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Loftus, Paul (LpR-LON) -

From: David Kelly

Sent: 28 April 200 5
To : mono
Subject: RE. Public Debate - Coping with the Weapons of Tomorrow Ethics and Rules.


Currently with the Iraq crisis ongoing I am not able to give interviews . Of course on
the day I will be free to interact but in the interim I would prefer that my details
are not provided .


Dr David C . Kelly, CMG

Senior Adviser,
Counter Proliferation & Arms Contrc* Secretariat,
Ministry of Defence,
Room 2/35,
Metropole Building,
Northumberland Avenue,
ndon WC2N SBP

Tel 8
Fax :

-----original Mess- -----

From "
Sent . 28 April 2003 15 :49
To :

Subject~ RE : Public Debate - Coping with the

and Rules .

Dear participants,

RE The Centre for the Study of Human Rights Presents a Public Debate - Coping with
the Weapons of Tomorrow : Ethics and Rules
LSE, Thursday 8 May, 2 30-Spm

-,ur details have been passed to me from Joy Whyte at the Centre for the Study of
man Rights at the LSE . -

you and
we have received press calls from journalists who would like to interview
the debate scheduled on the 8 May on 'Coping with the
those others taking part in
Weapons of Tomorrow Ethics and Rules' Would it be okay for me to pass on your
details to these third parties9

Please let me know as soon as possible . Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from
you .

K-,-.c _ .'uardi

-----Original Message -----

From " ~
sent . 28 Aprih 200~Zs 38
To : ~
Subject ' RE Public Debate - Coping with the Weapons of ^omorrow .
Ethics and Rules .

CCC~-~ I ~ ( ~ I2~
Many thanks for this . The participants' email addresses are as follows :

Dr John B . Alexander
Prof Malcom Dando~
Dr David Kelly :
Dr Jozef Goldbl
?eter Herby .
Dr Robin Coup

I think it might be best to check with the participants that they are
happy ~o have their contact details passed on to third parties Any press/other media
who are interested should also be aware that the 33C will be recording the whole
event, for broadcast on the 3BC World Service Agenda programme As such, there cannot
be any other recording during the event, although we are - o£ course - delighted for
the participants to give interviews either before or after the event, if they are
happy to do so

Please let me know if you require any further information .

Best wishes 4-

A~ -----Original Message---
From . ~
Sent : 28 Apr-il 2003 14 :43
To : ~
Subje~ Pu-b'lic Debate - Coping with the Weapons of Tomorrow-
Ethics and Rules .
Importance ; High

Christina Pfersdorf from zDF German TV (Te~ is
interested in getting in touch with the panellist who will be avin~g a deSate on 8
May . The Centre for the Study of Human Rights Presents a Public Debate - Coping with
the Weapons of Tomorrow : Ethics and Rules
Do you have any contact details I can forward to her? Also do you
know if any of them mind being broadcasted, or available for interviews?

Kind regards

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