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1. National Commission
for Scheduled Tribes

The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes relating to Welfare and Socio-economic
had an origin similar to the NCSC. It was development of STs;
constituted as a separate Commission in 2004 5. To discharge such other functions in relation
following the amendment of Article 107 and to STs as the President may, subject to the
insertion of Article 338A by the Constitution provisions of any law made by Parliament, by
(Eighty-ninth Amendment) Act, 2003. Before rule specify;
that, as mentioned above, monitoring of
constitutional safeguards provided to Scheduled 6. The Commission would also discharge
Castes and Scheduled Tribes was done by a the following other functions in relation to
common body. the protection, welfare and development
& advancement of the Scheduled Tribes,
The composition, term, functions, powers and namely:-
procedure for presentation of Reports in case of
Measures that need to be taken over conferring
the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
ownership rights in respect of minor forest
(NCST) are similar to that of the NCSC. The
produce to the Scheduled Tribes living in forest
constitutional and legal safeguards provided
to Scheduled Tribes are also similar to those
provided for SCs. $ Measures to be taken to safeguard rights
to the Tribal Communities over mineral
The NCST functions through six units which
resources, water resources etc. as per law.
look after administration, coordination, socio-
economic and educational development, service $ Measures to be taken for the development
safeguards and atrocities related matters. The of tribals and to work for move viable
NCST has six regional offices which provide it livelihood strategies.
with a regional perspective. $ Measures to be taken to improve the
efficacy of relief and rehabilitation
Functions of the Commission measures for tribal groups displaced by
development projects.
1. To investigate & Monitor matters relating
$ Measures to be taken to prevent alienation
to Safeguards provided for STs under the
of tribal people from land and to effectively
Constitution or under other laws or under
rehabilitate such people in whose case
Govt. Order, to evaluate the working of such
alienation has already taken place.
$ Measures to be taken to elicit maximum
2. To inquire into specific complaints relating to
cooperation and involvement of Tribal
Rights & Safeguards of STs;
Communities for protecting forests and
3. To participate and advise in the Planning undertaking social afforestation.
Process relating to Socio-economic $ Measures to be taken to ensure full
development of STs, and to evaluate the implementation of the Provisions of
progress of their development under the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled
Union and any State; Areas) Act, 1996 (40 of 1996).
4. To submit report to the President $ Measures to be taken to reduce and
annually and at such other times as the ultimately eliminate the practice of
Commission may deem fit, upon/ working of shifting cultivation by Tribals that lead to
Safeguards, Measures required for effective their continuous disempowerment and
implementation of Programmers/ Schemes degradation of land and the environment 2

Socio-economic Development any person and examine on oath

of Scheduled Tribes 2. Discovery & production of any

For the Socio-economic and overall
development of the Tribal people, special 3. Requisition any public record or copy
provisions and safeguards have been provided thereof from any court or office
in the Constitution of India and some initiative Codes:
have also been taken by the Government of
(a) 1 and 2
India, including Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) strategy.
The Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) strategy was aimed for (b) 2 and 3
the rapid socio-economic development of tribal (c) 1 and 3
people. The funds provided under the Tribal
Sub Plan of the State have to be at least equal (d) All
in proportion to the ST population of each State Ans: D
or UTs. Similarly Central Ministries/Departments
are also required to earmark funds out of their Exp: For Investigation and Inquiry, the
budget for the Tribal Sub-Plan. As per guidelines Commission is vested with powers of a
issued by the Planning Commission, the Tribal civil court having authority to:
Sub Plan funds are to be non-divertible and $ Summon and enforce attendance of
non-lapsable. The National Commission for any person and examine on oath;
Scheduled Tribes is vested with the duty to
participate and advise in the planning process $ Discovery & production of any
of socio-economic development of STs, and documents;
to evaluate the progress of their development $ Receive evidence on affidavits;
under the Union and any State.
$ Requisition any public record or copy
thereof from any court or office;
Practice Question: $ Issue Commissions for examination of
(Q1.) As a civil court, which of the following witnesses and documents; and
powers are available to the NCST? $ Any matter which President, by rule,
1. Summon and enforce attendance of may determine.


2. National Commission for


It is a forum for appeal, set up to safeguard ? to conduct studies, research, analysis

the rights and interests of India’s minority. on socioeconomic and educational
Government has appointed Syed Ghayorul Hasan development of minorities;
Rizvi as the Chairman of National Commission
? to suggest appropriate measures in
for Minorities (NCM). Apart from him 5 other
respect of any minority to be undertaken
members were appointed to NCM.
by central or state governments;
Type of body ? to make periodic or special reports to
Unlike the National Commission for SCs the Centre on any matter concerning
and for STs, it is not a constitutional body. It minorities; especially their difficulties;
was set up by an Act of Parliament in 1992. ? to take up any other matter which may be
The Constitution (One Hundred and Third referred to it by the central government.
Amendment) Bill, 2004, proposed to establish
a new Commission, with constitutional status. What are its powers?
But due to debate over who is a ‘minority’,
the Bill lapsed. The Commission has the following powers:
? Summoning and enforcing the attendance
What is the composition of the of any person from any part of India and
commission? examining him on oath.
The Commission shall consist of a Chairperson, ? Requiring the discovery and production of
a Vice Chairperson and five Members to be any document.
nominated by the Central Government.
? Receiving evidence on affidavit.
All members shall be from amongst the
? Requisitioning any public record or copy
minority communities.
thereof from any court or office.
What are its functions? ? Issuing commissions for the examination
The NCM Act lists 9 functions of the of witnesses and documents.
Is it a powerful body?
? to evaluate the progress of the
development of minorities under the Constitutional bodies have greater autonomy,
Union and states; they can take up and inquire into many matters
suo motu, and have powers of a civil court. Thus
? to monitor the working of safeguards
NCM lacks these powers.
provided in the Constitution and in union
and state laws; Why is NCM still relevant? While the NCM’s
? to make recommendations for effective recommendations are often ignored, the Centre
implementation of safeguards for the is required to present its reports, along with an
protection of minority interests; action taken report, to Parliament.
? to look into, and take up, specific In cases involving states, the NCM is obliged to
complaints regarding deprivation of rights advise or act in some way.
and safeguards of minorities; Also in the current atmosphere of insecurity
? to get problems of discrimination against among many sections of the minority population,
minorities studied, and recommend ways NCM provides a platform for articulation of their
to remove them; grievances. 4

3. Office of Profit

Office of Profit ? First, whether the government exercises

control over appointment, removal and
The concept of office of profit has evolved in performance of the functions of the
England to preserve the independence of the office.
legislature by keeping the members away from
? Second, whether the office has any
any temptations from the executive that can
remuneration attached to it.
come in the way of independent discharge of
their duties. It also seeks to enforce the principle ? Third, whether the body in which the office
of separation of power between the legislative, is held has government powers (releasing
the judiciary and the executive - a basic feature money, allotment of land, granting
of the Constitution. Office of profit under Indian licences etc.).
Constitution The term office of profit has not ? Fourth, whether the office enables the
been defined in the Constitution. But, articles holder to influence by way of patronage.
102 (1) and 191 (1) - which give effect to the Office of profit under NCT Act, 1991
concept of office of profit -- prescribe restrictions
? Section 15(1)(a) of the government of
at the central and state level on lawmakers
national capital territory of Delhi act, 1991,
accepting government positions. Any violation
says “a person shall be disqualified for
attracts disqualification of MPs or MLAs, as the
being chosen as, and for being, a member
case may be. According to Article 102 (1) (a),
of the legislative assembly if he holds any
a person shall be disqualified as a member of
office of profit” under the government of
Parliament for holding any office of profit under
India, a state or a union territory” other
the government of India or the government
than an office protected by law.
of any state, “other than an office declared by
Parliament by law not to disqualify its holder”. ? Like articles 102 (1) and 191(1), Section
Article 191 (1) (a) has a similar provision for the 15(2) of the NCT act also protects ministers
members of state assemblies. However, articles at the Centre, in states or union territories
102 and 191 clarify that “a person shall not be from disqualification. Section 15(3) of the
deemed to hold an office of profit under the NCT act says in case of a dispute over
government of India or the government of disqualification of an MLA, the matter
any state by reason only that he is a minister”. would be referred to the President, whose
Further, the last part of the two provisions decision would be final.
protects a lawmaker holding a government ? But, before deciding on a petition seeking
position if the office has been made immune to disqualification, the President, says the
disqualification by law. NCT act, has to get the opinion of the
Principles of declaring Office of Profit Four election commission which is binding on
broad principles have evolved for determining him.
whether an office attracts the constitutional


4. One Rank One Pension

One Rank One Pension means payment of guards or small farmers (if have land in village)
uniform pension to military personnel retiring or landless labours. b) During service they work
in same rank with same length of service, with full honour and zeal but after retirement
irrespective of date of retirement. Further any the things vanishes. c) They leave their families
hike in pension rates to be automatically passed behind and work in dangerous and hostile
on to past pensioners. The difference in the regions, with no guarantee to life. Work
pension of present and past pensioners in the conditions are tough and so is the pressure but
same rank occurs on account of the number of in turn they get meager salary and pension. d)
increments earned by the defence personnel in Successive pay commissions have widened gap
that rank. In 1973 the government following the between veterans who have retired earlier and
Third Central Pay Commission in an “ex-parte” those who retire later. Proposed benefits: a) It will
decision terminated OROP and the issue is still help in boosting the confidence and morale of
under focus. Reasons for demand: a) In the serving Army persons. b) Ex-servicemen drawing
government services the age of retirement is 59- pensions will benefit from the OROP scheme,
60 years and even after that government officer especially those who retired before 2006. c) The
gets good pension whereas in case of military scheme will benefit all three services -- air force,
services the retirement age is generally between navy and army.
37-39 years and rest of his life the person has
to live on pension or end in becoming home 6

5. Gender Budgeting

? Gender Budgeting is a powerful tool for spending, and offsetting any undesirable
achieving gender mainstreaming so as gender-specific consequences of previous
to ensure that benefits of development budgetary measures. There are a range
reach women as much as men. It is a of different actors who can be involved
tool for gender empowerment. (Gender in Gender Budgeting. They have different
empowerment includes opening up access roles and carryout different activities.
to decision-making processes that make Some of them are:
women to perceive themselves as able ? Ministry of Finance (both at the Centre
and entitled to occupy decision-making &State)
space). Gender Budgeting was introduced
by the government in 2005-06 in order ? Ministry of Women & Child Development/
to ensure that policy commitments are Social Welfare Department
backed by financial outlays and that the ? Comptroller and Auditor General of India
gender perspective is incorporated in all /Local Audit Departments
stages of a policy or a programme. The ? Sectoral ministries like Health, Education,
purpose of GB is to ensure the translation Labour, Agriculture, Power, Roadways,
of Government’s policy commitments on Urban Development, etc.
gender equity into budgetary allocations.
The Gender Budgetary allocations of the ? Researchers, Economists and Statisticians
Union Government are reflected in two ? Civil Society Organizations and Budget
parts. The first part- Part A includes Schemes Groups
with 100% allocation for women while Part ? Parliamentarians, Budget Committees of
B of the Statement includes Schemes/ both Houses, and other representatives
Programmes with 30% to 99% allocation of the people at district and sub-district
for women. A gender-sensitive budget levels.
aims at examining budgetary resource
? Media
allocations through a gender lens. It is not
a separate budget for women; rather it is ? Development Partners/Donors etc.
a dissection of the government budget to But many misleading and patriarchal
establish its gender-specific impact and assumptions limit the scope of Gender
to translate gender commitments into Budgeting. Sectors such as Water Supply,
budgetary commitments. It also examines Sanitation, and Food & Public Distribution
the gendered incidence of budgetary still remain outside the purview of the
policies for effective targeting of public Gender Budgeting Statement.


6. Lodha Committee

The cricket is the only sport of India which ? Lodha panel proposes one person one
has its place in hearts all people of India. post. Also no proxy voting of individuals
But the Board of Control for Cricket in India
? No BCCI office-bearer can have more than
(BCCI) which administers the game in the
two consecutive terms.
nation, however, continues to be mired in one
controversy after another as large political ? No BCCI office-bearer can be Minister or
interference, corruption, match fixing or betting, government servant, recommends Lodha
etc. Especially after advent of IPL, match fixing panel.
and corruption has become a more common
? In no case President will hold post for
notion in the cricket of India. This is the reason
more than 2 years.
why Supreme Court interfere in this matter and
appoint Lodha committee to give final verdict for ? Lodha panel recommends a steering
IPL scandal and recommendations for reforms committee headed by former Home Secy
in BCCI. The Justice RM Lodha Committee made G K Pillai with Mohinder Amarnath, Diana
several groundbreaking recommendations to Eduljee and Anil Kumble.
the Supreme Court. These include almost a
? Panel recommends separate governing
complete restructuring of the BCCI, creation of a
bodies for the IPL and BCCI.
separate body to govern IPL, a ban on ministers
or government servants holding posts in the ? Lodha Committee recommends relegation
BCCI, and more. The recommendations are: of Railways, Services and Universities as
? Lodha panel wants BCCI to come under Associate members. They also lose voting
RTI Act. rights.
? Lodha panel recommends legalisation of ? Punishment and reforms were the main
betting. tasks for the Lodha committee. 8

7. Introduction of NOTA in

? The Supreme Court in Writ Petition directed $ For democracy to survive, it is essential
to provide a NOTA option on the EVM and that the best available men should be
ballot papers so that the electors who do not chosen as people’s representatives for
want to vote for any of the candidates can proper governance of the country. Thus
exercise their option in secrecy. in a vibrant democracy, the voter must
? The Supreme Court held that the provisions of be given an opportunity to choose ‘None
Rule 49-O under which an elector not wishing of the Above’ (NOTA) button, which will
to vote for any candidate had to inform the indeed compel the political parties to
Presiding Officer about his decision, are nominate a sound candidate. This situation
ultra vires Article 19 of the Constitution and
palpably tells us the dire need of negative
Section 128 of the Representation of the
People Act, 1951.
? Rule 49-O was a rule in the Conduct of ? Negative features in NOTA:
Elections Rules, 1961 of India, which governs $ As per the provisions of clause (a) of Rule
elections in the country. It described the 64 of Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961,
procedure to be followed when a valid voter read with Section 65 of the Representation
decides not to cast his vote, and decides to of the People Act, 1951, the candidate
record this fact. who has polled the largest number of
? 49-O states that if an elector, after his valid votes is to be declared elected by
electoral roll number has been duly entered the Returning Officer. NOTA do not mean
in the register of voters in Form 17A and rejection. That may sound self-defeating
has put his signature or thumb impression to the whole point of NOTA but according
thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule
to Indian democracy the rule of first past
49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark
the post is declared the winner. Thus, if
to this effect shall be made against the said
entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer out of total 10,000 votes, 9999 voters elect
and the signature or thumb impression of NOTA option and just one candidate gets
the elector shall be obtained against such even a single vote, then the latter wins
remark. from that constituency.
? Positive features in NOTA: ? NOTA can only work only when it is paired
$ Voter’s participation is an essence of with Right To Recall option where voters can
democracy. Introducing a NOTA button recall candidates they have elected. This will
can increase the public participation in an instill fear in candidates to do well in office
electoral process. and also lead to giving NOTA importance
$ NOTA option gives the voter the right to because it acts as a pre-cursor to public
express his disapproval with the kind of displeasure. Currently, Right To Recall does
candidates that are being put up by the not exist in the electoral process in the
political parties. country, which only weakens NOTA.


7. Delimitation Commission

Delimitation literally means the act or process of 2001 census figures under the provisions of
of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial Delimitation Act, 2002. Notwithstanding the
constituencies in a country or a province having above, the Constitution of India was specifically
a legislative body. In India, such Delimitation amended in 2002 not to have delimitation of
Commissions have been constituted 4 times - constituencies till the first census after 2026.
in 1952 under the Delimitation Commission Act, Thus, the present Constituencies carved out
1952, in 1963 under Delimitation Commission on the basis of 2001 census shall continue to
Act, 1962, in 1973 under Delimitation Act, 1972 be in operation till the first census after 2026.
and in 2002 under Delimitation Act, 2002. Under The Delimitation Commission in India is a high
Article 82 of the Constitution, the Parliament power body whose orders have the force of law
by law enacts a Delimitation Act after every and cannot be called in question before any
census. After coming into force commencement court. These orders come into force on a date
of the Act, the Central Government constitutes to be specified by the President of India in this
a Delimitation Commission. This Delimitation behalf. The copies of its orders are laid before
Commission demarcates the boundaries of the the House of the People and the State Legislative
Parliamentary Constituencies as per provisions Assembly concerned, but no modifications are
of the Delimitation Act. The present delimitation permissible therein by them.
of constituencies has been done on the basis 10

8. Progress Panchayat

? The Government has launched Progress promote ancient art, culture of the Minority
Panchayat, a campaign to reach out to the communities
minorities, particularly Muslims, to create ? “Nai Udaan” - The Nai Udaan- Scheme
awareness in these communities about the for Support for Minority Students is for the
government’s policies and programmes and support to the minority community students/
remove fears and misconceptions about candidates clearing Prelims conducted by
the government. The Progress Panchayat Union Public Service Commission, Staff
would educate people of the area about the Selection Commission, State Public Service
government’s efforts in social, educational, Commissions etc. It expects proactive
health and infrastructure sectors and in
measures for those communities that
creating job opportunities. The panchayats
lag behind and become increasingly
would analyse the level of progress reached
marginalized. It encourages the students/
by the communities. Schemes of the Minority
candidates by earmarking of targets on Self-
Affairs Ministry
employment and Wage employment and
? “Seekho aur Kamao” - Under ‘Seekho Aur Recruitment to State and Central Services.
Kamao’ (Learn & Earn) schemes, about 2200 It provides pre-examination coaching for
people had been provided training from 2014. competitive examinations in government
? “Nai Manzil” - Nai Manzil aims to engage and private institutions for candidates from
constructively with poor Minority youth and minority communities.
help them obtain sustainable and gainful ? “Pradhanmantri Jan Vikas Karykram”-
employment opportunities that can facilitate (MsDP) - has been providing basic amenities
them to be integrated with mainstream such as school, hospitals, roads and other
economic activities. infrastructure in Minority concentrated
? “Nai Raushni” - Under ‘Nai Raushni’ scheme, areas.
3300 people had been provided job-oriented ? Employment oriented schemes are our
training. priority. “Employment to every hand” is our
? “Ustaad” - Initiative to preserve, protect and commitment.


9. Bill on Mob Violence

All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) and appointing a public prosecutor. The SIT
chief and Lok Sabha MP Asaduddin Owaisi sent and public prosecutor, besides reporting to
notice of a private members’ Bill to combat the Special Court, shall also be under the
incidents of mob lynchings. supervision of the Supreme Court (via the
appointment of an amicus curiae).
Provisions of the Bill
? Punishment of up to life imprisonment
? The Bill enjoin penalties of a minimum of ten for those found guilty of engaging in mob
years imprisonment on public servants for violence, and special compensation and
“acts of omission”. witness protection are also included in the
? The Bill criminalizes the act of mob violence as Bill.
well as acts of omission by public servants. ? The most significant portion of the Bill is,
? Provisions such as the establishment of however, the awarding of penalties on public
Special Courts for the trial of mob violence, servants for failing to investigate properly
with judges for the same being appointed by due to malafide intentions or wilful neglect
a collegium of the five senior-most judges of of their duties.
the High Court are in the Bill. Mob violence has been defined to include “any
? The Special Courts shall also have the additional act where two or more persons injure, harm,
responsibility of receiving complaints of oppress, and threaten any person’s enjoyment
mob violence, and has the responsibility of of a right guaranteed under the Constitution of
setting up Special Investigation Teams (SIT) India or on the basis of their identity.” 12

10. Commercial Courts

The efficiency of the legal system and the pace set of Commercial Courts to be set up by State
at which disputes are resolved by courts are Governments at the District level to try suits and
very important factors in deciding the growth of claims pertaining to commercial disputes of a
investment and the overall economic and social value of at least Rs.1 crore and above. In states
development of a country. The inefficiency of our where the High Court exercises original civil
justice delivery system is well known and well
jurisdiction, the High Courts are expected to set
documented. Thus the government has set up
up Commercial Divisions to try such commercial
Commercial Court system to improve the justice
delivery mechanism. The types of disputes which disputes. The Act also requires the High Courts
can be covered under it covers commercial to set up Commercial Appellate Divisions within
disputes arising from ordinary transactions of each High Court to hear appeals from the
merchants, bankers, financiers and traders such orders of Commercial Courts and Commercial
as those relating to mercantile documents, Divisions (“Courts”) and endeavor to dispose of
export and import of merchandise or service, them within 6 months of their filing date. The
admiralty and maritime law, transactions relating Act also amends the Code of Civil Procedure,
to aircraft, etc., carriage of goods, construction 1908 (“CPC”) as will be applicable to the Courts,
and infrastructure contracts including tenders, which shall prevail over the existing High Courts
agreements relating to immovable property Rules and other provisions of the CPC, so as to
used exclusively in trade and commerce,
improve the efficiency and expeditious disposal
infringement of Intellectual Property Rights,
of commercial cases. The establishment of
exploitation of natural resources, insurance,
etc. The definition also includes disputes arising commercial courts in India is a stepping stone
out of agreements of franchising, distribution, to bring about reform in the civil justice system.
licensing, management, consultancy, JV, India’s first Commercial Court and Commercial
partnership, shareholders, subscription, Disputes Resolution Centre was inaugurated at
investment, etc. The Act provides for a separate Raipur, Chhattisgarh.


11. Reservation for Women

in Forces

It is well accepted that a society or a nation can protection of women. The Union Cabinet gave
progress rapidly in an equitable manner if and its approval for making reservation of 33 percent
only if women are provided equal opportunities for women, horizontally and in each category
to participate in social, political and economic (SC/ST/OBC and others) in direct recruitment
activities. The police is the first line of interface in non-gazetted posts from Constables to
between citizens and the Governmental law sub-inspector in the police forces of all Union
enforcement machinery. It has been observed Territories, including Delhi Police. This decision
that many women do not approach the police, as will help in augmenting the representation of
they may have to confide or report the incident the women in the police forces of all UTs and
to a male police officer. This is particularly so in Delhi Police so as to make the police more
respect of sex related crimes. A skewed police gender sensitive. It will also instill confidence
force with adequate gender representation among women to enable them to approach the
is a major practical barrier in effective police without hesitation for seeking protection
implementation of legislation intended for the and assistance as and when required. 14

12. Uniform Civil Code

? Uniform Civil Code generally refers to that principles of state policy. The legal nature of
part of law which deals with family affairs of the Directive Principles is such that it cannot
an individual and denotes uniform law for all be enforced by any court and therefore these
citizens, irrespective of his/her religion, caste are non judicial rights. The Constitution
or tribe. further calls upon the State to apply these
? A Uniform Civil Code administers the same principles in making laws as these principles
set of secular civil laws to govern different are fundamental in the governance of the
people belonging to different religions and country.
regions. This supersedes the right of citizens ? Article 44, which deals with the Uniform
to be governed under different personal Civil Code states: “The State shall endeavor
laws based on their religion or ethnicity. to secure for the citizens, a uniform civil
The common areas covered by a civil code code throughout the territory of India”.
include: The objective of this article is to effect
$ Personal Status an integration of India by bringing all
communities into a common platform which
$ Rights related to acquisition and is at present governed by personal laws which
administration of property do not form the essence of any religion.
$ Marriage, divorce and adoption ? In India, Goa is the only state to have
? Uniform Civil Code will in the long run ensure implemented the directive principle on the
Equality. Also, UCC will help to promote Uniform Civil Code and converted it into a law
Gender equality. called the Goa Civil Code or the Goa Family
? The need for a uniform civil code is Law. It is the set of civil laws that governs all
inscribed in Article 44 (Article 35 in the draft the Goans irrespective of the religion or the
constitution). This article is included in Part IV ethnicity to which they belong.
of the Constitution dealing with the directive


13. Lokpal and Lokayukta

The “Lokpal” is the central governing body that ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ officers and employees of
has jurisdiction over all members of parliament Government.
and central government employees in case of ® On complaints referred to CVC by
corruption. Whereas, the “Lokayukta” is similar Lokpal, CVC will send its report of
to the Lokpal, but functions on a state level. Preliminary enquiry in respect of Group
Scope of the ‘Lokpal’ is based on a national ‘A’ and ‘B’ officers back to Lokpal for
government level basis and the scope of the further decision.
‘Lokayukta’ relied on a state level. The main ® With respect to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’
function is to address complaints of corruption, employees, CVC will proceed further
to make inquiries, investigations, and to conduct in exercise of its own powers under
trials for the case on respective state and central the CVC Act subject to reporting and
government with having responsibility to help in review by Lokpal.
curbing the corruption in the central and state
government. $ All entities receiving donations from
foreign source in the context of the Foreign
? Salient features of the Act Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) in
$ The Lokpal to consist of a Chairperson and excess of Rs. 10 lakhs per year are brought
a maximum of eight Members, of which under the jurisdiction of Lokpal.
fifty percent shall be judicial Members. $ Lokpal will have power of superintendence
Fifty per cent of members of Lokpal shall and direction over any investigation
be from amongst SC, ST, OBCs, Minorities agency including CBI for cases referred to
and Women. them by Lokpal.
$ The selection of Chairperson and Members $ A high powered Committee chaired by the
of Lokpal shall be through a Selection Prime Minister will recommend selection
Committee consisting of of the Director, CBI.
(a) Prime Minister; $ Attachment and confiscation of property of
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha; public servants acquired by corrupt means,
even while prosecution is pending.
(c) Leader of Opposition in the Lok
Sabha; ? Enquiry procedure
(d) Chief Justice of India or a sitting The Lokpal’s inquiry wing is required to
Supreme Court Judge nominated by inquire into complaints within 60 days of
CJI; their reference.
(e) An eminent jurist to be nominated by $ On considering an inquiry report the
the President of India Lokpal shall- (i) order an investigation;
$ A Search Committee will assist the (ii) initiate departmental proceedings; or
Selection Committee in the process of (iii) close the case and proceed against
selection. the complainant for making a false and
frivolous complaint.
Fifty per cent of members of the Search
Committee shall also be from amongst $ The investigation shall be completed
SC, ST, OBCs, Minorities and Women. within 6 months.
$ Lokpal’s jurisdiction will cover all categories $ The Lokpal may initiate prosecution
of public servants including Group ‘A’, through its Prosecution Wing before the
Special Court set up to adjudicate cases. 16

$ The trial shall be completed within a government. It has abolished the previous
maximum of two years. The recent 30 days timeline. b) Gives extension of the
amendment has amended Section 44. time given to public servants and trustees
Now the every public servantshall make and board members of Non-Governmental
declaration of their assets and liabilities Organisations (NGOs) to declare their
in the form and manner as prescribed by assets and those of their spouses.


14. National AYUSH Mission

India possess an unmatched heritage The objective of the mission is to:

represented by its ancient systems of medicine ? To provide cost effective AYUSH Services,
like ASU&H which are a treasure house of with a universal access through upgrading
knowledge for preventive and promotive AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries, co-
healthcare. The positive features of the Indian location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health
systems of medicine namely their diversity and Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres
flexibility; accessibility; affordability, a broad (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs).
acceptance by a large section of the general ? To strengthen institutional capacity at
public; comparatively lesser cost and growing the state level through upgrading AYUSH
economic value, have great potential to make educational institutions, State Govt. ASU&H
Pharmacies, Drug Testing Laboratories and
them providers of healthcare that the large
ASU & H enforcement mechanism.
sections of our people need. The government of
India has launched the National AYUSH Mission ? Support cultivation of medicinal plants by
adopting Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
(NAM). The proposed Mission will address the
so as to provide sustained supply of quality
gaps in health services through supporting the rawmaterials and support certification
efforts of State/UT Governments for providing mechanism for quality standards, Good
AYUSH health services/education in the country, Agricultural/Collection/Storage Practices
particularly in vulnerable and far-flung areas. ? Support setting up of clusters through
Under NAM special focus will be given for convergence of cultivation, warehousing, value
specific needs of such areas and for allocation addition and marketing and development of
of higher resources in their Annual Plans. infrastructure for entrepreneurs. 18

15. Ganga Gram Yojana

? Ganga is the Indian national river and it is Gram Yojana at Village Puth in Hapur district
also the longest river flowing in India. It of U.P.
originates from Himalayas from the state of
Uttarakhand and has a stretch of 2525 km. ? Salient features of Ganga Gram
It ends its journey at the Bay of Bengal. The Yojana:
villages and cities located along river Ganga
$ 1600 villages situated along the banks of
depend on it for their day to day livelihood.
But according to international surveys, Ganga river Ganga will be developed under this
is the one of the most polluted rivers of the scheme.
world. A large number of villages, town and $ In these villages open drains falling into
cities situated along the banks of Ganga river Ganga will be diverted and alternative
dump their daily wastes in it. All household
sewerages, industrial waste drains, etc. are arrangements for sewage treatment will
linked to this river Ganga, thus polluting the be made.
holy river. There is a huge difference between $ The villages will have toilets in every
the quality and color of water at the time it household. d) These villages will be
reaches the Bay of Bengal, from the time it developed under the Sichewal model.
gets originated. Hence, as a major initiative
towards fast track implementation of Sichewal is situated in Punjab, where
Namami Gange Programme, Union Minister cooperation of the villagers has been
of Water Resources, River Development and solicited for the water management and
Ganga Rejuvenation has launched Ganga waste disposal in a meticulous way.


16. Concept of Good Samaritans

? Introduction: $ The examination will conducted at a time

$ Good Samaritans is a person who place of the Good Samaritans convenience
gratuitously gives help or sympathy to and the investigation officer will be dressed
those in distress. in the plain clothes.
$ According to the Law Commission of India, $ If the Good Samaritans required by the
50% of those killed in road accidents could investigation officer to visit the police
have been saved had timely assistance station, the reason for the requirement
been rendered to them. shall be covered by the officer in writing.
$ Hence the Supreme Court had directed, all $ In a police station a Good Samaritans will
the states to follow the centre’s guidelines be examined in a single examination in a
issued by Ministry of Road Transport and reasonable time-bound manner, without
Highways ( MoRTH) on helping accident causing any undue delay.
victims for protection of ‘Good Samaritans’
that encouraged witnesses in road $ If a Good Samaritans declared himself to
accidents to report the police and also be an eyewitness, she/he will allow giving
help survivors with medical treatment. her/his evidence in the form of affidavit.
$ The Higher Rank holder of police that is,
? Guidelines lay down for the ‘Good
Superintendent or Deputy Commissioner
of police is responsible to enquire in this
$ The Good Samaritans will be treated procedure.
respectfully and without any discrimination
on the ground of the gender, religion, $ Video conferencing may be used
nationality and cast. extensively during examination of Good
Samaritans in order to prevent harassment
$ Any individual, except an eyewitness, who
calls the police to inform of an accidental and inconvenience to Good Samaritans.
injury or death, need not reveal his or $ All registered public and private hospitals
her personal details such as, full name, are not to detain Good Samaritans or
address, or the phone number. demand payment for registration and
$ The police will not compel the Good admission cost unless he/she is the family
Samaritans to disclose his/her name member or the relative of the injured.
identity, address and other such details in $ All hospitals shall publish a charter in
the police record form or log register and Hindi, English and the vernacular of the
in procuring information or anything else. state or the Union Territory.
$ The police will allow the Good Samaritans
$ A letter containing these guidelines
to leave after having provided the
shall be issued by the central and state
information available to him or her, and
government to all hospitals and institute
no further questions will be asked of him
or her if he or she does not desire to be a under their jurisdiction, shall publish
witness. advertisement in all national and one
regional newspaper including electronic
? Guidelines if Good Samaritans agree media and the print media for spreading
to become witness: awareness amongst society and resulted
$ He/she will be examine with almost care in to give encouragement to more Good
and respect. Samaritans. 20

17. National Court of Appeal

The National Court Appeal with regional inclined to the idea of bifurcation of judicial
benches in Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata is powers, and that of forming regional benches
meant to act as final court of justice in dealing of the apex court. A government order in 2014
with appeals from the decisions of the High too rejected the proposal that such a court of
Courts and tribunals within their region in civil, appeal is constitutionally impermissible. The
criminal, labour and revenue matters. In such outlook changed in February 2016 when the
a scenario, a much-relieved Supreme Court Supreme Court admitted Chennai lawyer V.
of India situated in Delhi would only hear Vasanthakumar’s petition for setting up an
matters of constitutional law and public law. A NCA. The Centre rejected Mr. Vasanthakumar’s
National Court of Appeal is being advocated as proposal for a National Court of Appeal with
an intermediate forum between the Supreme regional Benches. The Ministry cited three
Court and the various high courts of India. The grounds for rejecting the idea - The Supreme
Supreme Court is saddled with civil and criminal Court always sits in Delhi as per the Constitution;
appeals that arise out of everyday and even the Chief Justices of India in the past have
mundane disputes. As a result of entertaining “consistently opposed” the idea of an NCA or
these appeals, the Supreme Court’s real mandate regional benches to the Supreme Court; and the
- that of a Constitutional Court, the ultimate Attorney-General said an NCA would “completely
arbiter on disputes concerning any interpretation change the constitution of the Supreme Court”.
of the Constitution - is not fulfilled. By taking The Supreme Court in March 2016 decided to
up the Supreme Court’s appeals jurisdiction, form a Constitution Bench to debate the idea
the NCA will give the former more time for its of an NCA. A Bench led by Chief Justice of India
primal functions. A National Court of Appeal will T.S. Thakur said that it was time to debate if the
help clear the backlog of cases and maintain the Supreme Court was too burdened to provide
Supreme Court’s position as the apex court of equal justice to all. A verdict in favour of NCA
the land. The NCA would relieve the Supreme would act as a great influence on Parliament
Court of the weight of hearing regular civil to amend the Constitution itself to make room
and criminal appeals, allowing the court to for NCA. Ireland has enacted the law for NCA in
concentrate on determining only fundamental 2013 after six years’ debate. The government,
questions of constitutional importance. however, holds that the idea is a “fruitless
Additionally, it has been argued that the NCA’s endeavour” and will not lessen the burden of
regional benches would allow greater access to 2 Crore cases pending in trial courts. On April
litigants from remote parts of the country, for 26, 2016, Attorney-General told the bench, “We
whom the distance to New Delhi acts as a grave will only be adding to lawyers’ pockets. The
barrier to justice. A court of appeal can work as Supreme Court should not consider this when
an excellent mechanism to sieve cases. If there its own dockets are full.” Legal experts feel that
are areas of law that are particularly unsettled setting up of regional benches will dilute the
and need clarification, the court of appeal can constitutional superiority of the Supreme Court.
club them together and send these forward to Dilution of the Supreme Court and its aura as an
the Supreme Court. Not only can a number of apex court may not be in line with the concept of
individual cases be disposed of but areas of law the Supreme Court envisioned by the architects
can also be settled and a clear precedent set. of the Constitution. Ideally, there is only one
The Supreme Court itself, as early as in 1986, Supreme Court. The issue of proximity is relevant
had recommended establishment of an NCA only up to high courts and can’t be extended
with regional Benches at Chennai, Mumbai and to the Supreme Court. There are enough high
Kolkata to ease the burden of the Supreme court benches to address that issue. Then you
Court and avoid hardship to litigants who have need to have a super Supreme Court to settle
to come all the way to Delhi to fight their cases. the difference of opinions between different
But subsequent Chief Justices of India were not benches.


18. Aajeevika Grameen Express


The government of India has launched Aajeevika About Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana
Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY), to provide
an alternative source of livelihood to members ? The Mission aims at creating efficient and
of Self Help Groups (SHGs). effective institutional platforms of the rural
This scheme has been launched under Deendayal poor enabling them to increase household
Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods income through sustainable livelihood
Mission (DAY-NRLM). enhancements and improved access to
The main objective of AGEY is to provide an financial services.
alternative source of livelihood to members of ? The financial support under the programme
SHGs under DAY-NRLM by facilitating them to
operate public transport services in backward is mainly in the form of Revolving Fund and
rural areas. Community Investment Funds, given as
This will provide safe, affordable and community- grants to the Self Help Groups (SHGs) and
monitored rural transport services like their federations.
e-rickshaws, three and four wheeler motorised ? The programme has a special focus on
transport vehicles to connect remote villages
with key services and amenities including access women empowerment including a dedicated
to markets, education and health for the overall component for promoting farm and non-
economic development of the area. farm based livelihoods for women farmers in
The sub-scheme will be implemented in 250 rural areas. In addition, start-up enterprises at
blocks in the country on a pilot basis for a period village levels are also supported to promote
of three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20. entrepreneurial activities in those areas. 22

19. Special Category Status

The concept of a special category state was special category. The most important prescription
first introduced in 1969 when the 5th Finance for special category states is interest free loan
Commission sought to provide certain with rationalization of public expenditure based
disadvantaged states with preferential treatment on growth enhancing sectoral allocation of
in the form of central assistance and tax breaks. resources.
Initially three states Assam, Nagaland and
Jammu & Kashmir were granted special status Advantages of getting special category
but since then eight more have been included status
(Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, ? Preferential treatment in federal assistance
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura and and tax break
Uttarakhand). The rationale for special status is
that certain states, because of inherent features, ? Significant excise duty concessions. Thus,
have a low resource base and cannot mobilize these states attract large number of industrial
resources for development. units to establish manufacturing facilities
within their territory leading to their economy
The criteria for granting special status are as flourishing
? The special category states do not have a hard
? Some of the features required for budget constraint as the central transfer is high
special status are: ? These states avail themselves of the
$ hilly and difficult terrain; benefit of debt swapping and debt relief
$ low population density or sizeable share schemes (through the enactment of Fiscal
of tribal population; Responsibility and Budget Management Act)
which facilitate reduction of average annual
$ strategic location along borders with rate of interest.
neighbouring countries;
? Significant 30% of the Centre’s gross budget
$ economic and infrastructural goes to the Special category state
backwardness; and
? In centrally sponsored schemes and external
$ non-viable nature of state finances. aid special category states get it in the ratio
The decision to grant special category status of 90% grants and 10% loans.
lies with the National Development Council, For the rest of the states as per the
composed of the Prime Minster, Union Ministers, recommendations of the 12th Finance
Chief Ministers and members of the Planning Commission, in case of centrally sponsored
Commission, who guide and review the work of schemes only 70% central funding is there
the Planning Commission. The special category in the form of grant. The rest of the states
states have some distinct characteristics. They receive external aid in the exact ratio (of
have international boundaries, hilly terrains grants and loans) in which it is received by
and have distinctly different socio-economic the Center.
developmental parameters. These states have
also geographical disadvantages in their Raghuram Committee recommendations
effort for infrastructural development. Public ? Raghuram Committee proposed changes
expenditure plays a significant role in the Gross in providing special status. The proposed
State Domestic Product of the states. The methodology allocates funds across states
states in the North-East are also late starters in based on need thus underdevelopment index
development. In view of the above problems, has been constructed. The underdevelopment
central government sanctions 90 percent in the index the Committee proposes includes the
form of grants in plan assistance to the states in following ten sub-components:


$ monthly per capita consumption The Committee recommends that “least

expenditure, developed” states, as identified by the index, be
$ education, eligible for other forms of central support that
the Central Government may deem necessary to
$ health, enhance the process of development. Following
$ household amenities, the constitution of the NITI Aayog (after the
dissolution of the Planning Commission) and
$ poverty rate,
the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance
$ female literacy, Commission (FFC), Central plan assistance to
$ percent of SC-ST population, (viii) SCS States has been subsumed in an increased
urbanization rate, devolution of the divisible pool to all States
(from 32% in the 13th FC recommendations
$ financial inclusion, and to 42%) and do not any longer appear in plan
$ connectivity expenditure. 24

20. SECC 2011

SECC-2011 is the study of socio economic ? To make available authentic information

status of rural and urban households. The regarding the socioeconomic condition,
Ministry of Rural Development Government and education status of various castes and
of India, commenced the Socio Economic and
sections of the population.
Caste Census (SECC) 2011, in June 2011 through
a comprehensive door to door enumeration The highlights of the Census are:
across the country. SECC 2011 has three
census components which were conducted ? In 75 per cent of 17.9 crore households in rural
by three separate authorities but under the India, the monthly income of the highest-
overall coordination of Department of Rural earning member is less than Rs.5,000
Development in the Government of India.
Census in Rural Area has been conducted by ? Nearly 40 per cent are landless and work as
the Department of Rural Development (DoRD). manual casual labourers
Census in Urban areas is under the administrative ? 25 per cent of the rural households still do
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Housing and Urban
not own a phone
Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA). Caste Census is
under the administrative control of Ministry of ? 25 per cent rural households have no access
Home Affairs: Registrar General of India (RGI) to irrigation
and Census Commissioner of India.
? Only 8.29 per cent of rural households have
The SECC, 2011 has the following three a member earning over Rs.10,000 per month
objective: ? 10.69 crore rural families, or 60 per cent,
? To enable households to be ranked based qualify for “deprivation”
on their socioeconomic status. State
? of these over 100 million deprived households,
Governments can then prepare a list of
21.5 per cent belong to scheduled castes or
families living below the poverty line.
? To make available authentic information
that will enable caste-wise population ? This census takes caste into account for the
enumeration of the country. first time in any such exercise since 1931.


21. Contempt of Court

Contempt of court refers to any actions which ? Punishment

defy a court’s authority, cast disrespect on a Article 129 and 215 of the Constitution of
court, or impede the ability of the court to India empowers the Supreme Court and
perform its function. It is divided as: High Court respectively to punish people for
1. Civil Contempt Under Section 2 (b) their respective contempt. Section 10 of The
of the Contempt of Courts Act of 1971, Contempt of Courts Act of 1971 defines the
civil contempt has been defined as wilful power of the High Court to punish contempts
disobedience to any judgment, decree, of its subordinate courts. Power to punish
direction, order, writ or other process of for contempt of court under Articles 129 and
215 is not subject to Article 19(1)(a). Under
a court or wilful breach of an undertaking
Section 12 of Contempt of Court Act, 1971,
given to a court. a contempt of court can be punished with
2. Criminal Contempt Under Section 2(c) simple imprisonment for a term which may
of the Contempt of Courts Act of 1971, extend to six months, or with fine which may
criminal contempt has been defined extend to two thousand rupees, or with both.
as the publication (whether by words, However, in civil cases if the court considers
spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible that a fine will not meet the ends of justice and
representation, or otherwise) of any matter that a sentence of imprisonment is necessary
or the doing of any other act whatsoever shall, instead of sentencing him to simple
imprisonment, direct that the he be detained
in a civil prison for such period not exceeding
$ Scandalises or tends to scandalise, or six months as it may think fit. The court is not
lowers or tends to lower the authority supposed to impose a sentence for contempt
of, any court, or of court in excess of what is prescribed under
$ Prejudices, or interferes or tends to this section either in respect of itself or of a
interfere with the due course of any court subordinate to it. An accused may be
judicial proceeding, or discharged or the punishment awarded may
be remitted on apology being made by the
$ Interferes or tends to interfere with, accused to the satisfaction of the court. An
or obstructs or tends to obstruct, the apology is not supposed to be rejected merely
administration of justice in any other on the ground that it is qualified or conditional
manner. if the accused makes it bona fide. 26

22. Motion of Thanks

Motion of Thanks is a motion in Indian Parliament to be a no-confidence motion. However,

which follows the address of the President of before such voting, some members may
India to the joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya also move amendment to the address. Such
Sabha at the commencement of first session of amendments may be: for emphasising or
a new Lok Sabha and first session of every year. adding issues addressed by the president
for including some issues or highlight
Procedure: some issues which did not find mention in
? President’s address is the speech delivered the speech there have already been three
by the President of India to both Houses instances so far.
of Parliament assembled together at the
commencement of the first session after
Amendment to Motion of Thanks
each general election to Lok Sabha and at For the second year in a row, an Opposition-
the commencement of the first session of sponsored amendment to the Motion of
each year (this is usually the budget session). Thanks on the President’s Address has been
This speech is a statement of the government adopted by the Rajya Sabha. Last year, the
policy and is approved by the cabinet. ‘Motion of Thanks’ was amended on the issue
? The president highlights legislative and policy of black money; this year, the amendment
activities of the government, achievements focussed on legislation passed by Bharatiya
of the previous year and broad agenda of the Janata Party governments in Rajasthan and
upcoming year. Haryana limiting the rights of citizens to
? This address is followed by a Motion of contest panchayat elections. Before 2015,
Thanks, which is moved in each house by an there were just three occasions on which the
MP of the ruling party. President’s Address was amended in the Rajya
? The deliberations on this motion last for Sabha, once each during the tenures of Indira
three to four days. The deliberations allow Gandhi, V.P. Singh and Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
the opposition to critically discuss the The first instance of such an amendment to
government’s vision, scope and policies. the Motion of Thanks came in 1980 on the
issue of engineering defections. The second
? At the end of these discussions, the Prime
was in 1989, when six amendments including
Minister gives replies to the points or
on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid
questions raised.
dispute and the India-Sri Lanka accord were
? After the reply of the PM is over, the Members approved. The third occasion was in 2001,
of Parliament vote on this motion of thanks. when the House adopted an amendment on
This motion must be passed in both of the the sale of a public sector undertaking, Balco,
houses. A failure to get motion of thanks to a private company. These were all politically
passed (which may happen rarely) amounts
contentious issues. So was the issue on which
to defeat of government and leads to collapse
the Opposition parties mobilised themselves
of government.
this year, and it raises vital questions for
? This is why, the Motion of Thanks is deemed democracy.


23. Neeranchal National

Watershed Project

Neeranchal will lead to reducing surface runoff 12% of the area which can be called as wasteland
of rainwater, increasing recharge of ground will be targeted through this project to make
water and better availability of water in rainfed about 336 lakh hectares of land arable.
areas resulting in incremental rainfed agriculture
productivity, enhanced milk yield and increased Neeranchal is primarily designed to address the
cropping intensity through better convergence following concerns: a) Bring about institutional
related programmes in project areas. changes in watershed and rainfed agricultural
The project will be implemented by the Ministry management practices in India, b) Build systems
of Rural Development. that ensure watershed programmes and
It is a six-year period (2016-21) will support rainfed irrigation management practices are
the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana in better focussed, and more coordinated, and
hydrology and water management, agricultural have quantifiable results, c) Devise strategies
production systems, capacity building and for the sustainability of improved watershed.
monitoring and evaluation. Management practices in programme areas, even
The Neeranchal project was approved by the after the withdrawal of project support, d) Through
cabinet with Bugdet sharing of 50% by Govt and the watershed plus approach, support improved
rest 50% by the World Bank. equity, livelihoods, and incomes through forward
All 28 states which implement the watershed linkages, on a platform of inclusiveness and local
projects will benefit from Neeranchal. participation. 28

24. PESA, 1996

Introduction ? The Gram Sabhas have roles and

responsibilities in approving all development
The Provision of the Panchayat (Extension to the works in the village, identify beneficiaries,
Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 popularly known as issue certificates of utilization of funds
PESA was enacted to bring the Scheduled Areas
in nine States of the country under the purview ? Gram Sabhas or Panchayats at appropriate
level shall also have
of national framework of Panchayat.
? Powers to manage minor water bodies
Salient feature of the Panchayats (Extension
to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (PESA) ? Power of mandatory consultation in matters
of land acquisition;
? Legislation on Panchayats shall be in
conformity with the customary law, social ? Powers to control institutions and
and religious practices and traditional functionaries in all social sectors and local
management practices of community plans.
resources ? Resettlement and rehabilitation and
prospecting licenses/mining leases for minor
? Habitation or a group of habitations or a
hamlet or a group of hamlets comprising
a community and managing its affairs in ? Power to prevent alienation of land and
accordance with traditions and customs; and restore alienated land
shall have a separate Gram Sabha. ? Regulate and restrict sale/consumption of
? Every Gram Sabha to safeguard and preserve liquor
the traditions and customs of people, their ? Manage village markets, control money
cultural identity, community resources and lending to STs and
the customary mode of dispute resolution. ? Ownership of minor forest produce.


24. What is defamation?

Introduction held guilty of criminal defamation. However,

criminal defamation is a compoundable
? The term “defamation” is an all-
offence and parties can seek a closure of the
encompassing term that covers any statement
case by reaching a compromise.
that hurts someone’s reputation. In India,
defamation can both be a civil wrong or a Views of the Supreme Court
criminal offence.
? The Supreme Court said that the right to
? The difference between the two lies in the
free speech cannot be used to undermine an
objects they seek to achieve. While a civil
individual’s right to dignity and reputation
wrong tends to provide for a redressal of
wrongs by awarding compensation, a criminal cannot be sullied solely because another
law seeks to punish a wrongdoer and send a individual can have his freedom. Protection
message to others not to commit such acts. of reputation is a fundamental right. It is also
a human right. Cumulatively, it serves the
? In Indian laws, criminal defamation has been social interest
specifically defined as an offence under the
Indian Penal Code (IPC) whereas the civil ? it is not a restriction that has an inevitable
defamation is based on tort law - an area of consequence which impairs circulation of
law which does not rely on statutes to define thought and ideas.
wrongs but takes from ever-increasing body ? The reputation of a person - a basic element
of case laws to define what would constitute under Article 21 - could not be allowed to
a wrong. be crucified at the altar of the other’s right
? Moreover, in a criminal case, defamation has of free speech. Right to freedom of speech
to be established beyond reasonable doubt and expression is not absolute. It is subject to
but in a civil defamation suit, damages can imposition of reasonable restrictions.
be awarded based on probabilities. ? Reasonable restriction “means that the
? Section 499 of the IPC defines what amounts limitation imposed on a person in enjoyment
to criminal defamation and few subsequent of the right should not be arbitrary or of an
provisions specify what the punishment for excessive nature beyond what is required in
having committed defamation would be. the interests of the public.” In other words,
? Section 499 states defamation could be the restriction must be narrow and restrict
through words - spoken or intended to only what is necessary and should not be
be read, through signs, and also through arbitrary or excessive. If the restriction is too
visible representations. These can either be broad, it will have a “chilling effect on speech”
published or spoken about a person with which will make it unconstitutional.
the intention of damaging reputation of that ? The Supreme Court has maintained the
person, or with the knowledge or reason constitutional validity of Sections 499 and
to believe that the imputation will harm his 500 of the Indian Penal Code, reading the
reputation. right to reputation as a part of the right to
? Section 500 stipulates an imprisonment of up life assured to citizens under Article 21 of the
to two years, with or without fine, for someone Constitution. 30

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