless enough to come close to the castle. I'll get a healthy bounty if I
can hunt them down and destroy their nests. Too many of them to do it by myself,
though._"; text2 = "_Of course, if someone were to help me, I have a valuable
reward to give them. Found it in the woods. Not something I can use, but you might
be able to._"; begintalknode; state = 12; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "What sort of reward?"; text1 = "_A bracelet. Looks crude, but
it's enchanted._"; begintalknode; state = 12; nextstate = -1; condition =
gf(15,24) == 0; question = "I can't help you."; text1 = "_Too bad. Sorry to
hear it. Need to get back to my vigil._ She doesn't say anything else. She just
watches the woods silently. Eventually, you rise and depart."; action = END_TALK;
begintalknode; state = 12; nextstate = 10; condition = 1; question =
"I will help you."; text1 = "Vinvella nods. _Then prepare yourself. Soon, we
will hunt._"; code = set_flag(15,24,1);
toggle_quest(107,1); break; begintalknode; state = 10; nextstate =
-1; condition = gf(15,24) > 1; question = "What are you going to hunt now?";
text1 = "_Don't know. Taking a rest before I go back to the castle. Then I
get the bounty. Rest. Drink. Come back out when they have prey for me._";
begintalknode; state = 10; nextstate = -1; condition = gf(15,24) == 1;
question = "I am ready to begin the hunt."; text1 = "Vinvella rises,
picks up her bow, and checks her quiver. _Follow. Stay close. Be ready. I know the
signs the creatures leave. Can drive them out. Don't abandon me. Don't want to die
today._"; text2 = "Then she walks off into the woods."; action = END_TALK;
code = sf(15,25,1); break; begintalknode; state = 10;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Good day to you. (Get up and
leave.)"; text1 = "Vinvella nods silently to you as you rise to depart."; action
= END_TALK; // Huntsman Gablebegintalknode; tag = 40; state = -1;
nextstate = 40; condition = 1; question = "Name"; text1 = "This is a
lovely office, decorated in the luxurious Kellem style. The man sitting at the
table is a gnarled old hunter, wearing armor of skins and carving a bit of antler
on the antique desk. He seems a bit out of place."; text2 = "When you enter, he
looks up at you and squints. _Hrmmm. You're a hunter, eh? Come by to pay your
respects? I'm Huntsman Gable. What are you doing here?_"; text3 = "And then he
notices Shima. _What? What is a stinking Holklandan doing here? You'll be moving
on, if you want to stay safe._"; text5 = "Huntsman Gable sits at his desk,
concentrating on carving his bit of antler. It looks like he is making an elaborate
gamepiece. This must be how he keeps busy between his many journeys out into the
woods."; action = INTRO; code = if (char_in_party(5) < 0)
rs(3); break; begintalknode; state = 40; nextstate = -1;
condition = gf(15,27) == 0 && char_in_party(5) < 0; question = "I have been
summoned to do some hunting in the Beraza Woods."; text1 = "_Really? Well,
anyone who came here to brave the forest is all right by me. There is even a bounty
available, if you have a mind to work for it._"; code = sf(15,27,1);
break; begintalknode; state = 40; nextstate = 47; condition =
gf(15,27) == 0 && char_in_party(5) >= 0; question = "You have a problem with my
companion?"; text1 = "Gable looks at Shima with loathing. _Holklandans want to
steal our forest from us. They kill us when we try to hunt for what is ours. They
are the enemy._ Shima stares back at him silently, unsurprised by this outburst.";
text2 = "_If you want anything from me, you will get him out of here._";
begintalknode; state = 47; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "All
right. I'll be back later."; text1 = "You turn away. Shima comes with, though he
seems slightly disappointed."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode; state
= 47; nextstate = 40; condition = 1; question = "We are Hands of Avadon, and
you will find your manners."; text1 = "This brings Gable up short. _You ... Avadon?
_ He looks at Shima again. His loathing is no less, but he nods. _I know better
than to anger your kind._"; text2 = "_You want to brave the woods? You're welcome
to it. There is even a
bounty available, if you have a mind to work for it._"; code =
sf(15,27,1); break; begintalknode; state = 40; nextstate = 41;
condition = gf(15,27) > 0; question = "Tell me about this hall."; text1
= "He looks at his desk with a wry smile. _Built by the castle. About fifty years
ago, I think. Gives the hunters a place to stay. And anything made by the Castle is
going to have their ... style._"; begintalknode; state = 41; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Their style?"; text1 = "He looks at the
dusty and smudged painting on the wall. _They only know one way in the castle.
Frilly. Fancy. Not all of the Kellem care for that. Some of us live out in the
world._"; begintalknode; state = 41; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"This is a nice office."; text1 = "_Yes. An office. That is what they made for
us, them up in the Castle. Sometimes I wonder if they even know where their venison
comes from._"; begintalknode; state = 41; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "What are you carving?"; text1 = "He holds up the bit of antler
and inspects it. _It will be part of a game soon. Just my own little bit of art.
Something to decorate this hall. Something that fits._"; begintalknode; state = 41;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Can I be trained here?";
text1 = "_Perhaps. Trainer Leala is in the practice hall. She might be able
to help you._"; begintalknode; state = 40; nextstate = 42; condition = gf(15,27) >
0; question = "You hunt in the forest?"; text1 = "He nods solemnly. _That is
what we do, me and my merry band. Castle keeps us here to keep the road clear. Keep
the pests back. Hunt them down if they get too close._"; begintalknode; state = 42;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "And you still hunt?"; text1
= "_I know I have some grey in my hair, but the day I can't put an arrow in a
spider's eye at fifty paces is the day you can just bury me._"; begintalknode;
state = 42; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Where does the
road go?"; text1 = "_Straight through to Holklanda. Merchants travel up and down
it. And envoys from the enemy._"; text2 = "He gives Shima a nasty look. _And
spies._ Shima is typically impassive."; text3 = "_It has its uses, we keep it
clear._"; code = if (char_in_party(5) < 0) rs(2);
break; begintalknode; state = 42; nextstate = 43; condition = 1;
question = "What sorts of pests are out there?"; text1 = "_Lately, lots
of giant spiders. And rats. And the usual brigands._"; text2 = "_Worse, there
are also basilisks. They make me angry!_"; begintalknode; state = 43; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "Angry? Why?"; text1 = "_Because they're
deadly, and because they were brought here. The animal trainer in the Castle? She
pays for people to bring basilisks to her. But the things get loose, right on our
doorstep._"; text2 = "_I swear to you, there is something in that castle.
Something that drives everyone in there mad._"; begintalknode; state = 40;
nextstate = 44; condition = gf(15,27) > 0 && gf(15,28) < 2; question =
"You mentioned something about a bounty?"; text1 = "He nods. _So I did. We are
charged to keep threats a safe distance from the castle. We do well, for all that.
But there is one nest of pests that is too dug in, and we can't be rid of them._";
text2 = "_It's a ruined house, not far from here. Full of rats, and I don't
know what else. Clear it out and a healthy bounty is yours._"; code =
set_flag(15,28,1); toggle_quest(108,1); break;
begintalknode; state = 44; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Where
is this house?"; text1 = "He points to the southwest. _South of the main road.
Down some winding paths. Look for bones. They'll lead you there._"; begintalknode;
state = 44; nextstate = 45; condition = 1; question = "So how did this
house get infested?"; text1 = "_Some fool farmers built it. A big clan of them.
Found that life in the woods didn't suit them. They left, leaving a nice big lair
behind them for whoever chose to move in. The fools._"; begintalknode; state = 45;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "And then rats moved in?";
text1 = "_At first. Then more of them. I took some hunters out there to get
them, but, when we got close ... There's something in there. Something unnatural.
You can feel it the moment you get close._"; text2 = "_So that's why I'm hiring
mercenaries for the job. It's not the sort of thing we're trained to hunt._";
begintalknode; state = 40; nextstate = -1; condition = gf(15,28) > 1;
question = "Are there any other bounties available?"; text1 = "He thinks. _Not
yet. Nothing we can't handle. Maybe ask me later._"; begintalknode; state = 40;
nextstate = -1; condition = gf(15,28) == 1 && gf(15,29) == 0 && gf(15,7) >
0; question = "There are undead under that old house."; text1 = "_Ah. Doesn't
surprise me. You can sense them, yes? Well, if you want the bounty, you'll rid us
of them. Sort of thing your kind does, right?_"; begintalknode; state = 40;
nextstate = -1; condition = gf(15,28) == 1 && gf(15,29) > 0; question =
"That old farm has been cleared out."; text1 = "You tell Huntsman Gable the
tale. _Interesting. Glad I sent you. Not the sort of prey I would send my warriors
to fight. The walking dead? That's wizard business._"; text2 = "He takes a suit
of chainmail from a stand and hands it to you, along with a pouch of coins. _For
your help. Now we'll get out there and burn that place down and collapse the
tunnels. Only way to keep it safe._"; code = set_flag(15,28,2);
toggle_quest(108,3); award_party_xp(QUEST_XP,15);
reward_give(59); change_coins(200); break; ////
begintalknode; tag = 50; state = -1; nextstate = 51; condition =
char_in_party(4) >= 0 && gf(15,51) == 0 && is_group() && gf(100,0) < 50; text1
= "Sevelin looks toward the shadowy forest and shudders. _Another dark forest.
Natural ambush territory. Full of killers like those that butchered my friends.
Killers who are still loose._"; text2 = "_If other nations followed the Stone
Code, these lands would no longer be contested._"; text3 = "Shima doesn't say
anything about this, but he doesn't seem convinced."; text4 = "Nathalie lets out a
snort. She doesn't seem convinced."; action = SET_SDF 15 51 1; code =
set_dialogue_pic(0); if (char_in_party(5) < 0) rs(3);
if (char_in_party(7) < 0) rs(4); break;
begintalknode; state = 51; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I'm
sure the brigands who attacked you will be caught one day."; text1 = "_Oh, they
will. I will make sure of it._"; begintalknode; state = 51; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "What would the Stone Code say?"; text1 =
"_That any solution to the problem is better than a festering wound. Most likely,
the lands would be split down the middle. Both sides would be furious, but it would
allow the wound to heal._"; begintalknode; state = 51; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Stay alert."; text1 = "He smiles. _After
what I have seen? If I were any more alert, my eyes would pop out of my head and
roam on their own._"; action = END_TALK; //begintalknode; tag = 53; state
= -1; nextstate = 53; condition = char_in_party(5) >= 0 && gf(15,52) == 0 &&
is_group(); text1 = "Shima looks at the humble collection of buildings at the edge
of the forest. _It is a relief to leave Kellemderiel and enter Holklandan land. I
was getting tired of the angry stares._"; action = SET_SDF 15 52 1; code =
set_dialogue_pic(1); break; begintalknode; state = 53; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "You say that this is Holklandan land?"; text1
= "_Of course. We took this land during the Black Age. It was a time of war, and
seizing the territory was our right. It was a blood debt we were owed for all of
our people slaughtered by the Kellem._"; text2 = "Nathalie bites her lip. On the
brink of such a dangerous journey, she wisely decides not to start an argument.";
code = if (char_in_party(7) < 0) rs(2); break;
begintalknode; state = 53; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"What do you think should happen to the woods?"; text1 = "He walks in silence
for a while, thinking about it. _I am not going to say. I have been exposed to
politics too much. I lost my family and my homeland to politics. I came to Avadon
to avoid ever thinking about such things again._ He walks on in silence."; action
= END_TALK; begintalknode; state = 53; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "This isn't the right time to discuss it."; text1 = "_Of
course. And, now that I think about it, I don't want to talk about it either._ He
walks on in silence."; action = END_TALK; //begintalknode; tag = 56; state = -1;
nextstate = 57; condition = char_in_party(6) >= 0 && gf(15,53) == 0 ; text1
= "Jenell stops at the edge of the forest. She sniffs the air. _It is sad. It is a
beautiful place, but dangerous. Warped. The absence of human control has let dark
things into here. Nature has been corrupted._"; action = SET_SDF 15 53 1; code =
set_dialogue_pic(2); break; begintalknode; state = 57;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Absence of humans corrupts
nature?"; text1 = "_Our world has dark, powerful forces, always eager to corrupt
nature. These assaults often don't come from humans. Nature can be delicate and
defenseless, and it requires the presence of a strong hand to keep it from being
corrupted._"; text2 = "_Come on._ She strides confidently toward the Beraza
Woods. _Let us be the strong hand._"; action = END_TALK; begintalknode;
state = 57; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "That seems to
happen a lot."; text1 = "_Nature can be a delicate thing, defenseless from the
powerful, dark forces that roam the world. The task of the shaman is not to warp
but to get others to leave it alone."; text2 = "_I am glad to be here. I am
ready to do my work._ She strides confidently toward the Beraza Woods."; action
= END_TALK; //begintalknode; tag = 59; state = -1; nextstate = 59; condition =
char_in_party(7) >= 0 && gf(15,54) == 0 && is_group(); text1 = "Nathalie looks
deeper into the woods. She takes a deep breath and smiles. _Yes. This is a good
place. Beautiful, in places. Raw. Even a tinge of natural magic in the air._";
text2 = "_The Kellem have long been willing to shed blood to save this land,
and it is right that they do so._ She looks back toward the ruined homes to the
east. _Pity it's such a dump._"; action = SET_SDF 15 54 1; code =
set_dialogue_pic(3); break; begintalknode; state = 59; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "What is Kellemderiel's claim to this land?";
text1 = "_These woods have been here for centuries. The Holklandans took them
from us in the Black Age. When the peace to that civil war was negotiated, our wise
ancestors left ownership of it unclear._"; text2 = "_The Holklandans claim
that they deserve the land, in payment for all of their people we killed. Hah! As
if they did not kill many thousands of my people?_"; text3 = "During all of this,
Shima remains painfully, diplomatically quiet."; code = if
(char_in_party(5) < 0) rs(3); break; begintalknode; state
= 59; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What do you think of Duke
Gryfyn's efforts?"; text1 = "_Admirable, but doomed. We Kellem, for all of our
arts and such, never shrink from a fight. For me, the problem is not having enough
to fight._"; text2 = "She looks into the forest. _I only hope that there is
prey here worthy of me._"; code = if (gf(100,4) > 1)
rs(2); break; begintalknode; state = 59; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Let's go and admire more of these woods.";
text1 = "Nathalie looks over at you and smiles. In the leaf-tinted sunlight,
she looks very young. She pats you on the arm. _It would be a pleasure._";
action = END_TALK; ////begintalknode; tag = 62; condition = 1; text1
= "The obelisk says:"; text2 = " Tombs of the Woods Runners"; text3 = " In
memory of those who gave all"; text4 = " to keep the woods under control."; //
Wayfarerbegintalknode; tag = 70; state = -1; nextstate = 70; condition = 1;
question = "Name"; text1 = "Though the woods are full of monsters and
bandits, you see a lone figure walking down the road toward you. He is a wrapped in
a heavy, black cloak, and he seems entirely unconcerned by the danger."; text2
= "Then he reaches you and gives a little bow. His face is masked, but you
recognize his build and voice. _Well met, [N]. I am surprised to see you here. What
a merry coincidence._ It is the Wayfarer, once again."; code =
sf(15,30,1); set_dialogue_pic(406); break; begintalknode;
state = 70; nextstate = 71; condition = 1; question = "I am not
surprised to see you."; text1 = "He raises his hand to his chest in mock outrage.
_Really? It is not as if I have nothing better to do than to hunt you down. I have
business all over Lynaeus. It is only natural that we will frequently meet._";
begintalknode; state = 70; nextstate = 71; condition = 1; question = "What
are you doing here?"; text1 = "_Would you believe that I am enjoying a relaxing
stroll through a lovely forest in autumn? No, you probably would not._"; text2
= "_My affairs drag me all over Lynaeus. Some of my business has brought me
here._"; begintalknode; state = 70; nextstate = 71; condition = 1; question =
"Yes. A coincidence. Of course."; text1 = "He nods. Then he takes a step back in
mock surprise. _Wait, are you employing sarcasm on me? Because, perhaps, you think
that I am stalking you? Do not have such a high opinion of your own importance._";
text2 = "_No, my affairs drag me all over Lynaeus. Some of my business has
brought me here._"; begintalknode; state = 71; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "What exactly is it you do that takes you so many places?"; text1
= "_I am a ... broker? Is that a good word to use? I find people who need things
done. I find people to do them._"; text2 = "_Thus, of course, I am naturally drawn
to Hands of Avadon. They have the power and will to do whatever they want. Just, or
not. It makes them useful people to know._"; begintalknode; state = 71; nextstate =
72; condition = 1; question = "Well, do your business with someone else. (Push
past him.)"; text1 = "The Wayfarer doesn't step aside. Instead, he blocks your
path. _I only ask a moment more of your time. Only for you to hear a few of my
words. You will find them to be useful, I promise you._"; begintalknode; state
= 72; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Step aside, or you will learn
the punishment for hindering a Hand of Avadon."; text1 = "He looks you in the
eye. For a moment, his affable exterior drops. His gaze is cold and hostile. Then,
slowly, theatrically, he steps aside and waves you past."; text2 = "_I wish you a
safe journey. Have a care, though. The woods are full of ... pitfalls._ Then he
turns and continues down the road to the east."; action = END_TALK;
begintalknode; state = 72; nextstate = 73; condition = 1; question = "All
right. Speak quickly."; text1 = "_I will be brief. I am at Castle Vebeaux for many
reasons. One of them is that there is a merchant who is being treated unjustly. She
wishes for someone of influence to speak on her behalf._"; begintalknode; state
= 71; nextstate = 73; condition = 1; question = "And what business brings you
here?"; text1 = "_I am gratified by your interest. I am at Castle Vebeaux for
many reasons. One of them is that there is a merchant who is being treated
unjustly. She wishes for someone of influence to speak on her behalf._";
begintalknode; state = 73; nextstate = 74; condition = 1; question = "Go
on."; text1 = "_Her name is Calantha. She wishes only a pass to travel through
Castle Vebeaux. She has been unable to marshal sufficient bribes, so she is trapped
outside the gates, not far to the east from where we stand._"; text2 = "_She
wishes for someone to enter the castle and convince the gatemaster to let her by.
Perfect work for a Hand of Avadon._"; code = set_flag(15,20,1);
toggle_quest(109,1); break; begintalknode; state = 74; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "Why is this perfect work for a Hand?"; text1
= "_Surely, you are joking? Cutting through such bureaucratic tangles is one of the
great abilities of your kind. It is also how Hands enrich themselves. Quite
efficiently, I assure you._"; text2 = "_Don't feel guilty about it. Sometimes it
seems like it is only the ability of the Hands to override foolish laws at will
that enables the Pact to function at all._"; begintalknode; state = 74; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "And I will be rewarded?"; text1 = "_You will
be paid, I am assured, generously. And for only a few minutes of risk-free effort!
When you have Calantha's pass, collect the reward from her directly._";
begintalknode; state = 74; nextstate = 75; condition = 1; question = "What
exactly do I need to do?"; text1 = "_Simply enter the castle. Find the
Gatemaster, fat, bloated, craven tick of a man that he is. Use your influence. It
will be easy. And, I think, fun._"; begintalknode; state = 75; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Why are you involved in this, anyway?"; text1
= "He smiles. _I only want to help people._"; begintalknode; state = 75; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "I'll consider it."; text1 = "_I hope that
you do. Work like this is your reward for being a Hand. Take your reward._"; text2
= "He nods to you, steps around you, and walks down the road toward the castle.";
action = END_TALK; begintalknode; state = 75; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "It will be done."; text1 = "_I am pleased
to hear it. You are wise. Work like this is your reward for being a Hand. Take your
reward._"; text2 = "He nods to you, steps around you, and walks down the road
toward the castle."; action = END_TALK; // Calanthabegintalknode; tag = 100;
state = -1; nextstate = 100; condition = 1; question = "Name"; text1
= "A merchant has set up a shop, of sorts, on the side of the road. She has laid
out straw mats and placed her goods on them in as attractive a manner as possible.
Then she sat out in the cold and the wind and the rain, hoping for customers.";
text2 = "When she sees you, she waves for you to approach, though her time
outside has sapped most of her enthusiasm. _Welcome, welcome. This is my humble ...
shop. I am Calantha, proud merchant of Kellemderiel._"; text5 = "Calantha is
still sitting out in the cold. She shivers and looks down at her wares bitterly. _I
am still open for business, as you can see. Please let me know if anything I have
seems worth having._"; action = INTRO; code = sf(15,33,1); break;
begintalknode; tag = 101; state = -1; nextstate = 100; condition = 1;
text1 = "This merchant has only just moved into this shop. She is busily
arranging her wares, sweeping up the floor, and making everything be to her
liking."; text2 = "When she sees you, she bows. _Ah, the Hand. I understand I owe
you much. I am Calantha._"; text5 = "Calantha bustles around her new shop. She
has only recently taken ownership of it, and she is positioning everything to her
liking. _Welcome, Hand. You are always welcome here. I owe it all to you._"; action
= INTRO; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = 101; condition = gf(15,20) ==
0; question = "What are you doing out here?"; text1 = "She looks at her
wares miserably. Then she looks at her shoes. Once stylish, now caked with mud.";
text2 = "_I need permission to pass through Castle Vebeaux. From
Gatemaster Prose, that toad. I can't get it._"; begintalknode; state = 101;
nextstate = 100; condition = 1; question = "Tell me more about the
Gatemaster."; text1 = "She suddenly looks nervous. _I have plenty to say on
that subject, but I don't want to make things worse by ... I will be diplomatic.
Please do not ask more of it._"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = 108;
condition = gf(15,20) == 1 && gf(14,32) == 0; question = "I have been asked
to speak with the gatemaster on your behalf."; text1 = "She sits up in her chair,
suddenly engaged. _You have? Who met you and ... Never mind. I don't want to know.
Yes. You ... You are a Hand, correct? That was what I was hoping for, for what I'm
willing to pay._"; text2 = "_Yes, Gatemaster Prose won't give me passage
through the castle, that toad. I am trapped here, when I should be selling my wares
all through Kellemderiel. I have orders! I have demand! And I can do nothing about
it, because I am trapped here!_"; begintalknode; state = 108; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "I would like to know more about the man who
gave me the mission on your behalf."; text1 = "You describe the Wayfarer to
her. She shakes her head. _No, that sounds nothing like the woman I spoke with when
I let word out about my wishes. Word of such tasks gets passed from broker to
broker._"; text2 = "_I know nothing about the man you spoke to._"; begintalknode;
state = 108; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "How much has
the Gatemaster asked you for?"; text1 = "She snorts. _He started at ten
thousand coins. Then he raises the amount by a thousand every time I come to him.
He so loves to toy with me._"; begintalknode; state = 108; nextstate = 102;
condition = 1; question = "Why does he hinder you?"; text1 = "_I have
my suspicions. I suspect that Trader Charon is trying to force me to trade in a
different region, or to put me out of business altogether. He wants to be the only
merchant trading in this settlement._"; begintalknode; state = 102; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "Tell me about Charon."; text1 = "She spits in
the direction of the wooden hall to the northeast. _He is in there. Warm. Dry.
Gloating over my misfortune. Sometimes, he comes out to taunt me, pretending to be
supportive. I loathe him._"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = -1;
condition = gf(14,32) > 0 && gf(15,31) == 0; question = "I spoke with the
gatemaster on your behalf."; text1 = "She smiles wickedly. _Yes, I know. He sent
me word that I can pass through Vebeaux without restriction. Sent the message the
moment you left his office, I suspect. I've beaten Trader Charon, but I'm not done
with him yet._"; text2 = "_And yes, I know I must pay you, and generously._ She
gives you a large pouch of coins. _I am grateful for your aid._"; code =
sf(15,31,1); toggle_quest(109,3); change_coins(500);
award_party_xp(QUEST_XP,15); break; begintalknode; state = 100;
nextstate = -1; condition = gf(15,31) > 0 && gf(17,19) == 0; question =
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"; text1 = "She thinks about this. _I
am not sure. Now that I have reliable contacts, I may ... I need to think about the
opportunities open to me. I am not ready to act yet._"; begintalknode; state = 100;
nextstate = 103; condition = gf(17,19) == 1 && gf(14,33) == 0; question =
"I have been asked to betray Charon to the authorities."; text1 = "She nods
happily. _Well, fancy that. I always suspected that the cretin was involved in ...
unsavory activities. And you will make him pay for it, yes?_"; text2 = "_And,
when it's done, I will have a ... A reward for your noble service._"; begintalknode;
state = 103; nextstate = 100; condition = 1; question = "What has
Charon done to deserve this?"; text1 = "_Oh, I'm sure he's done something.
Everyone has broken some law or other. Avadon can punish anyone at any time, yes?
So we all must always be guilty._"; begintalknode; state = 103; nextstate =
100; condition = 1; question = "I am not sure whether I should do this."; text1
= "She looks confused. _A Hand of Avadon, refusing to punish someone? That is
unusual. Even refreshing. Don't worry yourself about it, though. They're all
corrupt, the lot of them. No real harm will be done, and you will be rewarded
well._"; begintalknode; state = 103; nextstate = 100; condition = 1;
question = "I will do what has been asked."; text1 = "She nods. _I am
glad. They're all corrupt, the lot of them. No real harm will be done, and you will
be rewarded well._"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = -1; condition =
gf(17,19) == 1 && gf(14,33) == 1 && gf(15,32) == 0; question = "Charon has been
arrested."; text1 = "_Oh, I am aware of that._ She looks around at her new shop
with satisfaction. Opportunity piled upon opportunity. That is my life of late._";
text2 = "She brings you a pouch of gold coins and, oddly enough, a rusty
horseshoe. _Rewards for your efforts. A generous payment, as promised. I know that
the payment seems humble, but trust me. It is a valuable trinket I give you._";
code = sf(15,32,1); toggle_quest(113,3);
change_coins(800); reward_give(345);
award_party_xp(QUEST_XP,22); break; begintalknode; state = 100;
nextstate = -1; condition = gf(17,19) == 1 && gf(14,33) == 2 && gf(15,32)
== 0; question = "I decided not to betray Charon."; text1 = "_Hmmmph. A fine time
for a Hand of Avadon to discover ethics. Since I can't deal with my rival, I must
move on. I need to find a place to sell my wares before I starve._"; text2 = "_I
bid you farewell. I will not be here for long._"; code =
toggle_quest(113,3); break; begintalknode; state = 100;
nextstate = 106; condition = gf(14,33) == 1; question = "This is now your
shop?"; text1 = "She looks around with pride. _Mine now. Sadly, poor old Trader
Charon was arrested. I went to see him in the castle. To obtain money for his
defense, he sold this shop to me, and for a delightfully low price._"; text2 =
"_Yes, opportunity after opportunity. That is my life._"; begintalknode; state
= 106; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What will happen to
Charon?"; text1 = "_I'm sure that I don't care. He has friends. He has money. He
will survive somehow. I think._"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = 104;
condition = 1; question = "Where have you come from?"; text1 = "_I am
Kellem, born and bred! My home lies to the east. I only go west to Holklanda to
obtain goods to sell. I would not admit this too loudly, but many Holklandan crafts
are of the highest quality, and there is much profit to be had bringing them
here._"; begintalknode; state = 104; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "What sorts of goods do you carry?"; text1 = "_Holklandan art.
Steelwork. Even tools for shadowwalkers, like weaponry and poisons. There is demand
for such things in Kellemderiel, though few would admit it._"; begintalknode; state
= 104; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What do you think of
Holklanda?"; text1 = "_I don't, really. Just more people to trade with. I do
not care about politics. If everyone in the Pact would just get along, things would
be much better._"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = 105; condition =
1; question = "I would like to trade with you."; text1 = "She brightens up.
_Of course! I will do what I can for what few customers pass this way._"; text2
= "_Also, in return for your aid to me, I have certain special items I would be
willing to sell._"; code = if (gf(14,33) != 1) rs(2);
break; begintalknode; state = 105; nextstate = -1; condition =
1; question = "I have something I want to sell."; text1 = "You conclude your
business."; code = begin_sell_mode(21); break; begintalknode;
state = 105; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Let me see
your wares."; text1 = "You conclude your business."; code =
begin_shop_mode("Calantha's Wares", "Calantha has a variety of
valuable Holklandan equipment, brought from there with great difficulty and
expense.", 21,5,0); break; begintalknode; state = 105;
nextstate = -1; condition = gf(14,33) == 1; question = "Let me see your
'special' items."; text1 = "You conclude your business."; code =
begin_shop_mode("Calantha's Wares", "Calantha has several
particularly rare and valuable works of Holklandan craftsmanship, brought from
there with great difficulty and expense.", 22,6,0); break;
begintalknode; state = 105; nextstate = 100; condition = 1; question =
"I don't need anything else."; text1 = "_Then is there anything else you want
to discuss before you move on?_"; begintalknode; state = 100; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "I will be going now. (Leave.)"; text1 =
"Calantha nods to you. _I appreciate your company. Safe travels to you._"; action
= END_TALK; // Trader Charonbegintalknode; tag = 130; state = -1; nextstate =
130; condition = 1; question = "Name"; text1 = "This middle-aged merchant
is surprisingly elegantly dressed for these rustic surroundings. His hair is
immaculate, and you think that he is wearing a scent. Subtly and carefully applied,
of course."; text2 = "And yet, he greets you in a friendly, borderline servile
way. _Welcome ... You are [N], yes? I learned of your arrival. A trickle of palace
gossip does reach me out here._"; text3 = "_I am Trader Charon, and I deal with
all who brave the dangers of the Beraza Woods._"; text5 = "Trader Charon is an
experienced shopkeeper, staying close enough to you to be available but not close
enough to be creepy. When you are present, he pointedly ignores all of his other
customers."; action = INTRO; begintalknode; state = 130; nextstate = 131;
condition = 1; question = "Why is there a trading post here?"; text1 =
"_Because, as strange as it may
seem, there are many who brave the dangerous road through the Beraza Woods. People
who carry out a wide variety of activities, though I do not judge._"; text2 =
"_These people have needs. I meet them. It is simple enough._"; begintalknode;
state = 131; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "What sorts
of 'activities' take place along the road?"; text1 = "He gives you a thin smile.
_There are smugglers and brigands, though I never deal with their kind. I deal with
hunters, who prowl the woods looking for wild game and brigands._"; text2 =
"_And I deal with merchants, who carry on the trade between Holklanda and
Kellemderiel._"; begintalknode; state = 131; nextstate = -1; condition =
1; question = "The road to the west is dangerous?"; text1 = "He nods. _Oh,
yes. Thugs and monsters. Monsters and thugs. Happily, the might of Castle Vebeaux
keeps them from my door._"; begintalknode; state = 130; nextstate = 132;
condition = gf(15,33) > 0 && gf(14,33) != 2; question = "Do you know
Trader Calantha?"; text1 = "He smirks. Then he walks to the window and looks
out of it. _Ah, the poor young lass, stuck out there. For weeks. Unable to proceed
through the castle._"; text2 = "_And yet ..._ He seems slightly disturbed. _She
can move on, but she doesn't. Why? What is she planning? Ah, well. I'm sure I can
deal with it. She is young and simple._"; code = if (gf(14,32) == 0)
rs(2); break; begintalknode; state = 132; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Why was she trapped there?"; text1 = "_Oh,
castle politics are such a mystery? Apparently, Gatemaster Prose somehow decided
that it was to his benefit to not give her permission to pass the gate. Almost as
if someone paid him to discourage merchants to do business in this settlement._";
text2 = "_But those are castle dealings, and I would not pretend to
understand them._"; text3 = "_And yet, he gave her permission to pass. Hmmm.
She must have allies of her own._"; code = if (gf(14,32) == 0)
rs(3); else rs(2); break; begintalknode; state = 130;
nextstate = 132; condition = gf(15,33) > 0 && gf(14,33) == 2; question =
"Do you know Trader Calantha?"; text1 = "He smirks. _I did. Now she is gone.
Passed through the castle to sell her shoddy wares in the east. I knew she would
give up eventually._"; begintalknode; state = 130; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Can you tell me about the Beraza Woods?"; text1
= "_Wide. Dark. Contested. Dangerous. But a great opportunity for one with the
right connections and a head for business._"; begintalknode; state = 130;
nextstate = 133; condition = 1; question = "I would like to trade with
you."; text1 = "_Of course you would! I have much that will aid one in your
line of work. And please do not worry. Hands of Avadon always receive a discount
here. What do you need?_"; begintalknode; state = 133; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "What do you have for sale?"; text1 = "You
conclude your business."; code = begin_shop_mode("Trader
Charon", "Charon sells equipment for the sophisticated adventurer, and
he makes sure that you receive a discount for all of his wares.",
23,1,0); break; begintalknode; state = 133; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "I have something I want to sell."; text1 = "You
conclude your business."; code = begin_sell_mode(-1); break;
begintalknode; state = 133; nextstate = 130; condition = 1; question =
"I don't need anything else."; text1 = "_Then I bid you good day. Must move
on. Very busy. Farewell._ He rushes off."; action = END_TALK;
begintalknode; state = 130; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"I don't need anything else."; text1 = "_Then I bid you good day. Must move
on. Very busy. Farewell._ He rushes off."; action = END_TALK; // Padget
begintalknode; tag = 160; state = -1; nextstate = 160; condition = 1;
question = "Name"; text1 = "There is a young farmer out tending his
crops. You note that he is constantly looking toward the woods to the west, and
there is an old broadsword hanging from his belt."; text2 = "When you approach
him, he nods. _Welcome, traveler. I am Padget. Please try not to step on the
cabbage._"; text5 = "Padget walks among his crops, picking weeds and mercilessly
destroying every slug brave enough to climb up onto an edible leaf."; text6 = "He
seems comfortable with the broadsword hanging from his belt. You suspect that this
weapon has been passed down from father to son for several generations."; action
= INTRO; begintalknode; state = 160; nextstate = 161; condition = 1;
question = "What are you growing?"; text1 = "_Cabbage. I'll harvest soon, and
then I will plant winter wheat._"; begintalknode; state = 161; nextstate =
-1; condition = 1; question = "How is the soil?"; text1 = "_Decent. Better
than some._"; begintalknode; state = 161; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "Who do you sell your produce to?"; text1 = "_The castle. My
cabbage has been eaten by some of the most important lords and ladies of Lynaeus.
Those of them wise enough to know a good cabbage when they see one, anyway._";
begintalknode; state = 160; nextstate = 162; condition = 1; question =
"Isn't this a dangerous place to have a farm?"; text1 = "He looks west to the
woods. _The hunters do a good job of keeping pests away. Most of the creatures that
get through, I can kill. Those of them too big to kill, I can outrun._";
begintalknode; state = 162; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question =
"So you have a sword."; text1 = "_Yes, and I've had to use it._"; begintalknode;
state = 162; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Why don't
you start a farm in a safer place?"; text1 = "_Because all of the best land in
Kellemderiel is held by the lords, and they will never give it up. Not an inch._";
text2 = "_The Beraza Woods have unclaimed land. That is why foolhardy souls
like me come here._"; begintalknode; state = 160; nextstate = -1; condition =
gf(15,21) == 0 && gf(14,35) == 1; question = "I've heard rumors that someone
around here is digging a tunnel. Heard anything?"; text1 = "_I ..._ He thinks
carefully. _I've heard nothing, though I don't know everything happening in every
farmhouse around there. I don't want to make anyone angry, but some of the farmers?
They're downright unsocial._"; text2 = "_Now, please excuse me. I need to be
returning to work._ He walks off quickly, suddenly not wanting to be seen talking
to you."; action = END_TALK; // Trainer Lealabegintalknode; tag =
190; state = -1; nextstate = 190; condition = 1; question = "Name"; text1
= "One of the hunters in this hall is an aging woman in rough, traveling clothes.
Her salt and pepper hair stretches down to her waist, and the bow slung over her
shoulder looks like it has been used for many years."; text2 = "She is training
the young hunters in this chamber, advising them as they fling missiles at the
targets and practice their blade techniques. Her voice is soft and quiet, but they
listen attentively to her every word."; text3 = "When she sees you, she turns
away from her charges to greet you. _Welcome, warrior. I am Trainer Leala. Have you
come to me for a reason? Many hunters come to me to be trained. Or retrained._";
text5 = "Trainer Leala continues to supervise and admonish her students.
Sometimes, she turns to you. _You can join them whenever you want. If you need
training or retraining, please let me know._"; action = INTRO; code =
i = 0; char1 = -1; char2 = -1; char3 = -1; while
(i < 8) { if (char_ok(i)) { if (char1 < 0)
char1 = i; else if (char2 < 0)
char2 = i; else char3 = i;
} i = i + 1; } break;
begintalknode; state = 190; nextstate = 191; condition = 1; question =
"You train the hunters here?"; text1 = "She nods. _I do. They come here
experienced warriors, but they don't know the ways of the Beraza. The thick
undergrowth. The pitfalls. The brigands and warped creatures._"; text2 = "_I
prepare them so that they don't end up in the graveyard out back._"; begintalknode;
state = 191; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "The woods
are dangerous?"; text1 = "_Intensely so. It would be different if soldiers could
go into them. A strong force of warriors from Kellemderiel, or Holklanda, or
both._"; text2 = "_But neither nation allows soldiers of the other to enter, so
a wild place it remains._"; begintalknode; state = 191; nextstate = -1;
condition = 1; question = "Have you hunted out there yourself?"; text1
= "She smiles sadly. _Of course. I would never send someone into a peril I have not
faced myself, many times. Of course, those years are past me now._"; begintalknode;
state = 191; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "Anything out
there I should watch out for?"; text1 = "_I am the wrong one to ask. I hear so
many tales and rumors about the dark woods that I have no idea which ones are
correct._"; text2 = "_I have even been told that a drake wanders the dark paths. It
has the ability to control the minds of those it sees, or so they say. Perhaps
true. Probably not._"; code = if (gf(22,18) > 0) rs(2);
break; begintalknode; state = 190; nextstate = -1; condition = 1;
question = "Can you train me?"; text1 = "She inspects you with a
practiced eye. _No. Your skill is already greater than mine. I can't increase your
power, though, with time, I could help you to refocus the strength you already
have._"; begintalknode; state = 190; nextstate = 192; condition = 1;
question = "What is retraining?"; text1 = "_Sometimes, as you gain in
experience, you may find that you have been trained in ways that no longer work for
you. I can help you to refocus that skill in different ways._"; text2 = "(Leala
can enable you to respend all of your skill
points, putting them into different skills and abilities. You won't lose any
levels or experience. Be warned ... if you take her offer, you will need to
completely retrain that character.)"; begintalknode; state = 192; nextstate =
190; condition = 1; question = "I don't need that."; text1 = "_You are
content with the path you have traveled? I am pleased._"; begintalknode; state
= 192; nextstate = 193; condition = 1; question = "There is one in my
group I would like you to retrain."; text1 = "_Of course. I hope you are ready
to choose a new path._"; begintalknode; state = 193; nextstate = -1;
condition = char1 >= 0; question = "Please retrain my first character.";
text1 = "Trainer Leala takes you through a vigorous period of retraining. It
takes time and effort, but you soon feel able to, with work, change your
abilities."; text2 = "(You are now able to respend all of this character's
skill points.)"; code = respec_char(char1); break;
begintalknode; state = 193; nextstate = -1; condition = char2 >= 0;
question = "Please retrain my second character."; text1 = "Trainer Leala
takes you through a vigorous period of retraining. It takes time and effort, but
you soon feel able to, with work, change your abilities."; text2 = "(You are now
able to respend all of this character's skill points.)"; code =
respec_char(char2); break; begintalknode; state = 193;
nextstate = -1; condition = char3 >= 0; question = "Please retrain my third
character."; text1 = "Trainer Leala takes you through a vigorous period of
retraining. It takes time and effort, but you soon feel able to, with work, change
your abilities."; text2 = "(You are now able to respend all of this character's
skill points.)"; code = respec_char(char3); break; begintalknode;
state = 193; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I've changed
my mind. I don't need your help."; text1 = "She smiles. _I am pleased to hear it.
I will return to my charges, who need every bit of help I can provide._ She returns
to directing her students."; action = END_TALK; begintalknode; state = 190;
nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "I don't need any training.";
text1 = "She smiles. _I am pleased to hear it. I will return to my charges,
who need every bit of help I can provide._ She returns to directing her students.";
action = END_TALK;

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