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Realistic Modeling of Composite and Reinforced Concrete

Floor Slabs under Extreme Loading. II: Verification and

A. Y. Elghazouli, M.ASCE,1 and B. A. Izzuddin, M.ASCE2

Abstract: This paper deals with the large displacement behavior of floor slab systems under extreme loading conditions. The analytical
model, presented in the companion paper, is verified through comparisons against existing experimental results on both reinforced
concrete and composite slabs, with flat or ribbed profiles. The new model incorporates a novel shell element and accounts for material and
geometric nonlinearities under ambient as well as elevated temperatures. The verification studies examine the response of reinforced
concrete slabs under unrestrained and restrained edge conditions. An assessment of the behavior of ribbed floor slabs is also undertaken,
in addition to simulation of the structural response of a full-scale composite beam-slab floor system under a realistic compartment fire
situation. The results show good correlation between the experimental findings and numerical predictions, and demonstrate the reliability
and robustness of the proposed analytical model. Additionally, the studies and discussions presented in this investigation provide an
insight into the key behavioral aspects of floor slabs under extreme conditions. In particular, the significance of compressive arching and
tensile membrane actions, under various boundary conditions, is illustrated. Also, the importance of adopting a realistic representation of
the composite slab geometry is highlighted. The proposed analytical model is of particular relevance to developments in performance-
based structural fire design, where realistic assessment of the floor slab response is of paramount importance.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2004)130:12(1985)
CE Database subject headings: Composite structures; Concrete structures; Finite elements; Fires; Nonlinear analysis; Slabs; Floors.

Introduction tion (e.g., Johnson 1998; Robinson 1998). However, from a more
general perspective, the main purpose for the advancement of
Considerable attention has been directed in recent years towards understanding of structural fire response is to improve the ratio-
investigating the performance of structural systems under fire nale of design. Even when fire protection is fully or partially
conditions. This has been driven by the need to develop rational utilized, the assessment of structural behavior in an extreme load-
design approaches that are based on true behavior, rather than
idealized representations of isolated elements which fail to ac-
count for interactions that occur between various structural com-
ponents in a fire. There has therefore been a move towards im-
proving current codified methods, which are primarily of a
prescriptive nature and typically based on individual member as-
sessment through unrealistic fire tests or oversimplified analytical
For steel and composite structures, the application of fire pro-
tection materials according to available codes has generally led to
satisfactory behavior in normal building fires. The mounting at-
tention directed to structural fire performance in the last few years
has in fact been largely motivated by the desire to achieve more
cost-effective construction by reducing the amount of fire protec-

Reader in Engineering Structures, Dept. of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BU, United Kingdom.
Reader in Computational Structural Mechanics, Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BU, United
Note. Associate Editor: Enrico Spacone. Discussion open until May 1,
2005. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted
for review and possible publication on March 27, 2003; approved on
Fig. 1. Configuration of composite slab and new orthotropic shell
March 26, 2004. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi-
element described in companion paper: (a) composite slab profile and
neering, Vol. 130, No. 12, December 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/
2004/12-1985–1996/$18.00. (b) geometry of shell element


Fig. 2. Biaxial concrete model described in companion paper: (a) Plasticity-based compressive behavior; (b) Tensile envelopes for direct stresses;
and (c) Tensile envelope for shear stress

ing scenario, in which existing protection could be rendered inef- and Martin 1998; O’Connor et al. 2003). To complement the re-
fective, is also necessary. sults of the fire tests, numerical simulations were carried out by
The structural fire performance of buildings with composite several researchers (e.g., Wang et al. 1995; Elghazouli et al. 2000;
steel-concrete floors has been the subject of extensive research Izzuddin and Moore 2002). These research investigations have
investigations in recent years. A large testing program was com- identified the crucial role played by the composite floor slab in
pleted on a full-scale eight-story building (Kirby 1997; O’Connor carrying the gravity loading within the fire compartment, after the


Table 1. Details of Selected Tests by Brotchie and Holly (1971)
Specimen Support d ␳ d⬘ fc fy Pu
reference condition L/d (mm) (%) (mm) 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲
S8 Simple 20 19.0 1.0 14.3 31.0 414 0.12
S9 Simple 20 19.0 3.0 14.3 28.0 414 0.29
S12 Simple 10 38.1 1.0 32.0 29.0 380 0.51
S15 Simple 10 38.1 3.0 32.0 24.0 380 1.1
S42 Clamped 20 19.0 0.0 19.0 35.0 — 0.25
S44 Clamped 20 19.0 0.0 19.0 30.0 — 0.18
S46 Clamped 20 19.0 1.0 14.3 38.0 414 0.41
S48 Clamped 20 19.0 2.0 14.3 34.0 414 0.38
S45 Clamped 10 38.1 0.0 38.1 30.0 — 0.99
S47 Clamped 10 38.1 1.0 31.0 32.0 380 1.44
S49 Clamped 10 38.1 2.0 31.0 32.0 380 1.52

loss of strength in the supporting secondary steel beams due to pic geometry represents an additional modeling difficulty. This
elevated temperature. Although the slab exhibits significantly renders their modeling with conventional two-dimensional (2D)
lower bending capacity, the development of tensile-membrane ac- shell elements of uniform thickness unrealistic and their modeling
tion coupled with several sources of overdesign leads to consid- with conventional 3D solid elements computationally prohibitive.
erable fire resistance capabilities (Elghazouli and Izzuddin 2000). In the absence of appropriate shell elements, approximate model-
Consequently, progress in the development of improved design ing based on a grillage analogy using 1D beam-column elements
approaches needs to be based on extensive assessment of the has been widely used to assess the response of composite floors
behavior of floor slabs, using reliable and realistic modeling ap- under fire conditions (e.g., Elghazouli and Izzuddin 2001). How-
proaches, coupled with the application of appropriate failure cri- ever, the approximations involved in grillage representations can
teria. lead to inaccuracies, some of which may be attributed to the dif-
As described in the companion paper (Izzuddin et al. 2004), ficulty of incorporating a realistic shear modeling capability
several difficulties have been encountered in modeling the large within one-dimensional beam-column elements (Izzuddin et al.
displacement behavior of composite floor slabs. These have been 2002). Consequently, a new 2D shell element, which accounts for
primarily related to the geometric orthotropy, as well as to the material and geometric nonlinearities as well as incorporating the
numerical problems associated with biaxial concrete material geometric orthotropy in a realistic and efficient manner has been
models, particularly under nonmonotonic strain histories which proposed in the companion paper (Izzuddin et al. 2004).
exist under fire and other extreme loading conditions. The nu- The new analytical developments are implemented within the
merical model proposed in the companion paper addresses these nonlinear analysis program ADAPTIC (Izzuddin 1991), which is
difficulties and provides a realistic and efficient tool for the analy- particularly suitable for modeling the large displacement struc-
sis of composite-ribbed, as well as flat reinforced concrete, slabs. tural response. The program has been initially developed to model
The analytical developments include a novel shell element and a framed structures and has therefore focused on beam-column el-
robust material model for concrete, and are incorporated within ements, including quartic and cubic formulations, in conjunction
the nonlinear analysis program ADAPTIC (Izzuddin 1991). with uniaxial material models (Izzuddin 1991; Izzuddin and El-
In this paper, verification of the proposed analytical model is nashai 1993). The capabilities of the program have also been
undertaken by comparison against selected experimental results. extended to model the nonlinear structural response under el-
Tests on reinforced concrete slabs, with various boundary condi- evated temperatures (Izzuddin 1997; Song et al. 2000). Careful
tions, span-to-depth proportions, and reinforcement ratios, are attention has been given throughout the stages of development of
considered. Beside validation of the analytical model, the results the program for combining a high level of numerical accuracy
are used to illustrate important behavioral issues, with emphasis and stability with optimum computational efficiency.
on those related to membrane effects. The numerical model is The recently developed shell element, described in the com-
then utilized in examining the behavior of ribbed floor slabs panion paper (Izzuddin et al. 2004) modifies the Reissner–
through a simulation of the response of a composite beam-slab
system subjected to a realistic full-scale compartment fire test,
followed by comparison against an experiment on an isolated Table 2. Concrete Material Properties Used in the Analysis
unrestrained slab. Within the discussions, observations related to
the behavior of floor slabs under extreme conditions are high- Property Value
lighted, and their implications on the structural fire performance Initial linear modulus Ec 共N / mm 兲
of buildings are discussed. Tensile strength f t 共N / mm2兲 2.0
Initial compressive nonlinearity parameter 共sc兲 0.4
Residual postcrushing strength parameter 共rc兲 0.2
Analytical Models Compressive interaction parameter 共bc兲 0.6
Tensile softening modulus at 共N / mm2兲 400
The growing interest in assessing the actual performance of whole
Shear retention factor 共␤s兲 0.5
structures, particularly under extreme loading conditions, has led
Shear interaction parameter 共␾s兲 0.4
to increasing attention towards providing realistic, yet relatively
Shear softening parameter 共␣s兲 0.0
efficient, modeling techniques. For composite slabs, the orthotro-


Fig. 3. Experimental and numerical results for laterally unrestrained Fig. 5. Experimental and numerical results for restrained slabs with
slabs with different reinforcement and span-to-depth ratios L / d of 10 and various reinforcement ratios

Mindlin hypothesis through the inclusion of additional rib free- In this section, previous work on membrane action in slabs is
doms and incorporates the effects of material and geometric briefly described. This is followed by comparisons between se-
nonlinearities. As indicated in Fig. 1, the model is developed to lected experimental results on reinforced concrete slabs against
represent composite-ribbed slabs, of which RC flat slabs are a the predictions of ADAPTIC incorporating the proposed new de-
special case. A biaxial concrete model accounting for compressive velopments. The key parameters influencing the response are out-
nonlinearity and tensile cracking, as shown in Fig. 2, is proposed lined and the main aspects of behavior are discussed.
with the aim of providing a realistic simulation and simultaneous
numerical robustness. This model can also represent the influence
of elevated temperature on thermal expansion and on degradation Membrane Action in Slabs
of the material properties. Basic analytical verification illustrating As mentioned previously, this work focuses on the membrane
the merits of the new shell element is given in the companion action in slabs due to its crucial importance for the performance
paper, while application and validation against experimental re- of floor systems under extreme conditions, particularly compart-
sults are presented in this paper. ment fires. For composite floors, internal steel beams become
ineffective at an early stage due to high temperatures. However,
the slabs are usually able to sustain the gravity loads over larger
Response of Reinforced Concrete Slabs spans through compressive arching at relatively low deflections
and, most importantly, through tensile membrane action at larger
Before discussing the performance of composite profiled slabs, deflections, provided that sufficient restraint can be mobilized
which have additional behavioral features related to geometry and through external or internal mechanisms (Elghazouli and Izzuddin
constitution, it is important first to validate the analytical model 2001). It is also important to note that even when slabs are de-
for flat reinforced concrete slabs. This would have direct applica- signed as one-way spanning in composite floors, the ineffective-
tion for reinforced concrete systems, or composite floors with flat ness of internal secondary beams in extreme fire situations causes
reinforced concrete slabs. Moreover, it provides a necessary basis two-way action to prevail. Although recent work on structural fire
for understanding the fundamental behavior of ribbed composite behavior has led to renewed interest in membrane action in slabs,
slabs. these mechanisms have clearly been recognized for many years.
Early studies on compressive and tensile membrane effects in
slabs include the work of Ockleston (1958); Wood (1961); Park
(1964); Kemp (1967); Brotchie and Holley (1971), and others.
Despite the increase in load-carrying resistance due to mem-
brane action over the capacities obtained from traditional yield-
line methods (Johansen 1962), this enhancement has not been
incorporated in conventional design owing to several reasons.
These include difficulties related to assessing the extent of avail-
able external restraints as well as the large deflections associated
with the development of tensile membrane action, which would
not be acceptable in normal design situations. Nevertheless, the
importance of membrane action, particularly tensile mechanisms,
for accidental design situations has been recognized earlier by
some researchers (e.g., Mitchell and Cook 1984), who considered
these effects in examining progressive collapse of buildings, well
before the current interest in structural fire behavior. Evidently,
deflection limitations would be different in the case of accidental
Fig. 4. Experimental and numerical results for restrained slabs with loading conditions, where relatively large deformations may be
L / d of 20 and various reinforcement ratios tolerated. Whereas compressive arching may largely be consid-


Fig. 6. Comparison between theoretical predictions of the tensile Fig. 7. Influence of restraint conditions on square and rectangular
action and numerical results: (a) Specimens S46 and S48 共L / d = 20兲 slabs: (a) square slabs with L / d = 20; (b) rectangular slabs with
and (b) Specimens S47 and S49 共L / d = 10兲 Lx / Ly = 1.5 and Ly / d = 20; and (c) tensile membrane action in
unrestrained slabs

ered as a transient phenomenon, which influences the behavior at

relatively low deflections, tensile membrane action plays a sig-
nificant role in the performance of floor systems under extreme forced near the bottom with smooth wire, uniformly and equally
loads. Further assessment of these effects is presented in subse- distributed in both directions. Uniform loading was simulated by
quent discussions. hydraulic fluid pressure within a neoprene membrane. Analytical
comparisons are carried out hereafter with 11 tests from this test
program, for which experimental load-deflection graphs are avail-
Comparison with Test Results
able. The details of these specimens are summarized in Table 1,
Although several researchers have examined the membrane be- which gives the span-to-depth ratio 共L / d兲, depth 共d兲, reinforce-
havior of slabs, as discussed before, the experimental investiga- ment ratio 共␳兲, effective reinforcement depth 共d⬘兲, concrete
tions carried out in the 1960s and 1970s have been mainly under- strength 共f c兲, steel yield strength 共f y兲, as well as the measured
taken for validation of closed-formed equations or modifications maximum arching load 共Pu兲. Two support conditions are consid-
of the yield line capacities rather than for obtaining predictions of ered: (1) simple, corresponding to vertical support on rollers with
the full response history. Consequently, few of the reported test teflon and steel strips, and (2) clamped, representing full support
programs provide sufficient information to enable detailed com- along the edges against vertical deflection, rotation, and planar
parison with finite element results. In this study, tests conducted deformation, through top and bottom steel plates together with
by Brotchie and Holley (1971) are selected, and the experimental epoxy resin filling.
results are compared with numerical simulations. It should be In the analysis using ADAPTIC, a mesh comprising 20⫻ 20
noted that only basic material properties of the test specimens are uniform-thickness shell elements is selected, based on a mesh
reported in available publications, hence some assumptions have sensitivity assessment, to model the reinforced concrete slab. The
to be made in the required input to the analytical models. Also, geometric and material properties given in Table 1 are utilized.
the experimental load-deflection curves are approximately digi- The steel yield stress and concrete compressive strength are based
tized from printed graphical curves. on the values reported with the tests. The elastic modulus for steel
The experimental program of Brotchie and Holley (1971) in- is assumed as 210⫻ 103 N / mm2, while a low strain hardening
cluded tests on scaled square reinforced concrete slabs of span modulus of 0.5% is employed for the reinforcement. Other prop-
381 mm⫻ 381 mm, with various reinforcement ratios, span-to- erties required for the biaxial concrete model, shown in Fig. 2, are
depth proportions, and boundary conditions. The slabs were rein- assumed as indicated in Table 2. The analysis is performed


through displacement-control of the central point of the slab, con- Influence of Restraint Conditions
sidering a uniformly distributed vertical loading. The comparisons presented in the previous section offer a clear
Figs. 3–5 show the experimental and numerical results for 11 illustration of the influence of restraint conditions on the behavior
tests, plotted in terms of uniform load against central deflection. of RC slabs. As evidenced in Figs. 4 and 5, slabs provided with a
Fig. 3 depicts the comparison for four simply supported slabs (S8, full external planar restraint (i.e., S46, S47, S48, and S49) de-
S9, S12, and S15) with two reinforcement ratios and two span- velop significant membrane effects. Compression arching, which
to-depth ratios. On the other hand, Fig. 4 shows the comparative occurs at low deflection is gradually released at deformation lev-
results for four fully clamped slabs with L / d of 20 and ␳ varying els approaching the depth of the slab. Thereafter, tensile mem-
between zero and 2%. Similarly, Fig. 5 shows the experimental brane action is observed and the resistance increases steadily with
and numerical results for three fully clamped specimens with L / d growing deformation. Clearly, at relatively large deflections (with
of 10 and ␳ varying between zero and 2%. respect to the depth and the span), the reinforcement mesh effec-
As observed in Figs. 3–5, very good agreement is obtained tively behaves in a catenary manner, as a hanging net in tension,
between the experimental and numerical results. The initial stiff- providing significant enhancement of capacity with increasing de-
ness and peak load are estimated within 10–15% in most cases, flection up to the point of reinforcement fracture. On the other
and the effects of reinforcement ratio, span-to-depth ratio, and hand, the behavior of the horizontally unrestrained slabs, shown
restraint condition on the response are all correctly reflected in the in Fig. 3 for various reinforcement and span/depth ratios, is mark-
analysis. However, there are some discrepancies in the results edly different. Although the figure indicates that a degree of ten-
sile membrane action does occur in the absence of an external
which, in addition to the modeling idealizations, may be caused
horizontal restraint, due to the formation of a compressive ring in
by several sources of inaccuracy, such as those related to the
the slab, the effectiveness of this internal mechanism is strongly
variability of assumed material characteristics. It should also be
dependent on the geometric and material properties of the slab.
noted that whereas the experimental procedure utilizes fluid pres- It is important to evaluate the behavior of the slabs considered
sure to apply the loading, the analysis is based on uniformly dis- above, in comparison with theoretical assessments of the tensile
tributed vertical gravity loading, which corresponds to some dis- membrane action expected in restrained slabs. This is performed
crepancies in the effective load orientation, particularly at large by considering the theoretical solution of Park (1964), which as-
deflections. Nevertheless, the comparisons clearly demonstrate sesses the equilibrium of forces within only the reinforcement as
the overall accuracy and reliability of the analytical model in the deflection is increased. The main assumptions are that the
predicting the large displacement response of RC slabs. The concrete is fully cracked and the reinforcement is all at yield,
above-described analytical results are utilized in the following ignoring strain hardening effects. Based on this, a relationship is
section to discuss the influence of restraint condition on the be- derived between the uniformly applied vertical loading 共w兲 and
havior in more detail. the central deflection 共␦兲, given as

WL2y ␲3

再 冎
= 共1兲
Ty␦ 1 1
兺n=1,3,5,. . .

4 共− 1兲共n−1兲/2 1 −
n3 cosh关共n␲Lx/2Ly兲冑Ty/Tx兴

in which Lx and Ly = spans in the long and short directions, re- Specimen S9 is used as a reference, and the planar and rotational
spectively, while Tx and Ty = reinforcement yield forces in the Lx restraints along the perimeter edges are varied. Three different
and Ly directions, respectively. cases are considered as follows:
Eq. (1) provides a very good representation of the behavior, 1. No planar and rotational restraint (unrestrained, i.e., S9);
both experimental and numerical, once the tensile membrane zone 2. Full planar restraint without rotational restraint (planar-
is reached. This is shown in Fig. 6 in which the numerical results restraint); and
of the four restrained slabs (S46–49) are used for comparison. In 3. Full planar and rotational restraint (full-restraint).
the figure, the deflection is normalized to the depth in order to The slab in cases 2 and 3 is prevented from pull-in along the
emphasize that the tensile action only develops when the deflec- edges, whereas in the first case it is subjected to the minimal
tion is well above the slab depth. Since the results presented in planar restraint against rigid body movement. The case of provid-
Figs. 6(a and b) are for specimens with L / d ratios of 20 and 10, ing planar restraint at the corners of the slab only results in simi-
respectively, the different extent of tensile action is clearly limited lar response to the unrestrained situation and is therefore not pre-
by the constraint on the experimental deflection. Most impor- sented herein.
tantly, the agreement between both Eq. (1) and the analysis on The response of the slab for the three support conditions is
one side, and the experimental results on the other, indicates the shown in Fig. 7(a) together with the prediction of Eq. (1) for the
effectiveness of the external restraint used in the tests. tensile membrane range. To illustrate the influence of the slab
Having examined the fully restrained situation above, it is im- aspect ratio, Fig. 7(b) depicts the response for the same cases
portant to assess the extent of tensile membrane action for other except that the square slab is replaced by a rectangular slab of
support conditions. To investigate this, the simply supported Lx ⫻ Ly of 571.5 mm⫻ 381 mm, i.e., Lx / Ly of 1.5, and the mesh is


represented by 30⫻ 20 elements, with all other parameters re- tests, namely the corner compartment, as a demonstration of the
tained. In both figures, the uniform load is normalized to the application of the new analytical developments in representing
maximum compressive arching load of the unrestrained square the fire response of actual composite floors.
slab S9, while the deflection is normalized to the slab depth. In the corner compartment (Test 3), the heated area enclosed
Clearly, in the cases with planar or full restraint, the slab is able to two primary and three secondary beams, as indicated in Fig. 8,
develop the full tensile action predicted by Eq. (1) once the de- which shows a plan and cross section of the floor. As indicated in
flection approaches the depth of the slab, with the fully restrained the figure, the composite slab had an overall depth of 130 mm and
slab exhibiting higher initial stiffness and capacity due to the consisted of a 0.9 mm steel deck and light weight concrete in-
rotational restraint. The same behavior is observed in the rectan- cluding a nominal reinforcement mesh with an area of
gular slab, but at relatively lower resistance, as expected. In con- 142 mm2 / m in both directions. The design gravity load was simu-
trast, any tensile membrane action that develops in the unre- lated by placing sandbags, which were spread evenly such that the
strained slab is considerably lower than that in the restrained deadload plus a third of the live load was applied, giving an
cases. Examination of stresses and planar deformations within the assumed total load of 5.48 kN/ m2. The columns and connections
unrestrained slab clearly indicates the formation of a compressive within the compartment as well as the external beams were fire
ring in the slab, as illustrated in Fig. 7(c), which provides a degree protected. All other steelwork including beam-to-beam connec-
of planar restraint. However, the level of restraint is limited by the tions was left unprotected. Inside the compartment, the maximum
stiffness and strength of this ring, which is subjected to relatively temperatures in the lower flange of the internal secondary beams
high stress concentration causing early deterioration in concrete approached 1,000 ° C at around 80 min. The maximum tempera-
strength. ture in the external edge beams, which were fire protected, was
In summary, the comparisons demonstrate the accuracy and typically about 400 ° C, but was reached after more than 100 min.
reliability of the new analytical models in representing the non- On the other hand, the maximum temperature in the deck of the
linear large displacement behavior of RC slabs. The results also composite slab approached 900 ° C at around 80 min, while the
illustrate the influence of slab edge restraint conditions on the temperature at the top surface of the slab typically remained
behavior. Whereas tensile membrane action can be utilized in under 150 ° C.
horizontally restrained slabs, prior to the fracture of steel rein- A detailed numerical model is constructed as a substructure
forcement, the internal mechanisms occurring in unrestrained around the heated compartment, including the corner column, and
slabs may only be partially effective, depending on the properties representative restraint and loading conditions are applied at the
of the slab under consideration. Subsequent sections of this paper boundaries. A general view of the model is shown in Fig. 9. The
deal with the application of the analytical models to the assess- new shell elements are used to model the actual geometry of the
ment of the fire response of composite ribbed slabs. composite slab. On the other hand, the steel members are repre-
sented by three-dimensional elastoplastic cubic beam elements
(Izzuddin and Elnashai 1993), employing a bilinear kinematic
Fire Behavior of Composite Floors material model, and are connected to the shell elements through
special beam-to-slab rigid links (Izzuddin 2003). The ambient
In this section, application of the analytical models to composite material properties reported in the tests are utilized, while the
floors with profiled slabs is illustrated. First, a detailed model is variation of concrete and steel material properties with tempera-
described, which is used to simulate one of the main fire tests ture as well as the thermal strain are based on typical approaches
performed on the full-scale building at Cardington, U.K. This is (EC4 1995; Buchanan 2001). As indicated in the companion
followed by an analytical assessment of the results of a more paper (Izzuddin et al. 2004), the precise value of the concrete
focused experimental study conducted at the Building Research softening parameter does not influence the large displacement re-
Establishment (BRE), in which a full-scale isolated ribbed slab sponse significantly, and hence it may be reasonably assumed to
was tested to failure. vary with temperature in the same manner as the concrete tensile
strength. The temperature histories in various structural elements
are based on a simplified representation of the measured data as
Full-Scale Compartment Fire Test
reported in previous studies (Elghazouli et al. 2000).
As mentioned before, the renewed interest in the large displace- Fig. 10 depicts the experimental deflections, together with the
ment behavior of slabs has been largely related to recent work on numerical predictions, at midspan of the secondary beam on grid
the response of composite buildings in fire. In the U.K., a consid- line 1 / 2 as well as of the primary beam on grid line E. The figure
erable research activity has been associated with the fire tests also compares the vertical deflections obtained from the same
conducted on the full-scale eight-story building at Cardington. analysis, but without thermal expansion. As shown, excluding
The details of the tests have been provided in several publications thermal expansion reduces the maximum deflection to about 20%
(e.g., Kirby 1997; O’Connor and Martin 1998, O’Connor et al. of the actual value. It is clear that there is sufficient planar re-
2003). The Cardington tests were fundamental in identifying im- straint, which results in a substantial increase in vertical deflec-
portant response mechanisms, particularly in terms of the key role tion when thermal expansion effects are included. It should also
played by the slab. However, the complexity and scale of the be noted that the edge beams, which were fire protected, retain a
experiments, especially in terms of the measured temperature dis- relatively high stiffness and consequently contribute to providing
tribution and material properties, would only enable analytical a significant planar restraint to the heated floor area. Further find-
comparison with the overall response rather than close examina- ings and observations regarding the Cardington tests and associ-
tion of specific structural members or components. Moreover, ated numerical simulations can be found elsewhere (Elghazouli
findings from previous analytical studies (Elghazouli and Izzud- and Izzuddin 2001; Izzuddin and Moore 2002).
din 2001) have shown that the response was largely dominated by Overall, the model and results presented in Figs. 9 and 10
thermal expansion effects. Consequently, rather than focusing on illustrate the application of the new models for assessing the fire
a detailed assessment, this section uses one of the Cardington behavior of composite floors. In general, the numerical model


Fig. 8. Floor plan and slab cross section for the full-scale test structure (dimensions in mm): (a) structural plan indicating location of fire tests
and (b) cross-section detail of composite slab

predicts the level of deformation in the floor with reasonable ac-

curacy, although some discrepancies are present, most notably in
the shape of the displacement time history. These inaccuracies are
to be expected given the modeling uncertainties, particularly in
terms of the temperature distribution within the compartment
coupled with idealizations in the boundary conditions and the
temperature-dependent material properties.

Performance of Isolated Ribbed Slabs

As discussed previously, the fire tests conducted on the full-scale
building at Cardington have provided valuable information on the
actual structural interactions that take place in fire. The work also
demonstrated the important role played by the composite steel/
concrete floor slab in supporting gravity loading, particularly after
the deterioration of the strength of steel beams at elevated tem-
perature. These experimental results, coupled with analytical
studies, have pointed towards the need for more focused exami-
nation of the extreme behavior of composite ribbed slabs in fire.
To provide experimental data for this purpose, BRE conducted
recently a test on an isolated ribbed slab (Bailey et al. 2000) with
the aim of assessing the ultimate behavior of simply supported
ribbed slabs. Hereafter, the main results from this test are dis-
cussed, and a comparison is made against the analytical predic-
tions of the models developed in the companion paper (Izzuddin
et al. 2004).

Numerical Assessment
The BRE test (Bailey et al. 2000) was performed at ambient tem-
perature, but, importantly, the steel deck was removed to simulate
the effect of its deterioration at elevated temperature. The edge
restraints simulated simply supported conditions, with the pres- Fig. 9. View of finite element model of the compartment test


Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental and numerical deflection
at midspan of secondary beam on gridline 1/2 and primary beam on
gridline E

ence of columns at the corners. The slab had dimensions of

9.5 m ⫻ 6.46 m, with the ribs running along the short direction. A
reinforcement mesh representing an area of 142 mm2 / m in each
direction was used, for which the average yield and ultimate
strengths were about 580 and 640 N / mm2, respectively. Light
weight concrete was used in the slab, for which the average cube
strength was about 50 N / mm2. After the concrete was cast, the
steel deck was removed, causing an initial deflection under the
self-weight, which was estimated as 2.3 kN/ m2. The slab was
then tested to failure by gradually applying additional loads Fig. 12. Behavior of simply supported and restrained ribbed slabs
through a number of actuators, hence simulating uniformly dis- (without steel deck)
tributed loading conditions.
A detailed model of the test was constructed using the devel-
oped geometrically orthotropic shell element and employing the terial properties reported in the test are used, while the remaining
biaxial concrete model. A general view of the slab model is parameters needed for the biaxial concrete model are adopted
shown in Fig. 11, together with the cross-section details. The based on the values given in Table 2.
mesh includes 30 element divisions in the short direction, Fig. 12(a) shows the measured experimental deflection at the
whereas the long direction uses the necessary number of rib and center of the slab against the applied equivalent uniformly distrib-
flat elements to represent faithfully the actual geometry of the uted load. It is important to note that the test procedure involved
slab. The slab is supported vertically along the edges and is only removal of the steel deck and completion of the test after 1 day.
provided with planar restraint at the four corners. The actual ma- This caused considerable creep to occur under the self-weight of

Fig. 11. Plan and cross section of ribbed slab; (a) view of finite element mesh using shell elements and (b) cross section of ribbed slab


Fig. 13. Distribution of stresses in long direct ion of the ribbed slab (displacement scale magnification of 50): (a) top view and (b) bottom view

the slab of about 2.3 kN/ m2. Thereafter, loading was continued leading to the attainment of a load carrying capacity exceeding
gradually. Classical yield line theory estimates the slab capacity the predictions of yield line theory. Quantification of this aspect
to be about the same as the self-weight of 2.3 kN/ m2, which of behavior requires further treatment and discussion, which is
indicates that higher loads would be largely sustained through beyond the scope of this paper, but is a current subject of detailed
tensile membrane action. The slab continued to carry additional assessment by the writers.
load until failure occurred at about 4.8 kN/ m2, which was accom- It is important to point out that modeling the ribbed slab with
panied by a large rate of increase in displacement from about 220 conventional shell elements using an equivalent uniform thick-
to nearly 700 mm at that load level. Failure occurred primarily ness model may offer a reasonable prediction of the load-
through the formation of a large central crack through the full displacement response. The accuracy of this approach depends on
depth of the slab running across most of the shorter span. the assumptions employed in approximating the slab geometry. In
Analytical results using the detailed model are also shown in general, the load-deflection results can be within 10–15% of that
Fig. 12(a) The analysis predicts the experimental results very well of the newly developed geometrically orthotropic shell element at
except in the deflection range of 100– 150 mm in which the long ambient conditions, but could lead to larger discrepancies at el-
testing pause is thought to have caused a considerable creep ef- evated temperature. More importantly, however, great inaccura-
fect. For comparison purposes, the analysis is also carried out cies arise in the stress distributions, thus influencing the quantifi-
using a uniform slab with average thickness. As shown in Fig. cation of the deformation level at which failure is predicted. This
12(a), some differences between the two analyses exist in the effect is demonstrated in Fig. 14, where the realistic long direc-
initial flexural range, but they both converge at a deflection of tion stress in the steel reinforcement varies between the ribbed
about 100 mm at which tensile membrane effects start to domi- and cover region, attaining the highest concentration in the central
nate. If the slab is simulated with full restraints at the edges, as cover region. On the other hand, the model based on an equiva-
shown in Fig. 12(b), the difference between the ribbed and uni- lent uniform thickness cannot represent such variations between
form models becomes more pronounced prior to the activation of the ribbed and cover regions, and in fact predicts the greatest steel
tensile membrane action. This illustrates the importance of ac- stress occurring in the short rather than the long direction. Such
counting for the actual geometry of the slab for adequately rep- differences between the realistic and simplified models are mag-
resenting the load-deflection response. nified further for slabs with small aspect ratios (i.e., approaching
a square geometry) and for rectangular slabs that lose the support-
Stress Distribution ing secondary beam at elevated temperature. Furthermore, it can
The validity of the analysis is also supported by the predicted be shown that the effects of thermal curvature and rotational re-
stress distributions and crack patterns over the slab. It is clear straint at the edges increase the differences further, both in terms
from the magnified deformed shape at a deflection of 220 mm, as of the load-displacement response as well as the stress distribu-
shown in Fig. 13, that considerable extension has occurred in the tion.
central cover region, indicating the formation of a through-depth
crack in the cover running along the short direction, a prediction Failure Criteria
matching the experimental failure mode. This is further confirmed Finally, it is important to note that the unrestrained ribbed slab
by observing that the predicted stress in the long direction within test discussed above has highlighted the need for further assess-
the central cover region is tensile throughout the depth, whereas ment of the observed failure mode. Evidently, in the absence of
the stress in the short direction within the same region is found to the steel deck, simulating deck disintegration at elevated tempera-
be tensile at the bottom but compressive at the top of the slab. ture, failure occurs by fracture of the reinforcement across a lo-
Careful consideration of the stresses in the long and short direc- calized through-depth crack running along the short span of the
tion identifies a compressive ring, particularly within the top part slab. This localization is primarily due to the fact that the only
of the slab, classical flexural yield lines, and a central through- available reinforcement is a nominal steel mesh, which is rather
depth crack in the short direction, all of which are consistent with light and hence unable to generate further cracks within the con-
experimental observations. Clearly, the formation of a compres- crete, thus leading to high strain concentrations within the steel.
sive ring enables the development of tensile membrane action, In order to take this failure criterion into consideration, it is im-


Fig. 14. Effect of realistic composite slab modeling on steel stress in long direction: (a) analysis with actual ribbed geometry and (b) analysis
with equivalent uniform thickness

portant to determine the levels of deformation that may safely be elevated temperature on thermal expansion and degradation of
sustained by the lightly reinforced floor slab. A conventional material properties.
smeared crack approach provides good predictions of the load- The analysis is first validated by comparison against experi-
deflection response of lightly reinforced structures, but cannot mental results on flat reinforced concrete slabs with various rein-
assess reliably the strain concentrations across cracks, since such forcement ratios, span-to-depth proportions, and boundary condi-
concentrations would be unrealistically dependent on the element tions. The agreement between the numerical simulations and
size instead of the geometric and material characteristics of the experimental findings demonstrate the overall accuracy and reli-
structure. ability of the analytical models in predicting the large displace-
A fundamental step towards quantifying the failure of lightly ment response of reinforced concrete slabs. The analysis also en-
reinforced members under ambient and fire conditions has been ables a detailed examination of the influence of the planar
recently suggested by the writers. A simplified model of re- restraint condition on the development of compressive and tensile
strained lightly reinforced concrete members has been proposed membrane actions. For slabs provided with a full planar restraint,
(Izzuddin and Elghazouli 2004) and has been used to investigate the reinforcement mesh acts as a hanging net in tension at rela-
the factors influencing fracture of the light reinforcement, both at tively large deflection, providing gradual enhancement of capacity
ambient and at elevated temperatures (Elghazouli and Izzuddin up to the point of reinforcement fracture. This behavior is pre-
2004). As expected, in addition to a number of important geomet- dicted by the analysis as well as theoretical assessments. On the
ric and material characteristics, the bond strength between the other hand, for simply supported slabs, although a degree of ten-
steel reinforcement and concrete plays a major role in determin- sile membrane action occurs in the absence of an external hori-
ing the failure displacement, though not influencing the load- zontal restraint due to the formation of a concrete compressive
deflection response greatly. Furthermore, it has been shown that ring, the effectiveness of this internal mechanism is dependent on
elevated temperature increases the failure deflection, which is at- the geometric and material properties.
tributed mainly to thermal expansion effects. However, elevated The application of the new analytical models to composite
temperature can also have a negative influence on the failure de- floors is illustrated through a simulation of one of the main com-
flection when it leads to a significant thermal gradient over the partment fire tests carried out on a full-scale eight-story building.
depth of the member. It is expected that further experimental and The detailed numerical model is shown to provide a good predic-
analytical studies would enable the generalization of these failure tion of the experimental response. The analysis is also used to
criteria in a manner that would enable their incorporation within demonstrate the significant influence of restraint to thermal ex-
the developed analytical models. These would ultimately be em- pansion on the behavior, and the important role played by the slab
ployed for undertaking focused parametric studies leading to the in supporting the gravity loading after the deterioration of the
provision of improved performance-based design approaches. steel beams at elevated temperature.
Attention is finally given to the analysis of the large displace-
ment behavior of isolated ribbed slabs. In this respect, comparison
Conclusion is performed against an experimental study in which a simply
supported slab is loaded up to failure, where very good correla-
This paper addresses the large displacement nonlinear behavior of tion between the analytical and test results is observed. In addi-
composite and RC floors under extreme loading conditions. Use tion to agreement on the load-deflection response, the accuracy of
is made of new analytical developments, described in the com- the analysis is supported by the predicted stress distribution and
panion paper, incorporating a novel shell element and a robust crack patterns over the slab. The analytical results are also used to
biaxial concrete model. The new shell element accounts for the provide an insight into the main behavioral mechanisms, particu-
geometric orthotropy of ribbed slabs in a realistic, yet extremely larly in terms of the development of tensile membrane action and
efficient manner in comparison with 3D solid elements. The bi- the associated failure criteria. Overall, the studies carried out in
axial concrete model accounts for compressive nonlinearity and this paper demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the newly
tensile cracking. The analysis can also represent the influence of developed nonlinear analysis models. This permits a reliable ex-


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