Exam 1 Cheat Sheet

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CH 1 Introduction  Threshold Limit Values T 2-7 TWA (Time weighed average, 8 hr

 Safety Programs: Safety, Attitude, Fundamentals, Experience, workday, 40 hr workweek, no lifetime effects); STEL (short term
Time, You. exposure limit, 15 min TWA in 1 workday with no suffering); C
 Engineering Ethic’s: Table 1-1 (ceiling, never be exceeded)
 Accident and Loss Statistics: OSHA (injuries and illness) =
 Cppm=
 LD50 (lethal dose 50) MC
 OSHA (workdays) = ; FAR =
 Relative Toxicity Section 2-7
, Fatality Rate = . CH 3 Industrial Hygiene
Table in book for statistics T 1-3, 1-4.  Anticipation (expectation of the presence of workplace hazards
 Acceptable Risk: We cannot eliminate risk entirely. No engineer and worker exposures); Identification (determination of the
should ever design a process that he or she knows will result in presence of workplace exposures); Evaluation (determination
certain human loss or injury of the magnitude of the exposure); Control (application of
 Public Perception: The general public has great difficulty with appropriate technology to reduce workplace exposures to
the concept of acceptable risk. Involuntary nature of acceptable acceptable levels NIOSH National Institute for Occupational
risk. Safety and Health Administration EPA Environmental Protection
 Number of Accident: Initiation: the event that starts the Agency
accident; Propagation: the event or events that maintain or  Government Regulations: OSHA 1970 Occupational Safety and
expand the accident; Termination: the event or events that Health Administration DHS Department of Homeland Security
stop the accident or diminish it in size.  Creating a Law: 1(Member of Congress proposes a Bill, if
 Inherent Safety: Minimize (intensification), Substitute approves=Law); 2(If both Houses of Congress approve Bill goes
(substitution), Moderate (attenuation and limitation of effects), to President, if signed=Act); 3(Text of Law is published in USC,
Simplify (simplification and error tolerance). official record of all federal laws)
 Significant Disasters: Flixborough ( June 1974, UK, 70000 tons  Creating a Regulation: 1(Authorized organization or agency
per year of caprolactam, reactor in series, reactor 5 went down decides if a reg is needed, then researches develop and
and was bypassed and exploded at bypass, 30 tons of proposes a reg. Sent to FR so public can evaluate and send
cyclohexane vaporized, explosion leveled entire complex, 28 comments that are used to revise reg); 2(after reg is rewritten
dead 36 injured); Bhopal (12/3/84, 2000 civilian deaths, sent to FR as final rule and codified in CFR, code of federal
Madhya Pradesh in central India, methyl isocyanate (MIC) very regulations)
dangerous and volatile, exothermic with water, exact cause  Important Acts: OSHA 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act
unknown, 25 tons MIC released; Seveso (TCDD dioxin CWA 1972 Clean Water Act SDWA 1974 Safe Drinking Water
undesirable side product, toxic to humans, 7/10/76, 2 kg TCDD Act TSCA 1976, 1986 Toxic Substances Control Act RCRA 1976
released 10 sq miles contaminated, area uninhabited; Pasadena Resource Conservation and Recovery Act CERCLA 1980
(10/23/89, 23 fatalities 314 injured $715 mil, 85000 lbs Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and
flammable mixture released, gas cloud that ignited 2 mins after Liability Act HSWA 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste
release, damage hid cause, in polyethylene product takeoff Amendment SARA 1986 (SARA 313 Right to Know) Superfund
system, SOP not followed DEMCO valve left open; Texas City Amendments and Reauthorization Act
(3/25/2005, ISOM unit, CSB investigation, 15 dead, 180 injured,  Process Safety Management(a. PSM OSHA b. RMP EPA): 1.
startup over loaded no flare vapor fires and explosions; Employee Participation or Process Safety Information, 2.
Jacksonville (12/19/07, 4 dead 32 injured, MCMT in 2500 gallon Process Safety Information of Hazard Evaluation, 3. Process
batch, 175th batch of MCMT at 390 F unwanted side reaction, hazard analysis or Standard Operating Procedures, 4. Operating
equivalent 1400 lbs TNT, debris over 1 mile away); Port procedures, 5. Training, 6. Contractors, 7. Pre-Startup review, 8.
Wentworth (2/7/08 14 dead 36 injured sugar dust explosion, Mechanical integrity or Maintenance, 9. Hot Work Permits, 10.
conveyors caused explosion of dust, CSB investigation) Management of Change, 11. Incident Investigation or Accident
CH 2 Toxicology investigation, 12. Emergency planning and Response or
 How Toxicants enter organism: Ingestion (through the mouth Emergency Response, 13. Compliance Audits or Safety Audits,
into the stomach) no eating drinking smoking; Inhalation 14. Trade Secrets (add Risk Assessments for EPA)
(through the mouth or nose into the lungs) ventilation  Risk Management Plan RMP (Hazard Assessments, Prevention
respirator hood PPE; Injection (through cuts into the skin) PPE; Program, Emergency Response Programs, Documentation that
Dermal absorption (through skin membrane) PPE is maintained on the site and submitted to federal, state, and
 How toxicants are Eliminated: Excretion (through the kidneys local authorities)
liver lungs or other organs); Detoxification (by changing the  Evaluation of Exposure Section 3-3: (Volatile Toxicants p 84,
chemical into something less harmful by biotransformation); Dust p 88, Noise p. 89, Vapors p. 91
Storage (in the fatty tissue)  IH: (Anticipation and Identification Section 3-2, Evaluation 3-3,
 Responses to toxicants 2-3: Respiratory problems with Control 3-4)
spirometer; Nervous system disorders mental status; Skin  IH Control: p 101 Respirators (only for temporary time,
texture, pigmentation, vascularity, blood counts. emergency equipment, last resort in event environmental
 Dose v Responses: Section 2-5 and 2-6 Probit variable equation control fails) p103 Ventilation (can quickly remove dangerous
Y=k1+k2lnV; Trans from % to Probit T 2-4; Probit Correlations concentrations of flammable and toxic material, highly
T 2-5 localized, reducing the quantity of air moved and equipment
size, readily available and easily installed, can be added to
existing facility) Local ventilation (Enclosed hood contains  Set pressure: The pressure at which the relief device begins
contaminant, exterior hood draws contaminants into an to activate. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: The
exhaust for some distance away, receiving hood exterior hood maximum gauge pressure permissible at the top of a vessel
that uses the discharged motion of the contaminant for for a designated temperature. This is sometimes called the
collection, push pull hood uses a stream of air form a supply to design pressure. Operating Pressure: The gauge pressure
push contaminants toward an exhaust system.) Dilute during normal service, usually 10% below the MAWP
ventilation (limitation not toxic, evolved in uniform rate, Accumulation: The pressure increase over the MAWP of a
workers must be a distance away, no scrubbing system must be vessel during the relief process. Overpressure: The
required. pressure increase in the vessel over the set pressure during
 Videos: Piper Alpha (UK, 7/6/88, 167 dead, $3.4 bil, 61 workers the relieving process. Overpressure is equivalent to the
escaped and survived, continued to produce even after alert accumulation when the set pressure is at the MAWP.
signal at first facility), Bhopal (India, 12/2-3/84, MIC 500000 Backpressure: The Pressure at the outlet of the relief
exposed, chloroacne, shantytown, 8000 died within 2 wks, over device during the relief process resulting from pressure in
550000 injured), Imperial Sugar (Georgia, US, 2/7/08, Port the discharge system. Blowdown: The pressure difference
Wentworth, (13 dead 40 injured, sugar dust explosion, new between the relief and set pressure and the relief reseating
safety regs on dust instituted) pressure. It is expressed as a percentage of the set
Homework Problem Equations Per Problem pressure. Maximum allowable accumulated pressure: The
 1-5 (FAR) 1-7 (Initiation, Propagation, Termination) 1-9 (OSHA sum of the MAWP and the allowable accumulation. Relief
incident rate injuries and workdays) 1-23 (MCpΔT=Q) 1-28 System: The network of components around a relief
(A=πr2, P=F/A) 1-29 (Multi-Step Process) 1-31 (Sloshing 20%-80% device.
Full)  Locating Reliefs: Look at 9-3
 2-2 (Y=slope*log(dose)+intercept eq 2-5) 2-3 (Probits, table 2-5,
Y=K1+K2ln(Po), changes by type of death) 2-5 (Qv//,  Types of Characteristics
o Spring: the valve opens based on the pressure
Cppm= , to ft^3/min) 2-7
drop across the valve seat; that is, the set
(amount of acetone evaporated, V=LWH, Total V of
pressure is proportional to the pressure drop
room(Volume of Acetone or Cppm Acetone, Ideal Gas Law
o Disk: rupture disk are specially designed to
PV=nRT to n=PT/RT) 2-12 (IDHL, PEL, TWA) 2-17 (Conc.//, T 2-4
rupture at a specified relief set pressure
and 2-5, y=K1+K2CK2T, V=CK2T) 2-24 (Conc.//, Y=K1+K2mV and T
o Buckling Pin: similar to a rupture disc, when the
PROBITS) 2-32 (Grams Benzene in lungs/8hr & # drops if drop =
pressure buckles the pin, the valve opens fully.
0.05 mL, Vol Fract of Benzene (10*10-6L Benzene/I L gas, Total
Advantage: buckles at exact pressure,
inhaled/shift=(0.5 L/Breath)*(12 Breath/min)*(60
disadvantage: when buckles valve stays open
min/hr)*(8hr/shift), Vol of Ben inhaled= (2880 L(10*10-6L
 Chatter: is the rapid opening and closing of a relief valve
Benzene/I L gas), MW Benzene, Ideal Gas Law n=PV/RT, mass of
that can cause valve seat damage or the mechanical failure
benzene= n(MW), Vol of Benzene=(mass of Benzene* spec grav),
of the internals. Caused by oversized relief valve. Solutions
V benzene/.05 mL=drops total)
1. Use larger inlet pipe sizes and fewer elbows and
 3-1, 3-2, 3-3 (Threshold Limit Value from App) 3-7 (end point constrictions 2. Increase the size of exit lines and
parameters for consequence analysis, worse case scenarios) 3-12 eliminating elbows and constrictions 3. Use different size
(hazards associated with material) 3-17 (Conc. Of Toluene//, App valves to cover the range of release scenarios
E, ln (Psat)= A- B/C+T, Dalton’s Law: X=Psat/P, convert to PPM)  Relief Systems
3-21 (Time to evaporate all Toluene//, Qm= MKAPsat/RgTL, find o Relief Design Considerations p.437
K:K=Ko(Mo/M)1/3, A=πd2/4, lnPsat=A-B/T+C, Qm, look at o Knockdown Drums, Flares, Scrubbers, Condensers
problem 3-16 for time equation, Use eq 3-14 for conc in PPM, 438-442
kCppm=KAPsat/kQvP * 106, put PPM/k either 0.1 or 0.5
dependent on mixing for entire TLV on spectrum) 3-25 (splash
filling//, using eq 3-24 Cppm=Psat/KQvP * (φrfVc+KA) * 106,
assume splash filling so φ=1 p 93, remember to put Cppm/k and
k can range from 0.1 to 0.5, hood should have a velocity = 100
ft/min for hood) 3-15 (TLV- TWA, STEL, C from table data) 3-31
(Cppm and TLV//, eq 3-24 Cppm= Psat/KQvP (φrfVc+ KA) * 106,
rf(fill rate)=(1vol/30min)(1min/60sec), Vc (Volume of
container)=πd2/4 * h, φ=1 for splash filling, K=Ko(Mo/M)1/3,
 Chapter 9
 Relief Concepts: 1 To protect personnel from the dangers
of overpressuring equipment. 2. To minimize chemical
losses during pressure upsets 3. To prevent damage to
equipment 4. To prevent damage to adjoining property 5.
To reduce insurance premiums 6. To comply with
government regulations.

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