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Brands Cut Round Spont Ever used Usage TBCA Conviction

Nivea AI 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable

Nivea SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea Metros 12 Slightly In Stable Stable Stable Increasing Tre
Nivea North 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Increasing Tre
Nivea South 12 DecreasiinDecreasiing Significantly Stable Decreasing tre
Nivea West 12 Increasing Stable Stable IncreasingIncreasing
Fogg AI 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Fogg SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Fogg Metros 12 Slightly In Stable Significantly IncreasingSignificanlty I
Fogg North 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Increasing Tre
Fogg South 12 SignificantStable Stable Significan Stable
Fogg West 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Rexona South 12 Stable Decreasiing Decreasiing T Significan Stable
Pos BHC Neg BHC Imagery MWA
Shown a slightly decreasing trend Cost more slightly decreased Shown a slightly decreasing trend
Decreasing Trend Stable Slightly Decreasing
Slightly Decreasing trend Cost more Significantly decreased Slightly decreased
Slightly Decreasing trend Cost more Significantly decreased Stable
Decreasing trend Cost more increasing Decreasing
Decreasing Trend Decreasing Trend Stable
stable Stable Stable
stable Stable Stable
stable Cost more Significantly decreased Stable
Increasing Trend Decreasing Trend Stable
Cost more significantly increased & Stable
Slightly Decreasing trend Stable Stable
Appeal & Talkability Significantly In Stable Increased
BE Score
Increasing Trend
Increasing Trend
Increasing Trend
Brands Cut Round Spont Ever used Usage TBCA
Axe AI 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Axe SMT 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Axe Metros 12 stable Stable Stable Significantly
Axe North 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable
Axe South 12 stable stable stable Significantly
Axe West 12 Significantly Stable Stable Stable
Fogg AI 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Fogg SMT 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Fogg Metros 12 Increasing t Stable Stable Stable
Fogg North 12 stable Stable Stable Significantly
Fogg South 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Fogg West 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea AI 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea SMT 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea Metros 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea North 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Nivea South 12 stable Significant Stable Significantly
Nivea West 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Park avenue AI 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Park avenue SMT 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Park avenue Metros 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Park avenue North 12 stable Stable Significant Stable
Park avenue South 12 stable Stable Stable Significantly
Park avenue West 12 stable Stable Stable Stable
Wild Stone AI 12 stable Stable Significant Stable
Wild Stone SMT 12 stable Stable Significantly increased
Wild Stone Metros 12 Significantly Stable Significantly increased
Wild Stone North 12 stable Stable Significant Stable
Wild Stone South 12 stable significant Stable Stable
Wild Stone West 12 stable stable stable stable
Conviction Pos BHC Neg BHC Imagery MWA BE Score
Stable Stable Cost more Sistable Decreasingstable
Stable Stable stable stable Slight Dec stable
Significantly Increased Stable Cost more Sistable Stable Stable
Slightly Increased Stable Cost more Sistable Stable stable
Stable Brand Differentiation & stable stable Stable Decreasing trend
Slightly Increased Stable stable DecreasingCool/trendDecreasing trend
Significantly increased Increasing trend Too cheap D stable stable
Stable Stable stable stable Stable Decreasing trend
Significantly Increased Stable Cost more Sistable Increased
Significantly Increased Talkability Significantly Cost more SiIncreased Stable
Stable Stable Too cheap Destable stable
Stable Stable stable stable stable
Stable Stable Cost more d Slightly Decreasing Stable
Slightly Increased Stable Cost more Sidecreased Stable
Stable Stable stable Decreased Stable
Significantly Increased Appeal Significantly Inc stable stable Increasing trend
Stable Stable stable Decreasing trend Stable
Stable Stable Cost more d Decreased stable
Stable Stable stable stable stable
Stable Brand Differentiation & stable stable stable
Stable Stable Stable Decreasing trend stable
Slightly Increasing Stable stable stable stable
Slightly Decreasing Stable Cost more Sistable Stable
Stable Stable stable stable Increasing Trend
Significantly increased Slightly increasing Slightly decr stable Stable
Significantly Increased Slightly increasing Slightly decr Increased Stable
stable Stable Stable Decreased Stable
Significantly Increased Appeal Significantly Inc stable Increased stable
Stable Stable stable increased Significantly Increased
Stable Stable stable stable Decreasing trend
Decreasing trend
Decreasing trend

Decreasing trend

Increasing trend

Increasing Trend

Significantly Increased
Decreasing trend
Brands Cut Round Spont Ever used Usage TBCA Conviction
Close Up AI 12 Stable Significantly Decreased Stable Stable Stable
Close Up Metro 12 Stable Significantly Decreased Stable Stable Stable
Close Up SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Close Up East 12 Stable Significantly Increased Stable Significant Increasing
Close Up West 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Close Up North 12 Stable Significantly Decreased Stable Stable Significant
Close Up South 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Coalgate AI 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Stable
Coalgate Metro 12 Stable Stable Stable Significantly Decreas
Coalgate SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Coalgate East 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Increasing
Coalgate West 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Significant
Coalgate North 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Stable
Coalgate South 12 Significant Stable Stable Stable Significant
Coalgate Gel AI 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Stable
Coalgate Gel Metro 12 Stable Stable Significantly decreas Stable
Coalgate Gel SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Significantly Increase
Coalgate Gel East 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant stable
Coalgate Gel West 12 Stable Stable Stable Significantly Decreas
Coalgate Gel North 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Stable
Coalgate Gel South 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Pepsodent AI 12 Stable Stable Significant Stable Significant
Pepsodent Metro 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Significant
Pepsodent SMT 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Significant
Pepsodent East 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant stable
Pepsodent West 12 Significantly Decreased Significant Significant Stable
Pepsodent North 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Significant
Pepsodent South 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Dabur North 12 Stable Stable Stable Significant Stable
Dabur South 12 Significant Significantly Increased Stable Stable Stable
Patanjali North 12 Significanlty Increased Stable Stable Stable
Patanjali South 12 Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Pos BHC Neg BHC Imagery MWA BE Score
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Significantly Decreased Cost more Significantly Decr Decrease Stable
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Appeal & Talkability SignCost more Significantly Decr Increaseed Increasing Trend
Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Decreased Decreasing trend
Significantly Decreased Stable Decrease Stable
Significantly Increased Stable Increased Increasing Trend
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Stable Stable Decrease Stable
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Talkability Significantly Cost more Significantly Decr Stable Stable
Stable Cost too more Significantly Decreased Stable
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Stable Significantly Increased Stable
Appeal & Reccomendation Too Cheap Significantly decr Stable Stable
Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly decrease Stable
Significantly Increased Stable Stable Increasing Trend
Quality Significantly increased stable Increasing Trend
Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly decrease Stable
Appeal Significantly Incr Cost more Significantly incre Stable stable
Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
decreased Stable Significantly decrease Decreasing trend
Significantly Decreased Stable Significantly decrease Stable
Stable Stable Stable Decreasing trend
stable Cost more Significantly Decr Stable stable
Significantly Decreased Stable Significantly Decreased Stable
Quality Significantly decreased Decreased Decreasing trend
Stable Cost more Significantly Incre Stable Stable
Quality Significantly inc Stable stable Stable
Significantly Increased too Cheap Significantly Increased Increasing Trend
Stable Stable Stable Stable
Stable Stable Stable Increasing Trend

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