Assignment 1

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Part A


a) Feature, geometry is represented using groups of parametric geometric elements which

are specific for each application (Mony et al., 1990).
Design is a “to make or draw plans for something” while Machining is “the job or
activity of making things using machines them” (Cambridge Dictionaries Online,
Both design features and machining features should have an important part or key in
order to specified them. Normally, the relation between them can be seen in current
automated manufacturing, by using CAD/CAM program.
The geometric information created and manufacturing information attached during the
design process (usually using CAD) need to be transferred to downstream activities
(using CAM), in this case is machining process. Current CAD/CAM system can deal
with geometric information by creating and storing most of the required entities, such
as vertices, edges and faces. (Senthil kumar, Salim, and Nee, 1996). This would be the
relation between those two features. It can been shown as example figure below.
i- Problem solving is nothing more and nothing less searching for means to reduce the
differences between goal state and current state (How to solve problems like an expert,
1991). Its depends both on how we define problem and on how we define expert.
Problems can be routine textbook exercises or they can be difficult mathematical tasks
which take weeks, months, or even years to solve. An expert may mean someone who
knows the domain thoroughly and can solve problems in a nearly automatic manner, or
it can mean someone who can think of things to do even when no clear solution method
suggests itself, marshalling strategies, heuristics, analogies, alternative representations,
etc. While both types of "experts" often possess an extensive content knowledge base,
the latter are more successful at solving non-routine problems (Research sampler 4:
Expert problem Solvers, 2016).

ii- Knowledge system are used in engineering, science, medical and business which the
model is to solve the problems. Knowledge systems provide representation and
reasoning capabilities for which purely numerical methods are unsuitable. To
understand what a knowledge system should do, a knowledge engineer need to learn
basic terminology from the task domain. The domain expert and user need to help the
knowledge engineer to learn enough concepts and terminology so they can
communicate efficiently about the characteristic of the task. If the task is performed
irregularly, then it would be difficult to get a collection of test case and there may not
be enough. This may be a clue that there is a little value in creating a knowledge systems
that would automate the task (Stefik, 2014). The development strategy of the systems
begins with analysis the protocol and all elements available around the systems.
Knowledge engineers use common-sense judgment to determine whether the task are
simple enough and valuable enough to be created. Its cannot be determine by some
elementary decision procedure.

a) Intelligent is referring to the superior forms of organization or equilibrium of cognitive

structuring used for adaptation to the physical and social environment. (Piaget, 1972).
Its also define as the metal capacity to automatize information processing and to emit
contextually appropriate behaviour in response to novelty by Sternberg, 1985.
(Gardner, 1986) define it as the ability to solve problems or fashion products value
within some setting.
Content can be considered intelligent when it expressed, in an open way, the intended
meaning underlying a communication such that the data, information and knowledge
being expressed can be accessed and effectively leveraged by both people and software

b) Expert systems is a somewhat archaic term that describes a computer program that
simulates the judgment and behaviour of a human or an organization that has expert
knowledge and experience in a particular field. Expert systems are designed to solve
complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, represented primarily as if–then
rules rather than through conventional procedural code. Expert systems were among
the first truly successful forms of AI software. An expert system is divided into two
sub-systems: the inference engine and the knowledge base. The knowledge base
represents facts and rules. The inference engine applies the rules to the known facts to
deduce new facts.
c) Neural networks are a non-linear data statistical model. This is some light to how
artificial neural networks are created. Just like any other network it is a system of
functions that combine to make a network. First, the information is inputted for the
network to analyse. Next, similarities are found from the information given. Once the
similarities are made a decision is to be made from that information.
An expert system works by the user putting the information into the user interface. This
this causes the system to go and try to seek out the appropriate data. The inference
engine and the knowledge acquisition tool work together to find the information needed
for the decision. Once the information is found it is analysed and the put into knowledge
base. That information is then turned around and put back onto the user interface so that
the user can view the results of the systems find.
Neural networks do differ from expert systems in a number of ways. Neural networks
use decision making through previous patterns and inputs and outputs. As far as expert
systems go they use knowledge as an expert of a field would do to come up with their
decision making. Also neural networks are non-linear.
a) One of the major advantages of the neural network is its ability to do many things at
once. With traditional computers, processing is sequential, one task, then the next, then
the next, and so on. The idea of threading makes it appear to the human user that many
things are happening at one time. The artificial neural network is designed from the onset
to be parallel. With a massively parallel architecture, the neural network can accomplish
a lot in less time.
Another fundamental difference between traditional computers and artificial neural
networks is the way in which they function. While computers function logically with a
set of rules and calculations, artificial neural networks can function via images, pictures,
and concepts. Based upon the way they function, traditional computers have to learn by
rules, while artificial neural networks learn by example, by doing something and then
learning from it. Because of these fundamental differences, the applications to which we
can tailor them are extremely different.
Expert System is about capturing and encoding (often manually) rules that experts use
so as to develop a program that can mimic their behaviour in a very specific domain. It
often involved chaining these rules together. With Neural Network the rules are encoded
automatically by presenting examples, good and bad, to the network. The network
adjusts it's weightings over many iterative cycles, honing it's output to the correct value.



Processing Style Sequence parallel
Functions Logically via rules, Gestalt via images,
concepts, calculations pictures, controls
Learning Method By rules, programed with By example, adjusting
instructions connection strengths,
thresholds and structure
Applications Accounting, word Sensor processing, speech
processing, math, recognition, pattern
inventory, digital recognition. Text
communications recognition
c) Limitation of Expert systems including;
 The concept is mainly involves a very narrow range of the codified domain.
 Not generally adopted at managing the highly sophisticated sensory inputs.
 Mainly function in the domain of the extracted, cognitive, logical thinking process.
 The different types of the multi-dimensional problems that are faced by the various
users while performing the various activities, cannot be efficiently tackled by the
Expert Systems.
 Some of the typical Expert Systems at times are not able to make available common
sense knowledge and the broad – ranging contextual information.
 Very narrow range of the knowledge is incorporated in the Expert Systems.
 Its do not respond well to the various situations outside their range of the expertise.
 Remain what they are – the machine experts.
 The human self – awareness is lacking in the Expert Systems.
 The various Expert Systems lack the much needed self analysis tools.
 The Expert Systems are non-self referral systems.
 No introspection is possible.
 The Expert Systems have the ability of performing only within a specific, logical
oriented realm of the expertise.

d) According to Webster's Dictionary, knowledge is "the fact or condition of knowing

something with familiarity gained through experience or association". In practice,
though, there are many possible, equally plausible definitions of knowledge. A
frequently used definition of knowledge is "the ideas or understandings which an entity
possesses that are used to take effective action to achieve the entity's goal(s). This
knowledge is specific to the entity which created it." An understanding of knowledge
requires some grasp of its relationship to information.

a) Its important to understand that expert are only “expert” within a very limited area.
Expert systems are never general expert, they only knows to deal with one small area
and this concentration on a limited area is what makes them so effective; in fact, its what
makes them possible at all.

b) Expert systems typically contain the following four components:

 Knowledge-Acquisition Interface
 User Interface
 Knowledge Base
 Inference Engine
This architecture differs considerably from traditional computer programs, resulting in
several characteristics of expert systems.

 Knowledge-Acquisition Interface
The knowledge-acquisition interface controls how the expert and knowledge
engineer interact with the program to incorporate knowledge into the knowledge
base. It includes features to assist experts in expressing their knowledge in a form
suitable for reasoning by the computer. This process of expressing knowledge in
the knowledge base is called knowledge acquisition.
 User Interface
The user interface is the part of the program that interacts with the user. It
prompts the user for information required to solve a problem, displays
conclusions, and explains its reasoning.

 Knowledge Base
The knowledge base consists of specific knowledge about some substantive
domain. A knowledge base differs from a data base in that the knowledge base
includes both explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge. Much of the
knowledge in the knowledge base is not stated explicitly, but inferred by the
inference engine from explicit statements in the knowledge base. This makes
knowledge bases have more efficient data storage than data bases and gives them
the power to exhaustively represent all the knowledge implied by explicit
statements of knowledge.

 Inference Engine
The inference engine uses general rules of inference to reason from the
knowledge base and draw conclusions which are not explicitly stated but can be
inferred from the knowledge base. Inference engines are capable of symbolic
reasoning, not just mathematical reasoning. Hence, they expand the scope of
fruitful applications of computer programs.

c) Production rules is a condition-action pair used to define a single chunk of problem

solving. Condition part of the rule is used to determine when the rule may be applied,
while the action parts defines the associated problem solving step. It can be expressed
in IF-THEN pseudocode format. In rule-base systems, the interference engine
determines which rule antecedents are satisfied by the facts. (Foster, 2016)
d) A Production Rule is a two-part structure: the engine matches facts and data against
Production Rules (also called Productions or just Rules) to infer conclusions which
result in actions. The process of matching the new or existing facts against Production
Rules is called pattern matching, which is performed by the inference engine. Actions
execute in response to changes in data, like a database trigger; we say this is a data driven
approach to reasoning. The actions themselves can change data, which in turn could
match against other rules causing them to fire; this is referred to as forward chaining.
The Rules are stored in the Production Memory and the facts that the Inference Engine
matches against are kept in the Working Memory. Facts are asserted into the Working
Memory where they may then be modified or retracted. A system with a large number
of rules and facts may result in many rules being true for the same fact assertion; these
rules are said to be in conflict. The Agenda manages the execution order of these
conflicting rules using a Conflict Resolution strategy. (Drescher, 1991)

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