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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 38, No.

7, 2009 Special Issue Paper

DOI: 10.1007/s11664-009-0680-z
 2009 TMS

Automotive Applications of Thermoelectric Materials


1.—Materials and Processes Lab, GM R&D Center, Warren, MI 48090, USA. 2.—Future Tech,
LLC, 2096 Cameo Drive, Troy, MI 48098-2409, USA. 3.—e-mail:

This report reviews several existing and potential automotive applications of

thermoelectric technology. Material and device issues related to automotive
applications are discussed. Challenges for automotive thermoelectric appli-
cations are highlighted.

Key words: Thermoelectric materials, automotive waste heat recovery,

thermoelectric applications

INTRODUCTION automotive use. These units can be set to cool or heat

food and drink using the 12-V power from a vehicle.
Automotive applications for thermoelectric mate- Many of these warmer–cooler units are portable and
rials are growing in importance, driven by the can be used in any location where electric power is
customerÕs desire for high efficiency and for more available. All of these thermoelectric systems offer
features. Most thermoelectric applications can be the benefit of being small, relatively lightweight, and
divided into one of two segments. One segment is silent in operation. These unique features make
based on the Peltier effect and is focused on various thermoelectric technology very attractive even
applications of heating or cooling. The other seg- though the efficiency is low.
ment is based on the Seebeck effect and is focused The most promising area for application of the
on power generation, primarily from waste heat. Peltier effect has been discussed in numerous pat-
The heating and cooling applications will be ents, papers, and presentations, but has not reached
addressed first because some of these applications production yet. This delay in production application
are already in production. has been due in part to the relatively low efficiency
of thermoelectric materials (low ZT and low coeffi-
PELTIER EFFECT APPLICATIONS: cient of performance). The impact on the vehicle
HEATING AND COOLING design has been an additional part of the delay.
Thermoelectric materials have the potential to
While vehicle customers need and expect high
revolutionize automotive heating, ventilation, and
efficiency from vehicles, there is a competing demand
air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Improved ther-
for additional features for comfort and convenience.
moelectric materials can enable the production of
Thermoelectric materials can offer vehicle owners
HVAC systems with several very desirable and
several unique features by providing heating and
unique features:
cooling for various items on the vehicle. Seats with
thermoelectric heating and cooling are available  No Greenhouse gases required for refrigerant
today and have been in production for almost a dec-  Silent operation
ade in many luxury vehicles. Cup holders that keep  Faster operation, especially faster delivery of
beverages hot or cold are available on a few models. warm air on cold starts
Small thermoelectric refrigerators or wine coolers  Potentially lighter weight systems
are available as features for limousines and recrea-  Potential of more energy-efficient cooling
tional vehicles. Numerous after-market manufac-  Ability to heat or cool the passenger compartment
turers are producing warmer–cooler units for without engine operation (hybrids, engine off
when vehicle stops, remote HVAC activation
without engine start, etc.)
(Received July 30, 2008; accepted January 15, 2009;  Increased reliability and durability due to no or
published online February 13, 2009) few moving parts

1246 Yang and Stabler

HVAC systems based on thermoelectric modules  Faster cooling and heating than either current
can contribute to the acceptance of hybrid, electric, HVAC systems or a new direct replacement
or fuel cell vehicles where quiet operation without system
the need for mechanical input is a needed capabil-  Lower power requirements and ultimately
ity. There are at least two distinctly different increased fuel efficiency
approaches for thermoelectric HVAC systems: direct  Less wasted energy by heating or cooling only the
replacement or a new distributed system. passengers, not empty seats
 Lighter weight system and better packaging,
Direct Replacement of Existing HVAC especially less impact on the instrument panel
Systems  Ability to provide individual temperature control
for each passenger or sector of the vehicle (par-
The direct replacement approach would retain the
tially available today with conventional systems)
single-point HVAC system where one unit in the
 Better temperature control, especially for rear-
vehicle firewall distributes heated or cooled air
seat passengers
through a vent system in the instrument panel. The
thermoelectric modules would provide the heating To design a successful distributed HVAC system,
or cooling of the air, eliminating the need for the much research is needed on how people perceive a
current heater core, compressor-evaporator system, comfortable temperature for their environment. Air
pipes, and AC radiator, and much of the engine temperature, air movement, surface temperatures,
compartment complexity. There is the possibility and other subtle factors all play a part in achieving
that engine coolant will be needed to provide or the desired result for all passengers. Thermoelectric
remove heat from the thermoelectric modules. This modules would offer a designer the ability to cool or
simplifies the packaging of the HVAC components heat surfaces the passengers touch in addition to
and has limited impact on the passenger cabin. controlling air temperature. This is the downside of
Figure 1 provides one possible embodiment of a the distributed system. Much of the passenger cabin
thermoelectric HVAC system. This approach may would have to be redesigned and many passive
save some mass and operating power (depending on components such as seats, arm rests, steering
the performance of the available materials). As wheel, and possibly the head liner would become
vehicles become more efficient, both gasoline and active parts of the HVAC system. The heated and
diesel engines take much longer to warm up and cooled seats offered in some current cars are an
provide adequate coolant temperature to warm the initial example of this capability. Even control of air
passenger compartment. Thermoelectric systems temperature could change since it would be possible
can offer a solution to this problem by heating air to to have many small sources of air flow rather than a
the passenger compartment within seconds of acti- central source. Using a system similar to or shared
vation. While this design would be relatively easy to with the airbag system, the distributed HVAC sys-
package and has several benefits, it does not take tem could activate only the portions needed to pro-
full advantage of features offered by thermoelectric vide a comfortable environment for the passengers,
systems. not empty areas.
The success of these features depends on the
Distributed HVAC System efficiency of the thermoelectric modules used for
heating and cooling and even more importantly on
A completely new vehicle cabin design to incor-
the availability of economical modules. It is desir-
porate a distributed HVAC system would be a much
able to have high-performance materials because
more difficult project; however, it has the potential
they allow higher efficiency (less electric power
to offer much more for the customer. It would offer
demand from the vehicle) and smaller systems
all of the features mentioned above plus several
(lighter, easier to package systems). Specific design
unique ones. A distributed design has the potential
of thermoelectric components for a distributed sys-
to offer the following:
tem will require significant interior component
redesign, many that are vehicle specific, to have an
Major Thermoelectric HVAC Functions
efficient system. The general design will be small
units similar to that shown in Fig. 1 with air being
Vehicle Coolant – Hot for
Fluid In Fluid Out heating, cold for cooling – the source in some cases and some vehicle surfaces
Source Side
Heat Exchanger
Added pumps / flow
being cooled or heated instead of cabin air.
Electric There are other applications of the Peltier effect
Thermoelectric Power Source on automobiles that would not be features directly
Modules Power & Vehicle Interface
observed by the customer, but important to vehicle
Air In Cabin Side Air Out performance and durability. These involve control-
Cabin Air
Heat Exchanger
ling the temperature of certain vehicle systems to
Current flow to TE modules in one direction for keep them within the desired temperature range for
heating cabin air and reversed for cooling proper, reliable operation. Some of the applications
Fig. 1. Major TE functions of a direct-replacement HVAC system. could include the following:

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