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JKIMSU, Vol. 2, No. 2, July-Dec.

2013 ISSN 2231-4261

A Profile of Fitness Parameters and Performance of Volleyball Players
Govind B. Taware1*, Milind V. Bhutkar1, Anil D. Surdi2
Department of Physiology, Dr. V. M. Govt. Medical College, Solapur - 413003, (Maharashtra), India
Department of Physiology, Dr. S. R. T. R. Govt. Medical College, Ambejogai- 431517 (Maharashtra), India

Abstract: standards; our subjects were behind the recom-

Background: Ball games require comprehen- mended norms for the elite volleyball players.
sive ability including physical, technical, men- Conclusion: The volleyball players have more
tal and tactical abilities. Among them, physical advantage of flexibility muscular endurance,
abilities of players exert marked effects on the power and cardio-respiratory endurance.
skill of the players themselves and the tactics Key Words: Flexibility, Muscular Endurance,
of the team. Therefore players must have the Power, Cardio-Respiratory Endurance, Bicycle
physical abilities to meet the demand of the Ergometry, VO2 max.
sport. Volleyball is one of the most popularly Introduction:
played games in the world. Unfortunately, the
Today, sport has become cultural phenomenon
level of performance of the Indian volleyball
of great magnitude and complexity. Its scope is
players lags far behind the international stan-
awesome; nearly everybody has become in-
dards. Aim of the Study: The present study was
volved in some or other way in it. It has got mass
aimed to assess flexibility, muscular endurance,
power and cardio-respiratory endurance of vol-
Various research studies conducted by experts
leyball players and to compare the results with
age matched controls. Also, to compare the in physical education and sports have empha-
findings of the volleyball players with that of sized the importance of investigating the spe-
the international norms from the available lit- cific structures, co-related with the various
erature and to make some suggestions for the sports activities, for the selection and devel-
improvement in their performance level. Ma- opment of talent in sports and for better per-
terial and Methods: The study was carried out formance at different levels of sports compe-
in 40 male volleyball players aged between 17 tition.
to 26 years and 40 ages matched male controls. There are numerous factors which are respon-
Physical fitness parameters namely flexibility, sible for the performance of a sportsman. These
muscular endurance, power and cardio-respi- are physical, mental, technical and tactical.
ratory endurance were measured, data was ana- Among them, physical abilities are most im-
lyzed using unpaired ‘t’-test. Results: It was ob- portant. Performance also depends on skills,
served that all physical fitness parameters were training, motivation and physiological factors.
significantly more in players as compared to The poor performance of Indian athletes and
their aged-matched controls but when values of sportsmen at the international competition has
the subjects were compared to international been of great concern, especially to the

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JKIMSU, Vol. 2, No. 2, July-Dec. 2013 Govind B. Taware et. al.

coaches, physical educationists and sports sci- ment Medical College, Solapur which included
entists. Efforts have been made to improve the undergraduate students, interns and residents.
standards of our sportsmen since long; how- The study was carried out in 2011-2012 and
ever, little success has so far been achieved in the total duration of study was six months.
this respect. Surprisingly few studies on physical fitness
Volleyball is one of the most popularly played parameters have been done on male volleyball
games in the world. It is the game of power agil- players in India; hence the present study in-
ity as well as speed. Physical fitness is of para- tended to fill this lacuna by choosing male sub-
mount importance in this game. Hence, the jects.
health related aspects play a crucial role in the Participation in the study was voluntary and
performance of the players. informed written consent was taken from all
So, this present study was undertaken to mea- subjects from study and control groups.
sure certain basic physical fitness parameters Exclusion criteria:
like flexibility, muscular endurance, power and 1) Those players who were not regularly
cardio-respiratory endurance of volley ball play- practicing were excluded from the
ers and to find out the lacunae in the physical study.
fitness level so that we can come up with some 2) Those players who were injured during
valuable suggestions to improve the perfor- practice or during matches were ex-
mance level of volleyball players. With this in cluded. Minor injuries included sprains
mind a study was undertaken to assess physical and strains and major injuries included
fitness parameters of volleyball players of uni- recurrent shoulder dislocation, fracture
versity team and players playing above univer- ankle joint, fracture patella, ligament
sity level (state level, national level) players as injuries etc.
compared to age matched controls and inter- 3) Players with major respiratory illness
national standards. or cardio-vascular illness in past were
Material and Methods: excluded from the study.
The present study was carried out in the sports Following physical fitness parameters
physiology laboratory of physiology depart- were taken in both the groups and standard
ment Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government methods were employed to measure fitness
Medical College, Solapur after taking approval parameters.
of the ethical committee. 1. Flexibility :
This study included 40 male volleyball players Sit and reach test: This test is used to measure
aged between 17 to 26 years, who were selected the development of hip and back flexion as well
for university team in last three years and still as extension of the hamstring muscles of the
playing at university level, state level or national legs. The object is to see how far a person can
level. This was our study group. The control extend his fingertips beyond his foot line with
group consisted of 40 age matched male stu- the legs straight.
dents of Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Govern-

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A measuring tape was struck on floor and a line score was the number of correct push-ups executed.
perpendicular to the tape at 15 inches was Precautions taken:
marked on the floor. After sufficient warm-up, ’ The performer should not sag or pike his
the subject was asked to sit down and line up body but should maintain a straight line
his heels with the near edge of perpendicular throughout the exercise.
line with the tape in between the two heels and ’The score was terminated when the performer
slide his seat back beyond the zero end of the stopped to take rest.
tape. An assistant stood and braced his toes ’ If the chest did not touch or if the arms were
against the subject’s heels as he stretched for- not completely extended on an execution, the
ward so that his heels should not slip over the trial was not counted.
perpendicular line. Also, two assistants held Thus only the total numbers of push-ups ex-
subjects knees in locked position. Then, the ecuted correctly were recorded [1]
subject was asked to stretch forward slowly and (b) Sit-ups:
steadily without jerks, keeping his knees locked Numbers of sit ups with bent knees were noted
and heels not more than 5 inches apart and to to measure the endurance of abdominal
touch the fingertips of both hands as many muscles. The only equipment required for this
inches down the stick as possible. test was a mat and a yardstick.
The best of three trials measured to the nearest From a lying position on the back, the per-
quarter of an inch was the test score of the sub- former was asked to flex his knees over the
ject which was recorded in the record sheet [1] yardstick while sliding his heels as close to his
2. Muscular Endurance : seat as possible. The yardstick was held tightly
under the knees and the performer was in-
In the present study, muscular endurance was
structed to slide his feet forward slowly. At the
tested by dynamic relative type. In this type, the
point where the yardstick drooped to the mat,
performer executes identical repetitions of a
the heel line and seat line were marked to indi-
movement through a designated distance and
cate how far the feet remained from the seat
over an unlimited amount of time. The test is
during the bent knee sit up exercise. Then, the
scored in terms of the numbers of correct ex-
subject was asked to interlace the fingers be-
ecutions completed. Following tests were done
hind the neck and to perform sit ups. The left
in the present study
elbow should touch the inside of the right knee
(a) Push-ups:
and the right elbow should touch to the inside
The objective was to measure the endurance of
of the left knee alternately. The subject was
the arms and shoulder girdle i.e. upper body
asked to repeat the exercise as many times as
muscular endurance. From a straight arm front
leaning rest position, the performer was asked
Precautions taken:
to lower the body until the chest touches the
Repetitions were not counted,
mat and then to push upwards to the straight arm
i) If finger tips did not maintain contact behind
support. The exercise was continued for as
the head.
many repetitions as possible without rest. The

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ii) When the knees were not touched by elbows. After 3-5 trials, best jump with approach was
iii) When the subject pushed off the floor with noted. Number of centimeters between the nor-
the elbow. mal reach and the jump with approach measured
The total number of sit-ups executed were nearest to the half centimeter was the score of
counted and recorded in the subjects record the subject which was recorded and entered into
sheet. [1] his record profile [1].
3. Power (vertical jump): 4. Aerobic Capacity (Cardio-respiratory
a) Vertical jump without approach (Sargent endurance):
chalk jump) VO2 max [Maximum Oxygen Uptake] is re-
The objective of this test was to measure the garded by large number of exercise physiolo-
power of the legs in jumping vertically upwards. gists as the most appropriate measure of Aero-
The equipment and materials needed were a bic Capacity or Cardio-respiratory fitness.
yardstick, several pieces of chalk and a smooth In the present study VO2 max was found out
wall surface at least 12 feet from the floor. The using Bicycle Ergometer [2]. Bicycle
subject was asked to stand with his side towards Ergometry: measures work. A Bicycle Ergom-
the wall and to reach as high as possible with eter is a stationary bicycle which can be adjusted
the heels on the floor and to make a mark on for seat level and for resistance to pedaling thus
the wall with one inch piece of chalk which he permitting a wide variety of workloads.
held in his hands nearest to the wall. This was Procedure:
the normal reach of the subject which was noted
After leveling the Ergo meter, it was connected
in centimeters.
to the mains. The subject was asked to sit and
The subject was then asked to swing arms down-
after making appropriate adjustments for the
wards and backwards, assuming a crouched po-
height of seat and angle of the handle, the stop
sition with the knees bent at about a right angle
switch was stared for number of wheel revolu-
and jump as high as possible. The highest point
tions and the subject was asked to pedal at 50
of the jump reached which the subject marked
RPMs constantly keeping the load minimum.
on the wall was noted. This was the vertical
After 30 to 45 seconds of warm up, the load
jump executed by the subject without approach.
was set at desired level and the stop watch was
b) Vertical jump with approach:
reset. The subject was asked to pedal at 50
The subject was asked to take three steps from
RPMs constantly for 6 minutes.
the wall for spike approach,. taking the start
At the end of every minute, the heart rate of the
from the end of third step the subject was asked
performer was noted. If the heart rate observed
to approach the wall giving himself a momen-
at the end of 5th minute and 6th minute differed
tum and then to jump with two foot take-off as
by more than 5 beat/minute, the test is prolonged
high as possible reaching for the highest point
for 1 to 2 more minutes until a steady state was
of the wall with both his hands extended and to
achieved. The average of last 2 minutes was
mark the chalk on the wall.
designated as the heart rate at that load. [3]

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Our ultimate aim was to find out the amount of by value of VO2 max in Lit/min.
work done by the subject in unit time to find VO2 max was found out in ml/min/Kgs and by
out KPM/min (Kilo pound meters per minute). multiplying it by 1000 and dividing by the sub-
This is found by the formula: jects body weight. The formula is:
KPM/min=2 NW/T VO2 max (ml/min/Kgs) = [(VO2 max in Lit/
Where, min X 1000)/Body weight]
N=No. of revolutions of wheel
W=Reading of balance in Kgs (Load) Interpretation of maximum oxygen uptake was
T= Time in minutes done using a standard table developed by the
Then using Modified Astrands Rhyming nomo- American Heart Association in which the norms
gram, we found out VO2 max by keeping one are grouped into five categories (Low, Fair,
end of ruler on the KPM/min scale and other Average, Good and High). Thus the aerobic ca-
end at the pulse rate scale. The intersection of pacity or cardio-respiratory fitness status of an
the ruler at VO2 max scale gave the reading in individual can be found out.
liters. Correction of age factor was done ac- Results:
cording to the table by multiplying age factor
Table 1: Flexibility Test of Study and Control Groups
Study/Control Mean SD SEM p value S/NS
Test subjects
Trunk Flexibility Study subjects 20.38 2.835 0.448 < 0.05 S
(inches) Control subjects 17.16 2.533 0.401
Shoulder Goniometry Study subjects 178.45 2.012 0.318 < 0.05 S
(Degrees) Control subjects 175.05 2.087 0.330
Knee Goniometry Study subjects 140.25 5.615 0.888 < 0.05 S
(Degrees) Control subjects 135.43 2.438 0.385
S: Significant, NS: non-significant, SD: STD deviation, SEM: STD Error Mean

Table 2: Muscular Endurance Tests of Study and Control Groups

Study/Control Mean SD SEM p value S/NS
Test subjects
Pushups (No.) Study subjects 28.90 4.174 0.660 < 0.05 S
Control subjects 19.08 7.054 1.115
Sit ups (No.) Study subjects 38.80 6.843 1.082 < 0.05 S
Control subjects 19.18 8.000 1.265
S: Significant, NS: non-significant, SD: STD deviation, SEM: STD Error Mean

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Table 3: Power of Study and Control Groups

Study/Control Mean SD SEM p value S/NS
Power Testing subjects
Without approach (cms) Study subjects 51.45 9.556 1.511 < 0.05 S
Control subjects 39.125 8.585 1.357
With approach (cms) Study subjects 62.60 9.737 1.540 < 0.05 S
Control subjects 48.30 11.407 1.804
S: Significant, NS: non-significant, SD: STD deviation, SEM: STD Error Mean
Table 4: Cardio-respiratory Endurance (Bicycle Ergometry) of Study & Control Groups
Study/Control Mean SD SEM p value S/NS
VO2 Max (ml\kg\cms) Study subjects 44.559 6.7545 1.067 < 0.05 S
Control subjects 30.668 4.405 0.696
S: Significant, NS: non-significant, SD: STD deviation, SEM: STD Error Mean
Discussion: Two types of flexibility tests are present;
1) Flexibility: 1] Relative flexibility tests – These are de-
signed to be relative to the length or width of a
Flexibility is the ability of an individual to move specific body part. In these test, we measure
the body and its parts through as wide range of not only the movement but also the length or
motion as possible without undue strain to the width of an influencing body part.
articulations and muscular attachments. 2] Absolute flexibility test – In these tests we
Flexibility provides another dimension in per- measure only the movements in relation to an
formance that allows a higher degree of free- absolute performance goal.
dom and ease of movement coupled with some Flexibility scores may be reported as linear
important implications for greater safety from measurements when readings are taken by tape,
injury. flexomeasure or as rotatory measurements
Flexibility of a certain joint does not neces- where scores occur in degrees of rotation as
sarily indicate flexibility in other joints, and determined by the use of a protractor or a go-
there is no general flexibility test for total body niometer.
flexibility. Flexibility is specific for a given In volleyball, the players have to move suddenly
joint and to a particular sport [4]. in forward direction, sideways or downward
It is a test of basic proficiency so it is used in directions, so flexibility of hip and back is of
many skills. The different joints vary in the utmost importance. So, we have decided to go
range of flexibility. So the specific joints can with sit and reach test.
be checked in this regard. In our study, the mean trunk flexibility of study

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subjects has been 20.38” and that of control back and hamstring stretch exercises are advised
subjects 17.16” and the difference has been which are to be done regularly and executed
found to be statistically significant. properly and gradually.
M.J Duncan et al[5] have found mean values 2) Muscular Endurance:
for sit and reach test in national level volley-
ball players to be 23 1\2” which has been more Muscular endurance is the ability to repeat a
than our subjects. series of muscle contractions without fatigue.
Lee E.J. et al [6] have found significant and Volleyball has been described as “Interval” sport
positive correlation between vertical jump and with both anaerobic as well as aerobic compo-
hip flexion. His findings have supported the nent. In long matches or tournament play, the
assumption that greater flexibility is related to players have to bend, jump and move thousands
greater skilled performance. Thus, he has con- of times which need good muscular endurance.
cluded that greater hip flexibility may benefit It is one of the required qualities for excelling
the jumping ability. in volleyball [9].
Flexibility of shoulder joint has been assessed In our study, upper body endurance has been
by measuring range of motion of shoulder flex- assessed by number of maximum push-ups,
ion by goniometer. executed correctly by the study subject and
Flexion of shoulder joint has been found to be control subjects. The average number of maxi-
178.45 degrees in study subjects and 175.05 mum push-ups for study subjects has been
degrees in control subjects, the difference be- 28.90 and for control subjects 19.08, the dif-
ing statistically significant. ference being statistically highly significant.
AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Sur- But, when compared with national level volley-
geons) [7] has given maximum shoulder flex- ball players our subjects have had a low mus-
ion value of 180 degrees, thus, values in our cular endurance.
study correlate with AAOS. Similarly lower body muscular endurance has
Knee joint flexibility is found to be 140.25 been assessed by number of sit-ups [Bent knees]
degrees in study subjects and 135.43 degrees executed correctly. In our study, mean number
in control subjects, the difference being sta- of sit-ups executed properly for study subjects
tistically significant. have been 38.8 and for controls 19.18, the dif-
Boone et al [8] have found mean knee flexion ference being statistically significant.
to be 140.2 +\-5.2 degrees. Our findings cor- When compared to national level [66-above
relate with their findings. advanced] elite athletes, our subjects fall into
Thus, we can conclude that study subjects in intermediate performance level.
our study have good flexibility when compared This means, though the muscular endurance of
to control subjects and also, the values of shoul- our study group bears statistical significance
der and knee flexion coincide with the interna- with the control group but still it lags behind
tional standards. when compared to national or international stan-
For improving flexibility of trunk, various lower dards.
Berger, Richard A. et al [10] have shown that

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training [dynamic overload] programmes im- included majority of university level volleyball
proved performance on muscular endurance players, so our finding are consistent his find-
exercises. But, Dennison J.D. et al [11] have ings.
stressed equal importance of both isotonic as S. K Saggar et al [13] have found vertical jump
well as isometric exercise programmes in im- with approach score for the international vol-
proving muscular endurance. leyball players as 76.00cms where as in our
Thus, muscular endurance can be improved by study; the same has been 62.60cms.
proper weight training, isotonic exercise and Hakkinen et al [14] have suggested 4-5 weekly
isometric exercises. sessions for playing drills and competitive
3) Power (vertical jump): games and 2-3 weekly sessions for physical
conditioning for strength and explosive strength
Power may be defined as the ability to release
training for volleyball players to improve their
maximum force in the fastest possible time as
vertical jumping ability significantly as well as
in jumping and throwing activities. Athletic
spike and block jumps during competitive sea-
power measurement is expressed in terms of
the distance through which the body or an ob-
Lawrence Grey, Kumar V et al [15] have em-
ject is propelled through space.
phasized the importance of plyometric exer-
The game of volleyball is a game of power. For
cises (high intensity exercises to enhance
peak performance in volleyball, the muscles
speed, agility and power), weight and sprint
which are the source of power must be strong.
training in volleyball players. They have found
It is important for a volleyball player to have
huge improvements in speed, agility and power,
explosive power in legs because he has to jump
thus increasing the vertical leap for volleyball.
hundreds of times during the match or tourna-
Kasabalis A. et al [16] have found a significant
ment for executing spiking skill or blocking
correlation between anaerobic power and jump-
skill. Thus, a good vertical jump during the spike
ing performance in volleyball players and they
and block depends on strength, speed and tech-
have suggested that vertical jump may predict
maximum anaerobic power and could be used
We have found that vertical jump without ap-
by the coaches as a practical and easy to apply
proach has been 51.45cms in study subjects and
field screening test for evaluation in volleyball
39.12cms in control subjects. The difference
has been statistically significant. Also, vertical
Mac Colloway [17] has stressed that most im-
jump with three stride approaches has been
portant type of training needed for a volleyball
found to be 62.60cms in study subjects and
player was power and core strength. He has
48.30cms in control subjects which again has
stated that power involves the simultaneous
been statistically significant.
reaction of the hips, knees and ankles while the
Fleck S.J. et al [12] have found vertical jump-
abdominals and low back are used for the sup-
ing distance of 54.4 +\- 4.5cms in national team
port. He has suggested hang deans, push
volleyball players and 45.5 +\- 6.4cms. in uni-
press\jerks, power shrugs along with
versity team volleyball players. Our study has

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plyometrics (jumps, hops, bounds etc.) for supply of oxygen to the working muscles.
development of power. Thus, cardio respiratory endurance is one of the
Sheppard J.M. [18] has shown that to progress key components of physical fitness.
from junior to senior national team, volleyball The most accurate measure of this ability is
players must increase their vertical jump for generally considered to be maximal oxygen
counter movement and spike. uptake [VO2 max] which measures the amount
Thus, from the findings and suggestions of vari- of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body
ous workers we conclude that, power is one of weight per minute of exercise.
the most important parameter determining the Heart rate increases with oxygen consumption,
performance level of volleyball players at high and since the latter is considered to be the most
level. Exercises like isotonic and isometric valid measure of cardio respiratory fitness, this
weight training, rope skipping, ankle strength- relationship has been utilized in tests to pre-
ening exercise, ballistic resistance training, hip dict oxygen consumption. Thus, heart rate pro-
flexibility exercises, sprinting and most of all vides a great deal of information about the
plyometrics help in improvement of vertical body’s reaction to the stress of exercise and it
jumping ability for spiking and block skills is quick and easy to measure. Hence, it can serve
development in the game of volleyball. as a valuable tool to monitor the strenuousness
4) Aerobic capacity [Cardio-Respira- of an exercise program and provide a valid in-
tory Endurance]: dicator of an individual’s condition in the mea-
surement of cardiovascular fitness.
Cardio respiratory endurance is defined as the
VO2 max is defined as the greatest oxygen up-
ability of the circulatory and respiratory sys-
take attained by an individual while breathing
tems to adjust and to recover from the effects
air at sea level during the performance of physi-
of exercise or work.
cal work.
It helps to classify persons by assessing their
Volleyball incorporates both aerobic and
present physical condition, and predict success
anaerobic components. Good cardio respiratory
in certain activities.
fitness is necessary for long duration matches
Cardio respiratory endurance is characterized
or during tournament where the players have to
by moderate contraction of large muscle
play 3 to 4 matches in a day.
groups for relatively long periods of time, dur-
In the present study, VO2 max has been found
ing which maximum adjustment of the cardio
using Bicycle Ergometer. The mean VO2 max
respiratory systems are heavily loaded because
for study subjects has been found to be 44.55
these two systems directly support muscle
ml\kg\min and for control subjects 30.68
work. The effectiveness of these two systems
ml\kg\min the difference being statistically sig-
then becomes the limiting factor in endurance,
thus in vigorous activities of long duration,
Smith D.J. et al [19] has found VO2 max of 56.7
oxygen supply to the tissue is the main limita-
ml\kg\min, in Canadian national volleyball team
tion. Therefore the primary objective of cardio
and 50.3 ml\kg\min in university volleyball
respiratory endurance training is to improve the

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players. As majority of subjects in our study order to see what deficiencies are there and in
are of university team, our values are less as which areas so that we can determine the cor-
compared to his values for university team play- rect course of action to take in designing a
ers. programme for that particular individual. It will
Verma S.K. et al [20] have reported VO2 max of help an individual player to improve his own
sedentary subjects as 36.8 +\- ml\kg\min and performance.
for elite volleyball players as 50 +\- 3.9 Acknowledgement:
ml\kg\min. Values for both subjects and
I express my sincere thanks to Dr. Pradeep S.
controls in our study are consistent with his
Baji who guided me in bringing out this work
with his thought provoking ideas and constant
Pollock et al [21] have compared the training
encouragement. Also I wish to thank Dr. Vinay
effects on running, walking and bicycling for
S. Tapare for his moral support and timely help.
cardiovascular function. All three programmes
Also, I wish to thank the staff of Physiology
produce significant improvement. Training ef-
Department for their cooperation. Lastly, I will
fects are independent of mode of training, when
always remain grateful to all my subjects for
frequency, duration and intensity are held con-
providing me the needful information for this
Our findings suggest that though the VO2max
in study subjects is higher than that of control References:
subjects, it is lesser as compared to Interna- 1. BL Johnson, JK Nelson. Practical
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rope skipping, running, walking, bicycling and 1954; 7: 218 .
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develop some standard selection criteria for Karoline at Wilmington. 2nd edition.
selecting the players to form successful vol- Surjeet Publication. New Delhi.1989.
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*Author for Correspondence: Dr. Govind B Taware, Assistant Professor, Department of

Physiology, Dr. V. M. Govt. Medical College, Solapur - 413003, (Maharashtra), India
Cell:9850976115, Email:

Ó Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 59

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