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FILARIASIS  male genitalia: funiculitis,

A.K.A epidydimitis, orchitis (red
Lymphatic Filariasis, Elephantiasis, painful and tender scrotum)
Lymphedema, Wucheraria infection
 chronic stage
A. Important information  Hydrocoele (swelling of the
- Often progresses to become scrotum)
chronic, debilitating and disfiguring  Lymphedema – temporary
because its symptoms is not only swelling of the upper and lower
unfamiliar, they are also extremities.
noticeable.  Elephantiasis – enlargement
- Because of the patients’ physical and thickening of the skin of the
appearance, a social stigma is lower and/or upper extremities,
attached to it scrotum and breasts

B. Causative agent: Complication:

nematode parasites Wuchereria Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
bancrofti, brugia malayi, B.timori (TPE) - rare
- parasites live in the lymphatic
vessels and lymp nodes; G. Management
microfilariae are found in the Prevention and control
blood o Proper drainage and cleanliness of
C. Incubation period: o Use of insecticides, mosquito nets,
From the entry of the infective
long sleeves, long pants, and
larvae to the development of
symptoms ranges from 8-16
o Screening of houses
Medical care
D. Mode of transmission:
o Diethylcarbamazine citrate(DEC) or
Through bites from an infected
Hetrazan - drug of choice;
female mosquito, the aedis
6mg/KBW taken as a single dose
poecillus, at night
per year.
o Surgery for elemphantiasis and
E. diagnostic/laboratory exams
 Nocturnal Blood Exam(NBE)
o Antibiotics or antifungal or
- done bet. 10am and 2pm
superimposed infection.

 Immunochromatographic Test (ICT)

Nursing care
- antigen test is done at daytime
Nursing care is primarily aimed at
preventing the potential complications
F. Clinical Manifestations
that may develop.
 asymptomatic stage – for years or o If possible, elastic stockings or
even a lifetime; characterized only
bandages are applied to the
by presence of microfilariae in the
affected limbs, to assist venous
return and prevent excessive
 acute stage o Bedrest may be required in more
 lymphadenitis (inflammation severe cases, with elevation of the
of the lymph nodes) involved extremities.
 lymphangitis (inflammation of
lymph vessels)

Prepared by: Henessey Auda D. Castillo, Group 4 San Beda College - Mendiola

o Suspensory bandages (scrotal

supports) may provide comfort in
the event of hydrocele.
o Clinical observation must include
monitoring for any alteration in
respiratory function.
o Emphasis on regular periodic
follow-up screening, with repeated
treatment as and when indicated.

Prepared by: Henessey Auda D. Castillo, Group 4 San Beda College - Mendiola

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