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Chapter 8 : Accident Procedure

The main job of people dealing with an emergency situation is the safety of human life.

8.1 Small Wound

Any accidents or injuries no matter how lightly should be handled, small scratch may cause

8.2 Big Wound

In a serious accident case, first of all you should be taker a preventive action, such as fire which
is caused by defective material. If there is any body gets hurt, provide a medical help, do not
make any move of the injured person unless his position is dangerous.
Ensure that all causes of the accidents or near accidents have been provided to the safety
officers so that preventive measure could be decided to avoid repeatedly of accident.

8.3 Shock Caused Electricity

Turn off the power before you trying to help the person who is in contact with electricity, if it
is not possible then protect youtr hand with rubber gloves or material from dry wool before
touching the person.

8.4 Poison Gas

In case of rapid poisoning do important action.

If medical help is delaying, treatment of the following list maybe permitted. The toxic
substances work very quickly such as cyanide, so antidote should be avaible when you work
using these toxic subtances. Don’t give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

8.4.1 The Cause of Unknown Poisoning

There are 3 principles that could be followed :
1. Give plenty of water , milk or barley water to be drunk.

2. Give vomiting medicine only if there is no burn mark on mouth and lips, it is indicates
destructive toxic ( corrosive ).

3. Usually, move the patient into fresh air , lie down and warm up the patient and undress
from waist to neck. Don’t give any medicine other than hot coffee, give oxygen if
necessary, but only use artificial respirator if the patient stop breathing.

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