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Delhi HC quashes presidential notification disqualifying 20 AAP MLAs-

Soibam Rocky Singh #GS2 #Governance

The Delhi High Court quashed the notification issued by President Ram Nath Kovind to disqualify 20 Aam
Admi Party (AAP) MLAs following such a recommendation by the Election Commission of India (ECI) in
the wake of the charge that they were holding office of profit as parliamentary secretaries.

The MLAs had told the court that the ECI recommendation to the President was in “complete violation of
natural justice” as they were not given the opportunity to explain their stand before the poll panel.

Key Points-

1. ECI

2. Office of Profit

Indian sign language dictionary released #GS2 #Governance

It may have only 3000 words, but it is the first step to potentially huge resource for the country’s 50 lakh
deaf citizens and almost 20 lakh people with speech disabilities. The country’s first sign language
dictionary, in the works for one and a half years, was launched by the Minister for Social Justice and

The aim of developing the Indian Sign Language Dictionary was to remove communications barriers
between the deaf and hearing communities, said Mr. Gehlot. The dictionary, developed by the Indian Sign
Language Research and Training Centre, had subtitled videos depicting the various signs. It includes legal,
medical, academic and technical terms.
Congress gives notice to move no-trust motion in Lok Sabha #GS2
The Congress has become the third party – after the TDP and YSRCP – to give a notice to move a no-
confidence motion in the Lok Sabha against the Modi government.

In a letter to Lok Sabha Secretary General on Friday, Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge requested that a
motion of no-confidence in the Council of Ministers be included in the revised list of business for March

The party has issued a three-line whip to all its MPs in the Lok Sabha to ensure their presence. Earlier, the
House paid homage to freedom fighter and martyr Bhagat Singh by observing a one-minute silence on
Martyr’s Day.

This is the first time in four years after requests from the Left and AAP MPs that the decision was taken,
claimed a CPI (M) member. When the House met at noon, the Speaker said after the laying of papers amid
the din that she had received notices for no-confidence in the Council of Ministers.

Key Points-

1. No- confidence motion

Centre issues notice to data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica #GS3 #Security

Emphasising on the Facebook data leak controversy, the Centre has sent a notice to data-mining firm
Cambridge Analytica seeking immediate response on whether the company has been engaged in any
assignment to utilise data of Indians.

Meanwhile, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has issued an Advisory Note,
CIAD-2018-0012, which lays down security best-practices to be followed by social-media users in order
to safeguard personally identifiable information on social networking sites.

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology issued the notice to Cambridge Analytica, which
has been accused of serious breach of propriety information and misuse of data intended to profile and
influence voting behaviour.

“Reference has also been made to several media acoounts reporting incidents of gross abuse of the social-
media platform to influence the sanctity of the polling process. Note has also been taken of alleged claims
whereby elections in India were sought to be influenced through questionable means,
The government has asked Cambridge Analytica whether consent was taken from individuals; who are the
entities that engaged the company; how did the firm come to be in possession of such data; how such data
was used; and was there any profiling done on the basis of such data?

“The intermediaries cited above have been given time till March 31, 2018, to submit their responses on the
above issues. The government is deeply concerned about such developments and is committed to ensuring
the protection of the fundamental right of privacy, and safety and security of data for every citizen of India.

Key Points-

1. CERT-In

Muslim parties challenge 1994 SC ruling- Krishnadas Rajagopal #GS2

Almost 24 years after the Supreme Court said a mosque has no “unique or special status” and is not an
essential part of the practice of Islam and namaz, Muslim parties involved in the Ramjanmabhoomi title
dispute wants the apex court to first re-consider its stand before going ahead with the hearing in the Babri
Masjid case.

In 1994, the Supreme Court observed that “Muslims can offer prayer anywhere, even in open”.

He challenged the right of the government to have acquired the disputed site under the 1993 law. He
submitted that it was impossible believe that the Babri Masjid, built in 1528 and a subject of grants by
Mughal emperors and even the British, had no significance at all to Islam.

Mr. Dhavan said the court cannot ask Muslims to pray in the open after deciding that mosques are not an
essential part of Islam. A mosque does not cease to be a place of worship merely because it has been
demolished, he submitted.

“It is, for all time to come, the property of Allah. A mosque is a mosque forever. Demolition cannot rob it
of its religious significance... Ever since Islam became a faith, they have been building mosques.

The 24-year-old Ismail Faruqui versus Union of India case dealt with the acquisition of 67.703 acres of
land in Ayodhya after the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. The constitutionality of
the'Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act of 1993' was under scanner.

The government justified the acquisition as a step to promote harmony. But the Muslim parties suspected
the 1993 law as a veiled attempt to “perpetuate the consequences of the demolition of the mosque”. Besides,
the Ismail Faruqui order said that places of worship having particular significan

Centre urges battery manufacturers to Make in India #GS3 #Economy

The Centre urged battery manufacturers to set up units in India as demand in the country was expected to
grow rapidly following its push for e-vehicles. The Minister also said that future bids for solar and wind
projects would be coupled with storage, adding that the Centre would soon come out with a policy in this
regard with a focus on ‘Make in India’.

Mr. Singh also said that the Centre had already initiated interactions with resource-rich countries such as
Bolivia to ensure an adequate supply of raw materials for the energy storage sector.

Q- What are the constraints?

The industry representatives raised the issue of high GST (Goods and Services Tax) rates on batteries,” the
Centre said in a statement after the meeting. “They demanded that to promote Make in India, preference
should be given to Indian-made batteries in government procurement.

They also stressed upon the need for creating Indian standards for batteries and setting up of field testing
facilities for both stationary and mobile sectors.”

The Minister also asked the Department of Space and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to
share relevant technologies with the energy storage industry.

Myanmar, India mull building cross-border oil pipeline #GS2 #IR

India has proposed to build a pipeline from the country's east coast to deliver oil products, mainly diesel, to
Myanmar. We have already connected (oil and gas) pipelines to China and Thailand, and we considered
connecting (oil) pipelines to India as well as Bangladesh

A working group has been formed by Myanmar and India to look at issues such as security, land and oil
storage, and how to price the fuel and the oil's specification,

Why have you not appointed Lokayuktas yet, SC asks 12 States #GS2
TThe Supreme Court on Friday directed Chief Secretaries of 11 States to explain the five-year delay in
appointment of anti-corruption ombudsman Lokayukta and Uplokayukta.

A Bench led by Justice Ranjan Gogoi found that several States have not moved a muscle to appoint
Lokayuktas despite the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act coming into existence in 2013.

Hearing a petition filed by advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, the court found that Jammu and Kashmir,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal and
Arunachal Pradesh have not appointed Lokpal, Lokayukta or Uplokayukta.

“The Chief Secretaries of the aforesaid 11 States shall inform the court within two weeks as to whether
steps have been taken for appointment of Lokyukta/Uplokayukta and if so the stage thereof. The reasons
for non appointment of Lokayukta/Uplokayukta in the aforesaid States be also laid before the Court in the
aforesaid affidavit(s) to be filed by the Chief Secretaries.

Key Points-

1. Lokpal & Lokayukta

India, UK have launched joint research projects for clean water, energy #GS3
India and the UK have launched joint research projects on water quality and energy demand reduction. The
Ministry of Science and Technology have informed that India and UK have launched joint research projects
on Water Quality Research and Energy Demand Reduction in Built Environment in February, 2018

Eight projects to be supported under the Water Quality Research programme relate to optical sensor
platform for water quality monitoring, fate and management of emerging contaminants, rainwater
harvesting and its impacts, Vembanad lake rehabilitation, remediation of ground-water arsenic in Ganga
river basin among others

They also include sensors and treatment technologies for freshwater systems, pathways and evolution of
pollutants, and antimicrobial resistance and pollutants.

Besides, four projects to be supported under the Energy Demand Reduction in the Built Environment
programme relate to residential building energy demand reduction, zero peak energy building design,
integrated urban model for built environment energy research and community-scale energy demand
reduction in India

The Water Quality Research Programme would provide better understanding of the sources and fate of
different pollutants, which would enable development of appropriate technologies and management
These projects would also enable development of effective techniques to address water quality issues and
securing the provision of clean water, rejuvenation of rivers and other water bodies, and should bring
benefits to both people and the environment

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