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Digital Communications

1. We want to transmit the word “digital” using 8-ary system.Encode the word “digital” into a sequence of bits, using 7-bit
ASCII coding. How many bit total bit are needed for this message?
2. We want to transmit 800 characters/sec, where each character is represented by its 7-ASCII codeword. A multilevel PCM
format with L=16 levels is used.
a. What is the effective transmitted bit rate?
b. What is the PCM symbol rate?
c. What is the needed bandwidth to transmit the signal?
d. If M=8-level grouping is used, what is the effective symbol rate
3. signal with spectral components limited to the frequency band 300-3300 Hz. Assume a sampling rate of 8000 samples/sec
will be used to generate a PCM signal. Assume that the ratio of peak signal power to average quantization noise power at the
output needs to be 30 dB. Assume uniform quantization is implemented.
a. what is the number of quantization levels needed?
b. What is the minimum number of bits per sample needed?
c. Calculate the system bandwidth needed to transmit the PCM signal. Consider the main spectral lobe of the signal.
4. An analog frequency with maximum frequency of 4000 Hz, is to be transmitted using 16- level PCM system. The quantization
distortion not to exceed ± 1% of the peak-to-peak analog signal.
a. What is the minimum sampling rate that should be used?
b. What is the size of the PCM word?
c. What is the PCM pulse transmission rate?
d. What is the needed bandwidth to transmit the signal?
5. Design an FDM signal set consisting of five signals, each in the frequency range 300-3400 Hz. The composite FDM signal is to
be made of the lower side component and to occupy a spectral range from 30 to 50 Kz.
a. Draw the composite FDM frame spectrum showing frequency allocation for each signal and frequency guard.
b. Draw a block diagram showing the mixing and filtering details required.
c. What is the needed bandwidth to transmit the FDM signal?
d. Draw a receiver block-diagram to recover the second baseband signal from the FDM signal.
6. A. TMD system should be designed to accommodate 6 sources. The sources have the following specifications:
Source 1: analog, 2 KHz bandwidth
Source 2: analog, 4 KHz bandwidth
Sources 3-6 : digital at 7200 bits/sec.
In the design, use a Nyquist rate and 16-quantization levels.
a. Draw a block diagram for the TMD system.
b. What si the commutator speed?
c. What is the TDM bit rate.
d. What is the length of the Nyquist frame.

7. Refer to the following system shown blow. The digital data are transmitted at a rate of = / .

d(t) x(t) y(t) s(t)

M –Ary Line coding Baseband
Data Source signaling Transmitter

a. Assume M=2 and the line coding device uses polar format to encode the digital data. Plot the signal y(t)
when d(t)=1011001 ( label completely).
b. Assume M=4, plot the signal y(t) when d(t)=10110001 ( label completely).
c. Redo part (b) when M=8 and d(t)=101011000110.
d. If M=2, and the line coding uses Duobinary format to encode the digital data, plot the signal y(t) when
e. What is the needed bandwidth to transmit the signal s(t) for parts (a-d).

8. An analog signal is transmitted using analog-to-digital format. The analog signal is given by s(t)=3sinc[400pi*t].
The A/D uses the Nyquist rate and quatization level L=16
a. what is the speed of the A/D in bits/sec.
b. if the digital data is transmitted using 4-ary signaling, what is the needed bandwidth to transmit this signal?
c. plot the sampled signal for -7< t <7 sec.

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