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Form is Emptiness, and Emptiness is Form. This famous Buddhist saying means many things. However I
would like to interpret it this way: when any material form is reduced to its atomic proportions and
then is further reduced to sub-atomic particles and so on, it will finally be transformed into energy.
This energy is not visible to the naked eye, and hence it literally has become empty to us. Conversely,
the space between the forms is not really empty. The forms that we see and feel are only 10% of
'things' that we can perceive. The other 90% are not discernible to our naked eye. The purpose of this
article is therefore to acquaint you with the forms in this emptiness.
There is copious evidence collected to prove life after death. These are:
(1) Communication through mediums
(2) Apparitions of the dead
(3) Out-of-Body experiences
(4) Near-Death-Experiences
(5) Reincarnation memories
(6) Spirit photographs and spirit voice recordings
(7) Possession cases
(8) Deathbed observations
Many volumes of books have been written on them; and therefore there is no necessity to elaborate on
them here.

The Dying Process

Just before death, the etheric body begins to loosen itself from the physical body. This process starts
from the legs upward. Then the person experiences intermittent loss of consciousness until the loss is
permanent. At this point of death, whatever pain or agony the person is suffering ceases, and a total
sense of peace and tranquillity descends on to the person. He or she registers this transition with a
calm and peaceful look on the face instead of the agonising grimace just before death. The body is now
limp and flaccid. As these physical changes are occurring, the etheric body slowly disentangles itself
from the physical body. The point of entrance through the Gates of Death coincides with the severance
of the silver cord, which joins the physical forehead to the back of the head of the etheric body. From
here onwards, no healer in the world can resuscitate the dead person.
After the severance of the silver cord, the etheric body slowly emanates through the crown chakra as a
cloud. When it is completely out of the body, it reforms into an etheric body that looks exactly like the
corpse left behind on the bed. At this point, he may not know that he is dead. This knowledge will
determine the future fate of his spirit. If he knows that he is dead, than he will either go straight to
the astral world or he will linger on to say good-bye to his loved ones, after which he will depart to the
astral. Friends, relatives or guides from the astral world will accompany him there. However, the ones
who do not know that they are dead will remain earth-bound. The time spent saying good-bye varies
between days and months. When they finally leave for the astral, they will shed their etheric forms,
and enter the astral in their astral bodies. These are different from the etheric bodies, which are the
exact replica of the physical. The astral body may appear in one of three forms. They can appear just
as they are at the time of death; or they more likely appear as in their prime (e.g. 30-35 years old). It
takes time to come to one's prime: it is not an immediate affair. The third form is entirely different
from the above 2 astral or etheric forms, but the percipients can still easily recognise this 3rd form.
This 3rd form frequently occurs in our dreams, and yet we can easily recognise the individuals. They
can fly with ease, and may squeeze themselves through keyholes. If a person died with an arm or leg
missing, the astral form will be whole again. However, if the spirit is earth-bound, then he will look
just as old as when he died, and if an arm is missing, he will still be without an arm.

After working on one's vibrations to improve them in the astral, one may then upgrade to the mental
realm. This transition necessitates the shedding of the astral (emotional) body. This is a very painful
process, and it is also called the second death, because all emotions of love, anger, joy, sadness and
happiness have to be left behind. In the mental realm, one may assume a form as a 'ball of light’; this
ball of light will still be recognised by friends and relatives. After much more effort and practice, one
may further upgrade to higher spiritual realms and so on. These gradations upwards are interspersed by
many earthly incarnations.

Now where are all these realms? They are not anywhere faraway. These realms are all around us. We
promote ourselves to higher realms through a heightening of our vibrations. We can move from one
realm to another whilst remaining in the same spot. It is like increasing the speed of an electric fan:
when the speed is slow the fan blades are discernible, but they become less and less discernible as the
speed increases until the blades cannot be seen at all. That means if you are of the middle astral, you
may not be able to see another spirit in the higher astral, even though both of you are on the same
spot. As in the analogy of the fan, as one moves up in the spiritual realm, it becomes more difficult to
communicate directly with one's loved ones on earth. This is because the faster vibrating spirit (higher
speed fan) will destroy or burn the slower vibrating individual on earth. The higher spirit must do it
through a medium on earth or through some spirits whose function is to transmit messages to the
living. That is why people who claim that Jesus or Buddha came to visit them are totally mistaken.
They are more likely to be the person’s own guides.
Another point about communicating with the dead is that one must not repeatedly call back the dead.
This is because if the recently departed has just arrived at the middle astral, and a loved one on earth
repeatedly calls him back, he is behoved to stay earth-bound by these numerous calls. If need be, the
deceased can be called back just to make sure that he is all right, or if some information is urgently
required, but this practice should not be repeated at all. To summarise, the following classification
may help:

Souls of the Departed

(A) Souls of the Living Dead (those who will finally reincarnate and with whom spiritualists can
(1) Earth-bound Spirits: Souls who do not know that they are dead and are earth-bound. There are
quite a number in this category.
(2) Spirits: Souls who know that they are dead and are in the lower, mid-astral and higher astral. Most
of our guides are in this category. The proper definition of a spirit is the entire individual without the
physical body. He is composed of all the subtle bodies (7 or more), chakras, soul, core star, Hara and
higher self, which is connected to the Godhead. As our spirit improves and ascend to higher realms, we
will peel off the subtle bodies one at a time. Spirits also include all categories of liberated souls as
mentioned below, and all types and varieties of spirits in between.
(B) Liberated Souls: these are the souls who have outgrown earth life (enlightened) and have gone to
another realm for further development. They are not contactable by humans.
(C) Enlightened Liberated Souls (Bodhisattvas): These are the souls that are enlightened and have gone
on, but have vowed to come back to the earth-sphere to help the living souls. They may be in spirit or
maybe in the flesh. These are the souls that the occultists get in touch with if they are in spirit.
Let us discuss the category of the earth-bound, which is the most troublesome and most perceived.

Earth-Bound Spirits
Many categories fall into this class. All of them do not know that they are dead:
(1) Suicide victims
(2) Murder victims
(3) War casualties
(4) Violent accidental deaths
(5) Deluded ghosts haunting buildings
(6) Obsession: Recently deceased spirits closely attached to living loved ones
(7) Possession: permanent and intermittent
(8) Poltergeists
(9) Recently deceased spirits who have unfinished business still on earth
(10) Others.
All the above are deluded and do not realise that they have died. Suicides, murder victims and violent
deaths belong to the same category in the swiftness of their deaths. One moment they are alive, and in
another they are dead. They are not prepared for this suddenness. They are violently angry and
probably full of fear. They do not know how to go to the white light, and if deceased relatives or
guides are there to bring them across, they cannot see them. Therefore, they remain in that location
for years, until they realise that they are dead and are brought across by spirit guides. There are
numerous ignorant spirits still fighting each other in the battlefields of Europe today. These are the
dead victims of the Second World War. In some cases, these souls have already gone else where, but
the energy of that violence remains. The incident will be repeated over and over again at the same
spot and exactly the same time of the day. It is only an energy enactment of the thought forms. The
whole scene will be totally mechanical and the thought forms will not respond to any human presence.
If, however, they are actual earth-bound spirits and not thought forms, then when a human comes
along there will be some reaction to the human presence. In these cases of violence, they do not know
that they are dead because of the fear and suddenness of the incidents. Some of them persist in talking
to their loved ones, who do not respond. One can see drones of these ignorant depressed spirits
hovering and following their loved ones. There is extreme frustration, but they will continue until they
finally realise that their efforts are totally futile. At this point, they may believe that the living are
ghosts, and they are the living. The opposite situation is when the living relative continually bemoans
the deceased, and wishes that the deceased were still with him or her, then the deceased will very
likely remain earth-bound.

Ghosts who haunt buildings and places are again people who have died and do not realise that they are
dead. The classical case is the old man who died with a heart attack. When he 'wakes up', he will think
that he had just fallen asleep, and thus does not know that he has died. He will continue to live in the
house trying to communicate with the living in the house to no avail. He still feels that he owns the
house. So when new owners come to stay, the first thing he will do is to try and get rid of the new
comers. The latter mostly cannot hear him. A case in point is an old man, who used to own the house
we bought. What he would continually say to all new comers is 'Please, leave my house!' After many
years of ineffectual exhortations, he decided to communicate only to the more psychic of the new
owners, namely me. Every evening at about 6.30 PM, whilst I am resting on the bed, he would come
and sit on my bedside and chitchat with me. The conversations are of no importance. They are about
what I did for the day. I would then tell him that I performed 10 post-mortems in the morning, meaning
that 10 new emigrants had just passed on to his realm. Has he met them? Invariably, he knows nothing
about it. His world is just my bedroom and no where else. When my old home was pulled down, and a
new block of condominium was built over the land, he moved over to occupy one of the flats. That is
why when brand new flats or houses are built over graveyards or where old haunted houses used to be,
the ghosts will move over to the new house or flat. This means that a ghost is not only a spirit that
does not know that he is dead, but he is also fairly stupid, moving over to a new flat at a twinkle of an
eye and yet still does not realise that he is dead.

This happens when a recently deceased entity is attached to a loved one on earth. Good examples are
(1) husband and wife (2) mother and son or daughter (3) lovers and (4) father and son or daughter. I
have seen examples of all of them. The spirit hangs around very closely to the living, trying to
communicate with him or her, and influencing the living at every turn. Alas, to no avail. However, the
consequences are rather detrimental to the living. The latter loses weight and energy; he suffers from
insomnia, irritability, and loss of appetite and shows a steady deterioration of concentration. At the
end, he gets exhausted and goes into a deep depression and end up with seeing a doctor or a
psychiatrist, both of whom will be nonplussed. There is no diagnosis, and all the tranquillisers make
matters worst. Finally, if the living is lucky, the obsessing spirit leaves on her own accord, or else the
obsession may last for years, until the living, especially the remaining spouse, succumbs and joins the
obsessing spirit in death. A spiritual person or healer can easily clear this obsession. This is how it is
done: tell the obsessed person to visualise the deceased, and speak to her or him as if he or she is
there in front of the obsessed. Inform the spirit that you are all right, and she should go to the white
light to meet her other relatives and friends. Inform the deceased that by attaching herself to the
living, she is actually causing a lot of harm to the living. If she is adamant, get her to think of a
deceased relative herself. This will do the trick. The minute the deceased relative appears, the
obsessing spirit will be whisk away by that relative to the white light. The above two measures may
also be used to exorcise a ghost in a house.

Possession may be intermittent or permanent (that means throughout the day and night). The medium
that channels spirit guides is an example of intermittent possession. However, in this instance, the
possession is controlled by the medium's own guides. No other entity can come in except the one that
has been agreed upon. On the other hand, haphazard possession is very troublesome and taxing for
everybody concerned. The person who is possessed normally has his or her chakras open and often their
auras are imperfect or damaged. This happens when the person is very stressed due to loss of money or
loved ones. Or he has just recovered from an illness. In this state of deficient aura, if he is not fully
conscious as in under anaesthesia or in a drunken stupor or under the influence of drugs, he may very
well be possessed. A person, who is meditating and falls into a trance, thus losing awareness, is also
quite liable to be possessed. The location of the victim is also important. Drug addict dens and pubs
are good hunting ground for the predators. Hospitals, churches, temples, burial sites, cremation
buildings, sacred sites along Ley lines and haunted houses are all vulnerable to possession. Therefore
the ideal setting for a possession are (1) a victim who has a damaged and deficient aura, (2) he is not
fully conscious or in a trance state at the time, (3) the presence of predators (marauding spirits) and
(4) a highly charged and spirited location.
The following practices are also conducive to possession: (a) games involving Ouija board (b) Tarot
cards reading (c) funeral wakes (d) rituals in cemeteries, temples and churches and old consecrated

Auric Attacks
These are attacks on the auras of people as in the cases of possession, but the attacks are much less
serious and the predator does not inhabit the victim. The most common type of an auric attack is when
a relative goes and visits a patient in a hospital or attends a funeral wake. The places are identical to
those enumerated above for possession, as these locations are loaded with ghostly predators. So after
an attack, when the victim comes home he experiences symptoms of 'influenza', but there is no
temperature present. He gets weaker and weaker by the day, even though he feeds himself
voraciously. He puts on weight, but he gets more and more debilitated. This continues until he reaches
a state in which he cannot even get out of his bed. Of course, the doctor has no idea what is going on,
even after numerous tests have been carried out. Finally, the attack may wear off on its own, but it
may take months or years. Basking in the sun and an overseas trip may help to clear the condition.
However, a healer can put the patient back to health in one or two sessions of healing. These auric
attacks are quite common, and very few people realise it. They are often misdiagnosed as chronic
fatigue syndrome.

These are spirits in the building in which they cause things to fly about. Some times stones are thrown
into the house with great precision without hurting anyone or breaking anything. In this instance when
the stones are felt, they are felt to be warm. The worst case scenario is when huge pieces of furniture
fly all over the room and crockery etc, crash to the ground. Pets and people have been excluded from
being the cause of these activities. Quite often these incidences start when there is some psychological
trauma inflicted on some teenagers in the house. The minute the individual leaves the house the
poltergeist activity ceases. However, there are also cases, in which there is no evidence of
psychological trauma in the house. In a few cases, spontaneous combustion may also be initiated by

Materialisation and Disappearance of 'things'

In some homes where there is a great deal of meditation or other ritualistic activities going on, 'things'
start to appear in the house. These objects are usually medallions, Buddha statues, rings or even
watches. They seem to be a result of apportation. That means an object of some sort will be
dematerialised in one place and appear spontaneously in the house, where the religious ceremonies are
being carried out. These objects can stay for a long time.
On the other hand, things in an ordinary household would disappear and reappear again after a few
days. This latter phenomenon is different and is more likely due to a ghost in the house. Very rarely
perfumes or fragrances may be smelt: these are purported to be due to the presence of angels or
guides. On the other hand, evil or mischievous spirits cause bad odours. The latter may by eradicated
by raising the vibration of the house. This is done by meditation and service, which is of course quite a
tall order. Exorcism may also be attempted, but there is no guarantee of a success.
There are numerous other strange and peculiar phenomena, which will not be discussed here because
of the lack of space.
In the Souls of the Living Dead under (2) Spirits above: These souls who are already in the Astral may
come back from time to time in order to visit or inspect their loved ones, and sometimes to give
messages in dreams or appear in 'human' forms to them. Sometimes they hang around to protect the
living loved ones. Then they return to the Astral again. Most of our guides are from this realm.
Relatives, friends, and appointed guides who are sent from the astral realm to accompany the dying to
the astral are also in this category.
The two types of liberated souls (enlightened) are beyond the perception of our five senses. Type (B)
have already gone to higher realms and are therefore not contactable by us. Type (C) are the invisible
Bodhisattvas who are also not detectable by us. The Bodhisattvas that are in incarnation are usually
not recognised by all and sundry: we merely guess that they are Bodhisattvas because of their
relentless service to mankind.

Projections of the Living

It is well known that at the point of death, the dying can project an astro-etheric form (simulacrum). A
good example is when a favourite son were to die in a far away foreign country, his simulacrum will
appear to his mother thousands of miles away just to say goodbye. The mother being not a psychic has
never experienced this phenomenon before. A twin may do the same with the remaining twin. An ex-
Prime Minister of Malaysia died in Penang and in the same hour, his etheric appeared in London to a
relative of mine. His simulacrum shocked and frightened my relative, who promptly switched on the
lights for the rest of the night. It was only the next morning that she heard the news about his death on
the radio! The reason for this visit was this: about 30 years ago, this Prime Minister visited Australia,
where my relative entertained him. It was a memorable time for him, because his horse won the
Melbourne Cup! These exhilarating moments are lovingly kept in the memory bank. And therefore at
the time of death, one usually makes the round of saying goodbye to relatives, friends and even
acquaintances, like in this case, all over the world. This ex-Prime Minister hardly knew my relative, but
the memory was exquisite.
What is less well known is that a trained occultist can also project a simulacrum voluntarily. Alexandra
David-Neel was a rare occultist practising in Tibet. She projected a thought-form that looks like a Friar
Tuck. This practice went on for some time until one day she could not call back the thought-form. So
she had to go to her Guru to dissolve the Friar Tuck who had been roaming the monastery
These thought-forms are entirely absorbed in their own affairs, and they appear to ignore their
surroundings. They also do not display any reaction to the human activity nearby.

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and the Jewish Qabalah are all equally explicit about the existence of
angels. Qabalah has 10 Archangels and 10 orders of angelic beings. Protestants, however have very
little notion of Angelic Hierarchies.
These divine robots are perfect and non-intellectual and they do not evolve. Each is strictly
conditioned by its own perfect nature to fulfil the job for which it was created. It is free from all
struggle and inner conflict, but it is changeless and therefore it does not evolve. No angel ever goes
outside his own sphere of activity. The angel who has healing powers cannot foretell the future. Their
functions are many and diverse, and they do not have any direct contact with dense matter. An angel
has only one specific function, which he does very well until he is taken off the job.
The GodHead gives rise to:
(1) Divine sparks (nuclei of Men's souls)
(2) Solar Logos ----- > Angels
Elementals are thought-forms generated by co-ordinated systems of reactions that have become
stereotyped by constant and unchanging repetition. Repeated waves of birth and death of similar souls
on earth constitute each epoch of evolution. When the souls (divine sparks) are withdrawn to the
higher spiritual realms, they leave behind them co-ordinated systems of magnetic stresses as forms.
Whenever any movement takes place an electric current is set up, and if a series of co-ordinated
movements is repeated many times, these currents tend to make adjustments so that they create
independent 'forms' of their own. These are now independent of the physical activities that gave rise to
them in the first place. It is out of these co-ordinators that the Elementals are evolved. Therefore
Elementals are creations of the created.
There are many types of these Elementals. The great 4 divisions of the Elemental spirits are of (1)
Earth, (2) Air, (3) Fire and (4) Water. Earth will give rise to earthquakes; air to tornadoes and
typhoons; fire to volcanic eruptions; and water to floods.
Some of these Elements may be caught and trained to do bids for the human. We call these Jinns.
Some of them are kept in bottles, and they are seen as wisps of smoke in the clear glass bottles. The
tasks that are asked of them are to find out the past of other individuals and their present
predicament. Then when the owner of the Jinns can present the accurate information to the victim, he
or she will be terribly impressed. From then on, the con man can name the fee for future predictions.
However, the Jinn cannot predict the future. There lies the trap; money is spent to no avail. However,
knowledge of the past may also be useful as a subtle blackmailing point by the con man.

Signs of Ghostly or Angelic Presence

What are the signs that intimate to us the presence of angels, ghosts, spirits and guides? The following
are some pointers:

(1) Cold Spots: There is a drop in temperature only in one small area in the room. If one were to move
out of that area, the temperature is back to normal. Or the entire room or building may be cold and
(2) Apparition or vision: This is the commonest manifestation. The ghost may be a resident ghost or it
may be a relative. If it is a resident, the viewer may be frightened, but after many appearances, one
takes it as part of the ambience of the house. If it is a relative, he may either just want to
communicate or he may have become a 'resident' without realising that he is dead. The ghost usually
appears to the one who is the most psychic, as he has to expend energy to manifest himself. That is
why some people can only see the head, and some others can see the head and shoulders, whilst the
most psychic can see the whole body.
(3) Voice: The voices are trying to communicate with the living, who may or may not want to answer
them. A voice may be calling your name all day. It learned from a living relative who calls you all the
time, and it also assumes a voice very similar to that relative. There is a superstition that one must not
answer these calls, as the ghost may want a companion. If one is spiritually assured and is willing to
help out with the ghost, then one may even carry out a conversation with the ghost telling him to go
the white light. The ghost could be a singing one. Thus, one maybe entertained with an opera every
night. However, one cannot choose the language or the composer of the opera! Therefore, it could be
a nuisance. There also maybe switching noises, but the lights do not go off or on, only the switching
noises are present.
(4) Electrical appliances: Lights, radios and television sets come on and off on their own. Television
programmes are changed without human intervention. Toasters, microwave sets and refrigerators
break down repeatedly for no reason. Sometimes, even computers present messages from the other
world, and intelligent repartees may be carried out with the owner of the computer.
(5) Feelings: As you enter the haunted house, your heart beat increases, so does your respiratory rate,
and periodically, goose flesh is experienced. This eerie feeling of the hairs standing on end may even
affect those who are not psychic. After one leaves the house, one is extremely exhausted.
Occasionally, one gets depressed after visiting a house. One may even return home with an auric
(6) Dark house: If the house is dark even in bright daylight, be wary. If you still like the house because
of its locality, bring either a dog or a child less than 3 years old to the house. If the dog runs out
quickly with its tail between its legs, and starts to yelp at the house, it is most likely haunted. By the
same token, if the child starts to cry or howl, the house is spirited. With the dog’s and child’s tests
being positive, and the house is dark, dank and cold, it takes a courageous person to buy the house.
(7) Odours: Bad smells or odours may be there in the house when you first move in. Or the smell may
emanate some time later. The smell is that of rotten meat or dung of an animal. This usually signifies a
malevolent presence. You can either get an exorcist to remove the presence or increase the vibrations
of the house yourself. The latter is much more difficult, because it involves long periods of meditation
and selfless service. Of course, when you smell fragrant perfumes, you are blessed: these are due to
the presence of angelic beings.
(8) Pressure on the chest: This phenomenon happens when one is asleep. The timing of it is when you
are just about to enter deep sleep or coming out of deep sleep. One feels this pressure on the chest.
One finds it very difficult to breathe and when attempting to shout no voice comes out. One feels like
dying. Then all a sudden the pressure is off. If one were to say a prayer or a mantra in the mind, the
presence will vanish much quicker.
(9) Doors and windows may open and shut even though they were securely locked. There may be
tapping or rattling on the walls. This may be a nightly occurrence. In one house that I stayed in,
punctually at 12 midnight, sounds of a pair of clogs keep running up and down the wooden stairs. When
one stands to watch the proceedings, there are no clogs seen at all on the stairs.
(10) Although all the doors and windows are properly shut, there may be a strong wind blowing,
rattling the chandeliers and other hanging lights. Some music may accompany this wind.
(11) A psychic can easily see a spirit at the corner of one's eye, but the second you turn around it
disappears. This usually means the presence of a spirit. For a psychic, this happens very often
throughout the day: this truly exemplifies the phrase emptiness is form.
(12) Sexual seductions: The ghost can seduce either sex. A female ghost may seduce a living male, and
vice versa. The person who is seduced normally will fall very ill and expire fairly soon, unless he or she
is healed quickly. Sometimes, a male ghost would bring the deceased father of the living female to ask
for permission to marry his daughter. A woman came to see me for help under exactly the same
conditions. I told her to move house. She did that twice, but it was to no avail. He followed her every
where, although she was determined not to marry him. Finally, she went to a Hindu Swami, who
prayed away the persistent male ghost. The trick here is not to succumb to the suitor.
(13) Timing: If a ghost appears at 3 am, he is most likely to appear at the same time every night. They
normally like to appear at night, but a few may also appear during the day. They do not like crowds.
The human body smells to them, and if there are many humans present they do not appear.
(14) Sometime ghosts appear as balls of light. The green ball of light is one to avoid, because it
signifies the restless ghost is frustrated with his earth-bound status (usually after a suicide), and they
are quite determined to take a companion to keep them company.
(15) Venue: These are the places to avoid: churches, temples, hospitals, crematoriums, cemeteries,
burial grounds, old folks’ homes, old sacred sites like Stonehenge, Ley lines and old sacrificial temples
e.g. in South America (Mexico). Houses that are left empty for more than a year is most likely to be
acquired by roaming earth-bound ghosts. Even new houses may be haunted. It all depends on what
ground the new building is on.
(16) Statues and pictures: The more life like in size is a statue, the more likely spirits will inhabit it.
So, in a home or more likely in temples, where many robbers, murderers and other evil people come to
pray everyday, the chances are that the statues will be inhabited. The spirits follow these bad hats
into the temple, and they see so many people praying to those statues, they would also like to be
prayed to. So they remain behind in the temple when the murderers and robbers leave the temple and
inhabit the statutes. Some huge portraits may also contain ghosts, especially if the paintings are of
good quality.
(17) When one visits cemeteries, crematoriums and even old folks' homes, one or more spirits may
accompany one home. Therefore, one must white-light oneself when visiting these places.
(18) Children and their Invisible Friends: Some children are born with invisible friends. Everyday at a
certain location (it is either their bedrooms or the playroom) one hears the child playing and talking to
an invisible friend. At an early stage, when the parents were to ask the child who is he playing with, he
will say his friend 'Gobi' or 'Toto', and points towards the empty space. If the parent were to scold the
poor child not to be idiotic, as there is no one there, the child will be confused and hurt. The child will
from thence onwards refrain from mentioning the invisible friend. If on the other hand, the parents
were very sympathetic to the situation and inquire more about the friend, and gently inquire what are
they playing or talking about, then the situation will be fine. The child will continue with his or her
invisible playmate, and no secrets need be kept from the parents. The invisible friend normally will
take their permanent leave of the child when the child is seven years old and above.
Deceased grandparents, who remain in the house as ghosts, always like to hang around the grandchild,
who may or may not have met the grandparent. If they knew each other before, the child will be very
happy and secure. If they have never met, then there may be screams and crying out at the sight of the
grandparent, but finally there maybe some reconciliation.
(19) Pets and Ghosts: Pet dogs and cats are able to see ghosts. If the ghost is a deceased owner, the
dog or cat will feel very much at home. The dog will wag its tail happily and even go and snuggle up to
the ghost. If the ghost is a stranger, the dog will bark at the same spot all the time until the ghost
disappears. If the presence is malevolent, the barking is very severe and the dog 's hairs will be
standing on their ends. The cat will also bristle its hairs if the presence is evil, but on the whole, cats
take ghosts in their stride and do not fuss too much about them. At the most, they merely stare at
them. When a pet dies, and if the pet is very close to the owner, it may come back from time to time
to visit. It may jump onto the bed with the owner sleeping in it, and the owner may feel a small
indentation on the bedcovers if it is a cat. If it is a deceased dog, the indentation is greater. But the
dog is more likely to come rubbing itself against the legs of the owner, or the owner is more likely to
hear footsteps of a dog running to receive him when he comes home from work.

I died a mineral and became a plant.

I died a plant and rose an animal.

I died an animal and I was man.

Why should I fear? When was I less than dying?

Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar with the blessed angels;

But even from angelhood I pass on.

All except God perishes.

When I have sacrificed my angel soul,

I shall become that which no mind ever conceived

O, let me not exist! for Non-existence proclaims

‘ To Him we shall return’

" Love Is Like the Sun" By Yogi Amrit Desai

Is there a God? Is there a soul? These are the questions being asked since
time immemorial. Their existence depends entirely on our definition. For
anybody who has not seen, smelt or tasted a durian fruit and starts to
describe a custard apple as a durian, then the durian does not exist as he
describes it. If religions that have never seen, smelt or felt God begin to
describe God as a bearded old man sitting up in the sky watching everything
we do, rewarding and punishing us, then these religions are off the mark
entirely. When Buddha said that "God does not exist", he meant that God as
defined by his peers did not exist. Now what is God? God is everything in the
universe or universes: it is in the stones, vegetation, animals and every
human being. It is in everything seen or unseen, felt or unfelt, heard or
unheard. Nothing is outside of God. Everything visible or invisible is
included. It is all One and not two. Everyone of us has a spark of God or
divinity in us. That is why miracles have been and are being wrought by
some. It is because they are not miracles, but the acts of God. God is
actually in its pure and undifferentiated form an immense source of energy,
and every human, animal, vegetation and mineral has a minute spark of this
pure energy. This is also referred to by some as The Flame Of Life, the true
Self, or the soul. As God is made up of a powerful mass of energy of love,
bliss, consciousness and power, so is our soul. This spark of life (soul) is
eternal: it never dies. There is no gender in God, but during the journeys of
the soul, it can take on feminine, masculine or androgynous characteristics.
Now when we pray or talk to God, he is not the one that answers. It is one
of the sparks that is much nearer our physical realm. It is one of our guides
or soul mates. God is also known as the Great Spirit, Godhead, or the
Source. These are all synonyms. Therefore for puny humans like us, it is
quite impossible to know what God is. Just look at the sky in a clear night
and try to count the stars that are there and multiply that at least a million
times and you will only arrive at the possibility of one universe. Now
multiply that again by at least a trillion times. And then you may have an
indication of the magnitude of what God is composed of. God is the sum
total of all these Universes and more, and we name all these universes The
Spiritual Universe. That means it is quite impossible for us to gauge or try to
visualise what God is or its magnitude. Nobody has any idea. Not Buddha,
nor Jesus nor Mohammed could guess it.

Although, intellectually we cannot comprehend what God is, we, on rare

occasions, may feel his love. When do we feel this emotion? After a very
good session of meditation. When we are in utter despair and about to give
up everything. Or when we are alone on a mountain looking at a glorious
scene or a magnificent sunset, when we are not beset with any worldly
worries. The emotion chokes us in the throat. After a very tiring, long day,
we fall into a very deep sleep, and we wake up to a world that seemed to
have changed for the better: we know that we have been with God. Against
great odds, by a miracle, we have been snatched from the jaws of death,
we know for certainty that God was instrumental in this rescue, and a job is
waiting for us. That means God is literally everything visible and invisible
and is composed entirely of love and wisdom. Nothing is excluded. All is
included in the One. There is no two, i.e. nothing is outside of God. That
means you are God, and so am I!

The Journeys of the Soul.

All souls or consciousness start as sparks from the Source (God). At any one
time numerous sparks or clumps of souls spurt out from the Source. Although
some times we call this the Big Bang, it is really routine explosions to send
off the morulas (clumps) of souls on their journeys. This is an ongoing
process. These morulas are in multiples of two. They vary between two and
thousands. They vary in their ages. The younger they are, the more souls are
despatched together: these are the novices who are starting on their very
first journey around the universes. The more experienced they are the
smaller will be the clumps. The oldest and the wisest will appear as a
unified ball, as the component souls have already fused together from their
numerous round trips across the universes, and these old souls or fused
clumps do not divide into individual small souls. These old clumps or souls
are very rare: they are either one single total soul or are fused twosome or
fused foursomes. They are wise and powerful but they also must go through
the entire round of progression and differentiation like the novice one-
celled soul, but they go through the rounds at a much quicker rate. . These
rare sages are the true representatives of God. They are what the Hindus
called Avatars. In any form of incarnation (mineral, animal or human) they
are the leaders. They are also the founders of religions. But we are jumping
the gun here: let us start from the beginning. At each Bang numerous soul
groups break out from the Source, and each group is composed of kindred
soul mates (morulas).

When the morulas of souls start to descend down to the etheric/physical,

they spiral down the Great Pillars of Light, Consciousness of Immensity,
Cosmic Consciousness, Celestial Plane and the Astral Planes to our physical
plane. Spiralling down these planes into denser and denser atmosphere, in
the first round down, they are in a dreamy state and the memories of this
downward journey is very, very hazy indeed. In fact, it is like our visiting
the astral world every night and not remembering a thing. These morulas
migrate as groups of thousands or millions until they become minerals on
the physical plane e.g. planet earth. Therefore in their first incarnation as
minerals they remain as group souls. This grouping of souls will continue
until they graduate from animals to humans.

At this point we must accept the principle of re-incarnation. Otherwise it is

not worth while discussing the subject any further. The first incarnation on
earth is that of mineral. Masses of the same group souls will incarnate into
one type of mineral, say calcium. As in everything in the universe we must
have both the positive and the negative together, like Ying and Yang, male
and female etc. There will be benign minerals and noxious minerals. There
is no good and bad or the saint and the devil in this world of duality. These
opposites coexist for the total benefit of the universes. A lifetime as a
mineral in the rocks may last for million of years. This is really not long as
compared to our cosmic lives in the higher spiritual realms as mentioned
above (e.g. Consciousness of Immensity and Celestial Planes), when we were
pre-angels and angels. Going through these stages took aeons, and therefore
remaining as rocks in a dreamy stage is of no hardship at all. The way to
graduate from this mineral stage is by the disintegration of the planet. And
from that stage onwards, we began to individualise. This is the time when
twin souls are formed: it is the last two cells to break apart to formed
individual cells. And in the future, when they ever meet again there will be
a strong affinity between them. The greatest manifestation of this affinity
will be in the human incarnations.

Here, although we individualise as algae, lichen and moss, we remain as

group souls, and we are almost as static as the mineral. From here onwards,
we reincarnate many times as different types of vegetation e.g. bushes of
flowers, grass, trees, vegetables etc. At this point we have to tolerate being
trodden upon by animals, pulled out and plucked by humans as food. The
implication here is that in the vegetable kingdom for the first time we learn
about death. The souls realise this possibility during this phase of
development. They are prepared for it and are willing to go through it for
the sake of gathering experience. Every cycle and every phase of
differentiation and growth is to enrich us with experience. We are preparing
ourselves towards the peak of our career as humans. It is at the human stage
that we reincarnate many times in order to gather knowledge and wisdom to
return back to the source.

Now after graduating from the vegetable world, we then jumped over to the
animal stage, starting as bacteria and viruses. In normal human
understanding, we are now "alive". These souls are small and tiny, and quite
invisible to normal human eyes: we need microscopes to visualise these
early creatures. From these microbes we develop into larger animalistic
forms. We go through being insects, crustacean, vertebrates, invertebrates,
gorillas, monkeys, whales, dolphins, etc. After innumerable incarnations in
the animal kingdom, we would arrive as a mammal like a gorilla. And the
next incarnation would be humans. As insects, birds, fish, and other mobile
animals, we are still living in groups. If one in the group learns something,
the knowledge is passed on to the rest of the group, even though there is no
possibility of any form of communication. This is the benefit of being group
souls. However if one out of a pack of wolves is adopted and domesticated
by humans, then it is transformed into a dog. This dog then takes on the
intelligence of the master. The dog can now read the mind and emotion of
the master. It can be trained to perform all sorts of tricks. This applies to
other types of animals as well e.g. bears, dolphins and monkeys. When one’s
pet dies before the owner, the spirit of the pet, like a cat or dog, will wait
in the astral for the master to cross over. Human spirits that are lovers of
animals will look after these pets. Again the animal also realises that at any
time it could be killed and be eaten by other animals or humans. There is no
fear or foreboding until the last moments. Of course, the yelping and
squealing is only a natural protest against death. However this does not
mean we can be cruel in the process of killing: they must be slaughtered in
the most humane fashion. It is the same with vegetation: the wanton
destruction of luscious forests by fire also incurs lots of bad karma. The
greatest hurdle now is this jump from the animal group souls to the
individual soul of the human.

The Human Soul

We have now arrived at the individual soul of a human. In the past series of
progression from mineral through vegetation to animal, the souls have been
in groups. Now we have reached the final stage of self-awareness of the
individual soul. There is no going back to be reincarnated into animal again.
As we cannot retrogress from animal to vegetable, humans cannot be
reincarnated back to animals. This is one of the Universal Laws. Now that
we have this self-awareness, we begin to know that we know. Thence these
questions will arise: (1) Where do we come from? (2) What are we doing
here? (3) Where do we go from here? (4) Who am I? These are basic
questions that any thinking man would ask. However, when we first
incarnated as primitive man these are of course not the questions that we
asked. We have to go through the cycles of rebirth from the physical
barbarian through the emotional, anxiety-stricken individual to the
intellectual, thinking man. We would have taken up to at least two million
years to arrive at this intellectual stage. But not all of us are in the same
stage of development. Most of us are still under the delusion that the more
we acquire materially, the happier we will be! But, we would come to the
conclusion that no amount of material objects can make us happy. Of
course, not all of us develop equally. In the last few thousand years,
Buddha, Jesus, Lao-tzu and Mohammed have all reached this conclusion that
materialism is nothing but a burden, and they all had preached the same
wisdom. But we are too deluded, and therefore we have to keep being
reborn until we learn our lesson of being altruistic, selfless, and humble and
without ill will. Then with wisdom we can safely service the entire universe
or at least our planet. Purification, service and gathering of knowledge are
the main pillars of spiritual growth. Once we have completed our sojourns
on planet earth, we can then practice in the astral realm, and we do not
have to return to earth again evermore. The journey back to the source will
now begin in earnest.

Before we do that, let us digress a little. Although we have been practising

as individual souls, we have been moving from the spirit realms to the
physical earth in droves of soul mates, which were originally from the same
morulas or groups of souls that started at the beginning from the Source or
the Great Spirit. There is an exception to this, and it is the wise, old soul
that did not breakdown into individual souls. It was a fused ball of wise old
souls. These rare old sages when they are in vegetation, they are huge old
solid trees (e.g. oak trees) When they are in the animal phase, they would
be lions, elephants or whales. As humans, they would be rare sages (e.g.
Lao-tzu) or avatars and appear only very occasionally to help out with
mankind. The ordinary individual soul mates will move around in the same
circles in every incarnation, and those that are not in incarnation at the
same time will be in the astral acting as guardian angels to their soul mates
in the flesh. At a much later time these soul mates will have to meet up
again and join up together. This joining up could start on earth when twin
souls meet. These were the remaining two souls that were the last to break
up before they individualise on planet earth. They may or may not meet at
each incarnation. If they do meet the tendency is to marry, and yet they
may not, because they are looking for challenges in order to learn. If they
do meet in their last incarnation, then they will probably be together.
Please remember that there are other planets on which the souls can
practise. If they move to another planet, all the soul mates will go together.
The changing of planets is, however, very uncommon. When they are
transforming from mineral to vegetation, they have to change planet
because the former has to disintegrate. Rarely from vegetable to animal
they may want to migrate to another plant.
Now let us concentrate on the housing of the human soul. The human soul is
covered by a physical body, and at least four layers of subtle bodies which
are not visible to the normal eyesight. They are the etheric, emotional,
mental and spiritual auras concentrically. Auras are also present around the
mineral, vegetable and the animal kingdoms. But in the human, they are
most developed, and they vary from person to person, and they change
continuously from one second to another. To the clairvoyant eyes, they
interpenetrate the adjacent bodies, including the physical, and they look
like mosaics of moving stream with different colours. The layers vary in
thickness, and all the layers together extend up to our out stretched arms
all around us. These are our armours of protection. They change in colours
and intensity with the change of physical health, emotional moods and
mental well being. When we die these housings will extricate themselves
around the soul, and each layer will drop off one by one as we ascend the
spiritual realms. Now where is the soul located in our physical body? As it is
a divine spark of energy, which is part of God, it is not discernible even to
the most powerful clairvoyant. According to Sri Ramana Maharshi it is just to
the right of the bottom tip of the sternum in the chest. He reckons that it is
the size of the last phalanx of the thumb. In Barbara Ann Brennan’s
monograph the core of the soul is also in the chest, but it is to the left
centre of the chest cavity.

Since time immemorial, millions of seekers have been looking for the soul,
but they are unable to find it. One should not spend any effort looking for
it. One should travel inwards in meditation disavowing the physical body,
our emotions and intellect as self. These affirmations: " I am not my body. I
am not my emotion. And my thoughts are not Me." are the best before and
after any meditation practice. In fact, when a small boy or girl sees a dead
body, it is easy for the child to realise that the body is not self. After
meditating for some time, one could also experience first hand that our
emotions and thoughts are not self. If they are you then you could easily ask
them not to intrude, but try as you may the thoughts will still come in. If
one is angry at the start of one’s meditation, and when calm descends on
the meditator, the anger automatically disappears with no effort. Bliss will
spontaneously occupy the mind, when thoughts start to vanish. In a deep
stage of insight meditation, there are no thoughts, but there is silence and
stillness and what is left is pure awareness. This is almost the equivalent of
the soul or the true self. When it is completely quiet, silent and still with no
residue of any thoughts then one truly has arrived at the soul. Of course,
this is a very difficult feat. It can only be achieved when one does not try at
all. It is a non-doing. The most important asset to have at this time is
patience. You just have to wait and wait and wait. Once you have arrived at
this stage you have come to self-realisation. When you have self-realised
then you can look forward towards going home: there is no more earthly
incarnation for you. You now have realised that you cannot die. You will live
the rest of life utilising the physical, emotional and mental bodies as
instruments for living, and that they are not you. You will now call upon
your higher self any time to enhance your sojourn on earth. You are in the
world, but not of the world.

The spark of energy (soul) in the chest cavity is only a fraction of your total
soul. It is estimated that only ten percent is sent down (or encased in the
body) for purification. in the ordinary person. Of course, if you are very
developed and near "enlightenment", you can siphon down much more, and
things like the Akashic records, telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition
may be available to you. But it is not necessary so, as many enlightened
saints are not interested in these psychic abilities, and they do not posses
them. What about our tendencies, habits, and characteristics? And which of
our subtle bodies or soul that our memories of past lives reside? How do we
recognise our soul mates? These are all very interesting points that we
should discuss.

Firstly, our Akashic records (records of everything we do, say and think) are
recorded in the Akashic. These are kept in the causal realm and the facts
are available only to our higher self. So with spiritual development, our
higher self can tap into these records and make them available to us if
required. The Akashic records date right up to our first incarnation as
primitive man and may be even earlier e.g. animal life. Buddha, on the
night that he was enlightened was able to remember every life of his since
his first human incarnation. Since the first human incarnation, we develop
habits, tendencies and characteristics (samskaras) and these are lodged
mainly as emotional memories. That is why we assume these samskaras
automatically as we grow up, without any prompting from our parents or
peers. These are therefore kept in our astral emotional body. Facts and
events are kept in the mental body. At birth, we must have total mineral
amnesia, but some emotional memories do break out as we meet our soul
mates in the course of our lives.. So when we meet some one in the street
or at a party, we immediately like the person very much or we hate him
straightaway. This is emotional and not intellectual memory, because we
cannot remember the events and facts that cause us to like or hate the
other person. Before we come down from the spiritual realm in order to be
born we have to spiral down the mental and emotional (astral) realms
before we touch down to earth. This is to re-acquaint our mental-emotional
bodies what we are about to experience again with the new body-mind
complex. It is also to remind us of what we have been through since our very
first human incarnation: it is like a quick review of all our past lives, so that
we know what to expect when we are born again. There must also be
amnesia at birth. Otherwise it is impossible to carry on our present life with
all the memories of our enemies and love ones gushing out every time we
meet someone. Our total soul which includes the higher self is connected to
every member of our soul group, be it sixteen or sixteen hundred thousand
by an etheric thread. This etheric network holds the entire group together
so that when one soul meets another in the group, there is an immediate
attraction. Remember that the more advanced the group, the smaller is the
number. This total soul group then is in turn connected to the other soul
groups. It then becomes an interlacing network that connects every soul
embracing all minerals, vegetables, animals and humans. Then this entire
network further inter-connects the whole hierarchy right up to the Godhead
(Great Spirit). That means all the universes and us, the tiny souls, are all
part of God. Nothing is left out. There is only One and nothing is outside it.
Now after we have graduated from the human experience, we do not return
as humans any more. We will now practice in the astral as spirits or angels
up through to the mental and the spiritual realms slowly working ourselves
up these rarer and faster vibrational ethereal realms. On the way up we
start to join up with our twin soul; then we would look for another pair to
make a foursome. This doubles up to eight, sixteen and thirty-two and so on
until we reach our original number, with which we began at the Big Bang.
This is the reverse process of that downward path towards earth, where we
became group souls as mineral, vegetable, animals, and finally break up as
individual souls at the human stage. Now after completing the human earth
life we are going home towards the source with our cargo. What is the
cargo? It is aeons of learning and experience culminating in love, compassion
and selflessness. The love and selflessness is so great that we are happily
sacrificing our individual self for the sake of the whole group. At the end of
the day we arrive at the source to make the Godhead a better and a more
evolved God! Is this possible? It is a definite and resounding YES! If we are
part of God (all be it a very tiny fraction), when we improve God improves,
when we evolve, God evolves. Let us not forget that it is not only one soul
that returns to the source with its cargo of love, knowledge and experience.
The returning groups of souls go into millions at a time, and this is an
ongoing process. These cycles never end. After resting within the source, we
would begin all over again the journey of coming down towards the physical
once more. But this time the quest will be different. We, the souls will be
different this time round: we are now older and wiser. Some of us may be
leaders or subleaders. The cargo may also be different. Whatever it is, these
cycles are never ending. There is no beginning, and there is no end. It is an
interminable eternity.

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