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Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 2016

SMK Taman Nusa Damai

Tingkatan 2/Oktober
Bahasa Inggeris

Question 1
a) function
b) a
c) and
d) effectively
e) have
f) problems
g) lives
h) with
i) dietary
j) promoting

Question 2
a) Johor/Pahang (border)
b) (the) Endau River
c) 80,000 hectares
d) leaf monkeys
e) white-handed gibbons
f) tiger
g) jungle trekking
h) rafting
i) (going on) night safari
j) survive in the wilderness

Question 3
a) False
b) False
c) False
d) False
e) Cultural Arts Development Division (JKKN)
f) (the) main stage
g) i. scrumptious
ii. skill
h) the traditional games (for example, Sepak Takraw, Gasing, and
i) Accept any answer, within line of reasoning
i.e. to showcase and highlight arts of Johor

Question 4
a) (in) the forest (at night)
b) It was dark OR it was night time
c) (a) struck of infortune.
d) i. the well was too deep
ii. the wall was to slippery
e) i. finest
ii. cold
iii. thirsty
iv. plight
f) if the water is any good
g) he was thirsty
h) Accept any answer with appropriate line of reasoning
i.e. cry for help
Accept any answer with appropriate line of reasoning
i.e. we must not make any decision without thinking
Question 5
a) sunset, rose, fire,
b) it is loud and bright
c) (feeling) brave, angry, embarrassed
d) Accept any answer with appropriate line of reasoning
i.e. Green because it is calming, blue because it is used for a lot
of important things like uniform

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