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"washing hands"

1. I Gusti Ayu Putu Dianitta 145070201131009
2. Indri Putri Dwioktavia 145070200111013

3. Wa Janita 125070200131004

4. Muhammad Yusuf wahyudi 155070201111007




1. Definition
 Hand washing is a process that mechanically remove dirt and debris from the
skin of the hand using plain soap and water (Department of Health, 2008).
 Hand washing is the second wash hands with soap and running water before and
after the action with the aim to eliminate germs. Used to wash hands early is the
first step to prevent the entry of germs and the risk of transmission of disease.
2. The purpose of washing hands
Washing hands is one of the most fundamental techniques to avoid the entry
of germs into the body. Where the action is performed with the goal to:

1. Keep your hands clean.

2. Release the hands of germs and bacteria.
3. Preventing the spread of diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, thypus,
intestinal worms, skin diseases, acute respiratory infection, bird flu, etc.

4. Hands became clean and more attractive appearance

3. Wash hands with soap

During this time the more common washing hands with water alone, but this
proved ineffective in maintaining health than washing hands with soap. Indeed, use
of soap in hand washing actually cause a person must allocate more time when
washing hands, but the use of soap to be effective for grease and dirt to be
released when rubbed hands and rub in an attempt to take it off (Infodatin, 2014).
The soap-shaped cleaning agent either solid or liquid will help the process of
releasing dirt and germs that stick to the outer surface skin of the hands and nails.
With proper handwashing using soap then dirt and germs will be lifted partially.
Nonetheless it can really help reduce the risk of infection.
In fat and dirt these germs live. Another effect is fragrant after washing hands
with soap, and in some cases hand wangilah that make handwashing with soap to
be interesting to do. Diseases that can be prevented by washing hands with soap,
(Infodatin, 2014):
1. Diarrhea
3. Pneumonia
4. eye infections
5. worm infections
6. Skin disease

4. Wash hands with running water

By washing hands in running water then will shed dirt and water-borne
germs. So from now on when we eat in a restaurant or a food stall that is the sink,
you should wash your hands in the sink though in providing hand washing bowl on
the table.

5. Time is important to wash hands

Handwashing should be done in five critical time, namely: (1) before eating;
(2) after defecation; (3) before holding the baby; (4) after cleaning a child; and (5)
before preparing food. Meanwhile, according to Hand, encuci hands with soap
should be done before and after the activity. Here is a good time to wash hands with
1. Before and after the meal.
2. After the change the bandage.
3. Before and after preparing food, especially before and after handling raw
materials, such as livestock and fish products.
4. After handling animals or animal waste.
5. After wiping the nose, or sneezing at hand.
6. Before and after slicing something.
7. Before and after handling sick or injured person.
8. After handling garbage.
9. Before inserting or removing contact lenses.
10. After using public facilities (eg, toilets, cafes, kiosks, and others - others).
11. Return travel and after play.
12. After defecation and urination.

6. Step wash hands

Washing hands with soap, according to WHO, 2009:
1. The first step is to moisten hands with water. Do from both hands until the middle
of the arm.
2. Rub and rub the back of his hand and did interchangeably.

3. Rub and rub thoroughly up to between your fingers until it is clean.

4. Clean the fingertips interchangeably.

5. Rub and turn the thumbs alternately.

6. The next step is to put a finger into your palms and rub gently.

7. Clean both wrists to rotate alternately then end with rinse all parts of your hands
are washed and then dried with a towel.

Depkes RI. 2008. Panduan Manajemen PHBS Menuju Kabupaten/Kota Sehat. Jakarta:
Departemen Kesehatan RI
INFODATIN. 2014. Perilaku Mencuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Di Indonesia.
ctps.pdf (Online). Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan RI 2014
Informasi Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan. Direktorat Jenderal
Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan, Departemen Kesehatan
RI, Jakarta : 2009
WHO. 2009. WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care first global patient safety
challenge. Switzerland: WHO Press; 2009.

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