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N Planned Task Notes (done, not done, Evidence

ov issues etc). Reflections and

reasons for changes

19 Make sure the Investigation was done on

investigation is time.
completed, make sure it is
shared with your

20 Meeting with supervisor, Mr. Esmail had a meeting

Mr. Esmail on that day, we decided to
Make sure to have three meet on our next meeting
process journals written date.
down talking about the Process journals due on
research made. time. Challenging part as I
wasn’t sure what to
research mainly.

21 Make sure the meetings of Process journal of my first

the 13th November. meeting was done on time.

22 Meeting with expert and I met up with my

discussing the following: supervisor this week and
- Instruments we discussed about the
needed project. Her assumption
- Type of structure was for me to definitely
- Musical features record in a studio, and add
for a drum supply. The type
of structure used should be
similar to pop music. We
decided that the major
accompaniment would be
the guitar and I could add
some piano melody in the
background and well as
guitar arpeggios, singing
riffs and other musical
23 Start to put information Too much work, couldn’t
and deadlines in the start planning my timeline.
planning parts.

24 --

25 Make sure to start to This saturday was my dad’s

create the criteria. birthday which didn’t allow
me to start working for
personal project.

26 Added event: work on I started working on my

criteria criteria but confronted
some challenges.
One of my criteria was to
make people realize the
impact of their words, but I
didn’t know how to prove
that. Furthermore, another
point was for someone that
is suffering of bullying to
be able to talk to someone,
but that is almost
impossible for me to know
if my own song made a
change and if they actually
go search for help.

27 Meeting with supervisor. This meeting happened.

Make sure to have started Mr. Esmail helped me
criteria on the Planning figure out some points
part. about my criteria. We
decided to change the
words in order for my goal
to fit better to my project.
28 Write the timeline Done on time.

29 Make sure to finish Done on time.

putting information of the
27th November meeting
in a process journal.


D Planned Task Notes (done, not done, Evidence

ec issues etc). Reflections and
reasons for changes




4 Meeting with supervisor Meeting didn’t happen as I

to talk about the criteria. had a recital for the school
Make sure to have: “Winter Arts Showcase”
- modified the I didn’t had time to modify
Investigation part the investigation as I had a
- researched about lot of big summatives
“Does Music coming up.
change the way I researched about the way
people think” music can change the way
- Included the people think and found 3
research in articles on different
Investigation. prospective and thoughts of
Make sure to be finish how music can change the
with the criteria. way someone think.
Went to talk to Ms. St. From my meeting with Ms.
George, the school St. George, I received
counselor, in order to get helpful comments such as:
ideas and solutions to help - Creating bracelets
me write my criteria. that I could give to
people that are
interested in my
- Putting a
whiteboard where
students and adults
can put their
thoughts and ideas
about the song.
- She also gave me a
good source:



7 Make process journal with The last weeks before the

the information from the break are the most full
three articles. weaks. I had too much
Re-arranged meeting with work and wasn’t able to put
Mr. Esmail the research in a process
Mr. Esmail had a sudden
meeting that came up
which didn’t allow us to
meet. We rescheduled for
the next day at lunch time,
our usual timing, in the DT
lab, as usual.

8 Re-re arranged meeting This meeting happened.

with Mr. Esmail We discussed the ways I
would need to use to draft
and make two different
sketches. We also talked
about the eventual idea of
having a youtube channel
and making video with a
company in order to have
some sport of visual

10 Start sketching the two I wasn’t able to make the

drafts. two drafts, as first of all, I
had a 14 kilometers race on
that day. However, I
decided to brainstrom my

11 Start sketching two drafts Due to the amount of work

given by other teachers, I
haven’t been able to start
putting information down
but I did had a think
regarding the structure of
the song.


13 Meeting with expert My expert caught a flu, she Screenshot of email

couldn’t come to the
meeting which is pretty
negative as I will be away
for three weeks during the
winter break.

14 Finishing sketching No time to sketch, too

much work and too many
assignments and tests.
15 Deadline for the Planning Didn’t had time to draw my
written section. sketches as I had an
- Draw the sketches important meeting with the
once getting home doctor.

16 Start of holidays

17 Finishing all process This weekend, I decided

journals: not to do any type of work
- Two meetings to as the previous week was
put in the process really tiring. I was
journal physically tired, and for my
- Research on music personal health, I decided
- Analysing to take this weekend as a
different songs break and start working on
personal project as well as
other school projects
starting on monday.

18 Modifying the Break

Investigation using the
research made the
previous day.

19 On Tuesday, I travelled to
Switzerland and didn’t had
time to work on the project.

20 Start putting down ideas I decided to move the task

of words that will need to due on the 20th to the 21th,
be included in my song, as as I thought it would be
well as ideas of sentences. better for me to first catch
up the work I didn’t do last
Finishing all process weekend.
- Two meetings to I had be given an hour by
put in the process my mother to work for
journal school. I used this hour to
- Research on music put the research of the
- Analysing article: “Music can change
different types of the World” in a process
music journal.
Modifying the However, I didn’t had
Investigation with the enough time to redo my
research found regarding investigation as well as my
the way music interacts on other process journal on
people. “Music changes the way
you think”

21 Start putting down ideas This task was done on time.

of words that will need to
be included in my song, as
well as ideas of sentences.
- Draw the sketches
once getting home

22 Start composing the HUGE ISSUE:

chords for the chorus. For the entire next weeks, I
won’t have a guitar because
my parents didn’t aloud me
to take it to switzerland. I
will be going skiing
everyday, and they don’t
aloud me to skip a ski day
to work for school. My
mother believes that it is
important for my brain to
have a break especially
after my personal issues
regarding too much work.

23 Start composing the Was not able to start

introduction and verses. composing the introduction
and verses.
Start finding the correct
chords I want to use.

24 Start composing the I was not able to start

bridge. composing the bridge.

Make sure to record all
draft parts in order to be
able to put words to the

26 -

27 Start creating ideas of

verses and create a main
chorus. Make sure to keep
every single draft of the
chords and ideas of lyrics.
28 Research about ideas for
recording a clip for my

29 Research ways of ordering This has been done

the bracelets. successfully, the bracelet
will come soon. I ordered
them through my dad’s
assistant. They are blue and
the words are: “Break the
I found the idea by
reflecting on the message I
wanted to make pass which
is: Speak up for people,
don’t let them feel bad,
help them out and for
victims to talk to an adult
when suffering of these
types of harassments.

30 Finish up all of the lyrics.

31 NEW YEAR I was able to find a guitar at

my friend’s house in
Switzerland. He allowed
me to borrow it and now I
can start composing the
song. I started finding the
chords I wanted in my

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